The Straits Times, 29 April 1905

Total Pages: 10
1 10 The Straits Times
  • 15 1 The Straits Times NO. 21.723 THE STRAITS TIMES. SATURDAY. APRIL 29. 1905. PRICE 15 CENTS
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 204 1 NOTICES. CONDOR CEMENT Singapore, 13tli Marcb, 1905. Messrs. C. DUPIRE CO. Dear Sirs, Wt have carefully tested the samples of" CONDOK Ceocenl which we had selecte'l from shipments stored ir your godt-wns. The tests uniformly showed the cement to be one of high quality. THE TENSILE STRAIN WHICH IT STOOD
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    • 150 1 SINGAPORE COLD STORAGE CO., LTD. BORNEO WHARF. Cold Storage Supplies delivered tosbi pirn: alongside I'anjong Pagar wharves or at the roads. Week Days 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. Sundays 7 a m to 8 a.m 5 p.m. to 6 p ir. Telephone No. 1026. Apl 17 20-6 Manufacturers' Life INSURANCE
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    • 284 1 NOTICES. ,COLP STORAGE RETAIL AGENCY. Owing to a loss account we beg to DO'.ify the putlic that we are withdrawing from the business of Retail AgeLts lor the Singapore Cold Storage Company. Our connection with the business ceases from i date. We regret being unable to announce I ttjh sooner
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    • 23 1 .NOTICES. Milkmaid* BRAND |h SSsedl™ 11/11 l 1/ p u u Cream. iude uu v^^^" ilß^^^^ on «T*fj Largest Sale in the World.
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  • 972 2 Interesting Details. The 'South China Morning Post' 1 of the 15th April presents to its readers a very interesting description of the Baltic Fleet as it appeared iv the China Sea on April 11th. The matter was handed in to it by a gentleman
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 386 2 NOTICES. PURE MILK. ■g-SseasajdA CERTIFICATE* Wfc 2 :o: m L W UNS ]I! ETE^ lL 2 Dr. A. B. Griffiths, Ph. D. F. R. S. of London, O htVv Mjt w Isfa Analytical Chemist ana Assayer Member of the Chemical g^ V a\\^N^^ mTm m w CQ Societies of Paris
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    • 14 2 ZYMOLE TOOTH POWDER, a r*. feet antiseptic dentifrice, cleanei Or*«f>rVA| thp twpth. t*ry rrfmhtnc
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    • 223 2 NOTICES o //lyj^ POPULAR \^S^jk^ mmwmf/\ w Hi sm \V^m. A *tr ujMt^^ h^Lt A^j SUPPLIED TO| H. M. The King, H. R. H. The Prince of Wales, House of Lords, House of Commons, &c. &c. PRICE $13.50 PER CASE. SOLID E"7"EE,"yw"HEE/E!. THE OF LIFE ASSUKANBK. n. YEAR AFTER YEAR
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    • 131 2 Apollinaris The Qucn of Tablt Wttrt? BOTTLED only wllh li OWN hAT 'AI- GAS, *nd only at the APOLLINARIS SPRINO, Neuenahr, (ieimam ROYAL rUL'SSIAN SIATK MEDAL, 1902. <3OLDSIEI)AL BUantDOBF KXIIIBITKm,IMft BATAM BRICK WORKS. Bronze Mkpais PENANG »nd HANOI Assorted Brick-Suppliers Prices Moderate. Office 135, Prinsep Street. i epot Pulo tutitfoii
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  • 350 3 THE CZAR'S NECROMANCER. One of the startling things about the Czar is his superstition. It is not the superstition of a devotee of the Orthodox CMna; that mm Mali understand, and e\.n It I Mlteia extent synipai line with. It is hereditary and übiquitous in Russia, and especially in the
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  • 490 3 A Japanese naval expert comment? on the approach of the Russian Squadion as follows —"It is very difficult to know what is the significance of Admiral Rodjestvensky's movements. It is certain that he knows that his squadron is far inferior to the Japanese Fleet which may
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 709 3 NOTICES. HERCULES STIVEN CO., Singapore. Nov. 10 tu.ths. 4_ THE SWEDISH ;|fife- LUX LAMP BURNS KEROSINE OIL. aives a beautiful, intense and even light of 50 to 1,000 candle-power. LUX The Lux Light is in immense use lor Railway Stations, Estates, Hotels, Factories, Workshops, etc. smokeless shi p men t
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    • 40 3 Messrs. Simpson Co., Coach Builders, Jftadrax. T. B I. M. Kiig Nward Til Hit EiMlleity Sir JtkV Aiderwi, \XMA. QoTtnor of the StrniU Stttleraenl CmtalOfoa and all information mar •>*• Ollr I H. ABRAMS, The Singapore Hone Repoaitory Not 80 oc.
