The Straits Times, 28 May 1903

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times NO. ai.Mi SINGAPORE, THURSDAY. MAY 28. 1903. PRICE 15 CERTS
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 796 1 NOTICES. .©he Simes. ADVERTISING RATES. PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. [per inch, column men-ure.l Ftrrt Insertion H '*> ccn t» Second and third laMftSSaseaN <W centt Fourth, fiftli, and sixth 40 cents Mventli to eighteenth 24 cents Nineteenth MjWquent,, 16 reuts Per week of six days, to lie SMaaal daily if r
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    • 733 1 NOTICES. GOVERNMENT OF NEGRI SEMBILAN. TEHDIM INVITKI*. REVENUE FARMS. IVHDBBB will be received at the Uffiie nf the Secretary to Resident. Ne^ri Baosbilaa, up lo noon of 3lst July, 19t):s, for th I lease of the following farms for th.ll.i.f yean commencing on Ist January. ihO-l. ::i;it" tender I should
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    • 139 1 NOTICES. Milkmaid^ p?1 (Bi||^ BRAND MM HJT'll Jsl& PNDENSEDMJIJ |l/| 1 I W tiff^A Guaranteed -fWwiscosDi^saif 16 far 8e« thii <^Ji^? Full Cream. rJIuL Largest Sale in the World. W— M v^^~ and a— a Q Toilet Powder m B HIGHLAND BRAND EVAPORATED CREAM. «6 S e°n L ts John
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    • 700 1 NOTICES. ENGINEERS' ASSOCIATION. THE Monthly General Mealing ot the Association will be hold in tbe Marine Club on tbe evening of Thursday, i!lst May. ISTOI, at 8.46 p.m. Business General K. RISK. 30-5 Hon. Secretary. THE TANJONG PAGAR DOCK CO7 RECREATION CLUB. A special general meeting will be held in
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  • 1994 2 Labour Question!. London, YMIi May. IN lbe llouhc of Commons on the Bth a Bill introduced by Mr. David Jamex Shack letoo, Labour member for f'litheroe, with the object of legalising, in the case of strikes, peaceful picketing and of piohibiting action agaiiiht trade- union- ax such
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  • 246 2 Thk Norwegian papen daclara that the future of tin: oouairy is Leiag Ht-rioiifly jeopardised by iheUtrriblfldrain ofwnigniioa. Laat yaw 20,000 tefl their native lan<i, .nxl (bit ytn il iaeatima'ed tbar. the numbers will ma to 1 0 The complaint i« that not. only :im the ht-st \v rkinen
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 383 2 NOTICES. m wt oiiririiiin T J hammersmith moa J. &H. GWYNNE, Ltd., and 81. CANNON STREET, LONDON. E.C. Makers of the "INVINCIBLE" Centrifugal Pumps and Pumping Engines. The most 2^KT I'KmUE. and Tost' /M HL immm.% imwmhh. successful in the ~JM *L lWk Ji^ **v_ REfLAIATIOS, World <a Bfeg. Xia
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    • 342 2 NOTICES. •'Eagle" Oement. The Latest Tests •50 lbs., aVMOIbC*, atter seven after fourdays in teen dmysWater. in Water. The above test* were made by the Engineer of the Madras Municipality who pronounced the Cement the beat he had erer tested." Prices and particulars from THE BORNEO CO., LTD. Singapore Hole
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    • 261 2 NOTICES. ROUSSILLON COS. CHAMPAGNE. "An excellent dry wine, at a moderate price. In quarts and pints. THE BORNEO COMPANY, LTD. tb. s. Soli Asints. LATEST CATALOGUE FREE ON APPLICATION 11UMBEK BFCYCLKS. Fitted with FREE WHEEL and rim Drake All Beeston machines GUARANTEED for TWO YEARS. THE BORNEO COMPANY, LTD Sole
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    • 73 2 Rheumatic Sufferers. Vf"ANY sufferers from rheumatism haTP i»l_ been surprised and delighted at the prompt relief obtained by applying Cham berlain's tain Bam. In advising you to ma OhtniberUin's I'ain Balm for RheumatiKm, we know it will Live you perfect satisfaction. a» thifir«t application will relieve the pain, and its
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  • 265 3 Ths clerical servico of the F. M. S.,- to be, like the Cadet Service, the elect of heaven." If bonuses and windfalls are flying about they are sure to light on these. Lately all the clerks drawing $75 a month in 1902 regarded themselves as
