The Straits Times, 23 December 1902

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. MO. 31,014. SINGAPORE, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 23, 1902. PRICE 15 CENTS
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 673 1 NOTICES. arhc JJtraits <limes. ADVERTISING RATES. PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. AT)\ KKTISKMKNTS. riIHE type n»ed ai> a Btaoilanl for netting X advert ixeiuentH i» niniilar to t hi*-, unlenH the inst mi'ticin is to display the advmi*ement, whea any effective style of type, aaai in the paper, will be adopti'<l. The
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    • 674 1 NOTICES. NOTICE rpHK Annual General Meeting of the J members of Tbe Library Club will take place at the Club room, at 8.30 p.m., on Tueedav, the 23rd December, IMS. TAY BOON TEUK, a»U Hon Secretary. NOTICE. WE hereby give notice that we have this day appointed Messrs. Hong Senp&Co,
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    • 618 1 NOTICES. GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. rpENDERS will be received at the X Colonial Secretary's Office up to noon on Monday the 29th December. 1902, for tbe farm of Government Quarry No. 2 at Pulau Übin for tbe period of one. three, and six years from Ist January 1903. Tbe Government does not
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    • 209 1 NOTICES. Katz Brothers Limited. GREAT INDUCEMENT for CHRISTMAS WEEK all Toys -0 Games REDUCED Per Cent to Clear the Stock. Note: 25 Cents Reduction on $1 Purchases. The largest Stock to Select from in the East. Katz Brothers Limited. ABRAMSS HORSE REPOSITORY. HORSES, COBS, AND PONIES, EX. S. S. ARGUS."
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    • 436 1 READ IT THRUUUH. T would Spoil This Story (o Tell It in the Headlines. Uptoashort time ago Mm. John K Harmon, of ilelfa Station, V»., U.S. A., had no |MT*>n:.' knowledge of the rare curative pMMrtlsi Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. "Last Janunrv," she smra, "my baby took a dreadful cold amlai
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  • 423 2 Mr. Chamberlain and the Generals. A further Mueliook ataHaf with Sontli African affairs b published. It hIiowm that on the titli Octoher. Mr. Chamberlain »r to (General Kotha challenging tbe statement* of the Iloer general* in their appeal to the civilized wurlil for relief. Keplying to General
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  • 313 2 MAGNIFICENT BOATS FOR THE 8YDNKV, NKW GUINEA AND 8INGAPORE 8KRVICB. The two new mail steamers, the Prinz WaUUmur and the I'ria:: Sigitmuiul, which are to be put on the Singapore-Xew (iuinea-Sydney line next summer hy the Norddeutscher Lloyd, are twin screw vessels of a gross register tonnage
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  • 96 2 The State Historian of New York, Mr. Hugh Hastings, recently asked the Embassy in Berlin to ascertain the genuineness of the sword preserved in the Capitol at Albany purporting to have been presented hy Frederick the Great to George Washington, and inscribed, From the Oldest General
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  • 134 2 At Poona, on the Bth instant, the Police arrested two men who are believed to have murdered a beggar boy in the Cantonment on the 28th ult. The boy was found, his throat cut and disembowelled near an empty bungalow. The prisoners belong to the same village as
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  • 172 2 The Siiid Qnzelts writes We notice that arrangements have now been completed between the Austrian Government and the Austrian Lloyd Steam Navigation Company with reference to the voyages which that Company will undertake next year with State assistance. Among others, three voyages to the Persian Gulf are
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  • 148 2 Definite orders have at last been issued with regard to the length of tail of the horses used for military purposes in India. The matter is not so tritlinp as it looks, for the comfort and ever health ot a horse depend to a large extent on the
