The Straits Times, 10 October 1905

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Straits Times
  • 15 1 The Straits Times. NO. 21.8(50 THE STRAITS TIMES. TUESDAY. OCTOBER 10. 1905. PRICE 15 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 808 1 NOTICES Milkmaid^ BRAND TTm, f Guaranteed CBNDKNSII** 0 BM IW i^, mm9^ Full Cream. nui hue en STerj "Largest Sale in the World. "V 7" n ~^r ARE "DE DION" CARS SO POPULAR? TTnT a of their SIMPLICITY XXI A Sh or their RELIABILITY UJJVfIU KJlmmi O f lheir ECONOMICAL
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    • 462 1 NOTICES. Singapore Sporting Club. NOTICK. No I olor Cars or Motor Cycles will be allowed in the Sporting Club premises during Race Week, or duri g training. By order of tie Committee. IM (iOLK)WNS TO BE LET. Two ßpacioii- l'r.»line Ooaowaa, No. :i ami 4 Naii-on lioud. liubertHDii l.limy. M.Hlerntv
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    • 274 1 NOTICES. NOTICES. THE SIPIAUTIN CO.. LTD. Nutiee is herein ni\en tlutt the C.iuinin 3 Wm\ aTM Ser.Ml N0.2.11. Share Warnintst,. Ileiireri.f thi« JT\M afaV I Cotniwny for the Intern.. 1 >,w I ,ie, lure.l ilt I MVf 1 f 1 IBsT li M the rate of five |«r«- t-nt.t -nt.
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    • 202 1 NOTICE. Xotiee is herein given that we are the sola importers of a brand of Whisky manufactured b) -I. 0 OowieA Co., Obagow, and -.1.1 bj viii liTittles ulii.-h hear the following kwab namely ill K large white label containing the words House ,t Lord- Old Hootoh Whisky." and the
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  • Reuter's Extra Service.
    • 44 2, 9th October. The expedition wliirh i* being <lc»y i ■:•••<! to Naiohi in British Kast Africa ■i^itiiist the Xanrti trilio, who arc again giving trouble, will consist of 1,500 troops, with nine Maxims ami two annonroJ trains to patrol tlio line.
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    • 35 2 Tlic Ilambnrg-Amorican lino lias pur~ chatted the riiinii Castle liucr Scot, which h.ii been rcchristcned the Oeran. She will conduct an express service between Naples and Alexandria iv connection with the '.eilin express.
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    • 13 2 Kiil»:..Piu-ha. t!ie Turkish ('ominandcr-in L"iie! in the Grade War. is ilead.
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    • 21 2 MM Banks, heailoil by the Bank of Norway, have petitioned the Storthing to restore settled conditions by electing a King.
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    • 19 2 The Russian prisoners in Japan will be taken to Vladivostock, and thence home by the Siberian Railway.
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    • 116 2 Professor Beliring described at the TiilxTriiloKis Conference his new remedy for consumption. The principle is the impregnation of living cells in a body with a substance extracted from the virus of tuberculosis. Prof. Behriug temporarily retains the secret of the substance, which he is convinced, although it has hitherto
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    • 31 2 An advance portion of Itritish Naval Officers and crews, numbering 0(Xl, arrival at Kioto on Saturday and were feted by the Municipality and citizens. Osaka was also visited.
