The Straits Times, 5 September 1901

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 15 1 The Straits Times. ESTD. OVER i A CENTURY SINGAPORE. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 1901. NO. 20,(i-.»l
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 979 1 NOTTCFS M iIMUKh Ti¥. 5ra,. Lite Aaumocni"D Fin> IvunM Sociaty. Atlas A«rar«' i'«*mr«ay (Viroi. Taa Kimtol U(a Ainunmoi S.x>.«cv. Ta* CUaa W ■•u»l >««•«• N»vi,r»u<« i'o»p»nj The Totaaßhsto La*«r How Company. Kor partic<oius <* tbaaa Oaaapaiiias, aae tha fall advaftis.^'St of THE HOBNEO COMPANT LIM fKI' Am-ff STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. Orttn.TlLEiiBAPH
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    • 1531 1 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES, L'OMNKLIJKK PAKETVAART MAATS<:HAPPIJ Under contract with the Netherlands India Government. AgentM at Btmoapon: SHir Aouct, lati J. DAa*Diu A Co., '.'-8, Collier Quay. The undermentioned datea are only approximate. ataamar Fran Expected Will be Despatched (or On SwatrtUxroon Cotie via ports Augt. 31 llnmljermassin, Kota Baroe. Balik Papau,
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    • 587 1 INSURANCES. 'PHE LONDON AND LANCASH! KB I FIBE INBUBANOT COMPANY. Capital *3,127,N» Paid op Capital £-.'l'.'.7N) Reserre Fund £1,073.8* Ihe anderaigned, Agents for the Company, are prepared to accept fire risks at current rale* of premium. BOUBTKAD ft Co., Agent*. rE CHINA TRADIBS INSDRANC'I COMPANY. LIMITKD. < mpital Subscribed fl.nou.OUb
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    • 367 1 INSUBANCES. LTXIOX FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY OF PARIS. EaTABLISMD IM'.X. RESERVES AND TOTAL GUARANTEES £4,000,000. 'I ■'HE uodenigoed, agents for tbo »bove I company, are prepared to accept lire riskt for lone or short periods at currant rate*. CASH SETTLEMENTS promptly made by tbe Agents in Singapore. 21/10 MOINE COMTE Co
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    • 727 1 TTONGKOHO AND SHANGHAI XI BANKING CORPORATION. PAID-UP CAPITAL 110,000,000. RESERVE FUND.— SOrl ing Reserve. 110,000,000) IHmnml Silver Reserve....! .1,(00,000/ I S oo RESERVE LIABILITY OF I „n nn nnnr, PROPRIETORS J- 110,000.1100 Oocn of Dirictoeh:— R. SnWAK, K«q. -THAIftMAK HOK. J J. BILL'UTINU I DirDTT ClllUlH. H E Tomn. K
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    • 529 1 J NOTICES. HOTEL DKR NKDKRLANDE.N BATAVIA (JAVA) lIRBT rius Hotel. Known for iv excellent food. Very frequently visitby Bntiob people. Knglmh •pukini; •ervanu. Every accommodation. Alngsenfw on board of all the •teamen. A. F. MERTEN. Proprietor. m. A tb. v.c. < I i I i i>-. J. I>. A. PKKKIKA.
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    • 761 1 Sprains' Sprkins" Bpniai!!! i r roenißLE to treat thb snuiiv I witbii an hour alt.-r it v recurved, or before inflammation has Bel io, bandana lo *P* rl *»ep the budx,! saturated with Chamberlains Pain Balm hut after the part* have become in Tamed and swollen, no l.» X ibould
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  • 374 2 The Straits Times. PRICE 15 CENTS. THURSDAY, 5th SEPTEMBER. It is contrary to all the ethicn of diplomacy to cry for the moon; ami knowing this, why did Germany at one time demand wliat she now turniH the impossible, and insist upon an übject apology for the murder of Barcu
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  • 702 2 Apropos of Cluiii'h tiii-.tnphil inactivity, ami the MOOMi thereby atuiuud, it ii la bo doublet that the sensitive but warlike, and orientalunderstanding Japanese, will tolerate the envoy at the head of the im--i.ii that has been MM to Tokyo to apologine for the murder of Mr. Bafiyama. Mr. Sugtyauia, it
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  • 719 2 On Monday morning last, when the French mail steamship \aial arrived at the wharf, there were no gharries to be seen in the vicinity, and a number of passengers who dfsired to leave the ship early were perforce obliged to tuke jinrikishas. Oue party of these, among which were several
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  • 564 2 Among the liappier unnoitnccments made by Sir John Wolfu-Barry ut threuent meeting of the Eastern Telegraph Co., was one that sounded a shade too good to bo true It was to tlie eD'cct that it will snortly he possible to telegraph from home to the Far K in at the
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  • 36 2 We are courteously informed by Captain Wlute, D. A. A. G, that a telegram has been received from Hongkong, announcing that the 3rd Madras Infantry leave tbcre on the 10th inst fur garrison duty at Singapore
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  • 9 2 To-day's I, ins bank rate is I 1 1
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  • 9 2 1 rtk hoiuewurd mail closes at K a.m. to-morrow.
