The Straits Times, 13 May 1901

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 15 1 The Straits Times. KSTR OVKK i A CENTURY SINGAPORE, MONDAY, MAY 13, 1901. \o. aogsaK
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 799 1 NOTICES. I'llh 111. I. NKtl COMPANY. I.IMIIKII TI I B*B**k**l I llh A»™r*»Cß *.»..<■►. I'm,* rka laaumaos B.*ictj. A».<ir»r>,» I'mapaaj (Xl".) IV K.|«.t«U-" tan™™ Snol«IJ. 1 h. i-hins M..t««J Navigntina i:o**p»oT. Th. T.4tM-IMMn l^t" v"o»P"y I ,-m,.iUr« of tli«M> OompMliM. th* f.ll *lT~Ti~»«.t of lIIK BORNKO COMPANT. 1.IMITK1) A«e«iU
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    • 824 1 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES, tronnuin paketvaart maatschappij I'nder contract with tbe Netherlands India Government. Agmtt at Sinqaporr: Ship Aomcy, late J. Daendbu A Co.. 2-.1. Colltbb Qwt. The iinn**rm6ntion«?fi d*4te*i sre only upproximitti Steamer From Eipecteo V, ill be Despatched for On ■Veaawr l>eli via |.o,|. Mnv 7 Kruirkalia. Siak, Pani-h. Assahan,
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    • 572 1 COMFAGME DE» MEHSAGERIICS MARITIMES DE FRANCE. I H K'.KAI ML Al-I'UM*.. M»-.-Aii»Kl SmOAPOEI The mail *te«inerF will leave Singaiwe m or about tbe undermentioned dato*. OnTWABII. H.,«k-'VAkl>. IK. I. l«0l. IVtte*. Date*. VtttaJ May II I Yar,-, May M IWWa 17 hidn* 28 Ammm June x Urn June 9 B>
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    • 624 1 INSURANCES. 'PHE LONDON AND LANCASHIRE 1 FIRE INBURANCK COMPANY. CapiUl i'?,ltf7,,V)o Paid up CapiUl ii1i.750 Reserve Fund 1 ,0?3,«t«l Tbe undersigned. Agent* lor the Company, are prepared to accept fire risks at m h'stka ii A Co., Agent*. rK CHINA TKADKKti INSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITBD. Capital Subaoribed |»,iWO,Uv»j V iu. .lint
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    • 849 1 INSURANCES. COMMERCIAL UNION ASSURANCE. CO., LTD., EASTERN BRANCH, BATTERY R()AI>. Accident and Guarantee Dept. Xl KOI'EAX NATIVKS. Ratks Mllllin Claims promptly attended to E. J. BOBBRTBON, Branch Manager. Mar. l» ii.c. Two (ireat Necessities. VIZ. I. FA.MII.V PROVISION ■J. nOVIMOH KOR OLD AUK. Easily and Economically met by a Policy
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    • 784 1 It A N K S. IIONHKON.i AND tIHANUHAI 11 BANKING CORPORATION. PAID-UP CAPITAL #10,00U,UUl RESERVF. FUND sterling Rewrve..»lO.O'o.ot>->l t nnm Silver Reserve t VITOOOO 13 ooon RESERVE LIABILITY OF I ....n-.nnn PROPBirtOIW |-»l".0«l.onn Corn or DiiaoToaa R. smu. Kaq.-CiAlanAH H^« J.I Ks.wi.i- DirtrrrCiiAiaKAK 11. K To«ii»i II I. RirnAaimoK, K-i.
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    • 353 1 [EVERYMAN 1 SWMi'i^i '<!',«• K'ttlSftl ""tin I".'". MT ''^^ynStu— l em 17 a/us I j I- llioS|Mvifi,- f<,r I Qlltmifljj uti«:i> rs»,,,» n I if rimw -i I JJPECIfI^ j,' I Citv I VBIHHHd em. 31,10 «rr«»r» c WJW <»•«■ wrr/eai AGENTS IN *».«terf». M. "Xti^^SZl rh fIMI 0/r« .»o.r,M.