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    • 23 2 A Washington telegram says the I)c]iartmm in of Ajjviculturo intends issuing in November a cotton rc|K>rt, probably early in the month.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
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    • 381 2 MONERAKELLE RUBBER ESTATES, LIMITED (85,785). IMMHB BoptaHbat Capital. i.-2r..(MKI in Xl shares. Oliji-rt. lo aec|iiire the utOpaiUaa known as t!ie M.nicrakelle Normandy. Hasting-, ami Triiif,' Kstates. in lie Moth riyalla district of IVylon, and to ■airy on in Ceylon, India, Um Snaits Scttlciiu ills. t!ii! Inilrd Kinydciin. or o!m where
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    • 359 2 NOTICES. JOHN LITTLE &CO..LTD. NEW FAS HIONS V^7 RACE WEAR. •^Sar^S.. LATEST PROIHCTIONS IX TKIMMKD J^^\/' :^/'W'^^t\ PARISIAN MILLINERY '^fT^L Tr^' _-^3THbL^i sri:ciAi.i.v sKi.KCTr.D ltiu is by a ~j3&Hrl s LADIES DRESS }T% jfl^ MATERIALS. /I LACE, LINEN, AND MUSLIN v T' w r^T^ C\ nr :l1 n^' nia knowledge
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  • 339 3 Penan*;. August Is. The financial .li]insion which was very acute ilumin tinmontliH of April ami May, has gradually liftdl. ;unl the present outlook is MM*cheerin.' all ro'.iml than for sonic iiioiitlis past One ol UMebWeMMM whirh have lad to this improvement lins been Ihe loan by the siainc-ic
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  • 442 3 That the people of this country, says the Snrtli Ckimm limh, Htm, are having tlicir ■yea opened. <-i|M-ci:illv those of tin' younger ■.wiwaUon. ami an' ohanglnfl in many ot their manners. OUatoOM, an<l BOOC* of tnouyht. to whieh their seniors ami ancestors have hitherto nttadfaeth clOBO, ill
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  • 208 3 Thk Americans are showing concern about Niagara. Bnah huge dranghtH of water are l>ciny now made, and even larger an still t<> be made, on the watei destined by Nature to tnnihle in majestic masses over the lip of the Kails, tint were further extensive concessions
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  • 91 3 On A. s. Mihara. of the Nippon Yuaen Kaiaha, the largest Steam Khipping Companj •if .la kiii. arrived at Rangoon, the other day. f>r the purpose of eatahUshing a permanent steamship awmiua between Japan. Kangoun mid I alcntta. The npn sentalivi s of two ot ict big companies, the Toyo
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 668 3 NOTICES. HERCULES ST1VEN CO., Singapore. Nov. 10 tu. th. Music f Odcon oHf! v* Records All the latest English Hongs which now meet with so much success in the Town Hall. SOLI] AGENTS: LEVY HERMANOS, 3, BATTERY ROAD. c 31 List of applications for new Licenses and Transfers to be
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    • 20 3 STEARNS" HEADACHE CURE.can be obtained from *1) dispensaries (quickly by post). Gives jtutant relief. Avoid imitations. Keep the Genuine handy.
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  • 552 4 The Straits Times. PRICE 15 CENTS. TUESDAY, 10TH OCTOBER. Todays telegraphic new* that the Xord deutHclier Lloyd contemplate Htarti rig sU'am n)iip linen in Far Kasteru water*, especially with a view to combating expected Japanese competition on the Y&ngUe, has more than a passing Higuiticancc. Now tliat tlie war in
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  • 17 4 A siX( ial telegram tioin London to the Ewjliihmitii states that Dowie, the "pro phet.' is paralysed
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  • 20 4 Owura to Mr. Sttlis' iiou-apix-aiaiice in his Court this morning, Mr. Marriott attended to lKith the 2nd and fed (dints.
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  • 20 4 In Dutch Clll IHI Mil— l lighthouse tender Phanu arrived yesterday afternoon from I'arhuoon and left this morning for Hhio.
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  • 23 4 Tut annual examination of the InnsM Boys' Si-Ikmil is now going on the (iirls Sclkhil will probably 1h- taken in hand next week.
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  • 24 4 Thkijk will BS gun practice from the tollowing forts shortly I'assir I'anjaiig l.'tth and 14th October Siloso 16th and 17th 19th and Jdth Silcnsiny.
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  • 33 4 TU Town and Volunteer Band will play at the Ksplanade today from .1 to 9 p.m. weather permtttfaig. To-nMnow the l.and will jilay at the High Ser\ice Reservoir from .1 to li p.m.
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  • 34 4 I nkikuatio.n has reached Hongkong that the French cruiser Sullij, which was on the rocks at Along Bay has now lieconic a total snook, the last typhoon having caused her to break in two.
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  • 42 4 Wk understand that it has easn decided by the Philharmonic Society to discard the projected |«ifoiinaiic( Of "The Ancient Mariner." A BnWjmk will be put in hand to-night, at HA.'i o'chnk. when it is hoped that there ■vill l>c a large atU'iidancc.
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  • 43 4 Thk I'eking I'ahinet lias decided thnt UUmm military and naval officers of all grades, the army, the navy, police force, and all scholars of colleges an- to adopt west ■n costume. The I'ahinet proimses shortly to memorialize the Throne to have it enforced.
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  • 94 4 A MOM lady who uses the cars twice a day on the Serangoon section asks, with some show of pertinence, if the legend as to tin' prohibition of smoking in the cars has any real meaning. Others have asked the mvm i The young lady also objects to the presence
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  • 439 4 THE RECENT CRISIS. Britain and Germany were unmistakeably on the verge of War. ENGLISH PRESS OPINIONS. Lomloii, Jlllli O.ttihn: Tlic London dailies with the exception of '/'//< Time* and the Itailfi Mail remain silent to-day regarding the ntartling revelations published with such disconcerting candour
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  • 43 4 What is perfectly dear to m.(the Straits Tinirs col T<<s|><>n<lt'tit i is tliiit t In- result of the disclosures is greatly deplored throughout tincountry as being calculated to greatly increase the hatred awl distrust of (ieiiiiiinv by the British public.