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    • 106 3 Rheumatism is a stubborn disease to fight but Chamberlain's Pain Balm has cured it many times and will do so whenever opportunity offers. This remedy is a general family liniment and not only does it quickly relieve rheumatic pains hut it also cures lame back, stiff neck, soreness of the
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  • 1000 4 The Straits Times. PRICE 15 CENTS. SATURDAY, 29th APRIL. The recent commitment of certain nu reliant seamen at Hongkong, for refusing to proceed north in British colliers, an their subsequent release by order of the Colonial Secretary, would Eeem to indicate that the souls of the sailors that man our
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  • 541 4 One striking fact about political methods in China is the leisuiely way in which the conclusion of Commercial Treaties is being carried on. The British treaty was signed in 1902, the Japanese and American treaties in 190^, and the Portuguese one last year. There are nine others still to be
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  • 307 4 One of those scires which take possession of Asiatics from time to time, and which it is bo difficult to uiiders f and an. c i'l harder to explain, is just now in our midst, and is seriously affecting the interests of many who deal in flour. The Chinese have
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  • 125 4 Mr. August Huttbnbach, who has just been appointed an unofficial member of the Legislative Council, had pat in the Council before for some years. During his membership he never slackened in devotion to tha public interest. Hence reappointment again to the administrative body is a distinct public gain. Especially will
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  • 36 4 Special Telegram to the "Straita Times." Malacca, 29th April 11 15 am. The Russian fleet, if it passed last night, was not sight by the Signal Station here. There was heavy rain during the early morning.
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  • Special German Service.
    • 48 4 . />/•/(», -J-th April. The Matin, a Paris journal, published a warlike article against Germany with regard to the Morocco question. The article was written at the instigation of schemers on 'Change The French Government has felt itself bound to disclaim any connection with the publication of the article.
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    • 39 4 . The Arbitration Tribunal at the Hague will render a decision on the 1 .*> l 1 1 May in the matter of the appeal by Germany, France, and Britain against the levying of the house taxes in Japan.
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    • 24 4 . IVesident Roosevelt will return from his Rocky Mountaii: trip earlier than had been expected, on account, apparently, of the complications in Venezuela.
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  • ■RcuicrV Eytra Service
    • 35 4 . Imim, ml April. Despite the Praefauuttoa by M. Trepoff, Chief ot the Police at St. Petersburg, the shops in the city are already beina bwrioa 1 |in view of the expected riotp].
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    • 29 4 . The Loniloii Bt*mdar4 believes that the Russian Loan hu bjen placed at a rate yielding 6* per cent. Some small lines have been lakm ia Lot do&
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    • 65 4 . iii. Mtrm Tt Bbanghai correspondent wires that t murdered along with tho Chinese Amb&n in Tibet include foui Preach mieei inerice Ten thousurvi al-origines in J! it inn organised as a society have proclaimed that, aa Britain may occupy Tibet, now is the time to secure '.he
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    • 28 4 . The Linden > i. s ,>- that the proposal toradn Kg pi to Colonel's Comnvmi has been adopted, Colonel Bullock .ias been continued \u the appointment
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  • Hcutcr's Ccleorams
    • 46 4 . frn-frn. SBU April Official rej>ort i: from the Caucasus describe numerous encounters between the insurrectionary peasants and the troops. The petisatr mtn irmcd with bludgeons and i -ii kax. and occasionally with revolvers. Many were killed and wounded in charges by OoMM
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    • 21 4 . Serious disorders have broken out at Cheliabinsk on the Siberian Kailway. Troops have been tent there from Ekaterinburg.
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  • 24 4 close reasoning They were pi ■>:• lin various newspapers and wure widely circulated. Under these circumstances Mr. Huttenbach's appointment will generally be hailed with approval.
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  • 52 4 The Army Estimates show the total strength of the garrison of the Straits Settlements to be 2,111 of all mnka. The outlay on the force during the year ending on the :tlst March l'M<i is set at £189,123 The military contribution by the local government to the army fund is
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  • 21 4 Share quotation, general (hipping news, and passenger hsU, besides shipping, and icsuranoe advertisement* will be found on page 9 and 10.
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  • 13 4 Advertisements of Sales, Wanted, To Let etc., will be found on Pag* S.
