The Straits Times, 1 June 1905

Total Pages: 10
1 10 The Straits Times
  • 15 1 The Straits Times NO. 21.750 THE STRAITS TIMES. THURSDAY. JUNE 1. 1905. PRICE 15 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 203 1 NOTICES. WL a^at Ta^rS! ft 1905 MODEL MOTOR CARS. We offer but the latest Why Because we carry no stock. All our cars are sold before arrival Besides our famous and so much liked de Dion" cars, we can also offer Peugeot, Richard Brasier, Serpollet makes at very low prices.
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    • 858 1 NOTICES. ROBINSON CO. (o) Field, Race, and Marine Glasses. ALL IN LEATHER SLING C\SES. The SCOUT this glass has lon;,' range, ami we liclievp is th i beat vallM ever offered $17.50 each. Onr "SPECIAL" RAPID ACTION GLASS— it has rapid artion. which. wli.mi one- Inn MM I remains so.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 339 2 NOTICES. THE Straits Wimes CAN BE OBTAINED AT TDK FOLLOWING PLACES IN Singapore, Means. John Little Co., Ltd Ltd i: Hotel i Booma. Muaiii K:i.i I Adalphi Hotel Hotel do la Paix. Hotel de I'Bon [m Hotel Xv.lui i;nul>. laajoag Pagar. The Refreshment Buffet, Tai.k Road Railway Statiou. The Crown
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    • 524 2 3apancsc Official "Rcwo. Togo's Triumph Rojdestvensky Wounded and Captured. We received yesterday afternoon bom Mr. Tanaka, Japanese Consul, Singapore, the (ollowing: Recritfd J />.»'. II ednesdag. Fifth report from Admiral Togo received afternoon SO, 5: Alain force of our combined Meet, upon accepting the surrender ol the remaining Russian main
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    • 679 2 NOTICES. PURE MILK. rfggs^.-gdA CERTIFICATE^ [r^^ '-^fitsi ts pp^ ■I UNSWEETENED kJ| Dr AB> Gri ffiths, I'h. I). V. K. S. of London. Q Jlr IkJf j- vih lm v t' ctl C'ht'inist and Assayer Member of the Chemical tfk ''I \\\^S^^ MTm m I' 0Q Sorl( t l s
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    • 69 2 Extra Tram* on DOWN TRAINS. A.M. KM. I.M. 10.3(1 l'J.'ill M 8 UM IMH IM HI. 1 1 IMI l.l:l lli.Vi 12.41 4.19 in. "i 1 19.41 iji U.ih; I_' .7 IM Hit; 1.17 I.W n.:ti IM Ml UP TRAINS. A.M. tM. 1.'.:. 11.11 tM 6.14 11.-v; t.« Ml IS.U
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  • 420 3 The statement made in the BOM i 1 Commons by Earl Percy, that the atten- >■■ i, 'iiine-e Government would d r it- ahaarriag the inmciiia! Treaty with Britain concluded in 1902, -how* that a telegram -cat to Lord [<11 111 ll and others i)\- llritiak i
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  • 160 3 Tlit Shanghai "Daily News" uncLr--tand- that Acting Cousul-G«nera: iJa\-,d-'iu has written a dispatch to the .Shanghai, with regard to the proposed boycott of American goods, et by Chinese, (owing to Chinese inim grants being now stringently shut out <f the United States) that it is n:» V.<
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  • 71 3 The Canton authorities are said to be indignant at the treatment meted out to the coolies enlisted from that province by the French company to work on the railway in Yunnan. Steps are said to have been taken to prevent more coolies going and also to assist those already enlisted
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  • 382 3 A Cossack colonel who VM wounded in Manchuria, has given the St. Petersburg correspondent i i tii- Matin' au interesting account of the s;i ■HNatgaaannt from which the oraofji ■offered at' the front. They always fought in the dark, he said. win j to Uh lack t informations
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  • 305 3 H.M.S. Ocean's Record. A correspondent to the Navy League who has obtained particulars of the re|cent manoeuvre? of ;he British Fleet here, has furnished the -China Mail" with the following information with regard t« recent firing practice at Flongkong. H.M.S. "'Ocean" c.ime out of the ordeal
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  • 448 3 Freedom from Epidemics. As we read of the frightful epidemics afflict other parts of the world, w. cannot but congratulate ;h;it we live in a place remarkably fret ii. mi -uch disorders. It is doubtless true t hit there is more malaria in Singapore than there
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  • 273 3 An editorial in the London Coimiiktcial Intelligence" contains some figure* concerning immigration and etif lllinil which are a surprise. There has been a tendency to complain of the number of aliens who emigrate from othtr coun tries to Great Britain, but the figures of the Board of Trade
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  • 42 3 The St. Petersburg correspoiioVnt "L' Echo de Pans.' states that a prominent Russian statist has calculated Russia's loss fince the commencement i f the war to the present. Hi- totals are 4 :).">.<. m men killed, woaajL ed and prisoners: exj>- n- $2,GP8,000.000.
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  • 619 3 The ancst i t Frenchman and an Englishman in TakjW ha.- nauirally caused a pneraj wmatioii We take til.- loUowiag ])aiticulais t'liin the .l.ipr.n Chronicle" (A 12th May. Twn loreiyiieis were anaatad ham yc.-terday. these being Captain H.n v nm and Mr. BtHMft, his leapaoß.
