The Straits Times, 16 June 1902

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times NO. 20,854. SINGAPORE, MONDAY, JUNE 16, 1902. PRICE 15 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 639 1 NOTICES. NOTICE. 'pHE Port Dicks n Cooperative Coffee J ('urine Company are prepared to receive Coffee in parchment or Cherry for treatment. Special Tenrs given for large ahipments. Apply for terms to the 21-9 MANAGER. NOTICE. MR. MM CHIN SENG having loft my service since t c 7th May. I9OS,
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    • 226 1 NOTICES. RAFFLES STORE 33 North Bridge Road. We beg to invite inspection of our new stock of dress materials such as Black Wool Crepons Silk &nd Wool Crepons Black Silk Grenadine All Wool Nun's Cloth Black j.nd Navy Cashmeres Cotton Pongees Cotton Sateens &C. ffc. Our prices are as lon*
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    • 232 1 NOTICES. Che Straits dimes' CRAOTINTS, See offer on Page 5. G. OTOMUNE A CO. JAPANESE CURIO GENERAL STORK. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS, SINGAPORE. HAVE JUST UNPACKED A FINE COLLECTION OF Cloisonee ware, Ivory ware, Lacquer ware, Ornaments in Bronze and Anti iony, and Porcelain Ware. AL»O Japanese Grass Matting and
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    • 626 1 AUCTION SALES. SALE OF HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, Ac. thk pbopkbty of thr latb j. r h lty At Rohemary, Mt. Echo Road, Tanolin. Tuesday, l~th June, 1902, at '.I p m. T:iU ROPE-MADE drawing roori suite, j sideboard with drawers and cupbnard; dining table in 4 pieces (IV feet); dinner wagon.
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    • 605 1 AUCTION SALES. AUCTION SALE Of THE PIOPBKTY. Known as "JOSEPHINE COTTAGE. Serangoon Road. TO BE HKI.I) AT POWELL \NI' CO.'S SALE-ROOM. On Wednesday the 18</i Jim* 190'J at 2 30 p.m. ALL that valuable piece of land con taining an area of •'< roods t> i>oletcomprised in Stxtutory Grant No.
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  • 825 2 Oil Trust. Further particulars of the oil trust just formed in Holland have been published. The companies which have thus made common cause are domiciled in Holland, but carry on petroleumboring in Netherlands India. The aim they put forth is that of keeping up to a certain level
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  • 45 2 For Singapore. IVr M. M 8 8. .'.uxt <ilien from Mni-eilks M>»y 15-Mr. and Alrn. Warlomont, Mr. Van Elmet, Captain F. B. 1-awson. Per N D. L. s. 8. Sachxen from Br"nion via Southampton due June 20— Mi. John, Calder and others.
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  • 902 2 Interesting- Reminiscences. Mr. T. H. S. Kseott, writing in the May number of "Chamber's Ju.irna!," gives interesting informarion with regard to^ various Colonial Secretaries, and somn of the guests tliuy have entertained and to the conversations which have taken place. The writer says Really, this old
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 115 2 NOTICES. W^ •'j'l J SPECIAL liUnVlllC S OLD SCOTCH Whiskey. $10.50 Per case. 5 per cent off for cash. DUTY EXTRA -«>1 ilwi 111 J! W ;.i 111 1 l-',i i n> S w eg-": W I! I DUNVILLW I m 3 -31. Slfi'.'jl I 5 < I Special Old
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    • 322 2 Nonces. NOBEL'S EXPLOSIVES COMPANY LD. GLASGOW. Manufacturer* ot 1 Dynamite, Gelignite, Gelatine Dynamite, Blasting Gelatine, Detonators, ALL KINDS OV Safety Fuses. AND ElevtPie Blasting Apparatus. The above. Explosives, being all mauv-t,,-:r>tl in Great Britain, are made to oass the high ft/nuiard of safety and ourity tvsts imposed by the Britith
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    • 432 2 NOTICES. IND mOPE Co.'S LAGER BEER, IiOTTLEI) AT BURTON ON TRENT, OF ALL DEALMMB, BORN EO CO. LTD., SINGAPORE, finaerto*. ni. w. NORWICH I'NION FIRE INSURANCE SOCIETY OF NORWICH AND LONDON. Kstaiilishid 1797. 'OR KIBE INSURANCE ONLY Auuunt insured... i^HS,OOO,(KX) Leases paid 11,600.000. Premium inontn« JS 006.000 In« r.ncc »lf«<ot<xl
