The Straits Times, 14 July 1902

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 20,877. SINGAPORE, MONDAY, JULY 14, 1902. PRICE 15 CEWTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 691 1 NOTICES. 11 K eta i ow Ih- 01. ninuil at t ii i 11. rom the Grove Hot. I Taiijong b.«L >"■■ NOTICE. FR M this .late Mr. Willium Miildleton Si ne holds our gen.-r»l power of SUOrl y BYMF CO. Smifapnr* h July. l!*li. '8-7 NOTICE. 1-HE Port Di<'ks
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    • 481 1 NOTICES. C.OVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. 'IT.NDERB will Im? received at the I ColonixlPecretsrv'B Office, up to noon of the IHth July, 190:', (or the following works m Additioml xccon'modation for constables »t loiice Htation Providing new girdti>, Ac, for the Honbur^h L<gnthouM<. (3) I alf-ytary whitewashing and tarring to all the
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    • 103 1 NOTICES. CHAMPAGNE "LOUIS R3IDERZR." Extra Dry and Carte Blanche. The "IH, well known, brand. BRINKMANN ff CO.. Importer*. Retail at Mwskb JOHN LITTLE Co, T/n>. v c. DRINK TANSAN BUT SEE THAT YOU (JET THE Genuine Article BOTTLED BY J. CLIFFORD WILKINSON, KOBE, JAPAN. Of all Dealers BOTTLES FREE!! Wilkinson's
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    • 66 1 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. KATZ BROTHERS CLjUs/lITEnD-) CASH CLEARANCE SALE. COMMENCES FRIDAY, AUGUST Ist FOR 8 DAYS ONLY. POWELL ROBINSON. :o: Gentlemen's Tailor, Breeches Maker Shirtmaker, Hosier, Hatter, and Outfitter. :o: *m±. TAII ORINP s~~~\ O DEPARTWEWT. THE A THE "SAC" 11 LOUNGE STJIT SUIT Jl P» A FashionCIaSS 1 perfect fitting
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    • 170 1 RAFFLES STORE 33 North Bridge Road. We havo i'l"' or>en»'l a n«w stock of IMITATION, PANAMA HATS (il-.M V LINEN COLLARS in a variety of the newest shapes Gents' Linen Shirts. Shirt Front* Silk Scarves Washing Ties Our customers admit that "iirs is THE CHEAPEST HOUSE in >ii.u»pore. MOTOR CARS
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  • 529 2 A (ireat Success. To the gentleman of pessimistic tendencies who perpetually prognosticates the downfall of the British Era pire, belong be to what nationality he may, the procession of Singipore Chinese on Saturday night must have come as a somewhat striking object-lesson. From an early hour
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  • 194 2 A railway accident, near Calcutta on the 29th June, proves to have been a terrible affair. The official report states that No. U up mixed train, which left Howrah on that day, encountered a severe storm. Fourteen carriages were blown off the line and capsized. Fifteen passengers
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  • 69 2 Per P. O. s. B. Britannia connecting with the steamer Chusan at Colombo, from London June 26, due 27th July— Col. K. K. Tevershara. Per V. D. L. s. 8. Bayern from Bremen due 19th July-Mr. W. R. MacCallum, Mrs. Drew and others. Per N.
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  • 680 2 CoMMKM-i.Nii on the Straits Coronation Dinner in London, uf which we gave a lengthy report in Ba urday's issue, Irtiulon anil China Express says No one who was present at the Straits Settlements Coronation dinner, at the Hotel Mctropole on 18th June, could fail to note
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  • 265 2 Bangkok is Bandit ok and were it not for a good deal of blind luck it would be probably a lot worae than it it today As matters go, however, the place is fairly healthy, considering the climate, etc. Hitherto we have been under the delusion that its
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 85 2 NOTICES, I JV 9 SPECIAL DUlWllle S OLD SCOTCH Whiskey. $10.50 Per cass. 5 per cent off for cash. DUTY EXTRA jE I I dunvilllli I I 3 < Wial Old ScorchjS "|i|l ■gk p UI (&^M>M~ I J g> Lm Glasgow, scotia/Io f jjjl JN m. w. A f.
