The Straits Times, 30 August 1901

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 15 1 The Straits Times. ].sm OVKi; i A CENTURY SINGAPORE. FRIDAY, AUGUST 30, 1901. NO. 30,(ilti
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 881 1 yoTirrs. »pill£ bt>t. <K<>i:i ..MIANY, I.IMIIKI. rC BUI. .1 I.i'* »ss»rasw». Nor»vb Dni™ Fir. Inrarsaes Atlas Assnrv.. <- TompMiy (Vire). Tbe K.iuit»l-i Life AssomiK» Sooioty TW Chi^a M.-»»l St»m N.vimitiosi <'»»>p»iij Tae Tottsmh.- U«er Beer Compwy J-Jv^^t^K oo^^"^ FANT, LIMITBD. AgeaU. STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. I OrriCI,T«!.«OBlPll STRMT '&t WHim»is. K«rrst.HiKßi)nß, 06
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    • 824 1 NOTICES. ■JOSEPH fiiLLOnS-gJ ■CiIMNP PPl\.' PARIS, 1000. DCAIO OfT-ighestQuali-.T: ssd hsvia» Oresttsl DnrsbUity..r«th^.rnr- WPWP LW cheapest. 1 mm II %r STEAMSHIP ODlttAlflß. YTONIXKIJJKK PAKETVAART MAATSCHAPPU I uiVr contract with tbe Netherlaodb India i4ovor nm.ioi MR: Ship Aoisct, lat« J. Dasxdilk A Co., M, bk Ijuay. llie unil. rmentioned date*
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    • 612 1 l <OMr.tO.Mfe. DKb Jlh"Vit.,ilo V^ MARiTIMErt DR FRANCE Tcliura)>uic Adcbem. Mliwacekii, gIXOAPOUK it-.- mall steainors will leav.< MaVapen nf zr about ttie ur.J.nrneTitiouec. di' >.".s>aKj. n.»l'.u>i, I9UI. IvCI. l>at«.. IMm KsM Augt. 81 I SMsassa I /x>o» s*pt. IK Yam (Sept. >./.(>.. Baas, in i Indxu Sept. -jk Csssiw
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    • 1001 1 NOTICffi. Milkmaid^ BRAND «k» <«^ <«■ ar e -f ./tSjpBB CONDENSED MgJ 11/ l 1 I I T £BfiA SSfct £'Jfs If I fi ~!n~K $^-!!L Guaranteed Full Cream. trade mr. Lorgest Sale in the World. INSURANCES. TTONWKONG FIRK INM KA.VUf 11 COMPANY, LIMITED. Capital iiibucribed ♦2,000,000. Amount paid np
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    • 696 1 BANKS. TTONUKONG AND SHANGHAI 11 BANKING CORPORATION. PAID-UP CAPITAL »10,000,000 RESERVE FUND.— Sterling Resem>..»lo,ooo,ooo (r()n in Silver fce*erve....» s^ooo/-' 18 *****0 RESERVE LIABILITY OF 1 „n nnnnnn PROPBIETOBS. |-|10,000.000 COCST OF DIMCTOM' B. tunii, Eiq.— Cmixia Hox. J.J. Bill I»»ino Diphtt c'iiiuh. H. E ToMxmt. R L. Biciakmox, K*q. A.
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    • 394 1 NOTICES. \MX. GEORGE LAWS, ME. A.IU.M. ITI 6, Battery Road, Singapore, having had 17 years experience in the East is now open to examine and report on. or survey mining properties, or assay minerals and metals at snort notic". Term* moderate, uc. fn&Hßt BBQL THK FINEST OBTAINAIILK _g H)oz. Quarts
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    • 698 1 Cuts, BrniiM. Scalds ud Barns, Or like Injuries, Are Promptly relieved by CHAMBERLAIN'S PAIN BALM lew »ppln«ti.,n. «ill ,»oct a cuuplrtecni*. For ul» by ill dealer* in mudir-inr. everywhere. Price- no rts. and $l.(ji. (federal Agents, TheDitpenury.ningapore S-B kuk dALK KHFLOTMRITTU Tl» LET- ANDJ?ERBOKAI> [1»T Tim, 16 cenu line 2nd
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  • 382 2 The Straits Times. PRICE 15 CENTS. FRIDAY 30th AUGUST. titraitt Timer: $&> a year, or pottjree SM. Slraxtt budget. Sit* v year, or pott free $20. Aiivertuting Uatt* may Ik ftmtd m the tor.rtn pair. By one ol those slips that are absolutely inexplicable, because absolutely absurd a not wus
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  • 225 2 TM common carrier is responsible to no uiau in this quarter ol the world, and the British common i-arrier rarely cuts rates. He will spend thousands souring a speedier schedule than his rival, but he will njt i-- down a cent in prices. As a rule, howuver. In Ii "slraig'.it"
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  • 159 2 When the news ol I'rince Chun's alleged indisposition reached here two days ag>, ir was suggested that the circumstance seemed distinctly "lishy and from the >>übsei|itent duspatches of yesterday and to-day it is palpable that the surmise was correct I'iince Chuu is apparently determined to save his face or perish.
