The Straits Times, 3 January 1901

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 15 1 The Straits Times. ESTD. OVER i A CENTURY SINGAPORE THURSDAY JANUARY, 3, 1901. NO. 20,3:0
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 918 1 NOTICES. mut HOHNKU COMPANY, I.IMIIELI TU« Baaßrfard Ufa AassMSl Honrub Daioa fir. Inismncs Hodatv. atlaa aas«ra»-. Ooaapaaj (Firs). Tha *V,«itahV Ut. Aasaranea SoatatJ. Ta» C»l«a ¥«t»aJ Btaaat Navifatiaa Coaapaaj. t Ji"J?£Z!^*o^KliSmxrco*flWT. LmTT«P. ajrants. STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. Omrm, TBLBaBArH Htbbbt. i^T WKIBVII1 KBmn. Habboob. 06 0. SrKAM NAVIHATJdN (XtMI'ANY. •<ia»>iißs fob ('Him,
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    • 1265 1 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. ITONINKI.I.IKE PAKETVAART MAATBCHAPPIJ Under contract with the Netherlands India Government. Agent, at Singapore: Ship Aobsct, latb I. Dabbdbls 4 Co., 8-3, Colltbb Quay. The undermentioned datea are only approximate. a.^_.. From Expected Will be Despatched JTor Oa u^jT Batavia. Dec 81. Batavia, Padang, Samarang, Sourabaya, Bima, Timor, Bali,
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    • 601 1 mSURANCES. rpHB LONDON AMD LANOABHIRE 1 FIRE INSURANCE OOMPANY. Capital «,l»7^00 Paid up Capital £312.780 Reserve Fund £1,078,680 The undersigned, Agenta for tbe Company, are prepared to accept fire risks at current rates of premium. BOCSTEAD A Co., Agent*. FBI CHINA TRADKBB INSURANCE J. COUP AWT. LIMITED. Capital Ssbaarfbed taVOQu,Ooi>
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    • 764 1 BANKS. HONGKONG AND HHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. PAID UP CAPITAL »10,000,OU). RESERVE FUNDBterling Reaerve. t10.0'0.000 1 tiinnnrinn Silver Reserve....* L','<^tt«j}"» 1 000 ino RESERVE LIABILITY OKI m, n amcm PROPRIETORS }-$HM»MW> ObrRT OF DlBBOTOBB:— N. A. Siim. Ban. -On aissak B. Skiwh, X«, -DirnTT CvAiKaua. fe o»ti. Ea* Tbs Hoi>. B
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    • 937 1 NOTICES ALKX. FOX CO. 43, Blah Htreet. Hare receive, i Laxliea 1 While Kid Shoes, Black Glace Court Shoea, and House Slippers Black Beaded Court Shoes with and witbout straps. Patent Oxford Shoos with Kid Uppers, Black (ilv Kid Oxford Plain Patent ourt Shoes also with Kid Uppers and
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    • 720 1 Pr«>lswt€lHpt.rsTißßß«i mptmkt, i^ l^'.-,!? 01 T 7 U > of Chil »«o, Vice-Pres-ldent Illinois Woman's Alliance, in speaking of Chamberlain's Cough Remerlv say« I suffered with a sever* -oH Ibi. winW which thmWmod to ran into pneumonia. I tried different remedies but I seemed to grow worse and the medicine
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    • 14 2 AT Olentawe," Scott* Road D. Pahkv Daties, Tanjong Pagar Dock Co. Age 38.
