The Straits Times, 30 July 1901

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 15 1 The Straits Times. ESTD. OVER i A CENTURY. SINGjIPORK TUESDAY, JULY 30, 1901. xo. ao,o!ii
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 874 1 rjWE IIOI. NKO COMPANY, IIMIIBD rE Bte> ."I <>->• ■•nrMii. aioi. *\t. Insoraaea Hoeietj. Atlas Aswmnc* -'oeipa^T (KSra). Tfce feratta)-'"M» ftowtj. The China M .t..^! Ste»n Narinrtioß Company Tbe ToMaeiiAni Lager Beer Company. Kor Dartimlan < thes« Companies, soe the f^^A«S»»™«it of THE BORNEO COS»- tANT. LIMP'KD Ajrenta^ STEAMSHIP
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    • 834 1 STEAMSUIP_ COMPANIES. ■UONINKLIJKE PARETVAART MAATMf HAFPIJ Under contract with 'he Nothnrlands India (Government. Am-nit at Siwiapvrt: Mir AotscY, lati J. Daikdiu A Co., 3-S, Colltm Qoay the undermentioned dates are only approximate. steamer From Bxpectea Will be Despatched (or Od t<m m* ««fyt Moluccas and Soerabaia July at) Batavia, Hamara"K,
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    • 619 1 '<>m'>ini.i| (**>rri<-i> of tht> Ocean 8le»m in j* Company »n4 th.- West AnHti-alUn >teum Navigation Company betwt^u rREMANTLE, (PEBTH), NORTH WEST AUSTRALIAN POKTS. AND SIN6APOBE. IUE RUtf, SAi.ADi:-, tUSTKALINU, AJTD riIAKTIKEL SILAMKK itiCHiitisn. These steamers run at frequent intervals •elween Singapore and Western Australia, :alhng at Derby, King's Sound (Port
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    • 555 1 NOTICES Milkmaids' -^-m—9—^^ BRAND v -~"^^l n if 1 1 /4Sbr Mi I\z mm v f. lUllli W^ r Guaranteed V.^^^^ Full Cream. t«idemi« Largest Sale in the World. T INSURANCES. THE LONDON AND LANCASHIRE FIRK INSURANCE COMPANY. Capital *5,127, M» Paid up Capital £21 2.7.V) Reserve Fund £1,073.680 Tbe
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    • 418 1 INSURANCES. HONGKONG FIHJS INSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED. Capital subscribed »2^00,00u. Amount paid up.. 400,040. Reserve fund „1,066,0-IH. Head Office,- Hongkong. Oenera! Managers, Muasrs. Jabjiiite Matueho* A 00. GUTHRIE A Co. "ltjmox fire insurance company of paris. EsTABLISUED MML RESERVES AND TOTAL GUARANTEES £4,000,000. 'PHE undersigned, agents for the above I. company,
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    • 705 1 BANKS. HONGKONG AJID SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. PAID-nP CAPITAL 110,000,000. RESERVE FUND.— Sterling Reserve..slo,oOo,oOol Silver Rewrvo... S/W>,UOO/ RESERVE LIABILITY OF > „n mnnm PROPRIETORS J_»lO,00O.n0O CornT or Diaioroßa:— R. SRIW», E«Q— CIAIKMAB H'.v. JJ. H. 1.1. I J:. IN,. I Dimi CHAIRXN. II K Toiiin. I B L. Bicmaimox, Kaq A
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    • 534 1 NOTICES. Mr, J, van den Brand Co., Lawyers, Mela.., Dvli. tu.*r. at/tfit E. WALLACE, Bronie Medalirt, British Horological Institute. Watoh-Maker and Jeweller. Repair:! is all rra.nchn gi'akantkcd ft h BATTERY R(IAl). Ml "!i U.C REALLY EXCELLENT!!! INDTOOPK k tXV» AIM ANDSToLT. Price >1 80 per doz pints. Prioe *1100 per
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    • 739 1 CHAMBERLAINS COUfiH REMKDT no* bream* tntucmt fur its curtt of Ot' 'H I'OLDM CBOfP \VH.MHMN<;t OUUH INFLUENZA Try it when in need. For sali l.v all dealer., in nx-diciuea eterywher-. Pri.e VI eta. and 11. General Agents, The Dif pcn«ary, Singapore. M>K OALJt BMPLOYMKNTd T() I ET- AND?ERH()NAI,B [lrr tihi,
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  • 945 2 The Strait Times. PRICE 15 CENTS. TUESDAY, 30TH JULY. It is not often that the Home Government deliberately steps in and interferes with the shipping interusts of the Empire at large but it has dohe so in the case against the P. and O. lit. r« Autlralut and Orieutul, which
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  • 469 2 In the really good old times it was practically unnecessary for a grateful country to shower pecuniary emoluments, as well asthecheap but customary laurels, upon the heads of its victorious generals. A general was expected to bring home his own rewards in the shape of loot, ransoms, and plunder, with
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  • 165 2 The .Jcatli h aunounced ol' Mr. Picric I. .nlMi'i, llie well-known American tipoiU-iuan aud millionaire, who owned Iroqmjit— tlie Derby winner of 1881, and the tir-t horse from tiie other side uf the Herrinz loud to secure the Blue Kibhon ot the British Turf. It is singular that, exactly twenty