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    • 767 1 Us Dangerous to I rill., nith n col.). CHAMBBRLAINS t'OOttl KEMfcDI rVaaunt U Mka ii. v^r fail? lo cum. >>c by all dealers in nuxJiciiWN 'very where I'riie .Vj,-t». Wl< i; cII era, AxenU. Tl,« Dia[wna»ry, Sii IRa|H >re KUK 3AL.K KMPLOYMK.NT.S T«M KTAXnj'KRHONAI.S liT TI-. X, locftntna lint •.*n<l
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    • 67 2 M. 8. S. louoita. for Ui. Kirgua luu. 1 1 ntWa oo oa uam ol Ik* fmpt Ht thr Hflaot of that oooditioo, mu>> H S. 8«n nj«u.l tk.l aiibt otlMrwiM b.»^«l All UrertiMizt oootnoM «n nh jaot to tba ooodiMoo thtt Ik* Mimif 1— t. it. unl
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  • 342 2 strnitt Vim" C4U a year, or port trre •M. tfMk Budget. «18 a year, or pott free $20 /lrfi«r(i««nj ltnl*> may h* found in llu fourth page. Thkkk has been a good deal of discussion in India .ml elsewhere as to
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  • 66 2 ICkmakk wii.f interest has heeucvinced at home in the history of the theft twenty-live years ago, and the quite recent recovery, of the famous picture by <;aimsbuiough of the Duchess of Devonshire, valued at over x:ci,ooo From all accounts, the recovery of the valuable picture is a distinct feather in
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  • 270 2 an obscure town in the States, in another column u( t 1 imtue will be fuuml some details of the robbery, as it »>< supposed to liuve been committee. It i- remark ible how some crimes excite a fascinating interest in the public mind. The mere scale of the thing
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  • 101 2 Thk mail brings the result of the census taken in I. nidon, that is to cay in the district covered by the returns of the Ilegistrar ol Mortality. The present population of the village it* („Vtti,'i:il, an increase of. tO">,7lT persons over the number within the same area ten years
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  • 89 2 Captain Truppel, of the Qmaa Navy, the new (Governor of Kiao-chow, and his family, left (ienoa for Tsing-tao, by the Smlm% due here on the I'.itd inst. Captain Tmppi-I is forty-live years of age. lie has served out in China tor many years, and during the time when Kiaochow was
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  • 6 2 Hakm>tos's Circus has arrived from Manila
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  • 11 2 I'komisim. tin Hnda are reported from the Punjoni Mining Co.'s concession.
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  • 17 2 Tiik next At Home" at the Tanglin Club will be held on Wednesday, the ■JL'nd ill St.
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  • 15 2 Thi Rangoon Municipal Secretary is -an 1 to be highest paid Municipal Secretary in Asia.
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  • 22 2 Mi--.:- Sar Lifts Bros advertise three special dinners at the Rallies Hotel during race week. A string hand will be in attendance
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  • 21 2 It now trams extremely inipr>>t>.tl>lf the /W<w says, th«t any British f'nvalry regiment* will be sent from India to South Afrit-H
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  • 25 2 Im connection with the Sii-giporc Rowing Club, it is proposed tn hold a series of races for scratch fours about the end of this month.
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  • 23 2 At a recent meeting of the council of the Hoyal Colonial Institute. Mr. James W. Hallifax was elected a Fellow of the Institute.
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  • 22 2 Thb cruiser Mai, Captain f, (i Stopfor.l, has been fitted with wireless telegraphy, consequently her departure for the China station was delayed.
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  • 23 2 Mk .1 Kirkpatrick, who was assistant Legal Adviser to the Siamese Government from l-» 4 to has just died in Europe of consumption.
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  • 27 2 A cok-i->ih)Xiiiint writing lo a Shanghai paper has nothing but praise for the way in which order was kept nn board the 5,.1.,:,,.,< after she had -trandid
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  • 26 2 At a recent art exhibition at Kuala Lumpur, eighty-six picture- wenexhibited, the contributors including Sir Frank Sttetlenhaili. Mrs HooZ I' readier, Mm Campbell, and many olhcr-
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  • 33 2 The sea.-ou of the Philharmonic Society commences on Saturday, June Ut, when a Musical Kvening will be .•n -n. A successful and largely attended entertainment is anticipated. The programme i» now being anaajaal.