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  • 91 2 The Straits Slimes. PRICE 16 CENTS. THURSDAY, 3rd JANUARY, 1801. Reutkr's despatch to-day, regarding the latest recipient of the Victoria Cross is, to say the least of it, indefinite. It mi iy refer to some private or noncommissioned officer named Major, and then again it may refer to some officer
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  • 133 2 The reported mutiny on the lUrfleur is the most serious outcome so far of our action in China. A mutiny in the British navy cannot occur without cause, and its occurrence is bad for our pr»9tige. Renter and our own Hongkong correspondent both reiterate the condemnation by the Timt of
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  • 222 2 A I'knakc. paper has ma<le the interesting discovery that iv most of the hotels in that port a large bottle of soda or aiiated water is snld retail at 20 cents and a small bottle at lv cents. The price paid to the manufacturer in most cases i- l~> cents
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  • 301 2 Ihe rejection of the appeal in the case of the man Kosenh.ium, reported in another column, will, it is to be hoped, lead to the arrest and conviction of many other ruffians of his kidney. In common with all Eastern ports where the business ol vice is conducted by women
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  • 8 2 To-imy's 4 in/a bank rate is 2/1 ft.
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  • 12 2 Mkssks. Powell Co. advertise a sale of houses on the Bth inut.
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  • 9 2 Thk Licensing Justices hold their annual sitting this afternoon.
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  • 13 2 Guak Hap it Co. of Malacca send a picture wall calendar for 1801.
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  • 14 2 A French steamer passed the port from west to east at 10.30 this morning.
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  • 13 2 This Germans are said to have seized and completely looted the Peking Club.
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  • 14 2 The Taylor-Carrington Company were playing at Hongkong at the date of last mail advices.
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  • 18 2 The census of British Nortli Borneo will be taken on the night betweeu the Mlh and Istli mutant.
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  • 19 2 It is stated that M. l'ichon, the French Minister in China, will leave IVking for France in March next
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  • 16 2 Sihce the Ist instant Singapore meantime has been standard time in the Colony and Federated Malaya.
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  • 20 2 The I'erak I'ioneer intends to come out thrice a week from this month instead of twice a week as heretofore.
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  • 20 2 The P. O. intermediate steamer Ban -a left Penang at 8 p.m. yesterday, and is due here to-morrow at daylight.
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  • 24 2 It Ib alleged that a case of matches costing Kt.6o was brought to Labuan the other day, and the duty on them was 54.80
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  • 21 2 Yesterday there were four cholera cases and five deaths. Previously 248 cases and 222 deaths. The four cases were all Chinese.
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  • 23 2 The annual general meeting of the Church Work Association will be held at Mrs. Adams' house, on Wednesday, January 9th, at eleven o'clock.
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  • 24 2 Thk Malay Mail calls attention to excessive delays in despatching steamers from Klang owing to the extortionate rates demanded by tbe wharf coolies there.
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  • 25 2 At Bow-st Messrs. C. Arthur Pearson (Limited) have been fined £100 and costs in connection with football coupon competitions in I'earton't Weekly and Short Slorut.
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  • 26 2 There was an improvement in the l.unc ,4-litre cotton industry towards the end of last month, and large supplies of American and Egyptian cotton were arriving.
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  • 28 2 The Karl of Onslow, Parliamentary I rider -.Secretary of State for the Colonies, has appointed Mr. T. C. Macnaghten, of the Colonial Olli.-e, to be his private secretary.
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  • 34 2 A Khih woman of 3» Almeida Street reports to the police that a box containing valuables to the extent of $1,480 was stolen yesterday. One man has b.en arrested in connection with the theft.
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  • 37 2 I K icnilory added to Peruk under the recent boundary treaty with Siam contains two districts and twenty-live villages. The territory has lIS mountains and bills, and is watered by no less than 122 river* and streams.
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  • 37 2 Ihe Queen has sent through Sir lleelwood Kdwards a £•'> note to Mr. Charles Farrell, of Mrami-i d Merrion, Dublin, who has seven nous in tbe army, as a mark of Her Majesty's appreciation of the interesting fact.
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  • 37 2 At an extraordinary general meeting ol me Punjom Mining Company held at Hongkong on the 24th December, a resolution to raise the capital of the company by issuing new shares to the ainuunl of «fOO,UOO was confirmed.
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  • 36 2 The members and congregation of the Methodist Episcopal Church meet at in.- Duaconesse's Home, Ml Sophia, at o'clock to-night, at a social gathering, to welcome the new Pastor, the lievd. W. P. Rutledge, and Mrs. Kutledge.
