The Straits Times, 11 August 1902

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times NO. 30,900. SINGAPORE, MONDAY, AUGUST 11, 1902. PRICE 15 CENTS.
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  • 26 1 A sampan capsized in the harbour yeslenliv, and two ChlttM were drowne.l Hmm MM six passengers on boar. l. The. rough weather accounts for the mi-hap.
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  • 29 1 Thk I. t <> mail steamer I'ar-amnttn ran M itattl in the harbour yesterday mnrntng, and it was an hour before she floated off ami coulil continue the journey north.
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  • 31 1 Two naiTtatn iirci.lents took place on the K 1 iHnade hist night One baloßginp to Mi Clattyda*h«dbrtoa rikisha anl hn »i hiela* wi-ru badly damaged. The other Delonced to a Chinese.
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  • 29 1 Capt, Mr- Rodyke, Mr. Buncher, Howe, Vil^e,, Seth, Mi lii'\ m, W illiaaM, ami Afasaafa and Pullman arrived t.y the /'<i((/; from Europe via port! on Saturday.
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  • 39 1 Fixe broke out in the engine room of the s. s U ijnli of ttaratnik; which left lor Km lung un Saturday. On Thun-dii), shortly alter 5 p.m, the fire was ixiinguihhed in an hour. Little damage was done.
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  • 38 1 At 1 1 o'clock, on Saturday, the District Grand Lodge of Freemasons met at Freemasons' Hall and unanimously passed a K>y»l and congratulatory resolution on the occasion of the. Coronation. The resolution will be forwarded to Their Majesties.
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  • 53 1 AfIOOMIM t<> latest accounts the ■mm ntigijuwl in the rising in Northern Siam are all Siamese subjects. No fiutlur aWaill a* to the trouble were brought hy tin- D>li this morning. The struggle appears to be merely one against the Government and is noi a raid for plunder as was
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  • 57 1 TaUaa was a Coronation Service in Malay at the Prinsep Street Church at a a. in on Sunilay conducted by the Key \V Murray, li.ib.i Chinese chiefly inaii. up the attendance. Mr. Murray KpUioed clearly the meaning, scope, and lessons of the Coronation. At the ciinrhi-i.n o| the S.rvice, God
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  • 62 1 A private letter troin a member of the Singapore Volunteer contingent «ay» thai >«mie of the memriers, including S.iL-'- int Major Mayhew and Gunner Marshall 8. V. A and Dr. 1. I mi Ho.. ii Keng left England on the 24th ill' per s.s China and were to tranship at
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  • 77 1 The wing U izette is of opinion that the strike of 'rikisha coolies there wao eiiriiiitaeed by some person or persons at present unknown for their own >mhl«. The pullers had a meeting with ill'- Protestor of Chinese and the Registrar of Jinrikishas, and were unable to formulate any grievance
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  • 103 1 Ymtkrhav morning a special Coronati. 11 >.tvic« of gun); was held at the II E. Church, Culeman Street. The •Ottgregatioa was much larger than usual and the service was conducted by the R »v. ff. P. Rutledee. The hymns wen- talc n limn a >-i>eci;«l collection for cornm* munition mtvuts
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  • 106 1 Gheat \eldham, in Essex, was visited recently with a severe thunderstorm. After the storm had subsided all the rainw .ier butts were covered with a film ot wllow powder. This attracted the noii.e of Mr. (ieo. H. B. Matthews, who was for some time Government analyst in the Straits Settlements.
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  • 109 1 At the meeting of the Chinese Christian Association held on Friday thn I ith inst. at the Prinsep .Street Chapel, a noteworthy lecture on Chinese Trade r was given by Mr. Tan 'leek Soon As the audience was very few, it is expected that the lecture may appear in the
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  • 52 1 By the llujah of tiarairak, which left for Sarawak on Saturday, there were two passengers, the Rev Mr. Knight duke, and Mr. B Howe, who is manager of the Borneo Company's gold mine in Sarawak. The latter hail just arrived by the P. and O. mail from a short vacation
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  • 82 1 The Consular representatives who attended the various functions in- an official capacity ">n Coronation Day were: Au-tria-Hungary, Mr. De Brandt; Ameiica, Mr. T Davidson; Belgium. Mr. Van Keeth; China, Lo Tsong Ym>; Denmark, Mr. Hafl'ter; France, Mr. P. Valet Germany, Mr Ksrhke the Netherlands, P >rtuga>, and Italy, Mr J.