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  • 129 3 Says the Globe Khi San is the name of the latest disease, and its home it present is Siuin. The lir»t sign is a little ordinary shiver, which instead of passing away, keeps on, and gets more violent every minute, till presently the sufferer fuels like a rat
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  • 237 3 p. o. .lane IS.— Pm Vnl.tOi For I— )d— -Mi V Hill. June ■-••>.— r.' Chumu Pot— Mr. Darby. Ft*** IVnan^ to Loniimi -Mr, B. C. 4 irey. .Inly I.— Per Camto*. Foi l^omlun Mr-I'dinliu.-oii aad children ami nm.-il.. N. D. L. June I.— lei Zitttn
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  • 168 3 For Singapore. Per P. O h. Owm connecting at Colombo with IBS st-amer ilnmnlialrnm l^oniKin April M due sOtb May— Hon. .1. K Mtd M-- *****, Mr. 11. Hell'ier, .Mr ■in Mr N ri. Smith, Mrs Fisher. Mr K. O K Brown. IVr X 111.1 1 1.
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  • 157 3 Mk. IliivAM Wilki.v-on lias been appointed to act as Judge of the British Court for Siam during the abseine on leave of Mr. W. J Archer, Mi. He is ri iniiig out trom home, and it 16 expected he will arrive here in time to relieve Mr. Archer, who goes
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 703 3 NOTICES. A FOOLISH OLD IDEA. It. was once thought that a medicine 1 MM all the mo-c beneficial tor having a natty taste and smell. We now know I that' Mich an idea is perfect nonsense There is no more reason wby medicine should offend the senses than why food
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    • 646 3 BANKS. H~~ ONOKONG AND" BHANQHAJ BANKING CORPORATION. I PAID-OP CAPITAL 110.000.00t REBERVE FUND.— B Bterlingße*erre.4lO,oOo,ooO\ fifinooO n B Silver TUeerre.... 6,600,000/ ■•Io• Io 60 1 RESERVE LIABILITY OF llofJOuooo I PROPRIETORS! $10,000,000 COUET OF DIKBCTORS. A. J. Raymond, Ktq,— Chairman. 1 P. H. Tomuns, K*q.— Deputy Chaibman. W. M. Slake,
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    • 643 3 NOTIwES. 1 V¥7 ANTED a practical miner. Most be TT accustomed to timbering. Apply at I Box 376, Poet Ofßce, Singapore. v c WANTED at once a Chinese lawyer for (awmill* in Perak, wages SCO a month. Apply to H. J. M. ELLIS., 3 Cecil Street Singapr re. WANTED. '1^
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    • 595 3 NOTICES. Messrs H. L. Coghlan fir" Co. HAVE BKKN APPOINTED STJB-AGENTB or TH K Sun Life Assurance Co. of Canada. BOUBTEAD A CO., General Agents, qj. Strait* Settlement*. FOR SALE. A steam indicator by Elliott Bros., London. H. L. COGHLAN A CO., v.c. Auctioneers. T?OR SALE,— Saigon Lymph, guaranteed r
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    • 637 3 SHIPPINQ COMPAGNIE DKB MEBBAGKRIES MARITIMES. FOR MARBEILLES, HAVRE, ANU LONDON. r!E Company's steamer CHAdKNTh Cant. Fangeau, will leave this on or about the Mil May. For freight, apply to P. NALIN, Acting Agent. "APCAR" UNE OF STEAMERS FOR PENANG AND CALCUTTA. MESSRS Apcar A Co* steamer LIGHTSIRO. (Captain Spenoe), is
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  • 672 4 The Straits Times. PRICE 15 CENTS. THURSDAY, 28TH MAY. 1 hk shipbuilders of the United States are apparently not so close to the skirt ot Britain as pessimists would have us suppose. Much has been said and written about the advantages achieved by the American builders through the use of
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  • 387 4 Hongkong papers received by mail this morning, give particulars of the Chinese reform leader murder trial, the result of which reached us by special telegram the other day. The murdered person, Yueng Kue Wan by name, was a schoolmaster by profession, and belonged to a political party which sought to
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  • 72 4 The alleged discrepancies at tiiu late Race Meeting have now been thrashed out over every mess table in the Settlement, m 4 we do not think that the inquest should be protracted further We have received so many additional letters on both sides of the question, and especially in response
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  • 6 4 To-day's 4/ms. bank rate is l/Bf.