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  • 45 2 Tmk other day four I ox-s full of silver coin were sent by steamer from Chantaboon lo Uangkoic. On arrival one of the boxes was found to 1- unlike i ii- others and to contain only sand The missing coin was valued at 2,400 ticals
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  • 39 2 PMaVMPJI MeKinley is touting through ten Stales, on his way to Oregon. The train stops at MO places. the chief speeches to be delivered at Memphis, New Orleans Saint Louis, and Nashville. Messrs. Has and Koot are accompanying him.
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  • 43 2 11. M S. CWaWLN being docked at Hongkong, was tumid to be less seriously damaged by her collision with the (Mara than hid been expected. The naval authorities have turned away many -nap -hotter- who went to the dock to photograph the vessel
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  • 42 2 r.xrii. the new lighting arranueniciits lor Ihe Town Hall are completed, it is < n-i Ict-d expedient the Philharmonic Society's weekly choral practice shall commence at B.U p.m. instead of OU p.m. Members should n .till.,- new arrangement for to-m irrow's practice
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  • 54 2 Tut: in. ni brings news ol Ihe death, at K.uibay. of Sir Dinshaw Manockjee IVtit, the great merchant prince of Ii iinbay, on the mil inst. II- was the uealthiest man in Western India. His chanties during his lifetime amounted to about thirty lakhs of rupees. The whole Parsee community
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  • 46 2 Thk Naval Estimates make provision for the following works, buildings, etc., at Singapore: Naval Ordnance store accommodation, fIjUML The total estimate for the work was OUOO, of which the War Department's share is tfO,*U and the Admiralty's share, XISJM& The amount already voted has been £10,400.
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  • 59 2 Thk King has approved of Mi < >scar F Williams as Consul-deneral of the I'.iiled States of America at Singapore; Mr. Otto (iuinprecht as Consul of liermany at Hongkong; Mr. Donald A. Stewart as C >n«ul of Siam at Liverpool; Mr. J. W. Murray as Consul of Siaui at (Ila-gow
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  • 55 2 Whkn the mail left, the Kmpress Friedrich was still MaMhw at the Castle uf Crouberg, in southwestern QaroWßf, and although nothing was puhlished officially about the state of her health, it transpired that she was still sullering severely, and that she was expected soon to follow her heroic husband and
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  • 131 2 Wk regret to have lo announce the death uf Mr. Cheang Jim Hean, the eldest sun of the late Cheang Hong, which occurred on the lUth ult after a short illness He died at his family residence Annan Bank, Kiver Valley Uoad. His remains will be interred at the
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  • 148 2 Thk annual report of the Commercial Union Afsurance Co, which was to be presented to at the annual ini'i-ling in London on 'he Ist inst stales that, in the lire di-| ■irtnn-nt. the net premiums for ItfUO amounted to J.l,tli'.ii:tu, being an increase of XaO^EM M compared with the year
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  • 126 2 At a Committee meeting of the Singapore I'olo Club, held on the I Ith inst., it whs decided to hold a Horse and Dog Show, on th« same lines as the previous shows, under the auspices of the Club, in July. The date and particular* will be
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  • 701 2 WARMM. M Ml KN9KD IInLDIKS No Thin N«o, retail liquor holder Circular Koad, was c! -uged before Mr Brockman on Saturday, with omitting to cause IU aajM of brandy to he exported in terms of a permit granted on the loth April, litdl. at Singapore, in breach
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  • 346 2 E. E. A. C. T. CO. Taa report of the Kustern Extension Telegraph Co. for the half-yearended I >ec 31st last states thai the gross iauat|lH have amounted during thai pcrio.l to i':ttio,--j. against flPE.tlfl for the corresponding half year of 18»9. The working expenses absorb tin I. mo against
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    • 27 2 OPKRATIONS |fl THK SOUTH KAST. Uafca, May il'//, O|H-ia(ions in the bushveldt (northeast Transvaal) have resulted in thr capture and surrender of I.'jki armed belligerents
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    • 135 2 COALING STATIONS AND THE NAVY. Sill. l. l ADKi: CONSIDKKATION In I'ailiament, Lou Is Spencer, Northbrook, and Kipon, and Mr. tioschen, criticised the proposal for the transference of the control rr coaling stations to the Navy. Sell, urn.- replied that the aaaatiuo wasslill under consideration. Ml DILLON ON THK
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    • 120 2 UH M.,ji At st Petersburg, a Ckase has Iwen made known which authorises the issue, I lour |..r cent, loan, amounting to I -I millions ot francs, to repsy to the l.'u-siai, Treasury advances on railwayjaccount, and also to meet current expenditu c It ii stated that
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    • 37 2 tawv The news that the French Koth*childs will issue the itussian loan is confirmed The loan is one result of the visit or M. Delcasse, the French Foreign Minister, to Si Petersburg.