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  • 229 4 Reversed in Singapore. Tub NVw Testament or mi) other portioa of the Holy Scriptarex in not often i 1 i I to iii tlic SiiprriiM' Court DBlem «rbencni|iloj <h1 in the loiniMlii -Kiss the Book," with wliit-li witm-scs an- exhorted •-■> i-onsuiiiiiiiit.' the i>.ith. Bat .1
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  • 133 4 On Thursday evening Hiugapore isto have a tnat in the amusement line. Mr. llollin wdith's Qaietj stars opening for whorl Mason on that dale at the Town Mall. According t<> the northern pap. rs which s|H'ak in the highest teraui of the company in general, there should Im-
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  • 22 4 A Hi la.i.un was coi.iniilleil in a Bouibaj jewelled shop at Tlli^h Street loot night. Dm MOO worth of property was stolen.
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  • 49 4 Id iiiiki! growen will be intereMtcd in nil that concerns the demand tor their product, lii a recently pabluihed novel, far instance, a \i Ila in is introduced who weaisindiai iibbi i suckers, which < nalili liiiiitoiun ' night and plaj bayou generaU) with tin domestic |h-:ici -of quiet fnmilim
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  • 46 4 At Hongkong on tlio -2nd Oct. il.c local poUoe aniiiorities pass, a large number ol Ulldesiialiles through tluii :;1.,| whom had ootne ti .mm Sii^hi and In trom the Straits Seitleiuents. Their disci iptioiis were taken and they Hen- lenpatcbed to various coast tow us.
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  • 79 4 A concert ol unusual interest is aniioiine- <l to be held ill the Tentonia < Illb on Thursday, the Mta inst.. ulk ii the dixtinaiiiNhnd PbliiJi violinist. Mr. I poM I'lcmy-lav. will play. Mr. I'remyslav has the reputation of being an excellent player, and is perhaps the liest who ever
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  • 70 4 Tiik increasing euiployuieut .1 foreign esejaen in the Britiwh Mercantile Mann, is ■gala attracting attention. A Harlia ntary Ititiiru shows that lII.IKKI torei^niis m employed, as a^ainsl 1 70.1 Hl l nermMlM British birth, ami ii.inn) laacam. II foreigners earn an avataga ot L'la week. then two niillioiisaK paid peraiintiui
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  • 73 4 An. .run; piacli.e for the forthcoming ■hooting match between the picked repru-M-utative of All Ueylon and All Singa|M>i-e tiKik place at tin' Haii'ipitua Ranui Colombo mi the .-.dtii Sept. and again proved successful. (apt. .l;i\ uwnrilciie was to the lon, Rearing 98 out .if |Missili| 106 n lit i iicli
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  • 85 4 'I'iik other d.iv, the Conuuitteti ol tliu Naaag AasoaiaMon PmrthaH League m. t when iiii|Miitiiiit husiness was trans acted. In vi«w of the tad that tin Siiiga|Mirc League excludes the Crfckel CM there Irtnn meiulieislii|i. ami that, .it its inaugural meeting, the Penan decided to tlie IViiiiii.; Crioket Ulub
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  • 97 4 the M Oetobi i wHHhmal lines v* ti-.iuiw :iv woikid li\ ,i Siamese Company were opened hy (be Ring id "Hum at Bangkok. TboStam Okuner remarksUiat as the »o i> (it a Siamese Compan) tins inU-i|in-e li.i- I ■Moid interest ot its own. The oonatraotion of the lines lias Im
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 385 4 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS Caldbeck tf'acgregor Co. (KKIAKLISHKU IH<>4) Wine Spirit Merchants, (London. Glasgow, Hongkong, Shanghai) SINGAPORE AND PENANG. PRICE LIST OUST APPLICATION. M, v 4 In th u.f. WASSIAMULL ASSOMULL CO., Indian Store, No. 1, 2, 3, 4, High Street, Ai d BrancH Store at Hotel de I'Europe. Hart jn«l opened
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    • 123 4 TOWN HALL. imiki; tiik rumiN Ml or H. E. The Governor SIR JOHN ANOEHSON, 1 OR A SHORT SEASON ONLY THE BANDMANN OPERA CO. B] nrniiiKciiiiMt with Mr. Omgi TO-ITTGrHT Tor Hit First Time in the Ea»t. THE LITTLE MICHUS. A I |ir«rtl!i r. mvtcss of ]>,il\ Tl.eati.'ml NoU>
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    • 390 4 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. TOWN HALL SlftGAPORE Lessee Manager Mr. W. HoUinworth. 1" u. Ill till' duvet luitroimp' of U.K. Hm (m'Miihu. Sir John 4MMI THE GAIETY STARS Polite Vaudeville and Specialty Co of 1 6 selected artists Including THE WHEELERS During Trick Cyclists. LOOPING THE GREAT WHEEL. The Cycle Wire.
