The Straits Times, 14 March 1903

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Straits Times
  • 17 1 The Straits Times NO. a i, 079 SINGAPORE. SATURDAY. MARCH* 14, 1908. PRICE 15 CENTS LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS.
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  • 631 1 SINOAPOBI, I tTH MAR' 11, I!>>C. PRODUCE. Gambler Inner f 15.5(1 Copra Ball do Pontianak 9.0« Pepper, Black M.6" do White, (8%) WIM Bago Floor Sarawak M S.2S do Brunei No. 1 S.IS Pearl Sago 6.80 Coffee, Ball, 16% banic *2.00 Coffee, Halembang, 20% barf* W>oo Coffee, Liberian No.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 588 1 NOTICES. §fa <Jimcs. ADVERTISING RATES. PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. [per inch, column measure. First Insertion ?l <ent» Second and thinl invert im^e»<li sti nt tifth, anil ►iMh MaHli fterenth to ei^litecntli 24 cenW Mlneteent Ii Milmequcnt,, 16 rentn Per wet'k oi »ix dnj>, to l>e (limited daily if raqnired *1, per
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    • 1060 1 Milkmaid |4Jf??7fsx m Milk liyit^ooD !sf'3£-^ Guaranteed E %f%oMmf Z^S&SJ ft For INFANTS and INVALIDS. ruil Cream. trade mh When prepared is similar to Breast Milk. on SYery r Largest Sale in the World. »k».uw fqqd worm*. pkckh*», ■o?.do?«. ewoi.»»d. KATZ BROTHERS, LTD. O^§|i f "BORCHARDT- vJ^^f ~^mw^ the J^Jri
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    • 250 1 AUCTION SALE OF MISCELLANEOUS GOODS. To be held at our sale-room. IM Cecil Street On Moiuiay, 16M March, 1903, At 10 a.m 93t bass pulot rice, Transvaalian watches vith portraits of the conquering generals, watch chains, hones' bits, spurs stirrups, penknives, butter dishes, metal trats, cups end decanters in sets,
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    • 47 1 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. rTX) Vie let, furnished Morton." Ni'wton 1 now occupied by Mr. S. Tonilinson For particulars apply to TOMLINSON A TIAN FOOt 14-3 1, Raffles PfctM. Help yourself to health witk Jay tie's Tonic Verruifujfe. r rhe Singapore Disp* nsary, Sole Agents for the Strait* Settlements.
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  • 548 2 The Philippine Aboriginal Race. Mr. David P. Barrows, Chief of the Bureau of Non-Christian Tribes of the Philippines, in a report to the War Department on the ethnology of the Philippines, concludes that while a great majority of the population is unquestionably of Malayan origin, the aboriginal race
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  • 277 2 Wbitino from Chaotun?, Yunnan, on the 16th January the W. C. IK Wmot correspondent states: We had a concise example a few days ago of how the war indemnity is being used to prejudice people against foreignen* A tax of .V. has been levied on all coal.
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  • 234 2 A. 9 That the Trade Mark question in China it 8 difficult one to manage is to merchants fairly well Known. The .V.-f' Daily Newt says:— We have recently heard of the marks of cigarettes and soap being imitated by Chinese, 4hd we now learn that
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  • 224 2 A new form for ships' hulls, suggested by Prof. Kretschmer, is attracting considerable attention in the German shipbuilding circles. The constructors have for some years past been endeavouring to devise some means of still further increasing the efficiency of naval and other vessels, but were always met with the
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  • 145 2 Mr. Fran'' is Pears, writing from Muar, gives the following information to the lruHit linl'l'fi- Journal In case you have not received previous information, I append particulars of the yield nf two cultivated Para trees at Uapis Estate, in Perak, reputed to be 2.~> years
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  • 134 2 A kk< knt attempted burglary at the house of Mr. E. P. I'rentice, in New York City has been the means of publishing the fact that Mr. J. 1). Rockefeller, president of the Standard Oil Company, has a grandson just a fo. (.night old. Mr. Prentice is
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  • 337 2 Woman's rights What dooH a woman want iv rights whin she has priv'leges Rights is th' last thing we get in this wurruld. They're th' nex' thing to wrongs. They're wrongs turn-ned inside out. We have th' right to be sued f r debt instead iv
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  • 198 2 (iir.iiAi.TAK society has been badly hoaxed by a young Spaniard calling himself "an officer of the Spanish Marine attached to the cruiser omm V The young man spent SI days in Gibraltar, and on the strength of his position was warmly welcomed, attended local functions, and
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  • 155 2 PnaAFI in American eyes, writes Mr. Bennet Burleigh from Somaliland in the course of one of his descriptive letters to the Daily IWffrmA, British armies may be considered a tritle behind and out of date. You see, we do not go to war with a proper
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  • 102 2 Action of the United States. All possible doubt in relation to the attitude of the United States in *the indemnity question, theSlLanghui Tim I says, lias been put at rest by ofticial despatches which directed that the amount due to the I'nited States indemnity account should be
