The Straits Times, 9 March 1905

Total Pages: 10
1 10 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times NO ai.6Bi SINGAPORE. IHURSDAY. MARCH f; 9J5 PRICE 15 OEIfl
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 305 1 NOTICES. LUITRE MILK. (0) Fears no competition, it has been declared "the Best procurable" by all the leading doctors. Try it and you will want no other. To be had from all Dispensaries and Groceries or from the SOLE AGENTS: C- Dupire Co., KATZ BROTHERS LIMITED. BY TEST THE BEST
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    • 393 1 MiTICKS ROBINSON CO. THE SALTER STANDARD TYPEWRITER MADE IN ENOLAND. VISIBLE "^ZEbITIIfcTQ--Thu Keliable ENGLISH MACHINE In- >*een produced to meet the general and Immnlm demand for a Typewriter of Britiih make at a moderate price. It will do all and everything any foreign manufacturer claims his niarhine will do The
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    • 104 1 @inematograp6 AT Foot of Font Canning (Needs No Advertisement). NEW FILMS NEW FILMS Surrender of Port Arthur. Riots in St Petersburg To-morrow evening special performance for girls only. 7-8. lieki-l- Ht I he (|.»oi NMIIWMI i &JP^Hfl I Waterproof gjftaa..4i %JS^^ Vetminprcol I Fire-resisting, Odcurless, Light, Cool, Durable, Indestructible, easy
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  • 887 2 Further Police Court Proceeding*. Ykterday, A. Mitchell was again belore the Bench Court in connection with his appeal against the sentence of the Bench Court in the notorious Goodenough case. It will be remembered that when the appeal was heard, the marriage certificate put in in the
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 419 2 NOTICES "TIMES" Mining Candles ZBurn UG3 Minutes! They keep hard and burn brilliantly in the hottest underground working. Price is slightly more than for the best Ordinary Mining (Bandies but the Saving works out at 8 per cent after reckoning their Extra Cost! IMPORTERS BORNEO Co., Ltd. Tb JAPAN COALS.
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    • 1056 2 NOTICES. Two Genuine Articles. 9 Vanguard Whisky TRAVERS'TAWNY O fIH is pleasing example of the de- bVb\ I licately flavored mature spirit flfl IB to grateful to the palate of the rUI I |ij J/^^^ connoinenr. Its absolute SSsssW. at UJ^^ purity places it in the first line jH^9^bbbbV i^|
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    • 21 2 Very palatable, even children enjoy to take it, but it is Stearnt' Wine, not the others. Far better than any emulsion.
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  • 402 3 The Power Behind the Throne. The Grand Duke Vladimir, unscrupulous and headstrong, is the exact antithesis of the Czar. He looks upon the Czar as the stumbling-block of the Russian Empire, and upon the people as mere canaille. He would have no more mild measures for Russia, no
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  • 173 3 Extra Police to be Provided. In Kinta there was a surprisingly quiet Chinese New Year, but it was only the calm before the storm. Crime has broken out in Kinta again, says the Time* and with re-doubled violence. The chapter of crimes was enough to raise the
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  • 133 3 The .I-m.«/./'i«/i says:— We understand that the question of the iw .if ciiinpanies without prospectus, and which ha\e been registered U tin Channel Islands, the colonies, and elsevli. !<• .ibroad, whereby the provisions of ill.- Companus Act of 190U are evaded. to4hl i.'ix>at danger of the iavMtUg public
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  • 127 3 An int«resting story is told in T. I.* II "khi, of an omitted comma which cost the United States Government a matter of 400,000/. sterling. About 30 years ago the United States Congress, in drafting the Tariff Bill, enumerated in one section the articles to be admitted
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 36 3 Abundant Evidence can be produoed liiat Chnmborlain's Pain Balm will posiii\flv relieve rheu^uatic pains as well M baiag unexcelled for cuts, bruises anc 1 riur^s. For Sille by all dealers. THE DISPENSARY, th.f.s. 31,3 General AgcuU.