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  • 64 2 A i the Assi/es to-day, llassiu bin Mullah was sentenced to 2 years' imprisonment for the theft of a watch' in money, and other valuables, the property of Xcv M Holland Stubhs. at St. Andrew's House. Ihe ca-e ajalnai Mohamad Batata for alleged rescue of a prisoner
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  • 101 2 Sik Henry McCallum, the new governor of Natal, was, on Ihe IMB ult entertained al a banquet at Ports mouth, where lie -pent his boyhood, by the mayor, Alderman A I. Kmauuc l In response to the toast of his health, he said that whenever he had
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  • 150 2 Tiik Secretary of War haj dim -led that the following notice shall be posted in every battalion, battery, and com pany and drill shed ol every Volunteer unit Cage* having occurred in which important information as to the arm.i mint ami other defences of fortresses has appeared
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  • 170 2 r AM) 0 /:.//.'.iu>m/, failing about 1 7th May, for London Mrs. A. Campbell, -ergt Major Rogers and son, Sergt Harrison. Ist class Master liunnar II Smith, Mm Smith and :i children. Mba BraHh, Master Smith, Mix J B. K-miih, Mm K \V. Webb, 1 children, infant and
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 443 2 NOTICES. NOBEL'S EXPLOSIVES COMPANY LD. GLASGOW. Manufacturer* ol Dynamite. Gelignite. Uelatioe Dyuaiuik, Blasting Gelatine, Detonators. S.dty Fuses Kteirie BUsting Apparatus, aajai BxpUmee*, Uiho all BH» (mjlmti m OnxU Hrilam, arr malt lo pejs* Ihe high tUimhtnl of aafety ami pnnty U,U impntmt l v Ua Hntith Qnrernmtnil, 'itvi art, therefore,
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    • 562 2 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. The Noblest Roman of then ill Harmston's Circus AND KjYALMENAI.KIUE. The oldest, largest, and best tented Exhibition on Kurth. It in oming in all its nmgniliceiHi' Tlair Tr»li-<l la the < rmllile of Ihe Public It Mark 3 an Ep:oh In the Century. lv their lists will positively
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    • 44 2 Pk. k Wksto»-Bt«vii<B At Clifton, April I Hb. fapißin Hkibikt \V Sarawak Servi.M. to Mahv, only daughter of Mr Vm. St. -ven-. of U4ifton. Pin .Wolt kkstan -J ixaoN —At K.-n singtun. April loth. 1.. E Pi k Ui.i.i kk-tan to Killti. Mahv Javsov.
