The Straits Times, 26 August 1901

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 14 1 The Straits Times. tan, otd i acextukv. SINGAPORE MONDAY, AUGUST 2G, 1901. XO. 20,ti1->
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 815 1 NoTTfFS »|Mifc MIKMK* UWMMUIV, I i>i 1 1 ri Til Sttn4-t.l Lil I< !JJ M AUM Imrs f.iramnT (Fire). The y.,n<t«> 1- Ufc Avwaaw TW<VaaM«tml si«« Navigaiwa Oa»eaa» L»5« B«« Company. J-JS!^ iSK Ol 3Bab 1 PIKT. LIMirKI) Ag.>r.t> STEAMSHIP COMPANIES, p OtFK Tl COBirH STKaIT '&r WHi«TW,Krpr«LHAiieuo«. 06
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    • 850 1 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. f '(IMNKLUKK TAKKTVAAKV .IAATHUHAPPI.I Under contract with .bo Netherlands India tiovo/uniet:'. nt HaMWM** 1 Sh mrnWßßt, LATi J. DAS!tniU C».. '.'-3, CoUAjf* (jUAY. The undermentioned daU. are only apprnximaM. St..smer From Eipoeted Will be Ddsnttchsd for on Sv'fiiKif, Bagunapi Palembang and Katavia Augt. fmntUrUim Cotei via '-'4 Banjermassiu,
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    • 601 1 CIOMPA«NIK UEn UaBBAaSJUK MARITIMEB DE FRANCK. TciniitAPHio Ai,uias«; ."ewmuk. ■OMMMBL I be mail "learners will leave Singapore •in or n.Kiut tbe undermentioned data*. "rrwAßi. Hokiwim.. mv. isoi. '.-it.-. Date* \atni Augt. ai Ossaafaa s-pt. 1 b« S»pt. l« Vorr.. Sept. f, Mm s«.pt. Imlu, Hept. Oct. 14 Xutnl llcl. ::J
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    • 600 1 INSURANCE& rf-HE LONDON AMD LASOABHIRE 1 FIRE INBI7RANOK COMPANY. < ;»l-it.-il i"S,IV7,«» Pai.» up Capital r!K'.r:o Resene Fund t1.0Ta.580 The undersigned, Agents for the Com- j pany, are proparnd to accept fire risks at current m- of prumlum. POUSTEAD 4 Co., Agonu. Tr. C!IIXA TRADBBS IKSUKiMCE OOHPANY. LIMITED. i ;.r.UI
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    • 632 1 LNSURANCES. L'UMON FIXE WSUKAKCE COMPANY OF PAULS. R*TABLII>HZD Mfc RESERVES AND TOTAL IiUAHANTEES f4, 0110,01 *>. 'IMiK undersigned, ngenu for tb.' above 1 .ompaiiv, are prepared to accept tire ricks for long or Bhort periods at currant rates. CASH SETTLEMENTS promptly marie by tbe Agentt in Singapore. SI/ 10 MOINE
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    • 699 1 BANKS. HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. PAID-HP CAPITAL #10,000.000. HE.-ERVE FUND.storling Reserve..|lo,on(i,««) „,nmnm silver ItCM-rv.- 3 'WOllO/ 13 0l)<)00n KKSERVE LIABIUTY OFI PROPRIETORS! j-$10,000.««l Cocbt or Dihktou--K. IRBWAK, Ksq.— CaAIRMAK Hon. J.J. Bill-Ibvixii j 11x11 tt Cbaikmav. B. K Tomiihs B L. BiciAansaH. fcaq A RaI'PT, fcaq B BCHCSABT. D.