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  • 53 1 A tioer escaped from its cage at a Kling show in Beach Road yesterday, and is still at large. It is a full-grown animal, and only arrived here from Johore yefterday morning The police went in search la-t night, but did not get a chance to shoot
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  • 150 1 Mi no longer afflicted as it used to be in fo r mer years, Singapore is not yet another Ireland in the matter of snakes. Mr. Rumenij shot one in his compound at 8 o'clock on Friday evening. It was a python fourteen feet long The
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  • 175 1 L. L.T. C TOURNAMENT. Results of Friday's Play. MIXED DOUBLES B. CLASS. Mr. and Mrs. Pat, hitt heat Miss Lloyd and Mr. Achelis. Mi. 6-3. 6-0. L4DIES' norm KS (HAVI)HAI'.) Mrs. Margery and Mr. Down v Mrs. Camming and Mrs Kvans. 6-3, B-8, 1-4, unfinished. CHAMPIONSHIP PAIRS. Mrs. Gansloser ami
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  • 639 1 SINOAPOEE, Mm ACOCST, 1902. PRODUCE. Uambirr Mllen t 14.00 Copra Bali 10. 141 ili) PontiKDsk 9.50 Pepper, Black buyers 32.00 do Whit*, (8%) Sl.fiO Sapo Flour Sarawak 3.R2J do Brunei No. 1 3.65 Pearl Sajjo 4.80 Coffee, Bali, 15£ buii 21.25 Coffee, t'aleiubuig, 30% btaia 30.n0 Coffee, Liberi»n No.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 50 1 NOTICES. TYPE-WHITING. VI.ADY will be glad to undertake Type-Writing of any description. Com municationt addressed )osl" ln-H co MEBBBB. KELLY WAI.SH SARAWAK Coal in good supply at Hrooketon and Labuan, with prompt despatch tor banter or c»n o. For tcrrm apply tn John Hardie. Sarawak Governir- ii- .1' l.^hnan. n.c
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    • 625 1 NOTICES. OThc Simd ADVERTISING RATES. PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. ADVERTISEMENTS. TIIK type iim-.I aa a ■tandanl for aettin^ adtertiKetuent* in xiniilitr to lhi>. iuil<~> th>' iii^uuitiun i» to ili-plcy the ndvertintmint, when iiny ellective htyle of type, tmetl in the paper, will 1..- adopted. The xtnndard run- exmtly ei^ht line* to
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    • 351 1 NOTICES. Milkmaid^ I BRAND f^Si 11/ li I\t W-j- Guaranteed R'^WrSm DEOT*** lhl *^^~==^^P Full Cream. lU de »ii Largest Sale in the World. ""xT 7 NY CARLSBERG bTeERT ("CROWN" BRAND.) GLORIA PILSENER, ("W. B." BRAND.) Both very llffet PllatMr Been. t. peel. lli brewed lor Tropical CllauCei. at
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 152 1 DAY BY DAY. Monday, nth August. Hieh Water 3.3 pm. Moon First Quarter. 11. -JO. a.m. PuMie Holiday. Banks Clnged. Merman homeward mail due. Philharmonic Choir. S.lfi. B.V.R. Recruits Drill, fi 16 1.0. Q.T. Concert. Temp Club. 8.30. Tuesday, nth August. High Wat«r. 3.A* a.m. 3.4U p.m. Penang Town Founded
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  • 1381 2 Home. The final arrangement* of the Coronation procession are that the Colonials head the escort, and the remainder of the Colonials will form a gnard of honour at Whitehall. There will be eight state carriages, containing the I'rinccs and l'rincea<ea. The King's proees■ion from Buckingham Palace include* the
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  • 351 2 European Residents Unharmed Bangkok papers give but scanty details of the work of the band of ducoits who recently sacked the town of Plire. It would seem that they surprised the place and killed the Siamese Commissioner, and his wife and children aix! some Siamese
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  • 383 2 In their weekly report dated Thursday afternoon lant, and which reached us after publication on Friday, Latham and Co. state The better feeling in our market, which we mentioned in our last report, has not been maintained during the week under review, and rates taken all round are
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  • 456 2 Annual General Meeting. Tub annual general meeting of members of the Singapore Cricket Club was held in the Tanulin Club on Friday last at 9 p.m. His Excellency the Governor, (president of the Club) occupied the chair, and there were only about forty members present. It was