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  • 208 3 The ci<y of (,'liim;;.. H.i- l;iulv elected a new mayor with toculistic i<'ii<l<n< hOne of his special hettem H municipal ownership of tramways. ducafO Ml for some years owaad in alactne light system, in the operation of which h and some profits have been made for the
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 270 3 i NOTICES. HERCULES^CEMENT. STIVEN CO., Simjnpore. Nov. 10 tu.ths. i MALAY RECORDS GRAMOPHONE CONCERT RECORDS 10 INCH PRICE $2.75 1,000 MALAY RECORDS 1,000 ARRIVED TO-DAY 7 INCH RECORDS PRICE $1.50 Malay, Turkish, Arab, Egyptian, Persian, English, and French Records. IDEAL RECORDS 10.6 inch Price $2.25 10 m v $2.00 8
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  • 601 4 The Straits Times. PRICE 15 CENTS. THURSDAY. Ist JUNE. THr tine armoured cruiser < i nwmlmi which has had so < heckc ic.l a ee.reer iv Far Kastern waters during the present war. is rt'iHirted through Renter to .day :'s havinu finally met her doom, on a Ja)>anese mine, with
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  • 63 4 The going to-day Hhould bo in firet r.\te order and it would not surpris*- us to some of the least fancied liuws ramc in. The following are our fancies hint (i riffin Blu-Ruin lleml Stakr* Meros (inhCup Barchester with Cadenas second YViiiitfin cup Diplomatic Ki-arijfi,, Sceptre fmmm stuk,*
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  • 7 4 Thk IMfe ihut.j.t was paUkkad this morning.
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  • 8 4 Thk Malacca Assizes will commence on Tuesday next.
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  • 10 4 Today is Accession Day iv Oemiany and a general holiday.
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  • 9 4 Kabiks is raging at Scrcnibaii in the \e^n Sembilan.
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  • 14 4 The chartered Russian hospital ship Ommmm arrived lrom Shanghai this morning with 646 refugees.
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  • 21 4 Skvkr.vl of the Japanese plact s of business ut n ilecoraUtl to-day in honour of Ailmiral logo s victory at Tsushima.
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  • 20 4 Tiik (ierniau mail steamer DayMOtwN left Penang at 9 p.m. yesterday and may be c\]H'ctcd here at 7 a.m. tomorrow.
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  • 23 4 Thk P. Jl. O. intermediate steamer JtaM left Penaug at H p.m. yestenlay and is c\|m cUmI to arrive here at daylight to-morrow.
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  • 26 4 Thk shipping and the Import and K\i>ort (Mam will M o|hii lor one houc trom 10 to 11 a.m. on Saturilav and Monday thc.'lrdand 12th instant.
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  • 24 4 Thk llohinson Piano Co. have Im-cii ad\i~ed from Hongkong by wire that llie Dallas OaontCo. will aaMnakasi from the lJth to the Kith inst.
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  • 32 4 Thk Monthly Missionar\ Meeting will bt Ik l<l in I'riusep Stre« t Church, on .M.inday next, at H p.m. and w ill be addies M <1 I.y tin R. v. W. Murray.
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  • 23 4 Thk usual Thursday practice ot the Philharmonic Orchestra will not take pliiee this walk. A full attendance N rcpie-tcd l.n the tollouing Thursday.
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  • 34 4 A Hl.lMi patriach of tin- .lew i 11 1 1 iiuiiuuuity tlieil a couple of days ago in a bMMO in Selegie Road. His people declare him to have been 1 lo years old.
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  • 34 4 Thk Hon. .1. K. Birch. Resident Councillor of Penang. has left that settlement on a visit to Singapore. Mr. L. P. Kbden is in cfaajrge of the Settlement duriii^the Residt nt dun cillors absence.
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  • 31 4 11. H. the Sultan of l'eiak and s.iiu ani\e.l this morning by the 8m from Tcluk Alison. H. H. was accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Hughes ami Mr. and Mrs. Velue.
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  • 39 4 TilK pupils of St. Joseph's Institution will hold their BfOtto on the Old Ciaol site, on Saturday. June 17th. at 2 p.m. The parents of the pupils, friends and Ix-uefactors of the Institution, are most cordially imited to present.
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  • 48 4 Mansfiklu ill Co. ask us to say that, in order to enable Penaug and Deli paaaMMJBH intending to travel per Bait to attend and see the linish of the races on Saturday, the vessel will be detained. She will sail from the roads at 4. pin. on Sunday.
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  • 46 4 Thk Ciosj)el services of the Methodist Kpiscopal Church will be eoutiuuetl every night until the 4th instant. It was formerly announced that the last of these services would be held last night. There will also be (iospel services in the Middle Road Chapel every Sunday evening.
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  • 67 4 Kkfkrking to tin Johore State, Kailway. liidmn Emjinrrrinij sayis: "This last link in the IViiaiig-Singa|x>ru liailway is well in hand as a part of the F. M. 8. system of Railways. Though metre gauge, it is to be laid with 8()lb. steel rails, ami the Crown Agents for the Colonies
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  • 155 4 Ykstkrday morning, at 9 o'clock, there was celebrated the welding of Mr. Tan Tiang Tec of Neil Hoad and Miss Ho C'hoo, daughter of Mr. Ho Yang l'eng. The guests were received at 158 Telok mjmt St. thu residence of the bride's father. The usual ceremonies were gone through
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  • Special Telegrams to the "Straits Times."