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    • 319 2 NOTICES. AD BEL'S EXPLOSIVES COMPANY LD. GLASGOW. Manufacturer* of Dynamite. Gelignite, (Jelatiiie Dynamite, Blasting Gelatine, Detonatora, Al.l KINDS OF Safety Fuses. AND Eleetpie Blasting Apparatus, The above Explotivei, being all manv'otUwred in Great Britain, are made to oast the high tttindard of tafety and ourity Uatt impotetl by the Britith
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    • 351 2 NOTICES. IND COOPE Co/8 LAGER BEER, ItOTTLKI. AT BURTON ON TRENT, ALL BORN EO CO. LTD., SINOA^ORE, Imfswtt* m. A. w. ONION KIKE '[.VSUKANUE BOCIKTT OF MOEWIOH AND LONDON. litiiliiiiii 1797. >OB VIRB IN3DKANCE ONLT Am >uot inmrod 4(86,000,000 Lmm p«id. Jt 11,600,000. Pramiam inonme M 908.000. ntr raaoe
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  • 431 3 London, 4th My. Lord Cranbornc, replying in the Houm) of Commons on the ard July to criticism on the treaty with Japan, which said that it should have been concluded »onn-r, remarked "it was not for us to seek treaties we grant them He also s at«d that
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  • 426 3 Mr. Imw X, District Officer at Tawao, reports that the Chinese have iliw -iiviTt il wlial looks like tin in the s-ide uf the hill MM little distance from the shore wheie, to quute from his m'nue on the subject, the former (Jovtrniiirtit !-urveyur, Mr. McKenzie,
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  • 22 3 SiiDPiNd advei tisements, with dates of sailing etc., will be found on page 7. General shipping news is printed on page 8.
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  • 379 3 In Jambi (Sumatra) hostilities continue with the natives who stick to a Sultan of their own. The latter refuses to acknowledge Dutch authority Warfare there has been going on for months, but only a part of tin.' h..>tile country has been overrun. 1 >«tach ments pursue the enemy
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  • 451 3 European coffee planters (Liberian), sa>s the Resident-General in his repoit for 1901, have again been disappointed by the poor prices ruling for that product, which were indeed lower than lor the previous year SlB stf) per picul against 520.H9 Nevertheless, in Selangor and Negri Sciahilan the
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 45 3 VESSELS ADVERTISED TO SAIL. Fremantle via ports, Aattralind, on Utb July Boustead. Europe, P. Heinnch, due loth July Bebn Meyei. Calcutta via port*, tJvttra, on 16th July, Bountead. Snurabaya and Samajang, Ontang, due 16 th July, Bouttead. Manila, hla de Panay, due 16th July, Barlcw.
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    • 638 3 BANKS. HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. PAID-UP CAPITAL $10,000,000 HE3ERVE FUND.— Sterling,ooo Silver lWve...T| 4,280,000/ U 5000 RESERVE LIABILITY OF I ..nmuonn PROPRIETORS. J..»10,0Uu.000 Oormr o» DtaarfroM Hon. it. Siikwas,. Chairman A >| > III!' TT l HAIKMAf Hon. 0. W. Dicksos :H. Sciiubakt, E»q. X, UnETI, Kirn). ft
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    • 603 3 NOTICES. WAITED.— A Teacher for first standard. A ply to > J. N. S'rnit* Tinr*. office, giving experience and refere cc« I -7 "tTT ANTED: py>d Chinrse provision IT salesman, fortha wholesale Bazaar Only good men :.eed apply, with copies of testimonial" to X R. P. uc. e/o *tr»ilt
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    • 577 3 NOTICES. FOR HALE. GENTS' saddle and bridle complete; nearly new, full size Apply to U.C. K. C/O Nlroifj Time,. FOR SALE. ONE Barnet and Foster's Soda Water machine, complete and in rood nrder. C>n lie worked by hand or power. Capable f tun ing ou* -TO dozens a day. To
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    • 635 3 SHIPPING. W. A. 8. N. CO LTD. FOR DERBY, BRDOME. PORT HEDLAND COSSACK, ONaiOW. CARNARVON, GERALDTON, A FREMANTLE. 'pH E Company's steamer A UBTRA UND, I l,ol9tons, Captain Ri. hardsun. will be despatched for the above ports on Monday, the Nth inst, at 4 p m. For freight or passage
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  • 604 4 The resignation of Lord Salisbury hardly comes as a surprise, as it had been stated in several usually well informed home papers that, peace having been attained in South Africa, he would retire into private life immediatel) after the Coronation. It
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  • 485 4 The report on the Straits Settlements for 1901, which was laid before the Legislative Council on Friday, shows that tbe revenue for 1901 amounted to «7,041,6»5: -Singapore $4,327,462, Penan* $2,221,919, aid Malacca «49^14. There was an increase of 11,666,039 compared with the revenue for 1800. Tbe expenditure was $7,322,236, ax
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  • 361 4 DeeiTTE the fact that seismologica research has mad« vast strides nowadays, and that past history gives numerous instances in which cities, nay even whole districts lying upon volcanic crusts have, with all their inhabitants been destroyed, there would seem to b« no safeguard against cuch terrible cataclysms as that which
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  • 84 4 Wb much regret to hear a report of the death at home of Dr. M. F. Simon, c.m.0., who retired from the position of Principal Civil Medical Officer of this Colony in September, 1»00. Before going out to the Jamaica Medical Service in 1871, T)r. Bimon was resident accoucheur and
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  • 24 4 Reading matter will be found on pages i and including wire news, the Straits coronation dinner, Netherlands India news, and F M. S. Planting.