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  • 11 4 The Thyra arrived yesterday from Moji with a cargo of coal.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 369 4 LATEST ADVERTISEJVIENT^ Permanent and Artistic VA/licnn O n ENLARGEMENTS IoL I& CO Portraits and Groups I of the highest excellence. Mil. OM.N lIRST-CLASS PHOTOORAPHIC STUDIO IN SINOAPORE. The leading ami LanWt I-Malili>liment— l'p-to Dale and Pro»resiive. AirillS tv WASSIAMULL ASSOMULL CO., Indian Store, No. 1,2, 3, 4, High Street. Just
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    • 533 4 GOVERNMENT OF SELANGOR. Tenders will be re;e vod at the ofTl.-e of the Seoretiry to Kasident. Kuiln Lumpur, up to noon of tbe I it'j M iy, IMi, f:r the schedule priefs of work to be ilon? ia connection with instilling Electric I.tgbt in Oavernmdnt (^Jirters. A\l particular.* may Im
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    • 303 4 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. DX. (iALLOWAV. Apl TO BE LET. No 2 Wilkie Road, with «tablimj and tennis court. Apply to Mrs. McOa'l "Sharon," River Valley Road. Immediate ent-y. Apl 29 28-5 KELLY WALSH, LIMITED. During my absence from Singapore. Mr. W. J. Mayson will act as Manager of th s banch
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  • •Reuters Eclcorams.
    • 154 5 Lot.don, Ntt April, The determined and deliberate policy of Germany in Morocco is regarded at Paris as a factor in European politics which is beeoning increasingly grave. It is looked upon as warranting France in watchfulness on her eastern frontier. Admiral Uojdestvensky rinally left Kainrauh Baf on the evening
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  • 136 5 Reuters Ertra Service. Several officen will aooonpaiiy Mr. Lowther, the British Minister to Morocco, who proceeds to Fez in about three weeks' time The German Mission to Fez leaves Tangier on ths 2i.J proximo. Count Okuini, ■ddrmina, the Committee at Tokyo, warned the people to prepare for a further prolongation
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  • 249 5 . It is suggested that now, as the Pacific Squadron bai been »1 lisned, stricken crews of ships on the China Station should be tent to recuperate at Beqnimalt. Indeed, it waj th<' exeeileoei 'A the climate ot British Columbia and the oooveniance of Beqaimali to the China Station
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  • 16 5 Thk British iteamet Piffrin arrived this morning I'rora Rangoon with a cargo of rice for Kobe
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  • 16 5 Thk Italia Militaree Manna announces that thu Italian cruiser I'ugiia has been ordered home from China.
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  • 17 5 v Mahantink restrictions here against the ji rt of Shanghai on account of smallpox have been withdrawn.
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  • 17 5 Tb> Bangkok authorities have withdrawn the restriction* there against the port of Singapore, on account of plapue.
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  • 16 5 QrjAßAanm restrictions against the port of Mauritius on account of bubonic plague have been withdrawn here.
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  • 23 5 W'kk Bin A Co. are now taking cargoes for Mauritius. The Xam Yong left yesterday afternoon with a general cargo for that inland.
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  • 21 5 Mr. H. M. Bi'TTEHHiELO, of Messrs. Tonilinsoo and Lermit, has been elected an Associate Member of the Institute oi Civil Engineers.
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  • 1177 5 The heavy rain of jtsterday left the course in a very soddened condition, but did not in any way interfere with this iiiurnii. 'i work. Juindo was the first to make an appearance. He put in a good strong 1 j mile gallop, moving well. Sir. B. and
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  • 121 5 The following are the odds for the Singapore Derby and the Maiden Plate, at the coming Singapore Rnce Meeting, as quoted at noon to-day by Mr. C Robinson: Singapore Derby. sto 1 Devilment taken 4/1 offered sto 1 Cadenas and offered 10 to 1 Cornwell 8/1 10 to
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  • 403 5 The output of the tin mines of Banka which are worked by Government fell .35,000 piculs short in 1904— a lorn of three millions of guilders to the Treasury. Mining, this year, started there aita seven thousand miners short. The number at work ought to be fifteen thcusaud.
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  • 33 5 Captain Klado, who figured so prominently in the North Sea inquiry, has written a book on the Russian Navy and the present war. An English translation is announced by Messrs. Hurst and Blackett.
