The Straits Times, 16 April 1901

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 15 1 Wjt Sifeifla Wwt& ESTD. OVER i A OBNTDRY SINGAPORE TUESDAY, APRIL 16, 1901. NO. 30,413
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 835 1 NOTICES. »pilt BORNEO COMPANY, LIMITED 111 r. ataaaard Lu> Aanuaao*. Morwioh Pnioa Fir. Imnw SoelatJ. A taa* la>araaos Ojipaay Fn»). lh, v^nitaMe Lit* ajaaianos SooietJ. 1 1« Oklaa MutaaJ SUam Navigation Ooatpuy. The ToMaaaaas Lager Baar Company. If partioalat* <* tkaa* Ooanaaiaa, tha t.ll JZr£L~t <* TH« BOWJKO COMPANT. LIMTTBD.
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    • 895 1 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. IT ON INK LUKE PAKETVAART MAATBCHAPPIJ Under contract with Ibe Netherlands India Uovernmeni. Agmtt at Singapore: Ship Aoisct, i.ati J. Dabxdbu A Co., 2-3, Collybb QoaT. The undermentioned date* are only approximate. steamer From Expected Will be Despatched for On afaafiajlir Padnng via Apr. IS Balavia va dilliton
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    • 669 1 P. O''KAN STEAM SHIP COMPANY AND NEDERLANDSCHK BTO<.)MVAART MAATSCHAPPIJ OCEAAN. Tox«T~ Toki. aWaMM 7011 tirtlvr X?m Ap-me,.'i TOM Oratrt 4BM Ajai TOM 1;,1r.,:, .inOU Aawaa i!74:t /v/.k, ;j,, ataaiM -Vid fblyparmva 2813 \.,i.,,.., MM :-i:, (VilrAfK '"I- l'r,,methftu M7O Cfcmm -Mm l> mnlu *.->\ Pania MM Hhipriu 3nt» Ihurnli,,,! Toll
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    • 607 1 INSURANCES. T«H> LONDON AND LANCASHIRE 1 FIBS INSURANCE COMPANY. Capital £X,l*7,N» P«id up Capital £al)l.78O B«wnre Fund £1,078,680 TIM undersigned, Agents lor the Com|>»n y. are prepared to accept fire risks at current rate* of premium. BOUBTEAD A Co., AgeoU. 'I'iil CHINA TRADERS INBURANCF. 1 COMPANY, LIMITED. Capital Subscribed $l,<«u,i"».
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    • 829 1 COMMERCIAL UNION ASSURANCE CO., LTD., EABTEKN BRANCH, BATTKRY KOAO. Accident and Guarantee Dept. H lIOI'KAN A NATIVES. I! i Mqukkatk. Claims promptly attended to K. t. BOBBKIBOK, Branch Manager Mar. 11l ii.c. BRITISH KMPIRE MUTUAL IFE OFFICE. ESTABLISHED 1H47. FUNDS us. 420.i »o.oou LOW LIBERAL PREMII'MS. CONDITIONS AMI LARGE IMttTESS.
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    • 675 1 HANKS. ITUNOKONO AND SHANGHAI 11 BANKING CORPORATION PAID-UP CAPITAL |10,000,0U0 RESERVE FUND.— Sterling Reserve. $in.oro,«m 1(r()f Silver Reserve. f »,000,000 flr0 OOn RBBKRVI LIABILITY OF I lnn »innn PROPRIETORS J 1 />»M™ COCST OF DIUCTOUI K. SitwiK. Esq.— Cbam«aii Hnw.J.J KMWiirn DirnTTCHAIBHAN Tb« Hok R M. Gut I B L.
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    • 826 1 NOTICE& ■T. ANDREW'S HOUJ-E. CHI'KCHof England Boarding Hou* (or European and Kunuian boy who de-ire to attend the schools of thi place, under the care of the Rev. I) Hollanc Siul.l* to whom applications can be sent or to the honorary secretary, S l Moun Sophia w. a. ue. BUTTER.