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  • 359 2 An Insurance Company Reports on them. Ix reporting on the effect of petroleum on boilers when used as fuel, Mr. F. C. Bitgood, the Chief Boiler Inspector for the Southern District of the Hartford Steam Boiler Inspection and Insurance Company, states that when at the outset oil
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  • 71 2 The British steamer (iuetn Ulga grounded on a reef off Madura Island on leaving Sourabaya for a neighbouring port on the 29th July and sprang a leak. On the next day the water stood seventeen feet in her hold. Her cargo of Rugar has been discharged. She remains fast. Steps
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  • Correspondence.
    • 311 2 To the Editor of the StraiU Times." Sir, In your issues of 12'h and 31st May, your contributor "Caiuß" has published a letter and written several paragraphs upon the subject of an alleged overcharge of duty made by the Spirit Farmer at Labuan. Strict enquiry haß been made
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    • 203 2 To the Editor of the .Strait* Times." Bn, Will you be good enough to expose through the columns of your paper an instance ol how the law is administered in British North Borneo' A gentleman was sued by a Chinese Towkay for a small sum of money, for
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    • 586 2 To the Mitor of the titrails Time*." Sir, Some people consider Labuan's complaints unreasonable. After reading the following, will they still deny that the Colony is not justified in petitioning for the status quo ante and the removal of the administration of the Chartered Company f Tlieso are
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 328 2 NOTICES. NOBEL'S EXPLOSIVES COMPANY LD. GLASGOW. Manufacturers or Dynamite, Gelignite, Gelatine Dynamite, Blasting Gelatine, Detonators, ALL KIM'H OF Safety Fuses. AND Eleetrie Blasting Apparatus, The almve Explosives, being all manu factured in Qriai Britain, are made to pass the high standard of safety and purity I ft* impottxi by the
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  • 892 3 Labuan, MM ./tWy. CHOLKRA. Providence not precaution has hitlit rlo kept this fell epidemic from our shores. Jealousies and peccant wranglings between civil and medical authorities delayed the official declaration of quarantine against arrivals from S;ir iw.ik ports until the afternoon of 17'h inst, the direct
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  • 246 3 To Revolutionise Ocean Travel. Thekk lias been patented in all countries a new type of vessel, which it is stated will revolutionise ocean travel, enabling steamers, while doubling their carrying capacity, to traverse the seao at twice the present rate of speed. The inventor of this ship
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  • 87 3 The following arrangements were made for the celebration of the Coronation at Penang on Saturday 6-4.1 am. Parade of Troops on the Esplanade. Feu de Joie. The Hon. the Resident Councillor to be present to receive addresses for transmission to KnglanH ,s a.m. Thanksgiving Services at the
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  • 186 3 Per P. 4 0. s. s China, connect iug with the steamer ngal at Colombo, from London July-'-V due .'4th Aug.— Staff Sergeant J. Ford' and Mrs. Ford, Quartermaster Sergeant (juice, Mr. C. M. Van Cuylenburg. Per P. A O. s. s. Rome, connecting with
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 586 3 NOTICES. KUROPEAN SALESMAN. WANTFDatonce:knowledKe of Malay essential. Apply in person to v.c. BARLOW A CO. \I7"ANTED at once, Kmart Chinese tv talesman One with previous experience in piecegoods preferred. 11-8 RKINKMANN A CO. WANTED. A SMART youth who can manipulate tie Typewriter (Remington). Apply with references to v.c. M. c/o
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    • 794 3 NOTICES. FOR HALE. ORNAMENTAL Cast Iron Verandah Railings and Fanlights new. Apply at No. Robinßon Road. m.w.f 24-8 A HARE and a gelding for sale both useful for carriage and saddle; fS'fl each. Owner about to leave the Settlement. Apply to A. B. c/o StraiU Time*. FOR BAI.E. priv My.
