The Straits Times, 23 August 1901

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 15 1 The Straits Times ESTD. OVER i A UEXITKY SINGAPORE. WtIDAY, AUGUST 23, 1901. NO. 20,61(1
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 435 1 Rnnrva baw\ < i .v Hiuaa W, No^Nwrn HoaJ lUVK .iN HAND:- Iwtric Tau». 'riling and Table, W, «i I'Ki. 110. suil DN Volts Designed to operate from IncandewHnt Circuits. Any Voltage to order. D>r»ct or AlUrosting Current Kans. For Table Use, Kit Volt*. Inspection invited from all people who
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    • 566 1 NOTICES "ORAND PPIX." PARIS, I OOP. g^pi ,%H m Of Hlt»««l qa»WT sad l<»vts« Orxmt PmsMlity. «n u»n'or. IsV |H J^ OHCAFEST. M fcWWj STEAMSHIP COMPA^re^ ZHZL I-.'MNK! Mkr PAKKTVAAHI MAATBCHAPPU I oder contract with the Netherlands India Government Aynl> «i *«<io« Ship Aoesct, uve J. Dmmoeu to., -_'-S, Colly
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    • 416 1 CASH CLEARANCE SALK. ENVELOPES. TO BE RAD AT if;k "Oiraian'onim THE PATKIOT ENVELOPES. 1,000 SI sent free by Post SI 4" TIJE ANTIQUE ENVELOPES. l.ono S2so. ««nt fr»-bv Pn«t *:t.w> LIQUID FUEL. (Petroleum Hesidue) Large rtooks always on hand. *15 p-r ton f o. b. in bunkers at FRESHWATER ISLAXD
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    • 549 1 NOTICES. Ideal Milk g^B&S^l^ Enricied 20 per cent. "J^^-™^ 1 with Craam. iSSsiS Sterilized-Not Sweetened. •aS-^SSUI A Perfect Substitute for Freth INSUBANCK& iNguiuycm 'i-nt Liuniim a.iv LAnuABHInM I FIRF. INSURANCB COMPANY. Capita] ta.l J7,"00 i'>id op c»piui m-urn Reserre Fund £1,078.680 1 :ie undersigned. Agents for tbe Com[>»n v. are
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    • 588 1 SOUTH BKITISH FIRK AND MARINB insurance Company. FIRE Insurance effected on erery description of property. MaKINE Risks accepted to all part* o» the World. LOCAL BOARD. O. W. LoVBLL, Esq., ChuirinHD. D. S. Uaucicham, Ek|.. W. NAir, Esq. l.m Ho Piuh, Esq., Lul'hoo) UtA.f, Esq. Wi. McKERROW A Co., <4ir*rrni
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    • 717 1 BANKS. nONUKONH AMI HHAIKIHAI BANKING CORTOKATION. PAID-UP CAPITAL 110,000,000. RESEBVE FUND.— Sterling Keserve..,l<),ooo,ooo 1 iiaoftioijO Silver Reserve... .V«M»0/ ■■•'•'.'WOUO. RESEBVE LIABILITY OF 1 lor jr,,nno PROPJUBTORS. |..t10,001>,000 Cocbt or Directoes B. Em.-- CaAiaiiAi* UoN. J.J. BBLL iRVtNO I DIPTITT I'SIIKMav. H. E Tomixs I K L. Riciasmox. Hrn, k Hiurr,
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    • 501 1 NOTICES, KiaWAN BlltM WOlkK f«. I'ASIR PANJANG. ARE. now supplying building hricU. for particular*, apply to Cbop KIM BIE, ifl> No. 24 K<l»MSlml. ifcsaK=waft. i saS«s OtUIMI. d»tf TKM« M uSHTZmt;. ASSAM TEA. From Tjiwangie Estate, Java. Delicious Flavour. Pe«oe Souchong I Ib. naclet O.W ceuls do. do. f Hi.