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  • 80 2 Co.Mri.MNTS likvh reached tlii-, ulHce of s series of gang-robberies in various districts, and the uriniM in all the localities are no similar that there can be little doubt but that one gang is responsible for all the crimes. The offences consist in waylaying noil to-do Chinamen and despoiling them
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  • 10 2 To-days 4 ins bank rate is 1, 11 j' t
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  • 8 2 Thk Mm* lliutgtl will be published to-morrow morning.
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  • 19 2 Thk ■'.Hi- for the issue oi new shares in the Straits Trading Coy. ia notilied in our advertising columns.
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  • 23 2 Tiih M M. Company's homeward mail iteauier Utea-ieii left Saigoo at 11 am. 'o-day, and it duo lure ou Sun.ljy at 11 uiu.
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  • 19 2 Attention is called to the notice* appearing in »ur columns to-day with reference to tho Nanawang Coffee Company, Ltd
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  • 18 2 Coi. -Sirot Glen nic, S.V.R. ha* been made SeconH-Ueiiteiiaiit, in that Curps. Second-Lieut. Kiln is promoted to Lieutenant.
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  • 20 2 Mr. V I. Burgos, (Government Analyst, lectures before the members of thi; Chinese Christian Association tonight od Souiul, with experiments.
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  • 28 2 To-mohrow is the birthday of trie Queen of the Netherlands. On that day, the Netherlands Consul General will be at home at the Tanglin Club at 5 p.m.
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  • 35 2 It is reported that tin: Hon. Mr. W T. Taylor will not leave Colombo to t.ike up his new appointment an I ilonial Secretary of the .Straits t>ettlen onto till the end of Novembi i
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  • 36 2 H. M. d. Lizard leaves for Sydney, I^. S. \V., on .Sunday al'teinoon nr Monday morning The Mat is now on her way down from Hongkong, and on her arrival the BBMrtl g.ic» la the Cocos.
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  • 43 2 A t»*:j from H. M. 8. Atlnuu met an S. C. C. team at football on the K»planade last evening. The Club won by a large margin of goals to nit This was only the second match the JJKm m-'ii had played together
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  • 39 2 Dr. Miuulxtok's course of lectures on "First Aid to tbe Wounded" will commence at St Marys College at o'clock, on Wednesday next. On Friday next, Mr W. Pal will give the first of a course of lectures ou "Botany."
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  • 49 2 Amono the paxsengors who arrived here from B tnifkuk by the lit en iviigtc w^r« Mr. de I'anilieu, an.l Mr. and Mn Massey-I^ech By the A\<m Yo,,>, from Sourabaya them have arrived Mr \V li. Oranaa and Mr. too Th* rVsMt* tiioiiLh 1 Mr and Mre. l.uys Iroin Sarawak.