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  • 741 4 INTERESTING NEWS FOR LOCAL RESIDENTS. What Will Government Do It will interest residents of Singapore toknuw that there are at prexent in the town several convicts who have escaped from the French penal settlement in New Caledonia In order to make the situation clear— and possibly
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  • Reuter's Telegrams.
    • 38 4 I/ondon, \'2th July It is officially announced that the Coronation will be held some day between the Bth and 12th August next. The procession on the day following that oi the Coronation has been cancelled.
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    • 47 4 The King's physicians state that H. M.'s progress towards recovery is speedier and less complicated than had been anticipated, largely owing to H M.'s excellent constitution. It is hoped that H. M. will be able shortly to proceed to Portsmonth in the royal yacht.
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    • 16 4 Up to Tuesday last, the number of Boers who had surrendered totalled twenty thousand.
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    • 18 4 Sir Gordon Sprigc, the Premier of Cape Colony, has sailed on his return to Cape Town
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  • 28 4 The King's recovery is making such excellent, progress that the bulletins notifying H. Ms. health will henceforth be issued on altern ue dayß only.
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  • 190 4 Arrival in England. The B.s. OroUira arrived at Southampton yesterday morning from South Africa. Major Gordon, one of the passengers, was ill with small pox. Lord Kitchener, General French, and General Bruce Hamilton and staff were alone allowed to land. Hearty Welcome. They were received with a storm
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  • 45 4 The Governor of Martinique cables that an outburst of flames from Mont Pelee on Wednesday night set fire to the ruins of St. Pierre. The "Souffriere"inSt. Vincent simultaneously showed renewed activity There was another violent eruption from Mont Pelee on the 11th instant.
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  • 24 4 Salisbury out Balfour in. London, I.M/i July. Lord Salisbury resigned the Premiership on Friday. Mr. A. J. Balfour has been appointed Premier.
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  • 70 4 Audience of the King. It is officially announced that Lord Kitchener was conducted to see the King who, lying on a couch, received him in tin: warmest manner H. M. personally thanked Lord Kitchener tor his services in South Africa, and handed him the decoration of the new
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  • 27 4 Botha, in the course of an interview, expressed bis belief that, if justly treated, the Boers would soon settle down under British rule.
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  • 39 4 The Czar bat cum missioned Prince Messtcherski to make a tour in the provinces of Kharlcoff, Katherinoslav, and Poltava to ascertain whether the continuance of the disturbance! there is owing to real grievances among the people.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 939 4 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. FRESH BUTTER". A TREAT COME EARLY, THE AUSTRALIAN STORES. THOMPSON, THOMAS CO. NO. 1, ROBINSON ROAD. m. f. AN Eniglith nurne. wUnitw tn return iiuin... wonl'l >>.■ Kin to take service It* i-hil'in-x's nursn or lady's maid in retur i for fr <> pa- Hge. heply l>y letter
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    • 53 4 G.R. LAMBERT CO. PHOTOGRAPHERS. Dally Sittings— Appointments should, if possible, be marie one day beforehand. WOTICE3. All our Photo* are now Guaranteed perfect Permanent prints either done in our own new patented Celloidin process or in Platinotype or Bromide. Specimens of the new Celloidin process are exhibited in our show-window
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  • 6 5 To-day's 4/ms hank rate it 1/BJ.
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  • 13 5 Th« homeward mail by the rtimrirt closes at 1 p. in. to- morrow.