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    • 762 1 CHAMBERLAIN'S COUGH REMKDT b+rom* tfirfiui for itg curt* of ooior CdLlis CROUP w vsi.K°A UOUOH Try it whan io need. for sal* by nil dealers in medicines everywhere. Mm SO ctt. ud SI. Ueu era! Agents, The l)isp.nsarv, Singapore. K<>K BALB KMPLOYMKNTS TC) I ET ANDfEKSONALS [ltt Tin*, 18 emu
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  • 30 2 Straits gFtmcs. PRICK 15 C«»: Straits Timtt: S3U a year, or pott tree «S4. Mrailt budget. SIH a year, or pori free 120. Adrertinvg may fo.<wi in Ute fourth ptwe.
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  • 458 2 Is onr correspondence column on Wednesday last, a writer complained of rowdyism on the Esplanade, and to-day a letter wan received asking the peitiment question Why should the only spot for a stroller to rest his feet, be the steps at the base of K IIHW Statue
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  • 77 2 Ir is respectfully suggested to Iteuters' Telegram Company, Limited, that the Singapore public does not understand or appreciate anything about Traus>Caucasian tea, and that the existence of plantations at or near liatoum in no wise »n'ecls the price of tin, gambier, rubber, or any other product of this I'euineiila, The
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  • 61 2 The Rev. li Holland btubbs, Assistant Chaplain at 81. Andrew's Cathedral departs for Kurope on Haturday, the .'4lst met., by thu Ka^aaM Man* He will preach his farewell sermon at the Cathedral on Sunday evening next We much regret to learn ol the impending departure of Mr. Hlubbs, whose bonliomis
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  • 7 2 To-ua^'s I, lus bank rale is 111.
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  • 15 2 The next I'mcl in Club At Home will be held on Kll day, iSept 6th
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  • 12 2 Bishop liourdon and Father .\Uneuvrier arrived from Peuaug yesterday by the NuMm.
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  • 18 2 I'm: mail stuamar MsaNM left I'enang at S pin. yesterday and is dm: here at 7 a.m to-morrow.
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  • 19 2 Chan Tm I'oiik, who received the lirst Kedernted Malay Slates scholarship, left for England to-day by the Comma ndcl.
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  • 18 2 M. (lounki, Siumi'iiid Koad, advertises that he lias engaged a smart coufectiuner and pastry cook for his establishment.
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  • 24 2 L/eut. II \V. I). Adiui. Winii Odiuer of the M iliy Stales Guides, is proceeding on lonic furlough about thn middle of next month
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  • 25 2 Tum.k is a rumour to tho ellocl '.hat one of Mr. 0. Severn's brothers is coming to Selangor as the new Church of England parson.
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  • 27 2 Miv Hale Joliuaton, of K nil 1 Uirls' Hchool, U going to Penang Hill next week on sick leave, but will bo back before Uih examinations begin.
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  • 26 2 1 nt homeward (ienuan mail Mi;nmr kSnig AUvrt having left Hongkong on tho "JJiid instant at 6 p.m. is duu here on Tuesday next at daylight.
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  • 34 2 I..u.\(HE« leave Johnston'a I'ier for tlie Swimming Club on Sunday at 8.30. and 7 30. a.m. There is tv be a polo match and all playura must go over by the tii st launch.
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  • 32 2 Tub German transport X* -k«r arrived from Tnkii tbia murnioK M ruule tot KiiMiirii, and aurhorod in V..ti roads She lia» a,<i63 tioops ou I aH ■j i« txppctcd to leive to-dty.
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  • 12 2 The British transport Ommimm passed through the port westward bound yesterday afternoun.
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  • 36 2 At 8 a m. on Sunday in thu Cathedral of the Good Shepherd there will be a solemn high mass for the feast of Our Lady of Victories, the pitron Saint of tbe Singapore Catholic Club.
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  • 38 2 Though I.i Hung-chang is not in especially weak health, those who have interviewed him recently state he is undoubtedly him breaking up. He files into paroxysms of rage on the slightest provocation, and these naturally leave him prostrated.
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  • 41 2 Thi M.ilay Mail hears that Port Swettenhatn is to be opened for goods traffic on the first of next month, after which date steamers will cease to unload at Klang. Mr Moody will be the stationinaster in charge at Port Swettenham
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  • 40 2 Pahano, owing to the enormous cost of living there, is considered a bugbear among the subordinate Service at any rate. To refuse a promotion or transfer to that Stale is, so rumour has it, to incur the liability of dismissal.