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    • 24 4 Advkktisemknts of Sales Wanted, To Let etc., will be found ou [lage 6. For all internal complainta tike Wojd»' Great Peppermint Cure SO cents.
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    • 11 4 Woods' (neat FaanemM Cum in infallible fur Children* Stomach TroublM. KU
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  • Special German Telegrams.
    • 28 5 Berlin, 9th Oemkmr. TheCaariM preparing to give a grand reception to Prfalce Kriedrich Liii|hil(l of the I'nissian royal (aillilj 0M his arrival, shortly, at st. Petersburg.
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    • 57 5 The \l'!',, closes ail alleged offer of militai\ s.ip| gainst Germany made by Britain to K. ItaloMai at the time of the Moroooo diftenrty. The offer included the occupation of the Kaiser Willielin Canal and a landing of forces in S, hleswig Holstein. The British puss so
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  • Reuter's Telegrams.
    • 55 5 Lowfcm, Huh October. It is reported that ItiiKsia will station MNMKM triHi|is on tin- ('linn s< frontier after the i>c;i<-<- has been urtaaged. This is sniil t<> l» partly beeaoM <>t kb* a)i|>ri'lirnsii>n tin v "ill join the lualcon u ni- .a hum. :iinl partly fce
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    • 31 5 It isstati dtliat the Hamburg \merika and tin Ni.ldilelltscll.r Lloyd Companies colltelll plate starting lines to. l'ar Kast.rn waters. especially with a view to combatting Japain competition on tin Yangtaae.
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    • 49 5 Later. It bt bettered thai the articl.sin the Matin, wini n umpired bj M. Delcastie. They have caused a profound impression in I" ranee, and will tend to augment the animosity ot France towards Germany. The Knglish papenare sceptical in reapeet ti. Britain's volunteering to support Prance.
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    • 26 5 Tnflc through tin- Suez i'aiiiil bus Ih'cii rammed daring day li|(bt only. It uill be .-..upl.' nf.liiys ImI'oiv it "ill be free by niylit.
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  • 312 5 THKBl is mi •Imiht tliiit tl»' play stuped by ill. BuKlmane i>i- ra Compan] M tin Town Hall last lliyht was tin u'l-i ■:it-"iu-i'i-.s "1 'thrir repertoire. A boantjfnl niuht induced a bin crowd to m— -i nililr to witnetw "Sergeant Hun inf the
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  • 58 5 I iii i.i sriUbeajNsMi efaMeoi flatnnhvj next, the 14th. and not I'll tin J l st. as pi.'. \ionsiv owing t" the latter date In iiiu !i Uacc day. The start, will lie from the Botanical Gardens at p. m.. and the tinisli a T\<rsall polo ground.
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  • 106 5 Vkktskbay Uob TioM II. ny iMMnd hetore .Mi. Bryant ami l.u.l information to tin effect that <»< .1 certain evening, lie oonld not njMidfy the date, hk brother Sob Htmm Hi «.is atruefc in the aide »itl> a ■harp-patnted kniti- l>\ *'lin Tail at tho jnmli<.ii of .lalan
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  • Reuter's Extra Service.
    • 40 5 l.omlim, 10th Ortohrr. The British l-'leet has arrived at Kobe where it was extended a cordial reception. The Governor gave a banquet to the visitors, at which both King Kdward ami the Mikado were enthusiastically toasted.
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    • 34 5 It is reported that certain German bankers are ready to participate in a Russian loan of .£72 millions which will chiefly devoted to the unification of the bonds issued during the war.
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    • 10 5 Hi.- gunboat (iiuilniiiiikhtiM been refloated at Pod Arthur.
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    • 9 5 The anese have seized twosteainers for Nikolaievsk.
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    • 24 5 Tin- strike i>; spreading at Mottcow. There was a riot last night, wlien many were killed and wounded, including some I'onsacks.