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  • 11 5 Ail the schools re-ooened their classes to-day after the midsummer vacation.
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  • 17 5 The homeward mail by the B. I. s. B. Zumania will close on Wednesday at 4 p.m.
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  • 13 5 iOWWMi*"- M. B. Residents wa- to be held to-day at Carcosa, Kuala Lumpur.
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  • 18 5 A case of alleged criminal breach of iru-t m which Hih sum of $550 is involved is reixirte.l.
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  • 24 5 Thk P. and O intermediate steamer AaafM left Hongkong at 5 p m. on Sat unlay and is due here at daylight on Friday.
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  • 16 5 Thb Russian transport VUulimir :irrivd on Saturday from Odessa, and left Sing»|iore for Vladivostok yesterlay afternoon.
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  • 24 5 Thb ss. Saym with the German mail from Europe left Colombo at .1 p in on Saturday, and is due here on Friday morning.
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  • 22 5 BNMANH C ilioon, Brace, and Connor of the local police force have been promoted acting 3rd grade inspectors from the Ist int.
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  • 22 5 An account of the Chinese torchlight procession to Government House, on Saturday night, will b* found on page L' of to-day's issue.
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  • 25 5 Thk BiitiHh m AmmAm arrived here from Amoy on Saturday and went into quarantine. One Chinese malepassanger died of pulmonary complaint on the 7th inst.
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  • 39 5 To mokkow. being the feast day of the founder and president of the Singapore Catholic Club, the Rev. Km her Rivet, the Town and Volunteer B;ind will play in the Club grounds from •> :m to 1 1 p m.
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  • 31 5 A Chinaman has been arrested in onn.'ction with a theft that took place yesterday at 360 Rochore Koad, one of the thoroushfares comprising the residential quarters of the native low tjHMi
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  • 40 5 Thk British tran>|iort No 4, Pentukoln, arrived in Singapore from Hongkong on her way to Calcutta yesterday and departed the same day She had on board Col Ridfrrd, 4 offi-ers, and 71 S men of the »tn Pi i '»> Infantry.
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  • 52 5 O* Kriday, wh v ...i<-ii"d a paragraph taken fioni the fik Pioneer stating that a VUr-st-i>ii ■■w. late of McAlitttr ;inil('o" had been appointed Federal heeler of stores. McAlister and Co. write to say that there is no gentleman of this name in their firm who has received such an
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  • 58 5 In connection wi'h the conviction at the Assizes ol Ibrahim, the Indian who destroyed the sight of Mr Moore by throwing vitriol in his face, it may be stated that Mr F. K Jennings' Detective Agency was responsible for securing the evidence which led to the charge being finally proved.
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  • 56 5 Trnt Chinese torchlight procession passed off quite smoothly, very little rowdyism being indulged in. The crowd* were peaceably inclined, and only one case of 'heft took place, as far as is known. A hairpin-snateher was held by the police for taking a woman's hair jewellery Pickpockets appear to have left
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  • 60 5 We learn thai, *lien the Duke of Connaught inspected the Colonial Camp at Alexandra Palace, last month, His Highness declared that the tents of the Singapore Volunteer R flng were the best and tidiest ke t of all. As there are close upon 2,000 men there, the Duke's comment is
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  • 84 5 With regard to the damage at the recent destructive fire in Align- Strpet, which absi .itely destroyed eight Chinese houses, we find that little of the property is fully covered by insurance. The Imperial Insurance Co iB involved to the extent of 81,000, divided eqnallv hetwit'ii the buildings Nos 5