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  • 193 2 A »?ood story is told of Trott, the M CO bowler. When he was touring with the qjub team last Reason a local professional cave vent to the opinion that Trott was one of the worst bowlers that ever won a reputation. Presently the local
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  • 147 2 The Paris Court of Cassation had lately to decide whether manufacturer of chocolate commits a breach of the law by selling chocolate cigars. The cigars are made of the husks of cocoabeans wrapped in paper having the brown colour of tobacco and the sale of tobacco or imitations
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  • 151 2 An extraordinary incident took place lately in the Calcutta High Court during a sitting of the Criminal Sessions, presided over by Mr. Justice Pratt. During one of the trials, which had only been half heard, the foreman of the jury asked the Judge not to go
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  • 89 2 Miudi.k" appears to be the word in connection with the Singapore Railway, remarks iiuiiuu l\ngineenng. The Singapore section of the railway has been joined up to the Kranji section. The line is not complete, but arrangements arc being made to open the -line from Ist January, with the assistance of
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 390 2 NOTICES. THA* WHICH IT HAS DONE IT CAN DO AGAIN I ST. JACOBS OIL Hfcfe rheumVtism, Neuralgic-., Backache, Scliitic**, Spraina, mF Bruitei, Headache, ,'T|^V Bore Throat. A ftw ruses pronomirctl incurable, irhirh ,sy. JAVOBH OIL has turett l< 118 ftrow/>Hff mill /imminently: j I- Rheumatism, Chronic 40 years, cured. 2^^m^'
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    • 359 2 NOTICES. CROSSL^Y'S OIL ENaiMES. USUAL HIZES ALWXYiMN StQCK PARTICULARS A!JD QUOTATIt)NS ON APPLICATION TO THE BORNEO CO., LD. THE TAM VALE RAitf fflT Have fitted npa nlmt for applying JOOE![iIT£: TO THEIB RAILWAY SLEEPERS. One application of Joielite renders woodwork absolutely proof agtinit white ants, dry rot, or vlecw. Particulars
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    • 417 2 NOTICES. GLACIER ANTf-FRICTION-MKTAL. a«a4 aS ■•ak^^BaV' The best for all classes of Mashinery bearings. Full particulars from THE BORNEO CO., LTD. Singaporp. JBpOTT!S." OF PURE COD LIVER OIL With HypophospMtes cf Line Soda. PALATABLE AS MILK. iirnwni' if.- "i toll I.MKU Oil. i>.« ranlwiaVn. r«<<ii> b .1 -n:, .1
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  • 115 3 A strange poisoning case occurred in the Cavalry Hospital at Poona recently. When the Ist Bombay Lancers handed over charge to the 3rd Bombay Cavalry, the new Hospital Assistant in charge had six troopers suffering from fever. Finding a bottle on the dispensary table labelled "Quinine sulphate mixture,
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  • 55 3 The following is the result of the December monthly medal of the Batavia Golf Club, which was played for on the 19th instant \V. O. Burt 38- I M J. C. Kerrier 40 -ii' B. C. Criswick 52—9 43 Win. Grieve. t."isrr=43 K Butterworth 13 mt =45
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  • 25 3 Town lots at Tanjong Malii.i (Selangor) are said to be worth $4,000 each. Five years ago you could have bought the whole township for less.
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  • 30 3 The Egyptian Gazette states that the four new lighthouses erected in the Red Sea by the Turkish Government are now complete and that the final tests are being carried out.
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  • 34 3 The chief of the second section of police at Tokio has been giving a lecture to the heads of the jintikisha guilds there on the duty of jinrikishamen to be kind to thsir fares
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  • 40 3 The t 'hi an Time* says that the news is practically confirmed that Mr. Wynne, who came out lately on an agreement to be General Manager of the Chinese Engineering and Mining Co. Ld., has decided to resign his post.
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  • 36 3 The steamer Ventnor, which was lost while on a voyage from Wellington, N.Z., to Hongkong, was insured under a voyage policy from Singapore to Java, Australasia, and Hongkong, by underwriters and companies in London and Liverpool.