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  • 98 5 Mk. John Gardner, of Jelebu, arrived here on Thursday en route for bis first holiday at home in nearly thirteen years. Before leaving Jelebu, Mr. Gardner, was made the recipient of a very charming testimonial from the Chinese of all the different clans in the district. It took the form
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  • 145 5 Admiral Negobatoff's Squadron not yet sighted here. Up to 2 o'clock this afternoon, Admiral Negobatofl's Squadron, which was reported as having been sighted 60 miles south of Penang at 8-30 o'clock on Thursday night, had not been sighted locally. The point where the Catharine Apcar passed the
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  • 110 5 The fifth ordinary general meeting of the above company was held to-day at the offices of the General Agents, Messrs H'lttenbach Bros, and Co. Mr. C. B. Buckley presided, and there were also present Messrs D. S. Carmichael, W. Ewald, (directors), Blacker, Vogler, Lean,
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  • 135 5 About three o'clock on Monday afternoon, a woodcutter in the jungle near Ampane (Selangor) was suddenly seized by a tiger. The unfortunate man's head, say the Malay Mmit, was crushed between the tiger's jaws, the most frightful injuries bein£ inflicted, the whole face, from the jaws
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  • 92 5 The Shell Transport and Trading Company report that statistical tables received from the oil fields in Borneo for the first 13 weeks of the year show the following results Production of crude oil in 1905, 06,070 tons, against 53,290 tons in 1904 The output of the refinery was
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  • 118 5 Calcutta, 6th April The scheme for the improvement of Calcutta will be published shortly. It will be a very costly one, but ■Capital" understands that the necc-vuy funds will 1* raised by a small export duty on jute, the net result being that the Improvement Scheme would,
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  • 54 5 The band of the 95th Russell's Infantry will play in the Botanical Gardens at "> p.m. on Tuesday, weather permitting: Programme. March Anstria Nowotny Overture I'nder the Kriti-h Colours Kline Selection The Gay Parisienne Ivan Caryll Val-e Die Hose von Schiras EilenUerg Selection La Toupee And
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  • 100 5 List of Visitors and Residents. Dr. Deidrich, E. Weiss,, N. 0. Crighton, U. E. Higginthorn, Mr. ami Mrs. Mamigott, H. Lumnerman, F. F. Botilt, Mr. and Mrs. Marsh, M. E. Weiss, W. Holmes, 11. P. King, C. H. Coulson, J. Dodds, Baron Lnrowon^»ee, A. Beat ley, Gray,
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  • 113 5 . The appointment of the Hon. John Anderson as unofficial M. L. C. is confirmed. Captain J. Grover, r.m l.i has been appointed Honorary A D.C. to the Governor. Mr. R. Kiliani ia recognised as Consul-General for Germany in the S 8. and as in charge of the Consulates
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  • 106 5 Mr. August Huttemiach has been gHzetted to be, provisionally and subject to the approval of His Majesty the King, an Unofficial Member of the Legislative Council of the Straits Settlements during the absence from the Colony of Mr. John Turner Dr. D. J. Galloway has resigned his
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  • 23 5 Two hundred and sixty-four deaths were registered at Singapore during the week ending on the I'L'nd instant. The ratio per thousand was 54.41.
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  • 35 5 Mgr. Jarlin will succeed the late Mgr. Favier as Bishop at Peking. The new bishop was coadjutor to Mgr. Favier, and was also through the siege of the Peking Legations. He was born in 1855.
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  • 54 5 The monthly missionary meeting will be held in Prinsep Street Church on Monday next at 8 p. m. and will be addressed 'oy the Rev. S. 8. Walker and others. Miss Anderson (of the M. Mission) will sing a solo. A tablet in memory of the late Mr. C. Phillips
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  • 51 5 A call of fire was received at the Hill Street Fire Station at 12 o'clock last night, a fire Laving started in a butcher's shop at No. 513 New Bridge Road. When the Fire Brigade arrived the fire was practically extinguished. The fire was caused through a defective fine. Damage
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 360 5 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS, Raffles Hotel. SPECIAL DINNER TO-NIGHT. BAND IN ATTENDANCE. WE MANUFACTURE, IN SOLID TEAK UPRIGHT IRON GRANDS. $100 cash And 17 monthly payments of $25 each. Prompt cash $475. Absolutely guaranteed for this climate. THE ROBINSON PIANO Co., Ltd. 33, RAFFLES PLACE. April 17 ADELPHI HOTEL. :o: The Trio
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  • 1102 6 . How they are made. The following account of how wire guns are made will be read with interest followiiiK on the releittjcea in lUutet's laU(iau>i ymu rday tv d. fceis in such guns is- us. d in the 'Ji.tirh Navy Wiiv guns are now made of almost all
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 595 6 CHINESE BILL COLLECTOR. Wanted an energetic Bill Collector. Security of $6,000 required. Apply to C. B. C. c/o Straits Times. Apl 19 n.c. WANTED. An European assistant to look after the management of a store. Apply personally to Y. S. H No 13, Collyer Quay. Apl 37 29-4 CASHIER. Wanted
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    • 631 6 NOTICES. ROOMS TO BE LET, with board at "Braeside," 118 Bukit Timah Road (near Newton Station). Apply 8. E. S. c/o Straits Times. Apl 6 n.c. TO BE LET, small first floor offices facing Cavenagh Bridge Road and Flint Street. Apply to Guthrie A Co., Ltd., Agents. n.c. TOO BE
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    • 795 6 NOTICES. W Agents for LEA PEBBli" WOBCESTEBSHIRE SAUCE ZZnT Hj BHE jmamK/R-j^ KM U ■IB l^sß SPECIAL WARRANT MRmfflff^ nn iM l r 0 B^BsV IHI 19 PURVEYORS TO WHpQi THE KING. A I W/m Celebrated Oilman's Stores WUm I Singapore Sporting Club Programme for the Spring Race Meeting, 1905.