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  • 971 3 {Madras Times.) Troubles in Siam, and friction between France and Siam, concern us in India nearly, and it would be more than ast uish ng if Lord Curzon— who when he was M»\ George Curzon studied the subject carefully, and expressed etrong opinions —has not something r-mpbatic
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  • 853 3 We announced some time ago that Sir Francis Lovell had undertaken to make a tour of scientific evangelization through the tropics, with the object of securing practical support for the London School of Tropical Medicine A» Hannibal went about seeking to siir up enemies against Rome,
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 638 3 BANKS. HONtiKONG AND BHANOHAI BANKING CORPORATION. PAID-UP CAPITAL $10,000,000 RESERVE FUND.— Sterling Reserve..| Silver Reserve.... 4^80,000 f M=H> <"* RESERVE LIABILITY Oi? 1 nnmnmri PROPRIETORS ilJ ooo uu Court of DikbotobB:— K Kui -Chairman A n. i v-. Deputy Chairiia:- W. Dick.son, Btq :H. Schubart, Esq. I.. Gom Kaq.
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    • 640 3 NOTICES. WANTED AT ONCE. A SMART Chinese assistant üblo to write English nnd well acquainted with the type-writing machine. Only Loud nppl emits holding good certificatLb m:. y apply to KATZ BROTHERB, LTD. WANTED. FR Palembnng, a Chinese Clerk with knowledge of tbe Keh-dialect. Apply to 17-6 MESSRS HOOGIANDT 4
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    • 577 3 NOTICES. rpo BE LET. From Ist July. 8«, Insti JL tution Hill, rent $7«. Complete nevi furniture could ke taken over at valuatior from present tenant. Apply to LERMIT 4 WEKTFRHOUT, 12-7 12. Battery Read. TO BE LET. T7URNIBHED Bungalow, near Town JT For Particulms »pi ly I y letter
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    • 571 3 SHIPPING. INDOCHINA BTEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY, LIMITED. FOR HONGKONG. rpHF, Company's steame LAISANG, J 2.224 tons, Captain Payne, bn\ ing left Calcutta on m tne Bth inst., may be expected to arrive h»re on or about the 'tit l. idem, and will have piooipl ue.-ini. for the above port. For freight
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  • 19 4 On the 2nd June, at Hongkong, May Bianoa, l»eloved daughter of Osborne and SaloniM Middleton; nfi-d 17 years.
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  • 758 4 The Straits Times. PRICK 15 CENTS. MONDAY, 10th JUNE. People who go to Siam often imbue ideas that are simply fantastical. This fact is frequently demonstrated in the Anglo-Siamese newspapers published at Bangkok. Even transient observers seem to get mixed in their views. Mr. J. G. D. Campbell, a British
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  • 134 4 It is said that there is some talk of evicting the Harm*t.on Circus from t.he land on which the tents are now pitched, in order to make room for the Japanese Coronation Fireworks Display. Such an act would be greatly to he deprecated If thousands ot dollars to bring a
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  • 43 4 We understand that h. M. the King of iNam will visit Singora, Kelantan and Trinceanu during the course of the next fortnight. His Majesty will then pass through Singapore, en rmde for Saiburee and other ports on the west Coast of the peninsula.
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  • 24 4 Reading matter will be found on pages 2 and :i, including articles on the Situation in Siam, Netherlands India, and Sir K. Lovell's mission.
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  • 7 4 To-day' 9 4/ms bank rate is l/Bf£.
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  • 9 4 Raffles Institution has broken up for four weeks' holiday.
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  • 10 4 Exchange, share, and produce quotations are printed on page 8.
