The Straits Times, 20 March 1901

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 15 1 The Straits Times. KSTI>. OVKH i A CENTURY SINGAPORE WEDNESDAY, MARCH 20, 1901. no. ays*}
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 857 1 NOTICES. -piIIC- I'OllNKt. COMPANY, l.lalli KD Tit »ar..t»rd L*. ajsanaos Nonrksi PsVe Fir. Itmiswa ««o««T--\rt«» assarMMV OaSßpsaj (Fire). Ih. F.|«rasV.k> tJta >Mm» falssy. 1 ha Ctita* M«ts»l t*aam Navi«>tK«i Comv»"J TV* Tossssir-aa Laajar B«« Coa*p«y. tor wfeiiUn Ol th.«> CompUH*. t*» f JI JZXSZt of THE BORSKO COMPAKT. UMTTKn Ak—'«
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    • 719 1 STEAMSQIP COMPANIES. I^-ONINKLIJKE PAKETVAART MAATBOHAPPIJ I'ndnr contract with tbe Netberland* India Government. Agent, at Situmiort: Ship Aoiscy, latx 1. Dakkukls A Co., »-S, Coixnk Qiuv The undermentioned date* arv only approximate. Steamer From Bipected Will be Despatched for t»o Cam tMtthrra, Pensng 17 Mar. Penang, Sabang, Olehleh, and via Wo*t
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    • 771 1 AUSTRIAN LLOYDS TEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY. Isi'in Mail Comxact with tiik M'STRIAM GOVBRNMXMT. Ihr. fallowing an tbo dates on which the Company's st.anier» may lie expected tn il ftum li-re: Outward. Homkharh IM 1901. (MMi Apl. I Cainn M»r. -JK Vabrir Mny 7 7>l*«(f Apl. :7 If .ivkrw 'unc- 6 Ourla
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    • 595 1 LNSURANCES^ rl LONDON AND LANCABHiRK FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. Capital tt.187.M0 Paid up Capital £a13.7R0 Reserve Fund £1,073,680 loe andersigned, Agrnts for the Company, are prepared to aciept fire risks at current rates of premium. ROt'STEAD ft Co., Agents. rpaE CHINA TRADERS INSURANCE 1 COMPANY, LIMITED Capital Subscribed M/K)iJ,oi>. Amount Paid
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    • 478 1 INSURANCES THE KOYAL tIDBMUI ASSURANCE. (ESTABLISHED A.D. 17-1J) I>HEundersigne<l.agenU for the alwve company, are prep-re<l to accept Fire Risks si current rates. KK.HN MEYER Co. w. 4 s. H/U MAGDEBURG FIKK RsUIUKCi COMPANY. (ESTABLISHED A.D. 18S4) 'j'HK undersigned, agents for tho above Js. company, are prcpareit to accept Fire Risks
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    • 668 1 BANK^. ITOKOIOHA AND xHANOHAI J 1 BANKING CORPORATION. PAID-UP CAPITAL «lO,OOU,tMI RK3KRVE FINDSterling Kvarrv«..tlO,uo,au'M .|»,»v,.i«i Sihor kenrve.. «>,(K<l/ •••'S.IWMim. RESERVE LIABILITV OF PROPKIEIORS 0 0W) COHKT OF DUBCTOES:— K -aSWkN. Yk\ OMAIKMAM H -.N.J.I K«.w,, -D.rin-TCHA.a..^ Tits Huk B tl. G*av 8 L. BicaAsoaoir Kaq k Hun, Kaq j P.
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    • 594 1 ,NOIICB>. ST. ANDRtWB HOUI-K. VCH UKCH of England Boarding House lor Euroiiean and Euraaian boys who He ite to attend the scbools of the place, under the care of the Rev. D. Holland Slubbs to whom Hpplicntmns can I* tent, or to the honorary <eerelary, S l Mount Sophia w.