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    • 783 1 SHIPPING. BRiriSH INDIA UTEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY, LIMITED. FOR MANILA. 11HE Company* Steamer I.A.VDAI.KA. i'.U7 tons. i',ipt ..11 Kait, will be d.-. patched for the above port on Batllrdav ib,, Nth instant. For freight or passage apply to 24/» HOUSIBAD 8 CO, Agents. BKITIHH INDIA STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY. LIMITED. KOR NEW
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    • 812 1 TBE OHLMBK. There it little. If any. danger irom bowel complaints when properly treated. Mrs. Curtit Baker of Bookwalt.r, Ohio, D. A A., says: During last May an infant child of our •Hgboar «ras Mtsriw fr-.u, .Msrl inlantum. Ibe do-ior, bn.l H*m up all hope, of r« overy I took
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  • 559 2 The Straits Times. PRICE 15 CENTS. MONDAY 26th AUGUST. Strati* Timts: 830 o year, or ]H>tt/ree «M. Straits Budget. Slw o y*ir, or potl fret »ao. Advtrtmng R.d»t m<«.« h found in the fourth page Mi. T. 0 Lov-iridge of P>rt Dickson km enjoyed the experience of being wuinmarily arrested
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  • 211 2 Mr. I. 11. Clayton- whilom right to uiil'i'ie distinction us a man of par:-. has faded b.|..iv the nxiic ajoty of Mr. K. H. K-11, the Superintendent of Police at Malacca. Mr Clayton, as District (Mow of Chn-tnri- Man I. embodies a «trinn of office* as long in their enumerating
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  • 175 2 The Selaugor Ooitrmuent Gazette notifies that by virtue of the powers conferred upou him by section of the Prohibition of Lotteries Regulation, 1593, the Resident hereby orders that, subject to any rights which may from time to time be vested in the holder of the Gambling Farm under the Revenue
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  • 154 2 If will be gratifying to the Hon. Mr E vie, and to all who have sympathised with him in the good work of •eenring the passage of the Cattle Shipping Bill through the Legislative Council, that H. M. the King of Siam •is so thoroughly appreciative of the BMBBBMO of
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  • 91 2 A Havas telegram that enters into mime of the details concerning the latest Central or South American war, that were left untouched by Renter in his recent announcement of the opening of hostilities, practically confirms th« putative reasons submitted in this column last week. The despatch avers that Venezuela has
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  • 49 2 Owing to the departure of tin fcteamsiiip Landaura lieing postponed for a day, the Australian Vaudeville Company will be able to give an vxtra performance; so that HsQM who have iieen unable to visit thi en'uruimnent ?o far, can still avail themselves of the opportunities of to-night and to-morrow.
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  • 7 2 To-day's 4/HIB bank rute i- 1,1 1
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  • 14 2 Thk King and ObBM will probably spend a month in Ireland in me spring.
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  • 13 2 A vm.KNK gas Hgbaj hav> livcoma very popular aiiiot««i the Cliineie in i'erak
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  • 15 2 The International Telegraph Conference, poitponed from la»t May, opeus in Liudon OBJ the 10th February.
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  • 20 2 Thk La iy Hiil Bstafa] is to ba put Op at auction on Wednesday afternoon next by I. II .>,„! Co.
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  • 18 2 Thi official title of the Inspector of Hcliools bun been altered to tliat of Director of I'ulilic Instruction.
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  • 19 2 Mk. K. K Taylor, cadet, luw a.t- as aisistant di-triet altar, Kuala I.angat, >ielangor, with effect from Ji'th inst.
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  • 21 2 lue monthly medal for August at the Sepoy Lineß Golf Club will be played for on Saturday next, the .'list August.
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  • 21 2 Thk t'unard Steamship Co propoea to buii.l an Atlantic liner .riih a «pi-erl of M knots. Tenders hnve been called for.
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  • 26 2 Lokd diaries Beresford will in the ordinary course return to England in February next on being relieved of his 'mMes as Pecin'i-iu-coinmand of the Mediterranean squadron.
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  • 33 2 iHt Hou'ble J. Burkinshuw unj the Hon'ble Dr. Boon Keng have been reappointed to be iiiiollicial members of tlie Legislative Council of thfi Straits Settlements for a further period of years.
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  • 36 2 Tit; Hongkong Hotel Company made a profit of Sia.",,lul difiiig the half year ending on the SOth June last, aguiost >lii>j,79f. in the corresponding period ol I :mh>. Tlik direc'ors recommend a twelve per cent dividend
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  • 37 2 Mil H. C. I'axou, assistant engineer, Seremban railway extension, has been granted vacation leave for two months and twenty-six days from the 20th August, to be followed by nine months and four days' leave on half salary.
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  • 41 2 Thk (JoveratneiU liuzette notifies an amendment of the rules made by the Governor under The Crown Lande' Ordinance, No. II of I --s The revised rules bear upon sales of such land by auction, and the terms and conditions of grants.
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  • 33 2 27,000 designs have already recxiveJ for the Australian Commonwealth flag, for which the prize is £150 The figures are simply stupefying. The Commonwealth Ode Competition produced, it was said, some 00 poetical erYusions.