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  • 56 3 Professor Bacelli's method for Keating tetanus or lockjaw is to administer hypodermic injections of diluted phenol and it appears from trials in Italy to be superior to the treatment by anti-tetanic serum. The rate of mortality was 12 to IS per cent, in the case of phenol and 90 per
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  • 53 3 The llangoon Chamber ot Commerce has addressed the Government of India on the necessity of imposing an extra duty on German salt imported into Burma. As in the case of sugar, bounty-fed German salt bids fair to secure a monopoly of the Burma market and its importers are able to
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  • 63 3 The attention of the Royal College of Physicians has been drawc to the ravages of beri-beri, and as a result it .seems likely that an authoritative inquiry will at last be made as to its origin. But final decision will be delayed until a report on the disease, which is
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  • 77 3 The story of a brave deed is told in the Gazette of India in a notification which records the admission to ttte Order of Merit of Naik Hira Singh, 11th Burma Infantry, for conspicuous gallantry near Kuin.issi in Ashanti on the 6th August, 1900, when be, though hit three times
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  • 65 3 The Chamber of Commerce at Saigon has written to the Government there to complain of wholesale robberies of ■•hi.. l- at warehouses and stores at thai (iort. The merchants have watchmen, nut the police are ghortliamlcd and inellioieut. The police can neither prevent the crime nor can they detect the
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  • 71 3 Tiik ObwfasV Siiiguniui'* waxes wroth at Chetties draining away the wealth of Krenrh Indo-China by their usuriousami squeezing prartiees especially among the cultivating class. Of course, the Government is blamed for allowing the r»vil and is tailed upon to devise a remedy. It is admitted, however, that the Chetties have
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  • 101 3 A Manas telegram dated December i;;th hi that Bnu, after the tignatan of the Convention, decided tv institute a public health service directed by French engineers, to establish at Bangkok a bacteriological department with French doctors, to engage French teachers to teach French, to reserve for France vast teak forests
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  • 238 3 This Year's Award. The following is a list of those to whom the Koyal Society has this year awa-ded medals. The awards of the Royal medals have received the King's approval The Copley Medal to Lord I. inter, in recognition of the value of his physiological and
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  • 264 3 To the London trade, the scarcity of the Oriental pearl is becoming a matter of deep concern. The supply, says a contemporary, has fallen ofl' within the past > ear at least 7o per cent., and the price has advanced from 30 to 50 per cent. Whether the
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  • 84 3 A nan of the Mangosteen (Garcinia Mavgo<invti), a native of the Molucca Islands, introduced into the Botanic .Station at Dominica, fruited for the first time iMt year, and has again borne a few fruits this season. The mangosteen was also introduced at St. Vincent in 1880, but
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  • 207 3 For Singapore. Per P. A O. 8. 8. Rome, connecting with the steamer Chvwn Ht Colombo, from l.i'iui n Nov. 27. due">th Dec— Mrs Mosley. Mi- Freeman, Mr. H. Hetherington, Sub-Conductor and Mr?. Kings, SergeantMajoi ind Mrs. Clark. Mr. Muggleetone. Mr. Lm, Mr. an.l Mrs. Serdice. Per
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  • 77 3 Sourabaya and Samarang, Chelijdra, due 22nd Dec, Bouetead. East Coast ports, ban Whatt Bin, on alternate Saturdays and Wednesdays 8.8 Co Japan via ports P. Irene, due 18th Dec. B. M Hongkong C. Apcor, on D. c. 16th, P. S. Teluk Anson via ports, Malacca every
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 496 3 NOTICES. BEFORE WE CAN use them, iron and gold must first b« got out of the ore. The name principle applies to cod liver oil. Itt virtues are not in its fatty matters much lets in lU sickening taste and smell. No consumptive, or sufferer from any oilier wasting disease,
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    • 672 3 NOTICES. WANTED. SALESMAN and Stock-keepe:. Apply personally to POWELL ROBINSON. WANTED. CLERK, with knowledge of timber, and general office work. Applications to be sent to v.c. D. C. C/O Straits Times. "wanted. ASM ART youth who can manipulate the Typewriter (Seminglon). Apply with references to U.c. M. c/o Straits Times.
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    • 651 3 NOTICES. Messrs. H. L. Coghlnn 9 Co. HAVE BEEN APPOINTED SUB-AGENTS Of THE Sun Life Assurance Co. of Canada. BOUSTEAD 4 CO., General Agents, v.c. Straits Settlements. HOTEL FOR SALE." rpHE undersigned are instructed to offer J. for sale, as a going concern, a popular first class hotel in Singapore.
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    • 456 3 SHIPPfNG MAVIGAZIONE GENJERALE ITALIANA FOR PENANG AND BOMBAY. rHE Italian s a. CAPRI, Captain Belsito, having left Hongkong on. the 16th instant, may be expected to arrive here on Sunday, the 21st instant. She will be despatched for the above ports on Tuesday, tbe 2Srd instant. For passage and freight
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  • 14 4 <;»Os.--On December .">th, at Yokohama, Loui» Wro, a native of Lyons, n^'ed IS.