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  • 110 2 We n:i i.r-l iii-l that the Cvii,. -c <.r the Federated Malay HfMfM are about to present Mr. li. T. Hare, the omcial who controls Chinese affairs iv the Peninsula, with an aldress, nu the occasion of his going on furlough. The address refers in the warmest terms to Mr.
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  • 7 2 To-day's 4/ras bank rate is 1/1 1^.
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  • 13 2 Mr Adam, of the Malay States Ciuides, will be going on leave shortly.
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  • 15 2 Thk I'rin^esf Irene with the German mail from Europe is due here at 0.30 p.m.
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  • 20 2 Thk goods tratlic from Klang is said to be stea.lily increasing. Four and sometimes livegojds trains are run a day.
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  • 26 2 Mr. T i>lor, lately of the Singapore Branch of th.. Hongkong and Shanghai Bank, has gone to i'enang lo lake the management of the branch there.
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  • 27 2 Mk K. L Grove, the Sanitary Board Engineer at Kuala Lumpur, in r.-pori.-d to be retiring from the Sel.iin.-ir Service with three months pay as a gratuity.
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  • 30 2 I'ltor. Dbval's Indian circus and menagerie opened last night on the Beach Road reclamation, before a large audience. The show, which a good one. continues to-night and throughout the week.
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  • 46 2 The hearing of a charge of theft againet a Sikh occupied the whole day at the Assizes yesterday. This morning, a juror was taken ill, aud another had to be put in his place, with the result that the case has to be triod over again
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  • 40 2 \Vfci.xKM>AY, June ■.'■>, la tlia day which will probably be lined for the Coronation. No reigning sovereigns will attend officially, but the King of Denmark and lire«ce and Portugal, and the Grand Uuke of Hesse may probably be present as relatives.
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  • 54 2 A i i)rkk."l'umikm writes that a largo number of unlicensed dogs miglit be potted at Tunjoiiß Klioo were the dog killers to p»y a surprise visit. The surest way of bagging the dogs would I m for one man to quietly lunil beyond 11,.--last bungalow while another should begin work
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  • 59 2 A Washington rpport states that Japan, finding that insistence on hxr request for an increase of hnr indemnity from China completely blocked negotiations, has ■Hliilumii her demand. While the I'nited States opposed :in increase of Customs duties, Mr Rockbill has nevertheless been instructed to aunt, in deference to the
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  • 615 2 THE .-HAKiiU AGAINST A EOROPEAM UKFINDANT COMMITTKD FOR TRIAL. Tan morning H A. L Orchard was brought before Mr. Stmtton on remand on one allegation of forgery and cheating, and on another of cheating Mr. J. K. Tyler, tbe first witness, said he was manager of
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  • 384 2 RACK FOR THK HUBS HIIIW Mm, HUM HM I'f.NXSVI.VANIA IMVKK81TY BY A I.KSUTH. This year's Henley w.n attendod by huge gatherings. The was excessive. All interest centred in the for the l Challenge Cup between Leander and the representatives of Pennsylvania I'uiveriMty. One correspondent said it
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  • 145 2 I. ast night there was a combined route iii.ii, of the S.V.A. and the S.V.R. The men fell in nt the Drill Hall at MO and were inarched out shortly before 9 o'clock under tiie command of Capt. SarKeaunt, K.OJL, Aotinß Adjutant, S. V. A the oilier
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    • 38 2 AUSTRAILIAN IMMIGRATION BILL. MUSTK UCTMOIIOM rmriaHii Imiuloh, July ;Mh. Mr ilarton, the Premier of the Australian t'oinmi.nwe.ilth, has brought forward a Bill in the Cosnmonwealth Parliament, dealing with immigration. The Bill embodies drastic restrictions, including an educational test.