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  • 101 2 They seem to have a very curious idea of punishment for breach of contract in the Madras Legislative Council A bill has been introduced into the Council providing that when a coolie refuses to perform the task ordered by his master he may be, not ordered
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  • 26 2 Hugh Armstkono, of Syracuse, NY, wan fined in a police court for bitting his sister with a framed innUM^icl) read Peace on Karth^H to Men Ifc
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 357 2 NOTICES "DRYASDUST" Boiler Covering. PARTICULARS FROM BORNEO CO. LTD. .v ,v s Singapore. latest catalogue free on application. I HIM HER BICYCLES. Pitted with "FREE WHEEL" and rim ■r.-lke 4 All Bewton machines GUARANIKKH for TWO YEARS. THE BOIOTEO COMPANY, LTD Sole Agents for the Straits Settlem en t s
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    • 342 2 NOTICES. "Eagle" Cement. The Latest Tests BftO Iks., 1,200 IbA* after fteTen after fourclaj in teen day* Water. in Water. The above tests were made by the Engineer of the Madras Municipality who pronounced the Cement tbe best he had ever tested." Prices and particulars from THE BORNEO CO., LTD.
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    • 666 2 SHIPPINQ BRITISH INdTa STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY, LIMITED. FOR AUELAIDS, MELBOURNE 'AND SYDNEY. THE Company's steamer IT/NDA,t;9to ■jkons. Captain Bntrland, is expectw to arrive here on or about the Istb inst and will have prompt despatch for the above ports. For freight, or passage apply to 14-3 JfoI'STEAI) A Co., Agenty.
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    • 98 2 Messkb. Scott and Co., shipbuilders, Greenock, launched on ISth February for the Anglo-American Oil Company (Limited), a steamer which is said to be the largest bulk oil-carrying vessel in the world. The vessel which is named the Narragantett, has a gross tonnage of about 11,000 tons; the dead weigh' carrying
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    • 106 2 'IX) PREVENT CROUP, begin in time. I The first symptom is hoarseness this is soon followed by a peculinr rough cough, which If easily recognised an I will never l>e forgotten by one who has honrd it. The time to net is whea the child first becomes hoarse. If Chamberlain's
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  • 93 3 Elephants have occasionally stopped trains in this pait of the world if history speaks true, but none seem to have hitherto done it in the way one did which was recently being conveyed from Jersey City, New Jersey, to Atlanta, Georgia, lt became restive, wrenched its crate to pieces, and
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  • 96 3 Thosk who know the Yugtm will hardly be surprised to hear that another slice of the Bund it Nanking, the scene of a disaster receatiy, has collapsed and gone into the bed of the stream. It is now thought that the whole river front must be evacuated. This seems rather
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  • 104 3 Thk Marudu Bay (Borneo) Coal Syndicate (Limited) was registered in liondon on sth tilt, with a capital of £10,000 in XI shares. The object is to adopt an agreement with Mr. G. Pauling and Baron Einile Erlanger and Co. for the acquisition of a coal concession in North Borneo, and
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  • 97 3 Thb following notifications have been published in I'ahang Mr. H. Norman, passed cadet in the F M.S. Service, to act as assistant district officer, llaub, with effect from Ist January. Mr. B. Hickie, surveyor, to act as superintendent of revenue surveys, with effect from 12th February. Mr. A. Nutt has
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  • 109 3 It is told of a Sydney lady that Admiral Beaumont, who has just relinquished the Australian Command, once showed her a piece of Lord Nelson's :lag. The lady looked at the relit with awe. 1 hen she inquired. "And were you with Nelson in his last Sght r" Tbe piece
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  • 123 3 The Prime Minister ot the Australian Commonwealth has received from tbe Admiralty prints of the design lor the federal (lag of which it has approved. The details do not differ— except for tew inches in dimension from the ilesign for the Hag which won the first prize at the competition
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  • 110 3 Thk following K M. B appointments have been notified Captain, William Kdward Long, 4th Somersetshire M Light Infantry, to be Wing Offioar, il.i> m iif- Guides Captain Long reported his arrival in tbe F M. S. and assumed the duties of his appointment on 22nd February. Mr. I. White, Store-keeper,
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  • 146 3 Thb Si'tn tree l'ret.< says that during the recent troubles in Northern Siam all the Burmese in Bangkok were denied ill right of korapping (kowtowing) to the emerald Buddha in the Pa'ace Wat in Bangkok, and the Burmese residents in Siam are greatly indignaDt asainai this insult east upon them.
