The Straits Times, 13 January 1903

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Straits Times
  • 14 1 The Straits Times MO. ai, 039 SINGAPORE, TUESDAY, SANUAfcY 13, 1903. PRICE 15 CENTS
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 691 1 NOTICES. ©toe £traite ffitnes. ADVERTISING RATES. PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. ADVERTISEMENTS. THE type oxed as a Htandard for Retting advertiHenientn in nitnilar to this, unli-i-theiiiMiu. iii.ii is to "djapiay" the iidverti^rment, when any ellWtive style ol type, used in the paper, will be adopted. The standard rnns exactly eight line* to
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    • 670 1 NOTICE. NOTICE. DEPOSITORS in the Savings Bank an reminded to send in their pass books between the 2nd and lfith January 19US, (or audit in compliance with th< Kules and Regulations of the Having! Bank Ordinance. .Pass-books may lie for warded free by post to the Superintenden of the Bank.
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    • 202 1 NOTICES. MORTGAGE." SUMS up to •W.KNi may be had on first class mortgage od application to STEPHENS. PAUL A CO. SINGAPORE NfKRCHANT BERVICB GUILD A (iciieral Usttlrg will be held in tb« j\ MariDe oj*Jk room, od Wednesday 14th Jannary. iflQfat 9 p.m. Business Oenerar J. G BOYD, 14-1 Secretary.
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    • 146 1 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. GREAT 4 Clearance Sale Our Postponed Cheap Sale WILL COIMIIMIIEItsrGE: ON Monday, tde Wt6 KATZ BROTHERS LTD. Bndipg Wednesday, 2Ttd v 'Very Special Bargains Further Particulars in a few Days GREAT Reduction Sale. v c. I THE QUEEN of CREME de MENTHE 1 PIPPERMINT W GET F PF.
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    • 389 1 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. A FEAST TO THE EAR A Pleasing Sight. Don't Miss THE RARE OPPORTUNITY. THK (I.OWNS- Till! HK.ST Off CLOWN* TD-MGIIT. TO-nOHT TIIK NiiRTH IIKIIH.K I;. VI. niKAII^ Till INDRA ZANIBAR Theatrical Company of Singapore Will play the miK'li lik.-,l DIMH Wijaya Gangga or The Jovial Princess Perfornianip IS
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  • 358 2 Tha import and export trade figures of the Philippine Archipelago tor the twelve months Ading June 1902, about to be published byltbe Bureau of Insular Affairs of *jfce V. B. War Department, in connection with returns for the two preceding years and complete statistics ffom the
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  • 215 2 A <orrrBponob>)t writes to the Times It may now be regarded as certain that all the previous^umoure are without foundation, and that the names of the new ships are as follows The first-class armoured cruisers the Duke of Edinburgh, to be built at Pembroke the Black I'nnee,
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  • 168 2 The liirininghiini Daily Gazette repeats a good story of the Bishop of Hereford, the one solitary bishop in the House of Lords who voted against the Education Bill. The bishop had been entertaining a colonial divine; and alter being shown the fine old cathedral, the episcopal residence,
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  • 132 2 Despatches from Baku disclose what, in Persian circles, are rejprded as most dangerous and unsuspected revolutionary tendencies in tIM Shah. He has just reduced (says an E&press telegram) the number of his harem from 1,700 to 60. It smacks of the West and sacrilege, and it is
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  • 748 2 Acceptance has been received, through the 1 I'renident of Argentina, of the ronTitionnaineH by President Manbiiry, of the Board of F Agriculture, under which Argentine cattle may be imported into Kngland. These condi- t ions were that Argentina nhould adopt the British Disease i,f Animals Act, and prohibit
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  • 547 2 Mi. Carl Kit/, win, »h4»A imtlmrit y «v tin' ~n lijet t 'i>iitri>mtwi<Wo the l.mulmi MmMH hii iiitereMiii^Hrliflfuii llieroui|>lt'\ problem. How to (Wind (ireat Hotel. It is an ulhce to which few ol us will be called. Most people rani paying their hotel hills, or