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  • 28 2 The following, from a home SYrviee paper, may interest soine.lK.dv out here in the degenerate hi- 1 Join Nit-dual mnn in carrying on *n Inebriate uli atiout Xl.onUiauital.
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  • 41 2 Thk King hax approved oi the sign for the Royal Sign Manual, and the Tudor crown is to be Bead instead of the various patterns of fown now borne on Aru.y badgim. It will be introduced gradually as renewals are required
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  • 51 2 Tut failure htuuon baa Ml in at Bangkok the in-t linu to go under" heiim a Chinese hUim-keeiwr. The liabilities are extimated at about I'cs. 50,000, the principal creditors being French, German and Italian importing house- Th« estate is expected to realise a dividend ol from o0 to SO per
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  • 55 2 I ii k Duke or Cornwall and York was presented in Australia with a complete set of unused Australian stamps, a collection valued at Xl,ooo. The Duke now possesses one of the finest collections in the world, not far short of 211X1,000 in value. The Cape Host Olh'ce reprinted some
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  • 55 2 Tilt danger attending navigation in the Kod Sea, owing to the scarcity of lighthouses, has once more bean illustrated, on thin occasion in the loss of the Nuniidia,' the latest addition to the Anchor Line of steamships. The vessel struck on the Two Brothers islands, which, ..although notoriously dangerous, are
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  • 22 2 The R-v D Holland-Stubbs preached his farewell sermon at St. Andrew's Cathedral yesterday evening. Mr. Stubhs leaves for England on Saturday next.
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  • 30 2 The JV««'.-en, due here from Colombo on Thursday morning ni'it, brings Mr J. Marshall, Asst. Superintendent of Colombo Police, who comet in connection with the Hongkong Rank robbery at Singapore.
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  • 43 2 The returns from the Pahang Corporation Mines for the month of July were as follows -Sungei Lembing tons of stone crushed 2,054 oxide of tin produced 68 tons with 40 head of stamps running for 28 days, and working expenses set at 52*J,500.
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  • 49 2 A report has been received by the police that a Chinaman, occupying a but in a durian plantation al tiie *j milestone, Bulcit Tiinah Road, Was found murdered iv the hut early on Saturday morning. The sum of 170 was taken away from the hut. Inquiries are being made.
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  • 53 2 On Saturday, the Postmaster General prosecuted Chinaman for bringing twenty unstamped letters into the Colony, in coutravention of the Post Office Ordinance He was fined $200. Another man bad to pay SI. 'in for taking thirteen unstamped letters out of the Colony Tliu latter paid up the former went to
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  • 66 2 Mh. KiisMll.ttm well-known American reciter mill OeUartean lecturer, lias passed tlirough Madras en re 'tt to Colombo, tbe Far Ki-t and tlm United .States. His visit to India BM been with tlie object of studying Ifao Indian drama i» aaa. He intemls, on his return to Americu, to give
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  • 78 2 The enquiry into the death of Mr. A. 8. Filde", at Bangkok, resulted in a finding that the deceased m -i his death by misadventure. The evidem-r f howed that the wire was L.WO volts, but was hardly insulated because the si.iin Electricity Co relied on it being out of
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  • 79 2 Tub memorials which have reached the Government of India frni.i various Indian industries likely to be affected ny the new Chinese tantV were forwarded in good time to the Home authorities for consideration, but no otiicial information has yet arrived regarding how the fresh duties will operate in the case
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  • 83 2 l> anticipation of the operations of the newly formed Motor Car Co., iron bridges are being substituted for wooden bridges on many sections of the roads of the Federated Malay States. It is believed that the operations of the company will greatly facilitate communication with the northern portion of I'ahang,
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  • 82 2 Thk exports of rubber from sierra 1.-, mi- in IMXI amounted to 4V.***** Germany, and X'-'J,'l.'to to Great Britain. In Cochin-China the Government is patronising the cultivation of the gutta-percha tree, and planting is now being tried in various parts, chiefly in Imaos, also in Annaui and Tonrjuin. In French
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  • 230 2 Wi. learn that Messrs. Caldueck, Macgregur ifc Co. have received a letter from their Mr. Stevens (who left here lor Melbourne early in May in order to undergo an operation, consequent on a wound caused by blood poisoning) in which he says that he will be out of hospital about