    • 152 4 Found Enemy in Fine Condition. Submarines did Great Execution— 13,000 Men and 1,000 Officers lost New Tactics Give Marvellous Results. Sli,in,/li,,i. :ih( \f,,i,. .More refugees from the action at Tsushima have been interviewed. The Russians were surprised at thr splendid |gMia| condition of their enemy. TlKvnoudthattl.e PWaa i
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    • 24 4 Russian Restrictions on Travellers. simi.K UM Ma* The l.nssian <iovernnn!it has issind fin order restiietin^; foreigners from travelling in liussjan entral Asia.
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  • Special German Service.
    • 13 4 ll.rhn.-lht M.nj. The .i. >n of the (i.mian Roiehatag M dosed
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    • 39 4 During the visit ol iliny Altonto Palii an anarchist made a.i attempt u|>vii Hi- M.-ij.-tx's lif... «ith a ,lam:er. Happily the would )h- mmdert i tailed to effect hixlasUrdly pm|x>-« 1 He wao anaaML
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    • 25 4 At the .Military I'aradt iv IS. iliu I'rino Arisuyawu of Japan ami all the .lapani officer* ac eiiii)iauvine tho l!" I'arty wen .lleele.l.
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    • 56 4 The c.i,,,,,, c.,., ii. a -c.iii oaWalocgaa pronoiiiitis the \ietorv ol the .I.i|iaiu-se Fltet at TaaaMaM to bo m avawtaal vent In the WacU'l histor\. The <iiiiiian nation, oajnt thU journal. show their high a|ipreeiati.m oi all JafH successes in the war with Kus-ia to
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    • 48 4 Prince Vladimir Represents the Czar. Tka Grand Duke Vladimir of Knssia is miui 11 and will not 1m- al.le to attend the weddiny of tin- Ctowa I'rinee of (ierman\. as liail Imi ii ai ranged. The C'/ai > In-other. Man Vladimir, will attend in his stead.
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    • 21 4 The sinking of the feaaaka lla-sl,i|, A',,,,,. Siinirnf and the capture Admiral liojdestvi n-ky have lieen conlii im<l.
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    • 30 4 I'lvsidcnt Koosovclt in ;i |inlilir wjmtb at Brooklyn |M>intcdoiit tli«- ssity forliaviny a Htronu navy to MM tlic national welfare of the I'niu^l State* of Auk -rica.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 410 4 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. Caldbeck Macgregor Co. (ESTABLISHED Wfl Wine Spirit Merchants, (London, Glasgow, Hongkong, Shanghai) SINGAPORE AND PENANG. PRICE LIST OUST JLFFLIOJLTIOasr. May I tn. th. U. C Permanent and Artistic WILSON Co. ENLARGEMENTS ARTIS B AND PHOrOGRAPHERS. Portpajts anrf Gpou Open on Sundays Hl] 11 a.m K of the highest
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    • 471 4 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. Charles Robinson, Turf Commission Agent. 22, Raffles Square, (mar Mercantile Bank). COMMISSIONS NOW OPENED ON THURSDAY Third Day. Double Events, STEWARDS CUP AM) SCURRY SECOND SCURRY wi> SINGAPORE STAKES SETTLING MONDAY NEXT, sth JUNE. Write Mr m> u-t fill wmstcoiu pocket book sent, post free, to all lunts.
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    • 73 4 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. WANTED AT ONCE. Chinese Store-Keeper. Security; »5,000 will be required. Applications, giving references, to be addressed to HKITIHH AMERICAN TOBACCO CO. LTD., 94 Robinson Road. Jnne 1 G.R. Lambert* Co. PHOTOGRAPHERS. KBTABLIKHKD l«7o BUSINESS HOI KS On Weekdays 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. On Sundays 8 a.m. to
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    • 13 4 sVa»MMHMMMMJ of Sales. Wanted, To Let etc., will be found on I'a^c a.
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    • 157 4 LAND SALE. Tub following |>ro|MTtics weir solil In auction ut 1W<I1 ft c>.\ Balerootn \.-.t,,'. day afternoon. Land comprised in SutuUiry (inint No. 2696 iiituute at Uppa 1!,,|,,|,. M rooilH, 18 |>fili.s, quit nut M MC iiiiiuiin. Bought by A. L. P. H. M. It. Valkvappa C'hiUy for 5260. Two
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  • 163 5 We hi. indebted t<> Mr. Tanaka. the JuHUMM Ptwnl at Singapore, for the following orheinl telegrams from tin Foreign Office nt Tokyo: JAPANESE DAMAGE. Three Torpedoers Lost. a.m. ThnnulniJ. It is ,,lli, ,11. announced tliat in the la*t Mil Vlttit. tin- taaap to our tttil »:is
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  • Reuter's Telegrams.
    • 37 5 St. Petersburg Opinion. M tmm. Tin St. li teishiirg /(."ir.«. (i.nrttr Kay* thai the Battled Tsushima has decided th« iwiui- of the war. It has ;»Ibo opened new way! for the currents of history.
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    • 40 5 GROMOBOI FOUNDERS. Struck Japanese Mine off Vladivostock. The Tokyo correspondent of the Dm% fl. wins that while the cruiser SkMMOM was leaving Vladivostok. api>af •ntly hoping to join Admiral Kojdc»tveusky. she struck a Japanese mine nnd foiindereo with nil hands.
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    • 98 5 V U, ht .1n,,,. Tile result of the Derby is:— Lord lioseberys Cicero 1 M. Blanc s .lardy I Chc\. Ginnesirclli s Siu'norino :t Nine ran. Tin- new spa h is un uiimouslv dilate upon the stupendous victory of the Japanese, the full extent of which is now appreciated.