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  • 9 4 The homeward mail closes at 7 a in. to-morrow.
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  • 13 4 The case of Lichauco v. ii.i.-y Hargreaves and Co. has been further postponed
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  • 22 4 Alvan.e mail news will be found on page 2, and an article on being too much in the sun on page 6.
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  • 20 4 I r is reported that a gentleman wellknown 10-allv has drawn tbe third nortte in tLo ui^ Calcutta Derby Sweep.
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  • 21 4 Shipping advertisements, with dates of sailing etc will be found on page 7 General shipping news is printed on page i.
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  • 23 4 The> Budget was published this morning It contains a full report ol the Races. A mail supplement will be issued this evening.
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  • 24 4 The monthly sewing meeting ot the Church Work Association will be held at the Raffles Girls' School on Wednesday, .June 3rd at 4 r.m.
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  • 23 4 Thb Monthly Missionary Meeting will be held in I'rinsep Street church on Monday next at 8 pm. Miss Blackmore will give an address.
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  • 31 4 Int. Shipping and the Itnpor: and Export, Offices will be open for one hour from 10 to 11 a. iii on Monday next aud ".v ill be closed on Wednesday next.
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  • 26 4 A Chinaman was yesterday lintyi ttt for selling lottery tickets at No. lM.'i South Bridge Road. He was surprised at this by Sorgt. King on Tuesday.
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  • 29 4 Thk pincli of famine is still very sore in the western province of Canton. The Chinese community at Singapore are said to have contributed 970,000 towards relieving the distress.
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  • 66 4 Last night:* young Japanese girl committed suicide by jumping overboard from the s. s. G. O. Meter which was lying in the roads. Up to this rooming the body had not Henn recovered. Tik Tovn and Volunteer Band will play at the High Service Reservoir this afternoon from 0 to
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  • 50 4 An outbreak of cholera occurred lately at a mining kongsi two miles from Rawang. Several cases proved fatal. The outbreak was traced to the water from a well. The well was immediately closed. A fresh one was sunk at a distance. Thin proved successful and the outbreak was got under.
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  • 38 4 Last night three Chinese broke into Mr. Scab Liang Seah's residence in Boat Quay. The Sikh jagah captured one of the men as they were making off, but the two others escaped. S2O worth of property was stolen.
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  • 36 4 A pawnbroker was, this morning, fined 810 for taking into pledge certain jewellery worth about S6OO without making such enquiries as the law requires. It has since transpire 'Hat the property had been stolen at Penang.
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  • 39 4 Swimming Club launches will leave Johnston's Pier for the Swimming Club at 9..'«J and 10.30 on Sunday morning Intending competitors for the coming 100 yds. race are reminded tbat the entries close at noon on the -ird of June.
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  • 40 4 Sfch Syed bis Abdii.i.ah Baadilla, the Lieutenant of Arabs in Banda, is making a trip to Europe via Siberia taking advantage of the railway. He leaves eastwards on Sunday. He is a Dutch subject and speaks the Dutch language fluently.
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  • 36 4 Thk Municipality of Manila has just purchased the Cosmopolitan Hospital Building for Municipal Offices. The price paid was SoO.IHK). The olticas have heretofore been h a building which was rented front one of the Monastic Orders
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  • 90 4 Yestbrday evening a Chinaman was walking along Havelock Road when he was attacked by four fellow-countrymen of his who were lying in wait in a drain by the side of the road. They robbed him of a silver key chain. He snouted for help and a police constable who was
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  • 106 4 CMEATINO THE H. S. BANK. We hear that an attempt has been made to defraud the Hongkong and Shanghai Bank out ot a few thousand dollars by means of the clever ruse of a discharged Chinese clerk who was said to be formerly in the Samarang branch of the bank.