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  • 44 2 On the Kawang Koad, in Selangor, the other day, a parly of police auiliuscaded a gaug si robberß. During the scuttle winch ensued one gang robber was shot dead, one Malay detective was shot in the leg, and three of the gang were captured.
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  • 40 2 Un New Year's day a football match was played at Malacca between a team of the Mohammedan Starlight Cricket Club, Singapore, and the Malacca Cricket Club, winch resulted in a win lor tho Singapore representatives by two Koala to ni7
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  • 37 2 The output of tin in Federated Malaya from the Ist January to the :n<tli November, 11KW, wasB4t,l3spiculs against 5tM),503 piculs in the corresponding period of last year. The duty collected on tin came to *>,4tt6,6X> against 55,715,648.
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  • 46 2 The llo*ykoitg Telegraph says that the North Borneo Railway- -from Jesselt 'i to Beaufort— is making fair progress, about lilieen miles ot rail having been already laid. The traffic earnings, however, seldom exceed 532 a month. The engine driver's wages alone come to £40 a month.
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  • 45 2 Coumti. Thys, the Director of the Congo Railway, is said to have succeeded in negotiating with the American financiers, who are the holders of a concession to construct a part of the future Hankow-Canton railway, lor the transfer ot that concession to a Belgian Company.
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  • 47 2 It is reported that some of the men of the Royal Artillery stationed in Ceylon will be selected for service in China in connection with the decision of the British Government to form Vickers-Maxiiu batteries. Men over M years of age are required for the new batteries.
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  • 49 2 Sukuav arrivals of German steamers are common at Sandakan, owing to the fee for loading on that day being only three dollars. It is noted there that German boats luave Singapore on a Saturday in order to escape an idle day iv Singapore, since Sunday permits are prohibitive here.
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  • 56 2 It it reporteu that the Hongkuiig Regiment, as such, will cease to be alter the present trouble in China is over. The idea in that it will be merged in the Indian Army, and that the Hongkong garrison will be kept at par by the regular transfer, at stated times,
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  • 51 2 At Cowie Harbour, in British North Borneo, coal alleged to be of excellent quality is said to have been discovered. A sample of it wait sent to Mr. \V V. Fleming, ship-builder at Paisley, who found it to be a remarkably pure coal, containing an exceptionally high percentage of volatile
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  • 59 2 A niAii.ii.u .vi. plot to blow up the U.S H. I'mnpuni/'i by inserting cement in her boiler was recently frustrated by ali n. il inspection, aaya the Manila Time. The work had all been performed by native mechanics, and it seems improbable that one or two could have, prepared the
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  • 54 2 On the 20th ult., General McArlhur, the American Coinmauder in the Philippines, issued a proclamation bearing upon the conduct of further hostilities in the Philippines. The insurgent! are informed that their present system of lighting, which is contrary to the laws of civilised warfare, must cease or thoy will have
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  • 55 2 In sentencing two bigamists, the one to three years and the nther to three days' imprisonmen* recently, Mr. Ju.tice Darling drew a distinction between bigamy by marriages in church and bigamy by marriages before registrars He said that a church officer who knew that marriage was a sacred act deserved
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  • 60 2 A oiRL killed her father, early last month, at tiuildford in West Australia. The evidence showed that the father. Joseph Uttey by name, had violently assaulted his wife, throwing her to the ground and attempting to strangle her, when the daughter seized a loaded revolver and Bred two shots at
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  • 64 2 Early last month at Kiemanlle in West Australia, the master of the Uerman barque Henry handed over to the police two seamen, an Italian mid a Portuguese, in irons, and charged them with murder on the high seas. The men are stated to have attacked the cook, aGnrman, with their
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  • 70 2 Thi A'/i/ihi? OazetU asks, now that the time for granting liquor licenses in at hand -Why should such a valuable concession as a lit ise be given away in the Straits Settlements for the asking? Why should not an attempt b« made to participate in the profits accruing from the