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  • 10 2 Thkkk is a Tanglin Club At Home" al to-morrow night.
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  • 17 2 Th* entries lor the H C. C. tennis tournament close at the Club at 7 ./clock to-night.
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  • 17 2 Mm. A. K. Hubback and Miss Voules are to be married in Kuala l.utnpur on October i'-th
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  • 15 2 Thk Hlfiiif HuJgel was published this morning. A mull supplement will be published this eveuing.
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  • 18 2 Km hundred aud titty eight deaths were registered al .Singapore last month. Tlie ratio per thousand was -1.V7.1
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  • 20 2 Mrs. Harrington, Messrs. 0 Collet, Hone, Medw.iy, Mrs. K. Hunt and Hit. lirowu arrived yesterday fiom Klang r.y the Supphu.
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  • 22 2 Ma, B. U.i.l takes up his duties as Municipal Engineer, I'euaug, on Ist December next. The appointment has been approved by Government.
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  • 33 2 On Tuesday afternoon, an Indian cook in the employ of the forest ranger at l'ulo i 'I, in wa^ lound hanging by the neck, dead. Yesterday, the coroner returned a verdict of suicide.
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  • 30 2 At the A«sues yesterday, Chua Ah (Jllow got seven years for causing cntvou- hurt with a chopper. All Wav and Wong Ah Jin wuru each sentenced to yearn lor theft.
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  • 37 2 sfami I'M never flirt agaiu if 1 live to be a hundred Marie-" Why, what's the matter I Maud-" I wnikeil at nu awful nice drug clerk, down town to-day, aud lie put Bratsfcef in my soda."
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  • 37 2 Thk Rev. W. Murray of the .Scotch Kirk, leaves for I'euuog by the mail to-morrow, and will be absent for about three weeks. During his absence the Rev J. S. Mac Knight ot' Penang will officiate lure.
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  • 37 2 It is uotilied that thu anchorages, mooritii;-, wharves, und jetties within the port of Klang shall be meJ only by Bath .raft, and shall not be used by strain vessels other than Government (Math after Hth instant.
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  • 38 2 KM bH May will, according to an Australian paper, be visiting Australia iv tim beginning of next year, under an encasement with .Mr. J C. Williamson. A special repertoire of new musical comedies will be arranged for her.
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  • 42 2 Wt: understand that the members of the Marino Club are getting up some testimonial to Mr. K. M. l.yon who for ten years has been a prominent member of and active worker for the Club, and who is shortly leaving the Colony.
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  • 42 2 At Powell <t Co.'s saleroom yesterday, leasehold land containing an area of ll'-'d square-feet comprised in I/ease No. b'lB for 908 years together with the shop-house thereon known as No. US North Bridge Koad, Singapore, was bought by Pengeraug Manku for Him
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  • 50 2 Tut total number of students to be sent abroad by the Japanese (tovernluent this year, to acquire practical knowledge of busiuoss and of vario us industries, totals 84, Mat whom will go to the United Slates, *JI to China, 10 to France, 9to Germany, and 'i to (i real Britain.
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  • 48 2 On Tuesday evening, two private vehicles collided at the junction of Kiiliney and Orchard Koads, the result being that one of them belonging to Mr. Choa Giang Thye waa upset and slightly damaged. The other bad the point of one of tbe shafts broken. No one was hurt.