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  • 193 3 s I", f K A i-Hi. k>.r match was playc I on the K-||.lc oil S.itur.l.iv alt.l n.Hiti batwaaa an eleven reiireseiitinthe I I anl the S H C I'lie s K c battaaom aad knocked no KM run., and lbs B, 0 C responde.l with 7s for :i
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  • 123 3 i-KorKsstiis rum" Mniaj hamhiaiThis eoinpetition was bowled nn May '"Ii i'"l> and I lib, and resulted 111 a win lor the Hrokem i.l (I Mact.iagart and I. Oatta) with a score of UIO I". IftlO. The other scores fW.C South """"J hd Mil-, II III- I P. I-iiiiIiIIh
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  • 645 3 MUHM to THK -I'Hki.i Ihe latest Spken to hand by the m.iil is date.l April VOtfa, and contains in srtick SO Siin.-ip.ire, in connection with the Koyal visit, and a good pbotosmil M the Sultan of .lohore. nnil.-i which spuaars tin- foHowina strange senten.e I ii.- Sult.m of .lohore:
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  • 26 3 Ihe ruiiiaiicn-t.l liistnry "And what did tin- teacher say when Johnny Uoop Mid th..t Ri-hard Caivel diswiaiai Anicric:.- "HawU Johnny shouldn't take thoM historical novels so
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  • 264 3 YhsrKKtiAY, the feast of this s.unt, the founder ol the Society of Christian Brothers, was celebrated in the Cathedral of "The Hood Shepherd '.with great eclat. His lx>rdship Bishop I.c ..ill, I. ii.d at the I'onHliial High Mass assisted by the other In.-i- ol
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  • 236 3 ARRIVAL OF THE U.S. "NEW YORK." The American armoured cruiser .V... Yuri,-, Capt M IJ. s Mackenzie, arrive. 1 from New V'oik Ibis morning and exchanged salutes with the port. X.-.ii Admiral Frederick Kodgers is on baari The big cruiser anchored in the roads. Her date of departure for Manila
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  • 697 3 GOLD IS MALAY A. Int I, uadC. K'pretf has the followint Uutinmr has it that certain mining upeditiUH despatched some months ago have at I i-t di. covered "another iniuiiic Elysium." an. l givH I > nairn of the locality as the Malay Peninsula I! inch should be the case,
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  • 1349 3 HuMe. In Mm ILnin- ut Commons on the I'ud May Sir William Harcourt denounced' i In' tax as Blipshod, slapdaali, re li.niiiiy finance, and said i ii .11 the i|,|,,,Mii.,n would resist It at every stage Sir M. Hicks-Beach ridiculed i In- idea that the miners would
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  • 152 3 A HWUI from the special MRM> pimtant of the Kmm who is aceom|.Hiiying the tour of the Duke and Duchess of Cornwall, dispatched after leaving Ceylon, illUiliiii the following The cruisers proceed not trum Singapore to Melbourne direct, but to All. any. whence the St. George will
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  • 790 3 MtKIANTILK BANK OK INDIA The ordinary general meeting of this company was held "n April irjib, at fflrrhss ler House, im 1 the ptaHdanm -.1 Sir Ali-xaa>ier Wils'.a, who said ibal tlie result presented was that ihe net profits lot Ihe year ended Uec. Slsi. nfier providing for
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  • 95 3 On Siiurday inorning the Austrian meainei A'.</«-, which arrived on Friday from Kucliiiioizii, J.ipan, with a ca ito ul coal for Singapore, was seen to fly the signal for medical aasiftance. The Sbippinu 1 1.11 c promptly informed the Marine Police and the veanel's agents, tin-
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  • 150 3 Ink directors report for presentation at the third annual luw-ting of this Company, (lor which Mr. Tan flap Leong, kobinson Road, is the agent here) to be held al Shanghai, on the Ist inst congratulates the share-holders and policy-holders 011 the continued progress and prosperity
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  • 629 3 Tiik [i. .i trait by Gainsborough of the Duchess of Devonshire, which was stolen from the premises of Messrs. Thomas Agnew and Sjiis so long ago as 1876, and the whereabouts ot which had been engaging the attention of the authorities for years, has been uicovercd, and
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  • 112 3 MosutY, Mm M v. High Water. li.lM pro. TMastx, '4th May. High Water. «.lHa.m. 7.14 pm. M.,:|..i- Sale. Powell. 11. SiH-ciHl Municipal Meeiiug ?:M>. FMlkansonla choir, ."..10. WmiNssnAY, ItM Miv High Water 740 S.BS. H.« p.m. K. V. R. RiN'iuitV Drill. R..10. Hnrnisl..irs<iicu». Beach RowL Thiiesdav, i ii May.