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  • 75 2 SwimminuCllr Isuncheii Krivn Jol.nstem's I'mr at IOJB nnd 1 1 'JD on .Sunday. than i" to be a handicap race of 7S v ir I- tor a trophy pre-wnted by Mr I' H. L'ptou, on Bapi J9th at the Club All vnoing to coinpe>« in same should nd I hah
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  • 65 2 Ban the WM Mod -Tlie water supi'lv at Poona in West«r/i India is daauftml a» a divrace to any civilised commiinily and the water as more fit for the inakiiu of mud pies and sundricd bricks thin fur quenchiim parched thruats. Il aavtUaa can drive a te-totalier to drink' it
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  • 102 2 In tlie U.i i-i- of Commons on tlie 6th inst Mr <. -r.,1 i Balfour, rrneident of the Board of Trade, in reply 'o a lu.'sti.m. said that the directors of the Urient Steamsliip Navigation Co. baa uiiim ir.-.l that they were trying the experiment of employing Indian laacarn as
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  • 158 2 The American tran-port MsGHaat, Cipt. 'iiant, arrived liom New York aia Col. hi, l. 11 thin morniiic and anchored in the roaii". She lias on hoard tiie American Majataa who are to enquire into thu administration of the I'hilippines. The delegates arc -Senator Hun A. O. Bacon, of QmUfft and
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  • 71 2 A hi.ii.llx match between tin K and the Runt was bowled at the Tanglin Club last night, the S.V.K. winning by M points. Scores •V. r. It. Tkt Bat Pte. Stmtton 7'M A. A. (lunn ISO ft*. Cnnllts TIB W. OL Soutliain HI rtr.J.(i.M:ictaggHrtli6n Capt. While nl'i VI-. Oatto
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  • 57 2 The buuii of the Itith Madras Native Infantry will play the following selections of music in the Botanical Gardens to-night, commencing at 9 o'clock Hank. Auetris, Noworthy. I Werturc I van CouUjrnb. Valise "In the Twilight" Coote. Selection Belle of Bohemia Km lander Dvscriptiva I'ioce. Turkish Patrol ..MichaolU.
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  • 174 2 Thk annual general niMelin^ ul the members of tho Struts Chinese British Association was held last night in the Town Hall. There were about IM TneniljHrs present. The Hon'ble Dr. Lmi Boon Ki-in; presided until Mr Suah Liang Seal) arrived. The report and accounts, which had
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    • 51 2 He Pub the German Emperor to Much Inconvenience. inafca,am layaal l*riuc« Chun'" delay in -o.ning to Berlin is inconvenienrinc Ihe (ierman Kmperor, because hn now findi himself unable to go to Kiel the time appointed. The Kmperor will probably he compelled to modify h'.n demands upon I'rince
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    • 15 2 GENERAL GASELEE AT VANCOUVER. General I «a«i Ice hai arrife.l at Van couver from Chiuo.
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    • 29 2 Modification ol the Present System. The Committee on aata] rations ban .noditii-ationii in thr prexent system. Hut. by inl.iling an additional outlay ol £-'87 .'W0
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  • 35 2 But he docs not go to Berlia. Princ* Chun has recovered, hut shows no suns of proce«iing to Berlin Hi- his taat amraj long despatches to the Chinese Imperial Court al Singan-fu.
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  • 30 2 BERLIN IN A HURRY. Ilic rutirins Chinene Ambassador to Ciennany ha» arrived at Hi- .v II- left iterlin suddenly and uncerein..ninunlr, without bidding the Kmperor William BMtmaM
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  • 164 2 Mtwus. liudyk and Oavidsor. writ., to us Riming out that our report of the judgment I.y Mr Justice l.iw in tinHupnma Court in r i,u mailer of the sale of tlie Mount Victor:.! K-tatn n, Wtd—liUy's Utrail is erroneous. M«*tra. Kodyk and Davidson >r«re thu
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  • 327 2 1 11 1: umuial regatta of the Singapore Rowing Cluh upenwl yiwterdny when piinctu.dly at 0.1."> the crew stroked by KobertHon and Dalllbllllll respectively went off at the sound ol Mr. Johnstons ■tUting no. 1 1.11 1 .i 1 :n- at once gained h tligfal lead which
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  • 255 2 I ii k .lesion of the new British battleships of the King Kdirard class represents a most striking advance, or, indeed, iilruost a revolutionary change from past British types Instead of a buttery composed of a low very hta»y guns for tho attack of thick armour, and