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 337 2 NOTICES. I Nothing but unexampled raerit on tbe pftrt of 1 St. Jacobs OH 1 1 and a fnll realization of the claims Ji^. V_2 ij forth such enthusiastic praise as \tllt \VIa t| ii daily receiving all over the f^jLuN |l^^_^ Rheumatism, Neuralgia, rfffi\\xjfflmfn£ 1? Swellings, Sons, -^J^*KSs^* Eatabllslied
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    • 363 2 NOTICES. CROSSLp'S OIL ENfIMES. USUAL SIZES ALWAYB IN BTOCK r PARTICULARS ANIfQUOTATIONS ON APPHCATIQ^ TO THE BORNEO CO., LD. THE TAFF VALB B^ILWAT CO Have fitted up a plant for applying JODBLITE TO THKia RAILWAY SLEEPERS. One application of Jodelite renders woodwork absolutely proof against white ants, dry rot, or
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    • 355 2 NOTICES. GENUINE MALT WHISKIES THE BEST BLENDS ARE BUCHANAN'S RED SEAL t11.75 per case WHITE BEAL 516 .00 per case. OF ALL DEALERS Sole Importers, BORNEO CO., LTD. GLACIER ANTI-FRICTION-METAL. -Z ftv sro' y BTiflß '2 W *< q Ski IBm^9 The best for all classes of Machinery bearings. Full
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  • 494 3 Wall Street, which is to New York what the Bank region is to the City of London, is wonderfully well looked after by detectives Money in all its forms is plentiful there, and the aim of the police is to prevent those huge and paralysing
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  • 237 3 Therk was a time, says the Daily ilraphic, when silver bulked more largely in the various currencies of the world than gold, but that was long aeo. and to-day the opposite is the case. Now the yellow metal is steadily pushing its white rival into the background,
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  • 162 3 The mystery of Thibet still survives to tempt the explorer— and the author of romance. Dr. Hedin, who recently landed in England, puts on record (per interviewer) his belief that it is imposnible for a European to penetrate to Lhassa even in disguise." The indomitable Swede
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  • 410 3 Some years ago, when musicians were vigorously threshing out the question of a natural and scientific pitch, an advocate of the diapason normal wrote to the papers and informed the public that a blackbird whose song had awakened him at 5 am was of
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  • 297 3 P. <). .lun. IX Per Ballaarat For 1...i,.1..n Mr. A I. Clnttenden. Kel. Per Ceylon For London— Mr. A. Kaker. From Penang for London Mr. and Mr>. Hullifax und i children, Mr. t*ett», MU» Neulironner. Mar. B.— Per Bengal For London— Mrs. D. M 1 1.. in.'
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  • 156 3 For Singapore. Per V. AO. s. s. India connecting at Colombo with the steamer Maltn from London Dec. 26, due 25th Jan.— Mr. C. V\ Bank. F'c- P A O. s. s. Oceana connecting with the .nitT Bengal at Colombo, from Lonaon Jan 8, due Bth Feb.—
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 20 3 Bhippikq advertisements, with dates of sailing etc will be found on page 7. General shipping news is printed on pages
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    • 91 3 VESSELS ADVERTISED TO SMI,. Calcutta via ports, Pumea, on 12th Jan., Boustead. Penang and Calcutta, Namtung, due 12th Jan., boustead. Seattle via port*, Phi due 16th Jan., Munslield. Odessa via ports, Kottroma, due 26th BV.F. Odessa via ports, Tambov, end of Jan., R.V.F. East Coast ports. Ban Whatt Him, on
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    • 481 3 NOTICES. YOU WILL NOT BE DECEIVED. That there 'are cheats and" frauds' in plenty etery l>ody knows but ft is seldom i>r never tlisit any large business houf-e is guilty of them, no matter what line of trade it follows. There can be no. permanent success of any kind based
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    • 647 3 NOTICES. WANTED an experienced and intelligent Clerk. Apply to E. H. S. c/o Strati* Time*. 18-1 ANTED Collector, apply with letters of reference and names of security for SI ,OOO. to THE ROBINBON PIANO CO., LTD., v.c WANTED. A ledger clerk for immediate employment. Apply to, c/o Straitt Times.