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  • 90 5 It is rumoured that the Kline iiiiiiiiiinity here are going to be great guns on the occasion of the coronation, the i- of which has now been settled to af'w .1 iv< A coronation procession tbroush the street* of Singapore, made up of Kling gentry, is being thought of
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  • 85 5 Shanghai would appear to be determined to live up to it* reputation as the champion mother of canards The other day it reported the death >>f John Burns, the famous labour member of Parliament But the redoubtable John is very much alive The telegram announcing his death appeared in the
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  • 39 5 Scbme, a football match. Referee gives an unpopular decision and is mobbed his friends struggle to save him. Amongst these is a gentleman with decidedly fiery locks. Voice from crowd, '"Ere, Bill; sma«h that cove with the Coronation 'air
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  • 79 5 Somc two months ago a number of gang robbers raided a gambling house «t Paklat, near Bangkok. They killed eleven persons, wounded a number more, and made off with tome ticals 6,000 in property and cash. Then they quarrelled over the division of their bdoil in approved brigand style Three
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  • 120 5 Residents in the district hetween Brass Bassa and Middle Roads and Victoria Street and Beach Roads ancomplaining of the number of Chinese coffee stalls to be found blocking the lanes and alleys nightly. It seems that a number of 'rikisha proprietors live in the vicinity and when the coolies have
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  • 123 5 On the 4th inst., the Revds. West and Denyes were coming from Johor* to Singapore in the launch, Tanjong Surat, which they perceived was over crowded. On arrival at Singapore thereporteil the matter, and it was foumthat tue boat was carrying 51 passengers in excess of the number permittw by
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  • 164 5 Ix March last year, an Arab named Shaik Osman bin Mahomed did the confidence trick cleverly with a police corporal and got six months. While he was doing his time he was brought up on another charge of the same kind and got an additional year, the terms to run
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  • 125 5 Mr. Jußtice HynHman-Jones tried the Assize cases this morning, on account of the departure to-day or to-morrow of the Chief Justice for Penang. The case of Loh Ah Moon, indicted on the charge of theft, was heard, and the prisoner was discharged, the jury finding a verdict of
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  • 239 5 A rathbr mysterious case of robbery has taken place on the Dutch mail steamer Van der Parra, now lyiniz in dry dock at Tanj >ng Pagar. The ship's mate reportß that 920 guilder* and $814 have been stolen from a safe which is kept in his
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  • 486 5 Our readers will remember that in our issue of the 7th in»t. goire particulars were recorded concerning a ghastly murder which had been committed about 3 o'clock on the morning of the 6th in Keppel Road. The victim was a 'rikisha puller who was the subject of
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  • 154 5 1377— The Isle of Wight is wired l>y the French and plundered. 1.V25— The college Church at Oi ford k< founded by WoUey. The great bell Vngnus Thomiu, that rwingn in the helfry. i» «even feet and one incb in diameter. The original inscription wan In
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  • 85 5 The Club Handicap. St. lb. Lu'worth 10. 2 Residue 9 12 <l«yla»s 9. 6 Malloolu- 8.12 Sandy M* Yorkshire 8. 9 Redciiffe a 9 Mapar 7.12 The Paddock Cup. Olaf 11.7 IC.-~i.ln.- 11. 6 Hiiihlander 10. 9 Banestwr 10. 9 Bob* 9. 0 Argonaut 9. 0 Katak M