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  • 112 4 A kkw days ago a Chinaman just arrived from Hongkong landed with his belongings at the Esplanade steps. He engaged three rikishas, occupying one of them himself. He went on to a lodging house in South Bridge Road, desiring the other pullers to follow. His man seemingly
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  • 152 4 Yesterday, H. Brooks, formerly steward of the t>. s. Lincolnshire, was arraigned before the Bench Court ou the charge of stealing £bb, the property of Capt. A. C. Clarke, master of the ship, in October last. The defendant denied the charge, but it w»s shown that a
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  • 237 4 This morning. Pte. Parkinson, Manchester Kttgiment, was arraigned before Mr. Wilkinson on a charge of criminal misappropriation of property in respect of a bicycle valued at 4>200, the property of Pee. Davis of. the same regiment. The u«ner of the machine had occasion to leave it at
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  • Reuter's Telegrams.
  • 139 4 A list of Subscribers to the Queen Victoria Memorial Fund up to the ."Ust March last has been published. The Treasurer's Account up to that dato otaiid-i as follows Dmsohu v n. To Oik ol Work* «i:,.V».i; KxMMM iii conpivtion with Kouii.laii.m St. in.- 43A.04 N1.x1.-I .vi.l
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  • 252 4 Address to a Popular Skipper. 'I'hk N V K s ,n. Ifimlia Muni, which arrived here on Tuesday last, made a smart passage. Leaving London on April 24th she < ,>il.:<l at Port Said first and merely stopping at Suez long enough to pick
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 968 4 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. CALDBECK, MACGREGOR CO, (ESTABLISHED 1864.) WINE SPIRIT MERCHANTS. LONDON, GLASGOW, SHANGHAI, HONG-KONG, AND SINGAPORE, (Price Jsist on Jlpplication.) tv ih. COVKKNMKNT NOTIKICATION. IARIKTOVN WAN! Kl> n Cashier and Collector for |t R ST n n y( UKAIiU lilKllUu tbe offlcrt of the Financial Assistant n<™™i"' of th.- lolk.<
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    • 68 4 G. R. Lambert Co. Photographers Ml Qresham House (Battery Road.) —on Weekday* only 8 aja.— 6 pirn. Orchard on eek^ a 7t7 t 8 a.m.-8 p.m. on Sundays. Bam.— noon. Large Stock of Photographic materials. Monthly sapplies from Europe, reliable printing papers, chemical mounts, Eastman films. Wratten-Wrainwright's Ilford andOermao dry
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    • 44 4 YOUR CHILD WILL IMPROVE. ST2AR.NB' Wink is eagerly taken by Children and Invalids inutead ot being repugnant tv them. It is a wonderful health restorative and Nerve Tonic. Children derive especial benefit from its usei it is so happily taken. -Sold by all chemists.
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  • Correspondence.
    • 701 5 To the Editor of Ike Strait* Time*." Sir,— At the outset of this letter I would like to make it clear that in putting my views before the public on the matter of the S. V. li I am actuated by no motive other than a
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  • 176 5 In the Appeal Court TMtard&y, Uu appeal of Tan Ong Lian, Tan One Poy and Tan Keong Ann (respondent. Tan Keontr Saik) in the matter of a will, wa» dtsmistM with ootta, thejuigps stating that tlu-y did Dot (ionilti to hear the- re*-piui(!<iii's ooobmL This morning the
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  • 31 5 A KL'LLand early attendance of members of the Philharmonic Orchestra is desired for this evening, when a final selection of date for the next Popular Orchestral Concert will probably be made.
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  • 859 5 Review of the Meeting. I IE HORBRB. AMJtaoar the first class, there can be no doubt the Derby winner Essiugton is a thoroughly game racehorse. Cadenas is whet well a good horse and a hardier one woi Id take some finding. Juindo is quite u ■> to
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  • 786 5 Successful Opening. The attendance at the opening performance of Harm»ton'B last evening was such as must have gratified the management and performers alike. The big tent was comfortably filled —a little more than comfortably perhaps in the better class of seats— and from first to last the performance
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  • 31 5 The auction sale of the Selangor Dredging and Mining Co.'d land at Kuala I impur 011 Saturday realised 5.5,000, tiie. purchaser being T.iwkay Loke Yew. There were no' many people present.