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  • 143 2 It is dithcult to lind out tlie truth about the reuccupatioD of the Summer I'alace by the British, writes the Tientsin correspondent of the Mercury. The raius in Western China tuve certainly been very heavy and thu Summur Pttlaue also wuiilii untluubtedly proviilu dry
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    • 47 2 baaW, Srplemher. The ssaasl af tin B.iern in Cape Colony has issut-1 orders to shoot all Colonials fuund ir. arms, in the British service, alter the loth inst. |Sept. lath is the last day of corn pliance with Ujrd Kiuhener's proclamation.
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    • 43 2 A semi-ntticinl MatßaMal made public in Germany explains that it in impossible for liennany lo insist upon China bcggiDg forim-miess from MM Uermau Emperor, an that would imply that the Chinese (ioverumont had abetted the murder of Baron von Ketteler
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    • 50 2 Important Corraspondcnca Mb** The indictment against Krause (the ex-liovetuorof Johannesburg arrested in faglaaa) in on the way to Ennland nobody is aware of the exact nature of the charge a*ainst him. Mask iroin certain suspected persons have been stoppe I, »ud imiwrtant correspondence has been seized.
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    • 74 2 LETTER OF REBRET FROM THE EMPEROR Of CHINA. Utter. The Emperor William received Prince Chun iv audience at I'.n-.l ,i The Kmpuror remained sealed on the Throne, and on the entry of Prince Chun, hei-kunod him to approach. Prince Chun bowed thrice on arriving
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    • 52 2 Guilt of the Emporors AdviMr*. The asaaarai William delivered a stern speech, raying lit wat> ■Mag to uduut that the hmperor of China had held uloof from the crimes committed hy the lioxers at IVking; hut that tbe guilt of the Balaam ol China's advisern nas all
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  • 45 2 The Emperor then warned I'nucu Chun Dial the Cinnete Uoverument could not obtain pardon by merely seuding expiatory Missions, hut hy its attitude in future to show that it conforms tv the prescriptions of iriteinational law, and of civilisation.
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  • 52 2 V/l learn that Mr E. M. Lyon, who has ao iimasafnllj worked the busioesi of the .Straits Cycle Agency, is leaving the Colony shortly, aim that it is proposed lo tunu .i limited compuuy of thu business. Particulars of tl.e prupusal can be obtained at the btraits
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  • 248 2 Thk wemher having moderated, yesterday evening the aemi-liual of the handicap pair-oar races was got through. The first race was between Burgess and Kobertsou (scratch) and Wnetlium and Darhishiie (2 m« slait); the small start however did nut permit ot Durhishire gaining any substantial lean. in fact
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  • 291 2 By MAJOB MUHkAY, COMMOT., S. V. < tiingaporc, 6tb Sept. S. V. A. 0. O. f.irtbo enbuingiveck i Lt. BlUon. O. N.C.O Bttt. Kr..M. Harad-b:- Monday »lli, 'Vl.if.rn, Preli niiujrv Dull, for Mu.keti y Weduen.tav 11th,5.10 pm., l'relioiln.ry Drill for Mv, ketry. Siren^th (iunner J. (i.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 436 2 NOTICES. RITCHIE'S WHISKY SPECIALLY s»l»ct«u blond thoroughly SMtantd In bond. Price $10 per cm»e umplM free. BOKNKe CO.. LTD. to th. s. Hole Importers. "Eagle" Cement. The Latest Tests tWU Ib*.. l.ttMllb... after ufwra after four* «U)« in lefn day* Water. in Water. Tae sboTe l«u were made by tbe
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    • 491 2 NOTICES. ROBINSON CO. ANNUAL CASH CLEARANCE SALE PROCEEDING ROBINSON CO. WHITEAWAY, LAIDLAW CO. CASH DRAPERS. IMPORTERS OF BOOTS AND SHOES GENTS' OUTFITTERS. Corner of Almeida Street* Flnlayson Green— SINGAPORE. Sarkies Joftannes 6 7 Telegraph Street. Q[* Q 9 Manufactures and Importers of Teak Wood Furniture. Latest Java Patterns Latest Java
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    • 437 2 UTEST ADVERTISEMENTPARSEE THEATRE. To-Night 'J 'u-Niglit THK PARSEK \KW KLrinSTin TKiAUIfH IMMJV or bomhiy Will give tlwir 6rat Perforuaace ul Fasane-Ajaeb and Farce. In their specially erected grand pandal on Beach Koad, next to lEafiles Hotel. 'Masterly Masks' Artistic Actlac Dellitbtrnl Danrrs" start lliik s.-.rn,- En~ecl« tor Rates of Admission
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    • 44 2 G.R.Lambert&Co. Special attention is given to AMATEUR WORK. DEVELOPING, PRINTING. PERMANENT PRINTS. Large Stock of Photographic Ma tc rials. HlmUt Timet &M> a uoar, or pvt'rtt 534. Strailt HvdgM SIS ywir, or pott free J2O. Advortwiig itifc>* may Im fiwtid in Ike fn*rlh jxw«.