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  • 689 5 Thehb v. ts ,i capital attendance at the Annual Sports gathering of the S.C.C. on Saturday last an extra large number of ladies gracing the ground with their presence and from first to last the gathering proved a great succexs. Messrs. R. Seoular, C. I.
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  • 38 5 Captain Tmtor, of the Hingora, has been transferred to the Chowlai, whilst Captain Muller late of that vessel has gone to the Singora. The Chowtai now runs Imtween Bangkok and Hongkong, the Sitgvra between this port ana Bangkok.
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  • 608 5 Singapore, 14th July, 1902. PRODUCE. Gambler buyer. 8 13.75 Copra Bali •<>;«> do Pontianak 9.15 Pepper, Black buyer* 30.00 Jo White, (5%) 52 50 Sago Flour Sarawak 3.75 do Brunei No. 1 3.«0 Pearl Sago J- 85 Cotfee, Bali, 15% basis 21-50 Coffee, Palenibanc 20% basis „28.00 Coffee, Liberian
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 216 5 Help for the Helpless. To-day there are thousands of h»lpS»s crippled, bed-ridden rheumatics looking out with feveriih anxiety for a cura for their sufferings. They havo been disappointed so many times that another trial ems almost useless. In Littli's Oriental Balm has been discovered a true cure for Rheumatism. It
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    • 659 5 AUCTION SALES. AUCTION BALB OF THE BIMPANG COCONIT AND COFFKE ESTATE, PERAK. AREA tUS AfRKs. TO BE HELD AT POWILL CO 's RALK-KOUli On Wednesday the \6thJuly, 1902, at 2-30 p.m. For particulars, ye Circulars. 15-7 POWELL CO Auctioneers. AUCTION f«ALE OF A VALUAHU* BUILDING SITE Situated at Race Couhse
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 168 5 DAY BY DAY. Monday, 14th July. High Water 4.54 p.m French V itional Anniversary. Philharmonic Choir. A.15. S.V.A U Dismounting Drill. 6.16. rt V.R Drill. «.16. M'sionary Meeting Pr nsep St. Churcb 8 Tuesday, 15th July. High Water 8.10 a.m 6.6S p.m. 1, tin homeward mail due. Gorman homeward mitil
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 157 6 NOTICES. John Little Co., Ltd. (o) Drapery Department A large shipment of new goods now on display. New m Erect Form Corsets, New Shirts, New Blouses. 0: John Little Co., Ltd. K. A. J. Chotirmall Co. HAVE JUST RECEIVED A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF INDIAN AND PERSIAN CARPETS, OF THE BEST
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    • 475 6 NOTICES. V V WATCH ES^^f DURABLE AND ACCURATE The Kejjtone Watch Case Co. nti.i n Phil.i.l pb U. ■A. jgf^^L. America's Oldest and Watch Factory K*l J jl For tale by \^U/ Tin Principal latch Dealers in Straits Settlements Mr. J. da Pereira Horticulturist and Florist. Has removed his business
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    • 198 6 NOTICES. ■af^itorL.adies.l JP| LLS A Ramady far all Irraa'ulc.rttla*. Bm.r 4aja> l-.t.,r0,.. i r Sold by SlnKaporo D(»panalna Co., Ltd., Rama* Placa, »logapora. aUßrm Cbmm s««n Hampton, rnoianu 6. OTOMUNET &CO. :o: JAPANKSE CURIOS AND GENKRAL STORE. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS. Have just Unpacked a fine Collection JAPANESE GRASS
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 704 7 Th« Borneo Company, Ltd. rpilK Standavi Life Aaamranc*. Norwich Union Fire Inanranoa Sooiatj. UUa Aaauranoe Company (Fire). Th. Kqnitablo Life AaromnOß SodetJ. Tn. Chin* Mutual Stmm NMißmtion Company 1> Tattenh»m L*irer Beer Compmny. PANT I.IMITRD AaTamrta). STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. r^ t OmOB, TILEORAPH STREET. Pt Wh*bvm, Kieppii.H»Bßonß. 06 0. STKAM NAVIGATION
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    • 1339 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. Koninklijke Paketvaart Maatschappij. Under contract with the Netherlands India Government. Agents at Singapore: Ship AonOT, lat» J. Daxndils Co., 2-8, Oolltbb Quay. The undermentioned dates are only approximate. stumer Hrom Expected Will be ixwpAtcoed tor un Nienhuus Kotie via Bandjermassin, Kotabaroe, ports Balikpapan, Koctei, Krouw, Boelongan, Donggala and