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  • 15 4 The homeward mail by the N It. I. s.s. Amhh rinses at 6 p.m. to-day.
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  • 13 4 The Australian eleven open a match against South of England at Eastbourne to-day.
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  • 15 4 The homeward mail by the B. I s.s. y.timania closes at 4 p.m. on Wednesday.
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  • 15 4 H E. the Governor went to Changi in the SeaMle yesterday, returning in the evening.
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  • 18 4 The K. D L. Preutsen is due from Hongkong this evening. She will sail at 8 a.m. to-morrow.
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  • 20 4 A fine of $10 was imposed by Mr. Marriott on a Chinaman, this morning, for depositing Kith in a drain.
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  • 21 4 Shipping advertisement, with dates of sailing etc., will be found on page 7. General shipping news is printed on page 8.
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  • 24 4 Thk Town and Volunteer Band will play on the Old Jail Site on Tuesday afternoon the 17th instant from 5 to 6 (weather permitting).
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  • 24 4 The directors of the Nippon Yusen Kaisha propose to distribute a twelve per cent dividend for the year ending on the si March last.
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  • 30 4 Choi.kra was so very bad at Macao at the date of last advices that all the public schools were closed. The outbreak is set down to the unwholesome water supply.
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  • 28 4 Miss Wintield Bonser was presented by her mother, Lady Winfield Bonser, at the Court held by their Majesties the King and (jueen at Buckingham Palace on 16th May.
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  • 31 4 Thk first-class cruiser AmpUitrite, of 11,000 tons displacement, was expected to arrive at Colombo on Friday last on her way to the China station to take the place of the Orlnndo.
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  • 29 4 Thk P. and O. mail steamer Bengal which arrived on Saturday morning brought the following specie: X12,450 in coin silver for Penang, and .t'49,920 in coin silver for Singapore.
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  • 28 4 The final match for the Singapore Football Challenge Cup will be played on the Esplanade to-morrow afternoon. The competing teams are the 49th and 50th Companies, Royal Artillery.
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  • 31 4 Bkratob Money, American Democratic leader, has his own little plan for the Philippines. It is simple. Let the Philippines go to the devil," he has said, and take care of themselves."
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  • 33 4 Pulait Angsa Light is now being revi lived by hand until further notice, owing to its mechanism being under repair. The revolutions of the light are likely to be less regular in consequence.
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  • 34 4 Threb hundred and fifty-two deaths were registered at Singapore in the week ending on the 7'h instant The ratio was 78 per thousand. The figures for May were 1,817 with a ratio of 5)0.»2.
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  • 40 4 The engagement is announced and the marriage will shortly take place of Daisie Isabel, only daughter of George Walker Enquire of Natal, and Hamilton, eldest surviving son of Captain L Herbert Noyeß (retire*!) R. A., late of East Mascalls K'-nt.
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  • 43 4 Thk Spring Cui> ol ihe Singapore Golf Club (~ptci.ll handicap, med-il play) will be competed for next Saturilay. A Coronation Cup has been prevented by the Club and will be played for on Stturday, 28th inst. match play v. Col. B'igev. »n»«W handicap.
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  • 44 4 On behalf of the Aiiglo-Chinese and Eastern Schools the K*w. E. S Lyons, the principal, desires to express his grateful appreciation >>f the kindness and libarality of those who,throui;hgifts, made possible the day of sports enjoyed by the boys of these schools last Thursday.
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  • 56 4 A kew d:i»-. atfu i. was stated in these columns that In«p. Kranagan would go to Europe on leave about the end of the month. It is now decided that he cannot be spared fur the present, but that the leave will be granted as soon as it is possible
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  • 50 4 Mr. Reginald Tower, H.B.M. Ministor to Bangkok, is reported to be aeriously ill with typhoid. It seems that he was going home on a holiday and was to have come to Singapore by the s.s. l)rl'>, but his condition was so serious that the trip has had to be postponed.