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    • 838 1 Caiaatbariala-s r«ewk R<mt«4y a •re«« FaveurtU. The soothing and healing properties of this remedy, it* pleasant taste and prompt sad iwrmun* it cure* have mule it a treat favou.ite with people evcrvivh^re. It t* e« wcially i.riied by mother* of small clnldr jo for, croup, a d v. hooping
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  • 33 2 PKICS IS CKNTB Strait* Time) *W a ye-ir, or pant Ine KM. ZltraiU Uudget Hi a yeiir, or pot! free tM. Admrtiting Wife* may lie found m the fourth prnie
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  • 365 2 Thk approaching visit of the Duke and Duche*B of Cornwall In* created a local dem:tnd for frock coals and tophats, such as has never before been known in these Settlements. Consequently the local tailors arc simply at their wits' end in their endeavors to meet the rush.
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  • 311 2 Kki ihkr PMHH de.s|i.itch announcing the various changes in the allowances, etc., of the Royal Household, included an item aneut the Royal Buckliutinds which was of such ahsoluti ly i emote abstract interest to everybody in Settlements that it actually excited genuine intcr>->-t here by reason of that very remoteness
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  • 54 2 Vuloilyoiski appears to be going backwards in the public fancy M the Derby favorite. From oto I against him a few weeks ago. the belting was at 7 to I when the last mail left, and a sporting writer alleged that no one but a moon calf would accept less
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  • 26 2 A iKi.KiiK.iM has Ih'kii received limn the Uovernnient of Burma stating that the quarantine restrictions imposed at Burma ports against arrivals from •Singapore have been removed
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  • 17 2 His BaaalaMf the Olliuer A.lnini>tering the (iovcrnment is At Home at (iovernment Houxe, this afternoon, at 4.45.
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  • 6 2 To-day's lun bank rate is fi
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  • 10 2 I iv. homeward mail cluees at 6 a.m on Friday.
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  • 21 2 I'm: Straits Budget will bu published to-morrow morning. A university for women is to be opened this year in Tokiu, Japan.
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  • 15 2 IV i. mnnb«r of languages and dialects ipoken in the world amounts to :f,a'> I
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  • 11 2 K.votuHgutta-percbaisuiade into golf balls every year to insulate an Atlantic cable
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  • 14 2 i >vku -,0m) men, women, and children gain their daily bread entirely by pocketpicking.
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  • 34 2 The Great Salt Lake of America is drying up through irrigation, and it is proposed to bring wat»r from Snake Kiver to supply the loss. Otherwise the formers of Utah are threatened w.'-L cstiaviwa.
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  • 22 2 RACTENBttir. Schmidt and Co., send a neat blotter and diary for 1901, which calls attention to the firni'n agency for certain fertilisers.
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  • 24 2 Mr \elgu. clerk to H. H. the Sultan of I erok, i- appoint**! Chief Clerk to the Resident-General, succeeding the late Mr 'George Cropley.
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  • 21 2 Tm: Dutch gunboat Canal arrived from Djambic and Rhio yesterday, and anchored in the road*. Her date of departure is uncertain.
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  • 19 2 Thk Japanese have informed China that, whatever advantages Russia acquire* in Manchuria, Japan will require the same in Pukien.
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  • 22 2 "si: hundred and sixty-seven deaths were registered at Singapore during the wwk ending ou Saturday last. The ratio per thousand was HJI
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  • 24 2 UUBCtmi of cocaine into the fpiue is taking the place of general anaesthesia by chloroform or ether for certain operations It is considered aafer.
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  • 26 2 Thk U-raian Emperor has conferred upon sir Robert Hart, Inspector-(i'-neral of the Imperial Chines* Maritime C v -tn ms, the Or ier of the Crown (iirst-clagf).
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  • 32 2 Mkscks. John Little Co. Ltd are showing the trophy shield presented by the Hon. Bromhead- Matthews to the Volunteer Corps of the Straits Settlements and Malay States, to be competed for annually.
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  • 34 2 The I'i uH-ian Military Administration h at pri-i'iit making experiments with a new rille, the invention of an expert at the K.iyal Spandau Factory. It differs from other rifles in the automatic lotding apparatus
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  • 35 2 Tub Hot) Sec. of the Strangers' and Prisoners Aid Fund desires to thank fully acknowledge tlie following subscriptions towards the fund:— O. W. Butt Esqrc. SI.I, H Abrams Esqre. SI j, VV. Kwald Esqre. ailO.