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  • 44 2 Tiik surgeon of the German steamer Aragonia, which arrived at Nagasaki on the sth inst., was prosecuted by the pnlice on a charge of l.aving photographed the Suwa shrine and four other important places, contrary to the provisions the Japanese Fortified Zone Protection Law.
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  • 51 2 It id currently rumoured at Kuala Lumpur that the Straits Settlements Government intend to add MXta the Kill iries.if nlliciul" xtatiuned in I'angkor, on the Ist of January next. The i ncrnmeiit have, it is said, decided on thin course in order to compensate officers for the high cost of
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  • 62 2 This morning, Tan Kirn Kuan, trader at 54 Church Street, was befire Mr. (ireon in response tn h summon* issued at the in-tun-e of the In-i-e.-t-u of Weights and Measures, for tampering it h a verified daching He was fined SlL>o and coetH W'i Eng, Chop Chin Tye, 191 Teluk
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  • 70 2 Tata fottowina infonualion *.t* sent in yesterilay A Cbinaniaiiwgharriwted yesterday afternoon near tlie Kreta Aver Police Station for being in pia-w-inu of two balls of raw opium concealed und«r bix bnju, one under each arm This morning he w.i> >.. ntenced to 3 tine of Sl5O. Probably the bulls had
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  • 74 2 Tut next concert of the MnajttJMN I'hilhnrrnonic Society will he given on Saturday, :)l«t inst.. when Alfred CiaulV cantata liril, will be given by solo voices and choir, supported by orchestral accompaniment!). Mis. Wynter sinus the ii>"-i<- allotted to Kutb, Mrs Hooper that of Naomi, Miss Ellershuw
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  • 105 2 A cor.RWoMieNr sends the following cu'ling from an Kngliidi nrtwapapex tn a Hongkong contemporary Another attempt to force to thu front the 1 1 nest ion of ft Kent-Court for London is 10 bi; midc by Mr. BtaadSJaaa at the I. in. ion County Council. Al
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  • 251 2 Police Action Outside the Supreme Court. tmmmaM morning, about tIJU, Mr. T. C. Loveridge was arrested on the road outside the temporary Supreme Court for refusing to give his full MM to European I*. C. Coulston when the name was demanded. According to I. C. Coulston's
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    • 29 2 French Press Surprised. /..m.1.,,., md Auov,i The Fren:h Press is surprised xt tint rupture between Frame and Turkey, and ia atill ho|it)ful of a-i amirahlu settlement.
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    • 30 2 Alleged Successful Rxpcrlmenbi. The Austrian irffliltl reports stale that attempts to ptm tea in Traiiwaucasian territory «rr MeaaaaM, The alaaaatfaaa in Hrn neighllourhood of Bat.llllll are lloiiriKhin*.
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    • 70 2 He will Pass through the Main Streets on His Way to sec the Kaiser. Uttr Prince Chun's missiou will stay ul tlw Orangery. I'oiiduu, upim arriving in (ierm.-tnv on the 26th instant. The William will receive the mission at li-rlin on ihe L'Tlb. Prince
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  • 38 2 I'er .v (I ONVaaaMaWta U.n.inn Capt. and Mrs Blair, Messrs Batty, K. H McUcland, Chan .-ue I'ong. Bergt W. I. Shaw, and J G. D. Campbell. For Urin lisi -Mesitrs. K Deumarchi, and N. Clazio.