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  • 70 2 Thi StaMi warns those who have friends in Turkey, and are wishful to send them pictorial post-cards that a recent Irade forbids the Turkish postoffice officials to receive or to forward these harmless souvenirs. All the cards which have been on sale by Turks in Constantinople have been seized, and
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  • 74 2 It has been left to an Australian bowler to introduce a novelty in cricket. He ia an aboriginal named Marsh. This Marsh has a questionable delivery, and in a match in Sydney was no-balled hy an umpire named On the second day of the match, Marsh appeared with his
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  • 77 2 Sit a Tuij was played a second time last night, at the Town Hall, to a packed audience. The individual members of Mr. I Lilian's company again acquitted themselves admirably in their various parts. The ISeIU of Sen- York ivill be put on to-night and on Friday and Saturday and
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  • 77 2 A i m.i.'. it tM dated Worcester, B. A Dec. .".th, states that Johannes Kngelberms Da Jong, proprietor of the Worcester Adrertuer, was arrested on Dec. 4th and lodged in gaol. He is charged with criminal and seditious libel. The offending article appeared in the issue of that journal of
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  • 75 2 A SINGI'LAR breach of promise cas« was heard at the 1 1- Assizes recently, Solomon Norths, a Bradford merchant, being sued by Ruth Gtirrs, 4."., widow. The parties had known each other frum childhood, and while plaintiff had a husband and the defendant a wife, Mr- (ittrrs alleged that the
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  • 80 2 A mw danger in rice hu been discovered by Captain E. R. Rosl, I. M. S Civil Surgeon, Meiktila, Burma, who has been invextigating the connection between beriberi disease and a microscopic germ he has found in rice. He conducted a series of important experiment!), which go to show that
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  • 85 2 The Hereditary Grand Duke Michael of Ruasia, who at present stands in the position of heir to the Czar of All the Russias, is, according to report, to be betrothed to the Duchess Cecilia of Mecklenburg-Schwerin, who is a granddaughter of the Grand Duke Michael Nicolaievitch and a niece by
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  • 111 2 The Queen of the Netherlands has an enormous private fortune, apart from her civil lift, while the royal estates in Holland and in the East are also of great value. Queen Wilhelmina is said to be going to settle M millions of marks or a million sterling upon her future
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  • 117 2 A home paper states that the Duchess of York is delightfully ingenuous in her manner of speech. To a friend she not long since remarked apropos to her pet like and dislike I love every one who loves the Queen, and I dislike anyone who says my children are not
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  • 81 2 A special meeting of the Muircipal Commission will be held to-morrow. The business in .-To read letter from Government notifying the nomination by His Honour the Acting (iovernor of Mr. J. O. Anthonisz to be a Comniissibnerand President of the Commission fetter from Government notifying the nomination of
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    • 16 2 PEACE NEGOTIATIONS. I'KKI.IMINAUY TBBATI SIGNED. Hongkng, Juit :W The preliminary treaty of peace has beer, signed
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    • 31 2 MU. MOKRISO.VS VIEW. Mr Morrison, in the 7 imr f condemn* the M-rinan operations and advocates the separation of the British forces fr.nn Count von Waldjrsee's command
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    • 22 2 Raron Von Kettnlcr's murderer was beheaded on Monday on the spot where he fired the fatal shot
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    • 41 2 The Peking-Yangtsun railway hits been handed over to the Germans. The other railways in Chihli are in the hands of the Russians. It is rumoured that there are other arrangements, hut this is not confirmed
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    • 52 2 Nothing is known as to the future of Manchuria, which is not mentioned in the Note on the peace condition. On Saturday, ilerr K nappe intro duced at Nanking Merr Oertzen, the new German Consul there. Viceroy l,iu knn-yili has presented the official Chinese text uf the Note of
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    • 17 2 Mr Warren was received hy the Viceroy on Monday, also presenting a note.