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    • 632 6 7. THE GRIFFIN CONSOLATION.— Value $303 and $60 to the Second Horse provided there are five starters, the property of different owners. A Handicap for all Griffins that have started at this Meeting, and not won. Distance, K. C. 8. THE ROCHORE PLATE— VaIue $800. Second horse to receive the
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    • 659 6 AUCTION SALES. ESTATE OF A. LANDAU— JOHORE. AUCTION SALE OK STEAM BOILERS, PUMPS, IKON TANKS Ac. To be held at Powell Co.'s Saleroom. Tue.<ilay, 2nd May, 1905, at > .'JO p.m. The following articles formerly used in Mr Landau's pineapple and citronella business and now lying in the premises known
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  • 389 7 . The Best of Exercises. With tin- advml of tin- ram weather, -ays Hongkong paper, jonng Hongkong will take to the i like tack. The following may therefor* [atonal all wli,> Bractae* the aatatarial art: A series of npariakmca, ■mmM by Dr. H. Hawk, li—nintialui' of phy*iological chemistry at the
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  • 216 7 IS RUSSIA SOLVENT This is the title of two articles in "The Times" by Mr. Lucien Wolf. He states that in Russia land is everywhere falling in value, the landowners are getting to the end of their resources, arrears of peasant taxation are accumulating, and even the physique of the
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  • 224 7 Extraordinary Appeal The Criminal CliamUr d tli<- BdpreiM Court at Park lit: tvcciwd an appeal, lodged on behalf ol a eoavict, against the decision an MMM OWUri wliuli tailed to inflict ;hc death penalty 'I ha < tranrdmary appeal is explained in this way. (.'niirictniied to
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 493 7 BANKS Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China INCORPORATED BY ROYAL CHARTER. Capital XBOO.OOC Re«erve Liability of Proprietors £800,000 Reserve Fund £800,000 BANKERS. Bank of England. National Bank of Scotland. The London City Mindland Bank, Ltd. SINGAPORE BRANCH. Current Accounts are opened and interest allowed at 1 per cent, per
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    • 599 7 NOTICES. BAD COMPLEXIONS Dry Thin and Falling Hair and Red Rough Hands Prevented by CUTICURA SOAP MILLIONS nse Ccticura Soap, assisted by CcncrßA Onmtrar, for preserving, purifying, and beautifying the skin, for cleansing the scalp of crusts, scales, and dandruff, and the stopping of falling hair, for softening, whitening, and
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    • 569 7 BANKS. Hongkong 6" Shanghai Banking Corporation. PAID-UP CAPITAL $10,000,000 UEBERVE FUND:— Sterling Reserve $10,000,C00\ .mnnniwi Bilver Reserve 8,000,000/ 18 000 000 Reserve Liability of Proprietors 910,000,000 COURT OP DIRECTORS. H. E. Tomkins, E»q., Chairman. H. W. Slade, Eaq Depnty Chairman. E. Goetx, Esq. H. Schabart, Esq. Hon. W. J. Uresson
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    • 697 7 AUCTION SALES. MORTGAGEES' SALE BY AUCTION OF A VALUABLE PLANTATION ON HOLLAND ROAD. At Messrs. H. L. Co^hlan A Co.'s Mart On Monday, Ist May, at 230 p.m. FBUIT TREES A COCO-NUT TREES Area 16 acres, 1 rood, 30 poles. Held under Government Grant and Lea-e for 999 >ears Full
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    • 64 7 VESSELS ADVI BTIHED TO 8 ML. Ampt-rcUra via ports. K li gmti-t (from Ba'avia) on 29th A i ri 1, Daeodeln. Port nwetteoham, Avagyrt, every 1 unlay. Koe Goan. Teluk Arson via ports Sapi hi, < n MonHiys, Stlanpor on WcdiiP»day», and ffy* Ism.g on Fruiavi- S S >". (^o.