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  • 60 4 The directors of the Sipiau Tin Coy. Ltd. have received a letter dated the llthinst. confirming the telegram of Kith instant, explaining that the returns for May were less than those for the previous month, owing to No. 2 Monitor not having worked during* part of the month, so that
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  • 61 4 Ik Saturday's ixsue we gave some particulars of the 1o«k n'f the British India Steamer, which foundered in a cyclone in the Bay of Bengal. Later news now shows that the olticers and crew consisted of 9 Europeans and 80 natives, and the passenger numbered i;!ii in all so
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  • 70 4 The steamer Bulimlm, which left Rangoon for Coconada on the I'Uth May, put back to Rangoon owing to an accident to her propeller. The steamer, on coming into port, was found to have the chain of a cars;o-boat, 2:17 feet lon^, entangled with the propeller, which has been extricated in
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  • 86 4 There was a very pretty cathprinc at Harmston's matinee on Saturday, and the children were delighted beyond description. The huge tent was crowded in the evening when money had to' be refused -a mark, if one were needed, of the great popularity of this circus. There will be a full
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  • 97 4 Reporting on the Queensland Ka ib Gold mine for the period ending June 6th, the manager is of opinion that in the main engine shaft, east crosscut No. 2 drove south, the lode has been thrown out of its course, but it may be found east or west of the
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  • 164 4 On the 6th inst. Chua Lian Choon, who keeps .■in eating house at 296 Thomson Ku.-iii, reported to the police that a Portuguese lad went to his shop on the Mist ul;., described himself as a public servant, demanded his license board, and induced him (the Chinaman) to give him
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  • Reuter's Telegrams.
    • 41 4 London, \5tk June. The King has received the Corean Coronation envoy. ORDERS FOR THE KINO. Prince Koraatsu, the Japanese Coronation envoy, has handed to the King the Order of the Chrysanthemum and the Order of the Crown of Japan.
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    • 103 4 HOW TO GAIN CHINESE OVRR. The Timu in a leading article says that a pro rata reduction in the British war indemnity claims will increasf the confidence of the Chinese in British justice and fair play. Thi! Chinese Government assuredly will hi' last the attitude of the
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    • 99 4 Lat*r. Lynch has been again brought up at Bow Street Police Court. Sir Edward Carson, in his speech for the prosecution, sketched the history of Lynch's participation in the South African War. BRAVING IT OUT. Mr. Charles Russell, counsel for the defence, said that Lynch would
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    • 96 4 THE KINO CATCHES A CHILL. Lmimk, XGth June. The King and Queen witnessed a great torchlight tattoo at Aliershot. The King to-day is suffering from a chill. (Tim ;;reiit military revicv »a" '.o take plmir lit AMernliot today M«M Their Majextio* the Kin;: anil (JueeiO GRAND PRIZE OF
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  • 73 4 June Monthly Medal. B. Class. A kaik number of members competed tor the above Medal on Saturday. K. C. Lane with the creditable sco r e ot 45+4* and the liberal allowance of ]*< handicap, came in an easy winner. The best scores were E. C. I-ano
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  • 75 4 CORONATION CELEBR ATION SUBSCRIPTIONS. Ninth List. Broueb*. forward 96,188 Barteb Askadan Club luo Messrs. Sandilatids Buttery* to. M A. W. Lermit, Esq., 25 J. H. W.^teihout, Es«|. :>.-> W. Somorville, J£«;<i. 10 (J. R. Stott, Km. !0 C Schomburck, Eg<j. 10 I' T. Evatt, Esq. io W. DnnmiMi. E»<|. io
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  • 44 4 Mr. H. \V. Sharp, solicitor, until recently of Messrs. Drew and Napier, has pqrclwd from the representatives of the late Mr. J. F C. Ross, the Imimness of Logan and Ross in Penang. Mr. Sharp will leave Singapore for I'eniing in it few days.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 450 4 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. THE~ AUSTRALIAN STORES. SPECIAL DISCOUNT OF FOR JUNE ONLY. loake tdis Opportunity of trying our (foods. THOMPSON, THOMAS CO. NO. 1, ROBINSON ROAD. m.»f. LONDON PARIS EXCHANGE, LTD. CAPITAL, £100,000. Geiterat .flistiiiif Itaiiln r\. Business in all Mining Shares quoted or not quoted on the London Stock Exchange.