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 416 2 NOTICES. NOBEL'S EXPLOSIVES COMPANY LD. GLASUOW. SUnniMiurura ol Dynamite, Gelignite, Gelatine Dynamite, Biasting Gelatine, Detonators. ai 1. ki.vua nr Sal-jty Fuses. Elettrie Blasting Apparatus. The ahmi IbUi La nil m«»n--fi.t-:r~l vi Or'«t Brimm, an modi to pat* Uu /uf. rt<t,'<i „</. af t-tfttu aaa portly Ma impotnl by tie Bntwk
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    • 514 2 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. ROBINSON CO ANNUAL CASH CLEARANCE SALE Will Qommeme ON Monday, 2nd Sept. ROBINSON CO. Kelly Walsh, Limited, 32 Raffles Place. NEW NOVELS, &C, ****> h > A Ki A. Hidden tot, by 8. A. Heii'v At $1.50 Each. King's Kml, bf Alice Brown KiVerTtrosa hv Oaaai MMN Cutt»
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    • 702 2 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. PARSEE THEATRE: Saturday Night! Saturday Night!! 31st AUGUST, 19 01. THK I'AKSKi: m ii iiii\wfi\t niMicii \i mrai Or BOHBIT Will B ivc their Kr-t IVrloniau. ul Tl.p «urlil rrnownnl sl,»kr-|K-»n»n piny "KAMLET" "KHOON-E-NAnEK" In their i iiiv erected grand pandiil ou 15-ach I! i 3.1. Mai to
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    • 710 2 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. MARRIED conple living about ona ami it hull rnilen from town will ha g .d lasaaSO Uioir house w Ih aii.ilh.-r coil If or nith two .-helm from loth Sort. Arp'y «0 m.w l.v.c. "O c/o Straitt Tin*,. CKA. TRANSATLANTICA OK HARCKL' NA FOR MANILA mm Spanish mail
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    • 66 2 M B. B. iowu.,l*,. for >li. fttrav* im. .n. n .,,l I a »ntvm on uit a! the |i*ixr oaiy By tba ■MfUot of ttuit oooJiUoo. »v 11. S.S >r9 nj.otod Uut murbt ntlxrwix b. onbl,.!^ All Mrmiauc ouotmou >n nh»i la tin c- a.haon tWt Ox Huifr i«T- tb«
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  • 1075 3 THE MURDER ON THE S.S. "BENMOHR." IN I rST VESTI-RDAY. Imi i fmtm m ill-- bady "i I W. Jon. MOMi l"Hle '„1 till- I I /,v,,m..A vi" MM t.tallv slabbed on Hoard tli t>,<aiohr at Tanjong NgM wharf .11. Wedaeed if it. imm was held nt the t ersl
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  • 1321 3 Tins Mnrnins'i Proceedings. Ihk Maaaai, Krcole l.;iuru. brought iwfore Mr Sarw.-ir .it the I'oiue nirt tbia noraiai on a shanjai ol tnur Mr V..n -uylMiilmrp MmM tlie accused l>y order of the Covernmeut Mr. J J Watson, chief (.tli,-<.r of the ll'nnwlr. itilfd that tlie
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  • 31 3 t*ai.l ■■•"•lain poor ail'-ng Kioit'a Proctor, "If I do not ljurtly net better I he calls of (hi. fancy-priced Dr. Will uiakt me (ortTtr tail l>r. r
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  • 842 3 TiiKfollowin(ttBthetextoftbe«<l.lre(.s MMMrtHI to Mr C. T. Hare, at Kuala Lumpur, on Saturday last, by the Chinese of UM Fe.i. rated Malay States. ToC T. HA«t. hsj- »«-rpt»ry fur Cbin~€ Uhtn, Kedcr'iieil Malny Massft W. 11,. hmc-r ot tbe Fpderau-J Malay M»l.-. MM re»i*ttfully
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  • 125 3 Opening To-morrow Night. Thk New BphtataM Theatrical Co. i- Itm an.l will 0|..-n in the funm Tbaatnal Bwrh Road, toi to Bafla Hotel, to morrow niuht. The lirsl play to be given i- RinkMlllMll'i il.unlet (known M K!i >.>n-e-X iliek). Tuii Company liar I .t-eii here before,
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  • 140 3 He Turns up off Macau. The sea serpent has been seen near Macao While the Customs cruiser Essatsaf was off one of tlm small islands to the south of Macao, the other day, the sen eerpent was sighted some little dbtwna away. It was at first takim
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  • 131 3 Last year the Anti-Koot-Binding Society ottered prizes for essays on thfc subject of its work. Over v.'QO esvays were sent in, most of them strongly condemning the practice of foot-binding. A few, however, says Mrs. Arnold Kostcr, of Wuchang, defended the custom on the following grounds Round feet assist
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  • 2341 3 (I'm Australia a, id Ckfh* Home. ly/iw'on, A igiul H'.h. Last gec-ijn r MMM wiis brought forward on ■••h;iil .■lt lie London and India D^k- MM < ■ii.'iiiitce to exemption* from rates or charges of lighter* and similar craft using the docks under tlie management of
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  • 126 3 Events seem to be shaping toward the early incorporation of Fiji with either Australia or New Zealand (says the Sydney Daily Tetegruph). In Fiji itself the hopes that were aroused among the white population hy the New Zealand Government's recent island federation propaganda evidently continue undiiniuished.