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  • 49 2 Thk torpcdo-dHStroyers A'ujsatta and >'.'■•>/ arrived at Port Said on the] 7th lilt on tlmir way to thn Far East. They were detained MM* for two or tliruc days on account of one of tliem having to repair a slight injury to her machinery. They arc expected here shortly.
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  • 49 2 I'hk annual meeting of the Singapore Swimming Club will be held in the Volunteer Drill Hall to-niglil, at 9 o'clock, wli.-ii the annual report will be presented and other business transacted. The .-.-*****111;. request that the members of the Clun will turn up at the meeting in gojd numbers.
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  • 54 2 Thk other day, at Hongkong, the Captain-Superintundi.-iit. id' police held i parade of the force at which he pre- ■nt I'd I. in.; i vi. and diligence medals to different police officers. Chinese and Indian constables also received ni.-.1.i1-. When are the inembersof the Singapore police to be rewarded for
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  • 63 2 Thk Koliiimin Piano Company has i-sued its report for 1900. The gross prolits hive l-.-.-ii ■>•;», «»7, and the net profits Slm.n-jii. equal to about I.'.] per cent, on the capital of the Company. It is j -r. I to pay a dividend of 11 per cent absorbing *17,«0U, to
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  • 53 2 In the House of Commons, Lord George Hamilton gave an explicit denial of the charges of pillage and plunder a^iinst the Britinh troopn in China, (•eneral Sir Arthur (laselee reported that looting was openly tolerated among certain of the Allied troops, but that he kaak effective measures to prevent the
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  • 56 2 A:- many as 4,.">oii>itraydogs were seized within the Londun metro|iulitan and City police districts during January. 'if those captured in London 2,i«iii were removed to the Hume at Battersva. In this period M 6 persons (including IS pulicc-constabivs) are knuwi to have bi'i-ii bitten. Tiiere was, however, no case of
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  • 63 2 A MMUSV, u"keil in a grammar paper to "compare ill," decided with great practical sense that the answer was 111, worse, dead' His judgment failed him, however, when he went on to give the superlative of handsome as waggonette." Another boy wa« at- ked to supply an idinnwitic rendering of
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  • 72 2 By no meanp contrary to ex|>ectation, a marked revival of the Kaiser's mousUclie has set in (says the "Free Lanee 1 among men who possess the wherewithal to cultivate the fashion. The white-aproned conversationalist who mowed my chin for me, Hays the writer, at a Bond-stre«t barber's a few mornings
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  • 80 2 Tdk I'euinsular and Oriental Steam Navigation Co.'s new steamer Syria has been burnt on the stock* at Limehousx. The damage to the Company is estimated at 10,000. The Sfrim was one of the latest designed veasels of the P. aO Company, and was built for the Calcutta service She was
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  • 85 2 News from Acheen tells of a sharp action with the Achinese at a place called l'aya Reube,abnut a fortnight ago The Dutch lores found the enemy in fortification* which they stubbornly defended, after bombardment. Theenemy's positions were taken by storm, with the loss of thirteen killed to the Dutch, the
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  • 134 2 Tin: military and strategic necessity 'of an American Pacific cable has recently been pointed out by Urigadier-Ueue-ral Ureely, cliiuf of the United States Signal Service, who, on the occasion of a meeting of the Manufacturers' Club of Philadelphia said: -"The cable experience of the War Department in connection with the
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  • 100 2 A ri'NSY story in newspaperdom rotates to Lord Rosebery. When bis famous resignation speech at Edinburgh was telegraphed to the newspaper offices it dribbled in very slowly. One sub-editor in the Midlands, being weary of his task, gave expression to his feelings of relief by writing—unconsciously perhaps —on the last