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  • 500 2 Thl- A MtnilUn Vau.leville ami Hj.icialty C. i.ipany drew auotlmr irowded house at the Town Hall last night when the BMviom Bigbt'l programme was napastad with gnat HieemM. Every it.'in w.i.« v.i'll lo'eiuj and encores were baqOWt. Tin: uinginx whs «|ilßndiil and w.t> tn>m| appreciated by kmH
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 391 2 NOTICES. NOBEL'S EXPLOSIVES COMPANY LD. ULADOOW. Manufactnrnn of Dynamite, Oeliznite, Gelatine Dynamite, Blasting Gelatine, Detonators, Safety Puses. ElceiP!.' Blasting Apparatus. The alvvf F.rphmn)M, Maf all mxhh,,i,,le to p.w» tin Ufk ttnii&irti infttu und purity impottt by tht Hrititk Government, and are, therrfvre, onartiitctd fo be of Kiperwr quality muf rtrengik
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    • 865 2 NOTICES. n BARGAINS IN tliii-Hv tin- pio|K-rt_v of gentlemen |aa« l.oim-, sent in for sale without resi-rv,-, ail witli iron frames and in good order happi-ll »■.■<» Sliti-i 300 Hroanwooil "SI ■attaaaa Pi^no Co. W llridgpporl, nwii'l n.-» 1 Ml m. 111. I M Itsrhal. upriifht grand M Do Uratul
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    • 491 2 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. *Os^B^^^ Cotifeotionary 1, Stamford Road MQORSKI hegs to i.iform his many customers that he lias n w iv hie service a new confectioner and pastry cook from Kurope, more skilful than his predecessor M. GOUSKI can now supply all kinds uf cakes and pies in English, French or
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    • 207 2 PILSKNER BEER rut; nsan oBrAOtARU JJ I ]>M. Quarts SI-"- S r l'inr« M SS 3 S i JOU.XLITTLE&I'O.I.TU. BDI.E AGENTS. POSADVWLNKCO.. Port, r«-d .1- alWta, al CIO to *.O ]m r .1 -nSnerr>.li(iht.v Lrowu.f Iv to sar dcaaa. Mmleira M.irssla, Malana, M««v.i-I. t(.s-ai $\r, t Malui-^-v, '1 ar^.^^rona^, Verm.,
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    • 615 2 RTEST ADVERTISEMENTS TOWN HALL. TO-NIGHT. LAST 2 NIQ-HTS AUSTRALIAN VAUDEVILLE BPECIALTYCO. Prooooncnd by Preaa and PnbMc to iie taj i--i.i aggregation ol talent that baa viiterl Singapore. Tc-Night. Complolc change of Programme Satur<lay, Aug. 24th Brand Hatinee Performance Children will be admitted st half price v all pirts of Theatre,
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    • 62 2 M. 8. S. taaaadat for tka Nitmu l\mn -a •ritlao on oa« aid* tA tba popar oal; Xt ak> aaflaotafUißlouodiUoo. muiT 11.5.S ara raiwlad ih.t «.rtt <i»anriaa ba ™M»lva^ i n adrartahn- eoatmrta an raMaot to tba .ad.Uou tWt tba JlanafW lu-T la»a tka sdvartia.. .onl out of tM p»pac
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    • 279 2 S. V. C. ORDERS. By Major the Hon'ble A. Murray. Commandant, S. V. C. >'ngnpore. Aug. Kird. S. V. C. sh.ioii.iu Mated i A «linotinij match ha^ been ■msaJßd U-twuen the Singapore Vol. Uorps and tba Union Tat F0r,... to lio Hr.-I U-tw. the .1' t Auffual and 7th Sc|
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 153 2 DAY BY DAY. Friday, 13rd August. HM Wntflf. ,1.10 p.m H. V C. (jouoml Meeting. 0.1.. VaadavkUaOa, I own Hall. N. P. L umil Iroin rbinu (lv, Saturday. 24th Auzu»t. lliuii Wutwr. A.Uain. 1.39 p.lll. P. 4 O. mail from Kurom- ilu.-. rtasaaWa, Uampuni; Java K-I. FuwaU. Noon. Ftoro hnlf.
