The Straits Times, 1 April 1903

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Straits Times
  • 15 1 The Straits Times. SINGAPORE. WEDNESDAY. APRIL 1. 1903. NO. 2 1, 094 PRICE 15 CENTS
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 749 1 NOTICES. She Jimrfi. ADVERTISING RATES. PAYABLE IN ADVANQS. [per inch, minimi meanare.l Flnt insertion J l*?0 cent* Beeond and third laaertimM each- 80 cenjl* Fourth, fifth, and sixth "40 centu Bereutli to eichteentli 24 cent* Nlßeteentli&Kabtte^nent., 16 cents Per wick of t-ix days, to be changed daily if required $1,
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    • 578 1 NOTICES. Supplied to the State Hospitals of the Federated Malay States. -^^^^Sj^Sjjjß -^-SK" STCSE KEEPER FOR p^^^^^V^LECfiE" BRAKD. B«^^^*/]k fr STERILIZED MILK 5 i El i! Invaluable in the House, I C K.HE S S OR HEALTH. Don't be put oft. See that you get wbat^ou ask for "Sledge" Brand.
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    • 309 1 John Little Co., Ltd. Gash Clearance Sale Exceptional Bargains will be offered IN THE DRAPZRY, HARDWARE, CROCKERY, FURNITURE, AND MEN'S DEPARTMENTS. FOR ib'DAVS ONLY. (Bommencing, Monday, 6tfi Jlpril 1903. :o: Calicoes. Hats and Gaps. Horrockses AI. make 12 yards for A line of Dat j vc ma fo unbleached $2.60.
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    • 250 1 NOTICES Ideal Milk Enriched 20 per cent. with Cream. Sterilized-Not Sweetened. t^^rrT^J A Perfect Substitute for Fresh KELLY WALSdm A Novelty for Artists NOTICE. JUST RECEIVED "RAFFAELI" Saturday, April 4 SOLID OIL COLOURS. OUI QOUOWN a sets iVitt be dosed every $8.00 $10.50. The Solid Oil Colours are SATURDAY used
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  • 271 2 Why do people arrive late at the theatre asks tlie Japan Herald, and it answers the ijuest ion by saying In many cases probably it is because the men of tne party are a little iau. in getting home from the Club and cannot find their
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  • 287 2 A writkr in the Times nt India in the course of an enthusiastic article on the work being carried ont by the Bombay Improvement Trust, says :—lt: It is driving a great arterial road clear across the island from the Burning (iround to Carnac Bridge. There
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  • 358 2 With regard to the charge of social ostracism in the MM of ollicers promoted from tlie ranks in the British army, a correspondent, evidently an olticer, lids written to the jmmli uj India declaring his belief that "the monstrous treatment complained o~ has
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  • 66 2 The numerous Far Eastern friends of Messrs. David Jackson, and T. S. Baker, of the Hongkong and Shanghai Bank, will be pleased to hear that they have each been granted the Fourth Class Order of the Rising Sun, as a mark of the Emperor of Japan's approval of their »er
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  • 439 2 GOLF. The (lame in America. It was hoped that i team of American lady golfers might visit this country during the coming season, but it appears that the project has been abandoned. Several of the best players were unable to leave the I'nited States, and it wait of course useless
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  • 375 2 "Thk island of krukat.oa," says KnowUifs "lost all its vegetation in the terrible volcanic eruption of August, 1883, which covered the island to i 'lt'i'th raying from one to t-ixty nit tri-s with a bed of red hot ashes and pumice-stone. Its appearance afterwards was that