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  • 1088 3 P. O. Mar. Jo. I'er Ynlrttn I'm l.i.nil.n -Mr. anil Mr». Michel ami SUM. Mar. -'•>.— I'er Formosa For London Mm. \V. 11. Sniitli ami nix daughter*. From PMaag M' Wtaka, Mr. and Mrs. Law ami cliihl. and Mi»" Law, Mr. Cameron. April 3.— l'er Malta Mr.
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  • 80 3 hKMKUiiNGSome Bangkok burglaries, the Sunn Free Pretr says that the latest, terror is said to be the paralysing powder" used by the robbers When they enter a bouse they throw the powder on the inmates who immediately become entranced and cannot move a hand or foot in self-defence, through they
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  • 257 3 For Singapore Per P. A 0. s. China connecting with tbe steamer Ballatrat at Colombo, from London Feb. 20, doe '.'2nd March— Mr N. Henry, Mr. B. J. Young, Mr. Lewis, Mr. Hteiiman. Miss Forster. Per P. A O s. Shanghai from London Feb. 21, due 27th
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 637 3 Diarrho?* D1AKRHCF.A. in it« first stages, can b« cured by a few doses of that pleasant, r> liable, and effectual medicine Chamberlain's Colic- and Diarrbrra Beniedy. In many instances one xose is sufficient, but a< a rule thvee or four doses are Dereseary. It is a good thing to keep
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    • 731 3 NOTICES. THE WORD OF HONOUR. The men who do as they say the things that prove to t>e what they were said to be, how cheering it is to come upon them. We all hnte to be deceived; especially when the deception i* intentional. Hut all men ;ire not liar*,
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    • 576 3 NOTICES. WANTED for the Bundi Tin Mines. Kemaman, an Eurasian as night orwrseer. Apply to QUTHRIEACO., LTD.. v.c. As Agents. WANTED for the Belat Tin Mines, Kuantan, a smart dresser, who bolds Government certificate. Apply to PUTTFARt KFN A CO, 19-3 General Agents, WANTED for Borneo two reliable Chinese clerks,
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    • 646 3 NOTICES. LOST. ALaju bike No. 159. |25 reward will be given to any one who could give me any information that would lead to th.< recovery of same. M. J. BATEMAN, 18-3 c/o W. Manslield A Co r fX) be let, bouse No. 11, Sophia Road. I Entry Ist April.
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  • 424 4 Early last month, under the heading of Flogging Coolies— -Incident in British North Borneo,"— we published a gruesome story, extracted from an official report by Mr. E. P. Gueritz, the J U'licial Cuinmissioner of the Chartered Company's < )vernment, which set
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  • 10 4 Reading matter will be found on pages 2 and 3.
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  • 8 4 To-day's 4 ms. bank rate is 1/8 f^.
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  • 7 4 With to-day's issue there is a supplement.
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  • 10 4 Exchange and produce quotations are printed on page 1 to-day.
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  • 12 4 Thb formation of a M'>tor Volunteer Corps has been eaz'tted at London.
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  • 13 4 Thk Russian Volunteer Fleet steamer Saratov left for Odessa at 3.30 p.m. yesterday.
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  • 14 4 The death is announced of Mr. Richard Jordan Qatling, inventor of the famous gun.
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  • 16 4 The Ru«sian cruiser Novik went to Sertion No. 5, Tanjong Pagar Wharf, this morning to coal.