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  • 60 2 SUCCKSSrOLLY KLOATKD THIS VOHNISO. Thk stranded French transport Vinh-long was successfully floated off the reef at Pulo Sambu at 940 this morning. The tugs Mercury and Suwla pulled her off at high tide. Immediately she got "11' her Captain signalled I am afloat." The transport then went
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  • 143 2 AT ZERO." A i Aia.i ,'iudience, including His Excellency the Acting Governor, witneasnd the performance of At Zero in the Town Hall, last night. The performance was the best that has yet been given, the audience was an appreciative ono, and there were several encores. Without exception the music went
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  • 215 2 RILEY HARGREAVES CO., LTD. The annual ineuting of Messrs. ililey Ilargreaves Co. will be held on l In- Wui inst and the annual report ha.* ju»t been issued. The directors' n -purt is as lollowit Your Dbaafcm ln-c to sabnil the duly audited Ktiiti'iu.-iii of iKcouiiti lorthe year endud Slat
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  • 261 2 (iKNKK.Ai. OarßaaWan liullcr recently ptihlitihcd in the Aldershot District Ord.ira thn following communication from the WarOtliue I am directed by the Sm-retary of State for War to request that, prmliug further consideration of Hi.- subject dealt with in your memorandum, you will he good enough
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  • 385 2 Locai cyclists wliu fancy themselves as trick riders will be interested to hear •<f tue marvellous performances of Bud Suyder at the bunion Pavilion. Bud Siiyder can do so many wonderful things that lie does not require to do one trick at a time. For instance, one
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  • 98 2 REUTER'S TELEGRAMS. PARLIAMENT. mi; -M u.I.KK OOaUHU BTATIOMft WHO RHAI.I. CONTKOI. THLM I'RMSK rOB Al'-ITKI.IAN RIVAL MKN BMktba, Mlk Mar. Mr. H O. Arnold- For«t«r, the Secretary to the Admiralty, stated in the House of Commons that the Admiralty was not inclined kMaaaat Mr. Brodrick'x proposal to transfer the .mailer
    Reuter  -  98 words
  • 77 2 HOI'HA'S KKPI.Y TO I.iiKH KITCHKNKK hder LdNl Salisbury, in ilia Homte ul Lords, and Mr Chamberlain, in the House of Commons, have made statements regarding th.: parleying with Commandant Botha. It appears that Botha has written to Lord Kitchennr that he is not dis|>«9«d
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  • 729 2 I'KIX.KAMMU W Til I < Xl ISK I'ai'ehs to han. l by the last mail give the following details ol the voyage nl their Royal Highnerxes the Duke and DMIMM of Cornwall These are the approximme data ol th* arrival ami departure of II M.S. Ophir during
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 444 2 NOTICES. XOBEL'S EXPLOSIVES COMPANY LI). <.LAS(H)\Y. Manunv-liir-r. nl Dynamite, GelUrnite, (teUtine Dyn.iiuiU), Blasting Unlatine, Detonators, Sat'-:ty FOBW. Btarine BlasUflg Apparatus, The al>or* KxpUmtt\, heing all manuleuhtnd in Griut Britaiit, are made to pern the kifk a«MaWri of $afely and •Mri/y tftt tmpamt liy ike Hrilitk Oorernmenl, and ore, therefore, guaranteed
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    • 650 2 NOTICES. A NOVELTt IN PIANOS. t lit KRELL PIANO. AN \MKIMCAN PIANO. |n i i illy tiKi.l.- I'm I In- Miaits SrttlcmetitH. PRICE GOLD, THK l{OH!N<(ix° PIANO 00, LTD, W, KAFFLES PLACF: TKLKI'HONK Ha. 191. .^*m®mm* travelling bath. '-t» tvw L, j^g^jffl Bmkat insi.l.- lor i.:n-king without disturbing. Contents aa
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    • 762 2 NOTICE. SI K I I s City Rubber OWnip. Price moderate. kT/UW Robinson Road NOTICE. HIS Excellency the Officer Administering tbe Government will be "At Home at Government House, on to-day, the 20th inst., at ll'. p.m. Golf players are invited to bring puttere. 20/S NOTICE. >TOTICE is hereby given
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    • 646 2 L\TEST ADVERTISBIKNTS. WANTKI) BY THK BWTI.SH XOKTH BORNEO <JO\ KUNMKSI. rpv/O TKLFXiKAPH OPERiTORS I Salary y^r month Turninhed quartern provided if at ouutationi. Applitanu must he at'le to send and twelve by Morse system by sound. Appliottioaa to be xent to the undersigned who will »u|>ply furth'T parlieulnrs as require,.