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    • 74 2 A GKANT Of .£lOO,OOO r.KCOMMKNDKI) BY THK KINO Liter. A Message from the King has been laid before Parliament. Tho message sets forth that— in consideration of Lord Huberts' eminent services to the Empire, and out of a desire to confer upon him a signal mark oi
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  • 467 2 A FELU)\V-\VORKER'S TKIBI'TK TO HISMEMDRY I'hk following editorial tribute to the memory ol the late Mr. Aruot Reid, lor many years editor of this paper, is taken from tbe .Vu/ay Mud of the 26th inst. 11,.-.1..,11, Mr. Arm. I Kri.l. re.onle.l ■Istwfcsn -"I and pitilieti.
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  • 50 2 The Governor arrived at Malacca on the -JSth July. He landed at IMsu.ui, ,wm! was met hy the Heads ol Departments, aud afterwards went to visit Hi.' Malay College. Then he inspected the proposed site tor a new residency. The Governor left about IM bt I'enang.
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  • 98 2 Thk B.iyern, with PrinceChun on board, arrived from Hongkong this afternoon, and went alongside Borneo Wharf shortly after twoo'clock. The Prince was greeted on board by the Deputy-Gover-nor, the Hon. C. W. S. Kyunereley. As the Prince landed a Koynl salute was fired from Kort Canning. Prince Chun,
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  • 102 2 The popular Orchestral Concert in the Town Hall to-nii:lit (under the tweiOM of the Singapore Philharmonic Society) OMMMMM at '■> o'clock. The orchestra will play in all seven items. Particulars are given in another column. Mrs Wynter jrill sing Dunedin No M .re Mi<s 1 i wi-1
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  • 81 2 Thk Monthly Modal for July nae played tor on Saturday, L'7th, with the following results: Monro h; H Oaßney W 1-.' k: O'Hullivan .im IJ 17 Ellis Ml 6 M 7 Winter M txt Kynne.tley lutf Itl 88 Major Jones KM Newmarch IU7 In *M Oakes..
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  • 21 2 Thi late Mr. Jncoh Uogeis, locoinutivu maiiiifai-tuivr ami millionaire, leti X,UUO,OOO dollars (ahout X1,660,U0U) for an art museum in New York.
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  • 40 2 Thk Director* of the Nortli Korneo Company have offered an increased reward of Sl',ooo for the discovery ol minerals in the State of British Nortli Borneo. The liovernor is empowered to frame rules governing the payment of such rewards).
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  • 46 2 Diking the six months ended Mk June last the shipping arrivals at llie port of Colombo numbered 1,408. The arrivals as compared with the com I ponding period of 19UU, show an increase 0f 26 vessels; and of M ovei th« tjrtuiuuiiliu a period iv WW,
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 462 2 NOTICES. RITVIIIK'S WHISKY SPECIALLY selected blend thoroughly maljrffd in bond. Price |IO p»r case; aamplm free. BORNEO CO., LTD to. tb. s. Bole Importers. SIDEKOSTIIKN PAINT. an absolutely anti-corrosive paint for IRONED STEEL S| OEROSTH^B (JiuiiHuteMl to r.« tht> hett Ul STIMtKVKNTIVF Invalual-N- for Ship*, Machinery, Bridges et... etc. One
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    • 1089 2 NOTICES. *a"%*i- .L Laaaan Stuck. rnObO |u»£x?>. i-,-^1 Stores. UaOKUI MICH.VKL, Singapore, tu. DKVOE'S OIL A < »l I lON. It is beral.y noiili.-il that DEVOKS IK I KDI. KIM nl I. is imported solely hy tho undersigned from America, nnd that Ihev have appointed Me-srs. Chin H ust Bin
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    • 725 2 NOTICES. SINGAPORE CATHOLIC CLUB. DBAMATU ENTEBTAINMENT. IN AID OF THE BnUdlns Fund of si. Joseph's In-iliiiiiou. "THE UPSTAR T." A Comedy in 3 Acts adapted from Moliere's U Bourgeois Oentilhomme." Under the Distinguished Patronage of H E. the Officer Adtniniatering the Uovernment, Sir Frank Bwettenham, K.C.MU. TOWN HALL. TI KSUAYethAugutt
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    • 819 2 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. PROF. DEVAL'S GUKAT INDIAN QKCOS AND MENAGERIE OF WILD ANIMALS. TO-NIGHT I TOMORT! I Location— Beach Road. N.H Ihe IWngal Tiger performs out of the in tlie arena, an act never witnessed in any eirctw Iwfor*. 2HUOLD MEDALS. to I'rof Deval in his triumphant tour round In.iia,