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  • 2939 4 The Straits Times. PRICE 15 CENTS. TUESDAY, 23RD DECEMBER. ''The Government is not taking the School (the Raffles Institute) away from the Trustees but the Trustees are giving it up to the Govern, ment." These few words that Sir Frank thought fit to insert in bis short speech at the
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  • 214 4 Bom time ago we commented upon an article published in the liritith North Borneo Herald anent Mr. A Ireland's visit to that Colony. Our contemporary announced that Mr Irelani was goinz to write an article about the island for the London Km It also stated that Mr. Ireland had received
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  • 171 4 TsU scheme for the formation of a Building Society in Singapore, to which reference was made some time ago in these columns, has taken definite shape, as may be seen from an announcement which appears in our advertising columns to-day. The proposed name of the new Society is the Confederate
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  • 10 4 BlillH matter will be found on pages 2 and 3.
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  • 6 4 To-day's 4/ms. bank rate is 1/7-ft
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  • 9 4 Tmk homeward mail closes at 6 a.m on Friday
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  • 11 4 Tmk British Dispensary send two handsome wall calendars for 190 U.
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  • 13 4 Mk. Hie kmkrs, the well known shipowner and ship-builder of Bremen, is dead.
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  • 17 4 An American Scientist has caused a discussion by claiming that he has discovered the microbe of laziness.
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  • 113 4 i >.\ Thursday and Friday next, Christmas Day and Boxing I iy respectively, there will be no issue of the Straits Times, both these days being public holiday*. This week's Straits Budget will be published on Wednesday niijtit. •Subscribers in Singapore who wish to send the Budget
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 396 4 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. CALDBECK MACGREGOR CO., (ESTABISHED 1864.) WINE SPIRIT MERCHANTS. LONDON, GLASGOW, SHANGHAI. HONG-KONG, AND SINGAPORE, I9*rice Jbist on Jippiieation.) in th. s. PROPOSED CONFEDERATE BUILDING SOCIETY, SINGAPORE. IYmlsm, Ml 1 ivir 'V, M.issr.i k. iiiMi.-\i\\. mi: w. n \nkon, sot. v mm. Ml:. .1 v \N I)K STU)T, HllrllltlVT*
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    • 435 4 THE BRITISH DISPENSARY. 3, Raffles Place. WILL be open on ("hi istmafMlay (as on Sunday) from II a. m. till 1 p. m., on Friday from 9 am. till I p m. NIGHT BELL as usual. To-Night I To-Nlgrht To-Niffht 111 THE ROYAL BIOSCOPE AT BE-A.CH ROAD. ■Mq M Dffrmbfr,
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    • 76 4 G. R. Lambert Co. Photographers open: Gresham House (Battery Road.) —on Weekday* only 8 a.m.— s p.m. Orchard on We kd »y» 8 a n 6 P- m Road on Sundays. 8 a.m.— noon. Large Stock of Photographic materials. Monthly supplies fn in Europe, reliable printing papers, chemical mounts, Eastman
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  • 147 5 LATEST BETTING. I 'alcutfa, Dee. 23c'. Up Guards 4 to 1 Record Reign 2 to J Vasto 6 to 1 Dandy to 1 Stand Off 20 to 1 Tubal Cain 4 to 1 Alix iO to 1 Wild Raw to 1 Acetine -0 to 1 Goldsmith 20
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  • 165 5 \r latest mail advices it was expected uat Security and Acetine, both Bombay rocks, would be scratched for the cup. >n the I "th instant Tubal Cain had rept up in the betting somewhat owing to a Bombay commission coming tor him. Record Reign was at that -late was considered
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  • 32 5 Cnl-iitia Dec. Mth. H. H. the Sultan of Johores horse 'arram won the big hurdle race to-day. [Can h a klMk Anotralian gelding that was purcU.i'-fd l.yibe Sultan in I'xlrutta three yrar-a>:<!.]
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  • Renter's Telegrams.
    • 52 5 London, 22>ui Dee. signoi Marconi has established wireless communication between Cape Breton (Nova Scotia) and Cornwall. A number of inaugural messages have been transmitted, including one r'rom Lord Minto, the Governor-General y Canada, to King Edward. For the first time, messages as listinguished from single letters have
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    • 33 5 British Sloop Aground. The British warship Fantume, one of the blockading squadron, is aground at Barrancas on the Orinoco river. The Italian >ruiser OJmnmm lluuiian i.iv ai>t <ire-l a Venezuelan schooner.