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    • 260 3 NOTICES. HERCULES^CEMENT. No.. l« Mk. STIVEN CO., Shu,apore. Jsevy Jiermanos 3 BATTERY ROAD PARIS JEWELLERS Keep a stock of Jewellery, Silverware and Fancy good 8 Defying all competition in the Far East. o Repairs, setting of gems. Engraving, or any kind of Jewellery work neatly executed in our up-to-due Singapore
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    • 217 3 PKACTICAL. ROCRESSIVE -m. RINTING AND WHMme IT IS DONE. THE STRAITS TIMES PRINTING WORKS CECIL AND STANLEY STEETS. SINGAPORE. EVERYTHING NEW EVERYTHING NEW. We respectfully solicit your Our plant is all UP-TO-DATE, orders, and guarantee to give you enabling us to give quick returns at satisfaction. lowest RAPID DESPATCH. MINIMUM
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  • 804 4 The Straits Times. PRICE 15 CENTS. THURSDAY, 9th MARCH. Darn le-« than a hundred years ago, ai.i'-r the Knglish law, the punivhrner t for MOaUrMtiag was diath. Under the m?j .rity oftlie Coi.tintntal 1 isvt, m they exir-t to-d'iy, the (■•iiiihliment f.»r that effence is p.-nal ?ei vii v
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  • 535 4 Sin John Andkhvp.n. accjmpuaied hy Mr .1 A. William', Resident Enginter, Singapore Railway, made un inspection of the new Riilwiy extension yesterday morning. The site for the tei minus at I'.i-ir Par jing is now all filled in, and the cylinders tor the bridge across the river, noir the Brickworks,
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  • 269 4 What we said, the other day, about I the war loan now being negotiated by the Russian Government being probably the last one to be raised, is borne out by to-day's telegrams Russia has sought to raise the money at Paris, where she hai readily been borrowing for many years
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  • 171 4 The output of tin in Binka in now likely to fill off, owins; to the short supply of miring labour there at the date of last a'lvicet. At present the tin won on the island is. smelted on the spot. It is urged that, by sending the tin to Siugapore
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  • 107 4 Thebe is (says the Allahalmd Pioneer) a marked improvement in the returns of tin-mining in Southern Burma, although the industry is still of but small dimensions. Tin and riches, however, are closely associated terms, and it is an article of popular belief that to have the one, the possession of
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  • 103 4 The agenda for the Municipal Meeting to-morrow include a proposal for the supply of water for the town of Singapore by means of arteßian wells. A B'-ln me of this description is well worth the serious attention and consideration of the Municipal Commissioners and ratepayers, as it is evident that,
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  • 17 4 It ia reported from St. Petersburg that General Kuropatkin is appnrtntlj sull'aring from weakness of the mind
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  • Special German Service.
  • 219 4 We are indebted to Mr Tanaka, the Japanese Consul at Singapore, for the following official telegrams from the Foreign office at Tokyo. RUSSIANS RETREAT. Japanese Hotly Pursuing Them. Marshal Oyama's Official Reports. lieceived 10 20 a. m. Wednesday. In the direction of Hingking on the 6th inst
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  • 57 4 and is irresolute when important decisions have to he |if— in lh« lield. In conscqutnee, the Grand Duk» Nicholas Nicol uvi:ch will, it is believed, journey to the front to investigate. At the present juncture, especially in view of Marshal Oyarua's latest, despitch, this sounds like changing one's h u
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  • 52 4 A telegram from Washington dated l.Vli Feb., states that the German Ambassador has informed Prtsitlent Roosevelt that Germany is now ready to strictly carry cut the principle of the open door in China and the reservation of China's integrity, quite discarding the view of any sphere of influence in the
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  • 21 4 Share quotations, general shipping news, and passenger lists, besides shipping, and insurance advertisements will be found on page 9 and 10.
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  • 13 4 Advertisements of Sales, Wanted, To Let etc., will be found on Page 6.
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  • 9 4 H. M. B. Mutine left homeward bound yesterday afternoon.
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  • 12 4 The Dutch gunboat A T ta« left for Tebing Tinggi this morning.
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  • 26 4 The M. M. s 3. Tonkin left Colombo at 0 p.m. on the 6th March and may be expected here on Monday at about 7 am.
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  • 33 4 We understand that one of the Russian refugees died on board the s. s. Arcadia in the roads this morning. The Arcadia is bound for Russia. There are nearly MOO refugees on board.
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  • 34 4 Mk. J'has DlM.i'f, who rr«i'!ps at RillleB Hoti-I, hac been robbed (if *»iH) worth of jewellery. -A Ihliiu 'boy," \\ln> n i-ently left his service, U rasp) < ted of being concerned in the ad
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 801 4 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. Caldbeck Macgregor Co. ESTABLISHED 1864) Wine Spirit Merchants. (London, Glasgow, Hongkong, Shanghai) SINGAPORE. PRICE LIST OUST A.I=I=LIOA.TIOIsf. Aplie tu.ths. 31-3 WASSIAMULL ASSOMULL CO., Indian Store, No. 1, 2, 3, 4, High Street. New Stock of Silk Curios and Silver and Gold Jewellery. TtUphont No. Hi. I, -1.,, Solicited
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    • 330 4 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. 951 h RUSSELL'S INFANTRY Itn'erH ari> invited for th« miking up of rtim Mriii of khaki iniform, (or the al>\e n'jin.'Mit, cl< ih coitun and tut'ons to c ftippliel by tbe Keitimenk The lone t t» 11 lit will not necessarily b-i a:ceptcJ. Tender < ttbe addressed to
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  • Reuter's Telegrams.