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    • 633 3 NOTICES. Mcwri. H. L. GocMm tf Co. HAVE BEEN APtotifTaD BTJB-aGEKfB OT.THI Sun Life Assurance C of Canada. BOUBTEAD 4 CO, General Agents, O.C. Straits Settlements. TOR^SALE. (Bfjina T&iles. Inseversl different patterns from Messrs Hong Chee A Co., of Hongkong. Prices very moderate. Can be seen at our office No.
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    • 596 3 SHIPPING OCEAJS' STKAIfSHIP CO., LTD. FOR BROOMS, PORT HEDLAND, COSSACK. ASHBUBTON, CARNARVON GERALDTON, A FREMANTLE. THE Company's steamer SVLTAA, 1.270 tons, register, Captain Pitts, is intended to sail for the above ports on Tuesday, the 18th inst. For freight or passage apply to W. MANSFIELD A CO., 13-1 Agents O.
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  • 901 4 Mapsoni has been so uncommunicative about his telegraph that, despite the fact of the world knowing that hi* theory Ufas right, nobody seemed to realise that he was pushing ahead a great commercial undertaking, yesterday from Renter, we learued that the
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  • 13 4 Rkadino matter, including wire news, will be found on pages 2 And 3.
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  • 8 4 To-morrow is the Hindu New Year, or Pongal."
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  • 19 4 Thk Straits Budget will be published to-morrow morning. Thk homeward mail by the Zaida closes at 4 p.m. to-morrow.
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  • 9 4 An inmate of the pauper hospital hanged himself yesterday.
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  • 14 4 H. M. S. Oolialk went to coal at Tanjong Pagar at daylight this morning.
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  • 15 4 Thk French Senatorial elections have resulted in a gain to the Ministerialists of eleven votes.
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  • 19 4 Dr. 3. C .G. Fox on his return from leave will relieve Or Connolly at Batu Gajah, who goestoTaiping.
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  • 16 4 We have received from the Post-master-General a copy of the Straits Settlements Postal fluide for 1903.
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  • 20 4 The Russian warship 4tkold, which was lately at Colombo, will not come to Singapore. She is going to Pulo Way.
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  • 24 4 Thb combined bands of the 13th M. 1. and the 3rd M L. I play in the Botanical Gardens to-night, commencing at 9 o'clock.
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  • 21 4 The German mail horn Europe by the N.D.L. s.s Stuttgart «due here on Sunday morning. She left Colombo at lam. yesterday.
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  • 21 4 French authorities at Tonaoia have lately issued a notice, prohibiting the export of rice from the French Colony owing to drought.
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  • 21 4 Sefior Sagasta, Spanish Liberal statesman who had several times been Premier, has just died in the seventysixth year of his ace.
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  • 21 4 The German mail steamer IVmmm left fort Said yesterday afternoon outward bound. She is due here on Saturday the 31st instant.
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  • 18 4 The Selangor Government has accepted Messrs. Riley Hargreaves' tender for the supply of railway stores in that State.
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  • 25 4 Major J. Ritchie ra w <-„ who arrived from home by the P.JtO. mail on Sunday, has assumed the duties of Senior Medical Officer, Straits Settlements.
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  • 34 4 It is reported that the health of M. Lessar, the Russian Minister at Peking, will probably not permit of his resuming his post at the Chinese capital. M. Lessar is in his 52nd year.
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  • 27 4 To-morrow being New Year's day, Old Style, the Russian, Greek and Armenian communities will celebrate it accordingly. A big dinner takes place on board the Admiral liaehimoff.
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  • 32 4 A Government school mainly for Chinese will he opened at Kuching, in Sarawak, the mqpnent a staff of teachers has bsen secured —a tf ork of at least three or four month*.
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  • 35 4 Thk Aretliuna arrived here from Penang to-day. She embarks time expired men and invalids, and will then leave for home. Her relief, the Thetis, is on the way out, having left Portsmouth on Dec. lSth.
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  • 35 4 Mr. W. 0. Vanrenen, Assistant Warden of Mines, having satisfied the examiner in the Land and Mining Enactments and in the Law of Evidence, i« confirmed in his appointment, with efftct from Ist Jahuiry, 1903.