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    • 817 1 BKITI4H SCLBIEI* turn v < li«ii.l«'«folie,i:hol«raand War rh..i Remedy Capl. C. G. D.'uni»on is wall knoan all over Africa a* commander of Ike f,,r.*< hat captured the /amou. reU-l (i«li-h. L'n. erdateofNov 4th.|s'.T from Vryl uraj, B«.-I..i.naland, he wntaa: Before starting on ihe last campaign I bought a quantity "f<
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  • 30 2 SI milt Time* $30 a ymr, or pot I jres34. Slrailt Budget $18 a year. >r potl free f 20. Adrerluing Rule* may lie found in Ihe fourth piuie.
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  • 1023 2 ■KICK lfi CKNTS 'IVKSIMY, 18rH APRIL .Subjoined is a very interesting open letter to the members of the Chinese Reform Party in Singapore, which was recently issued by the wise and liberal Viceroy of Canton, and has excited much comment among the Chinese here, though it is doubtful that it
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  • 78 2 resided in ISingapore for many years and have gained the confidence of all the Chinese there, and being a native of Fukien, a fellow provincial of Chin and Lin, therefore il will be an easy matter to convey my views to them and to secure for them a careful hearing.
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  • 317 2 Apropos of the slain.' aw in China it has been officially stated in Washington that an indemnity of $200,000 ,00 i' represents tbe absolute limit of China's ability to pay. The United States has fixed S2">,000,000 as a suitable indemnity to be claimed, notwithstanding that it is satisfied that such
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  • 92 2 Thi. Ofkh, with Their Koyal Highnesses the Duke and Duchess of Cornwall and York on board, is due from Colombo at daylight mi Sunday, as are also the cruisers HI. ilnmy and which are escorting the Royal steamer. The vessels will go lo Tanjoug Pagar, where their Koyal Highnesses and
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  • 70 2 Thk Committee of Tanglin Club have arranged with Mr. D.illas for his Company to give a performance of The oaa I 'mi. -it nnt to-iimrrow evening, commencing at !> o'clock. Members of the Club can secure tickets for themselves and their friends from the ■Secretary. As announce.! in this column
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  • 46 2 Hen Netherlands Majesty's protected war vessel I'iel Hem, Captain Jansen, will arrive in sineapom Irom Katavia on Friday, the lttth instant, she havinf; been deputed by the Governor-Ueneral ol Netherlands India to greet Their Royal Highnesses the Dukeand Duchess of Cornwall and York on their arrival
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  • 9 2 To- day's 4, ins bank rate is 1/1 1
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  • 10 2 Thk Dutch gunboat ('cram left eastward at o'clock this morning
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  • 10 2 Tiikkk is no practice of the Philharmonic Choir this afternoon.
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  • 14 2 Sixteen Chinese have just been banished from Selangor for the public safety and welfare.
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  • 20 2 Thk I'unang Municipality have resorted to the use of a water-van to supply water to certain parts of the town.
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  • 18 2 Thk l'enang Volunteer contingent for Singapore will leave Penang by the MasWl sailing to-morrow or the day after.
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  • 28 2 I,oi;ii and Lidv I 1 1 and Lady Brooke (the Ranee of Sarawak) are slaying at the Villa Vrra, San Renio, with Mr and Mrs. Harry de Windt.
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  • 25 2 Thk American Mosquito Fleet took in at lha wharves yesterday about M tons of coal between them, after whi'h they steamed back to the roads
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  • 29 2 Thk homeward P. A 0 mail steamer OOfasasM left Hongkong on Saturday, and is due here M Thursday morning The mail closes the next day at 8 v in.
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  • 21 2 Six Ciivumlish lloyle, who it retiring from the Colonial Secretaryship of British (liiiaua, succeeds Sir Henry MacC'allum as Governor of .Newfoundland.