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    • 221 3 NOTICES. REMOVAL. THE Printing Pepartment of Fnuer and N>ave. Limited, has been removed 2 to R-ifflW Quay, (next to Telegraph Co.) 14-8 pFOR LADIES "i D JORET*HOMOLLE'S APIOL if f he noil sun remedy «c«/nit tht Sickness, and ulher effects cawed b) tht delay of the regular per/oos BtoUIN.O««m,IBS,Ra» B--
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    • 587 3 NOTICES. rWESHIPMAPPROVAL and Guarantee safe delivery. t^STiS -top Tyr*. Suet or Wood Rlmt, Wmb. Mud Cuirdtud Bnkar TS, ACCESSORIES. Freight Rate* irte of the World. C ation Celeh ion Ball. TOWN HAL \UQUST 12th. The Corona 1 1 Celebration Committee having v da sum of money towards defraying the expenses
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  • 29 4 At lskander Hall, Johore, on the 10th August, i9OJ. EM7.A Kkaxbkrby, eldest daughter of the late Revd. B. I>. Keaslwrry, the beloved wife of lUTO Mki.drum, aged 63.
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  • 1174 4 Contkaky to general expectationsaecause deferred festivities are prune to end in fizzles— the local Coronation 'unctions on Saturday went off with an Sclatand a spirit of all-round merriment thai was just the thing for such a royal >ccasion. Of course, the
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  • 374 4 Ik there be any truth in the allegations contained in the three letters from Labuan published on page, 2of this issue— and we have every reason to believe that there is it would seem that it is about time for H. E. the High Commissioner to make a tour of
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  • 298 4 Thike seems to be a confusion of ideas about th« following paragraph published in the Kobe Vhronitle The Straitt Tiintt, referring to the unkind handling" which the onbl. John Barrett has had in Kobe, «ays that the gentleman is not entirely unknown in Singapore." vi course he is. Wag not
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  • 225 4 Extraordinary ideas as to the origin of the Shan invasion of Muang Phre and Muang Lang appear to exist in Bangkok, whence 1,500 troops were despatched to the north on July 31st. Commenting upon the episode the Sinn Free Press avers that Singapore is believed to be at the bottom
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  • 179 4 Mail advices from China do not speak hopefully of the likin abolition treaty. Sir James Mackay arranged that in return for an increase of the import duties on foreign goods to ll] or 12 per cent ad valorem, likin was to be abolished. But the Chinese, so it is stated,
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  • Reuter's Telegrams.
    • 77 4 London 7th August. King Edward, in a message to his people, expresses his heartfelt appreciation of the deep sympathy at home and in the Colonies while his life was in danger. His Majesty also voices his deep appreciation of the admirable patience and temper
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    • 48 4 After prolonged debates on the Education Bill, seven out of twenty clauses have been passed. The question of the management of voluntary schools is the chief point of contention and is otill unsettled. (The above was received ju»t after we had published on Friday afternoon]
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    • 49 4 London, 8(/t August. Mr. Austen Chamberlain is appointed Postmaster-General. An official statement sa.s forth the following changes iv the Cabinet Mr Wyndhara enters the Cabinet. Lord Londonderry becomes President of the Education Board Mr. Ritchie is appointed Chancellor of the Exchequer. Mr. Akers Douglas becomes Home Secretary.
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    • 29 4 The African War Commission will consist of Lord Elgin, Lord Esher, Admiral Hopkins, Sir John Jackson, Sir John Edge, and Sir Henry Norman.
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    • 19 4 The French Foreign Office denies that the French Chargd d'Aftaires at Bangkok has asked to be recalled.