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    • 60 5 Alleged Scheme to Exterminate Foreigners. The correspondent of the Bttmd&ri at Shanghai says that Tung Kuh it'iang, a Chinese < who had been sentenced to be executed for complicity in the Boxer troubles, is raising 10,0*K) troops in Kansu province with the intention of exterminating foreigners in Shensi
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    • 44 5 Terrible Loss of Life It is estimated that 10,000 bouses vviiie destroyed and 8900 people killed in the earthquake at Andijan. llumiuiiis continue there, and excavation work among the rrins is proceeding. Despite < Government assistance, the inhabitants sutler the utmost privations.
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    • 26 5 The long-standing bank of .1 W. Pease of Darlington has been made •reditors (in bankruptcy r) with liabilities set at half a million sterling.
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  • 70 5 Thg hour of service at the Portuguese Church of St. Joseph on Christmas t'^ve will be matins at 10 p.m., to be followed by a grand Musical Mass at 1 l-4o p.m. composed by Henry Farmer, in B flat, with full orchestral accompaniment of 16 instrumentalists. By kind permission of
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  • Correspondence.
    • 139 5 To the Editor of the Straits Timer." Sir,— A few days ago I had the pleasure of prosecuting the owner of a bullock cart for overloading a cart drawn by two miserably undersized bullocks and, thanks to the support given by Messrs Hooper and Falshaw, obtained a
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    • 259 5 I'.j the Editor of the Slraitg Times." Deak Sir,— Your correspondents on the question of the salary of the Municipal Secretary do not seem to be aware that this official has already three assistants; Mr. Benjafield, Mr. Fraser, and Mr. Dungey. Only three or four Municipal officers, other
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  • 122 5 0. I'. A -Wednesday :j 1st Dec. ftj gun drill at .».15. Gr. L H. Wooas having left the Colony, is struck oft the strength. S. V. R..~ Monday 29th, Recruits drill Friday, Jan. 2nd, at 5.15, recruits and Co. drill. Mr. \V. \V. Fegen having
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  • 124 5 The Selangor Races at Kuala Lumpur will be held on Dec. .'iotli, Jan. 1st and Jan. 3rd. Entries for the first day are as follow Selangor Stakes C. Sugden's Gaylass, A. A. Swan'6 Yorkshire, Lee Pek Hoon's Pawnbroker, Jules Martin's Kedcliffe, Mr. Payne's Sir Launcelot, H. Tunniclifles Malleolus.
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  • 63 5 On Christmas Day, when the s.s. Snnnki Mum, with the mails from Europe on board, enters New Harbour a gun will be tired from Fort Canning. The General Post Office will be open for as long as is necessary to sort and deliver the mails. The mails from China will
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  • 56 5 This afternoon two educational institutions deserving every success hold their annual prize-givings. At St. Joseph's College it commences at 4.30, at the Telok Aver Girls' School at 5 p.m. The work of St. Joseph's drawing class is on exhibition in the verandah of the new school building where it will
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  • 236 5 Governor Sanctions the Budget The Penang Municipal Commission met on Friday. The President Mr. Hallifax, said that the Governor had now passed the Budget for 1903 with the $16,500 for improvement of street corners and purchase of land included. The Governor had objected to that outlay unless the
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  • 68 5 Yesterday, a Kling carter was arrested in Beach Road in the act of rubbing the eyes of his cattle with chillies. This morning, Mr. Kalshaw described this as a horrible case of cruelty and Mr. Marriot sentenced the man to two months' rigorous imprisonment. Another man, a syce,
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  • 118 5 The Secretary of State having granted double exchange compensation to all officers on agreement, notwithstanding any clause to the contrary in the said agreement, the Perak Pioneer hears that many thousands of dollars have been paid over the Bank counter, gladdening the hearts of the recipients. It is
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  • 270 5 Mr. nn<l Mr*. I. L. Railey, Mr. and Mr*. R. M. Lancaster, Mr. and Mm. 8. B. Whyte, Mr. and Mr*. C. Dunlop, Mr. and Mrs. De Kurgh Venue, Mr. and .Mrs. \V. \VaUh, Mr. and Mr- T. Paul, nurse and children. Mr.
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  • 18 5 There are in India several hundred Boer prisoners who still stubbornly refuse to take the oath of allegiance.