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  • 28 2 Tin. uwcl- which the Diicliuks ul Cornwall ix taking with her to Australia have been insured against all risks for £75,000. The Dnkc has insured his for X2iX».
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  • 29 2 Eari.v this morning, at .St. Andrew's Cathedral, the marriage of Miss. I. (Jurney with Mr. I. I. Bachelor was solemnl/.ed. Mr. and Mrs. Batcholor left at a.m. for Rhio.
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  • 35 2 Tin. next rehearal of the music to be sung before their Royal Highnesses the Duke and Duchess of Cornwall and York, takes place in the Town Hall on Thursday next, at r > IS p in
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  • 28 2 Mk. Walter Willian.s has boon appointed foreman platelayer, Federated Malay States Railway, with effect from the 14th February last. Mr. Williams reported his arrival on the 2ttth March.
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  • 41 2 A iakmi of bananas, which could have been sold twice over, has been landed at Liverpool, from the Elder- Dempster steam, r Port M,,r,mt, of the West Indian Direct Line, and despatched to London, Liverpool, .Manchester, liirminghum, Bdiuburgb, liUugow, and Aberdeen
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  • 38 2 To-mioht, and on Thursday and Friday, the 8. V. A. parade in plain clothes at 5.10 p.m for practice of I Ixtrd of llonmir duties. The S. V. R parade on the same days al the same hour.
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  • 36 2 On the 7th instant, v fire on the Malakoff tapioca estate, Province Wellcsley, burned down M houses, the damage done being set at $6.noii. Carelessness in handling kerosene oil is alleged to have started the lire
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  • 36 2 Ui. have received and acknowledge with thanks a handsomely illustrated copy of the itinerary of 11. M. S. Ophir, issued by the managers of the Orient Steam Navigation Co. The "p/i/r is chartered from this company.
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  • 46 2 Two thousand ounces of silver to the ton is certainly payable ore Yet this is said to be the value of a H inch streak in the old Welsh mine, on I*avenwortb mountain, Colorado, which i- under bond and lease by L R. Kry, of Denver.
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  • 39 2 At the Police Court, yesterday, Baron de Home, or Prince Alexander Tsar, was sent tv prison for a month for trespass al Taujong Rhu In default of finding securities for good behaviour, he was ordered an additional three months
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  • 37 2 Mk W Willes Douglas, Deputy Commissioner of Police, Perak, acts as Commissioner in the place of Captain Talbot proceeding on long leave. Captain K Lyons will return to Taiping early next month, lo act for Mr. Douglas.
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  • 42 2 Hu Sen, house surgeon at E/.ra Hospital, Calcutta, has died a victim to septic plague. The unfortunate officer had some cuts on his left hand forgetful of these he was handling some plague patients when his cuts became impregnated with plague poison.
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  • 43 2 Mk Rowland Taylur, who is relinquishing charge o' the i'ahang Corporation and the i'ahang Kabango ii|ion the return of Mr. W H Derrick from leavp, wax presented on his departure with a gold watch, of the value, by his friends, in Kuantan.
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  • 59 2 Mk. It I. Wolfe, who aMJaat arrived in Manila from I'aku China, will relieve Mr. Jones, the manager of the K.isiern Kxteiision, Australasia and China Tel. Co.'s station in Manila Mr Jones is going home for a needed vacation. He went to Mmila in .March, IfIHL from I! .I lie...