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  • 282 2 kickshaws on Bicycles Wheels. A Hi stride towards rendering infinitely more comfortable one of the chit f means of locomotion in the hus just been made by a Colombo firm, through Mr. G. C. Gnapp, who has recently patented a steel frame, which
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  • 55 2 REUTER'S TELEGRAMS. SULTAN YIELDING. AN IRADE ISSUED. Settlement ol French Claim* Imminent. //Won, -J.Vk Ami The Sultan i« yielding to the demands of M Con«tan«, the Krench Minister at Constantinople. TheSuUan has ;in ImM tM firming the concflsiionnl right* uf the Quays Conipauy. The settlement of tli« olIiBr r
    Reuter  -  55 words
  • 71 2 DELAREY'S REPLY TO KITCHENER'S PROCLAMATION. iiu STRuaai.t; wn.i. CONTINUR. It'iirl'nt, JOIA AujHtl. (Jommanilatit Dclarcy has ieftued a proclamation warning all Huers against Lord Kitchener's last proclamation, and «t:ilini! that lie will continue the struggle. BOERS IN CAPE COLONY. Tbe Boers are pressing to the south into the midland districts of
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  • 304 2 Meeting at the Town Hall. A 1180 l and representative meeting of Sm^lialese residents was held at th* Town Hall on Saturday afternoon with l)r K. W. (joonetilleke in the chair. Tin- Chairman read letters from several Singhalese people residing in the Native ■States regretting their absence and
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  • 434 2 Darul Afiah beat The National-.. Th.-: undecided tie between the Omul Afiah (TanjoiiK I'ugar Malays) and the dtnitl National II toum (Chinese) in the seini-Hnal gamr of the National Football Challenge Cup was re-played mi the Tanjong I'agar ground yesterday afternoon By 4-30 v hiiuii crowd, In
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  • 91 2 On Saturday atternoon a criikrt match was played on the RalHes School ground between an S. C. C si-rond eleven and I team representing the Ruffles School The S. C. C. representative* hatted feet and only knocked up .VI. him witli J."> runs being the only one to reach double
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 427 2 NOTICES. NOBEL'S EXPLOSIVES COMPANY LD. ULASUOW. Manufacturers nl Dynamite, Gelignite, Gelatine Dynamite. Blasting Gelatine, Detonators. ALL KINDS OK Safety Puses. Kletuie Blasting Apparatus, The iilmut- Esplonv''* *mtng ail m*mufiJur«l in IWvtd Bnl.iin, arc mtule lo p«M Urn Inyli tkwmmwi <tj fifety and purtty BBBJ itnpoteit "y the Bntuh Qortrnmenl, and
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    • 1344 2 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. CALL TO-MOBROW AT WHITEAWAY'S And secure some of the Now being offered in the LADIES' DEPABTMENT^ *tj~Efflp^^* > CoDfectionary 1, l!"\n MG^RSKI bvi?i to inform his many citstouiers tliat lie has in liis servici- a new confectioner ami pastry cnok from Kurope, more skilful than his preilfcessor
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    • 189 2 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. TOWN HALL. LAST TWO NIGHTS AUSTRALIAN VAUDEVILLE SPECIALTY Co. Another Complete Change of Programme. Soldixra nnd Palsm in iiniforin lialf price to SJ A SI seats. Doont Open «|im O» rrlurc 9 p. iv ROBINSON k CO. Have jnst n coivwl ROSS* ''NEW CENTURY" MODEL [■proved Prism BfaWWaMg,
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    • 14 2 Jaco-AI Cree Hall on the 2.'.th insf Mis F. E Ja<«>, o' a son.
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  • 237 3 mlay BMMMA a young horse Maajhaj to Mr. Weo Kay Siang was out in m pn.ale gharry with two syces Near the Masonic Club the animal became rest ive and bolted I Waterloo Strec' it kicked the driver nit his sent, fracturing the lower part
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    • 399 3 To the Editor nf the Straits Times. Sin, TheuoncUe but vigorousdenuncialion thut appeared in a short leader published iv Saturdays issue of your paper on the subject of public lotteries, as -i. ..It with in a nutifi-,-ati.m 111 .1 MMM issue of the Perak (Tuwniiliil Mk; has been
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  • 416 3 laW Medial Kei-or n. m. Uoloaj] 'or MM MJt that the Public ll.altl, of the (.ulor.y for l!nj". likiiin the deathrate as our guide. »*>■ Ml tood all the Settlements, notably Singapore, ►hnwing very much higher mortality rates than for I*!* Zynwti. diM-aw existed in all the tMUtMMtt
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  • 168 3 Thk Krench transport Amirique., ("npt. Louhati»re, arriveil from Tnku tin- iiiiirning MMah for Marseilles and anchored in the roads. She has 61|7 otlicers and soldiers on hoar i and is expected to leave to-morruw. The German chartered transport K V Ferdmaiul ariived on Saturday evening from Kobe and Taku.