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  • 262 5 In the Mcotid innings. Knyland declared :it M lor the wickets. Jackson K2 not out. The Australians in the MMod innings made 188, On .jorv 51. Nine ran in the Derby, the horses ]>■■ ssing the )M)st in the following order: CiOMO, .lardy. Siguorino. Silver Streak. Shanj;han.
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  • Correspondence.
    • 91 5 1,, the Mitor the Stniit* Timrt." Mi:. I should like to call the attention of the MM to certain Chinese and other lads who infest private grounds in Oxley Kise. not far from the Chief Police Officer's house. and use catapults on birds and other things. This morning
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  • 318 5 Cadonau Co.'s Godown Alight At 7 o'clock this ■uorniiii;. :i house boy employed at the li ■nijiknni; Rank noticed smoki' emitting from a window in an adjoining (jodown. Hr informed the ja^iih. and this man \\ent to Hoonlamlt and I'o. whin the news was telephoned to
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  • 62 5 To .night Hariuston's enter upon their last three nights here. They leave on Sunday for Java. There is a change of programme to-night the ci lcbratcd Ciarkes ap|>earing in new acts. This talented troii|M- must be seen to be appreciated. There is a final matinei Saturday, which is
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  • 194 5 Thk following Notice to shipping, i— -ued by the Master Attendant, comes into force to-day Time balls on Kort Canning and Mount K.ilmt are ilrop]>cd daily at 1 p.m.. meantime of the lv.'.th meridian. l>cin;; hoisted five minutes previously. The observatory at Mount Fal>cr from which the
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  • 175 5 An Editor to His Readers. It is an axiom in the business world that new trade can only be cultivated by strict adherence to the wishes ami tastes of the pMfll MM| whom the trade is to be develo|>ed. It is also a go«d rule in newspaper urtices
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  • 954 5  -  Tasma By Thf weather recently has been somewhat trying. Taiping is usually wet. but Ipoh is following its example in this respect. Mines have been flooded, landslips have occurred, fever, rheumatism and bad colds have been prevalent, and we have come to the conclusion that a little more
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  • 97 5 Budget Estimates. Thk Bmm Obnrrver in enabled to publiHh the following totals of the Budget Kstinniuof the year 124 (*****6) Revenue Ticals 53,000,000 Kxinnditure Ten. 02,873,088 Surplus Ten. 12«,917 BexuleM thin expenditure, a sum of Tcs. 5,800,000 is provided for railway construction, out of the loan recently
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  • 209 5 A cOLli-BLooDKt) murder of an officer by one of his own men is reported from the Siilu Archipelago. Captain Thomas R. Hayson, senior inspector at Siami. one of the more important islands of the Sulu group, wan shot while asleep in his bed at one o'clock on
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  • 124 5 A hapi-v and somewhat unique for Naaag wedding party was held at Hun nyniede, Northam Koad on Saturday last, (says the OMI ttr l. the inUTesU-il couple being Mr. Stewart of the K. M. S. Kail ways. Selangor. a venerable stalwart gentleman with a Mowing white beard,
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  • 524 5 A Xaval Court of Inquiry was held at the British Consulate, Kobe, m 'lie Ka May. when fourteen of the crew of the Britis-h barque "Sardhana" wire fore the Cour;. the complaint against them being that they had refused to obey the lawful commands of the Master, and
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  • 64 5 The master of the steamer "Moresby,," from British New Guinea, New Britain and the Solomon Group, reports that German traders in New Britain are making an effort to divert trade to ships flying the German flag. It is understood that an agreement has been signed by nearly all the traders
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 23 5 IF YOU EA.SILY CATCH COLD, your system is lacking in vitality, you need a tonic Steam*' Wint the best of ail Tonics. I
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    • 254 5 uxrdsr yvz<n sements I RAFFLES HOTEL. SPECIAL DINNER Wo-Ngfit Band in Attendance. THE ROBINSON PIANO Co., Ltd. SINGAPORE. Practical Experts and Manufacturers, devoted exclusively to he Musical and Instrumental Trade, and also l>\ far the brgett s iano Buyers in the East and China. Besides Manufacturing the well-known and |iopiilar
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    • 78 5 Opera Yap Chow Thong To-Nitht To-.Nijht Thursday Ist Juno 1905 The Indra PermaU Theatrical Company of Selanstr AT THE ALEXANDRA HALL. So. 499 North Bridge Ho.l, iiv spr.cni. iiiui an will Htage tin- |Kipular pln\ cnlllli-.l RAMBANGAN CHAYA. Prices as usual. Oxi lll r.,,t.r .,,t. CbrriajM M /nn. Yap Chow
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  • 475 6 The writer of an article in the "W«aV miuster Review" sees the real Yellow Peril in the general superiority of John Chinaman over all other people. Evidently, distance still lends enchant incut o the view and absence makes the heart grow fonder. For ourselves, we entertain this angel
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  • 341 6 0 Sortie from Vladivostock. The pui^er and niue men < i the Yawata-maru," which was *unk by the Russian torpedo-boats off .he Hokkaido, arrived at Aomori on 8th May. According to their statements, says the "Japan Chronicle," the vessel left Shimouoseki on April 8th for Oniwaki in
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 651 6 NOTICES. H>6e Straits '(Dimes. AN!> T5F)e Straits SUBSCRIPTION RATES. PAYABLE In ADVANCE. |i.ui\ lam par ymm MfcOl ,1,, qoartar 7.50 do |«-r tii..ntli -'."><i do para 141 Weekly issue par ymt Ih.oo do |*l(|Hßlter 4.50 ,1.. pareapj 0.40 When -int by l«>st. there w mliltit for the iliuK i«Me. two
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    • 455 6 NOTICES. WANTED. Two Rooms, or a small house unfurnished, for beginning of June, near centre. Address, T. ALDOW, c/o Post Office, Singapore. "EDEN HALL,"TANGLIN. Beautifully situated. Superior rooms with private fimily. staMiiu: ami tennis court. Apply Mr-. M.nWIl. Dtmm Villa. Miiv I tu.tli.s. v.c. KtABD AND LOOODia AT SILVERBANK (IV.