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  • 62 2 Au ov, the orders recently booked on the Newcastle coal murkut was one for iflOO tons of best .Northumberland ateatn coal for Java. The steamer Huron Mmsss has been chartered to carry this consignment to its destination, and is loading in the Tync. It is a very long time since
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  • 63 2 Twn Hokiens were fishing in the Harbour near St. John's, early this morning, when they were attacked by eight Malays, armed with knives, parangs, sticks, and stones. One of the fishermen jumped into the sea, and the •i her one was knocked about with pules. The Malays after appropriating the
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  • 81 2 ii.n the :tlst March, Hre broke out in the sailroom of the S. s. s I'rlrel at Manila. The Commander, Captain Roper, headed the men who entered the room to locate the fire. They were overcome by the gas in the room and had to be hauled out, rapidly. They
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  • 64 2 In view of the great iin)>orlaiicc uf the maritime trade of Shanghai to Kurupcan shipping generally, the directors of the North (German Lloyd have asked the Imperial Chancellor to include the improvement of the Woosun^; River in the peace conditions. It is stated that the I', and O. Company and
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  • 76 2 A UsOWUaW of photography is last becoming a tfi/ic '/fta no/t in connection with mining work, and will ere long be included in the qualifications of mining engineers. Mr. I Is Stephens, Ms director of the Stawell (Victoria) School of Mines, has already included photography in the curriculum uf the
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  • 84 2 Six Archibald Hunter, since his arrival home from Mouth Africa, has again become associated with his old legiment, the King's Own Koyal I. in caster (the last white regiment stationed in Singajiure He was offered, and h.n accepted, the honorary colonelcy of the -nd Volunteer Battalion at I. in caster.
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  • 53 2 l.'Kconoinista Krancais rivos tho following tigures as indicating the world's supply of tin in 1900 Tone. Toos. >ll .lII* >.'l 1.-H I (eiporU) liym 10,041 Umtralia (exports) ■l.'l".". :i.-IMI lno.n (cx|K>ri» and wlditiom lo Block) li,Wt4. 12,84.') lilliton (khli-h) ;,,»M. 6,1i7H iolivm (f\(«»rl- to 1.0H.1.1M) t.ruo i..-i(i (production) .4,013 5,910
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  • 168 2 Thus the WorU -The inevitable note of sadness which mingled with the good wishes attending the Duke and Duchess of Cornwall on their departure from Portsmouth was almost painfully in evidence when the King, at the farewell luncheon on board the Ophir, referred in tones of deep emotion to the
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  • 165 2 Ik the report of the N mldeutschcr Lloyd it is noted that the Kaal India coasting trade, which was begun after the purchase of the fleet of the Scottish Oriental and the Kast India < iced us teamship lines, has been augmented by new steamers. New lines have
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  • 160 2 Mk. lolin Roberts, tlic billiard champion, gave another exhibition ol In- skill at the Marine Club last nigltl In the unavoidable absence or Dr. Mugliston, he was opposed by Mr. A. Lewis, to whom lie conceded 100 points in MM The champion's lirst break was iJV, and
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  • 499 2 ALLEOK" ASSAI'LT WITH A lIKAIII.I WEAPON. lii.fMHh Mr. Sarwar, on .Saturday morning, a stoker of the Itoyal Navy, who lias not yet boon assigned to a boat but is going through to Hongkong with a relief crew, was charged with stabbing a 'rikisba coolie on Friday night. The
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 467 2 NOTICES. SFDEROSTHKN PAINT. an absolutely anti-corrosive paint for IRON AND STEEL Guaranteed to be the best KrSTHtKVKNTIVK «tant Invaluahlu for Ships, Machinery, Bridge* etc., etc. Oh gallon will corer 54< I square fuel. Paics $2fi-per drum of 1 cwt. A aplendld report juat received from the Secretary of tbe Trinity
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    • 636 2 NOTICES. FOR THE ROYAL VISIT. SKW .-I N.-HADKS NKW HATI? NKW TtKJI'KS NEW (iI.nVKS NKW KANS. INSPECTION INVITED WIHTEAWAY, LAIDLAW& a). NOTICE. OTRAITB City Rubber Stamp. Price moderate. S7/IS/01 Bobinson Road ROTHS. ANO Ku Siang A Co., K Boal ijuiy and IIIIX Ma-kel Str.-.-l. Shipping agents, ship cbandlers, sail makers