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  • 21 5 Shipping advertisements, with dates of sailing etc., will be found on page 7. General shipping news is printed on pa«e 8.
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  • 22 5 Evidence was taken, this afternoon, in the case of alleged forgery in which a young Italian, Alfredo De Lucchi, figures as defendant.
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  • 23 5 The P. O. outward mail steamer Ckugfin left Colombo at 10 a.m. on Monday and is expected to arrive here on Sunday afternoon.
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  • 23 5 A bye-law is to be passed by the Manila Municipal Board compelling every hotel and lodging-house keeper to keep a register of guests.
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  • 23 5 The Committee of the Hongkong Chamber of Commerce are to meet to-day to consider the question of a gold standard for that Colony.
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  • 25 5 The Master Attendant announces that at the western approach to Keppel Harbour, Singapore, a red painted buoy showing a white occulting light has been rcoored.
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  • 35 5 Ovbr 600 medical men, including some of the most eminent names in Europe, are about to assemble in Cairo for the purpose of attending the first Medical Congress ever held in Egypt in modern times.
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  • 32 5 To-night there will be two performance by the Royal Bioscope the one for the "Kiddies,'' previously advertised, and another for adults, commencing at 9-:<o p.m. The two programmes will be entirely differ«nt_
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  • 38 5 Launches will leave Johnston's Pier tor the Swimming Club at 3 and a.m. on Friday (Boxing Day). On Sunday, they will leave at -*-30 and 9-30, upon which day there will be a pick-up game of water polo.
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  • 36 5 The marriage will take place at St. Andrew's Cathedral on Monday, January sth, of Miss Elfrida M. Hose, daughter of the Bishop of Singapore and Sarawak and Mrs Hose, and the Rev C. H. Basil Woodd.
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  • 38 5 We have received a copy of the special guide to the Hanoi Hxposition, printed hy the Victoria Lithographic Works, Hongkong. The guide contains a lot of information interesting to visitors to the Exposition and is xcellentlv got un.
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  • 56 5 I'm- morning, foi Chinese were before Mr. Wilson for not reporting two cases of small-pox till after death. In one case, that of a ten-year old boy, the father was fined 5.5 the mother was cautioued. The other case was that of a coolie in a godown. The towkay was
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  • 59 5 The following are is the results of the ties for the President's Cup Ist Tien Bowes -t- 6 beat Kllis-r 5, Teversham 1 1 beat Oakes-t-S, Williams o beat Allin-son-t-5, Fowlie sor. beat Stiven scr. 2>ul Tien —Bowes beat Teversham, Fowlie beat Williams. Tlie finals between Bowes
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  • 416 5 Mr Passer, the Russian Consulgeneral in Australia, recently passed through Colombo on his way home to Russia. In an interview with a I' on*.- of Ceylon representative he said, as regards Australia it is kept back by the small rainfall, but more than that by the
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  • 645 5 NnroAPOM, 23rd December, HOT. PRODUCE. Gambler bnyera f 15.00 Copra Ball 9.75 do Pontianak 8.90 Pqpper, Black buyers 36.00 do White, (8%) 61. -'5 Sago Floor Sarawak 4.50 do Brunei No. 1 4.30 Pearl Sago 6.00 Coffee, Bali, 15% basis 23.00 Coffee, Patembang, 30% basin 32.00 Coffee, Libenan No.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 95 5 EXCHANGE BANKS. THE Exchange Banks will be closed on the following days:— 26th Deeemlier, ***** Christmas day and 26th do f following day. Bricks AND Firebricks THE ALEXANDRA BRICKWORKS Co., Ltd. HAVE SOW REDUCED THE PRICE OF Common Bricks to $140 p laksa Firebricks to {jj.)O p )M >o Fireclay