    • 47 5 Japanese Assaults Repulsed. Loin!"!*, *ilh\Murch. General Kuropatkin telegraphs on the 6lh March as follows: Our troops to the west of Mukden continue to take the offensive. We repulsed ten attacks^by the Japanesu yesterday. The Japanese assaults on the centre and extrmm- left were also repulsed.
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    • 62 5 -m RUSSIAN BURW STORES AND FLY IN THE DARKNESS. —-T* The Fall of Mukden. Reu'ers correspondent with General Kuroki says that ths Ru9*ians,profiting by darkness, have evacuated all their positi"iiß along the Shaho. The Rmsuni are now in full retreat after burning huge quantities of supplies. Thi
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    • 55 5 Lomlon, 9th March. According to the Time*, certain French tiumciers have intimated to Russia that the proposed new Russian loan must not exceed X22 000,000 instead of X32:000,000. Th«se thunders have furthermore intimate! to Russia that this will be the last loan that can be raised
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    • 20 5 Two thousand Japanese deadjvere counted at K*otuling. iT^SB From thare, the enemyl have withdrawn to the south."
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  • 232 5 THE GREAT BATTLE. Stubborn Fighting. Tremendous Losses. liwttn. nth Marat. Marshal Oyami reports that a division of the enemy, with seventy guns, Ins t»een repulsed at Taishechiao, eight miles north west of Mukden Fighting \i proceeding favourably fifteen miles south-east of Mukden and the same distance south
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  • 93 5 Reutcr'ti correspondent with General Oku reports that owing to the flatnecs of th country the battle in the western distric's was entirely conducted by fiel'J telephone. In the later stages of the fighting the Russians were demoralised by the irresistible rushes of the Japanese troops. It is believed that
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  • 580 5 A Case of Armed Burglary. At he Aspizes yesterday afternoon before Sir. Lionel Cox, Chief Justice, and a jury, Lee Ah Sye was charged with having broken into a bouse at 81 Lavender Street on the night of Ist February and caused hurt to the occupant, Chu Ah
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  • 137 5 Hkuk Ai.hkht Fkikhknthaj., the cele-bratt-d piansforte player, who pives a recital at the Teutonia Club to-night, arrived from Manila yesterday. He stays here for a few days and then proceeds to Calcutta, en route for home. This evening's recital promises to be a musical Fi .Bt such
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  • 37 5 A resident in Queen Street writes complaining of the large number of rikisbas which he says are left at the sides of the road every night by the coolies to the inconvenience of residents in the neighbourhood.
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  • 42 5 The performance of the Paris Cinematograph at the foot of Fort Canning last nipht was witnessed by very large audience The entertanirnent was specially for children and the youthful audience appeared to 'much enjuy the large collection of pictures presented to them.
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  • 88 5 Messrs. Kiley Hargreaves Co., have just completed a small steamer for the Handel and Scheepvaart Maatschappij of Banrijer. The vessel, which is called the Htkkrs, after Mr. Hilckes, the manager of the Company, has been built for cargo and passenger service on the Borneo coast, and she is a credit
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  • 451 5 By "An old Player." Although the weather was so bad that the opening football Leigue fixture had to bfl abandoned, line weather has since favaond the League Clubs, go that no fewer than five (tames have been played, -~ith two more fixed for today. G. Co of
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  • 128 5 A Www niyhts ago, a successful burglary took place at the new premises of Messrs Whiteaway Laidlaw and Coy. when about $700 worth of cheap Robkopf watches were carried off. The burglar or burglars effected an entrance by removing two panes of glass and a few inclit s
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  • 66 5 This morning, Mr. Raine appeared before Mr. Howard and asked that the summons cases of twenty-three servants of the Singapore Club against Mr. E C. Ellis, the chairman, for the recovery of of arrears of wages varying from $20 to $26 might be postponed as counsel for
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  • 153 5 The New Club Mess is, says the Perah Pioneer, evidently in a mess. Owing to the dismissal of one or more of its servants those that remain are giving trouble. The Hylam Servants Guild ievidently at the root of all the mischief The members of the Club will
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  • 56 5 The Maliy Mail understands, that Towkay Loke Yew is now a large shareholder in the firm of Messrs. Alexander, Hall Co., Ltd., engineers and shipbuilders, Aberdeen.. Tins firm has been reconstructed from an olderorganisation of the same name which has been in existence over a hundred years. Mr. David Robertson
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  • 604 5 New Guinea. Thk failure of the expedition des patched to explore the snowy mountains of New Guinea has set people inquiring into the reason why. There was bungling at the outtet in starting the expedition, before preliminary reconnoitring had ascertained the lie and nature of the land. Close
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  • 49 5 The small Dutch steamer Resident Schijf liihru arrived yesterday evening from iiiiio. The Malay captain reports that at 4. 50 pm. yesterday he picked up a M»lay fisherman off St. John's Inland. His boat capsized while he was going back to Blakan Padang, an island close to Puloh Bukom.