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  • 1885 3 I I 1 1 N'i ITF.M OF UiillAN UKTOaTT. M I »k I ai'lioiiit nt M I 1.1 Pakn| n.inirnliy carried ihh. nii-iii ■!!■>■ t.i the aam Ilent r. i "I tin' -li-t m^'i iilio-i dip: >- mat ontr Baal I AigkM frontier. It is mter.'siinjtliat syli.-liroliously
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    • 365 3 THE IMITATION STENGAH." in iiik mom at nu mvi timks.' .Sl!., I'n.Jer the heading "By the Way in rtaltirday'n i-Mi':tlieiKap|>uared a par^crapli containing a suggestion enquiry miflrt with advantage be m.i 1.- as 'o wln.ili.r there is any ■reaptad or autlioritative measure for the dispeinsing of spirituous an.l other
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  • 39 3 Tmk command of the China Expeditionary Force was handed over, on the 11th innt., by Lieut -General Oaselee, K C.H, to Major-Ceneral Creagh General '.i-.1.e will sail for Japan on a pleasure trip shortly, and will land at Kobe.
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  • 924 3 rnisit-v IK JAVA. The Isxomolief adversely criticises the Government methods pursued in Java as to pauper Chinese immigrants who arrive there from Singapore. These methods are mostly noticeable at Samaiang and Sourabaya. I'auper Chinese come to Java in the hope of making a loitunc; but, after h few
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  • 166 3 This morning, John Foley, an assistant in tlietirm at Whitpaw.-iy I. iiiil.-iw, Co., was cliarpcd before Mr. Stratton with ciiminal miKnppropriation uf*6^o belonging to the firm. Th« defendant pleaded guilty, but said the thing arose through a mistake occacioneri by linny K. A. Krancix, an asmtant in
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  • 1317 3 F. M. S NOTES. {trom a Correspondent.) Seremban, tflh July Moke burglaries this time the burglar pilfered the Kuala Lumpur Aerated Water Company's premises, and atule a quantity of essences, which are doubtless being retailed as refreshing drinks on the way-side stalls. Mr. B»sagoiti's house has be«n broken into, also
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  • 48 3 At Hnnekon; on Mm 20th instant, three shophouses in Victoria Htreflt, were burned down and completely gutted. The lire smarted in a paper shop. The occupiers, six in number, including two woman and one girl, masted to death. The houses were all occupied by Chinese and were insured.
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  • 50 3 In the prize list of the Horse and Dog Show, published in yesterday's paper, Lieut-Col. Whitley wasgivon as the winner of the centlemnn'a driving ompetitiun. This wns in,">rr.ict. The flirt prize was awarded to Mr. P. Scott Kalshaw with "Jack and rloircart, Mr. Hooper being second with Tommy" and buggy.
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  • 56 3 Ml. 0 Newman, the veteran Stationmaster on th« Selangor Government Railway, is retiring with a gratuity of SI.SOO at the end of tho month. Mr. Newman was for nineteen years on the Government Railway in Ceylon, whence he was transferred to that Male fifteen years ago. He now returns to
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  • 84 3 The Municipal Commission meets to-morrow afternoon. There are sixteen items of business on the agenda. The matters for consideration include purchase of Wells' lamps for roads, and of crushers for Pulo Obin quarries purchase of lamp pillurs; report of special committee on the pureha« of hydrants and standpipes for water
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  • 103 3 Ix a recent issue of the Hlontf ItaM it was mentioned that Li Hung Chang, the well-known Viceroy of Clu-I.i, liad insured his Life for aconFideiahl* sum, notwithstanding his advanced age. Aj.n; of that f.i.-t it may be stated that the policy in question was issued by the China Mutual
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  • 14 3 ARRIVALS. Per k. C'aaw Up from Klang via ports-Messrs. Mildletou. and Koek.