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    • 397 3 SIX T. SIDNEY COOPER R.A. To ihr I ditor nf the Straits Times." 1 .mi Laadßß corres|Mndent K. W 111.1k. 1 one or more mistakes about 1 in-, Mlrantad patntar who has just been knitted by the Km;; His age is not seventy BaM as K W. states, bin eighty
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    • 914 3 THE ROWING CLUB AND THE IMPOUND ING RESERVOIR. To the l.ditor nl the Straits Times." mr, Apropos: ot Iht application made by isM Roarsag Ctaa la the Hoaioipal Cotamiwionirs for permission to use tile. Impounding Reservoir for the pui;..j.u of exercise durinj; a .-it un ir. I avoid Ix clad
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  • 55 3 II MS. IbsWm pave a most enjoyable reception to the members of the Singipore Club and their lady friends 1 iv afternoon, and a large crowd of re-idents availed themselves of the ho*pitaliiy of Ciptain Iliwatt snd his oilici 1- The big batileship sailed for Hongkong
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  • 168 3 BaM weeks ago (writes the Peking correspondent ot the A* t'. Daily Xetrt on tin- 7th inst), I mentioned that tbe foreign Ministeisauit commanders were permitting evHcuat ion without issuine any proclamntion explaining tbe reason of the coining of foreign troops and why they were leaving. Such
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  • 210 3 hi': attorneys for Kodolph, Count ilu T.iln.i, have tiled in the Superior Court at Srm francisco a notii-e MM they would appeal to the Supreme Court from the judgement in favor of Eila, Countess Fattatiai do Tolna, in her divorce suit A divorce wan granted ti>
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  • 226 3 Wednesday. Wet Drizzle. TutlM out were Vanitas (Smthall) Lyon (Smith), and Orpheus (Kirwan), which did slow work twice round. Valutas inn to be improving, but I don't like llie way tbat he drags his hiud legs. Orpheus is looking better than we hsve seen him for poiiil- lime.
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  • 288 3 Important Speeches by Mr. Ballour and Mr. Chamberlain. I..MMN, August 12.— The Duke and Duchess of Murlborough on Saturdaj enttrtaineH :t,OOO I'nionist reprrsenta>ive» at lunoheon at Blenheim Palace, WoodMaek, Oxlordshire. Mr. A. J Balfour, Kirst Lord of the Treasury, dealt with the Ami- patriotic attitude of the Chymiiloa
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  • 23 3 Tii,- Malay UaU snysthat the billiard tat>les at the Lake Club gave a "wet" pro6t nf last ypar. What is dry proßt I'
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  • 1495 3 {from a (orrtupondmt.) Mks )lile;.ml Miss Archer sail for Kr luntl in tli'! Japanese mail next ■oath. Mon: burglaries in Kuala Lumpur. In the ctrly hours of Friday morning a Hint pit into Mr. Hampshire's house, apparently Ho got nothiuß but a silver suKar basin it
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  • 58 3 I uk destroyers Detperate and Cyntnia will lie commi-sii nmi at Chit ham and sent to act as tenders to the battleships llu»d and Uamilliu, and at Portsmouth, the destroyers Myrmidon aud Kangaroo will be commissioned as tenners to tin battleships Empress of India (or
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  • 115 3 A Baby This Time! 1 am Blackbi'hs, who has succeeded in crossing the Ailanlic in a small sailing boat, reached Kugland on. the sth August. Hu left Aineiica in his little ■i.>i; on Ilj.ll June, and after an adventurous voyage arrived at Lisbon uu 131 b. July.