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  • 30 4 A telegram dated the Hague, nth instant, states that the water reservoirs which -apply Lisbon with drinking water have burst. Many persons perished. Several buildings, including a theatre, were destroyed.
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  • 43 4 Fires always occur in batches of three and as we have just had two and the Chinese New Year is close upon us the engines were given a pretty thorough test in front of Finlayson Green this morning, between 7 and h a.m.
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  • 41 4 The titular Sultan of Acheen has formally made his submission. It has been accepted by the Governor of Acheen. The Sultan is at Segli in Pedir. Several headmen from Acheen Proper have gone there to fetch him to see the Governor.
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  • 38 4 Db. Walter Reed, a Major in the United States Army, has died of appendicitis. His discovery of^he transmission of yellow fever by mosquitoes at Havana greatly helrfed towards the extermination of that disease as an epidemic in Cuba.
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  • 83 4 The following F.M.S. appointments are notifiqA: Mr H Pettigrew to be Driver, FR.S. Railways, Perak. Mr. Pettigrew left London on 20th October and arrived in the State on 4th December. Mr. H. Cropley to be assistant inspector of boilers, mines department, with effect from the 3rd December. Mr Cropley reported
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  • 53 4 Thk NaviU and Military Record' says that the battleship ninth,n 'inth, now in harbour here, is to be relieved in June next by one of the battleships now in course of construction at home. On her return to England, the Ooliath will be paid off at Chatham and will afterwards
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  • 57 4 On* morning last week a resident in Orange Grove Road found that one of his dogs had been poisoned On the following morning it was discovered that another of his dogs had been stabbed. We hear that, the other night, a resident of River Valley Road surprised a Chinaman in
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  • 69 4 Thk Royal Bioscope at the foot of Fort Canning is drawing large audiences, and last night, the Passion Play was much appreciated by those present. Many other pictures also produced considerable interest. This is the last week of the Company's season here and those who have not yet visited the
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  • 83 4 Tm; persistent attempts of the British to thwart the commercial and political influence of Russia in Persia may go beyond bearable limits, and impel us to take more serious measures, namely, to defend our interests in this country by force of arms. It might then come to pass that, in
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  • 78 4 The Nordd. Lloyd steamer liorneo, recently constructed at Lubeck, has had her trial trip. This vessel, intended for the Indo-Chinese service of the Lloyd, is of 2,168 tons nett, carrying 3,300 tons dead weight and 1,200 tap. She achieved 11 knots with a relative coal consumption of 20 tons a
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  • 85 4 Between noon and seven o'clock on Wednesday, a valuable lot of diamond jewels, the property of Mrs Leach, was stolen from Mr. Justice Leach house in Northam Road, Penang, in the daytime, and so far the affair remains a mystery. The stolen property consists of diamond pendants, brooches, and other
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  • 88 4 The Government of India decided some months ago to cancel their order for batteries of the Vickers- Maxim automatic gun, as used in South Africa; but they are now getting out for experimental purposes two new guns from that firm, which are of <|iiite a novel kind. These are jointed
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  • 100 4 The* IjOiulon and China KarSM says We have little more to add to what we have already stated concerning the Straits Currency Commission beyond the fact that both Singapore and Penang are petitioning for a gold standard, and it is said a counter petition from the Silverites is being got
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  • 129 4 A ramble round the markets of an early morning is fraught with a considerable amount "of interest to anyone comprehending the colloquial. Bazaar gup" just now in Singapore has it that the death of the late Detective Inspector Brennan was due to the hantv of a man shot in the
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  • 117 4 Private advices just received in Manila from Washington are to the effect that the American cable line between Manila and Shanghai is the result of an understanding between the President and Pacific Commercial Cable Company. Assurances that the 4jfte. will b% built have been given to the representatives of the
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  • Reuter's telegrams.
    • 19 4 Lvndon, Vilh Jan. Mr. Bjwen, the American Minister at Caracas (Venezuela) has sailed for Washington.
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    • 34 4 After hearing M r Chamberlain's speech at Pretoria, the Boer leader." have advisad their followers to acceptp t the situation, to refrain from making useless demands, and to co-operate with the Government.