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    • 69 4 6.R. LAMBERT CO. PHOTOGRAPHERS. Daily Sittings— Appointments should, if possible, be marie one day beforehand. IKTOTIGIiI. All our Photos are now Guaranteed perfect Permanent prints eiiher Hone in mf own new patented Celloidin process or in Plat inotype or Bromide. Specimeftß of the new Celloidin process are exhibited in our
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    • 27 4 Craotints: Life-like, galaigMl photOfrapba, 20 by l?>l incbM, (enlarged from any photograph) su| plied by the Stmitu Times at $5 each. Head the oiler on page ft.
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  • 2480 5 When I was a small boy in short frocks, white socks, and long frilly drawer* I used to tame tlies by pulling out their legs, .io<l as an embriotic entouniluyist phiioanpht and observer ofthingB- i need also to devote much time .md attention to the cheery way
    Reuter  -  2,480 words
  • 156 5 The o.C.C. cricket tournament was continued on Saturday afternoon the Club meeting Merchants and Officers of the Garrison. The match was unfinished. It is understood that, this match, and also the unfinished game from last week S.C.C. and C.S. and Law -will be finished next Saturday The scores
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  • 73 5 A very pretty marriage ceremony was witnessed at Bangkok on the 10th instant when Herr P. Wagner, Superintendent Post Office No. 2 was married to Miss Wilberg of the Outlilt ing Company. The religious ceremony was performed at the Protestant Church by the Rev. J.Carrington,andwaf> attended by a large number
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  • Correspondence.
    • 479 5 THE "COLENSO HE RO." To tlie Editor of tke Straits Times." Deak Sir, Having been Agent for 'he British and Foreign Bible Society in Malaysia for twenty years, I think that I can speak with authority as to those who have been in the employ of the Society here during
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  • 417 5 (By a Cvrren-pond^nt P. aiuf. 0. Ceylon, Malta. Tlie Fancy Dress Ball so much talked of came off on the eve of our arrival at Suez and was a huge success. Dancing was indulged iv up to 12 o'coc 1 and the entertainment CoinmiUoe raised a fund to
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  • 609 5 The recreation ground of St. Joseph's Athletic Club (Old Gaol site) looked thoroughly bright and cheerful on Saturday afternoon last on the oci asion of the annual athletic gathering ol the school. It was well bedecked with bunting of all shades whilst the pretty ilri'ssps
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  • 80 5 Amoni; the several pleasurable things that are to be set going in honour of the Coronation of their Majesties, will be a Coronation Ball at the Town Hall on the 24th inst. A committee of management has been formed of which Mr. L D'Cotta is the honorary secretary.
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  • 138 5 The Coronation honour to be bestowed on the Premier, it is reported, will take the form of a dukedom. Another rumour is that Mr. Joseph Chamberlain may go to the House of Lords, and that Sir William Harjourt will be offered and will accept a peerage. It is
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  • 32 5 In accordance with instructions received here from the AdjutantGeneral, a lloyal Salute will be fired from Fort Canning, and a Feu-de-jo'm 6red by the troops on parade on Coronation Day, 26th inst.
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  • 88 5 Mr. D'Silva, jeweller, of High Street, has just completed a handsome silver casket for the Poll Choo Seah Association of Penang. The casket is of solid silver in bamboo pattern, and is a fine price of workmanship, ft would be sent to Kine Edward with an address of corgtatulalion on
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  • 127 5 While a carriage belonging to Mr Lim Teck J ion was being driven along Brass Bassa Road during the rainstorm yesterday morning, the hor<e took fright at a peal of thunder and boiled At the corner of the ro<vl near the Ladies Lawn Tennis ground, the syce was thrown off
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  • 127 5 The live Indian regiments now on service in China are in course of being, relieved by fresh troops from India The 10th Jats passed through here last, week on their way to Honekon^, and yesterday the 21st Punjabis arrived on the -"ay north, in the transport I'entabjt^. Lieut -Col. KaithfuU
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  • 147 5 A I'RESH judgment summons has been issued by John Little and Co. against E. Wallace, for the recovery of balance of costs ordered by the Court of Appeal to be paid in the recent, action brought, against Mr. Wallace. The case came before Mr. Justice Hyndman-Jones this morning, when it
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 20 5 STEARNS' WINK Contains all the medicinal, value of Cod Liver Oil, yet is delightful in taste and ucrinn. Sold everywhere.