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    • 90 2 ALLEUKD SEVERE DISimiXK (JUNSK.HT.S THKOW.V OVERBOARD. Hongkong, Uurr. A mutiny has occurred on board H M.S. Wmjkm, which is now here. All the guiisigl'ts 'i.ive been thrown overboard, as a protest against alleged severity ofdixcipline on hoard Information is dinV'tilt to obtain, but it
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    • 21 2 /yOHw>/i, Wto i/<i?' utrrij. I .onl Roberts has received an Karldoiu and the Order of the Garter
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    • 37 2 The Boer invaders are looting all the farms within their reach in Cape Colony. They are marching upon Fraserburg in the middle province of the Colony, and upon Beaufort, in the western section
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    • 30 2 CROSS THK HORDKK. It is stated that two fresh commandos of Boers have crossed the Orange River The invaders are now said to be 5,000 strong
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    • 37 2 RECOGNITION OF SERVICES IN CHINA. Major of the lioyal Marine*, has received the Victoria Cross for gallantry at Peking. Colonel Johnstone, of the Royal Marines, hag been made a Companion of the Bath, for services in China.
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    • 17 2 THE AUSTRALIAN COMMONWEALTH. The inauguration of the Australian Commonwealth at Sydney proved to be a brilliant success.
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    • 48 2 COMPOSITION OF WALDEIISEE'S STAFF. COMPLAINT OF THE "TIMrX The Times urges that thtre should bf a proper representation of the allt.'l Powers on Count Von Waldersee's stall It declares that the reputation of Britain ha« sulfereJ from the conduct of the military expeditions organised by Count Von WaloVrsee.
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  • 49 2 T HE VOLUNTEERS. Members of the SV.R can now obtain helmets by applying to the Senjetmt-Major at the Drill Hull The parade of the B.V.C. on Sunday for the service in the Presbyterian Church is at the Drill. Hall at 7 a m. sharp. No puttie* will be wgru.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 419 2 NOTICES. KRIS* BEER j A first .|ua!ity Pilsener, at a moilerate price, iiuaranioe.l equal to anything in the market. |t ; per ease of 0 dot. pints, of all lifftlf!* BORNEO CO., LTD. Sole Importers RITCHIE'S WHISKY SPECIALLY sele.te.l blend thoroughly matured in bond. Price tin per ca»e; sample* fire.
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    • 607 2 XOTICK. SI K M is Cily Rubber st imp. Price modi rate. -T/l-'/0l ft. Robinson Road. XOTICK. 11 r K |,«ve B.lmittod Mr. llriih Hafncr |..iili,.t in ..ur tirm DALMANN -Co. Singspore, lnt January, IdOl. .1 1 sfOTSCB. 1 K John Salomoi has been admitted I*l a partner in our
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    • 830 2 L\TEST ADVERTISEMENTS. WANTED. /iHiNESE Clerk; onr just left school \j preferred good handwriting i.idispensable. Apply by letter to e/o Strati, I_M GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION ATT ANTED for tbe Government Print IT ing Offlce, a Copy -holder or Assistant Proof -reader. Salary li.> per month. Application to be made to tbe Superintendent
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    • 96 2 ox t'neSrl January, 1901. at Singapora, Tax Sioe Y»xo Neo, daughter of Tan Keng (linn, of No. 11 Park Road, Singapore, to Choo E«o Choox, of No. 88 Amoy .Street, Singapore, Merchant. 11. 8. 8. intmac for th« Btra>-> iaa uarnld •ritUn 00 om sida <d lh« |m|>e. onlj Bj
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  • 90 3 At the MMMEf of Legislative Coun.-il next Tuesday aftern on, Mr. Napier will in ye -"That tbe condition on winch I lie Queen's Scholarships are awarded whereby the recipients' choice of rnivemly is confined to the resi.len, I'niversities of Oxford, Cambridge, an<l Dublin is undesirable and .•thoul.l l>n
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  • 141 3 THE IMPORTATION or AKMS. In the Appeal Court, yesterday morning, before Mr Justice Leach, Mr. Klliol, on behalf of Mr. L. Katz, of Messrs. Katz Bros appealed against a decision of the court of two magistrates on tbe jtMit November. Mr. Kati was charged with importing arms without
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    • 882 3 M THK KDIT'IR OK THE STRAITS TIMKS." Sih, As one individual of the British .immunity ol this Colony, I was much gratified to road your leader in Monday's issue and, if my judgment is correct, based as it is on the opinions I have
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  • 47 3 Coxst-iEirrioi'i OHM (»ip"i.t7 hit mouth tioHifieanll, "1 am sorry Lord Roberts did that, otherwise I should have asked you to h~ve a drink." RrrrßNxn Wakriok: But Lord Roberts didn't appeal to returned soldier* not tout citizen* to drink. See!" Con. citizen: "Thanks; mine's rum-ami-milk."