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  • 104 8 Ihe Singapore Electric Tramways l)een registered at London apitalof.£4oo,Cooin £1 shares Ire the business of the Singapore jrt, Limited (incorporated in 19'! to adopt an agreement with the Eut India Construction Syndicate, Limited to construct or actiuire, equip (either by electrical, steam, horse, or wer) tramways, railways, and
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  • 230 8 CHURCH SERVICES. Sunday, 30th May. T..W. OF THK 8000 SIIKP 1KKI), i;i BAMA EtOAO. 6-15 a.m. Low Mas* j 8a Hull Mum. 5 p.m. Ve«pe;-i. Prrn and St. Paul, Watkrloo (> l.'i n.iu. M,i-- ami Sermon S a.m. ila-- md Sciinoii 3 p.m. Benediction. mi Lady o» Lovuml ophik Road.—
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  • 52 8 FINANCE COMMERCE 29M April, 1905. K> day's 4/ui bank rate is 1/1 1H Straits Tradings have risen to $42.75 buyers, and $4;t sellers. The total amount of tin ore in hand at the Royal Jobore Tin Mining Company's mines, received from the tributors during the month of April was 100
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  • 160 8 Sanderson and Co.'s Report. Coffee. Spot. Wo have to report I generally improved demand from both exporters and dealers, while a large proportion of the public auctions has beeu sold at a further advance of fully 1- per cwt East India has again been well counted for, especially
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  • 166 8 The Malay Rubber Planters. Limited, has Ijeen registered at London with a capital of £35,0UU in j£l shares (6,000 deferred). It is intruded to cultivate rubber, cocoanuts. and other produce in the Federated MaLay Stales, to adopt an agreement with J. H. Bastow. to acquire any lands. hereditaments,
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  • 94 8 . Gsmbier f 8.724 do (Cube N>. 1) unpicked 12.124 Copra Bali 8.30 do Pontianak 7.80 Pepper, Black buyers 26.2'J «1 White, 5" 3T.75 Saijo Flonr Sarawak 3.20 •lo Brunei No. 1 1.30 Pearl Sajco 4.40 Coffee Rali, 15i basis 24 00 C<>tV»e,Paleiiibanu, 20% basis 25.00 Coffee, Liberian No. 1
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  • 138 8 . Or. Lot don— Bank 4 in n 1/11 Demand 1/11 j Private 6 m/i Ill" do 3in h 1/11 On Germany— Bank d/d 2.021 Private 3 m/s 2.05J do 6 mf* 2.074 On France— Bank d.d 2.46J Private 3 m a 2.62J do 6 m/ 8 2.64} On India—
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  • 255 8 TRADINQ VESSELS, &c. Arrivals since Noon of Yesterday Bentong, Brit. str. 240 tons, Cspt Quine, 29th Apl. From P. Swettenbam, 27th ApL Q.c, and 1 1 2 d.p. Straits Steamship Coy. Ltd. For P. Swettenbam, 2nd May— Rds. Cheang Hook Kian, Dut. str. 1,020 tons, Capt QiesAhe, 29th Apl.
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  • 64 8 VESSIL'S FLAG 4 DE8TIM- t\.__ Name. Rio. atiow. tb Glen/arg Brit str. Hongkong 27th Sam Yong etr. Mauritius 27th Singapore str. Bangkok 28th Pitianulok Bw «tr. Bangkok 18th Catlor Nor str. Soarabaya 28th Hirundo str. Tsuruga 26th Van Ri'nudttyk Dut Etr. Batavia 29th Ft* S«np Brit str. Penang 2»th
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  • 73 8 Fat Per gteamtr Time. Monday. Europe via ports P. E. Friedriek 8 a.m. Saigon Oironde 11 a.m. Maar and Malacca Hong Wan I p.m. Malacca and Linggi Khrng Seng 'J pm. P. Sham AT. Anson Sappho 3 p.m. C'bon and Samarang (Jiang Bet 3 p.m Tdibday. Sarawak R.