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    • 36 5 The Tokyo correspondent of the Daily ir,j, ,iph has been officially informed that nothing definite has been settled with regard to Admiral Togo's projected visit to Kngland. and the matter is still under consideration.
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  • 228 5 A brief telegram from Tiflis reports that several bombs wire thrown among a detachment of OMHOhi there. I' pun this the troops opened fire. M;uiy patMM were killed and wounded. A general |>aiiic hBowd. The remains of < iciural Kondratcnko, the (I. t. mli r ol Port Arthur, have
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  • 135 5 W indmill Brandy Case. KkkoKk Mr. JmMsM Thornton gMMrdftJ the ease of Sowarcl iV Co. v. Kirn Hin Co. was called on. Mr. I 'leaver move<l for an injunction iiwliainiag Kirn Hin Co. horn selling, importiag, ordealfaia in bramlv not imported by toe plaintiffs baring n Main
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  • 101 5 Tn Ladies' (t l -uilmt medal was played for yesu rday evening. Beam i Mr-. Wurren 17 H Mr-. l'..«hi- 47-1-:) "><> Mr-. Peiraa ->;t :i .V> Mi-. R. Kiobobon 54— I 50 Mr-, llurlm-ll -V> :i -VJ Mr-. Lovafl .id I H Mr- WaddcU VJ
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  • 565 5 Thk work on the Course this morning was I >oth brisk and interesting. All the intending startem, both griffins and racehorses, without exception, put in gullops of from 6 furlongs upwards. Kssington jumped off at the Derby post and did his last round in lmin. 59. and the
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  • 104 5 I We are indebted to the courtesy of Mr. (i. P. Owen, the Secretary of the MMjaMM Sporting Club, for the following handicaps for the forthcoming Kaces Lawn Stakes. l.lcnoc 10.0 Barchester 9.8 Convoy 9-4 Banzai H.IJ Currency Lass 5.7 The Governor's Cup. Wingaroon 10.7 Kssington 10.1 Baaaort
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  • 51 5 The Governor's Cup. Win l Bsmbsjim ti Winyaroon '1 4 BMBOft 1 Kaith 1 0 I'adenas 1 J 7 Waihi 1 1 H H.Kkliill 1 10 Idler Maiden. I. Kutland 1 Mula]xit ,'< Queen Anne 1 6 Sirdarelli 1 Prime Qaoßji l H Tea Tray 2 111
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  • 64 5 Tin: stuff of the gwfani Dmilp we arc intorineil. lms with tlio alleged withdrawal of Mr. S. C. Penny, been re-orjja-nimsl. with Mr. .1. li. Harrop ax Editor in chief, and Mr. Arthur Howtll ax sub-editor. Mr. Penny, we learn, is likely to be confined to the hospital for
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  • 388 5 S. V. A. v. Vampires. Thk oft-postponed League fixture. S. V. A. v. Vampires, was played off yesterday afternoon on tha S. H. C. )x>rtion of the K-plan.-uli-. and was the attraction for as larye a crowd of spectators as that wliieh asHemhles to watch a Cup tie.
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  • 671 5 Chinese Ladies < iamhlin^ \esterday afternoon. Captain Bowers. MMJMM Thralc and P. C. 2H6 made a descent on a house in Kampon^ Kalian^, and netted a bevy of ten Chinese ladies who were playing at cards. The place, lying a swamp Kiibjeet to tidal influence, was by
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  • 29 5 TnaNßMa4atssMM fora Public Institute for Kuala Lumpur hat* beeu published. It looks liberal and broad -minded, supplying tl»' nun tiiiiuces of a Club as well as OfOOrtunitieH for recreation.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 13 5 Malarial Troasssa and ITj—msstj take (...ill 11,I 1 [.p. iiuint Cure. M edits.
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    • 44 5 With artificial modes of life New ailments oft appear, And in our midst disease is rife, Man dreadful every year. Y<-: who iu< (1 suffer stiinach pain, Or sleepless night endure. While rest -ind fa*- Im'i ••■urc to gain Through \T»ds' Great Peppermint Cure.
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    • 12 5 For Palpitation of the Heart take Wckx.-' Great Peppermint Cure. SO cents.