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    • 51 4 London, 9th August. The following are appointed, but are not included in the Cabinet Earl Dudley, Lord -Lieutenant of Ireland Lord Hardwicke, Under-Secretary of State for War; Lord Windsor, Commissioner of Works; Sir W. H. Walrond, Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster; Earl Percy, Under-Secre-tary of State for
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    • 11 4 Prince Henry of Prussia has arrived in London.
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    • 34 4 A new Imperial Service Order with ribbon, inscribed For Faithful Service," has been instituted. The new Order is intended to better recognise the merits of Civil Servants of the Empire.
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    • 18 4 Lord Salisbury is slightly indisposed, l'ihl has been permitted to be absent from the Coronation ceremony.
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    • 24 4 Two Japanese Government Commissioners have arrived at Durban. Their mission is to report on trade relations between the Cape and Japan.
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    • 48 4 The Petit Bleu (Brussels) announces that the Boer General Lucas Meyer has died suddenly of heart disease. [General La<an Meyer, it will be remcni bered, received an invitation from the King to attend the Coronation, but he \>at obliged to decline owing to bad health]
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    • 28 4 Later. Salvoes of 41 guns from the Tower and 21 guns from Hyde Park awoke London at sunrise to-day (Saturday). The weather looked promising.
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    • 16 4 His Majesty the King was crowned in Westminster Abbey at 12 40 o'clock.
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    • 61 4 The King, who appeared to be in excellent health, went through the entire service without falttving, and gave the responses in firm tones. The moment after placing the Crown upon His Majesty's head, the Archbishop of Canterbury was overcome, but he recovered sufficiently to conduct the
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    • 92 4 Scenes of Intense Enthusiasm. After the ceremony, their Majesties, wearing the crowns and carrying sceptres, drove to Buckingham Palace, which was reached at 2 55 p m. The King appeared on the balcony in full robes and wearing tin- crown. His Majesty called the Quean out, and
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    • 89 4 London, 10M Augutt. The King bore the Coronation Ceremony perfectly well. H. M. was but little fatigued, and passed a good night. H. M.'s condition is in every way satisfactory. Bands of youths and girls singing popular airs paraded the streets of London. The demeanour of the
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  • 63 4 Wire news, a report of the .Singapore Cricket Club annual meeting, an article on troubles in Northern Siam, letters on Borneo Bickerings, Labuan and Borneo Notes, and other reading matter will be found on pages 2 and 3. Owing the pressure on space, it has been necessary to hold over
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  • 7 4 With to-day's issue there is a supplement.
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  • 11 4 Reading matter will be found on page 1 in toduy issue.
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  • 16 4 The homeward mail by the B. I. 8. 8. Zamunia closes vii Wednesday at 4 p.m.
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  • 13 4 The share, exchange, and produce quotations will be found on the front page.
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  • 13 4 A Chinaman was found dead yesterday Ht I'ulu lirani, near the smelting works.
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  • 16 4 A Royal Salute was fired from Fort Canning and from H. M. > Venial on Saturday mid-day.
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  • 17 4 Messrs. Sikiuu Kuan, I. Koza, and P. N. Uravden arrived from Hongkong by the Valelta on Friday.
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  • 19 4 Thb N D. 8.3. I'nnzess Irene, with dales from Europe to the 2^ud July is due on Thursday afternoon.
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  • 15 4 The Dutch cruiser Zeeluiul, Captain Allirol, came into the harbour on Saturday morning, from Macassar.
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  • 25 4 The members of the I. O. G. T. desire to remind their friends that the concert at the Temperance Club begins at 8.30 this evening.
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  • 20 4 The R.A. Regimental Sports will take place at Fort Canning on Saturday afternoon, 16th inst. invitations are now being issued.
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  • 20 4 Messrs. Boutier, Johnson, Wray, Drage, Miss Strugmell, Mr. and Mrs. Ltngenberg, arrived from Teluk Anson by the Penang on Saturday.
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  • 21 4 Mr. W. Bkamham, late assistanteditor of the llangkok Timet, arrived yesterday by the Deli and proceeds home to-morrow by the Kiautscitou.