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    • 635 6 NOTICES. TO BE LET.— small flrat floor offices facing Cavenagb Bridge Road and Flint Street. Apply to Guthrie «V Co. Ltd., Agents. n.c. TO BE LET.— No. 17 Armenian Street next to St. Andrew's House, lately in the occupation nf Messrs. Tomlinson and Lermit. Suitable for a boarding house. Apply
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    • 19 6 FCI THE COUGH OF IN FLUENZA. Steams' Wine is the re liable prompt remedy. It soothes th» air passages.
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    • 387 6 NOTICES. "TIMES" Mining Candles ffiurn UG3 Minutes! They keep hsrcl and burn brilliantly in the hottest underground working. PriCG is slightly more that for the best Ordinary Mining (handles but the Saving works out at 8 p<*r cent after reckoning their Extra Cost! IMPORTERS BORNEO Co., Ltd. EVERY FACILITY In
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  • 294 7 A Coveted Colony. In tin- coarse vi an aitada headed "German Attaaspti at Colonisation," written fur the "Pall Mall Ouatte," llarold Btimn .-ays: It has beW .-aid that m. -I .1 Cur iiiaiivs roloniw and deaMMbmeioi were HVH coveted by o;lier nations, but than ii one
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  • 97 7 The "Fooofaow Kclio" of May 13th WliaN A native woman ol Kleiiiiillgfu. MBWMJ «'l I lie wilful minder of her husliaml by powriwg hailing watvr UpM him while in I MNUMI BMMP, and MOHHt native who uMttd her. wen hniaaal doWl in a DBfa last week fof
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  • 279 7 Lessons of the War. Mr. Arthur l^v. Civil Lord of the Admiralty, iv a speech at Gosport made an import Hit statement regardiiil; the Admiralty's policy in the construction of new battlatkips. The Admiralty had no inUmtion of reducing the shipbuilding estimate- At present there was a
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  • 106 7 London, 4th May. Lord Kitchener has represented ko the Viceroy of ludin that he desires it to be known that the statements to which currency have been given tli;tt there is, or ha.< Ixvn. in dWMMMMBl as to the military policy in general which he recommended to the
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  • 141 7 Imperial Over-Sea Telegraphy. The Bengal ChamUr of Commerce has circulated, for the information of iim!mWt>. a circular letter from the Ottawa Board of Trade on the subject of the project for a system of Empire Cables. The replies received by the Board from Commercial AlWlltillM and individuals
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  • 174 7 Thus the "Perak Pioneer: A very important step was taken by the Straits Legislative Council on the 19th instant. A sum of 8230,130 was then voted to cover the cost of the premises occupied by the Singapore Opium and Spirit Farms which the Government intends takuig over.
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  • 300 7 Customs Departmeut, Sandakan. The Imports, savs an official report, are valued at !<2.89o,263 and the Exports at 84,272,672, or a total volume of trade of *7, 168,935. As regards the Imports, fruit and vegetables show a decline which goes to prove that the Chinese Immigrants are doing
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  • 183 7 "Glory's" Excellent Practice. The battleship Glory" and the fourtuunelled cruiser ilogue returned to Hongkong harbour a few days ago from Mirs Bay. where practice lias been carried out. with very satisfactory results. The results of "the big gun firing were most satisfactory. The Clurv succeeded in firing
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  • 133 7 Li lid,, ii. May .nil. Vice-Admiral Charts* c..|,i Peamw Fitzgerald, who is on the at.ive list of the British Xavy. has contributed to ;he "Deutsche Revue" an article dealing with Anglo-German .elations. which has caused a sensation in Berlin. He describes Germany's hostility to England, and speaks
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 192 7 NOTICES. JOHN LITTLE CO., LTD. MgenU tor M f^ i/ Agents: JOHN LITTLE GU., LTD., MNGAPUHII; j^^^l^p-^^' "*^^^*^*^^^^^?9'^^^^^^^^ss B^^BS»a^Bjt|^^««ir^^^^^'" ■■■i.- '^^j^iaaa^-^ <l- 1 1""1 < RACE OF WH.SKItS U SKBAPQIU .*v^r*x.-. iX Over 50 Golds. Prize Medals Awarded. A Good Whisky to Drink at and after the Races. Ma> HO
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    • 52 7 Protect Yourself and family againM attacks of pneumonia by aecuring a 1 onoe a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. If this remedy is taken on the first appearance of a cold all dangei will be avoided. It always cur»s and cures quickly. Sold by all d*>al«tv THE DISPENSARY, 31/5
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    • 568 7 AUCTION SALES Estate of Ibrahim bin Abdullah Datoh Bintara Dalam of Johore Deceased. CONTINUATION. AUCTION SALE OF VALUABLE HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. AN ENOLISH-MADE BILLIARD TABLE, &c. From Lot 348 o Lot 640 inclusive. To be baM at No. 24 Jalan Aver Molek, Johore Bahru. fnil.nj. M •'»"< MMi a) I p.m.