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  • 440 3 Ari'«Ri \n.v the recent order enforcing trulli.- tu proived at walkiiiK pace paal ihr ;itt;i|> BafNMI Court, to avoid iiuim-, its t.Hind tv be unworkable. At any rate a layer of tan has been put down, as was suggested in these columus in the tiret instance.
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  • 369 3 Kaaii MJpts, MX Avgatl 1 ii.ik 1. 011^, v Kuantan inandor, .'onvictcd of sliootini; Chinese coolie and sentenced to death, was executed lII* u III— l*jy In tin- lApk MaL Wan l'inuil. lately I'eiiEhtihi of <..ili, near Baob, lus baM aaßMaaai to two years' Imoriaoaaaat lor habitually dcalum
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  • 72 3 BMBBa, Kohui Atkrri, due ITth Augt., B.lm Mmt A Co. .Up -in vi:i ports, 1V,i...« due Hist Aui[t., 11.-1,, Mevnr Co Hnniikong. .1. Aixar. due SHIi Augt., Sarkie. ,t Moaos. St IVtersliurg via ports, .Yam, on Slst Ani-I llehn Mover 4 Co. K'lHiig via ports, Hnn
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  • 1309 3 ■JUh Augutl. We hear it said in certain ebelM that Kuala Lumpur has ai l.tat nwalieiicd to the fact that she ha« been without .1 apMtMl pastor of the Churcb of Kn-i-tiiil persuasion long enough Mr. Severn's name is mentioned in connection with the p«Ft, brother
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  • 122 3 I hk annual genetal meeting of tbe members of this Association will be held in the Town Hall on Thursday next, at S p.m. The report of the committee records that a Malacca branch lias been formed, with a membership of 160 but that up tn
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  • 85 3 Saturday's Play. Championship. Semi-Flnal. Mrs. Haunde.s heat Mrs. Gansloser,*-*, 4-tS, oil. Championship Pairs. Final. Miss (imin and Mr Keid played Miss J Gunn and Mr. Uroeu. HI. 5-ti, unfiin bed. Ties for To-day. Mixed Doubles (A. Class). Final. Miss J Quun and Mr. MacDougall v.
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  • 367 3 Ptrt.H Jackson, the well known colored priM tighter has died at ttoioa, Queensland. Kitteen months ago he returned to Sydney ou the ver^e of death Irom pneumonia, contracted at ,-k :_»,i> while on the road to the Klondyke with Paddy Slaviu. Doctors held out little hope of
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  • 548 3 SIHOAFORI. 2«TH AOOUST, 19"1. rRODUCE. Gambier 1".h0 Copra Bali B.HO do Pontlmak Mi Pepper. Btm-k '-Ktl" do White, (RX) 44.00 Bagt Flour Sarawak S.JB do Brunei No. 1 P«wl Ca«o 3.9 ft Coffee, Ball. 1(1% bwls 10"" Coffee. Palemhane. \!i% ruwis "S.nn Coffee, Liberian No. 1 17.28 Tapioca, small
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  • 79 3 t'ASSKI) tiUNDA STKAITS OK AKKIYKU KOK UKUfcIW. > Flao Dvrt I KkblTK. ASI> SHII'N Xamk. (."ArTAI.N. OF FkoXWHIKE DwtlK- HAUM. Rio. :SAiutro. ation. > Lug 13 Brit I-). Konlmore Root M»y o New York iHongkong 13 Bril DnMJonmn I from the Eiut tSAm sh.Kitlanf Mains Cok-oni M»y I .Neiv
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  • 154 3 H«TI v«ii> Him ku».i*ki.. rimn* ug LM M U m •x 26 M iH -•<■ *f t(S S6 20 Mi Benalder Rnt «tr. M.lnlo-h Bangkok Alesi* Her »tr. Knulh Aden Hamburg Annm ltu> MB Grinberg l»lieuw»n Bnid Hrn ttr. Dracon Palemlmng li:.!;ivi. rtr. Mxllor KUnn PcniinK Mr. uii»n
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 55 3 The PAIN of a M'BN or SCAI.D is :i'm.i>t Instantll relieveil l.y appl\ing. CkasabarUn 1 Ma Balm. It also heals ih.- injured part* more quickly than l.y any other treatment, und except the hnrn is very severe. Hoes not lenve A "CAR. For -alt l.y all dealers in Medicines. The