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  • 450 3 Thb writer of Kaai and Notes in the Slruits Chinese Magazine thus write* on tbe question of the conveyance of coolies in Krlii'h bottoms which occupied the attention of Legislative Council before it broke up for tiie long lefoiethe Council broke up fjr a long r..-'.-. M
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  • 50 3 In Canton province, there is groat stir among tho people owing to the Mating house tax to meet the war indemnity. The tax comes into force on the 14th blatant. The Cantonese contend that the tax should be pi. id only iy the Northern Chinese who ■tarted the Boxer troubles.
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  • 51 3 Thk following appointments have been gazetted in Perak:— Mr. K. J. Perkins to be assistant engineer, Public Woik* Department, with effect from the I sth July. Mr. Perkins reported his atrival on the 22nd July. Mr J. Rigby to b t Registrar, Senior Magistrate?s Court, with eflect from the Hist
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  • 54 3 In live years' time Japan will be making all her own warships. Ureat Britain will thus lose a good customer, as for years there has always been a man-of-war for Japan on the stocks in a Thames yard. It is the Japanese Government's aspiration to become independent of foreign Powers
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  • 46 3 The six steamers to be put on the new line to Indo-China which the Compagnie des Chargeurs Reunis will start this month will be named the "Amiral Duperre" (recently launched on the Loire), the "Amiral Kxelman-," "Amiral Kourichou"(recently launched), Amiral Gueylon," "Amiral Haiueliu," and "Amiral Jauniijuibeiry
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  • 67 3 A ooou story comes from Tipperary. A man was found guilty of murdering another by hitting him on the head with a blackthorn. Asked by the judge if he had anything to say why sentence of death should not be passed upon him, he answered, Well, my lord, all I
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  • 64 3 H. 11. the Sultan of Tringi: ***** left for Siam on the Mth of August in a Siamese zunboat at the request of the King of Siam He was followed by the K jih Muda's son, Tunku Mahomed, Tunku Aboobaker, Tunku Petra, Tunku Umhong and other nalive officials. Tunku Mahomed
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  • 105 3 One evening recently the meinhera of a certain country cricket club met to choose a captain for the forthcoming season. Of the doz"n youngsters present fully one half were candidates for the v.icant post. One after anotiier rose ami stated his claims and qualifications, and tbe matter was still in
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  • 114 3 Thi Hanseitlic Steamship Co, of L'lbeck has purchased from Mesurs. s fjapaitich A Co., of Fiume, two vessels the itm a steel steamer of 1572 tons gross, 959 tons net, buil' by Me«nrs. C. Connell k Co., Glasgow in l«t).j, with engines lUin., .'ilj in, ami .'iH in. by :t6
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  • 120 3 Statistics have recently been collected of the height of IU.UOO Englitsli boys and men At tbe age of seventeen these averaged o feet S inulie? at the age oi twenty-two, ."> feet U inches. At seventeen, tliey weighed 10 stone I'liind.-; at twenty-two, X; stone 13 pounds. No nation is
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  • 111 3 Lan Mah Sionu, senior partner in a her <iiil-ii.-iii<i pawnshop, K)l North Bridge Uoud, prowi.-uted a junior piirtner, Yip Jim Quee alias Yap Tok Boh for alleged criminal niisapprupriatioo of money beloneinc to the linn to the amount of >.'. 177 ami for criminal breach of trust in respect ot
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  • 103 3 The Franuo-Chinese deadlock arose as follows: -Tbe concession of the Constantinople c|uays was granted to M. Gmnet, I'ostma»ter-(ieneral in the Kreycinet-Constans Ministry at Paris. According to the tennsof the concession, it was stipulated th it the Turkish (iovernmiMit should have tin- right of purchasing the conceHsion after the lapse of