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 475 2 NOTICES. fr __i Hartmann's Rahtje'n's Improved Composition's for Ship Bottoms The u»e <;1 Our New Antifonling Composition is recommended for Specially Fouling Waters, a» it i »Hseni«t< much improved Antifouling Qualities, and therefore vessels using it d. not reonire (<• iloik so frequently as is at present necessary. The name,
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    • 321 2 NOTICBS. "S&TASDTTST" Boiler Covering. PARTICULARS FROM BORNEO CO. LTD. w&s Singapore. JEFFREY'S m .EDINBURGH JJk STOUT. 7*£»aiMJ A special, light brew for the i r0 P' CB H igh ly me nded llSi^! Of all dealers. %ft£sM BORNEO CO., LTD., i||||P Bole .Agent*. BRITISff LAGER BEER. BREWED BY IND
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    • 286 2 NOTICES. rpHE OTANDARD J^IFE QFFICE. ■ays ..pwards of Haifa-Million Pounds Sterling per Annum in Death Claims. Its Funds, > early increaring, exceed Eight Millions and a Half Sterling, and have increased over 40 per cent, in the last 15 years. The Business is conducted with Economy, the premiums are moderate,
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    • 127 2 Diarrhd-a D I AHKHCKA, in its first stages, can be cured by a few doses of that pleasant, reliable, and effectual medicine Chamberlain's Colic and Diarrhea Remedy. In many instances one nose is sufficient, but *g a rule three or four doses are neressary. It is a sood thing to
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  • 905 3 \r|/entinn lately propone.! tlial tlie Latin American r«|)ul)li«« Bhonld unite with ilie I mle.l Mutes in promulgating tin 1 Beam doctrine, ami in barrios; for th* future the forcible collection of dehis by Unnlinrdiiientii and lilonkaaaa To this proposal Mi. J. Hay, 1 1,.- nited States SeorHan
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  • 144 3 For Singapore l'cr V. A 0. s. 8 Himtil'iiin connecting with i if st. Mm. t C"n,mnn(Ut at Colombo from London Mnri-ti ti, due 5th April Mr. .1. B. Wanler. Mr. l!o vie. Mr Bishop. Per P A V 8. s. Malncm from London March 7, due
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  • 1066 3 P. O, April 3.— IV Maita Mr*. E. K. Carey and two children, Master and Mm- Ward. Mr. and Mr». E. C. Lane, Mr. K. A. Stevens, Mr. J. OL Mactaggart, Mr. and Mrs. Benjalield child and infant, Mis* Benjiilield, Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Dent, Ailiniral
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 107 3 riH) IKEVKNT OBOUP, begin in time. 'I lie first symptom is hoarseness; this is si. n followed by n peculiar rough cough, which in easily recognised and will never ba forgotten bf one who has heanl n. Tin 1 lime to net is when the child iir«t basMMi hearaa, If
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    • 64 3 VKS-iEI.S ADVERTISED TO SAIL. London via ports, Pordogne, on 2nd A pril, MM. Hong- ong, YaMSaMf, due 2nd April, Boustead anp Sourabaya and Samaraag, Amaru, 41 h April. Boustead. HVeina-itle via ports, Minilya, on 7th April, Boustead. Sydney via ports, Mtrrtby, due 7th April, Boustea New Zealand via port, (iracchtu,
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    • 641 3 BANKS. HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING COR J ORATION. r-AID-UP CAPITAL $10,000.0111 RESERVE FUND.— Sterling Reserve.4lo,ooo,ooo ....moou Silver Reserve....! („(A»),OO0f 15f 00 000 RESERVE LIABILITY OF I .in^juoOC PBOPBIETOiW |..»10.0»W.lsx Court of Directors. A. J. Raymond, Esq.— Chairman. E. H. Tomkins, Esq Dkputy Chairman. G. Balloch, Esq. D. M. Mosks, Esq.