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  • 19 4 Lord Kinnard, Sir A. Hizlarigg and Capt J F Swettenham arrived by tin Ptnang this morning from Teluk Atison
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  • 21 4 Thk homeward M. M mail steamer Anno >n left Saigon at la. m to-day, and is due here on Monday mornir.g
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  • 21 4 Shipping advertiH^mnnts, with date' of sailing etc., will be found on page 7. General shipping news is printed on page 8.
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  • 23 4 YssrKRDAY a Chinese sampan coolie was sent to prison for six weeks by the Marine Court for demanding more than his legal fare.
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  • 24 4 Mr. W. A Haywaki>. of Riffles Institution, who is now at home on leave, has gained the teacher's diploma of the Incorporated Phonographic Society.
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  • 24 4 The House of Commons has voted £70,000 for entertainment of Indian Coronation guests and troops, includine £7,000 for the reception at the India Office.
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  • 33 4 Thb steam-launch Mary belonging to Syme and Co. collided with a sunken log while coming down the Kallang River a few days ago, and lost her propellar. Her tail shaft was also damaged.
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  • 30 4 Yrstcrday afternoon the Turkish (JOnsul-General, accompanied by the Japanese Consul, paid a visit to Rear Admiral Hikonojo Kararaura, on board the M*l*i<*Mm<i-kan, and was accorded the customary salute upon leaving.
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  • 43 4 The traffic earnings of the Singapore and Kranji railway last month included forty cents the price of a fowl run over on the line. Tbe amount spent on the line to the :flst January was $1,636,426, against an estimated cost of 51.677.4. W.
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  • 58 4 On Thursday Kang Chun, the mother of a convict, was allowed to have an interview with her son in the prison. While talking to him through a barred space she was seen to throw him a small packet which was found to contain 70 c»nts. Yesterday, she was before Mr.
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  • 59 4 Mn. At si kn Chamberlain, speaking in the House, said that notice had been given to the Peninsular and Oriental Company and to the Orient Company to terminate the mail contracts for India, the East and Australian on :ilst January, 1905. The ipiestion of future requirements was being carefully considered.
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  • 73 4 Yesterday Mr. Beatty held a preliminary enquiry into an allegation of culpable homicide not amounting to murder against Lee Ah Pah and Ang Ah Teng in having caused the death of Tan Sang on the Kitl Sang in Singapore roads. The affair arose out of a quarrel about a mat,
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  • 89 4 Ykstkriiay afternoon, Capt. Spiesen, master of the Koh Si <'hnnq, and Capt. Kohn, master of the Andtee WUtm were before the Bench Court for carrying more than twenty passengers, without having on board a properly qualified medical man. Mr. Edlin who appeared for them pleaded guilty, saying that though there
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  • 81 4 Thb performances by the Town Band on the Esplanade are becoming more and more popular with each successive one and last night's attendance was phenomenal. The band too has improved wonderfully and last evening did remarkably well in the opinion of those best qualified to judge. We understand that all
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  • 106 4 Various readers will remember T. J. Ban-ass, who was here with D'Arc's V( -trionettes three years or so ago. On •20th Feb., he was arre«ted at Perth, Western Australia, on a charge of being concerned in a big bank robbery. It seems that some days before one Archibald Me Lagan
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  • 609 4 The Austrian Minister of Commerce is exerting himself to push on trade between Netherlands India and the Austro-Hungarian monarchy. He hi* despatched a trade expert named F. A. Schiippel out to inquire into the best means of carrying out this end. Mr Sclnippel is now in Java to
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  • 56 4 There was a attendance at Warren's Circus last evening when the programme of the two previous ev«oines wis repeated in customary good style Ainoncst those present we noticed H H. the Sultan and a party from Johnre A matinee will be given at 4 p m to-day and a
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  • 60 4 The third general meeting of the Royal Johore Tin Mining Company. Limited, was held to day at the offices of the agents in Collyer Quay. We will give an extended report of the proceedings on Monday. An interim dividend of 5/ was declared in August last and another dividend ot"
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  • Reuter's Telegrams.