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  • 28 4 Three cases of personating the police were reported this morning. A Malay, a Chinaman, snd a Kling tried to exact money from people by saying they were detectives.
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  • 97 4 Here'x to Rex, Lex and Pontifex A toast oo honettt heart rejects. The King in safety all protect, The Church to future bliss direct But knave* who plot the State to vex, May laws provide for all their necks Here's a health to all those that I
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 455 4 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. PIANO KOR B ALB. A PIANO in roo I order, •'.'2fi. Apply to Z., c/o Strait* Tim*: I<W TO BK LKT. 4 R()<)M suitable for two Bachelors. Private family gcwl locality w»thin easy distance of town. Apply to m. Aw. ia-8 K. Y. Z. c/o Straitt Tinu: TO
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    • 52 4 G.R. LAMBERT CO. PHOTOGRAPHERS. Dally Slttlnga-Appointments should, if possible, be made one day beforehand. NOTIOB. All our Photos are now Guaranteed perfect Permanent prints either done in our own new patented Celloidin process or in Platinotype or Bromide. Specimens of the new Celloidin process are exhibited in our show-window Battery
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  • 4812 5 LOCAL CELEBRATION OF THE GREAT EVENT. SINGAPORE EN FETE. A Big Programme Successfully Carried Through. BdMAPOMS, in common with nil the itbat pnctioM of l v lt dominions that "wn the sway of Britain, celebrated on Saturday, in loyal and patriotic fashion, the Coronation of Her Sovereign
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 95 5 There is no particular time of the year for taking Steam's Win* of Cod Liver Oil. The time to take it is whenever it i» needed when the system is disordered by disease, or overcome by unnatural languor and depression, when the body is in an atonic state. If you
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 484 6 NOTICED NOTICES. Aflcots for LEA PERRIMS' f WORCESTERSHIRE SAUCE. 0 UIJII J> BeT«i m <dtiS& A *4/fjk LAVILLE'S W *yff m liquor v Bg Special Wsrra«tOTaKe«e His ilajeslg y CELEBRATED OILMAN'S STORES. i l!lJl|'f^M!l (Surkisd Wropdies. TURKISH CIGARETTES. ITEM IN BOX Make friends and KEEP THEM. Get an introduction (at
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    • 416 6 I NOTICES. BT. AXDRUWS HOUS-E. 4 CHURCH of England Boarding House lil for European and Eurasian boys I who desire to attend the schools of the place. Applications to be made to the House Master, St. Andrew's House or to tbe Colonial Chaplain. w. s. a.c. THE GROVE HOTEL. TANJONG
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    • 701 6 NOTICES. No Better Value for Your Money Elsewhere. A. LALANDE CO.'S BORDEAUX. CLARETS AND WHITE BORDEAUX Wines are the best and purest in the market. Sample cases may be had at thiRepresentation Generate de I Industrie Francaise. 26, Robinsonß:>ad, ">•"•»• Minßapore. HIRANO' The Best Japanese Mineral Water Case of 48
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 717 7 THe Borneo Company, Ltd. fTUIE BUadarJ Life Aaraimao*. Norwich Cnion Fir* Io«ur«no» Society. AtUu Annimnoe Oomjony (hi). The Kqnit»hl« late Amiun Society. l£ cSL, MutMl 9*emm N.ri^ion Co*.p*By T> Tntteohu. Lfr Be«r Comply. /•or ~rtioutar. of *^'»^S!^i n <^ roll JrortMeinent of THK BORNBO COMPANY. LIMITED Airxnfca. STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. Omci,