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    • 607 3 NOTICES. WANT CD, for Pahang, storekeeper with experience in handling mining stores. Apply to v.c. PATKRBON, BIMONB CO. wantedT A Chinese cssbifr who is quick at Igures small security required. Reply in writing to T. W. c/o Strait* Timr* v.c WANTED. A building overseer one who can trace preferred. Apply
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    • 633 3 NOTICES. Messrs. H. L. Coghlan tf Co. HAVE BEEN APPOINT! D SUB-AGENTB OF THK Sun Life Assurance Co. of Canada. BOUSTEAD A CO., General Agents, v.c. Straits Settlements. SHIP'S SAILING BOAT FOR SALE. (Built of Pinp) LENGTH 27 feet, beam 7 feet inches, sails, mast and oars complete. H.L.COGHLAN*CO., v.c.
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    • 627 3 SHIPPING IN IX)-ChTnA BTKAM NAVIGATION COMPANY, LIMITED FOR HONGKONG. '■"IHE Company's steamer WAMBdJ/Q I 4.034 tons, Captain Payne, having left Calcutta on the -..'.tli ul't may be expected to arrive here on or about the 2nd inst., and will have prompt despatch for the Bl.ove port For freight or p»RBace
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  • 68 4 Stuart..— At his residence, Dublin Roa<t, Singapore, on April 1, lons David Stuart, solicitor, aged 42. Deeply regretted. Hudson.— On the 14th March, at Ningpo, the wife of Alkkbd Joskph Hudson, aged 35 years. Tkickihi.k. At Shanghai, on the 14th March, Is vbkl Fkancisca Tkrriblk, in her 54th year*.
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  • 395 4 The Straits Times PRICE 15 CENTS. WEDNESDAY, 1st APRIL. Singapore is possibly fortunate in possessing no particular and interesting breed of dog beyond the ordinary pariah, for if it d<d it might find some difficulty in making a satisfactory trade in them to the British Isles. K>r dogs of any
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  • 303 4 A Paris journal, the Libre Parole, announces a forthcoming scandal in ihe shape of extraordinary acts of jobbery which, it alleges, have been com milted by certain French officials in indo-China. It would be certainly instructive to know what the acts alleged are and it seems somewhat strange that Router's
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  • 251 4 The conquest of Sokoto an empire based upon conquest with a century of t xistenee is nothing wonderful. The Western Soudan was studied with petty states when a M ihommedan fanatic arose among the Tulahs.a widespread tribe of herdsmen there, and proclaimed the holy war against the negros around. The
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  • 14 4 Reading matter, including advance mail news, will be found on pages 2 and 3.
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  • 16 4 To-day's 4 ms bank rate is Mi The homeward mail closes at 7 a.m. on Friday.
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  • 9 4 H M. S Ifvfine lefc fir Penaag this morning.
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  • 8 4 The Straits Budgit will be published to-morrow morning
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  • 12 4 All the ships of the Ewt Indies Squadron have been painted neutral
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  • 14 4 It is notified that the port of Samarang is no longer infected by cholera.
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  • 12 4 Thb Courrier announces that several high Siamese officials will shortly visit Tonquin.
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  • 15 4 The Pinaiig Gazette states that H. E. the High Commissioner is expected in Perak shortly.
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  • 18 4 Captain H B. De Himel and Dr. G. D. Freer, of Penang, are both shortly proceeding to Europe.
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  • 20 4 The Municipality of Pdnang has decided to introduce the meter system to check the lavi h waste of water there.
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  • 21 4 Shipping advertU-unints, with dates of sailing etc will be found on page 7 General chipping news is printed on pa«te 8
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  • 29 4 The total amount of tin ore exported by the tribute™ on the lands of the Royal Johore Tin Mining Co. during March was 600 bags, equal to 375 piculs.
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  • 28 4 Ye-itekday, two in"n who keep hak. vies at 43 Teluk Blaneah and 50 Middle Road were fined $30 each for hanging up clothes to dry in the bakeries.
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  • 30 4 Mr Archdeacon, the manager of the Smelt ins Works, Pulo Brani, has had two Chinese employes before Mr. Beatty for stealing tin, value f 11.70. They got two months' each.