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    • 50 5 I have taken Steams' Wine (if Ood l.iver Oil for general weakaasi and debility, and am plessed to say Unit, I iiuve derived from benefit froai it. l shall recommend t to my friends a* liein^; invuluablo ub a tonic. Yours truly, a Wall. Sussex Road, Suutli port, Knglaud. 3
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 244 5 DAY BY DAY. Monday, 16th June. High Water fi.S7 p.m sv.\. OarUae and Co. Drill, .my S.V.R. and S.V I Bat Drill. MB. lie: man homeward niul closes. r>. Tuesday, 17th June. High Water 8.9 a.m. 7.50 p.m. F"lure Siile. Rosemary. Powell. '1. Football Cup Tie. S.V.C. Offl:erß *word Drill.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 292 6 NOTICES. o( G"OEr Fapthfct Exquijite Flavor YARROW CO.'S :o: =raM= r^_ wT %»Tr*t*t it Shallow Draft Steamers. Particulars from THE BORNEO CO., LIMITED. m. w. I The Coronation of Their Majesties DECORATIONS. DECORATIONS. King Edward VII Queen Alexandra June 26t6 and 27t6, 1962. Royal Coat of Arms. Trophies of Flags
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    • 307 6 NOTICES. MAINTAINS THE "HIGHEST REPUTATION EVFBYWHKRR fortify the System against Disease with PURE BLOOH, "THE 3EST SECURITY FOR HEALTH. ESSENCE OR FLUID EXTRACT OF REP JAM MCA since 1829. £-*~t&Jfi Pronourced by the MIOMKST medical authority Knifli»aaii«aiitima:«a:itl^ i&ffiS&RS TORPID I ,tfER, DEBILITY, ERUPIIUuS, WEAK and LANGUID FEEU*R And all Impurities
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    • 285 6 NOTICES. TANSAN h ou wilt: at jll the principal Hotels Tiffin Rooms Wina Spirit Dealers, Sole Importers... Borneo Co. Ld. Singapore. Sub-agCnts...McClymont Co., Port Dickson. Malacca. Chow Kit Co., Kuali Lum|tir. A. Oldfield, Ipoh. H. J. Hamilton, Teluk Au»on. COMPARE THK FLAVOUR AND AROMA Of ARABIAN COFFEE. WITH THK Jbocatty
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 670 7 jpiiK MORN EO COMPANY, LIMIIBD rpilK Standard Life Aisn.-anoa. Norwich Onion Fit\» Inmnnos Society. >tU« Assurance Company (Fire), lie Kquitaklw Lifn Awurance Sooioty. The China Mutni»l St«»m Navijfation Company Tj> Tottenham La^«r lleer Company. /or particulars tUe^o Oompaniei, see tt« tull s^WiTOmont of THE bSeNEO COMPAVV I.IMTTKn Kemtif STEAMSHIP COMPANIES.