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  • 130 8 . From Europe—By the N.D.I, a.s. Bayern due on 6th May. From China—By the N. D. L. s.s. P. E. Frifdrich due on Ist May. Left Singapore Doe in London Arrived Mar 1 tb P. O. Apl 9th Apl 8th Mar21et N.I) I.. Apl 16th Apl 15th Mar
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  • 81 8 VESSELS AT TANJONG PAGAR. Wharves at Which Different Ships are Berthed To-day. East Wharf— Nil. Victoria Graving Dock— Zn-eena. Albert Graving Dock— Ko< lms.-en. Suction Xo. 1 Indian Monarch, Zamania, Carlyle 8 /aiiia, Isia de l'anay. i, 1, 3 Tjipanan. Nil. h ii 6 Mii.ilya 6 Nil. Borneo Wharf 7
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 264 8 K. A. J. CHOTIRMALL Co., JEWELLERS SILK MERCHANTS, No. 51, 52 High Street. Have just received a large assortment of Japanese, Chinese, and Indian silks of all kinds and colours. Indhn and Persian carpets of all sizes, rugs and handsome ivory goods. Also many pretty articles of si v e
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    • 18 8 Has your Capital Shrunk in 1904? READ OUR DEPOBIT SYSTEM. I'MPMN, THOMAS GO,, Fhe Australian Stores. .(iK-J, 3-7-05
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    • 74 8 GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. Tenders will be received at the Colonial Secretary's Office up to noon of Friday the sth May 19Cfi. for the remoTal of the refuse rice from the Singapore Prisons for a period of 7J months fio\n the" 17th prox The Government does not bind itself to accept the
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    • 544 8 Remarkable TEA SET f FOR $1.95 ONLY. Very Handsome Tea Service A^U l////%^ t\ I 0 4 €%C exact to sketch, made of Best <V\\SP^^Sl Ullly $liif«J pure white fluted ware consisting S^j THE of (i cups and saucers, plates, ffflff^^j^^^^^^^^-^-^^ ldopbo.l, Icrean, ju(? and W^ COlTlplete Set. 1 cake
      544 words
    • 279 8 John Little Co., Ltd. OUR r. i' .1 r^-— .«.—*—«.>«—. 4 has been considerably enlarged ai^d Ladies uepartment udi« vui find \> mv stocked with the imnM and most goods. THE Millinery Department vm^*** uwSn 0 ai" newest and choicest Parisian ami London ready trimmed Hats. Toques and Boiif-ets
      279 words
    • 142 8 Mft In Bis Britannic Majesty's Court for Siam. CIVIL JURISDICTION (PROBATE). In the Mattek r f the Goods of John Bi- sh, Deieaskj' By virtue of nn order dated this l»th day cf April instint all and all manner ot peinqns are mom-heJ and cited to appear in tAiU Court
      142 words
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 142 8 DAY BY DAY. .Saturday, 29th April. Wawr. 7-H i N.-u y v. sec. Orl kel B.G.A. >. V.M.r. I il Dinnei. ian Club Smoker. I I 0.6. T. s Ya, Chow Tkoog Opart. 0. Sunday. 30th April. ii (Vater. 7-H a.m. 3:ii> m. nday. >. iiuming Club Ltaoefa. 7, Hl5,
      142 words
    • 27 8 WEATHER TELEQBAM. (5. E. A. C. Telegraph Company.) 2«TH Al'RIL BONGROXG.— 10 am. Barometer 29.H9 Direction o( Wind south Force of Wind 1. Mas.Temp in Shade 80.
      27 words

    • 1204 9 Under thU heading the following abbreviates f> reused: —«tr. —uteamcr; ah. —(hip; bq. Sarquc sell. —schooner Yet. —Yacht: Cm. Crouer; Gbt.—Gunboat; Tor.—Torpedo; H.p. Hone-power Brit—British U. B.— United Suitor Fch. —French; Ger. —German; Dot. Dutch; Go. —General-cargo; d.i>. —deck paslonger; U. —Uncertain T. P. W.—Tanjong P*Rar Wharf;
      1,204 words
    • 520 9 Name, port, probable date of arrival, and name of agent*. BTKAMERB. Armand Behic. Saigon, May M. M. Aberlour, Hamburg, May >H B. Meyer. Agamemnon, China, May 7 Mansfield. Ad nam, Saignn, May 23 M. Maritime*. As bridge, Calcutta, May 7 Bonsteiid. Atholl, New York, May 26; A. Silftllan
      520 words
    • 236 9 Number of Share* Issue Paid Value np to Company Ba jen S*llm TransM' tions SOLD. 13,600 6,500 unissued. 4.J00 10,000 10,000 s,ao7 10,600 36.7U0 110,000 60,000 160,000 20,000 1,000 uninacd. II 10 10 10 10 a 1 1 t 1 v 1 I 1 i 1 100 $7.60 B«rsawah
      236 words
    • 133 9 400,000 50,000 uomuiil. 2,000 4,600 SO.OOO U,Oo>) Ilk 6,000 36,000 800 2,000 6,000 785 uuuauad. 300,01 NJ 50.000 unißauitd. 37,'1K) 1 1 t 1 Dull Development Co., Ltd. IO.OUj 10.00 100 60 126 100 10 100 IOU 10 60 100 100 I 100 t 60 12S 100 S lo
      133 words
    • 49 9 Howarth Erskine, Ltd. 7% Riley, HargTeava, Ltd. 8% Singapore Municipal 6% Ttnjonp P»B«r Dook P-> I,M. 6Y !7 Z! I 260,000 SY prem. 2516,000 2% pram bayan. 400,000 2% prem Layer*. 1,878,000 1% prem Imyert. 666,600 >l% dv. n«m. 260,000 1% prem l.nyem. l,W».«n" pram 1.,i v .r..