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  • 32 4 The quarterly in -.ning of the C W.A. will be hold on Wednesday April Bth at 11 a in. at Mrs Smnurville's house Ashestiel," Orchard R >ad, instead of at Mrs. Frizell's.
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  • 33 4 By tho German mail steamer I'rinz Heiiirich leaving on the bth Mr. H. M Grunberg, who has been a resident here for the past 20 years, goes to Europe on six months' holiday
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  • 33 4 Thb Governor G mmd^l of French Indo-China has decided to set about, forthwith the construction of a railway from Annam, throutM Lios, to connect at Übon with the K irai-B tn^k >k line.
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  • 32 4 Wk are informed that only the business of the Ad«lphi H-hhl wis recently sold to Messr*. Strkie*, J >hannes &Co The building itself remains the property of Mr. Meyer, of Meyer Bros.
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  • 33 4 The Indian Telegraph Department has ordered from Home some seta of instruments for wireless telegraphy of the Muirhead-Lodge pattern. Experim ents will probably be made first of all between Baugor Island and Akyab.
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  • 42 4 "Well, little chap," said the stranger, picking up one of the children, "what are you going to be when you are a man?" Nuffin," said the child. "Nothing? Why so? 1 asked the stranger. "Kecause," said the child, "I'm a little girl."
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  • 38 4 Lieutenant Bill," the winner of last year's Caul6eld Cup, has been purchased for India, and it is said will try for next year's Viceroy's Cup. He '.s a four-year old chestnut gelding by "Pilgrim's Progress" out of Ringarooma."
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  • 44 4 Tub Varsity boat race was to take place to-day. In the absence of later information it may be stated that Oxford's form had been improving of late, but at latest advices the betting was at about 3to 1 in favour of the light blues.
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  • 50 4 Thb MM. 88. Tonkin which recently damaged one of her screws off Pulo Way, is now under repair at Saigon before proceeding to Japan. A new screw for her is on the way out from Marseilles. This will be titted on either at Hongkong or Saigon on her return voyage.
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  • 48 4 About 5 yesterday evening, a Chinaman engaged in painting the outside of the house formerly occupied by Chong Fee in Hich Street, fell from an upper window He was picked up by a Sikh Constable and removed to the Central Police Station whence he was taken to Hospital.
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  • 55 4 On Monday evening, Chua Ah Hee snatched 30 cents from the pocket of a boy and knocked him down in Hill Street. He was promptly caught. Yesterday he appeared before Mr. Marriott and is now doing six months, to be supplemented with fifteen cuts with a rattan. He is not
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  • 56 4 Observations and Experiments on Japanese Long-tailed fowls' was the subject of a discourse to be given before the Zoological Society by Mr J. T Cunningham, on the 3rd March. At the same meeting Mr. E. R. Sykes was to read a peper on The Land Operculate Mollusca collected during the
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  • 68 4 The Derby will be run on May 27th this year, 303 colts having been nominated. Latest market prices to hand were 7 to 2 Rmlmmml, 12 to BalaWt, 6to 1 Flotsam, and 10 to 1 Mead. The last named is a colt belonging to H. M. the King, and is
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  • 72 4 After the Norddeutscher Lloyd bad declared that it would not distribute a dividend for 1902, it has been rumoured that the favourable results of the first months of the new year have changed that intention, and that, in spite of the former resolution, later on a small dividend is to
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  • 74 4 An important point of law was before the Calcutta High Court on the 20th ult., when the sister of the wife in a divorce case applied to intervene as a party to the suit, the wife having alleged that her husband had misconducted himself with her sister. The application was
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  • 67 4 The calendars brought out by the Armour Packing Company which is distriouting them to applicants, as announced in our advertising columns yesterday, are certainly handsome productions. There are six of them, each good tor two months. Every one of them contains pictures of pretty girls admiring and enjoying the firm's
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  • 66 4 The practical effect of the countervailing sugar duties in India has been to close, temporarily, the Indian market to the direct importation of German and Austro-Hungarian sugar, and to encourage imports from Mich beet-growing countries as Holland and Belgium, which do not maintain high protective duties. The imports of cane
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  • 108 4 Until lately the noon time of day at Saigon was marked by gun fire to the great convenience of the business public. The Government saw fit to do away with it. The resulting disarrangement in time-keeping resulted in the Chamber of Commerce there asking the Government to resume tiring the
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  • Reuter's Telegrams.