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    • 401 5 t AUCTION SALES. 'ate of Sultan Abubakar, Deceased. elolc Blanga Estate. PRELIMINARY ANNOUNCEMENT. Messrs. POWELL Co., have received instructions from the Dato Mentri of Johore, as Executor of the Will of the late Sultan Abubakar, of Johore, to offer for Sale by Auction THE WHOLE'OF THE TELOK BLANGA ESTATE of
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 178 5 OAY BY DAY. Tuesd -.v, 23rd December. High Water 4. 0 p.m Prize-Giving. St. Josephs lnst. 4. 50. Prize-Giving. Girls School. Teluk Ayer.6 .Smoker. S.V.C. Drill Hall. 8.30. Bioscope. Reach Koad. 9. Malay Theatre. North Bridge Road. 9. Wednesday, 24th December. "ikli Water 5.19 a.m. 6.14 p.m. Viceroy's Cup. Calcutta.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 325 6 NOTICES. ROBINSON Co., Jsadies Gbatelaine and Jiandkercftief sBags. c a The Cantlusit Bag as illustration a combination of Safety Purse and Chatelaine 1 Bag. Fashionable, Secure |hU| and Convenient, while it gives Jk I \\\e wearer perfect freedom of action. kbAL| BLACKeMORUCCOJ LIiATHER |$7.00 iRbAL BLACKS RUSSIA j LEATHERJ 59.00
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    • 124 6 NOTICES. Riley,Hargreaves&Co., LIMITED. SINGAPORE IPOH. SOLE AGENTS FOR ALBION MOTOR CARS ALBION MOTOR CARS ALBION MOTOR CARS. Thoroughly reliable, Easily controlled, Run smoothly. Economical and free from smell Moderate in price. The "ALBION" are BRITISH MADE THROUGHOUT. Illustrated Catalogues and full particulars on application. Riley,Hargreaves&Co., LIMITED. CHAMPAGNE TANSAN LOUIS ROEDERER.
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    • 297 6 NOTICES. THE PERFECTION OF NATURE AND ART. Manufactured by a special proces* securing high concentration of the nutritive, stimulating and refreshing properties of the finest Cocoa Beans, vtm/funjtX&nA PURE I S3**** SOLUBLE VvCi/Ct is to-day in daily regular use in every country in the world. Try it, you will find
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 674 7 The Borneo Company, Ltd. rrUIE 8t» n d»r 1 Life Aararanoe. X Norwich Union Fire Insuranos Society. Atlas Assurance Company (Fire). The Equitable Life Araunmee Society. 'Tie Chhi« Mutual Steam Navigation Company 1 I.' 'Vrttenham Lager Beer Company. .-or particular* of tke«e Companies, see the ull adWtiiwment of THK BORNEO
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    • 795 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. KoninklijUe Paketvaart Maatschappij. Under cod tract with the Netherlands India Government. Apents at Singapore: Phip Aobsct, latb J. Dabsdbls A Co., 2-3, Colltbb Quat. The undermentioned dates are only approximate. Steamer From fspected Will be Despatched for On Hok Tjio> Palenibang 18 Bagan 17 Mussel Batavia 16 Batavta,
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    • 535 7 Austrian Lloyd's Steam Navigation Company. Umdbr Mail Contract with tub AISTKIAN (tOVKRNMKNT. The following are the dates on which the Company's steamers may be expected to sail from here:— Outward. Homeward. IMOH. 1902 Austria .lan. 5I Vindobona Dec 27 Nippon Feb. I I 1903 ISUesia Jan. 27 I XAustria Feb
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    • 732 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES forddentscber Lloyd, Bremen Coast Lines, I STEAMERS OFTHECOABT FLEET. Tons Reg. Tons Reg. SMtin 2478 fToktichang 2042 Sandakan 2111 Petckaburi 2191 Paknam 2001 Pit*anuU>k 2019 Tanqlin 1999 Hajaburi 1904 Bangkok 19M Chow Tai 1777 Korat 1900 Wong Koi 1777 Singora 1764 Keong Wai \TII Nuen Tung 1341 IMvawonpst
      732 words
    • 535 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. n; y. k. JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP CO. LTD. A regular FORTNIGHTLY service if maintained between Japan and Europe by tbe following NEW TWIN SCREW STEAMERS. Under Mail Contract with the Imperia Japanese Government, specially designed for the Company's European Service lighted throughout by Electricity, provided with excellent accommodation
      535 words
    • 498 7 INSURANCE CO.'S •fIHE QOEEN INSURANCE COMPANY 1 NOW MBRQBD IV THB ROIAL INSURANCE COMPANY. Home Offices Qhbbn Insubanob Buildings, Liybbpool The undersigned, Agents for the above Company, are prepared to take risks at >urrnnt rat»«. HOOOLAVnr Co_ nr/ARDIAN ASSCrtUMOK CO. LIMITED. U LONDON. Subscribed CapTtal £2,000,000. Total Invested Funds 4,616,000.