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  • 567 3 Si«,:apo«e. mm May. IHOI. PROI'UCK. li'iilllner 8.11 Copra Bali ~£O do Ponli.nak 7.0-1 Pepper. Black »7.1 do White,!', t 46.00 Sago Flour Sarawak S.IO do Bmnei No I 7n Pearl .'airo Ooff»e, Bali. lIS b.v-i- 0 Coffee. Palemlmnx. IK' basis iAOn Coffee, Libermn, No. I 17JS0 Tapioca, small Flake
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 52 3 VOI' MM A BICVCLK You are always liable to have a fall (JkaaaW I rial i« the besi. In. nn. 'til for cuts, spraint, and bruises It will lual ihe parts in nne-third the tini" any other treat ni"iit would require Sold by .ill ,le:ilers iii medicines jjaj I'ispenaaiy. Ueneral
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    • 49 3 ADVICE TO TRAVJiLEBt!. We wish I'U.W K l.Kits could realise the importance of having wilh them a bottle of I Haaitavfafa'i I Ufa CkoUra mmi Uiarrk^a H<mmly. Change of water and diet frequently produce Diarrbcra, which can be quickly cuied with this remedy. Sold by all dealers in medicines^Tlu^Jisiiensarv^enera^Mnts.
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    • 100 3 uoura ixsaxk. A. I. liim.-i uisioneridge. N. V. -ay: I was for a long time troubled with sleep lessness and with intense neuralgic patlM in the. bead which made me fuel as tti.nuth I was gqing insane. Tin- phy.l.-ians could do nothing for me. I beard of some entraordinary cures
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    • 297 3 P APIOL &STEEL XTLlibr Ladies! Pf LLS A *MMd V toe Ml 1rr.1u1.r111... aoM by Smt-por'. Hi .ponalnf Co., Ltd., R«fTi«. piaoa, SinKpon M«HTIN" SOI'TM».MPTON. PNOLAINtt lIOTKL HKlt NKDKKLANDEN" UATAVIA (JAVA) t;lli-l Class Hotel. Known for its ex.ellen fowl. Very frequently vinit■"l by British people. English sneaking servants. Every
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    • 843 3 "NOTICHS. TO CAKTIXO OOXTILVtTOIIS. 'I'HK TANJoMi I'AiiAH DOCK DOM--1 P.tN'V. LIMII'F.D. nre prepared lo re. ci .c i.flers f.r tile daily supply of bullock curu. Contractort ruuil -it.- the numlier of aarti which they nre arsuarad tonwrantaa dail>, terms rei|uireii mid uhu Mcvtt) can lie offered. Full piiiliculan will bu
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    • 869 3 NOTICES. MALACCA TKA HAS NO EQUAL. Ta ».<■ It un.-r v la mmr It alwayn. IH V the cup that cheers but not inebriates TO Bt H»n AT Mtssrs. John Little Co.. l*i., Messrs Ann ImL A Co., Battery-roail, and M»wrt ong Sena. On-hnrd-nHid m w A f. "jd^i
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    • 192 4 Undof tois heading tbafollowing abbreviHtionf are used str.— steamer sh.— ship; L-q.— barque scb. scboonar; Yet.— Yacht, Ora.— Cruiser Gbt.— Ounboat TorTorpedo H.p. —Horse-power Brit.— British U. B.— United autes; Fr.— French; Her.— German Dut.— Dntoh: Job. Jobore Ac, <). c,—Generalcargo d.p. deck passengers U.—Uncertain-; T. P.
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    • 1042 4 Arrivals 8i»c« Nuns or ■aim IM Albion, Brit. str. tiin tons. Oapt I; i- .>. 13th Mny. From Calcutta, 7th May. Rico For Port 8a d, l.'ith— R<lHntnrirr. Brit. jlr. t\H tons. Opt Mellor I.lth M»v From VLUni, I llh May. G.c, and «l d.p. Wee Ilin
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    • 303 4 XaM', port, prohibit ttalr of arrival, ami nn/H> of nijr'iti,. ■tbuom A. A|H.»r, (alcul'a, May Ili; S> 4 M Amur, left Mar A.iui, h»!iil.ui-k, left M*i S7 Aaaam, Ootombo, Join B; M MariUmoi Antenor, Chin*, May 19; Mansfield. A-turiH. HoniiKOUK. May In. B M. Lot MartLjaiMa, lUjtt;
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    • 102 4 Kkoii Kusoph:- By tho P.AO s.s. I'urm malta oa Friday with dates to the aiith April to the mails which left Singapore on the 3»th March. FeomCh.'na:— By the P.AO MtowaJ dueonThu.-lay. ell Singapore Due in l,oo<k \|ii vii P.* o. \»i irTtli Apl sth X.DI,
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    • 30 4 ARKIVALB I', i .H.</«.-. from Mai Anson ril via ports Mesiirs. Butlio, F. 'n-ford. Hubhsck, Htid Mi. ami Mrs. Own Per s. ll'an from I' Messrs. Shelfoni, an, l Watt.