    • 36 4 London, Mst March. It is otticially announced that the King and the Q teen will visit Ireland in July or August next. The King sails for Lisbon to-day. The Queen has gone to Copenhagen.
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    • 102 4 Scottish (lathering Frustrated. A determined attempt was in nit; to convene a great Scottish gathering at Sir Hector Macdonald's funeral, but the rapidity of the arrangements for the burUl prevented it from maturing 130 representatives of societies and clans were present at the grave. The service
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    • 37 4 A Practical Test. The Marconigiams received by the Times start an experiment in which Marconi, the Rat**, and the Post Office participate for the purp)se of testing the commercial and practical value of the win-less system.
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    • 25 4 Courejolles, who was the French commander on the China coast at the time of the Boxer troubles, is dead.
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    • 75 4 Another Addition to the Red on the Map. British forces occupied Sokoto, in the Western Soudan, on the 14th March after meeting with a feeble resistance. The Emir and Prime Minister fled General Lugard reached Sokoto on the l!Kh March. With the capture of .Sokoto, there fell a
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    • 83 4 The monthly medal for March was played for on Saturday last. The following scores were handed in l'earce K. II v ftm 41 I LawaonCol. :t't MM s» WiUon G. G. ;>l— H 86 Walker Lt. 47 47- Boflanuuet G. A. I 4<J 56— 1> -9i
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    • 302 4 Wk much regret to announce the death of Mr. John David Stuart, advocate and solicitor, of Malacca Street, which occurred at his residence, Fern Cottage," Dublin Road, at 845 thin morning. He was engaged at his office on Saturday, but was taken ill on
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    • 50 4 Br the < ierman mail steamer Kiaiditehoa there arrived in Singapore Mr. T. M. Greenfield, harrister-at-law, who hi* joined the firm of Bradvlell Bros. Mr. Greenfield succeeds Mr A B Croat, who leaves by the Malacca tins afternoon for Kuala Lumpur, where lie joins Mr. J. f. Joaquim, barrister- at-
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 137 4 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. Robinson &Co., Have just received a choice assortment of ELECTROPLATED GOODS Suitable for WEDDING PRESENTS Tea Sets, Coffee Sets, Butter Dishes. Pickle Stands, Card Trays, Fruit Stands. Ice Pitchers Hot Water Kettles Revolving ButterCoolers o: Robinson Co. The Japanese Store, 213, Orchard Road. Have just unpacked a large
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    • 575 4 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. I v AISMM B. Tro^ P- P- I NOTICE. UNION IN'URANCB BOCIETY OF CANTON LTD. Singapore Branch. Ihnve this day resumed charge of this Branch. 7-4 WM. MAGBBA", Agent. '|X> be let, house No. 11, ciophia Rout. 1 Immediate Entry. Apply to A. 8. Snooker, No 9, Baffles
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    • 108 4 G. R. Lambert Co. Photographers orma: Qraahmm Houm (Battery Road.) —on Weekday! only 8 a.m.— 6 p.m. Orchard on WeB^ avt 8 ajn.-6 p.m. onSnadftvs. 8 a.m.— noo a. Large Stock of Photographic mUerial*. Monthly sup plies from Europe, reliable printing papers, chemical mounts, Bastman film* w ratten- Wrain wright's
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  • 515 5 Some $20,000 Worth of Goods Burgled, Despite the fact that the Tanglin burglars who had been committing various depredations last month were alleged to be safely placed in durance vile, a robbery of startling proportions whs perpetrated last night or early this morning at the premises of