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    • 14 5 For Cold in the Head and Coughs take Woods' Great Peppermint Care. HO cents.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 591 6 NOTICES. "SHAMItOCK." No H Barker Road, with •tabling. Kent modeMka, Apply to C. DENNI9OH, HaatK Attendant's Office. 1(17 Required immediately. 'I de, Second Grade for the Pahang Corporal Ltd. Hospital, Koantan, Pahang. Apply Paten Simons a Bliitfinw. r Ml S4OO REWARD. A r.«:ir.l ol 1400 will given by the underhig
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    • 596 6 NOTICES. TO BE LET. IRMAILIA," Tanglin, furnished or unfur-th-Ii -.1. (r. .in Ist September tor the term of one year. Apply to VADE CO.. i 168 8 d'Almeida Street. TO HE LET. W«B li.Llitccl first floor office. No.l Raffles I'laic. BOW OBOBpiad liv MmBI. Kodyk <v ihiMilwni. Entry Ist Ootdbar.
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    • 546 6 BANKS. Honghon* 8f Shanghai Banking Corporation. PAID-UP CAPITAL »10,000,000 RESERVE FUND Sterling Reserve 110,000,000) 1a enn nnn Silver Reserve 8.500,000) Rescrvo Liability of Proprietor* #10,000,000 COURT OF DIRECTORS. H. A. \V. Slade, Esq.— Chairman. A. Haupt, Esq.— Deputy Chairman. Hon. C. W. Dickson. H. Schubart, Esq. E. Goetz. Esq. E.
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    • 886 6 BANKS. Chartered Bank of India. Australia and Chins. INCORPORATED BY KOYAL CHARTER. Capital £HOO,OOO Reserve Liability o f Proprietor* £«00,00 d lUiscrve FunJ ajS7S,OOO BANKERS. Bank a| Kn^laml. Xfttiomil liank of Scotland. The London City A Midland Bank, Ltd. SINGAPORE BRANCH. Current Accounts are opened and interest allowed at 1
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    • 561 6 NOTICES. St arTed |j 1 1 1 Nerires Hairs I Rebel f° ca I Wine. I Your neuralgia 15 the prayer of starving, tortured c v«T^ nerves tor proper toocl. Why Jvr* be cruel to yourself Why S BUi&r when you need not 1 I When the weather or the
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 679 7 BUCHANAN'S BLACK WHITE Holds top place in tlit> highest class of Whiskies. Guaranteed 12 (twelve) years old. STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. P. &O. STEAM NAVIGATION CO. For China, Japan, Penang, Ceylon, Australia, India, Aden, Egypt, Mediterranean Forte, Plymouth and London. Through Rills of Lading issue 1 for China Coast, Persian Gulf, Continental,
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    • 1304 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. Koninklijke Pal»*>t> a art MaatschappiJ. Tuffe'r contract with the Netherlands India Government. Agenf at Singapore ***** Aoency, i.atk J. 1 >*kshki.h it Co., '2-3 Cou.veh Qcat. The undermentioned dates are only approximate Steamer From Exp'ted I W ill be den) atched for Van ltirnnilyk Soerabaya Oct 6 Soerabnya
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    • 657 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. N.D.L NORODEUTSCHER LLOYD Imperial Herman Mall Una. The fast and well known mail steamers of this Company sail fortnightly from BremenHamburg via Rotterdam, Antwerp, Southampton, Gibraltar, Genoa, Naples, (connection Marseilles, Naples, Alexandria, and vice versa) Port Said, Suez, Aden, Colombo, Penang, Singapore, Hongkong, Shanghai, Nagasaki, and Kobe to
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    • 579 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. OCEAN STEAM SHIP Co., Ltd. AND China Mutual Steam Nay. Co.. Ltd. The Companies' steamers are despatched from Liverpool outwards for the Straits, China and Japan every week, and from Japan homewards for London every fortnight and for Liverpool monthly. One outward steamer each month extends to Vancouver,
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    • 639 7 INSURANCE COMPANIES. ROYAL INSURANCE CO. FIRE LIFE. TOTAL INVESTED mDJ EXCEED tit.wn.wt THE LAROCST rillE OnilK IN THE WORLD. BOUSTEAD Co.,— Agent: THE LONDON AND LANCASHIKE ■W INSURANCE OMI'ANY Capitol £2.127,500 Paid-up Capital 1' US.7M lteserve Fund i 1.073,550 The undersigned, Agents for the Company, are prepared to accept tire
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  • 50 8 Yesterday's Ties. A. Sim. 1.1 s. beat Perkins, a 8. I a, 1 1 Ties lor To- Day. IMKs. and Oannl L»« MHaa mi I r Ties for Wednesday. 1'.:..,|5,|,, N PuaS. I 1 H<>w and Webb i Law I Qaaal and l.ay. Mil. s and K.veritt
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  • 27 8 FINANCE COMMERCE. lull, October, 1905. Tin :h. il.ui.U Trading Sociefa to-day qtroteHthe t m- ImnU rate at The Mi i, .niii'.i Dank quota h it ;it 1
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  • 27 8 su.iit- Trading* t>> ilav tdvMtcedto >41..'.ii buyer*; -I-. --ill'i-: unit *41 last tian -;n Uoo. Itiln: rimrt'-g' staii'l iit VJiki. tmi >..n,i v "i 111. bnyen.