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  • 61 3 The annual balance-sheet of the yuorn Hunt shows what it costs to run tbe crack pack of the Leicestershire hunting field. The subscriptions amounted to £5,817, and the total receipts to £5,707 The expenditure, which totalled £6,255— £348 over receipts —included £1,430 as compensation for
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  • 129 3 1 sufk the heading of Italy and China, the Kagaraki Erpr'.a makes tbe following curious statement The two Italian cruisers here, the V. ftani and Fierumo'ra, the former flying the flag of Rear- Admiral Candiani, will leave here for Woosiing. At the latter place the I'alahritt will
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  • 231 3 There was a large gathering at the funeral of the late Mr I). P. Davies at the Bukit Timah Road cemetery this morning. The Tanjong Pagar Dock Company was largely represented. Besides the Chairman, there were present the Manager. Secretary, Assistant Manager, Accountant, and
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  • 228 3 < >n Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday of next week, Mr Dallas will produce h'h,r<*lnra, which has achieved tremendous success in London where it liao been running, before crowded audiences, since October, IMMI. The piece contains considerably more of interest and real plot than the usual musical comedy, and in
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  • 416 3 Mr H. 1 Wilkinson's recently jiubhiln'il Malay Dictionary, in printing and general get-up, does credit to Kelly and Walsh, limit.-.', the publishers. The print stand* out clear; the wide margins and the liberal spacing between the lines all tend to heighten the favourable impression one
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  • 91 3 A THon«ANr> a day— that is the remarkable rate at which a Birmingham firm are now turning out the South African silver war medals. This excep tional pressure (explains the Rugimmt) is due to the fact that by March next the total delivery must reach 150,000 -believed
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  • 142 3 A Din h syndicate which is mining for gold in Sambas (S. W Borneo) has been enquiring how that line of enterprise is conducted in Australia The concession held by the syndicate is said to cover an area exceeding that of the Colony of Victoria. Mr. C.
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  • 186 3 Captain R. H. Elliot, of the Indian Medical Service, who has been carrying out a series of experiments with a view to discovering a proper antidote for snake-poison, delivered an instructive and interesting lecture on this subject, a few days ago, at Madras. Snakes, he said, manufactured their
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  • 736 3 (By a Contributor.) The town of Singapore at all times presents an appearance of Oriental picture»i|u«n»sB to the artistic eye. But, on Buch days as Tuesday, when the native turns out in all the glory of his well-saved finery when the Esplanade is crowded with Malay, Chinaman,
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  • 307 3 Presiding over the annual dinner of the British North Borneo Company at the Hotel Cecil, on Dec. 4, Mr. R. B Martin, M.P, was supported by over 250 gentlemen, including Baron Hayashi (the. Japaneae Minister), Sir Charles Dilke, MR, Baron Emile D'Krlanger, Major-Gun Sir .1. Ardagh,
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  • 530 3 GEN. MEHI.IERS EXTRAORDINARY SPEECH. In the French Senate or the 4th ult during a discussion on the proposed increase of tbe French fleet, M. Coombes gave it as his opinion that a war between the nations of France and England was impossible, as the inferiority of the
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  • 184 3 Till KM. AY, ll!l> JAKI'ARY. High Water. 10.0 p.m. IS. V. K Parade. Dallas Co. Belle of New Vori. Kkiuav, 4th hMIR High Water. 0.16 a.m. 10.51 p.m. German outward mail doe. Pledges Sale. Police Offlcc. 10 and afternoon. Dallas Co. Belle of New York." German homeward mail due.