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    • 21 4 Turkey h&s not yet replied to the British prntost anent the passage of warships through the Dardanelles.
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    • 74 4 Dr. Von Holleben, the German Ambassador at Washington, has departed for hinrope without bidding farewell to President Roosevelt. MOROCCO DEVELOPMENTS. A number of lady missionaries have left Fez for Tangier. The latest information from Fez. seems to foreshadow serious develop ments in the situation in Morocco. The
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  • 124 4 The children at Blakan Mati had high times Saturday night last, when a Christmas Tree entertainment was given to the families and children on the island. After a splendid tea, which was thoroughly enjoyed, a toy was presented to each child by Mrs. Wynne, who
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  • 134 4 Bowling for the President's Cup. The bowling handicap for the President's Cup at the Tanglin Club was concluded on Saturday, with the following result IVrkm- Tl.t Isu !ft>:t Capt. White 794 «<:r. 7M Ran 1711 7W i.inli.iin M M 771 F. iVn n > w+ l .v)
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  • 288 4 Robbery at Tanjong Pagar. Yesterday afternoon the hearing of c charge against Tan Gwee Hiang, Chua Guan Whatt and Lim Hok Seng, of stealing two cases of goods, value 1700, from the Tanjong Pagar Dock Co. 's premises at Keppel Harbour on Oct. 21st, was resumed. Mr. de
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 735 4 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. CALDBECK MACGREGOR CO., (ESTABISHED 1864.) WINE SPIRIT MERCHANTS. LONDON, GLASGOW, SHANGHAI. HONG-KONG, I AND SINGAPORE. (&rice Jbist on Jipptication.) tv th. s. TO-NIGHT At the Town Hall The Neill-Frawley Company TITIIiL I*H.EJSEIia"T THE! COMEID'C Madam Sans Gene" IBY VIGTOBIEIT SARDOTJ Daniel Frawley as Napoleon Mary Van Buren as
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    • 93 4 G. R. Lambert Co. Photographers opki: Qresham House (Battery Road.) —on Weekdays only 8 a.m.— 6 p.m. Orchard on Weekd »y« BtL8 tLm 6 P m on Sundays. 8 a.m.— noon. Large Stock of Photographic materials. Monthly supplies frcm Europe, reliable printing papers, chemical mounts, Eastman films, Wratten-WraiDTright's Ilfbrd and
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  • 1595 5 CONSEQUENCES OF THE COLLAPSE OF THE ROOF OF THE CONVENT. Fifteen thousand dollars between the foundlings and the sky. Whrn the wind and the rain came .town the other night and peeled the roof oft' the small children's dormitory at the Convent, it wrought much evil. Vet, from
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  • 55 5 Ataoli.lah Bey, the Turkish Consul(Jeneral has only been here some fifteen months, but has done his work 10 the extreme satisfaction of the Porte. On Sunday he received a telegram from the Sultan 8 private secretary, expressing the eminent satisfaction of that ruler with the Consul-general's work here. Such a
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  • 295 5 S.C.C. v. H.M.S. 'Goliath." A Rugby game was played last evening on the Esplanade, before a large crowd of spectators, the contestants being the SCC. and a fifteen from the Goliath. The Club kicked off and for the first five minutes play was confined to the Club 25.