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    • 633 2 RACHKI.oK, occupying a large hmi"« in splendid condition not far off from Botanical Hardens, and who may >m> absent from Singapore for some time, wishes to ml. hi part of same to a quiet family. Board not eVsired. Apply to IKUK.UIM S. co Frrt > tu. th. a. U.c. 1
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    • 684 2 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. YVANTED, for Native SUtes at once a TT good leveller and aurreyor. Apply by letter, staling references an.l salary ie. |U ired lo "LEVEL- c/o Strata Timet. 18/4 WANTED. AVICTOKIA, must be full sized and in good order. May be shown at 17 Battery Koad, Iwtween id and
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    • 142 2 To-day, at St. Andrew's Cathedral, by the Key. W. H. C Hinhimh. John J. BaTIIIILOK to LjU'RtSTIMA UI'KNKV. of Surhiton, Kngland Hatthki.i Piiili-ott— At St. Mark's. Seremban. on the mi h April, by the Kevd F. H. Hainks, Colonial Chaplain, Malacca. 11. MaaTaan H»t.-iiku., Deputy Com misi'.oner of Police, Federated'
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  • 1127 3 M-Cri.. Ihe MMiaMMJ I'epilly i i— i aim ..I t sis. Nacpui-War.lli.i division, was severely bitten and maiile.l I'yalii;!.-- i.'cntlyat uiid day in tinliintlle im IJiorlMoli, a village situated on the Seoni toK.nopiee I'.oail. He went out on innpei-tion iluty to the forest in a valley
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  • 2333 3 THK It >Y.\LTO»K. oi'iiiK's Twmimttvwt V'>vu;k TO UIBRAI.IAK ►Mm tunn wmomm \t thk k.h-k I'm; special correspondent of tho Dmlii I'rleijmplc, writing from (iibraltar op March S'th, thus describes the lirst stage of the Koyal tour In radiant weather, and amid great enthusiasm, the Duke and Duchess of Cornwall MM
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  • 158 3 In the House ol Commons, Mr. W. Kedmond asked the Chancellor uf the Exchequer whether the title Defender ol the Faith was to be retained on the new coinage, and, if so, whether he could say what particular faith was referred to. Sir
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  • 960 3 THI PILUBIMAOI OVWUR LI Mi. Win Lung was a sickly Chinaman. By his father's grave he swore, To gather new health and bright dollars upon a foreign shore. To seek sailormen bold with hearts of tioth, of the cult of Kon-Fu-Tse, And to land with a missionary band on some
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  • 36 3 (ItooM) Per s. s Shinano Maru for Hongkong and Japan Captain and Mrs Wynter, R A Mr. and Mrs Ku-h--waldy. Mr. and Mr*. John Roberts. Mr and Mr*. Francke, Mr White, Mr. Thornborrow, Mr Djnaldaon.
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  • 225 3 A I 1 ikti i.i i «k boy in a public school in Malacca was told, s-ys the CulhuUe Krumiuer, to. write all h« knew about the English, and his estimate of the Malacca specimens of the race is not altogether flattering This is what he
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  • 372 3 P. ANI> O. i sailing about ItHh April Mr. A. J. U. Swiniiev. Mr. Ibrmand two servants, Dato Mahomed, Mr J. C. Ker, I)r Mren.ner. Mr Thomas Nell, Miss Scott, MiraC Bush, Master R Bush, Mr J. Harper. For Undon, Mr E II MeCulloch, child and infant,
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  • 581 3 (iiMMKl;<l\l.. siim.lCOKK, I»TH Al-KII. IWI. PBOOUCC. Gambler buyera. W 10 Copra Balmi n ".SO do Pontisnak 7.00 Pepper, Black »>.:•& do White, 4600 Sago Flour Sarawak S.OO do Biunei No I '.'.70 Pearl Sago B.HO rorT-e, Bali, 16% hasi- ».<■ 0 Coffee, Palembang, IS/, basis -JB.On C.iH.-e. l.ihei -i.-in. No.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 52 3 IN ALMn.-l K> Kill COMMI Nil V there is someone whose life ha* been saved by Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrh.ia Remedy Such persons seldom miss an opportunity to recommend it, and their recommendation nnd the never failing ipialm.s of the remedy account l"i its grcnl IHjuUrily loi iul.-I'y all
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    • 37 3 DANGERS OF INFI.IENZA. Tlie great danger from intluenia is of its resulting in Pneumonia. This can be obviated by using Chamberlain's Cmigh Reniedy, aa not only cures inlliieti/a. bul counteracts any tendency uf the disoaw towards pneumonia.