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  • 994 3 PA HANG NEWS. (from Our Corrnptmdmt) Kuala Lipu, 22nd Dtembtr. MINERALS EXPORTED. From Mr. I.okc Yew's Bentong concession the November export ol smelted tin was 537 piculs, sent off iki Kuala l'ahang as usual. This figure is ;(71 piculs less than that for the previous month, which was 90S piculs.
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  • 43 3 Mr. Justice Leach has given judgment in the appeal of M Rosenbaum against a magistrate's decision sentencing him to a term of imprisonment for bringing a woman into the Colony fur immoral purposes. The appeal was dismissed and sentence upheld.
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  • 72 3 PENANG V. mxc;aPiißK. A tv at prevent eiiats in connection with inter-settlement Golf (I'enang r. Singapore), for each settlement has secured 5 victories Singapore with 78 holes, and Penang with 42 holes. The list of the chief players in these ten inter-settlement matches is ac follows D. A.
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  • 96 3 Date. Vmi'i N»«» KuuAKn. Hartal* i Hutiiitiix I Jan 'J Borneo Brit itr. Robinson Bangkok I Kuplactela Mr. Stoit SlmimliHi 3,ChowPhya nr. Jellicoe Malacca »n.l Kl«ng I Ki»n Yung «tr. shimm-n Jlu.r and WahKra 3 Hon« \V»ti >tr. Huiliin Muv and Malacca S WilUnm Storr- atr. »»iiiel Kobe 3
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 865 3 AUCTION SALESSALE Of HOUSEHOLD KURNITURE, Ac at 50-1 ounce roaii. Friday, 4'A Janwtry, at 3 p in. THE sale will include large teak wardrobes, teak dinner wagons, teak sideboard, teak dinner table, teak whatnots Ac. Catalocues will be issued. Furniture now on view. S/l POWELL A Co., Auctioneer*. AUCTION SALE
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    • 496 3 NOTICES. MX. A. HAAS, wbo has been wellknown in Singapore for about eight yeans as an interpreter, is open to translate or explain any foreign document*, giving correct translation. Should an InU-r--pr ter be required, Mr. Haas can ►peak the following languages German, French, Greek. Turkish, Italian, Spanish, Castillian, Brazilian,
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    • 766 3 SHIPPING. 1 VUSTRIAW* I.LOY !>'■< s T E A M J NAVIGATION COMI'ANY. I'siier Mail CemaAcr with the At'STRIAK OovBEIIMEiIT. The following are tbe date, on whichl the Company's steamer, may he expected! to anil from here Ot'-wARn. Homeward. I 800 1800 Max ia Jan. 8 1 Outla Dec. H
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  • 600 4 8 H<urou, Sun Jahvaby. 1901. PRODUCE. {Ratti an oomettd to noon' gambler buyers #8.90 Copra BalL M 6. do Pontisnak, 8.00. Papper, Black..... buyers 38.60 do White, 4S.SO SauoFlourSarairak,. „.110 do Brunei So. 1 a.«O Pearl Sago. s.». OoSee, Bali, 15X J4.00 OoSm Palaml>ang, 16%baais 38.00 Ooffee, Liberia*,
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  • 188 4 TO-MoRKOW. Batavia A Padang Bulk llu.m. Amoy via ports Hong Wan I t p.m. Klang via ports B. Whalt Bin 4 p.m. Batavia via ports Moml 4 p.m. BATDRDAV. Deli Cant/nude 11 a.m. Penang Senf 1 p.m. Ch'bon 4 Smaraug |mm S pm. Klans via ports //y^ /^on;