    27 words
  • 88 8 Gambier 8.11 do (Cube Mo. It uiipi.kcl 11 .17* 1M it Pootianak 7.iio Pepper, Black btywi 2">.iio do Wlut. 5 :r..(K> ur (Sarawak MO do Brunei N». 1 Ml Pearl Bago -Vlii li, IS l«si~ •_>:;. mi Palembang. 30 .basis •-'•">. ihi Am Liberian Ho. I UM Tauioca, mall
    88 words
  • 242 8 I Mil:. WTII.V liiSH.) Oh VamUm Bull m/i -.'1 H Demand I/I, r n/i -j I do 3m/s 2/1(1 it,, Oermang Bank <1 < t 2.1, I m'- l.ll do tim.s t.aij <•„ Front, Hank .1 .1 I.M1 Private 8 m/i t.7ll do i,. J.74J <>„ /»./i.i— Itmik T.
    242 words
  • 51 8 \rrncil 9th October. IVr KUlmi Iron, Panang Mr. W Drntt, He\ II Williams, Major lluvan ami Mr. Honfc 10th October. Per Prom Batarii Mr. B. M Mr. Lode. Mr. T. (i. Chapman Mr.C. B, Caau. Mr. and Mrs. Kandv, Mr. Arthur, Mr. h. and Mr. R. fllllM
    51 words
    • 1012 8 I nder this baldng MM buowiag ahbrcviutions arc ;i~e.l ~tr. ~te:nner sh.— ship bq. ban ii sch.- -scluxiner Yet. Y'acht;('ru. -Crniwr; Obfc Gunboat; Tor.— Torjiedo H.p. HorM-poww; Brit. British U.S.— Pnnatl BtakM Fch. Fret eh Ger German Dut. Dntefa G.c. General-cargo; d.p. deck passenger 1\ I'ncertain T.
      1,012 words
    • 602 8 S'nuie, port,' prnlHihle ilnle »f arrieal, rim/ MM "f ii'ientt. Steamers. IMMMH, China. Oct. J") Mansfield. Alcmoiis. China, Oct. If; Mansfield. AMea, Hongkong. Oct. Adamson Gilfillan. Aimral Nielly, BaigOB, Oct 11 Moine Comte. Arcadia. Colombo. Oct. 13; P. O. Atholl. Now York. Oct. 1"> l'atersnn Avuthia. Bombay.
      602 words
    • 103 8 Vi>n< Namk. ""r* DEiIIX *TioN. Date 11-11n,,, Vrim, Aulrm.r Nrta Amhm S,,rr,, Www Hi-it str. New York sth -ti London sth Btr. Penanx 6th Out sf. P. L«ut 7th lint rttr. OaNaMo Mk str. New York 9th str. London mil sir. llont)ki>n^ 9ft ,1,1 u, i Ami Put str.
      103 words
    • 95 8 tur Per Stt.nuer Time To-Mobrow. P. S'tenham Penang Uh 1 p.m. Sambas. Siugkawaug I.iii Uafmiarp 2 p.m. Penaug and Calcutta Arrmtoem Apemr 4 p.m. Teluk Alison via ports SWnngw 3 p.m. Penang and Deli CtltftC p.m. Malacca A Port Dickson Ho»n Lima :t p.m. Bangkok Sfafora I p.m.
      95 words
    • 144 8 From Europe—By the P. A. Os.s. Arauliti due on 13th Oct. From China—By the P. *O.s. s. .VaMt due on 12th Oct. Left Singapore Due in London Arrived Aug. 23rd N. D. L. Sept. 17th Sept 16th Aug. 24th B. I. Sept. 18th Sept 18th Aiijj. 2Htli
      144 words
    • 73 8 Wharves at Which Different Ships are Berthed To-day. East Wham:— Magnet. Victoria Graving Dock U.S. M.S. Ue Uuyter. Ai.iiki-.t Gii.vvix.i I)O(K:— Nil. Section No. 1 Teesta. Niuailn. Both. I Nil. 3 Hong Bee. 4A 1 rat.« .11 Apcar. 5 Van KieniwUk. Hath... 6 Pemia. li.uiM o
      73 words
  • 256 8 Number p L o! Value I auto Company Bnymßtlkn Trauaac NuillbtT of Shares Issue Paid i alia up to Shares j |"f iiou* 6ULO. 13,000 10 »7.50 Uerbawili G. M. Co., Ltd IS.OO 6.JUJ. uuu<uad. 4,u00 j 10 10 [DafamdJ a.oo 20,000 j lo j 10 Kadaua G. M.