      498 words

    • 1347 8 Unaer this hn4HlN| iii following abbre♦latnnj are vs 1 i sir. steamer sh.— ■hip nq. barqm; sch. -.•hooner; Yet. Ya* ax\ Cru.— Cruiser; Got.— Gunboat; Tor. lor^erin; H.p Horse-powpr: Brit.—British I. Cniteil Matet; Fc!i.— French: 6«r.— isrnian; Dut. Dutch: J oh.— .>4hore; G.c General -cargo; d.p. deck
      1,347 words
    • 615 8 Same, port, probable date of arrival. and name oj agent*. HTBAMKK£. Adria, China, Jan 10; Bebn Meyer. Alboin, Bombay, Dec 27; Borneo Coy. Alesia, HoLgkong, Jan 7 Behn Meyer. Annam, Colombo. Jan 18 M. Maritiinut.. Antenor, china, Jan 26; Mansfield. Aparima. Calcutta, Jan 8; Boustead. Austria, Trieste, Jan
      615 words
    • 173 8 From Europe— By the N.l'.K. s s. Sanuki Mam due on the 24th instant, with dates to the 28th November. From China- By the t. A O. 8 3. Bengal due on Tbursduy." From Calcutta— By the s. s. Coofyannn due 8th Januarv. From Madras— By the
      173 words
    • 129 8 For Fer steamer Time. To-Mobrow. Tringganu A K'lantan B.Whatt Hin 7 a.m. Penang and Colombo Brnimvhr 11 am. Singoraand Bangkok Boribat 11 a.m. Zamboanga 4 Hollo Katunn 11 A.m. Muntok A f alembanK O. Q. Metier Noon. Ampanan A Maiassar Charttrkoute 2 p.m. Kobe and Moji Farilka S
      129 words
    • 59 8 PASSED BUNDA STRAITS OR ARRIVED FOR ORDERS. Flag A Date of Dmtik- Kk Dati. Rio. Ships Name. Captain. Sailing. From whekjej ation. I HAM Dec iv Hn; s.s. Sealda Macintyne Dec 10 Singapore iN'ew/ealand lBjDut s s King Willem 1 1 Bakkei' Imsterdam |Batavia mDut s.s. Sindoro Gutbrie Dee
      59 words
    • 192 8 5 Vbm«l'B Nmm v* iok iUptaik From Sailkh Consign «ir. Dee Colombo Fch str. li<32 Gouget Saigon Dec 'JO Boustead and Co. Pontianak Brit str. 97 'Griffln Dec 21 Sarkies* Johannes H Chelydra str' 2467 ICox Hongkong in-r 16 Boustead aad Cn. M Capri rtal str. 27«J BeUito
      192 words
    • 145 8 Dam. Viuii'a Name. I Flag A Rio. Tom. Destination. Dec 2a Dean Brit str. 23 Gibraltar str. 22 Mathilde Qer str. JS Baa Whatt Soon Brit str. •.'3 Will O the Wisp »tr. •J3 Sambas Ger str. 24 Cbieng Mai str. •24 Natunat str. L'S Besident Scbiff Dut str.
      145 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
      81 words
    • 332 8 A Christmas Present This Watch is a These well-known a simple and perfect ~^^^Sf America. and sold winding arrange- '-Jl -j^^^ f *Mk A^ there for one do ar cover. Well finished ges, freigt, &c. &c. perfect movement V -HI- And Sell them under tl II 4.1 £1 11 Hit
      332 words
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 61 8 WEATHER REPORT. Kandann Kerbau Hospital, JZnd Dei-., 1902. Ua.m 3p m. 9p.m. Remabkb. Bar i«.927|».792 29.882 Mornhii: Temp 84 5 BS.B 78.9 day and WB'lbTher 76.0 78.5 76.0 night clear. DirofWind n.w. sx.w. Calm. Max. Temp H9.S Mm 700 Sun 149.7 Terr. rad.J 68.9 Rainfall Nil The standard time
      61 words
    • 34 8 WEATHER TELEGRAM. K. K. A. C. Telrpraph V<mpw*\ 22HD DX( KMHEK BOSOM. OXG Kitrometer r .30-'-DirecttOD of Wind t. .West. Foneof Wind I. Max. Temp in Shade r WAXILA:— 7«2 E. 0, 2U. -.>4.
      34 words