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  • 302 4 PASSEGER LIST ARRIVALS. I'er b. s. H'jr Leong front Klang via norU— Mr. and Mn. A. W. We<terhnut Messrs. A. L. Butler, J. R. Anding. and B G. Roberts. Per s. s. l.alpvora from Calcutta Tia ports— Messrs. Carroll, Sharps, Sells, Mr. and Mrs Vas. Messrs. H. A. Smith, O
    302 words
    • 1487 4 Under tais heading the following abbreviations are used str. steamer sh. -ship fcq. banjae sch— schooner; Yet.— Yacht Cro.— Cruiser Oht.— Gunboat Tor Torpedo H.p. -Horse-power Urn. British U. 8.-United States Fr.French (Jer.— German Dnt. IHAch; Joh.— Jobore I Ac., Q. c^_<Jenor»lcargo d.p.— deck passengers: U -Un.or
      1,487 words
    • 557 4 Name, part, nrotaol* do(« ol srn> >. m name ol Offenu. HTRAHRRS. Aachen, Europe, p'sd Canal, Dec 4 Achilles, China, Jan 23 Mansfield. Adna, Europe, p'wl Canal, Dec 4 Adnatico, Trieste, Jan 10 j Kaulenberx. Alcinous, Liverpool, Jan a Mansfield. AnagßU, Europe, p'wl (.'anal, Nov 30 Audalusia, F.urope,
      557 words
  • 244 4 fLAt. 5 Vkh-icl. X»M A Rii Ju 9 Berandan Dot »tr. 1 Uve Lcong Brit >(r 9 Recorder itr •J Both Dot Mr ■l Uphir str i Haw. -ii v ilr 3 Ul poors Brit itr 3 lUdley itr 3 Rao Liong Out »lr 3 Zweena Brit HrJ S
    244 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 430 4 NOTICES. CHINA MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COY, LTD. Mm. Orrica No. 11. CA*Toir Road, Sbakuhai. v WAITIK. Manager. MESSRS. TAX KIM TIAN SONS, Local Agent. The Company offers easier terms and better bonuses than any other Company doing business in the Kast. A sprrml point it made of prompt payment of
      430 words
    • 258 4 NOTICE& •TIMB8" AND "B.OUGBT." 1 Siraiu Time; WO a year, or ftta month or fifteen cenu a copy. Post Free, $»t a quarter. BtmiU Budget post free, JO a year, or IB a quarter, or 40 cents a copy. The adTertising rate* an: first time. Is cents a line; Sad
      258 words
    • 444 4 NOTICES. I I MOTION CO WATCHMAKERS. JEWELLERS. OPTK lANS. REPAIR* PROMPTLY EXECUTED. I BAGNALL& HILLES M, HoUnxm Road. HAVE ON HAND:— Electric Fans, Ceiling and Table, 40, 60. BO 100, 1 10, and 130 Volt*. Designed M operate from liHande«r«nt I Circuits. Am Voltage to order. Direct or Alternating Currant
      444 words
    • 721 4 THE STRAITS TIMES AND THE STRAITS BUDGET DAILY AND WEEKLY ESTABLISHED OVIR HALF A CENTURY TtltrktM, S,. 70. TtUvr^fMc Ai*nm,—«Tm, 8i»»A»a».The Straits Times has a widespread circulation in Asia. It circulates largely in Singapore and Penang, throughout all the Protected States of the Malay Peninsula, in Siam, Borneo, the Netherlands
      721 words
    • 52 4 NOTICES. BT. ANDREWS HOU(-E. A CHURCH of England Boarding Huuse rV for European and Eurasian toys vho desire to attend the schools of the place, under the care of the Rev. D. Holland Stubbs. to whom applications can be sent, or to the honorary secretary, 5 i Mount Sophia. w.
      52 words
    • 14 4 NOTICES. IRIME AMERICAN SALT BKEF. •ii rent* per 111 MM MCA LISTER CO. s
      14 words