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  • 581 3 Sisoarou, 'Til Sbi-tembsk. 1901. PRODUCE. Oarobler JUL'.', liopra Bali 8J» do Pontianak 1» Pepper, Black 80.124 do White, (5J) 44.00 Sago Flour Sarawak 3.38 do Brunei No. I 3.96 Pearl C ago 3.96 Cod"*, Bali, 16% ha»is 19.00 Coffee, Palemhaog. 'JO*; basis 26.00 Coffee, Liherian No. 1 17.26 Tapioca,
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 50 3 YOU RIDE A BICYCLE. You are always liable to have a fall. Chaiaherlain'a Jain Halm is the best liniment for cuts, sprains, and bruises. It will neal the parts in one-third the time any other treatment would require. Sold by all dealers in medicines. Tbe Dispensary, Genera! Agents, Sinettpore. 7-A
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    • 53 3 ADVICE TO TRAVELERS. We wish TRAVELERS could realise the importance of having with them a bottle of ■/iiimUrliiiut Colif, CsWaWa a wl Diarrhoea Hrmedy. Change of water and diet frequently produce Diarrhoea, which can be quickly cured with thia remedy. Sold by all dealers in medicines. Th« Dispensary, General Agents,
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    • 243 3 WALLACK, Bronze Medallist, British Horological Institute. Watch-Maker and Jeweller. RKTAIKS IN ALL BRANCHKS OUAKANTKKD b BATTEKY ROAD, s. v.c. ASSAM TEA. From Tjiwanp Estate, Java. Delicious Flavour. l'ekoe Souchong I Ib. 0.50 cents do. do. -1 Ib. 0.96 fokoc 1 Ib. 0.58 do Ib. 11.16 Flowery Pekue I
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    • 647 3 NOTICES. MCALISTEfI CO. SOI.K MHMJ KOK The Anglo-Egyptian Cigarette Co. Th.. folluwiog high class brands of cigarettes are alwnysin atock Shah, gold tippci. *1 SO per box of M (large size.) Boyalea, gold tipped, tLM per box of SO (medium size) Parked la pateat air-ticat tla*. Obtainable (rom MCAUSTER m.
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    • 893 3 NOTICES. Reduction IN I'KKKS OF Plates, Papers, Chemicals, Kodaks, aod Films. OEOKGI MICHAKL, PMOlt) HTORES B HOTICI TO MARINKR.S. 'pHK K.iy.-il rinnie.H Naral Uepartmrnt 1 horrby notifies that the Pan* Kock. on which the British aUtamer PKRBK foundered in November, 10 0, ha* bean ourvryed and its position it:— if
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 171 3 DAY BY DAY. Thursday, sth September. High Water. 11l am Moon. Last Quarter. p m H.C.C. Teanit Tournament entries cloeu. 7. Parses I h.-an e Beach Koad. Friday, 6th September. High Water. S.2D a,m S.U p.m I' *ii homeward mail closes. 0 a.m. Pledges Sale. Leong Man Hau. lU. fledges
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    • 93 3 WEATHER RKPOR'I. faa*WM Krrbnv »|.»w'n ilk Sept., Mill. K a.m :< pin. lip 111 UKNAKKr. Bar •_'99»928.a722»9iS Temn. 77 0 84.9 77.S -j.W. B'll) ih-' 7«.0 77.9 7R.0 3 s£, Oir.nfW-.n.l iv. s.w. Calm EJaTt; Miu.Tomp. 84* I o "-a Mm 7.1.-1 "I? Max. in «un 154.0 ae'i Torr. rsd
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    • 1400 4 Under this h*adin?thnfollowin« abbrnr^lious are used s'.r— «teamer sb— ship bq.— barque scb. schooner Vet.— Yacht. Cru.— Cruiser «ibt.— Gunlioat TorTorpedo H.p.— Hone-power Brit British U. S.— United Sutet; FrFronch Ger— Gormaa Dat.— Dutch: Job.— Johore i Ac. G. c.,—Generalcargo d.p. deck passe ngen U. -l"n. jrUin;
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    • 89 4 Name, port, probable dale of arrival, and name of agent*. STKAMIKd. AitHinemnon, L pool. Sept 10; Mansfield. Anna, Japan, Sept 14: Annam. I'olombo. Oct 14; M. M. Annum, I'hmv K-pt dj Behn Meyer. Andalusia. Hongkouj, Sept 28 II M. Arabia, honskong, (let U Rehn Meyer. Aragonia, Ohms, Sept
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    • 65 4 ho, l'rr tlr. Mm. 10-MoKKD*. Kuropt via port* MattUiii 6 a.m. SmarangAS'baya IhlJkm 7 «.m. llnngkok Sinyora 9&.m. l'enang I)«li l-aiypto i p.m. Klang vis pm t U. Whatt Ma p.m Katukdiy. <'h'l>on «4 S in.tram; fiiaiuj Sfntj lOaui. Fenang ISn .SVii.j I p.m. Honfikuni; Ihrlmh.i 3 pm.