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    • 686 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. Ocean Steam Ship Co., Ltd. and Nederlandsche Stoomvaart Maatschappij Oceaan. Tons. Tons. Pel*us 7441 Beetor 4609 Tydeu* 7441 Diomed 4670 Telemachus 7441 Mentions 4671 Jason 7441 Nestor SbOl Xoani«miion 7010 Ulvtms SW2O A)ox 7089 Pyrrhus 8620 AchUles 7043 Tantalus S62n Deucalion 7080 Ixion -161 2 IdomeneuK 87«3 Rhipeus
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    • 550 7 INSURANCE CO.'S rpHB LONDON AND LANCASHIRE J. FIBS INSURANCE OOMPANY. Capital £8,127,(100 Paid up Capital £312.760 Reserve Fond £1,078,680 The undersigned, Agents for tbe Company, are prepared to accept fire risks at current rates of premium. BOUSTEAD A Co., Agents. CANTON INBURANOB OFFICE LIMITED. Capital Subscribed.. $2,600,000. Amout paid up
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    • 350 7 INSURANCE CO.'S Two Great Necessities. VIZ. 1. FAMILY PROVISION. 2. PROVISION FOR OLD AGE. Easily and Rt-onomically met by a Policy ia. THE BRITISH EMPIRE MUTUAL LIFE OFFICE, EsTABIJIHBD 1847. Chairman The Right Hon'ble Sii John Oorst, M. P. Funds— lts. 420,00,000 Claims Paid— Rn. 460,00,000 LAR6E BOUSES LIBERAL riIMHTHWC
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  • 98 8 Undci Hrn lii-iniini; the f. Mowing sV<revi.itiun. an um-iI vtr s-teanit-r th.— ♦l,ip, 1 n hara c; »eh schooner; Y<t.— Vm-iit I'm -('rumor, Qbt— dunboat; Tor ratuedu; H.p -Horei'-power; Brit.—Bri--ti-h; I', s l'nit.xl Sfiii>-; Feb.— French; alai Oliilimi. Dut— Dutch Job.— Jobore; <10. flanaral ownn; d.p. deck
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  • 55 8 Men -of- War. etc. a^airftM, HM S. ibt U Ml ton«. 100 ctpw t Kilns i I i H.p r.ptiiin Mi-Uulchi, l?th Juii- F •••in tloiigk 4th June. Senior Na« I din r Unkaown. U—Rds. -„<...., Co «tr. AQ tons. tuns. 100 H.p I'ipi Maddoek June. I'r in
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  • 434 8 rrlvals since Noon ol Saturday I; isV.Brii.stl .T,» tons, C«pt (Soiding K'lli.luiy. Xi in l.ivrrpo I, «>th June. G.o. I iltrinsi (Sin. .ii^ t C,i. Fur Hongkong, ia -w. Anltmw Lopet, BnUL -tr. 4;ll« tonn. Capt <:■. till:.. I Sill Inly Kr. Hi Manila. HluJul). rlo« a
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  • 1192 8 Antgar, str. '.',320 tons, Capt Hannextad, 3rd June. Frou Cardiff, Joth April. Coals. For Japan, U Rd» Av*lrnl ml. Brit str. I, n 10 tons, Captain RicbardKOD, Oth ,!uly. From Fremantle 10th June. G.c. Boustead Co. For Fre manile.
    1,192 words
  • 549 8 Same., port, pronibte dale of arrixti and name, of agents. Stumiks. .Vlonr, London, left June I Alboin, Bangkok, July Borneo Coy. Alcinous. Hongknn'r.'.luly l">: M—iflcM Alting, Sourabaya, July ißj Daeodeln Annan), Hongkon-,-. \i,' M. .Mariiimes. Antenor, Liverpool, July 20; Mansfield. Vpannia. Calcutta. Au«3; Boustead. Asaina. Aug Ml. (idlill
    549 words
  • 109 8 Pm Per m> lime. I'O-MOKKI W. Europe via ports Pr'n: Heinrich 1 p.m T A ison via p irts Pnh Aim i' p. in Rmgoon A laicutta Mutirt .(p.m. Pul.) Laut, et-c, Bnri* Hitmen Ip m. Bangkok Ma 3 pm. M MaaatrA .\m;i in in T-reta 3 [t
    109 words
  • 139 8 FRoy Eorop«: Hy th- N D.L s.» Hnyrn due on the l-h July, wiih dale- to t ri. _'ah June. She brings replies to Ik* mail* which left Singapore on the Mt M i\ From Chin*:— By Mm NULm Print Heinrich due on Tu.isd.iv TIMK T»B..K „K
    139 words
  • 269 8 I Vxmil's Nam i Rio. Ton. Captain Kkom ;Uil»d. ComastK 1906 Abel S»i|<on July 9.M. M»ritim»» iM.i Kieke {Hongkong July 4! Vnn Yi> k Heng U7 Coimu'lier Mu»r 'July 1 Uta^ifiuo ami Co. II 0 Pow«ll HnlimbangJ ilv ll.Syme »n.| Co. lit'ij Ooliling l.ivnrpool June fi f. Simons and
    269 words
  • 201 8 C LEARANC E S DAT*. VKSBW/8 SiMS. FLAO A KlO. TO»S. DwriN*TlOK. July 14 i 12 i 12 i- S i 5 13 14 15 14 14 15 14 I 16 14 16 14 lft 14 14 14 16 I I Antoaio Lope/ Spa str. 4;146 Barcelona and Liverpool Billaarat
    201 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 113 8 WHITEAWAY, LAIDLAW CO-jJBSjE&iESES-^WA c T^ jiff f Q Price Ct» 50, 85, SO. Price Cts. r.O, 65. 85 > > S i'K*y»riCTm«?rl-'S CE I c -1-90, 2-70 each -1 90. and 2 70 each. '^S«i«*' 4 ?3rul.Tilaufjf i^L JM^ LADIES' WHITK OP RA CI.OAK> 1 \jf\J B ■fMEj§3l&ii'*SfBffw<w j i^Bt«ws^S»\
      113 words