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  • 473 3 Cunard Liner. The British Mercantile Marine is about to make an ettort to regaiti the Atlantic record, l-'or some tune the blin- ribbon has been held by the (lennan ateauisbip DeulsckUnd. The Cunard Company, the pioneers in the matter ol speed with safety— in tixlyouu years
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  • 575 3 MSniPllal, SOTH At'UDtT, IHOI. PKOUUCE. Oamhiee 10 70 Copm Pal- «N> A* Pomi^nak 7.W Popper, JO.JI7J Ho White, tr.xt 44.00 H«tn Flour Sarawak S.-VI do Brunei No. 1 SWI Penrl ANN I.!*-. rof»«e, Bali, In?. h».la Iff no Co«"e, Palcmhane 20^ ha«is ''r.nn OonV*. Llherian No. 1 17.2J1
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 39 3 CITS. Mil ISKS. SCALDS nnd BUM! Or Like Injuries. Are promptly relieved hf CHAMBERLAIN'S PAIN BALM. A few applications will eßcct complete cure. For mlt! by all dealers in mud nine*. Th* ]>i»|i«uMiy, General Afaato, Hing. spore. U A
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    • 135 3 You must stop Coughing. The best way to cure rhroim: OMMai Bronehitiß, and Cheat-Colds is to apply Little's Oriental Balm. Kubbeil well into the cbest and 1.n.-k, it penetrates immediately to the iuMiuiie.l nun- The tickling in the throat cease*; the spurn weakens: the cough disappears. It often mm when
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    • 235 3 Wilson Co., PHOTOGRAPHERS. 17 Ahmknian Stukkt. Al'K p.-iy cp.-cial attention to Ama>V t.-ur Work, and guaranee permanent print" and tbe best possible results from ana expo.ure. Our siu.iio will be ready shortly. 12/7/1 3 MAKLHOROIK.H HOTKL, M HILL BTREKT. -i!u:it...l at the foot of Fort Canning Hill, wil n grand
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    • 779 3 NOTICES. FRAMEST I.AKtiE NWI *>D TACIBTT PICTURESOeorgp Michael, Photn M,, r^.M. 'I'KK gelegenheid van den Terlaar.lag I van Hare Maje.leit d. Koningin 3 de Consul lieneraal der Nederlamlen iwnr Zaterdag rteu Slen dezor de. nami.ldait ten i ure. IN honour of the birthday of Her Majesty the Uueen of the
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 254 3 DAY BY DAY. Friday, joth August. HaA us* Full Moon BIT aIK Koumi; Club Iti S. V. A. „:n»in. (iuii llrlll. .VIY S V. K. •o. .'i ill (Drill r.10r.l 0.... OLO A. Prlaaep >ti.-et Uhurafa. Hand, i Saturday, jist August. High Water. 11.1' 1 1.-Jtl p.m. Fture Sale.