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    • 103 4 Kko.m Et-iioi'K -By tbe RAO. s.s. I'aln •ran due on the tlth '•eptemtwr witb dates to the lnth August, she brings replies to the mails which left Singapore on the l«th July. Ult Singapore Due in London arrived July -Hth P.*d. Aug Mb Aug I9th July Mli-t
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  • 150 4 S Vuui'i Name i A Tost. C*niiK r«o« S»il*d. ConmiH a Ria. I i'pt 3 Nun Y»ntj G«r itr.l 067 Hsu Haigou Aug 31 I Brouwer jDot Mr. B*f ;PoD«wn Paneb S«pt 1 Dmeodel. and o '-.Mim ld«r «tr. Hff) Gerlai-ti Samnraug Aag 31 I)»»ndel. and Co. 4 ,B.nlawerH
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  • 156 4 Din. > Vemsl'bNimi IFuaAKioj CiPTAIH JIIUTIMTION dtpt i Brnlawere Brit air. 4 Cswiut 0«r utr. 6 Chow Ph\H Brit Btr. A I Hong Km *tr. 5 Nam YonK atr. 1 Kian Yaim tlr. ft 0. A pear Mr. t I Sultan itr. 6 Cheung Kock Kian I'm »tr. ft
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 268 4 NOTICES CHINA MUTUAL LIFE LNSURANCE COY, LTD HliD Omct No. IS, Oixtoh Bull, SiiiKimii US. A. WATTIE. Mau««r. MESSRS. TAN KIM TIAX SONS. i-oc«i Tb. Company offer* euier terms and better bonuses than any other Comiiauy doing buaine*. in the East. A special point is made of prompt payment
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    • 373 4 NOTICES. FRASER A NEAVES AERATED WATERS RECOGNISED AS THK BEST IN THE EAST. l'urity and Excellence Uuarantued Fraser Neave, Limited, SINGAPORE and PENANG. IT CriCCtlOn Curly Gat Tobacco, in 4 i* patent Vacuum tins, for Cigarettes and Pipes. The PerfeCtiOll Curly Cut Tobacco, is manufactured from the brightest, most delicately
      373 words
    • 500 4 notices. Thi« delicate V n parsistent as an i*^ If EXTRACT Handkerchief, U i 'are adopted Rjjtt^9^^Hj| HIP AMR »/^li I E»di botti* U I PERKUutns q qqq I PARIS I WHITE* VIOLETS] THE TAN.IGNG PAOAR DOCK COMPANY. LIMITED. THE hull-yearly Uenerol Mwling of thy Shareholder* la thin Compnn^ will
      500 words
    • 1057 4 NOTICES. gDiGAPORE SPORTING CLCB The Autumn Rate Meeting rdl U held on Uctoher22na\ 2ilh, and 26(A Programme. FIRBT DAY. Tueedmi, 22nd October. FIBCT Bleu. THE MAJDEN PLATE.— VaIue lino. A Race (or Maiden Hones— Weight as per scale (10sL) An allowance of Hlh. to ei-Orifflns imported into the Strain Hettlements
      1,057 words
    • 102 4 NOTICES. "TIMBS" AND "BUDGET." Siraite Timee, $30 a year, or a montb or fifteen cents a copy. Post Free, $tv quarter. Siraite Budget post free,!* a year, or $6 a quarter, or 40 oents a copy. The advertising rates are: fint time, 16 cents a line; -Jnd and 3rd limes.
      102 words
    • 59 4 NOTICES. NOTITK. •sssrnslty to av«M troiihlr With rookTHE CHALET, No imorchard Roa-i. is leady to take up contracts in supply tiffins and dinners ••>• the mnnth. Mealu can he had in the premises or taken to office* or residences of contracton, charges verr ..loderste. tlari-e rooms available at thr Chalet.
      59 words