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  • 830 3 Meeting Calif d by the Oovcrnor. A lakiik an-1 infliiKiitial eatbering met at llonirkoni;, on tin) morning of the 14th insl. at the invitatiou of H. E the (.tovern.n to pass a resolution euablinsi the Colony ol HongkoiiK to be littinclv r.'l.rf-.-nte<i in the BfOfMBsJ
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  • 159 3 TIIB Neu« Wiener Taghlatt, ...ininenting on Lord Milner's ipiaeh in the Uuiidhall, my Miln-r proi laimed the noceseity of tras»im tin burgher- will. IraparUaUtj and BttMrosily, ol winning their hearts and or lielping them to aouujra the srntimanl of itritn-li citixsnsLip bo that
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  • 135 3 I UK I ■■■ri.ii army l~ I km khaki. KoranuinlM-rol inlantry regiments, nays the K.MMiia'hiin Pout," a dark khaki Had lur tin- prift blue lusjis Ji"l ri-il trousiTß. ainl even among home ol Urn -.naliy ragißSjaai the tame color tfsuatfi will raplaM Ikaai now in lh.- urn of
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    • 155 3 To the bditorofthe Straits Times." Sik. With regard to the rikisha qmctien which has to be threshed out at no v,rv distant data, it is in contemplation to rndiiCH the number uf 'rikiaOM ili.iui r.ijoi) nnv |ilyii.i! fc» ''ire, and to .-it.-. tnis it It t!iou,-l.t m»
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  • 161 3 Action at Penang. Ai-K.ii-.ffl of Mr. Hooper's asking for more [lowers to deal with extortionate aye**. luay tje noted at *'«n»u« on Tiiureday la-t, a hackney cairiage driver was prosecute.! by Mr. Itiillipa, tho Kegistrar of Hackney Carriages there, for (1) r. lu-iiir to drive within a radiuß
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  • 81 3 Yesterday's Play. Ladies' Doubles. Final. Mi- ■WaiMMI A Mrs. (MafUtai Ocul Wai M A Mi>« J.liunn. 62, Ii Ties (or to-day. Championship. Semi- Final. Kra, OMalsaai Mrs. Saun le.--Championship Pairs. Mil U»MH f. rapt. Dewing v Mta I. li.mii Mr. i.r-iii. Ties for Saturday. Championship
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  • 162 3 \n aMHTM tn Timlier, a journal devot. d to the timber trade, them is a ni.vemeiu on foot to "corner" the world's supply of teak. A similar attempt, it is said, was made not long aco and aatblag but the fact that the Bntish government controls
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  • 245 3 TIM report sent to the EmpressUowagar by Yang Yu, the Chinese Minister to Russia, re a reported secret agreement betweeu England and Russia not to interfere with each other on their respective sides of the Great Wall, has, so Shanghai rumour has it, greatly alxrmed her. The Empress-
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  • 752 3 German Crown Prince at Bonn University. Wii.hli.m, Kronprinz von I'retissen, and In ir to the Impel ial title of Germany, thu mure distinguished because lie is llie son of his lather, is just übout to end his first term it Bonn University During the period since lie
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  • 1057 3 COLLAPSE OF HOUSES. Many Killed And Injured. The China Mail saya that never in the history ol house collapses in Hongkong, which is now an extensive one, li.i- lliere been recorded such an appalling catastrophe as occurred late on the evetiiug of the I nh met.,
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  • 72 3 TiitKt is now tome talk, says the Hatigoon Gazette, of inducing one or two French shipping companies to establish regular communication from Marseilles to Rangoon direct and from Rangoon to French Indo-China, via l'rnang and Singapore. It is thought thift if such lines were established, French traders might more easily
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  • 606 3 A Remarkable Examination. Mk. T. ''hakteks White, M R C.S., writing on this subject iv Bcienc« Uoasip," says tbat pain-ontology affords many glimpses tending to the elucid ition of ihe lives of our prehistoric ancestors, hut, though it provides information that may be gathered from a