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  • 55 5 On behalf of the patients in the General Hospital during 1904, Dr Leask, Colonial Surgeon Resident, beg* through us to thank the ladies and gentlemen who kindly brought and sent H iiverp, papers and magazines to the Hospital. To those who sent fl >wers, papers, and magazines without giving their
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  • 63 5 The Government of Ceylon now follows the principle that the InspectorGeneral of the Police force in that island must c a Cadet, that is to say, a gentleman who lias entered the Colonial service after passing the usual competitive examination. Hitherto the officers of the police force in Ceylon have
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 72 5 LAND SALE. The following property was disposed of privately at Powell <St Co's saleroom yesterday Freehold laud situate at Tank Road. Singapore, area 7,260 sq. ft., being Lot 150 of Grant No. 2. Together with the twelve dwelling houses erected thereon known as Nos. 26, 27, 28 and 27-1 to
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    • 386 5 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. I j Y^zn. it Ssntes ti Lrs<ing IN A HOTEL, There is Only one to go to. AND THAT IS fl RAFFLES rr J L 1 Our stock of Pianos and Musical Instruments has been Specially selected for this Climate of which we have had 30 years' experience.
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  • 1011 6 The Malay Peninsula Kind. Much uncertainty, says Mr. R. Lydekk«r in the Field, seems to exist with regard to the wild cattle of the Malay Peninsula. It is commonly believed that representatives of two species, the banting {Hot tondairut) and the gaur i Hut (jn u ru»), are
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  • 294 6 With reference to the forthcoming Sia mese loan, the A. <(• C. Bspnm, under stand that the actual negotiations have not yet been inaugurated. The Siamese Minister in Paris, in whose hands the matter has been placed, and with whom Mr. Rivett-Carnac, the Financial Adviser to
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  • 163 6 THE LAST OH THE CZARS There is something terribly tragic .11 :..ry figure of the young man who it now regarded by tin m. re onlightencd of suijjocu a". mM .1. -The la t of th< < 'zar I h 11.. n Ik 11 one rMMBbod thai Ik- ii ii,
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  • 116 6 The Czar has always been a v.ciun < f the fortunetellers. When in England he frequently consulted a famous Bond Street seer. It was from him that he heard that war would be fatal to his personal happiness and reputation hence the famous Peace Rescript. More recently, when
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  • 160 6 Story of the Ea.«try." The Brit..*h ifeaMMr Kn.ti,,. which was in Singapore vat .< i/, l,y 1,, Jap. 111.-*- i II tkt Mil I-fl.. nil the I was released together with the cargo bj the Yokohama l*rim CVurt on t lu- III.: Ftb. According to a Tokyo
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  • 150 6 The lornblc effects of the decoctions permitted to be made and soid by the municipal governing body in Hongkew at Shanghai, has been brought prominently to the notice of the public through an incedent which occurred there on the 17th Feb. It appears that on the night
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 607 6 NOTICES. l!>6e Straits Wimes. AND Jofje Straits S&udget. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. PAYABLE In ADVANCB. Daily issue per year $80 00 do per quarWr 7.6U do per month do per copy Weekly issne per year 1»W do per quarter 4.00 do per copy When sent by post, there ii added for the
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    • 588 6 NOTICES. TO BE LET, small flr»t floor office*, facing Caven>kgh Bridge Bond and Flint Street. Apply to Gntbrie Co, Ltd.. Agents. _s£_ rBE LKT.— No. 17 Armenian Street next to Bt. Andrew* Honae, lately in the occupation of Messrs. Tomlinson and Lermit. Suitable for a boarding house. Apply to WILSON
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    • 907 6 SIMGAPORE SpORTINQ CIOB Programme for the Spring Race Meeting, 1905. May 3Oth, June Ist and 3rd. FIRST DAY. Tuetday, 30th May. 1. THE MAIDEN PLATE.— VaIue $800 A Race for Maiden Horses. Weight Met. Sib. An allowance of 71b. to ex-Griffins imported into Btr»its Settlement* or Federated Malay States. Entrance
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    • 763 6 Owners of Griffins are entitled to entei for either of the following series of Races IMI Serif No. 1:—1 First Day— Race No. 7 Second Day— Race No. 7 Third Day-Race No. 7 atrie* No. 2:— First Day— Race No. 6 Second Day— Race No. 1 Third Day— Race No.