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  • 73 5 Thk croquet tournament at the Ladies' Lawn Tennis Club was brought to a conclusion yesterday when the linal resulted in Miss Salzmaun and Mr. Evans beating Mrs. Evans and Mr I'itchitt by eleven points. The play was watched with interest by the all the cro(|uet-playing members of
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  • 110 5 Thk Legislative Council meets on Monday next, when Dr. Brown put the follown.g i|iie!<tions llus Cov eminent any information ,<t its di« M*jsJ M t*> thsj BVSMkfS stocks of rice in the < 'olony and Native States, and the length of 1 line fur which they would lie sutlicient in
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  • 105 5 At ."> pm yesterday two Chinaman were found in the compound of Ht. Andrew's House. They had no business there ;m<l hey were handed over to the Police. This morning they were before Mr lit-.-n t y on a charge of wilful trespass Mr. Hunt, resident master, said he Haw
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  • 507 5 s. c. <:. v. R- k A well contested game took place last night on the Esplanade between the above teams and the excitement and fastness of the play brought to mind old cup ties. The R. E. forwards have been strengthened by the inclusion of Sheean and his
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  • 481 5 Mount Vesuvius. A terrilic eruption of Mount Vesuvius has boen going on and the people of the urn urn ding territory are Heeing in terror. A number of casualties have already occurred among those living on the slopes of the mountain, and anxiety is felt for all the
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  • 163 5 Thk newly arrived Ist Manchester will be gratified to learn that at Alderosshot, on Saturday, Feb MMa, Lieut. Col. Reay c. b. commandine the 2nd Mancbeflters, another portion of the Ladysmith garrison, prevented to F. Co. the Ladysmith Commemoration Football Challenge Shield, won by them in Harrismith after the siege
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  • 153 5 A competition took place at the Tanglin Club last night for a Cup kindly presented by Mr. Jaeger as a farewell to Major White and Mr. J. G. Mactaggart. After a keen competition Mr. Jaeger won the Cup himself, but being the donor the next man, Dr. Bowes, whs
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  • 636 5 Singapore, 1-t April, 1903. PRODUCE. Gambler buyers f 16.521 Copra Ball 8.60 do PoDtUnak -etu Pepper, Black buyer* J4.50 do White, (8%) 66.50 Sago Flour Sarawak 5.20 do Brand No. 1 4.85 Pearl Sago 6. 10 Coffee, Bali, 15% basis 21.50 Coffee, Palemban?, 20% basis— 31.00 Coffee, Liberian No.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 95 5 Baby's Cough Must Never Linger NOTHING is more distressing than to see t beiplej* little infant suffering with a coujh. an i to be fearful of using a remedy wbi h may contain some harmful ingredient The makers of (Jhamberlaiu's Cough Uimii,-iv positively guarantee that this preparation does not contain
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    • 41 5 YOUR DIUBSTION IMPROVEB. Stkarnr' Wine is pleasant to take. It aids digestion. It agrees with the most delicate stomach. It increases weight and strength. Now is the time to reap the full benefit of this valuable tonic. Sold by all chemists.
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    • 896 5 IXCLAIMKD TRiASLRiSS. TiIKHK. is no lack of treasure* in the world the trim Mr is that they are all claimed or if indeed there be any unclaimed (and surely there must be some »uch), they are so difficult to hml that for the rank and hie of nankin. l they
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    • 19 5 It is safe to treat Baby's Cough with Jayne's Expectorant. The Singapore Dispensary, Sole Agents for the Straits Settlements.