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    • 1330 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES, TT ONINKLIJKB PAKKTVAABT MAATBGHAPPIJ Under contract with tbe Netherlands India Government. Agents at Singapore- Skip Agency, latx J. Dasndclb A Co., 2-8, Colltbr Quay. l'h" ,'tMiormentioned dates are only approximate. Hteamer i rf n Exppcieo Will be l ipspntched tor On V'in JsMll Batavia June 10 Billiton, Batavia,
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    • 754 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. OCEAN bTEAM SHIP COMPANY AND NEDERLANDSCHE BTOOMVAART MAATBCHAPPIJ OCBAAN. long. Tows. PeUus 7441 Hector 46f1» Tydeus 7441 Diomed 4670 Telemachus 7441 Menelaus 4671 Jason 7441 Sestor Bbol Agamemnon 7010 Ulysses StJiiO Ajax 7039 Pyrrhus 3620 AohilUs 7043 Tantalus 362 n Deucalion 7030 Ixion 5612 Tdomeneus 6763 Rhipeus 3113
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    • 511 7 INSURANCES. rpHE LONDON AND LANCASHIRE 1 FIRB INSURANCE COMPANY. Capital £2,127,KK) Pal ld up Capital £212.760 Reserve Fund £1,073,680 The undersigned, Agents for the Com pany, are prepared to accept fire risks at current rates of premium. BOUSTEAD A Co., Agents. ROYAL INSURANCE COY. FIRE LIFE TOTAL INVESTED FUNTa EXCEED
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    • 852 7 INSURANCES. THE PHtENIX ASSUiiANCE 1 COMPANY OF LONDON. (Establish id a. o 1782.) The undersigned, Agenta for the above Com pany, are prwfarwl tv acoept Fire Risks at the current rates in Singapore, and also in Johore and the other Statei in the Malay P .innuU BTI VKN 4 00.
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  • 628 8 Sixgapobe, 16th Junk, 1902. PRODUCE. [Jambier buyers I 14.12' L'opra liuli 10.2T)" do Ponlianak 9.25 Pepper, Kl.i. i. 10.50 do White, (3%) .54.50 ItgO Kluiir Sarawak 3.85 ilo Brunei No. 1 3.70 l'carl Sago 4.90 Coffee, Itnli, 15% basis 27.00 Coffee, Palembang, 20% basl*... 28.00 Coffee, Liberian No. 1
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    • 1922 8 Under this heading the following abbreviations are U9ed str. steamer sh. ship; bq. barque; sen. schooner; Yet.— Yacht; Cro— Cruiser; Gbt.— Gunboat Tor —Torpedo; H p. —Horse-power; Brit.—British; U. B.— United States; Fch.— French Ger. German Dut. Dutch Joh. Johore G.c— General-cargo; d.p. -deck passenger; U.— Uncert-iin
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    • 785 8 Same, port, probable date of arrival. and name of agent*. BTBAMBBB. Ajax, Liverpool, June Mansfield. AUinous, China, July 20; Mansfield. Alboin, Bombay, June 26 Borneo Coy. Annam. Hongkong, July ri M. Maritimes. Antenor, Liverpool, July 20; Mansfield. Antonio Lopez, Barcelona, June 18; Barlo w Aparinia, Calcutta. Aug 8:
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    • 99 8 K'nr f 1 m 10-«>««.)•>. Mn_;^sar<t Ampsurin T r,*n I pn. Banifkok Ktuint :l \,.n. Hongkong Santi 8p m Wihan and Deli .t •>>■•>■ p m Balik Papan, etc., HnvJmnn .m (■lierib.iii AS'in.'inir.y AhMM 4 p pi Bangkok 9k»sfmt p.m VMHMI Sambas and Ptianak Vandir I'ai ro 7
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    • 142 8 From Europe:—By tho N.I) LIA Sach ten due on the •Jlst Jsae, with datci to th< 27th May. She brings replies to the mnils which left Singapore on Hie tod A '>th Muj. From China :—Bv the X D.L.SJ Avmoti due on Moodiy. Timr Cmilk hk Mau*
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    • 469 8 a h VxBBßL's Sams A Toks. Captain Kkom .'Sailed i'unmi;sm>. 2 i i Rio. Joe 14 Kian Yang Brit str. 70 Shimmen;i. a June 13; Khoo lions; Pan 14 Chakrabhongs Sia str. 352 Hansen s.ingkol: .lain- t- Knst Asiatic Coy. 14 Ban Whatt Hin
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    • 198 8 Datb. VeBBej/s,Name. Flag A Kio. Tons. I Destination. I I Jhiu IA 14 14 16 15 14 14 16 14 16 M 17 W I 16 16 17 17 16 17 17 17 16 16 16 Virawa Brit str. 21ft* Calcutta Kum Sang gtr. 207« Penang and Calouttii Maruuri?
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
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