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  • 860 7 Lecture at Hongkong. lii the City Hall, Hongkong, on the 'JBt!i Feb., uuder the auspices of the Odd Volumes Society, the lion. F. H- May, C. M. G., Colonial Secretary, lectured on Irish Characteristics. Major-Genera 1 Vil-liors-llatton presided tfsl there was a fair atteudauce, mostly from the laud
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  • 217 7 Half- Yearly Accounts. At the half-yearly meeting of tbe Shareholders of the TanjonK Pagar Dock Oo to be held in the Exchange on Sat u -day, 18th March, at noon, the following report for of the Directors for the half-year ended 31st Dec. last will b*
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  • 182 7 Wlitii, several years ago, the chances of Wales becoming at no distant date a gold-producer were discussed, the notion was received with general incredulity. The scoffers of yesterday, remarks th<? WtHmimtttr QmmHt, will become tlwbelievers to-day when they that in one year (1904) the property of the
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  • 180 7 To the Agricultural Bulletin for February, Mr R W. Burgp»§ contributes note* on rubber planting in the Muar district of Johore White ants and green beetles attack the young plants but do them hardly any barm. Brown beetles, too, feed upon the leaves Mr. Burgess has found many
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  • 265 7 For Singapore Per P. AO.s. s. Ceylon from London. Feb. 11, due 11th Mar— Mr. aod Hrt.A. Barker, Mr. A. W. Routledge, Lieut J. H. Wyberg, Per P. AO. s. s. Moldavia connecting with the Btt-amer Coromandtl at Colombo, from London Feb. 17, due 17th March Messrs.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 95 7 Nothing Like Experience.— n ve truth learned by actual experience does more good than ten experiences on» hears about." Tell a man that Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy will cure cholera morbus, and he will most likely forget it before the end of the day. Let him have severe
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    • 50 7 The Idea which some people have that chronic diarrhoea is incurable is a mistake. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy not only gives immediate relief but will effect a permanent cure. It never fails and is pleasant to take. For sale by all dealers. THE DIBPENBARY. General Agents, th.f.s. 31/3
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    • 593 7 BANKS. Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China INCORPORATED BY ROYAL CHARTER. Capital XBOO.OOC Reserve Liability of Proprietors £800,000 Reserve Fund £800,000 BANKERS. Bank of England. National Bank of Scotland. The London City A Mindland Bank, Ltd SINGAPORE BRANCH. Current Account* are opened and interest allowed at 1 per cent,
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    • 538 7 BANKS. Hongkong 8? Shanghai Banking Corporation. PAID-UP CAPITAL ..$10,000,000 RESERVE FUND:- Sterling Heserve slo,ooo,oo0 > Silver Reserve 8,*****0/ 18 .000.000 Reserve Liability of Proprietors $10,000,000 COURT OP DIRECTORS. H. B. Tomkina, Esq., Chairman. H. W. Slade, Esq Deputy Chairman. K. Ooets, Esq. K. Shelllm, Esq. Hon. W. J. Gresaon B,^.
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  • 377 8 In the Appeal Court this morninp, before Mr. Justice Law, Mr. Justice Hyr.dman Jones and Mr. Justice Leslie Thornton, parties were heard in the case of Chop Wing Song Chan against Chonp Hoy Chop Keong Hit/ (appellants). Messrs. Van Someren and Van Cuylcnberg appeared for the appeltantc and
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  • 102 8 Powell and Co. M;ir. W— At Saleroom, "Sultana.' 2.30 p in. 14— At Oxley Koaii near Orchard Koad, vnluuble freehold building land. 2.M in. 14— At Wilkie Koad, freehold residental •_V3m p.m. 14— At Kerr Street, valuable leasehold lmi'i iv.d liuuses M> |>m. II At t;reeul>ank r Clianceiy
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  • 80 8 Passengers Left. IVi Cutaa Ken PWI Swcitinliiun- Mr. llatcl.ell. Mi- llatrliell, Mm. Wilton. For PenanK— Mi--rf. A. \V. Beauclerk, A Mor-ii-011, Mr-. Lini lVik Kew, Mi-. Lim Hin B«Bf, Mi ni.l Mrs. Goh (hew, Mrs. H. M:im .111 anM Ilia. Sun. l lll i'er Pmliiema -Fw I'enaiiK
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  • 25 8 The weekly prayer mettine of the V M.C A. will on Friday (to-morrow) at ."> 1"> be conducted by Mr. 8. G Parrett, of Penang.
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  • 38 8 I'm German mail steamer Prim lleinrirh having left I'enang on tlie Bth instant at 4 p. 111. may be expected to arrive ban to-d:»y the instant at about sp. in. She passed Malacca at 10 a. m.