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  • 46 5 Thk German mail steamer Zieteu hiving left Hongkong on the 27th inst. at noon may be expected to arrive here on Sunday the 31st inst. at about 6 i in and will probably be despatched for Europe on monday the Ist June at 1 1 p.m.
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  • 104 5 < inlet lyOrticer- for the ensuing week:— Lieut. ThomHon and orpl. Allen. Parade, Friday sth Jane at 5 DR. F. claas Fort Palmer. Signalling clan is now l>eing foimed. Meml>er» wishing the join xhould forward their namex early. Lieut. Derrick i« appointed Art ing Officer Commanding
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  • 187 5 Thk German steamer Daphne, Capt. Sohipper, arrived from Amoy and Swatow this morning with immigrants for this port. From Amoy she brought down i-U men, 7 women and 9 children, and from Swatow 194 men, 9 women and 9 children. For I'enang she has H men, 7 women
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  • 514 5 Dr. Williams' Pink Pills Cure. ('analysis threaten* people who are not aware of it. Do you realise the horrors of it the eTergrovring pain, the utter inability to mm the palsied limits, the torturing needlepaino in the apine. Death bj in. lies nfwpiag up the lwdy? These
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  • 604 5 SllfOAFOU, !*th Mav, 190S. PRODUCE Gambler hnyeri f 14.72} Copra Ball 8.15 do Pontlanak 7.60 Pepper, Black bnyers 38.65 do White, (6%) m 6"-5° Sago Floor Sarawak 4.25 do Brunei No. 1 $.M Pearl Sago 6.1) Coffee, Ball, 15% banii 19.00 Coffee, Palembang, 2<r% hasl«._ •-'S.on Coffee, Llberian No.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 90 5 Useful Household Medicine. /^IHAMBKRLAIN'B Colic, Cholera and V_y Diarrhira Remedy is recommended for the speedy and permanent cure of Dysentery, Diarrhea, Chronic Diarrhira, lain in Stomach. Colic, Summer Complaint, Billoua Colic, and Cholera Infantum It has been in tlie market .V years, and its wonderful sale has been effected by
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    • 46 5 Mr. I. M. Green, Culbertson, Neb., writes: Durirg the thirty years that 1 have bee using Jayne's Expectorant, both I and other members ot my family have b<<en cured by it of some very severe colds." The Singapore Dispensary. Sole Agents for t he Straits Settlements
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    • 156 5 NEW BILLIARD TABLES. WE are importing new English Billiard Tables f f firnt class quality, at most reasonable prices. One recently supplied to a local hotel gives great satisfaction and may be inspected by arrangement with the undersigned. H. L. COGHLAN de Co.. v.c. Auclwnee and Land Agent*. HOTKL DER
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    • 640 5 AUCTION SALES. ESTATE OF G. EDGAR, DECEASED. Preliminary Notice. A UOTION SALE of VAU'AMLE A. FREEHOI.Ii KKMDENTIAL PRO PERTIEH»nd BUILDING SITES Ueauti fully situated nt River Valley Road and St. Thomas Walk, Singapore, coasisting of the following:— The throe European residences known respectively a» Sunnyside St Thomas St. Helens PiVE
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 199 5 DAY BY DAY. Thursday, 28th May. Hinh Water. ll.:tp.n>. B.C.C. l!uu'»>y Kmitball. 5. Town Baml. H. S. Kexervoir. :> 1,, ii. I'liilliarmonir Ou-lieMra. 8.30. rUrmxt"!!'* Cirriiß. HearhKoad. 9. l'Hr>ee Theatre. North Mlfl K<m»il. Friday, 29th May. High Water. ".IB V 11.41 a.m. Le,n»lative .mneil. -2.30. s V U U*. and
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  • 470 6 An old Indian officer sends to 'truth a cry interesting communication on the possible connection between the prevalence of enteric fever among British troops in India and excessive exposure to tbe sun during the hot period of the day. He mentions the opinion expressed by