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  • 292 8 Big Company to be Floated. Mr P, F. McCliiitock. representative of the tii in d Messrs. Geo. A. Aldeu Co.. H.>t.ii and New York, arrived at Colombo "ii the lfcHh May by the i* .i < v, C'or.miandel" after a visit la inous rubber estates in
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  • 168 8 "l >. Japan Chroaislo" of the 14th M Of the Russian prisoners to .lap. in simv the commencement -f the war, iiontoinbatants and wan ooaaidarad unfit for furtihei i^nve HTviai l»y reason of age have been 'leased and returned to Russia. Tho total tiumlier of prisoners detained
    168 words
  • 35 8 The CpatrMl Packet Thongwa, with the London mails of the 13th ullimo, left tfegapatam at 7 am. oa the 28th ultimo, and ma y ezpectod to arrive ban -n Sa: unlay morniiii,'. the 3rd in•St.lMt
    35 words
  • 57 8 The Yacht Atlantic" which recently won the Kaiser's Cup i.s the largvst three .masted fore and aftyaclit afloat Her sail plan id larger than that carried by the cup-defender "Reliance. In her trial i uti she averaged 18 knots Her two >li. I trophic* for ocean-racing arc the B
    57 words
  • 69 8 I wt nielli ago, a crowd of e*M fatty transport! were in the river at S;u<»..ii in.l diecfaargug oaanJy for the Ba Kleet. The quantity of coal and provision! was -inous. The followi tew of the nanios of the xessels. Jupiter, IV;,, Macodoma. Syfang, Imp 'I Horn, Horabarg, lidroai Abbey.
    69 words
  • 104 8 Then an m 8,000 mm employed Hi American QovaraaMßl on ;he Istliini.. „i' Panama. 8,000 of which IN at work on the canal and the balance are in polka tad sanitary work. Ten pel cent. .>f tka men employed are from the Unitad Btatta. The rest are n i'lv all
    104 words
  • 527 8 Among other cases of merchandise landed at Jesselton a few weeks ago, says the "8.N.8. Herald." were two ordinary gin cases. These were deposited in the Customs. The cases were addressed to Sandakan, and had evidently been put ashore by mistake. Noticing that one of them was
    527 words
  • 114 8 Win. II Anderson and Company cf Hongkong were the successful bidders for the contrac; for supplying 'ie Philippines government with 20,000 barrels of cement. The Green Island brand will be used. Their bid was 81.92 gold. c. i. f. Manila. 1100 at Corregidor. and 52.02 A at Grande
    114 words
  • 77 8 The "Times" fears that the North German Lloyd's new South Sea service is likely to outweigh any of the advantages accruing to Australian .shipping, owing to the fact of its direct Government administration. The Germans consider that this new arrangement will completely paralyse the Australian
    77 words
  • 38 8 It is reported that the Customs at Shanghai are refusing clearances to steamers with Cardiff coal in bags, and are exacting bonds for the delivery of these cargoes at the neutral pints' for which the steamers are cleared.
    38 words
  • 280 8 Americans had a High Opinion of the Japanese. In view of the marvellous manner in which the Japanese have pushed themselves forward in the past few years, a description of their characteristics as they appeared to an American writer eight years ago is interesting. The following extract
    280 words
  • 282 8 Mercenaries in Ships. The St. Petersburg correspondent of the "Matin" sends the following interesting information I have what I am going to tell yen from an engineer who has just returned from Madagascar. Like a great many others, he went there to wait for the Russian squadron, which
    282 words
  • 134 8 Probably, says a Loudon correspoudents no fad has cost more in the way of money and lives than that of the orchid. Collectors must be rich men, but once bitten with the mania, they care not what sums they give for a rare orchid possessed by no one else. Lives
    134 words
  • 13 8 FINANCE COMMERCE. U( Juue. 190. r >. To-day'H 4 m bank rate is Ml-.
    13 words
  • 213 8 Oambier ..I 8.60 do (Cube No. 1) unpicked ***** Copra Bali 8.05/8* do Pontianak 7.H0 Pepper. Black buyers do White, 5% 37.00 Sago Flour Sarawak 3.20 do Brunei No. 1 3.17} Pearl Sago 4.40 Coffee Bali, 15°, basis 21.50 Coffee, Pulembaug, 20",, basis 23.00 Coffee, Liberian No. 1
    213 words
    • 242 8 Arrivals since Noon of Yesterday. C'//r//«. Brit. str. 2.174 tons. Capt Knox. 31st May. From Kui-hiiioi/.u. Hth May- Coml. Itoii-lrad A Co. I'iic— W. litititrnl. Nor. str. Mi ('apt Milberg. Ist June. From Bangkok. Mb May. Teak. Borneo Coy. For Bombay. Ist— W.' Hani. Nor. str.