    • 71 4 London, tSU. Marek. On the occasion of the anniversary of the emancipation of the serfs in Russia, the Czar issued a manifesto. The manifesto proclaims the principles ot religious toleration to all creeds, announces measures for the extension of provincial and rural selfgovernment, and relieves the peasants from
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    • 26 4 It is announced at Lisbon that King Edward will arrive there on the Mrd of April on a few days' visit.
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    • 49 4 The Clergy Discipline Bill lias been introduced into the House of Commons by Mr. Austen Taylor fjr the purpose of facilitating the prosecution of recalcitrant Ritualists, especially by abolishing the bishop's voto. The Bill was read a second time by 190 to 138 rotes.
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    • 30 4 The Budget .ummittee of the Reichstag has negatived votes in the German Naval Kstimates to the amount of £650,000, including the river gunboats for service in China.
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  • 83 4 Mrs. Waddeil Wins the Championship. I'i.av in the Championship singles was resumed yesterday afternoon It will be remembered that the first set fell to Mrs Lovell with 'i I and that in the second both Mrs. Lovell and vi rs. Waddeil scored I games
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  • 237 4 A Chinese Bluebeard has just been brought to justice in Hangchow, says a correspondent of the .V. 0. D A'«w-«. A Manchu oificial named Kieh, had lost several wives during recent years, and on account of his known cruelty, he waa some time ago degraded several steps.
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  • 243 4 March^ 15th. ST. ANDRUW S OATUOI M.. 7 a.m., Matins and Litany. 745 a.m. Holy Communion (Choral) and Sermon I p.m. Sunday SWiool ami IMs Claw 5-30 p.m. EveiiKon^ ami S«rmon. ST. MATTHEWS I lIIKIII, SKI'OV 1.1.N*B. IS p.m. EveiiHOiiK and Sermon. IWTIIKDHU. Of TIIK ...Mil slIhl'IIKIU), HRASh
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 1154 4 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS, CALDBECK, MAC6RE6OR CO. (IiSTAbLISHHD 18O4.) WINE SPIRIT MERCHANTS. LONDON, GLASGOW, SHANGHAI, HONG-KONG. AND SINGAPORE. (fPrice Jsist on Jlppli cation.) in th -thk v i a"njon<; i'auar dock town hall. OOMPAWY, UHICTP. Saturday, March 21st. mat H.lf Y..,irly (ienera. Meeting of WN^AWRK PHILII AUMOX.r so,'. K TV. I tin-
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    • 71 4 G. R. Lambert Co. Photographers open Qresham House (Battery Road.) —on Weekday* only 8 a-m.— 6 p.m. Orchard on w kdaTt 8 m 6 P m Road on Sundays. 8 a.m.— noon. Large Stock of Photographic materials. Monthly supplies from Europe, reliable printing papers, chemical mounts, Eastman films, Wratten-Wr&inwright's Ilford
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    • 123 4 Baby's Cough Must Never Linger NofMI is more distressing thin t> see -Iplntn liUl* in fin t suffering with a i-0i,,.i. an 1 to be tMrfal of usini; a remedy which may contain some harmful ingredient The maknr.-i of Tha MOf lain*! O)U<h Kemedv positively gu-tranlee thai this preparation doea
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    • 39 4 YOWt DIUKOTIOM IMI'ROVKS. isTKaßNs' Wink is pleasant to take. It aid| digestion It agrees with tbe most delicate stomach It increases weight and strength. Now is the time to Map the lull btmetitofthis valuable tonw. Hold by nil chemists.
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 223 4 DAY BY DAY. Saturday, 14th March. High Water. 11.29 p.m. B.C.C. Criokot. 8 V.R, 8. V.I. Clm« Firing. 3. G.U.O Monthly Medal Play. S.V.I. Right March. Band. Gardens. V. W.irren '< ('irvos. 4 and 9. Wnyaiijr Kastiim. North Bridge Road. 9. Wayang Puxi. North Bridge Road. 9. Sunda), 15th March.