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    • 602 5 AUCTION SALES. SALE OF HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, &c, The property of C. T. WatheD, ERq., At his [uarters, Sepoy Lines. Monday, 6th April iWXi, at 2 JO p.m. A carved ebony drawing room cabinet inlaid with mother-of-pearl upholstered rattan drawing room suite, teak bookcase, teak occasional tables, writing tables, rat 1
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    • 666 5 AUCTION SALES. SALE OF HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. Ar. The property of H. J. Gibbs, Esq., At Lunatic Asylum, Sepoy Lines, Saturday, 4th April, 1903, at 1.30 p.m. A cottage piano by Col lard and Col lard, in good order, carved and polished teak sidelioard wi'h lar<e mirror pinels teak centre tables
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 152 5 DAY BY DAY. Wednesday, ist April. High Water. 0.3*2 a.m. S-V.R, K.V.I. Recruits and Co. Drill. 5.15. c.W. A. Raffles Girls' School. 4. B.V.E. Parade. 5. 18. S.V.A. 8.5 Gun Drill. H. Italian Opera. Town Hall. Thursday, and April. High Water. II .-is a.m. 1.14 p.m. Pledges Sale. Sowan Fachang.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 352 6 NOTICES. Agents for LEA PERKINS' fkfMgf WORCESTERSHIRE SAUCE. w^ t ftp v By Special Warrant J|£|J|BKo^£ His Majestg *V>. Purveyors to '^^WsSf^S* The King. CELEBRATED OILMAN'S STORES, The absolute purity and great economy of Bovril is proven by the tart tliat over five lumdivil hospitals and kindred public institutions, including
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    • 86 6 BT. ANDREW'S HOUS-E. A CHURCH of England Boarding House J\_ (or European and Eurasian boys who desire to attend the schools of tht place. Applications to be made to tbt House Master, St. Andrew's House or tc the Colonial Chaplain. w. uc. Charles Ibetbsieck's lUhitc Seal Champagne. S^OLB AGBHTB, BERN,
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    • 295 6 NOTICES. n^^Bß^k {q CHAPOTEAUTS PHOSPHO CLYCERATE OP LIME It increases vital energy and nerve force, cures Mturatthmlt O/tpiptia, Intomnla, and neroous dmam in adults and children. IK CAPSULES. 11l WINE. AMD 111 SYIUf J. MOTION CO WATCHMAKERS. JEWELLERS, OPTICIANS. RKPATKS provfPTI.V KXECrTKIi Alexandra Brickworks Co., Ld. BRICKS FIREBRICKS. The Alexandra
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    • 1291 6 NOTICES. !l* Suivcription J,iri iriU I* open on Tliureiln;, Urn Mf A Mar. 1,, I SOS, md "til thm on or liefore the 9th April, \9(Ki, firr Sinijnpnn; mill <>n Aprl, 1t03,/M ehen'hti'\ Dunearn House, Limited. CAPITAL $350,000, DIVIDED INTO 3,500 SHARES OF $100 EACH. Payable as follows $25 on
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 721 7 The Borneo Company, Ltd. HTVIIK Studs*! Life Atsumnoe. M. Norwich Union Fire Instuanos Society. At 1m AMumnoe Company (Kire). The Equitable Life Auunnoe Society. The Chin. Mutual Steam Navigation Company (V '''ottenham Lager Beer Company. for particulars of tLenß Companies, see th» full advertuement of THE BOBNKO COMPANY, LIMITED. Airenta.
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    • 1316 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES, KoninUlijke Paketvaart Maatschappij. Lnaer contract with the Motherlands India Government at btngapore: Ship Agiscy, latb J. Damsbls A Co., 3-3, Colj-ym Quay. The undermentioned dates are only approximate. Steamer From Expected Will be Despatched for On Xienhuy* Pontianak Mar 29 Pontianak April 1 Reyniert* Djambie 29 Djambie. Ma
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    • 658 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES Compagnie Des Memtngerlea Maritimes De France. TILIORAPHIC ADPRMB: MISaAGBBIES, fiIBQAPORI. The tiail steamers will leave Singapore on or iDout the undermentioned dates. Outward Homeward. Dates. Dates. 1903 1903 Caledvnien Apr. 12 Sydney Apr 13 Auitrnliea Apr. 27 Tonkin Apr 27 Salazie May 10 Yarra May 11 Annam May
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    • 880 7 NOTICES. QLNGAPORE SPORTING CLDB Programme for the Spring Race Meeting, 1903. MAY 19th, 21«t, 23rd. FIRST~DAY. Tuesday, \9th M«.y. THE GOVERNOR'S CUP.— A Cup presented by H. K. Sir F. A. Swettenbam, K.C.M.O. and f2OO added by the Club. A Race for Maiden Horses. Weight 9st. Entrance, $10. Distance, R.