    256 words
  • 162 8 400.U00 5 i.i" um> u«d 2.000 MM NI.IKNI 12,000 MM 6,000 2,750 35,000 Ml 2,000 "..""'i 7> i nu.--.ii. .1. 300,000 ',■<■' uuiuueii' 37,000 1 i. 1 I'litl l>t'\<'l.ii>lni lit i... 1. 1. i.. 100 100 Federated Kugiiieeiuiy Co., 1.t.1. 50 M Eraser A Neavc. Ltd. s 125 IM
    162 words
  • 86 8 70,000 »,00U ULIM.IWd 0,000 l,6t«i uuuaued 30,000 U.SUO uui-Mie.l ■2,000 t*>> MMMMfI 1,000 .5 I i,,.i».,i. ,1 30,000 4.IUU UUIMUOU I.JO •.Ml a i i K. 1 1 SlOO »100 i: l »ioo »ioo 1 1 a i i »ioo $100 a i »ioo liukit Ku juli Cicely
    86 words
  • 42 8 Howarth Erskiue, Lul. Kiley, Hurgreaveu. Ltd. d bingapure Muuiciini 0",. ;>■■., 4 Tanjong I'agar Uoak Co., Ltd. t% I 180,000 i 1 pram. •J-Jj.ouo i (.rtni bnyan. •iiHi.uoo pmn buywk. 1,.s7s,(i(xi I-,, (mviii boyai M6.MW ilk. DOB. I ...1.1 I Ml ll •!>.•!-
    42 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 103 8 K. A. J. CHOTIRMALL Co., JEWELLERS SILK MERCHANTS. No. 51, 52 High Street. IliiM- always in stork new silks of every kind and description. Indian. Japanese, Persian carpets of different colours and uses, lltudy-tnade crape and silk suits for gentlemen. Cotton and silk Japaneae kimuii<» for ladies and gentlemen. Ivory
      103 words
    • 323 8 WHITEAWAY, LAIDLAW CQ.'S Are making a Special Show of Children's Pram's, Single and Double Convertible Cars, Bassinette's, Cots, etc. INSPECTION INVITED. CALL AT ONCE. No. 104. fANOK SM.M'KI) No. 2T6" A^ V rTiTT" lIANDSOMK No. 202. IX>L'BLE CONV BRtT I'KIIAMIUI-AIOl!. titt.d with b<-st aaaal CAB forOXK CHILD, witli (ah Front,
      323 words
    • 14 8 ETMOLE TOOTH POWDER, perfect antiscp.ic clontiti :ci\ <■!• mr- .vi.l preserves the teith. Mry r(frt-himi
      14 words
    • 21 8 THE AUCTION MART No. 2 D'Almeida Street. lin rear of Tin Mrlriiiitili- Bank.) H. L. COGHLAN dt Co., Amti-netr tu.tli.s. v.c.
      21 words
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 67 8 WEATHER REPORT. l\.u;t,tu.i Xi rbaa Hospital, nil, October, I.mi:,. '.< :i i-. v. y r, v. Ranurs H»r. 39.943' W.8tt: n.BBO "g Temp RS.S MJO MJB c liulii Dwr T'.t.'.i Ts.l 77.-. S 5 D I W in, l -.1 v, Max. Temp MM) if Mas. vi Bun Ir. >
      67 words
    • 130 8 DAY BY DAY. Tuesday. 10th October. Iliu'li Water, t 10 |i.m. H A. BignalHng. %-Vk. Town Itnn.l. K-phum.!.-. "i to 9. Mniiiliiiiiiiii Co. Tlir 1..;t1.- Mirhus." 9. Opan rap Chow < bong. 9. Wednesday, nth October. Hi^h Waatr. MS a.m. n :ti p.m. B.V.A. Qnn-laying. B.V.C. Maxim Company. Instruction. '.<
      130 words
    • 24 8 WEATHER TELEGRAM. HONGKONG- -a iii OCT.— U a.m. Barometer :iii.n;i. Direction of Wind \.k. Force of Win I 1. Max. Temp iv Sli&dt St.
      24 words