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  • 4290 5 Friday, March 13th. mm 1. KXCKLUBKI SIX Kk\NK ATHKI.HTANB Srti iikminm, X.c.M.ii., (Governor). Hoa W.T. Taylor. cm. (Colonial Secretary), linn W. R Colly.-r I Mlorni-y «:>-ii"riil>. Mon I". U. IViim'i-y (Colonial Tiumihw). Hon. K. C. II Mill (Auditor lleiieral). ileu MllM 111 1 iv (Cotoaiai Kwrine'-n Km.. .1
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  • 1198 5 The ordinary meeting of the Singapore Municipal Commissioners was held yesterday afternoon. Mr. I, Anthonisz presided, and there were also present: Messrs. F. E. Jago, 9, S. Pooles, W. Evans, H. I. Chope, B. Maclaren, Choa (Jiang, LneChoon Guan and Lieut. Col. Pennefather with Mr. Polglase (Secretary)
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  • 150 5 KM license fees for steamer passengers, junks, and tongkangs are notified. A new scale of fees under the Bills of Sale Ordinance will he eubstitutnd for the present scale on the let April next. H A. Neubronner of Bnaoh ltoad, Penang, has filed the apaciAoataM of an invention
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 65 5 S. EDWARD'S SCHOOL. NI'WARA KI.IYA, OIYLOH 6,200 feet about sea level. For the sons of Europeans only. ALL the advantages of n first ilaiw school in England at very moderate fees Very healthy elim»t« Resident English uraduatex. Ex[>erienced lady teaches younver boys. School buildings stand in own grounds 0t over
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 700 6 NOTICES. AOMts (OP LEA PERMS' WORCESI ERSHIRE SAUCE. f^wfl^ *x_LJL_i_)L Bg Special Warrant^raH^^^HJs Majestg *V> Purveyors to The King. CELEBRATED OILMAN'S STORES. CHATWOOD'S Patent "INVINCIBLE" /V// SAFES of all qualitios. Chatwood's Patent Steel Doors y>-CP Cj /m v > w S#i Gates for Strong Rooms. /L\ CATALOGUES FREE /NOTICE on
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    • 651 6 NOTi ES. Refined society appreciates tomething distinctive, rare, a suggestion of fine lingerie, fragrant with iris, amber and dry ruse leaves. ASI FOR OUR LATEST PERFUMES. RIBAUD'S LISERIS Extract RI6AUD'S LOUIS XIII RIBAUD'S ALT ESS E RIBAUD'S WHITE VIOLET R/BAUD'S SUNIA V. BISADD. rui Vivimm. PAEIS JIUIPP New Millinery Pretty
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    • 500 6 NOTICES SAVE YOUR HAIR With Shampoos of Cuticura Soap and Light Dressings of Cuticura. This treatment at once stops failing hair, removes crusts, scales, and dandruff, soothes irritated, itching surfaces, stimulates hair follicles, supplies the roots with energy and nourishment, and makes the hair grow upon a sweet, wholesome, healthy
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 687 7 The Borneo Company, Ltd. rrOIE Standnri I'»'« Aaroranoe. X Norwich Union Fire Insurance Society. Atlai Assuranoe Company (Fire). rhe K|uit»bl« Ufe Amuranoe Society. The Chin. Mutual Steam Navigation Company 1 I,.- Tnttunham Lager Beer Company. PANY. I.IMITKI) Acento. STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. p a Steam Navigation 0. Coy. H»R I HIM. J
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    • 1301 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES, Koninklijke PaWetvaart Maatschappij. Under contract with the Netherlands India Government. l,'.wi» at Singapore: bBiP Aow^N, latb J. Dabvdbu A Co., 2-8, Ooixtbb Quit. The undermentioned dates are only approximate. steamer From Kxpected v* ill be IKwpatchea tor Oo H'k Tiioe Bagan Mar If Samarang Mar 1J Van Outhmirii
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    • 627 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. N. T. C JA Pi I MAIL STEAMSHIP CO. LTD. A regular FORTNIGHTLY service is maintained between Japan and Europe by the following NEW TWIN SCREW STEAMERS, Under Mail Contract wi'h the Imperial Japanese Government, specially designed for the Company's European Bervice, lighted throughout by Electricity, provided with
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    • 595 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES Compagnie Des Messagerle* Maritimes De France. TILIOBAPHIO ADDKMB: M«8BAO1BIB8, SIHOIPOU. The mail steamers will leave Singapore on or aoont the andermentioned dates. ODTWABD. HOMIWABD. Dates. Dates. 1903 1903 Tonkin Mar. 16 j Annnm Mar 16 To.ikin Mar. 30 E. Simons Mar 30 CoUdonifn Apr. 12 Mm| Apr 13
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    • 438 7 I INSURANCE CO.'S THE ROYAL ROHANOE ASSURANCE. IESTABLISHED A.D. 1720) THE undersigned, agents for the above company, ar« prepared to accept Fire Kisks at current rates. w.*s. 31/12 BEHN MEYER A 00. MAGDEBURG KIRK IXSIKANTR COMPANY. (ESTABLISHED A.D IM4) THE v nder«ign«'d, agents for the above company, are prepared to
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    • 1249 8 L'n ler.thiH heading the following abbreviations a'e ust-d Ftr. steamer fh.— ■tup; oq l>ar.| rj Ycl.~ Taobt, Oru. -Orulaer; Übt. Onnbort; Tor. Torp< do; 11 p. -Kur.-i -power; Brit.—bn|Uh; D. United BUM*: Feb. I'lt-n." fl«r. Gorman: I Hit. Datcl Dtaon •La.— General-; uo >tauinaf; XJ.— Unc«iNaii. I.