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    • 64 2 M. 8. H. tnMsdK for la* im, .....o.^ I •ritta* os oh ud. ol Uw oblt Br Urn aatbot of that ooadiUou. »|l B. S. .r* raiMttd Ikat Bicbt oli»r«i- b* iiaULaaod. Allao>«rtialaronatrac«i an rabuH to Urn oodlllioo that Uw Man*«*r m»| »>n U> arivn-tiaanu -it out of tW papor
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  • 62 3 > > > \>v' IKY TO Bit 4 ■Kill U-lmtrmn to tli« Km^M /fcW/y irr.<t states that Hie Irwh MM i" MM ll'iif of Commons luim thrxaWlMd viK»roii» nppunition to the Civil \M iip|>.iinlmentB Mil Ili-y are unuriid thai in the Acienaion Oaths Urn nftmisivx alluvion! to
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  • 139 3 OMMUa s.'i.'iu-n m a mo<lf of hoaling liw fotin<l n^ny lx*lie>crs id America, ann great ni-inv mlim« so many, in fail, ih.-xt Bills nuikiiiK Ma pr»ctii-e telonionsure ivn.lmg in thn li-ni«l»lur«» of New York, .\U..i>.hiiM it- hi) Smith Carolina. It ta |>urpo««d lo pumt-h prmclitiont*r» in
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  • 119 3 DECORATION FOR A BRITISH SERGEANT. I'ay>ia!>ikk«i!kut. Miiiiiii has heen naWMU lor the 3rd Clans Ordtr of the Red K.igli-, the highest decoration which the Herman I mperor can heatow ..n him. Owing to the fluency with ■vl.uli Sertf Mitt"n can »pe..k the '.ermaii language, he *as entrusted with the duty
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  • 202 3 Ihe l.inkinati in IVaM -uc-.^lr At inuney la to the maMer, would it not bo wise to have our peerace •'K>alj]iflu'<l >>n 1 It.: il.-.i mil sWcmr It would work out in thi> w.iy. The of a man nhoulil dapaad entirely upon liia income as
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  • 380 3 K-rKKDAYi lI. AV i BAMPIOS-Hll \\u l.vat Kllioll, v a" si.v.i.t- Mm M (iun-f jrd-i, Uj*Oa r v I'urt.T unKn Ma. Inugart -1 Norrip +3. untin. Opi lt.-iMiig-.11l i l»pl \\li:l.- .1 -IN«.I.K<? i,:in-1.,i..T >.r. t. liralinin+S, uiiliii. iiorJon XT. Iwat Winter IS. l)-7, u-i. orlM'tt Mr,
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  • 253 3 TU Hongkong Sanitary Board disuiiMod the verandah i|umtion oil tlie 7th instant. The (Jovornment considered that the Board had not boon strict (■nough and hud erred in allowing Iho partitioning of verandahs. Upon this Dr. Hartigan, one of the members, pointed out that it would be impossible
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  • 296 3 Ihi r,-|».itt for 11IW of tlic Society "f Si Vincent de I'aul. esta ii-ii^.i by tbe Inte njiht ltevd Hi -hop i i-uier in the MM I ":i for the leliei of t lit" poor in Singapore. ha« "••<-■! issued. The ruteipt»were«l,;W i'.j and the
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  • 507 3 COMI MKAjuNC HI MUUI STKAMKIU AKK IMF I LA K W.I. AKlen, writing to the .V I I 111 drumm a comparison i»l«Ti, tin iii'rinaii and British steamship, i .l k no M ilrlin hl-tvliii lllho*c nliu cuntml our great liners, especially those bound .eastward,
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  • 103 3 Chemistry i« an advancing KWiK'fl In a paper read recently before Hie I' Society on Tv« Interaction of Ethyl Sodi.methylmalonate and M-Miyl.' Oxid.," we learn that it mmmai MliaM* thai this dibromiJe would ba lormud by the direct addition ul liydi.^^n bromide to monobroruodik-etoiriiiiutli-lliexainethyleiiß"—prubably .1 hi;-i.n'i
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  • 166 3 This the I'inang Guzdte We wonder if lin.hty will ever he readied in the Turf Club Rules relating to roadsters. Year after year, for more years than w« care to bark back, the question of roadsters has cropped up, until an owner in Prnang has to