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  • 346 3 UM BsmMml Utters lying at the General Pott Office, Singnpon-. Alton, K l.iMienU. Mniu AUKUaIe Low, I). bauuur.J.F. MHimaucbc H. Bickfo.d.ti. F. Merecki Honiara Julie. Me-i-i C. tligkworlh, \V. Mill*, J. H. l,i o i .y. Mix. M ilsud. C. K Boulai.ger Mo»ego, K. ttraiinitiUD, 1. Mull, r,
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  • 61 3 TtiEßii in one loophole through which bountyfed sugar escapes the Indian countervailing duties. Last year nine lakhs worth nf confectionery was imported into India from Kurope, and inos-t of it must have been made of beet sugar. But it is impossible to distinguish tbe beet from the cane in the
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  • 212 3 Tme Weihaiwei corres-pomW.t of tbe A. C. Daily Smei writes: -The future of the colony has be.-n a matter for much discussion A few days ago h telegram from London, the result it is said of a recent Cabinet meet ing, put a stop to all
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  • 228 3 A wkitich ill 'atteir* Safanlaa Journal professes to give what may be called iuside information as to the King's likes and dislikes in the way of food. Hit Majesty, be says, is possessed of a firstclass digestion, and it is seldom that anything which he partakes of
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  • 221 3 At the monthly meetiug of the liongkoug Chamber of Commerce- held on the Uih instant, theie was lead a letter from the .Singapore C..ainb.:r of Commerce stating that ;i- the question of the registration of Chinese parlerships —now Iwfore the Penang Chamber is likely soon to come up
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  • 72 3 I'enan'-and t: :.--»v. ffornii.fa. dv.> '.Mrd Autt.. Hehe Mey.-r A Co. New Zealand, Ij-wn on ;'|tli AofL, Poustead Co. Man. i. Laiftwii-a. < .Illi Augt. Itou*. tea- 1 Co. St. Petersburg via ports. V on ->ih Aunt., U.lin Meyer ,<- Co. Klang via ports, Han II
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  • 551 3 .-iH.iroEl. USkd Auonsr, 101)1. PRODUCE. Ossal buyers IOS7J Copra Bill ,8.91 do 7.« Pepper, Blark ».00 •lo White. (RV\ Bago Floor Samwak ».«l <lo Brunei No. 1 '->«■. I'darl .-«eo S.9S foff«e, Bali, lli'i ba«is iwy> Coffee. Palsmrivie. l. r »*J basis ■.•3nn Coff-e Liberian Vo. 1
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 56 3 Ihe PAIN of a BUKN 01 SCALD is almotl iustimtly reli. ved by applying < li..|nl.erhnnV I'm i ti Balm. It also heals the injured parts more quickly than by any other treatment, and icept the born is very severe, does not leave A -CAR. For sale by all dealers
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    • 64 3 THEHK'S NO FRIEND LIKE AN OLD IlillMi ll.i will alwajs help you iv time of need. It in the sume wiihVhamberlain's Colic. Cholera aud Diarrln.-a Kemedv. It is an old and tried frieud in many thousands of homes, and likeothjr old friends can always be depended upon in time of
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    • 298 3 UOIXti nUBL A. L. Kimer of istoneririge, N. Y. tarn I— I was for a long lime troubled with sleepIcsonetß and with liuenso neuralgic psuus in tbe held wbicb made me (eel as though I was going inrane. The physicians could do uotbing for me. I heard of some extraordinary
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    • 304 3 Wilson Co., PHOTOGRAPHERS. 17 Akmknian Strket. T t pay special attention to AmaV? teur Work, and guarsin-ee permanent prints and the best possible results from i-achrvposuic. Out- Studio will be ready shortly. 12/7/03 MALACCA TEA HAS NO EQUAL. To use It once b to use It always, |{l V the
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    • 821 3 NOTICES. FRAMES. PICTURES(iuor^c Michaol, Photo ktam. JAOf would Lke oop st two ehlldmto j <vluc«tß with ber it«n in hmllby part o( Murrey. Rc.'iireoi-e permitted to H. K. Ivii'Niii. Kota TiuxKiV'l/10 MR. GKOBUG LAWS. M.E., A.I M.M. i, Battery Road, Singapore, having had 17 years experience in th« East is