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    • 78 4 Mr f«r ttr. To-Day. T. Anwn via ,nris Qmm T. Anson via ports fVitiiw \.iioy lia ports tf,.,i., Win I Sy.incy rii pin- .%>»' atwa Stiizon //a,M'i g*our«ng vi» pon. OiH Snf r..-M mk mt. Ctang ri«porta 4m BVmirA Soambtn TViartot Bolnw:in riapirts «r WMnMI. SumUkan yin |M,rt« Tri,,,,,,a,,,, Ml—
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  • 371 4 I V'IWKL- N»« "f I lOM- .UKTAIiI F»o» BAIL.D CoXUIUIIIK. Xl M> I" Kobl Aim sir. 2070 Mikuli-.h Kudiing M Buasau Kaiulm II Kajaburi Uar «tr. llWjAbttwni Hongkoag M..y -.BWm M«y«r A Co. (i Hnt ,lr. 17<». -.mul, Melbourne M, Ali.ter and Co. II Brulu, IS sir. IW() More Manila
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  • 136 4 UlTk VlMl-l N*M» KuoAR:. Caimii. ImnmiTiuii May II Bcogloe II .N...1.-.1 II Kub> 1 1 Breiii 1 1 Han l.i Soon II AH.OIII M I'.-ii«i, k U Ki»n Ann 13 Ni-pIUDC II (iiang B»nn IS B«n ll in tiu-.i. !3 Will O'Wivp 11 Sultan IS Hong Wan I 'S B,
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 304 4 NOTICES. $1 80 (QA Ladies' Black Patent Shoes to Will TKA WAY. LAIDtAW ft CO. CHINA MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COY, LTD H«iu Omtm No. is, cihton Ko»i>, >m— mi I \S. A. WATTIE. Marnier. MBHP& TAX KIM TIAX 4 SONS, i-oci Agent. The Company offers earner terms and belter bonuses
      304 words
    • 545 4 NOTICES. MAINTAINS THE HIGHEST KEPLTATION EVERYWHERE Fortify the System against Disease witli PURE B 1 OO'l "THL 3LST S£CURITY_FOH HEALTH." tMINOI OB FLUID sIXTHAOT O» MD >HMMC\ bid. f«jf -nVki.i •iii l »y ihi win K t hM; TORPID .VER, DEBILITY, ERUPHU..S, WEAK and LANGUID FEELING-, And all imp. ,-ities
      545 words
    • 610 4 XOTICE& nMi;uiu». J. D. A. PEREiHA. HOBTICDLTURIST AKD FIOKI.TT. COLLOCTOR »»D EIPOETIR Or OrCBIIK. By special appointment to His Majesty The King of Siam. H. 11. Thr Sultan of .lohora, ami H. H. Tho Sultan of Lingg*. Orders for Bouquet Sprays, 4c, Ac, Uarefully and promptly executed. Cneapest Honse in
      610 words
    • 192 4 NOTICES. BUTTER. FRENCH BUETEL FREBEB D'lsigny Butter In lib and 2 lb tin* Jchn Little Co. Ltd., MNGAFOML in. th. I t*. Cbarlcs Ibeibsicch's lUlMtc Seal dbampaonc. SOLK Ac. KM MM, M KY BR A 00., Un<[<. IoHS 1. ,V I'll kj Mesars. Ucntziil »>'" CXicsm BCUniIHArHER. KjFmWW Hatavui
      192 words