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  • 573 3 81XOAPORE. SOth July. 1901. PRODUCE. Oambier tuners lino Copra Bali 8.70 do Pnntianak 7.7S Pepper, Black buyers l-'J. do White, (6%) 4SISO Sago Flour Sarawak S.JO do Brunei No. 1 5.70 Pearl Jaeo .1.80 Coffee, Bali, IS°< iw-n- Cofffw. Palemhane IRV ba«is. :'*<*) Coffee, Liberian No. 1 17.28
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 70 3 HA.MIIKKI UN s Cdlir, CHOLEfL\ AM) DIARRHOEA RKMKI'Y luevervwliiren. -knowledgeii to I* the niofct BBaaaaaM nie.lii-ine in u»e for Bowel Coapteint*. It »!««>» aaaaa, and cure* onaaUJ It aaa b* .lenended upon even in the most vevere and dangerous caaeii Cures griping, all kinds of diarrhoea, and at the flnt
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    • 36 3 CHAMBEKI.AIX 8 ***** REMEDY, cures overnight tbe most ittiibborncoM, a> well as all its cumplicaliuuti— ticklini; in the Ihroal. hutl y voice, tad violent coughing. Bold by all rteaMh b medicine*. The Ui«pnn'arjtAner-l A^uts £ingatiore. V-A
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    • 485 3 BELIEVING IN THINGS. The wounded man in the MM* story believed in the Goon Samaritan because the latter, linding him half dead by tbe hrn! him taken care of. People are continunllv saying of one thing and another. Oh, I don't L-h-w in it." I hnven't n p rticle of
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    • 73 3 Wilson Co., PHOTOGRAPHERS. WILL shortly open a Studio, at No. 17 Armenian Street, next to St. Andrews House. In the meantime they re aprepared to take all descriptions of OUTDOOR PHOTOGRAPHS. 1 2/7/1)2 Received a Large Assortment OF Japanese Curios IVORY AND COKAL WARE, ORNAMENTS m ANTIMONY and BRONZE, LACQUER
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    • 1090 3 NOTICIX Our Great Clearance Sale. WILH. COMMEIVCE ON The Ist August. WIIITEAWAY LAIDLAW 00. Powell Robinson. (scntlcmcn'o Outfitting. ficlmel. fiat, and Cap Dcparlmcnl. Tmi Singapore Twin. laaaar. Tm "Bcoman," I'iuw. (inrr. Kh.h taa luu BaowN. I'm "Coral" >*i. ••nfeentC-CarlC" U*™ w all Sb»dim aku Sm.». W»it«s t ««w "SoattTß" »ith
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 155 3 lUV BY DAY. TI'tHUV, 3UTH JOI.V. High Water. Up.n. Penaog Racei". First Day. Oerman ..utward mail due. S V. A. drill. 6.1 H. Orchertral Concert. V go Philharmonic Choir. Bioscope. Beach Road. 8. Devnl's Circus. Beach Road. 9 WmiNfyiiAV, SIBT July. Higb Water, lujuin K» p.m. Full Moon. 6.5W p.m.
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    • 1352 4 Under tnisbeadlnk; thofollowlnti abbreviations are uxd sir.— steamer sh.— «hip tq.— barque sch schooner; Yet.— Yacht Cm.— Cruiser Gbt.— Ounboat Tor Torpedo; H.p. -Horse-power Brit British V. H-Unite.l States: Ft French Oer.— Oerman Dot.— Dutch; Job,— Johore I Ac, O. c,—Oxneralargo d.p. dnck nassengers o.—Uncertain T. P.
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    • 69 4 V« Per ttr. ht To-Mouow. Samnmnijvifiportu Van AVm/M- Hani Billiton .V I'tinnuk H. V. Soon Noon ImlraRiri .<im; X.m Nood 1'. An-, mi vi i porls M'llnrra J pin \HAhnn A li-li v4«oAan 3 p.m KIhdi; vih ports Halarirr S p.m Ch'bjn A- Irfiot 4 p.m IMWK P.Mm^K
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    • 103 4 Kk(im ElKolli:-BytheN. D. L. s a. rein:tu Item dv- on tliti'SOth July with datei to the '.llh July: slie lprin<« ivplics to tbn DMlh which loft HintiHrOri-onlhoVHh June. Fbom Caaut— Uy tM N.I- 1.. XJk. Bass** duo on Tuesday. Left Singapore Due in London June 14th P.At».