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    • 180 3 f.\< t.s or AiisoKitixc umotEsr to TBOBI WHO All IX THE I.ITCIIKS (IK HIIKI.MATISM. Hoe cannot bu too quickly cured of Rheumatism. To get rid of those awful pains that make life a never-ending scries of torture now mild, now excruciating, today in bed, to-morrow hobbling around in crutches to
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    • 431 3 GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION IT is hereby notified that it is proposed six months from the date of this Notification to introduce a Bill to the Legislative Council of the Colony of the Cilrait* Settlements, dealing with the Kstate of Adrian Koek, formerly a |h>sshssor of tithe in Malacca, deceased. All persons
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    • 1060 3 NOTICE& <^IXUAPORE SPORTLNO CLUB The Hpri,,g 11,,, t Metling „M he held on M,iy.\fl. £trtl, and 25/ A. Programme. FIRST DAY. Twday, 21>( May. Fißn Raci. THK MAIDEN PLATE.-Value »400.A Race for Maiden Horse*- Weight as per scale (10*t.). Anallowanceof 141 b. to ex-Urifflns imported into the Straits Settlement- or
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    • 792 3 W* n.m.i: EMPLOYMENTS: TO LET; AND PERSONALS; ,Ist tin i, IK rents a line; 2nd and Srd limes, lOcentna line; 4th to mh time*, b cenu a line; 7th to 18th times, centa bne. afterwards, 1 cent* a line- bat no charge less than on* dollar. Thus, a tK»>W advertisement,
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 160 3 AKKANUKMKNPI < KI.II4V. I'H II tflll. Hi«h Water, h .Vi p.m. S. V. C. Huard of Honour Tai-ade. .V» Philharmonic Choir. WCDIUD4Y, I7TII Al ML. High Water, :i..ll p.m Half-Mourning end a. Uin.l Hale. Powell. HUM). H. V. K BalUlion Drill. 8.10. TH1IK8KAY, Hill Arm I Hi(jh Wat.-r. ii.m
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  • 624 4 and mini* "f .ttj*'tt' HBJSJHJW \i» ir. H koiif to len>.- Apl in, > 4 M Apime-nnon. Chi la. Apl H; Manotield. Ainhn.-i, Hamburg. Apl H: R. ho Meyer. arsadsa. New Yurk, Apl il Behu M^yer. \-.»nia. Hongkong, May 16; Belin Meyer li illaHi-iit. i 010ni1.... Apl 21
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  • SHiriMNC.
    • 1512 4 Under tms beadingthefollowingabbrevialions are used i— str. steamer eh.— ship I bq.— barque sch— schooner Yet.— Yacht, Cru. Cruiser; Obt.— Ounboat Tor Torpedo H.p. -Horse-power Brit.— British 11. S.-United MUM; Fr. Preach Oer.— German j Dut.— Dutch Job.— Jobore I Ac, O. c, -Oeniral--argo d.p. deck passengers
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    • 165 4 ■ai ft a MAILS TO IKKIII. From Fa'sopi :-By the P. A o M. Hntlaaml on Saturday with dates to the Mfc March bringing replies to the mails •rfckfa Ml Singapore on the 4th March From <^ H '»*:-By the P. 4 O. c*ma,i due on l"hur».l:iv. h\,r Prr itr.