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  • 512 5 Campong Sambu Again. Before Mr. Wilson at the Police Court this morning, Chief Sanitary Inspector May hew prosecuted two Klings tor failing to report cases of small-pox from Campong Sambu. He stated that on November 20th a Kling was found at the roadside in Neil Road suffering
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  • 94 5 Mi; Arthur Moors, formerly Nationalist member of Parliament for Derby, declares in a letter in the Daily Independent and Nation that the Irish Party has been tried and found wanting, and that the country needs a new set of men and a new system. He describes the present party as
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  • 149 5 A dramatic performance by a high class company of artists is to be given this evening at the Town Hall. The Neill-Frawley Company, whose advent has been notified for some time past, arrived last evening on the Namsang, and will present this evening the brilliant comedy written
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  • 147 5 This morning 104 Malays and Lascars embarked on board the s.s. Aparima, bound for Dunedin, New Zealand, where they are to go aboard three vessels of the Union Shipping Company of New Zealand as seamen and stokers. The three vessels, of which the Waxhora
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  • 212 5 We have it on the authority of the Sporting Time* (mera) that the following interesting, if somewhat cabalistic notice is posted in a club in the Far Bast. The time schedule and the names are alike alien to Singapore but some of those travelled
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  • 106 5 Mr. J. R. Nicholson, the new managing director of the Tanjong Pagar Dock Co., arrived from home by the P. O. Coromandel on Sunday morning. Mr. Nicholson, who was accompanied by Mrs. Nicholson, was met a' the wharf by Mr. J. Anderson (Chairman of the Company),
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  • 45 5 In the Consular Court at Shanghai on the 3lst ult two A. B.s belonging to the P. and O. steamer Ballaarat were sentenced to six months' imprisonment with hard labour for embezzling thirteen balls of opium valued at £6 10s part of the ship's cargo.
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  • 42 5 Mr. Oscar F. Williams, ConsulOeneral for the U. 8. A. in Singapore, arrived here from New York by the s. r. Thordi*, on Friday last, and has resumed the duties of his post. Mr. Williams has been on leave for six months.
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  • 72 5 It is understood that Pollard's Lilliputians will arrive in Hongkong from Manila about the middle of March, and will play there for two weeks on their way to Shanghai and America. The last trip, of the company to the States was so successful that the management decided to return to
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  • 72 5 It is announced that arrangements have been made for the establishment by an English syndicate of a new line of steamers between New York and the Far East It is stated that the following firms are identified with the enterprise Houlder Bros, and <fea Houlder, Middleton .and Co.? BucKnall Bros.,
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  • 81 5 Di' the .progress ot the football match on the Esplanade yesterday, the £all came into contact with some part of the anatomy of a horse, attached to a rubber-tyred dog cart, in which the owner, a Chinaman, was airing himself on the roadside. The horse resented the intrusion of the
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  • 92 5 A correspondent calls attention to the fact that some persons endeavoured to gain admittance to the Temnerance Club in Hill Street last night alter the place was closed, and failing in their object they swung on the gas bracket outside, tearing it down, and then proceeded to throw a brick
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  • 169 5 Two Chinamen one a tailor, the other a carpenter— were brought up at the Police Court to-day, charged in connection with the disappearance of a cheque, under the following circumstances Mr. A. Landau paid a cheque for 5172.3S to one Kong Hing, a pineapple dealer, of North Bridge Road. Kong
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  • 646 5 SiNOAPOU, 13th January, 19U3. PRODUCE. Gambier f 15 25 Copra Ball f1.85 do Pontianak 9.0fl Pepper, Black 85..V1 do White, (8%) 6U»u Sago Floor Sarawak 4.55 do Brunei No. I 4.25 Pearl Bago 5.70 Coffee, Kali, 15% basi« 23.M Coftee, Palembans, 2i)% baxiH 3^.00 Coffee, Liberian No. 1 21
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 62 5 The Xoro* Vreinya publishes an article, from a correspondent in Manchuria, which states that, instead of leaving, it seems as if the Russians had just begun to settle in Manchuria in earnest. No Russian in the province doubts that there is a brilliant future for Russians there. The correspondent adds