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  • 56 8 This morning, a number of Chitties laid information against Tan Xi Pek, a reputed miUiooaire, beforo Mr. Culman, and prayed tor a warrant for his arrest on the grounds that he had borrowed heavily from them, and had left the Colony. Mr Khory appeared with the applicants Mr Hattenberg watched
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  • 96 8 Mil. Rknb Pkoi'(>t, who is leaving the Malaysian Company's service at the Bukit ItaUu i mine, Rauh, on account Coinpuay's property be'mg taken over by ibfl Ratio Company, has, saye the Malay Mail, accepted the position of Man;ieer of the Jeher Milling Syndicate at Tnnjonp Malim. This Company is
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  • 314 8 Report on a Sample. The subjoined appears in tub "Agrioultural Bulletin for January. The following letter received by Mr. Vade possesses some interest and is thus published. The cotton plant-- in question were grown by Mr. Vade 111 his garden in Tanglin. There were about a
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  • 414 8 70, Thk Albany. OLnHALi. Strekt. Lbtrpmi, 17th Wtnmhtr, mo.y Ml--11- Vade i Co.. Singa|xnv lv. 1 in Sirs,— Our MMMBMatar fnends, Messrs. Finlay Campbell A- Co. Ltd., have sent us single boll of cotton and have asked us to send you a report thereon Tlii- Ih.ll is well grown and
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  • 223 8 With regard to the projected entry by -lain inbo the list of nations with a public debt, it is stated that the amount to be borrowed will be 1,000,000/. only, instead of 2,000,000/. as was at first proposed, that the interest will be five per cent and
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  • 73 8 Wharves at Wnich Different Ship* are Berthed To-day. (Cast Whabf— s.v. John Davie. Victoria Graving Dock Nil. \i I--.K.- Gravino Dock— Nil. Section No. I Zamunia, ('hienx Mai. i Salfordin, l'alititna. >, 3 Nilit i> 4 Sngniui. 6 Minilya, Kenley. 6 Itlon.enenfi. Wharf 7 Blnmwlai
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  • 36 8 Tbk Kpwortfa League will hold their <|ii:uterly temperance meeting at the Methcdiet Church this evening. Ttie mer-tiug will be addressed by Mr. H. West A varied programme has been arranged and a good meeting is anticipated.
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  • 37 8 The Rev. Dr. Luering, Prt aiding Eldtr of the *MethodUt Epi-cupal Mission in Perak, has pone to Europe on nine months' leave. The Rtv. W. P. Rutledge from I'enang succeeds to the pastorate during Dr. Luering's absence
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  • 141 8 FINANCE COMMERCE. 97i Marc',, 1905 To Ja>'i i/m raff i 1. 11; To-day, > ait« Traiircs itood at $41 buvcr?, I'aij Pafan remained at, The cutput from ti,e Troooll Mines for the nu nth eijditg Febtuary 28;h was -J.33.T iiicul?, vatatd at $99,0:(.j The Biiti-h s'tamrr Solfonliii arrived yesterday from
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  • 111 8 Under date of February 4th the Minnuj Journal says: Tlie tin market MM baM very active, the large demand from Amorifa being met by free offerings from the Straits. the total result of the week's trade showing a fall of about 10s. per ton. The intrinsic position of this
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  • 98 8 ijaiubiei ilo (Cnlip Nd. I) iinpiokfil Copra Bali ,1) Pontianak Peppr liliu-k lmyei* d 3d 3 iVUiw, v, Satfo Klour Sarawuk .!.> ISruuei No. 1 I'earl s.-i_-u 8.76 11 871 836 8.10 M '->5.12J 87.56 3.l'.'J 3.00 4.40 Coffee Rali, 15 bam* CoflK-.PaleniliaD^, -Ju% ba»in... Onff»e, Liberian No. I
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  • 99 8 AN JER. PAS3ED SUN DA STRAITS OK ARRIVED FOB OKIJUU.S Flo* IMtbo* Dmi. Datk Rio. Ship's Nam«. Captain. ItouoM. raoHwaau i KaMAKID FebJ.'Dnt c.». S,lak Feb :.j Batsvii Kvt, m Urit. S.i V. K K. 1.. From West -JHOnt. 88. AmhUes de Boer Jan l^'Amsteid >ni BatHvin „27 Brit, us.
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  • 132 8 'In U ,,don Knnk 4 in 1/112 Demand 1/11 Private 6 m/» 2 do 3in 2/On K'rmany— Bank il/.l LOSf Private 3 n 'J.liftj do 6 ni/5 Lo7| On Frnnec— Hunk .1 <i '.'.49 Private 3 iu> 2.53 do 6ms 2.55 On India— Bank T. T. 147 Private 30
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  • 309 8 Arrivals since Noon of Yesterday. ■Imier, lit:!. Mr. Jlti tons, ('apt Mel lor, 8th Vlar. From l'al< mhang, rf>h S[ ir. CLc., and 14 d.p. 8wee Seug. Fur faic>iiilnii'<, Uth-Rus Hftnty, Put. «lr. 107 tors, Numdah t-th Mar. Fn m Ha«;;iii, Utti M r U.e, in. I
    309 words
  • 55 8 I JSAMK Kl<i. it 1I« i :M!NA-|(>«. Suinang I r. Hongl lithe Mb < IStiihiivin sir KcLa ,--t i ai-nogle Jthmpm (i y.» ig h r/< .»t Aw t Out sir PontkuMk Hth Au- s r. I i Htfa (itit b r. Java sih A'i«/i Tuny «er htr. B*nukok
    55 words
  • 62 8 /■</.• I'enai.g ,Uock t p.m. DicEaoa <t Pagan Kit v Ann ~J p m lloii t koii|j4 Aiii'V '/.it dn p.m. Bangkok /j, p m m riKi.iv. Labunn an I Manil i Mm.iln 9ii in. Piilm Uut B. PH|>nn.i//.»</ 1! n .m Ponaagami PailmiK \'na Outhmri I p.m.