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    • 126 4 ARRIVALS. Nrs, a, Xamania from Bombay-Mr. W Kmini.i, Mr. V. Wallv. Mr. E. 1.. Pal hut. Mr. W. II Sutl.m, Miss Uordon. Mi" R. Home. Mr. M. Ronther, Mr. and Mm. Battian, Revd. Brotbor Henry. Pers. s JVa/ia Vn,xr,,,th,» from BaUvia Mr Bor.-iini.inn. Mr. J. Soeters, and Mr
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    • 64 4 PASNKI) MU.NHA STKAITB UK ARIUVtIi run uiuiiiw. FLA.i I)ATI I>AT«. ANM BHIPU XAHK. TaITAIN. Ot FhuMWHKKK D|WTII<RlO. SMI. IN.. ATIOK. Lpril SDut h». t)eug»ron Van der Putte Kotler.lam BaUvia SDut Hnn«!«»opliieSoonier A(il SBaUvia Am«l»r<lani 4 Out B».TiUn Korison Amitcrdani BaUvia 7Bnt M-ApoMo Dunkirk »IDut K. Rugeoto Kotting AnwUjnlam BaUvia
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    • 191 4 5 t'Hu'i N»m> A I'oni- I'iniii Fkum BtlUB i'oki>ii;mim. a Km. A pi IS Hiroshima Maru.'ap ttr fill Vosliiuna Bombay Apl S,P. BinHN IS Kn.i»n M.M-ii n-.ti Saigon A |>l 1 1 M. Maritime. M Devawoagse tier atr. WO Teltor Hoiboir Apl Behn Meyer ACo 14 Kirriemoor Brit
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    • 84 4 l>»i* v Mm Kij.i*Ki.; Cimii I>UTIMTIOII pl Iti Jndrani IB Hye l«ong IB Ban Whall Soon l« Pakan 16 <in Hang 18 Augtburg 18 Holslein 1« <.:hiengM»i IK Kongßeng IK ongM I'^ Karfalla Knl Ktr Hill str. ymnr Mr. I Row- atr. I KlaliiK Me Voimi! Uer >tr. Korh
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 476 4 NOTICES. CHINA MUTUAL LIFE INSUKANCE COY, LTD Hsak Orrii-i No 19. Canton Koau, Shakumai. i v-i A WATTIE. Manmi-r. KBBB& TAX KIM TIAN i SONS, l-<w«l Agents. 1 lie umpany offers easier terms and better bonuses than any other Company doing business in the Bait. A special point is marie
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    • 696 4 -V R O H I I) J. D. A. PRfiEIRA. HoHTICULTUBIirr AIID PIOaUST. (.OILECTOK AID EZPORTIE OF OICHII* Hi apecial appointment to Hit MsjmW The Kin,; of Slum, H. H. The Sultan of .lotion- ami H H. The Sultan of l.inKK*. Order* for Bouquet Spray«, At, 4c, Carefully and promptly
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    • 174 4 NOTICES. I MOTION CO. WATCH MAKERS J BWRLLtUB. Ol'l ICIANS. RKPAIRB PROMPTLY KXKCI'TKU. W. Dalian. The Australian Horse Repository. HAS FOR BALI OVKK 100 HORSKS, COBS, ANI> PON IMS 100. Suitable lor all purposes Ex U "Bucephalus' and "Clitus," The above shipments have been HMI r.t HI) y selected for
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    • 805 4 NOTICES. L'UXION FIXE INSUKANCE COMPANY OF PAKK K-l M.I l-11l I. I— KKSEKVES AND TOTAL (iI'AK.VNIKKS £4,000,00 U. rpHK u".1.-i-i«ii. .-ik'-iii- 'or tlie alwve 1 company, are prepared to accept Hre riaks for long or short neriods at currant rates. CASH SETTLEMENTS promptly made by the Agent? in Singapore. 31/10
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    • 250 4 NOTICES. MEN'S WEAKNKSKS C IT R B D. Many thousands of men suffer from encrvatiug weaknesses, and cannot Hod a cure for them. I nay to such sufferers write to me; and I will show you a recently discovered means (simple and certain) by which you can be relieved of
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