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    • 173 5 Going Insane. A. L. Rimarof Stoneridgp, N, V.. s;iy«: I was for a long time troulded with HMDißesness, with intense neuralgic pains in the head which made me feel as though I was going insane. The ghyoicians could do nothins for me. I heard of some extraordinary cures effected by
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    • 213 5 MORTGAGEE'S SAI.K OK AGRICULTURAL LAND. TO RE HKLH AT POWELL «t <<p. S SAI.K-KooM (ta Watmim ih- 1 Itf Jtm I9o:<, 'i/ MO p. m. 1. Agricultural land HituaUt 111 ihf district of Pulsu Damar, Singtpott, area 4 acres 2 roods comprised in Statutory Grant No. 2 51, quit rent
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 188 5 DAY BY DAY. Tuesday, 13th January. llii;h Water. 9.21 a.m. In." p.m. Full Moun. 1.13 p.m. S.V.I. Drill. 5.13 Rand. Gardens. 9. Neill Frawley 'o. Town Hail. 9. Malay TheatM. North Bridge (toad. f>. Wednesday, 14th January. ll^'li Water. HI. 11 a.m. 11.37 p.m. Old Iron Sale. Merbau Rd. Cnghlan.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 302 6 NOTICES. nHF A competent itoouch uiaus vigour, rltalitv, hraltb. (or jßtKj JtV by digestioD alone can food be traiulormed into blood, oriin, ■^85.< muKle, wasted tissues repaired, decay Arrestrd md Ilic sus- %jßiy MM iiard. Imperfect digestion ludigution upsets the whole 3rjf economy of 1114. It makes good food poison,
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    • 530 6 NOTICES. A W ONDEBFUL DISCOVERY. Thi»(« ihr are of reamrch and txperlmrnt. nhrn all nat ure. «oto apeak, i* ranaacked hy the tetenU6c for thr coin tort and happin**».of m-n Science ha> indeed xia.le man* utride* during ihep«i>t ceatnry, a-nl antuny the hy no niea,ti» least ("'nortant-di-r rriea in mt
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    • 451 6 NOTICES^ John Little Co., Ltd. Singapore. o For Chinese New Year. Harness. We are now showing a large assortment of Harness. We have some special ornamental sets suitable for Chinese New Year. Lamps, Lamps. Mink's Table, Wall and Hanging lamps in great variety. Chandeliers 3- Light, 4-Light, and 6-Light. Furniture.
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    • 286 6 NOTICES. rot functional tumble*, delay, pain and tooM Irregularities peculiar to tbe MX. Prescribed by the highest French Medical authorities and superior to Tansey. steel Drops and Penny royal. CHAPOTEAUT, 8, r. Viviaane, Part* Ranowsrd Phjaiciana praacrlbr Orinault't Matiaa aa lh« moat mctm and at the iidh timr tka moat
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 639 7 The Borneo Company, Ltd. 'fIUK BCaodarl Lift Aiiuranw. I Norwich Union Fiw losmsfcot Boeisty. Ada* AMnraaoa Company (Fue). KquitaMe Lif* Ajeuranw Society. 1 h* China Mutual BtcMtn Navigation Company 1 1..' r ott«nham Lager B*« Company. /or particular, of U-f-e Companias, •est*f -»U aaWtbement of THE BORNEO COM PANT, LIMITED.
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    • 693 7 SfEAMSH«> KoninkUjke Pakets Onder contract with ths N Agtnts at Singapore: Ship Agisct, i The undermentioned di Steamer From Eipectei i Houtman Bandjermassin I De Kock Pontianak II ''an Riebrrck Soerabaya Nte.nhuyi Palembang Van Onthourn Padang 1 Vanrir(ai>fll-n Bamljermassin 13 Compagnie Des Messagerles Maritimes De France. Telbobaphic Addrbss: Mbssaqbbies, Singapore.
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    • 732 7 COMPANIES. rapPf MaataohapplJ. •Mfsrißßds India Government. ate 3. Dabbdbls A Co., 1 8, Oolltbb Quay. ties are only approximate. a Will be l>««p»tched for Ob" 6 Kawean, Soerabaya, Bandieimassin, Kotabaroe, Balikpapan, Moeara Djawa Koetei, Dongftala Bwool, A Toli Toli Jan 13 I) Pontianak 13 4 Soerabaia, Boeleleng, Ampenan, Macassar. Manila,
      732 words
    • 724 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES HorddßTiteclißr Llflyu, Bmtn Coast Lines, to* I BTEAMERB OF THE OOABT FLEET. Tors Reg. Tobs Reg. St'ttin 2478 Kohsichang 2042 Sandakan 2111 Petckaburi 2191 Paknam 2004 Pitsanulok 9019 langlin 1999 Rajaburi 1904 Bangkok IHiO Chow Tai 1777 Korat 1900 Wong Koi 1777 Singora 1764 Keong Wai 1777 Nuen
      724 words
    • 531 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. N. K. JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP CO. LTD. A regular FORTNIGHTLY service is maintained between Japan and Europe by the following NEW TWIN SCREW PTEAMERB, Under Mail Contract with the Imperial lapanese Government, specially designed for the Company's European Service, lighted throughout by Electricity, provided with excellent accommodation for
      531 words
    • 457 7 INSURANCE CO.'S HE QUEEN INSURANCE OOMPAH* SOW MERGED IB! THB RO\AL INBURANOK COMPANY. Home Offices Q(TBBB IBBUBABCB BtJILUIBOS, LIVEKPOOt The undersigned, Agents for th« abova Company, are prepared to take risks at currant rates. HOOGLANDT A 00. L'UNION FIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF PARIS. Established 1898. RESERVES AND TOTAL GUARANTEES £4,000,000.