    62 words
  • 137 8 Kiom EirnoiK-K) the N. l> L. ».s. Iliinrich oue on Win March. From China -B\ tl> .M. M. s n. OuUoi.ien clue on tStti March. TIMK TAIU.K < I MAILS HUB I. f 'tampon l)u.< in London Arrived .1 i:i UN N. I. I. i- ,'illi heb
    137 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 84 8 K. A. J. CHOTIRMALL Co,, JEWELLERS SILK MERCHANTS, No. 51, 52 High Street. Have just received a larj^e assortment of Japanese, QMmm, ani Indian filks of all kiuds and colours. Indian, and Persian carpets of all sizes, rugs ami handsome mry goods. Also many pretty articles of silver and gold
      84 words
    • 203 8 'WHFTEAWAY. LAMAW CO. Supply K very ill ing for <»#.»nltt' %v«»nr. Swimming Costumes w^ -v Plain Navy Blue Swimming Costumes. A V^^^H^»*b^b\ JL lightweight. Usedby the Amateur Swimming fij^ •a,*** ''v jt Association. hf >!! l > N^ S< > *^t''^^O .Mcn'H Prioe $1.50 each Xyv^^k/^ll Medium Men'" $1.75 J
      203 words
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 25 8 WEATHEH TELEGKA I A IVlaanMßl Company.) Bth Makcii. B QKONQi— 4 pm. Barometer 30.18 Direction of Wind east. Force of Wind >. Max.Tcnp in Khade 61.
      25 words
    • 252 8 DAY BY DAY. 1 hursday, 9th March. High Water. 0 16 a.m. 0_'l p.m. Friedenthal Concert. Teutonia Clab. 9. N. D L. outward mail due. League Football. Vampires vs. 80th Coy. R.G.A. at Tanjong Fagar. 78th Coy. K.G.A. vs. "D" Coy. Foresters. K. Man Yap Chow Tbong Opera. 9. Warren's
      252 words

    • 899 9 Under thia K««^ing the following abbreviation* are nsed: —str. —nteanier; ah. —•hip; bq. barqne j »eh.—schooner i Yet-—Yacht i Cru.— Grower; Gbt.—Ganboat; Tor.—Torpedo; H.p. Hone-power Brit.—British i U. B.—United States; Feb.—French; Ger.—Gennan; Dut.— Dutch G.c. —General-cargo d.p. —deck pastenger; U.—Uncertain T. P. W.—Tanjonp Pagar Wharf; T.P.D.—Tanjong I'agar
      899 words
    • 467 9 Natm», .port, probable date of arrival, and name of agent*. Stiamiks. Achilles, Uhi a, Apl 2 Manstteld. Agamemnon, L'poaL Mar 27 Mannfleld. Airlie, Sydney, Apl 34 Bouswed. A" Htl nila. HoDKKong, Mar 10 B. Meyer, ▲porlma. Calcutta, Apl Boasteed. Ayuthii, Bomt*y, Mar 30 Borneo P<ry. Beflgsl, fcoaikwrg, Vw
      467 words
  • 780 9 P. &O. Per Bengal nailing en 16th March— Mrs. F. W. Webb, I children and infant, Mr. "I'ardy, i Mr». Marker, Dr. Ellis, Mrs. Turner, Mr Kldridge, Mr. and Mrs. Finch, Mr. and Mr*. A. M. Brown, Mr. May, Mr. Conner, Mr. Ferrier, Mr. Frensdorf. Per Japan
    780 words
  • 242 9 Namber oi Shares brae Paid Value up to Company SOLD. Company ~ESt Bu7«n Mkn TtsaMC- ttoni I 13,600 v.500 uluMU«d. 4.J00 20,000 10,000 6,807 10,600 36,700 110,000 60,000 160,000 20,000 »,000 uniuucd. I 10 $7.60 Bersawau U. M. Co., Ltd.-l-'.W 113.UU f 10 I 10 I 10 10 f
    242 words
  • 147 9 400,000 So.ooounu.uwl. 2,000 4,600 SO.OOO 12,000 X 6,000 2,760 aoo 2,000 I 6,000 785 iiuiMued. 100,000 60,000 nniimwd. 17,000 t 100 t 60 126 iIOO t 10 100 100 10 60 1100 $100 i 1 Duff Development Co., Ltd. f 100 Federated Engineering Co., Ltd. t 60 Fraaer
    147 words
  • 49 9 Howwth Ernkine, Lul. 7% KUey, HarnMvn, Ltd. 8% Blng»|">ra Mnnioipol 6% T»njnnir P»B»r l»o»li Co., t,H BY *1 J iOU.UH) •A!6,U00 400.0WJ 1,878,000 866,600 86U.000 I. (W. ROO SY prem. 2% prem bayen. prem bay era 1% prem bayer* -X aU. aom. -X prem bayei» 5 r™m *>nv"T».