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    • 673 8 Name, port, probable date of arrival and name oj agent*. Ktiamkrs. Agamemnon. Liverpool. Apl 2: Mansfield. Alt "ii. BoinbHy. Apl; Borneo Coy. Alicant--, Barcelona. Mar 2i Barlow. Amliilusia. Hongkong. Mar 29; RehnMeyer Annum. Hongkong, Mar 16 M M. Australiml, W. Australia. Apl 6: Boustead. Aw i M.iru .lapan.
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    • 118 8 For Per iteamer Timr. To-Day. Penang and Deli Htb> S p.m. Deli Medtin 3 p.m. Bangkok Bingkok 3 p.m. Penang and Colombo Hnfotta Mnru p.m. Calcutta t'azilka 3 p.m. Penang and Colombo Gl'ngul. 3 p.m P. Swefham via ports Sappho 4 p.m. Batu Pahat Sultana 4 p.m. Saigon
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    • 138 8 From Europe— By the P <ScO. s.s. Kallaurat due on Saturday, with dates to the 20th Feb. She brings replies to the mail which left Singapore on the 26th January. From China By the M. M. s. s. Aunam due on 16th March. Times Tabls of Mails
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    • 167 8 5 v'kwh s Im a IU. A l< H- (UPTAIIf ■m From Sail«d. Oowsiormo. Mm 13 Erailp 13 I-abeli* 13 Novik 13 Sachsen l:l Borneo 18 Pyrrhu* 13 Sealda 13 Hona Bee 13 Argyll 13 I lent *in 13 Pembrokeshire 14 Penang 14 Pob Ana Dut str. 80 Nacodab
      167 words
    • 103 8 DAT/.. I Vbbsei/s Name. Flag A Rig Tors. DISTISATION Mai 16 Annul-: Fch str. i>B3> 16 Tonkin atr. •JSI-T 16 Tamise str. 1328 1« LaSeynt- »tr. 1142 14 Tientsin Brit str. -W^ 14 Fnzilka atr. SKJfW 14 Glengyle atr. -'.'4J 14 Be»lda atr. I 5438 14 KotSanot atr. 1405
      103 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 125 8 K. A. J. CHOTIRMALL Co., JEWELLERS and SILK MERCHANTS, 51-62, HIGH STREET. Jewellers and dealers in all kinds of Indian, Chinese, and Japanese silks and silk fancy goods, curios, art embroidery work, carpets, and rugs. Also Indian and Chinese-made and silver gem-set jewellerysilver ware and silver curios. Visitors will be
      125 words
    • 882 8 Try WHITEAWAY.LAIDLAW&CO., *VSSfISBK T THE SHANNON TRUNK x-A-Diins press rraxrovits The "'Shannon' Trunk is a grained crocodile steel tiunk iBSSfI piinilnr tr> skK. l> with single lock ;irui wooden battens top and bottom. Top and s'ule^ heavily mnilded corners well Wr protected W* r si/..> it. i.v i.v; i" ii><-l>'-
      882 words
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 34 8 WEATHER TELEGRAM. <E. E. A. <fc C. Telegraph ONysay, i 13th Mui< m HONORONG.— Barometer '.*>.»'. Direction of Wind East. Force of Wind t. Max. Temp in Shade 70. MANILA:— 76I E.N.E. 1. 80. 22.
      34 words