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    • 1439 4 Haiti milu"adiogMatollo*'<i«abor<i>iii. twos «re us<>d :—«tr.—itea-n.'; sb. -^hipiq.—b*n,a«; scb —•ch'wner; Y>-..—Yacht >J.—Cruinnr <}>>t. -(»u linn I'or T'Tpedo; H.p. -Hor«o-n>w..r B-il I!. S.—Unitfl-I <!V. ?r r< ik'j Oer—fiwnu Dot.—Uuldh —Johore: 4c. <f. ltV go o.o.—deck ouwa^n; I'.—Uic»>t tan; T. P. W.-fvijoo* flamr vv r P. D.—Taaiong P«»r Do:k
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    • 79 4 Tn-Mounw. I'li'lion .1- s'mnranK Vionirr S.iii(I.Tknu,i'!.l jKirt, TringiianXL S»i({on Drci'mu IViiHitjj I'olomUo Vait'fi*/*j Vat'' I'enang /-i™ ,SV,,, rwUnic vin |>ort« Ian 'i V-.ihn:i A DMI /<.n1.m Iliingkok /(r, M M t... Vandrrl.;n Klang via iM.rt, Snppku Vuntok 4 Pt.«ni( «u»»y Pminmitlp vi« poru S* I.Hlmaii A Manila K'tnninn
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    • 104 4 From El hoik i By the M. M. s. s. \aiai due on the lit <eplenil«r with dates tothe »th August: she brings replies to the mails which left Singapore on th« lAth July. From I'lll.vt: By tbe M. M.s.s. Ocramm do* on Sunday. oil Sniij:i|>or,< Dv«
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    • 129 4 {Hooked). (tor S'liW'iporr.. Per M. M. Tonkin from Marseilles AiikU 10-Mr. Ni.hol. Per s. s. Ava Mam from London Aunt. J, due4tb Sept.-Mi»s R. ShanUni MrJ. Adcnck, Miss 1. Jenkins. Mr. and Mr* MoGiU Dr. A. Davidnon. Messn. W. Ma. kcniie, I', ter Mom, Mr. and Mrs. D.
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    • 190 4 aj Fun 5 I Vkssil'b Nuu A Tosw. Cirrus Fhom H»iuu>. Coxatutrun. i Bio. Auk *7 jSalahndji Dut str 133S V. dor Hurst IjinskM. Aug -'I Huoitlaudl A t",.. •.D Radnorshire Hnt »ti. IWJ Bindloes l^ndoo Mulv 'Jl Hounlwd kuU Co |B«ttij Rus MM 17W Tads N'voros-i.-k .luly '■'<<
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    • 85 4 Datk. Rehiel's Name Vl k.AKu. OMM I DEbTllllTiav i I v* Benmohr Urn Mr Wallare 30 Hong (V S n Mr. Hudnoti 30 Pel«u« Mr. Aikiiuith 30 ftrrbui M. W»U«r 30 Magdeburg Osr «tr. Trulwin SO Fionier >tr. kmn an Koh-ii-chang «tr L«w 30 Manchuria Ru« sir. IvhdoH 3u
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 766 4 NOTICES CHINA MUTOAL LIFE INSCRANCI. COY, LTD Hiii. Orrin No. Is. OaM Ko.\ri, taaMsUl. lAS. WATTIE. Manager. MESSRS. TAN XI.M TIA. V A SONS, Uml ip« liie Company o'Ters e»cier trjrmn and bettor bonuses than any other I,'oiui. my doing business in the East. 1 special point is made of
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    • 552 4 Ir, i, van deo Brand Co,, Lawyers, Medan, Dili, tit. if. :m ti at JnT&NTIO.N JITTE.NTIO.N Photos of all siies ready to be taken on Bromide or P. O. P. K'ili\rgpm* I nt* made to any sisc. Orders executed with all promptness and neatness. A lane stock of Photo materials
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    • 536 4 NOTICES. •KULaOLT-S •'Si'U 1 111 Id CLEANSE YOUR BLOOD ~GRIMAULT>O» MCIMCINAL SKIM SO«I> fff| [Medicinal Skin Soap THI NEWFRENCHREMEDy tradeß B"' Tnu isim*" I"**!? rr**' ™»^j. iiiilmW inttMOvxl'MMal Hocplulibr BMord. Ko«UD.J«ten.V«:pcau. «nd o*i.*n. c.mbMom all lb« dwidtrau v, be MMftit in UMdlei'K of Ow knd, and ■■rpu«c« tv«7tlitrf kiUttfto THERAPIONNo
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    • 1070 4 NOTICES CINUAPORE SPORTING CLUB The A'tlmnn ftnvi V«/, Bg ,cill U held on Udctxr22iid, 24rn, and S6th. Programme. FIRST DAY. Ttuudny, 2-Jml Octolrr. Fiest K»n. THE MAIDEN PLATE.-Vala« »400.A Race for Maiden Honeo— Weight as per scale (lOst.) An allowance or Ulb. to ex-Grifflns imported into the .Htraita Settlements or
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    • 31 4 NOTICES. Dr. c. d. MOORE'S 8 110 COCOA MILK Hot Water only required. Compart. R-cmomi.,,! A./v,-, <m on< y Strt^lhenino. »<*ts Nrwp. rt S^m, fa^hsW ;.~'C. .M m.*. i....hhLi.l.ii. we i^^
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