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  • 132 6 Thk Court of Appeals in New Yolk Mas handed down docioioa which is szpected to have a revolutionising eflsct. It praeUcalljr states that tlie law against belting is unconstitutional. The law then is framed on the lines of the Kr.glish law on the subject, and the
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  • 152 6 Phi following i.« i p-| r.rt (.11 toat mi I'll 1 i.i Para rubber Mint home by Mr K A. Stephen* of Jebnag Ettati ioi c tlirec month) ago, thi >v ■nit here, tor expert report 'The sample of rubber has been ni. Ely prepared, tit thinness of
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  • 123 6 The latest discovery of a moB<iuitolur.ishini? plant is that of Captain Laryrnore, ISiiti^li Randan* in Northern Nigeria, aim baa brought home and banded over to the Kew authorities a I v n u Hpociineii. Ilu eiaiail that, by simply placing two or three of these plots in
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 104 6 What is a Cough A SPASMODIC effort, to expel the mui-us from tbe bronchial tubes. A •lo run es a more abundant secretion of mucus, and wben the lungs and bronchial tubes are inflamed, they nro extremely Moaithra to the irritation. I'aless fare i» t iken. the rold may remit
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    • 716 6 NOTICES. J Singapore and Kranji Railway. The Passenger Train Service will be as under from Bth May, 1903, and until further notice. WEEK DAYS. SUNDAYS. A.M. A.M. A.M. A.M. P.M. P.M. PM. P.M. P.M. AM. A.M. A.M. AM. M. P.M. P. M) PM. Singapore -'7 00 7.45 10.00 11.30 12.32
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    • 176 6 NOTICES. J. MOTION CO. WATCHMAKERS, JEWELLERS, OPTICIANS. REPAIRS PROMPTLY EXECUTED BAGNALL HILLES. 96 Robinson Road. HAVE OUT HA.KTE Electric Fans, Ceiling aad Table. 40, 60. 00,40, 100, 110 aad IJO Volta. DMigneM to operate from Incandescent Circuits. Any Voltage to order* I Direct or Alternating Current Fans. For Table Use,
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 704 7 The Borneo Company, Ltd. npilE Stands: Life Assaianos. 1 Norwioh Union Kire Insuranoa Soeiatj. AUa* Assonnoe Company (Fire). Ihe Kqoiuble Life Anuranou Society. The China Mutual Steam Navigation Company 1m Tottenham Lager Beer Company. i-or particulan of tk.e«e Companiea, s«» uU adWtiiioment of TBE BOENKO COM- PANT, LIMITED. Agents. STEAMSHIP
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    • 1244 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES, Koninkiijke Paketvaart Maatschappij. Under contract with the Netherlands India Government. „«u at Singapore: Ship Aoncv, L*n J. Daikdilb A 00., S-8, Collti* QUaT. i'he undermentioned dates are only approximate. steamer From Expected Will be Dwepatched for:— be Kock Sambas May 2« Sambas, Ri ngkawang, Pemangkat, and Pontianak May
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    • 625 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES "IT yT k. JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP CO. LTD A regular FORTNIGHTLY service is maintained between Japan and Europe by the following NEW TWIN SCREW STEAMERS, Under Mail Contract with tbe Imperial Japanese Government, specially designed for the Company's European Service, lighted throughout by Electricity, provided with excellent accommodation
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    • 646 7 STEAM SHIP COMPANIES. Canad Ian Pacific Railway Company's Royal Mall Stnamship Lin*. THE FAST ROUTE BETWEEN CHINA JAPAN, AND EUROPE, VIA CANADA AND THE UNITED STATED. ROUTE VIA SHANGHAI, NAGASAKI KOBE YOKOHAMA, VICTORIA, AND VANCOUVER, B. 0. Twin Screw Empress Steamship*— 6,000 Tom— Speed 19 knot*. Proposed (Sailings from Hongkong.