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    • 66 3 nun no nan like an old KKIEXD He will always help you in time of neod. It is tbe »»mi. wlth'l'hamberlnin's Colic, Cholera and l).srrho>a It is an old and tried friend in many thousands of homes, and like oita.-r old fi ienils can always be depended upon in
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    • 171 3 '^mmmHmmM NOTICK. STRAITS City Rubb»r Stamp. Mhort notice. Price moderate -T/ll'/Ol 2. Robinson Road laOT wuuld Uko our or Iwo children in j i-lii.-.ite with her own in healthy part of Surrey. Ileterem-e periuilled to H. R. Baldwin, 'Kot* Tinggi. 21/10 MR. GEOKGE LAWS, M.E., A.I M.M. Battery Koad, Singapore,
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    • 456 3 NOTICES. LIQUID FUEL. (Petroleum Reeiiue) Large stocks always on hand. »16 p«r ton f. o. b. in bunker* at FRESHWATER ISLAND (PULO BUXOM) opposite western entrance of New Harbour. A. H UKI TUN ()F UUL'ID NHL ia equivalent to TW* tt A «U IAKTKB TONH JAPAN < <> I Tbe
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    • 92 3 yOTICEft Gr6O!Tg6 Pictures. Michael I'HOTO .STORKS, Singapore. Sole Agency of the Rachals* Pianos. IMPORTANT NOTICE. MKS> Its. PUTTFARCKEN A Co. having from this day hitnded over the Aveocv for the bitle of RACIIAL'S PIANOS to tbe undersigned Pinnoii from the celebrated manufactory will iv future only be sold by them
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    • 912 3 AUCTION SALES'.' SALE OK HOUSEHOLD URNITL'RK, A. TH« PKIIPKRTV OF V TAN, Eso. At No. Pt.svxn Lax«. <>n Satartlai, the Hal .\,,g,,,t, 1901, At 2 p. m. 'pHE undersigne.l hsve heon instructed 1 tn sell by aui-tion thn household furniture, *c t consisting nf a round table with marble top,
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 184 3 DAY BY DAY. Monday, 26th August. High Water. 7.21 pm. K. V. A. Maxim Drill. 5.X.. Vaudeville Co. Town Hall. I Tuesday. 27th August. High Water. 9.16 a.m. HI p.m. N 1> L. hor.ieu 11 d mail due. Warren KootUill. 30th Coy. R.A. ICE. 1.. L T. C. Tournament. Philharmonic
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    • 1551 4 llnd»ivn.'liavlini(:.;< >!k.wi-u- ,b:.r.'/ tions are used if. sU.imer sb ship; bq.— barqua sch. -fthmiur Yt-v.— Yacht;; Hit ffartm Tor Torpedo; Hp. Horso-p'.irer Brt British U. S.— Uuited StaVti. tt French Oer.— <lerman Dut.— Duta.i Jon.— Jobore Ac.. G. c— General cargo d.o.— deck natweasern; V.— Uncor
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    • 168 4 Xanv, frt, pmliyhlr ,UU'. of arrimi'. .1/ 'i.l' ,(K. MUanM A. Oatontkt, Baa* 1 ;■.< Umm Alb-iin. RomrnlT, S*pl I"; Korneol'ny. Alexandria, llimslonir. Hwt lv; B. mint. Animm. •'ol.iiiilh>. 0.1 M M Andarosia, Hongkon.. Oet 1 B. M. Arabia, Hongkong, Oet 16; Rehn Meynr Anfonla, Chlm, .^n.l
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    • 67 4 fur Pnr $ir. To-Morbow. SaDinra»K via ports IHunrrr BnuKKok Mnw H»tu I'HbHi UmSm NYpii, unin via ports Ztirfa lUbooa A T. Aason IauI, tHk k, II M>r-ilH.t Japan Umhura Banukok A'u.'fii AmpaMHii via purln Jaeol> WtDifKSDiY. Muntok A FbiDR B.O. r via|iorn Malacca IMmt, Penang it U«li
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    • 102 4 Fk'.m Xi Ron: K> (Im I) 1., s. s. IViaaaM tatonUMMli /UiKualwlUidatoa totbettih AuKust:slie urin|i replita to Uh maiU which Ml Mnyapore on the 12th JulyFb".m Chin.:- Hy Urn N. I>. 1. a. WSmf Al><-il iloi-on Tuesday. l*ft Singapore Due In l.omlou Auk 1 11 1 Julj
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    • 102 4 AKKIVAU. 11,I 1 r Bm*Wm U.ini Millan.ii Mr. 0. B. Madden.'aud Mi- 1. White. Per s. s. Nil/Inn from Fremantle Mc»rW.I K.-uiiy.J. M. Aivbei. s. J. Hadl*), W. K Orofl H ntulUy, H. M.Oonibe. auil Oapl. Pin-. I'.r a, Mi from Baos«."k Mr H lionl.-. Pe.- s. (i.