      242 words
    • 70 8 Vfv-u-. Name. k Dkxtixatiom. Datk. Amphitrit, H M cru Colombo :Sl!-t ■M Ger atr. Hongkong :ilst Sliaiihma Btr. Moluccas :iUt >>"* Btr. Penaug 31st Brit str. Rangoon 31»t H'niW.i str. Swat Ual Zicrrna str. Hongkong Hist Mast s.i//'; str. Hongkong 31st Trrrta str. Macassar :tl»i Chukralmuii* Sia str. Bangkok
      70 words
    • 82 8 for Prr Sltnmrr Tim* Tomorrow. Kuautan A Tringganu Sir/, 1,,,,, jn K. I'alimig.v Triiimuiiii.lii,./ uoolli Bangkok Mi p.m. Ampanan >t Macawiar VBMai 3 p.m. Teluk Alison via port* Hije LeaWJ 3 p.m. Katckhay. Sandakan via ports Mmiil,i 9 a.m. lliiiuljti'iiiiiisiii. etc. Hmitm.n, 11 a.m. Penally via ports I'iu
      82 words
    • 129 8 From Ei-ropk— By tlieN. I). U 8. lianu lull due on 'Ju.l .1 line. From Chin* By the M. M. ss t. Sim»m in.- on Hsaaaj TIMK TAIII.K f>F MAllJi MB. Left Sni)jH|iiiii' I in I, nn. li.ii Armeil April 17th N.l>. 1.. May ljth May 10th
      129 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 59 8 Kr A. J. CHOTIRMALL Co, JEWELLERS SILK MERCHANTS. No. 51, 52 High Street. Save just 1 »rt>ivcd I BBW stock of silks of every colour, and description. Best Japanese ciepe and silk kimonos, omLuMN and Canton crepe shawls, Indian, and Japanese curios, etc. Gold and Silver jewellery can be obtained
      59 words
    • 415 8 Whiteaway, Laidlaw&Co. All Wool Travelling Rugs. Thete popular ruga make Our In dark Clan designs, Corno m»*M oowing kr the Famous with wide fringe at both *q Cf) Sjlk }n* weatlwr, in I ftrietp? of €j#7sj 75 Travelling ends, each rug weighs :U vO*D\J R ugs# iui^lit colorings with horizon-
      415 words
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 26 8 WEATHER TELEGRAM. HONGKONG.^Mhu Mat-10 a.m. Barometer 29. 56. Direction of Wintl ..koith. Force of Wind i Max. Temp in Shade 79. MANILA—76O «.v». 1. 30. ->c.
      26 words
    • 144 8 DAY BY DAY. Thursday, ist June. HiKh Water. I M v n >. aaaisi 1 >u.\ ■aaas. M Dajr. it. l asaisaaul anil esoass. :t. Rass Dinner. Hossl .1.- I'Ettmßa. BmMm Potsl. Raat Dinar. Harmston\ Cirnis. :t. Friday, 2nd June. llitjli Watar. 10-19 m r,r, p.m. hea Diaaar. Tanaiiii ciui>.
      144 words

  • 259 9 Strange Document. l)ui.<i^ the hearing ol' east «t l'.iilclm-toii I'oLcc Court. Sydnoy, New booth Wmim, la wli.rli I MM named UWMMWM w;ih charged with using i In (11 mug laagaafl ke Ins wife, the allcgatioii was iiindc isUl the compl unai t Mad M.ld her
    259 words
  • 292 9 Another .u tempt to solve that hoary and hemim euigm.i. the servant quest.on in (.'alcuita the -Madras Mail' has resulted in failure, lur the lnliaba. nits ol tile -o -called L'lty of I'alate.- have been told that Government an not prepared to come to their assistance,
    292 words
  • 199 9 A Blow at Australian Shipping. London, 1* May. ■The Tunes correspondent at licrliu state*, that after April Ist, l'JUti, th« German Colonial authorities will adliuirisUr th« Marshall Islands and will collect aJI taxes and Customs. "The Times Imh that the North Qmmmi Lloyds new South Sea steam
    199 words
    • 1077 9 Under tbiß heading the following ahbrevia tions are used str.— steamer sh.— ship bq. barcjue sch.— schooner Yet.— Yacht Cm. Cruiser Obt. Gunboat Tor. Torpedo H.p. Horsepower Brit. British U.S.— United States Fch. French Ger.— German Dut. -Dutch G.c— General catgo d. p.— deck pusxenßer ;V Uncertain
      1,077 words
    • 672 9 r, fort, probable dntr of arrival, <4nl ii'inn of agent*. Steamem. Acilia. Hamburg, June 9 B«hn Meyer. Ajax, Mrerpool, Jane 12; Manxneld. Alting, Bawean, June 5; Daandels. Annam, Saigon, Jane 11 M. M&ntimes. Austria, Trieste, July 2 Rautenbcrg. Aii-tiilit-n.A ii-ti ilit-n. Colombo, July 31 M. Mantim. Ayutliia, Bangkok,
      672 words
    • 137 9 p. o. Per MaW sailing on Hth June-Mr. Murbeth. Mr. and Mrs. \V. A. Qmmm, !««•>. Keens, lisp. Joyce. Inxp. Conlan. Mr. and Mm. Clay ton. Mr. Monlwlale. Mr. Knur, Mrs. Qkmtm ning, Mrs. Cullimore and 2rhtfdren. Mr K. Pawle, Mr. J. Pawle, Innp. Dooley, Mr. Cl,apl,i.,
      137 words
    • 187 9 FOR SINGAPORE lei I. O. ./*.,> frun Hmidon April M, i>ic Snl June Major F. A. liMidolph, Mii-sr 1. Tegge, .1. tlpcott, L. I.nsj.*. W. RpUa, W. White, Mihs Croucher, Miss K. Week, ttn. Boulton, Mn*. Peirce, Mm. E. C. Howe-. Mr. ami Mrs. Conlay. Per P.