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  • 304 3 The Hongkong Chamber of Commerce held it- annual genval meeting on the ll th instant, with Mr. K M. «ray in the Chair. The report and accounts BUbmitleU were passed and Sir ThomaK .l.i.ksuri elected Fr <»id-nt, owing Mi Gray'sapproaehinj:d..|iarture. The report j:ive3 111
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  • 524 3 I "lA.\r AM' IHINI>K uIH.IAI. Tai '■.irr—i'.'iiJflit •> the SUqfftai ilercui", writing from Miukdcn on February ftlh, Hates that all the hij:h olticials of thai pi irr, namely the Governor-General, Governor, the I'retidents nf the Five Boards, the Litxrury Chancellor, etc, have been in the city fur
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  • 271 3 (jeiniau papers mMX the 1. .11. .wing elateiuent, which, ss.vh the Sliivl'inl, is Hviiiemly inspired Admiral Seymour* reply to A.imirsl AlexoietT, that be wan not aware the Elliot and Blunde liud baeiMM Ruseiau pimsessious, and the Kiinlish Admiral's statement that the RussUn claim to these islands
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  • 525 3 P. AND O. Hengnl, sailing about 22nd March, fur London, Mr. H Abrains, Lt -Col. Chippindall, Mrs. Kinch, Mr. Stiven, Mrs. HHroiltnn, Mr. O. Marks, Mrs. Rowe, 2 ebttdrao infant and aninh.. For LoniM Ha Marseilles— Mr. R T. Page, Dr. aii'l Mm. Kerr, the Misses Mtilholland
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  • 225 3 WIONUDAY, JOtH MAW H. High Water. 10.84 p.m. New Moon. 7.4« p.m. S. V. R. Coy. Drill. Tunjing Paifar. 8. Government Uou- "At Home." I I-'. .-wmi.inni! Club. Drill Hall. 9. TIIUkKhAY, SIST M.IK' H. HighWat.-r. 10.40 a.m. 11.8 p.m. 11,I 1 a ii homeward mnil dun. "A I
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  • 540 3 Sl*i.»n<m. iVtH M«RIH. IWII PRODUCB. liambier < S<« Copra Bali 7 mi do Pontlan tic <t .V» "eppar, Black. buyei> *J "iO do White, (Hi) 4\of> ■lago I'lonrSanvrak,. J.fl-'J do Brunei Vo. 1 *'7<i Pearl Saoo *•*> Coffee, Ball, 15% bull MM Coffee Palemlang, 16% basU -.•ft.nn Coffee, Libcrian,
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 91 3 YK-TKIil'WS LAND BALK Ar I'owrll «fc Co.'* sale-room, ye»Urday, thefoll'iwing propurti«» were <li»poneJ of Leasehold land, containing un area of 7. ."'.">:• square feet comprised in lea«es Rw, 980 and 981 for 999 yuan, together with the godowii tliereon Imi M N".> 15 Tainpcni* R>ao, Xorili K«.n| M»lacca, IwurIiI by
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 87 3 WMktOMM RKPORT KaulU*.-. K"*n" W^.7^ lath March HWI. i.i".T- KMMKU. >'v »0009Jf1.Hf1829.917 Temi. HJ.B xs; 77.0 W. B!(. r». 77 6 DOS 74.0 i-a Hir.ofWin.l X.E. S.E. N.E. j. Mn.Txmp ml i T Ilia Ml 111 Hu. InSnnlWn Terr, nul WU 2. Balntell Nil The tim« ball »t Tnrt Onnmit
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  • 528 3 I' IIIKKE AN AMERICAN IVPIt Xv s in its must elementary lorm, writes .1 contributor to the there iniiosubjoct mure fascinatingthau tlie strange evolution of the human race. Ido not ruler liere to tbe origin of tlie species or tbe building up of man from the primary protoplasm. This article
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    • 189 4 Under tbitaaa>.lioi(ih.> following nbbiMvittlons are used «tr.— steamer »h.— ship bq.— barque sen «hoon»r; Yct.-Vacht; Cru.— Cruiser; Qbt.— Gunboat Tor Torpedo H.p. -Hone-power Brit.— British U. §.-Uolted Bta'.e«; FrFrencb Ger.— German Dat. -lir h Job.— Jobore Ac., Q. c, Onneritltzfo tip.— deck pMeengen: U.— Uncor t«in; T.