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    • 1365 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. KoninklijUe PaUetvaart Maatschappij. Under contract with me Netherlands India UOTernment. Agents at Singapore: Ship AQXSOT, Lin J. Dabsdbls A Co., 2-8, Colltib Quay. The undermentioned date* are only approximate. Steamer Krom Expected Will be I fcwpMched lor Un Brouwer Deli via ports Augt. 10 Tebing TiDggi, Bila, Paneh,
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    • 660 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. Ocean Steam Ship Co., Ltd. and Nederlandsche Stoomvaart Maatschappij Oceaan. Tons. Ton*. Peleus 7441 Hector 4660 Tydeus 7441 Ihor.ied 4670 Telemachus 7441 Mentlaus 4671 Jason 7441 Nestor 8801 Agamemnon 7010 Ulysses Stt2o Ajax 7059 Pyrrhui 3620 Achilles 7048 tantalus S62n Deucalion 7030 Ixion D 612 Idomeneus 6763 Rhipeus
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    • 497 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. Portland and Aslatio Steamship Company. (Owned and operated by the Oregon Railroad ft* Navigation Company.) Datet of Sailing/ from the Eatt to Pacific Coatt Portt. Leavimo Due Hongkong Portland about about Indrapura 14th Aug. 12th Sept. "Indrasamba" 13th Sept. 12th Oct. "Indravelli" 14th Oct. 12th Nov. Through bills
      497 words
    • 401 7 INSURANCE CO.'S LANCASHIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. FIRB ANB LIFE. CAPITAL...~...£BXH)O WO. LIFE FUND £1,009,974. FIRE FUND 891,484. POWELL CO.. AGENTB. SOUTH BRITISH FIRE AND MARINE Insurance Company. FIRE Insurance effected on every description of property. MARINE Risks accepted to all part* of the World. LOCAL BOARD. D. W. Lovill, Esq., Chairman.
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    • 1455 8 Under this heading the following abbreviations ar» um'.l gtr. steamer airship; hq.—burque; Bch.— schooner; Yet.— Yncbt; Cru.— Cruiser; Gbt.— Gunboat; Tor Torpedo; H.p Horse-power; Urit. British; U. S— United States, *Vn. -French Ocr. Oennan Dut. Dutch Job. Joborv G.c— Genrral-carfc'o; d.p. deck passen<"r; U.— Uncertnin T. P.
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    • 523 8 VraMi'a Name r A Rio. TORB Captain From SiILBD. Consign in<. Aug; 8 8 8 8 8 8 s 9 9 9 I I H M W 9 I I f tf 10 10 111 10 111 111 10 10 10 10 11 II 11 j: n n
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    • 706 8 Namx, port, probable date of arrival, and name of agenls. Stsamiks. Achilles, Liverpool, Sept 16; Mansfield. Adour, Saigon, Aug 1 2 M. Maritimes. Afton. New York. Ifft June 7 Agamemenon L'pool, Sept 30 Mansfield. Ambria, Hongkong, Aug 21 B Meyer Andalusia, Hongkong. Cot 3; Behn Meyer. Annam. Colombo.
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    • 187 8 For Per'r Tim*. To-Mokroiv. Kelantan via ports Hntnvirr 9 a.m. Munr anil Mai. inn Furfilin 2 p.m. Muntok A Palembang (1. <!. Me.yrr 4 p.m. Weonisday. P. Sw.nliam via ports H. Poh Ouan 2 p.m. T. Anson via ports MWmm 3 p.m. Bombay via ports Zamania 4p.
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    • 154 8 Oatc. Vessel's Name. Flag A Rio Toils. DIOTINATIuS. 118 v 10 ii 9 9 11 II II v 11 \2 12 11 11 11 11 11 Cheant; Cbew Ban I. long Borg Tolv Cheaog Hock Kian Phi Si-ng Scbift fob Aim Hye l.oong Kian Add Hong Wan (Suadalquiver
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 122 8 FRESH ATTRATIONS EVERY T)j&rZ~ AT iJSS^TOra ANNUAL CLEARANCE SALE •m~* aA t W s*\r C b\B j\ MV AT IMI II I 1 I* I l I' IMlMUHUaWiaWlißlaHi"^ BottlC LOCkS WU\ SALE PRICE 1.30 EACH. KsRA r K R BAC K SI '^A Sale Prloe *«OCU. Each. **>-E PRICE -2.70
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 30 8 WEATHER TELEGRAti. (E. E. A. <fc C. Telegraph Compunn.) 10th August. HONUKOSa.Bnrometer 2«.K». Direction of Wind Force of Wind 0. Mm. Temp in Shade TS, MANILA:— 76B Calm. 0. :«i.
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