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    • 440 4 S'ttne, p-trl, probabU dale of arrival, and wttiw of atpn'.t. Stkamkbk. A. Apcar, Honekona). Amu 1 S. *M. \..-ilia. Hongkong. Aug IS; Behn U«v.: \y.\\. Liverpool. Aug 1 ManaKeld. JUuandrta. Hongkong. W<-pt 7; B ttaliw Alicante, IUaUaV, Aug 10; Barlow. UtiiiK ''..tir., \ug»; l>a.-nileU. Andalusia, Hamburg Auk 7
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    • 116 4 j fuu 5 VKSdii.'* Haw a Tom.l c*rt*iN a Ku.. Fkuh S*ilki>. CoKMavuN. l-ly I'.nn l.iont! i>ut »tr -.'T;. Koenig S» G. van Bylandl Mr. 1-JCH H«ini» -"> Bantam »tr U.'H Lee 39 Ba.ljol R-.feu Dot tx|.; lIS Nacodali 2» SherrvTOie Brit »tr 2190 ApplitoD H Ai.inom ttr.! 4iK
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    • 94 4 Dit Vam'l Nina FuoAKic OiPT«i» DCKTIMATIOIi July S7 Spithead Brit «tr. MM *> Hong «'«n »tr. Hu.lnon 30 Ki-li|..»t<i> »tr. Sarcliot!M j Fnh Wo Mr. Freemau 30 Pnmlu.'i >tr. Nailer 30 Z»i,l» Out Mr. Orier 90.G0. Me\cr Btr. Orre 30 V»n Kiemsdyk Mr. Mculi-man an Spwlman Uer »tr. V»n
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 374 4 NOTICES. CHINA MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COY, LTD. Hun Orrici No. 13. Cahtok Rom>, Shochii. TAB. A. WATTIE, Haatsjar. MESSKS. T.L\ KIM TIA.N SONS, t-aal <^aMs Tbe Company offers easier K-rmn and better bonuses than any other Cou>p*uy doing busineM in the East. A special point is made of prompt payment
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    • 471 4 NOTICES. m RIGAUD'S ~si Kasasg& J* OP JAPAN M TOILET WATER I I Pigtua'sKtntnqjWiM aVa asl^ Ol th; Kinnipl I lower of Ljaß, RIGAUD&C j 8. rue Vlylean*. I AIM IDEAL TONIC NERKAVALLO'3 TONIC (BARK AND IRON WINE) >uiiiiil:iif. the AppcUte Htrengthnm Ihe raj. Senrei S' Rcitenerales the W Kill.
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    • 423 4 NOTICES. CO A 1,8 AT GA LL l? 7. Bust Welsh and Indian (Uarrakur) always iv Sitick Quick despatch. CLARK, Co. K. COATKS Co. Galle, July, 1931. J. 1). A. PEKKIRA. HOKTIOULTBIUrrT i»D FlOUat. OOLUSUIOK »KD Exi'OBTSK OF Diuiitllv By specinl appointment to His Mijestv Th- King oi Siam, H.
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    • 962 4 NOTICES. Dr. mcd- von Wedei physic. «n, surgeon, and specialist for diieaties of the eyes, enrs. rtna nose. Consulting hours 10— I and I-30 Rundays 10— 11. Uresham Houw, Battery Roud, above Lambert Co.. 1 1 8 Teh-pbone •i'..i THE MITSUI BUSBAN KAISHA (MITSUI CO.) HEAD Omt'E: 43, Sakamoto- -I-
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    • 657 4 NOTICES. XOTICS. OTBAITS City Rubber Btamp. Price modmtt. 27/12/01 t, Robiuson Road NOTICE. rpHE undersigned begs to iuform tbe 1 public, captains and mariners of ordinary steamers, sailing vsssels, men-uf-war, iroop-ships and transports, tbat he bas established an odlce at 14 Chuogp Alley, to supply all kinds of provisions,
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