      187 words
    • 240 9 dumber of Sliare* Ifwue Paid Value up to Company Buyers Sellers Tmnww I tl.inn I SOLD. I 13,500 •i,.V>p|inii«.nt-.1. 4,000 20,000 10,000 1 6,207 10,300 36,700 110,000 90,000 150,000 30,000 i.OUO unuauad. 10 •7.50 Benawah O. It. Co.. Ltd 11.60 10 10 10 1 1 1 1 1 1
      240 words
    • 152 9 400,000 )jMO uaicuad 2,000 4,500 80,000 12,000 3,400 6,000 2,750 .C.IKNI 600 2,000 5.000 7H& v ii i M H. I :U)0,000 >,(UU unluv.l 37,000 t 1 1 Duff Development Co., Ltd.. ..I 10.25 10.50 loe 50 1 •->-. 100 10 100 100 10 t o 100 100 100
      152 words
    • 78 9 »,UK> unluuxl 6,000 1 jl Cicely Kulilx-r Ifciuw6,000 1 1 Pre LSUVunimwd. 30,000 1 1 Packing Kubber Co. IJ,»W, uninnad; i.OOO (100 »limi Kibu Planting Co. Ltd. WOuniuuad 1,000 1100 tIOO Saiulycroft Kubber Co. lyi unuud' 30.U00 1 1 Selangor Uubbor Co. Ltd. 4,000 uniuiMHl ISO 9100 1100 Singapore
      78 words
    • 48 9 Howarth Erakine, Ltd. 7% 350,000 8% prem. Riley, Hargreaves, Ltd. 285,000 2% pram buyer*. Singapore Municipal 8% 400,000 2% prem buyer*. m m 5% 1,878,000 1% prem buyers. 4% 665,500 2",, <lm. uom. Tmjong P»g»r Dock Co., Ltd. 8% 250,000 prem buyers. 5% 1,365,500 1% prem buyers.
      48 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 22 9 STEARNS' HEADACHE CUHE can he obtained from all dispensaries (quickly by port). Give* inttnnt relief Avoid imitations Keep th« Genuine **ndy. tfcj,
      22 words
    • 554 9 BANKS. Hongkong G" Shanghai Banking Corperalib. PUD-TJf CAPITaX ii0,000,06u HKHEBVE KITH*! Rterlinc lte«r\e »1O,(HH»,1»O»> i Silrcr Iteserre 8,000,000, 1 n0 Beserre Liability of I'ropi ietors $1(1.000.000 COUKT OF niKECTOKS. 11. K. T..iiikins. Ka«., Clini.nmn. 11. W. Slarlc Km|.. DepntT Cliairmati. B. (ioete. Em|. H. Srhnbnrt. K«j. Hon. W. J. Gflbsson
      554 words
    • 379 9 NOTICES. IRIGAUD'S Kananga TOILET WITK Mgand't laaanea Water hu th« iwn iufcuai of the KuMnaa Flewtr of >pt B and asotatag ud cooling aciios ea tki Ai., h rcHcTM mcxqaiK baM«, ud it bom rsfrtsaiaf itRIGAUD &C* I nitruatan 8, rue TiTteaae. Ptru-Frmtm J. MOTION CO. WATCHMAKERS. JEWELLERS. OPTICIANS REPAIRS
      379 words
    • 16 9 ZVMOLE TOOTH POWDER, a per (ect antiaeptic dentifrice, Ha»n» ar 4 preserves tbe teeth, very refreshing.
      16 words
    • 25 9 A good way to take IRON, because it is acceptable to the taste and stomach, and produces the good effects desired, STEARNS' WINE, the blood-builder.
      25 words

  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 701 10 BUCHANANS BLACK WHITE The favourite at home and abroad 12 YEARS OLD. STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. P. &O. ITEM NAVIGATION CO. For China, Japan, Penan*, Ceylon Australia, India, Aden, Egypt, Mediterranean Ports, Plymouth and London. Thrnngli Bill:, of Lading issne.l fnr China Coast. li i .inn Gulf. Continental, and American Porta, Ste.inieis
      701 words
    • 1185 10 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. Konlnklljke Paketvaart MaatschappiJ. Under contract with the Netherlands India Government. .hicitti al Siiii)ap<>rt Ship AnKxev. i.atk J. Daendcls Co., 2-3 Collykr Quay. The undermentioned date* are only approximate. Steamer From Exp'ted Will be desintched for ll.i mi Boerabaya May 25' Batavia. Cheribon, Tegal, Pekalougan, Samarang, Soerabaya, Macassar. Amboina,
      1,185 words
    • 607 10 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. N.D.L NORDDCJTSCHER LLOYD Imperial Qerman Mail Lin The fast and well known mail steamsr* of this Company nail fortnightly from HreraenUamburg via Rotterdam, Antwerp, Houtham|>ion. Gibraltar, Genoa, Naptea, (connactina Maneillpß. Naples, Alexandria, and vice vena) Port Said, Buee, Aden, Colombo, l'enaag, Singapore, Hongkong. Shanghai, Nagasaki, and Kobe to
      607 words
    • 639 10 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. JOEAN STEAM SHIP Do., Lid. AND China Mutual Steam Nay. Co., Ltd. The Companies' steamers are despatched from Liverpool outwiirds for the Straits, China and Japan every week, and from Japan home ward* for UMH every fortnight and for I Liverpool monthly. One outward steamer each month extends
      639 words
    • 515 10 INSURANCE COMPANIBS. ROYAL INSURANCE CO. FIRE LIFE. TOTAL INVESTED FUNDS EXCEED £12,000,000. THE LARGEST FIIIE OFFICE IN THE WIiHI.D BOUSTEAD 4 Co., Agents. THE LONDON AND LANCASHIRE FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. Capital £2,127,500 Paid up Capital. 212,750 Reserve Fund. .£1,078,350 The undersigned, Agents for the Company, arc prepared to accept fire
      515 words