      457 words

    • 1595 8 Under this heading the following abbreviations are used —stA —steamer sh.— ■hip; bq.—barque; sch.—schooner; Yet.— Yacht, Cru. —Cruiser; Gbt. —Gunboat; Tor. .—Torpedo; H.p. —Horse-power; Brit.—Brilisb l\ S.—Unite<| States; Feb.—French Ger.—(Jrrnan, Dut. —Dutch; Joh. —Jonore; B.C.—lieneral-cargo; d.p. -deck passenger; o.—Uncertain T. P. w.—Tanioiig Pagar Wharf; T.P.D.—Tanjong ra«arDock; B.W.
      1,595 words
    • 572 8 Iftme, port, probable date of arrival and name oj agent*. BTBAMBBB. A<l. Hamelin, Dunkirk, left Dec 3; M Cte Andalusia, Houg'tong, Mar 27; BehnMeyer Annam, Colombo. Feb 2 M. Maritime*. Anteaor, China, Jan 25 Mansfield. Awa Maru. London, Jan 21 P. Simons. Rallaarai, Hongkong, lan 22 P. AO.
      572 words
    • 146 8 M AILS TO ARRIVE. From Enrope— By the N. D. L. ss. Stuttgart due on Saturday. From China By the M. M. s.s. Lao* due on Sunday. From Western Australia By the s. s. Minilxia due 14th January. Times Table of Mails Dub. s'..v L'.-Jr.l M.;i. Dec 17th s'ov 28th
      146 words
    • 86 8 M AILS CLOSE. *or Her tteamrr Te-Moßßow. 'ontianA Dt Kock iarawak Kudat liogoraaod Bangkok Bonbat Time. 9 a.m. 9 a.m. i «1 a.m P. S wt't'ham via ports B. Hin (hum Muar and Malacca Sultan Teluk Anson via ports Malacca Bangkok Deli Bombay via ports Zaida V lion and Hamarang
      86 words
    • 175 8 VcftMk. 8 Nam. a' lo»o Kio Jan 12 Sherard Osborne Brit str.j 876 12 Van Diemen Dut str. 766 U Bombay PAOstr 9197 12 TetaitOß «er Btr 1578 12 Sandakan nr 1374 12 Emile Out str 80 12 Tolv Nor str 740 13 Ganymede Brit str 236 13 Ban
      175 words
    • 119 8 IUT« Vbm>l'B Name. Flao A Rie Toms.. Dmtisitmn Jan 0 l.i I.) II 13 18 13 13 n 13 13 13 IS IS Purnea l Croydon Cooeyanna Aparims Wilhelm Calypso Ban Pob Goan Saint Ronald Adria Tetartos Van Diemen Emile Ban Fo Soon Fur fulls Brit.str. 3127 Rangoon and
      119 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 85 8 WEATHER REPOHT. Kandang Kerbau Hotpital l.'th January 190:: aim S p.m. 9p.m. Bar iW 988 29.7W ***** Temp 838 86.7 79.9 WB'lbThef. 78.3 80.5 78.0 DirofWind.B.s c. w«. Calm. Max. Ternp 1 B*.O. Mm .72.7 Sun M 4.0 Terr, rad 71 9 Rainfall .62 The standard time ball at
      85 words