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    • 507 7 NOTICES. THE ROCHORE PLATE.— VaIue Second horse to receive the entrance fees. A Handicap for all non-winning horses that have started at this I meeting. Entrance #/> if declared by noon on Saturday, 9th May, and 910 if declared after noon on the 9th May, and by 4.16 p.m. on
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    • 1327 8 Under this heading the following abbreviations are used str. steamer sb.— •hip; bu.— barque; sch.— schooner Vet.— Yacht; Cru.— Cruiser; Gbt.— flunboat; Tor. —Torpedo; H.p.— Horse-power; Brit.—Britlth; U. B.— United States; Fch.— French Bar. German; Dut.— Dutch Joh.— Johore; (L*.— General-cargo; d.p.— deck passenger; U.— Uncertain T.
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    • 521 8 yam*., port, probable date of arrival, and name of agent*. Btiambrs. A .-i Liverpool, May 6; Mansfield. Alboin, Bombay. Apl Borneo Coy. Alcinous, Liverpool, May 5; Mansfield. Annum, Colombo. May 25 M Maritimes. Anetnor, Liverpool. Ma\ IS: Mansfield. AuUralien, ColomtKj Apl ->7 M M. Augtralind, \V. Australia, Apl
      521 words
    • 100 8 Fur Her steamer Time. To-Morroh. Palembang Rrijniers. 9 a.m Singoraand Bangkok Redann 11 am. Malacca and Muar Bong Wan 1 p.m. T. Anson and Penang MathUdt 4 p.m. Bangkok Phrnnanii 4 p.m. C'bon and Samarang (iianri Ret 4 p.m. Friday. Europe via ports Malta 7 a.ra. Bandjermassin Ran
      100 words
    • 139 8 From Europe— Ry the P. 40. s.s. Coromandtl due on Saturday, with dates to the 13th Mar. She brings replies to the mail which left Singapore on the 10th February. From China— By the P. 40. s.s'. Malta due on Thursday. Times Tabu of Mails Dub. l^eft
      139 words
    • 184 8 A i *LMp 5 Vmiiß Nmi. A Tone Captaib 'bom «aiud Conbionsks. o Rio Mar 81 Glenogle Brit str 23H9 Warner Amoy Mar 2H Hup Leong 81 Giang Bee «tr. 1192 Dunlop Samarang Mar T. K. Tian Co. Ltd 31 GiangAnn gtr 657 Follett Bjermasin Mar 28 T K.
      184 words
    • 111 8 Lao Rio Tons, iimtination :w Pi i Glenogle 1 Catherine Apcar 1 Glengarry 1 Sultan 1 Ophir 1 Nubia 1 Kmile 1 Agamemnon S KanagnwH Maru 1 Benvorlich 1 Malacca 1 Ban Hin Guaa 1 Heinrich Meazellt 9i* Penana +1m Holit Brit str. 2899 Penanjj and Rangoon str. 1730
      111 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 157 8 K. A. J. CHOTIRMALL Co. JEWELLERS and SILK MERCHANTS, 51-52, HIGH STREET. Jewellers and dealers in all kinds of Indian, Chinese, and Japanese silks and silk fancy goods, curios, art embroidery work, carpets, and rugs. Also Indian and Chinese-made gold and silver gem-set jewellerysilver ware and silver curios. Visitors will
      157 words
      579 words