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    • 387 7 INSURANCE CO.'S L'UNION FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY OF PARIS. Established 1838. REBERVES A!ID TOTAL GUARANTEES £1.00" .000. THE undersigned, agent* I r tbe aoove company, are prepared to accept fire risks for long or short periods at current rates. CABH SETTLEMENTS prompllj made by the Agents in Singapore, uc. MOINE COMTE
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    • 1228 8 I mler this heading the following abbreviation* are used str. steamer sh.— »hip b.].— barque sob. -9ch--o«e»; Yet. Yacht ;orn.— CraiMr; QM. Gunboat; Tor. Torpedo; H.P.— Hnrße-power; Brit. Bri; Uafa fi I inti-'i Stat»s: Feb. French Oer. Oiirniin. Pat -Dutch; Oi-. -Ueneral•"argo. .1 p denk poaMHMr U
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    • 569 8 Hame, port, probable dale oj aiviru. and name oj agmtt. gTKAMKBS. Alboin. Bombay. June; Borneo Coy. Ami nous. China, July 12; Manstieid. Ambria, Hamburg, June 5; Behn Meyer. Antenor, China. June 28; Mansfield. Ar«us, Auotralia. left May 12-. Arratoon A pear, Calcutta. June; P. Simons Ascot, Kobe. May:
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    • 83 8 h'or Her ilnam*r Tkm, To-Morhow. Euroi»e via ports Hnuin 1 7 ».m. Muar anil Mila. Svlian 2 p.m. Penang and Deli Valypno 3 p.m. Penang OmMMa* 3 p.m. SATnBDAY. Penang Pin Srv p.m. Muar and Malacca Far/alia 2 p.m. Deli Meilitn 3 p.m. Bandjertnassin V.derCai>rllfn4 p.m. P. Swet'ham
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    • 123 8 From Europe— By the I\<vO. s.s. ilusiitia due on the 30th May, with dates to the Bth May. From China— Ry the N. D. L '/.itlrn due on Sunday. Time Tabli of Mails Duk. Left Singapore. Due. in London Arrived Apl 17th I'.iu. May 11th May lltl
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    • 192 8 a, Fi-m. h Vessels Namk. 4 Ton* Cai-tun From fUIICD COMWKM. Q Bin. My if R. Suhift Buroe Dm -ti. SB Narodaii Bhio \l.i> 77 Kirn Hoe IVi27 Bore Nor str. 7.H8 MathiHsen BmiKkok May I' 4 HonK Lw Chan 27 Oopack Brit str Jol? Barber UwrMol Apl tc.
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    • 138 8 Date. Vicsklk Namk. Flag A Rig. Tons. DstniUTKM. i Hay LX Zweenn Brit str. »41 Samnnvnc vi H Mrta 28 Ban l.v.iii; Hut str. 27ft Ootiw ni.'l B»nrtjt>rm»««in •28 De Kock gtr. .H3« HuaillM 28 Boribat Sia str. Ml BannkoK ria port* 28 Resident Schiff Dut utr tw Khio
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 138 8 K. A. J. CHOTIRMALL Co. JEWELLERS and SILK MERCHANTS, 51-62, HIGH STREET. JTJST -A-H.III"VE1I3 A splendid stock of high class real Diamond Table Covers of Swatow work, Khuskus fans, and Gem-set Jewellery in extensive fine Indian Muslins, Washing Silk of Lace Variety. work, Silk Lace, Oriental Embroidered Diamond, white sapphire,
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    • 676 8 WHITEAWAY, LAIDLAW CO. Hand Bags ffjjjCw^t^^ Rug Straps ?4.00 each v.wm p set WHITEAWAY, LAIDLAW CO., Qasfr SINGAPORE. Raffles Hotel. Criterion Dinner. Saturday, 36td May, 1963. Band in attendance during and after dinner. SARKIES BROTHERS, Proprietors. .in The French Hair Dressing Saloon. D. CALISTO BKCtS to inform tliepuhlic th:ii uwinp
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 73 8 WEATHER REPORT. Kandang Ktrbau. HotpiUtl, jith May, 19>M. fltm Sp.m.Dpm. Remarks. Bar 29.86fl :>».7tfo 29.8HH Temp "8 0 89.0 H1.2 WB'lbTher 79.9 80.2 TM PirofWind s.R. ss.t. C'Hlm Max. Temp «0.4 Mm 77.2 Sun 142.0 Terr, rad 71 2 Rainfall Nil WEATHER TELEBRA fE. E. A. <t C. Ttltgraph
      73 words