    49 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 261 9 NOTICES. iRIGAUD'S I Kananga TOILET WATER Rigaod'l Kintngi Wi Ur hit the iwta perfume of the Kaoanfa Flower of Japan and a toothing and cooling action on the akin; it relievo moiquito bite*, and is most refreshing alter perapiration. m a RIGAUD C° FixruiOM 8. rue VlrUu*. •I ißltatisoal J.
      261 words
    • 201 9 jfr Ny Carlsberg Beer flS^-rrinTn^vHk Very ht PHiener Beer, especially brewed tor 1 roplc*' Cllmatei. K Obtainable at the principal Hotels and Retail Tealert NT LAhtooLKuSI 1" sole Importers K. &K. Kuhn Komor The leading Art Curio dealers in the Far East. Fine \rt Curios vi* every description always on
      201 words
    • 78 9 WEST AUSTRALIAN STEAM I NAVIGATION COMPANY, LIMITED FOR HAMARANG, SOURABAYA, BROOME, PORTHEDLAND, COSSACK, ONSLOW, CARNARVON, GERALDTON, AND FREMANTLE. The Company's steamer MINILYA, 'J. 743 tons, Capt. Richardson, will be despatched for the above ports on Friday, the 10th in*t., at daylight. She has excellent accommodation for pacsengers, and carries a
      78 words

  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 745 10 At the price you pay for your STEN6AH, you are entitled to the very best. See that you get Buchanan's "Black and White." You can have it for the asking. STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. P. O. STEAM NAVIGATION CO For China, Japan, Penanr, Ceylon. Australia, India, Aden, Egypt. Mediterranean Prrts, Plymouth and
      745 words
    • 701 10 STEAMSH I P^ COM PAN I ES. Koninklljke Paketvaart MaatsohapplJ. Under contract with the Netherlands India Government. A imtt at Singapore Ship Agkfcy. late J I)/ endmj A Co., 2-3 Oollyxk Quay. 1 be onHermentioned flute* are only approximate. <"ir>'t»d.! tfill be Pflsoatchpd for r— Van Riemtdyk Batavia M«r i
      701 words
    • 523 10 HfIMBURG-AMERIKA LINIE. HAMBURO. The steamers of this Company maintain a regular service between Hamburg, Bremen, Antwerp, and Rotterdam, and the Straits, China, and Japan. Homewards, they are despatched fortnightly for Havre and Hamburg and once a month for Bremerhaven direct, calling at Peaanz and Colombo The arrivals of the next
      523 words
    • 704 10 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. N.D.L NORDDEUTSCHER LLOYD. Imperial Qerman Mail Line. The fast an) well known mail steamars of this Company sail fortnightly from Bremen- Hamburg via Rotterdam, Antwerp, Southampton, Gibraltar, Genoa. Naples, (connection Marseilles. Naples, Alexandria, and vice verea) Port Haiti. <upi, Aden, Colombo, Fenans, Singapore, Hongkong, in«h*i, Nagasaki, and Kobe
      704 words
    • 635 10 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES ICBAN BTgi:i SHIP Co., Ltd. AND China Mutual Steam Nay. Co., Ltd. The Companies' steamer* are despatched rom Liverpool outwards for the Straits, China md Japan eveiy week, and from Japan home vardn 'or London every fortnight and foi iitverpuol monthly. One outward steamui wch month extends to
      635 words
    • 517 10 INSURANCE COMPANIES. ROYAL INSURANCE c6T FIRE l.lFli. TOTAL INVESTED FUNDS EX( EKI £12,000,000. THE LAHGEST FIKK OFFICE IN THI KORLI BOUSTEAD A Co., AgenU THE LONDON AND LANCASHIRE FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY CapiUl £2,127,600 Paid up CapiUl. 212,7f>0 Reserve Fund. .£1,073,550 The undersigned, Agents for the Cou pany, are prepared to
      517 words