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    • 1130 4 CMulioh, i'l-t I>w. From (V,M Nth Nov. Cosl, -J-: dp Uutbrii-*ro U-Bd. Mwyj, Bril .tr Mi ton. Out Hallidm lltl Fab From C'aVniu. Slh fVb. Bi)l»«t' Sjmr and Co. L'-Hd.. Pulamculti, Bril. «lr. 2,"Jf]|> lon* I'upuin Windehank, 19th M«r From Madrw 7th M»r. a.c Bou«toad and Co.
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    • 222 4 \.i',i*, pnrt, prnhtiblr >l«te nf arrival, ">ul nanu 0/ nrpnli. HTUHIKB. A. Apcar. C:il,ulta, Mir 2A S. A Momk. Alhcnga, Hongkong, to Icnve Mar II j A li.nnte, Liverpool loft Feb l(i; Barlow. 1 Antenor, Liverpool. MarM; Miin-tiol.l. Au'onio Lopez, Livci|i.iiii. left Jan IS Arautznrzi. Shields, Ift Dec
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    • 36 4 M> AY ttr. 7 1,,,, To-Mohkow U'kuiw 4 J.i|wn i Hutu l'nh»t Kultuna I pni I jfaima J. W l* Khu.n f/kmttft :i p.m. Kriuav. I Kiin>|*> vi i |H)M- hud ts a.m.
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    • 124 4 Fboh Kdbopi By th.- V. A O. t. Mm due on L'-Srd March with date* lo th» lit M ir. She bringa repliei to the nmiU which left Singapore on the 3rd Kel>. Feom Chin*:— By the P. 40. Hn./al, due on 1 1 j|»i Manh. Tmi
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    • 50 4 AKRIVALS. I'or s. Han Whatl Hin Iron) KI.-inK viu port* Mr. mid Mm. Mntbedon, Mr. iiud Mr. Onilvi... n M,,. Andrii'. Per i, t. O,ihir from Piiletnt»ng-Mr. F. M. Kills. Per f. s. VorH-arif from Sarawak— Capl. and Mis Hope .Mi-- Hope, Mm. Mnotliuit ami Ri'v. K flijiMi
      50 words
    • 147 4 [For .Sinffoporf.l IVi N. I). L k NM haw to lwi\« Bremen on Huh Khl., frum<-»iiM -(..apt. Hii.l man, Mi^-rs. lliundndgv, Th. Hoedt. Otri Him..' 1 1.. Komg. A. F. Merten, K. Mientorfeld, K. C. J. Muvaken, H. Rodat;, F. H. Witthoeft, Hurt K A. Tiefe, mid Mr.
      147 words
  • 70 4 PA88K1) 8UNDA 8TRAJT8 OK AltKlVKI) H)K OKDKKS. t'LA.i li ArK Dat«. and Ship's Name. Caitais. or Fkomwhkki Uiktin- mams. _»>o_ Sailixu. »tid.n M«r SBnt l)o[8'therland ColUr Undoo Batavia 6 Brit bq. AbyMims Helton Manila Auhtrali* 6 Dut Myrmidon Korisoa 'Amilenlam BaUvia 6 Hut ll'tor den Tex Pur^tugh Mar KaUvia
    70 words
  • 115 4 I Vmml'.Name I Toot. Cirnm Feo» Sail..,. Coruoxebi. I" "P hir ', SOI MvOill Palembaug Mar 17 Kdr (Sen* Guan kirn Nam Seng Dut «.h. l.'H Nacodah Hontianak F.b wt Long Walt fl Sultan l.eH.n.lry .\l»«r Mar 17. Soon Keck 19 ,CeraD. llNtb. XIOPooI Mar Ki H.
    115 words
  • 69 4 i><t* Vrau> ha JLiuARj. Otfttn [»r 1» Kumnrv 19 K;irf»ll>, AgapaotlMjK I Malacca -■0 Diane Sctic ■iO Bnnka 30 Braid an ftttrU Rrit »l-. \k> Vin« Ilal ktr Un«gino lint Mr. H»vi.-. Mr. I hi I, Mr. f Duiilop itr. K.i<:khoui>« Nor »tr. Jnl.tnucMen I Dan Ktr«.- n
    69 words