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    • 1655 4 Unrl<sitni'<h«adin.(lu.Wullowin<at<i>r»vi lions an used str— ito.\m«r »h ship oq.— barqus tch.— tchoontr; Yrt.— Yacbt Oru.— Crniaer <lbt Gunboat Tor Torpedo; H.p. Horse-po jrer Brit. British U. United dm; .re Fr French Hn.-Uwnwn Dnl. -Dm I Job.— Jobore Ac., Q. a,— General aruo d.p. deck DasseuKers; U.— lino*'
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    • 58 4 .Vmi«, port, protyM* dot* of arrival, and nanw of agentt. MIIHIU. All.oin, Konn.ny, -Inpl hi, Bornoo C. oj. Alexandria, HoiiKk»..K. Mftlj B. Majat, Annum, ''olombo. Ocl M M. Ariutoni*. China, end of -*c|it; B. Meyer. Atika. Hongkong, to leave Sept 6 \wn Maru London. S--|.t 4 j 11.I
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    • 108 4 hut Per «lr. 7ir«.. To-Mor«"W. Sanißiniu via ports Vt KUrk 7 a in. Hnnnkok P. C. Klao 7 a m. Oolombo A B'-tn Lay t r uM<i9kcAiJfaru m. K»nK'Knk Inand-r 11a.m. Macußßar via ports H'WftWrti 11a.m. Pen»ng rt'i V«ii« p.m. Ma il»4 Jnpnn Li.uliuii p.m. Nbw Zoal»nd Hi
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    • 100 4 Fkom Em»ri:-By tho P. 40. a, TAuwn duuonthx 24tb Aunu»t with dates lotbe^nd AU(!O«l;»bf liriius it-plivs to tliti maila which left Singapore on th* 7th fKOM Ciusi:-By the N. U. L a. KMg Albert due on Tuetdav. eft Hingapore Dae in Lomlnn July I .th f.tfl. Aug4th
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    • 66 4 ARKIVAU. Par a. a. 7^c KUrk from Bauvia— Muwr-. stwl, fallister, i>nd Mr. and Mm Erauil. V*r a. O.'< J>v!oA from Baltvia— M«Hni. Varart O. W«otor, .1. Ooldiu. and Carapiot. Pur a. Bunghik from Bangkok— Mr. C Sellere. Per a. a. /'in .Vnij from Penang— lln. "•"."a. Hoiip
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    • 118 4 I \vwmmb*um Tons. Ciiiii.i Kso* Saileu., Uomuomn. A JL"!_ SPIoaKM Pot .tr IM7 Lopere B«Uvi» An* lsWndd- and tv, M |Cororn»n<lel HAOitr 2788 Vibtn Hongkong Aug 17 P. »nd O. Coy. ii Bmngkok 12»7Ehlert Bsnukok Au« l« Bobn Meyrr Ato «PinHpng Brit.v! S7K U«vid»ou lNmann ,\U(( a,B«og(ljiii W
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    • 103 4 .ut. Vuul>Nak. CimAßk C-tptua .ug 88 Bid Whmtt Soon •a Hong Wan tU Ban Whatt Hin 23 Tern* -'.1 Kum tau M UoueSe ■-'H Inlander 2.1 Tn.ivlm N.-ckar i'.'t < oromandrl Pax M llronwer 23 Bormida lirit Mr. It -ir. Hu sod sir. PortM* Sl-k.r -tr. ilullor Mr.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 560 4 NOTICES. CHINA MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COY, LTD Hi.,iOiFin Ko. IS, OiKTon Ko»u. Shimumi lAS. A. WATTIE. Vam^p.r. MESSRS. TAN KIM TIAN i: 90H8, The Company offers easier terms and better bonuses than any otber Company doing business in the East. A special point is made of prompt payment of claims.
      560 words
    • 262 4 NOTICES. Dr. c. d. MOORE'S B Sir D COCOA j MILK Hot Water only required. Compact. Economical. Detieimu and Slrmgthnnnf. lxf~i: C E.''>li»i<in.'T^JaiW«^l.«f.. Umif. Sole rVopnelors Wackie C?.Dishllers. Limited. Islay. Glenlivet Glasgow. TO BE HAD OF ALL DEALEHS, GUTHRIE CO., AOENTS. m.w.f. RTLETHARGREAVES Co., Lid. BOTTLE TBATEBSIN6 JACK. HALfcYS SCBEW
      262 words
    • 294 4 I uuunn j^^ I tARSAPtIILLA|J «U« *—V *UM UN I CLEANSE YOUR BLOOD GRIMAULT* C° I MEDICINAL SKIM^tOAP J Medicinal Skin Soap I TH« NEWFRENCHREWEDY ThU i~-»Mfci a«i Mf*ir K«iv <;. »w*i in ia»ra i Ho»p«i*l«b» ftfcord. Roclm. Jntan.VaL pmu.uwl <*'■•«. *-«b*aa«allib«a*.Hwauln WM«f4lla r,».i K ,.K:or IM t.U.^ •».^M« n.rikiH
      294 words
    • 1073 4 NOTICES. I CLNUAPOKE SPORTING CLUB Th* Autumn Hacf M,-eti»g wili >- hold on October Uimi, 24th, and 'Xl h. Programme. FIRST DAY. Tuaday, 22nd October. Flaw Bin. THE MAIDEN PLATE.— VaIue $400.A Race for Msiden Hone*- Weight as per scale (lOst.) An allowance, of 141 b. to ex-Onfflns imported Into
      1,073 words