      49 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 335 9 NOTICES. fy,^^Tl3^^ These tiny B^^^f^^J^^ Capsules [BV.B superior ■JTaYS^k^r t0 Co P aitsa J^Mm*MW Cubebs, and cure the same diseases as these drugs in forty-eight hours without inconvenience. Each Ctpwile bean tbt nut MAIDY) torri"i"nrnnof FOR OISEASEB OF THE CHEBT. SRIMAULTS SYRUI Of Hypo Phosphite of Lime. Prescribed In Fraoc«
      335 words
      345 words
    • 140 9 CHAMPAGNE "LOUIS ROEDERER." Extra Dry and Carte Blanche The old, well-known brand BRINKMANN 6" CO. Importer*. BSTaOL AT Mhit CHENG k Co. HIGH BTRMT. "Of good things always havt Mm tat." Absolutely the Best, in -i direct, and therefore the cheapest ur. for all kinds aj SPORTING GUNS. ilir.T-li.irf 11-l
      140 words

  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 697 10 BUCHANANS BLACK WHITE The favourite at home and abroad 12 YEARS OLD. rrEAiYISHIP COMPANIES. P. O. STEAM NAVIGATION CO. For China, Japan, Penang, Ceylon, Australia, India. Aden, Egypt, Mediterranean Prrts, Plymouth and London. Through Bills of Ladirjg itsuod for China Coast, Persian Gnlf, Continental, and American Ports. Steamers will leave
      697 words
    • 717 10 STEAMSHIP COM PANIES. koninklljke Paketvaart MaatschapplJ. Under contract with the Netherlands Indin Governr. ant. Agents at Singapore Ship Agency, late J liakndklb A Co., M Collybr Qdat. 'I ha undermentiopnrl lintp^ rtc only approxir.iate. .-l rtnier rrotn '.xi>\v>. rt ill 0e Dnspatcn: io^ De Ei rent -ioerabaya Upl 26 Bawuan.
      717 words
    • 500 10 HAMBURG AMERIKA LINIE. HAMBURa. The stqamers of this Company maintain a regnlar service between Hamburg, Bremen, Antwerp, and Rotterdam, and the Straits, China, and Japan. Home wards, they are despatched fortnightly for Havre and Hamburg and once a momb for Bremerhaven direct, calling at Peaan; and Colombo. The arrivals of
      500 words
    • 639 10 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. N.D.L NORDDEUTSCHER LLOYD. Imperial (lerman Mail Line. The fast and well known mail steamers of this Company -nil fortnightly from Bremen-Hamburg via Rotterdam. Antwerp, Southampton, Gibraltar, Genoa, Naplas, Marseilles, Naples, Alex in lria, and vice versa) Port Said, Sue*, Aden, Colombo, Penang, Singapore, Hongkong, Shanghai, Nagasaki, and Kobe
      639 words
    • 803 10 STEAMSHIP COMPANIRS 10EAN STEAM SHIP 0«., Lti, AND Chin?, Mutual Steam Nay. Co.. LUJ. The Companies' steamers arc debater.. I torn Liverpool outwards for tin- Strain, Clil;ui md Japan every week, and from Japan bun c yards far London every fortnight and In Liverpool monthly. Ouo outward ttearnri Mch month
      803 words
    • 520 10 INSURANCE COMPANIES. ROYAL INSURANCE CO. FIRE UFli. TOTAL l.VVKSTED FUNDS EXCEBfc X 1 2,000,000. THJ labi;>:st ruiE office in the wouli BOUSTEAD A Co., Agents THE LONDON AND LANCJJBHIRI KIKE INSURANCE COMPANY Capital £2,127,500 Paid up CapiUl. 212,750 Reserve Fund. 1,073,550 The undersigned, Agents for the Com pany, are prepated
      520 words