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    • 333 4 J Flax Vtuu't Stx* Tone. Cirrus Kioh ttiiuu. Cosmo* kirn. _a R««_i Aug 1 iTlßilvia Her tra W2 ,Deiupw..lf laku Auk I? Bel.n Km 0» 34 MulUn Brit »tr.l IX7O iLvods Fremaatle Vug 4W. Man.ftelil AC, •4 Sultan «if., MM hopui.l Maliuia Auj; -'M Souu Kei-k 24 Anna Ku»
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 269 4 NOTICES CHINA MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COY, LTD ;nn ur>in S" 1( Omtm Ro»r. --HiNoHAi lAi. A. WAITIK. Munwrer. MESSRS. TAN KIM TIAN I SONS >-- Tht Company oflsr* sarner term* and better homine* th*" auy otuer (,oii.paiiy doioi bmirjHM in the East A itwcial point ie made of prompt payment
      269 words
    • 459 4 NOTICES. /Ilanquid women I PALE CHILDRCM OLD PEOPLE, IKULIOt YIN CHAPOTEkUT (cuniubti mt or rvmo A DELICIOUS HUTHITItE STIMULAIT Tnii alintantary wia« ia aaailf ..timilatcj «baa no «k«t aolid or liqaid food arill rcauin on tka ilonHCh, Indicated In conMtluliontl wcikMii tmi lack ol dije.un powar. [^^V rf^^aalanßßnHnVßßßV 'CoUumptiOll, n
      459 words
    • 942 4 NOTICES. NOTICK. TIIK fullowinK Uoverniuent Karms of the residincv Kiouw nnd Dependen-ci-e, with thiMM-eptlon of thc|(roiipo( islands known uu v r the -olleclive nume of I'nelnu Toedjuoh. will ba lei at I'aodjoni; I'iuiin^, on Tliwdiiy. faM Oclober for the periods from Th» F»nn '»t J»»Uarv, lfll» lO T»E Far
      942 words
    • 537 4 NOTICKS, MAINTAINS THE HIGHEST REPUTATION EVKHYWHEKE, Fortify (ho System against Disease liti. PURE BIOOH "THt 3EST SECURITY FOR HEALTH." «NO« pa; FLUID HXTWAOT OF RBD JAMAICr tstd. ICTaTST»WTWSTTW»^m»grTi3 (•it <i 29. I^llm-llm^blmm la I*t w a Z-£ll-A^ TORPID I ,VER, DEBILITY, ERuPllb.-^ WEAK and LANGUID FEEU*G" And all Impr cities
      537 words
    • 77 4 :,9 NATIONAL AWARD of 16,600 hi-.a It i in j, n- a latf ««»f/lii».jM/a«>C4eii)iiramaO/" (TaaLavcß.) The Ideal Tonic Msrrellou. in cue. of FEVEI, Wtaknsu, Loss of appetite Nerro asneu, ExhaostiOD. AUo prepired with IRON i.t Dyspepsia. Anemia, Chlorosis. Of aa CKimiiTl i» ircifl. PaIUS 20. Run dea roM«s-flt-Jao4ro«« CASH CLEARANCE
      77 words