The Straits Times, 27 November 1900

Total Pages: 6
1 2 The Straits Times
  • 15 1 The Straits Times. EST. OVER h A CENTURY SINGAPORE. TUESDAY. NOVEMBER 27. 1900. No. 20,302.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 820 1 NOTK'RS. rpilK WMUiaO (COMPANY, I.IMHEI> TUX Htiu.lard Lira Aasursnos Norwi^k Union Fin. Inraianos Sodst). Atlas issnr»n.» I'ompaßy (Fm>). TW Ki»iUl*- L.fx As«unMio» S.«-i«y. TW Oiaa H otoal IHllSi Navigation Compsn J A. Tattsmham Lags. B»r Compaay. »or particolais of th— I'oapanws. asai the fat) aAWtiasmsit of THE bSbNKO 0011PANT. LIMITF.D
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    • 786 1 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. iroNINKLUKE PAKETVAART MAATBCHAPPIJ Under contract with the NMherlandi India Government. a m:ai s"««por«: Ship Aoesct, late J. Daehdeui 4 Co., M, Collye. *<"*"" xhVnndermentioned dates are only approximate Steamer rrom bpasMd Will be Despatc-he<Mor__ <»n nsss sss *52£5S8fS k '"via Ports. 2T. Bagan Api Api, Paneh. Asahan, Deli
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    • 531 1 OCEAN STEAM SHIP COMPANY AND NEDERLANDHCHE BTOOMVAART MAATBCHAPPIJ OCEAAN. I UN-. TOSS. 1 1 aaffiti *W KfrmUum iH7u A o n ''i 'i .(Ml .> 'ni itr H{ H*S A in: Tnll Ortmlr* 4BRS AlriHOV 9Ut Pi'lntcln* 6'OH Atu-hun tm MMaWsM MM AnUnnr W>3| Priam 3ri4f, C,,1,1uu- li' 4« M7O
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    • 640 1 rpHE LONDOI^AND LANCABHIRB 1 FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. Oaoital *S,lil7..VX> Paid up CapiUl £111.760 Reserve Fund £1,073,680 l'he undersigned, Agenta for the Company, are prepared to accept fire riskt at current rates of premium. ROUBTEAD A Co. rE CHINA TRADBBB INStJEiINCE COMPAKT, LIMITED. r it»l Subscribed »MIUU,OOO. Aui'.unt Paid up SOO.onri
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    • 174 1 BRITISH EMPIRE MUTUAL LIFE OFFICE. ESTABLISHED 1847. FUNDS |ft 420.00.000. IX)W LIBERAL I'KEMIUiIS. CONDITIONS LAfifig BONUSES. KTidowment As^ur.tnecs at Ilntrlisli rates." AgnU:— Msmiia. LYALL AND EVATT v. tli. a. BnMAran. JOHNLriTLK&CO, LIMITED. CHRISTMAS OAKDS. CHRISTMAS CARDS. A larifc assortment of latest ili-iiirn" to select from. tlllXrSK XMAS CARDS. MPifflßl XMAS
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    • 685 1 BANK& lIONUKONO AND SHANGHAI M BANKING CORPORATIOM. PAID-UP CAPITAL »10,000,000. RESERVE FUHD— Sterling Rewrve. »ln(/0.nOi 1 |<of< (MO Silver Reserve. 2. «),»<) W^ 1 BBBIBVE LIABIJ.ITY Or i .inorjnooo PROPRIETOKS J..E10,0u0.r«). OOCET Of UIaECTOEK N. A. Subs. Kn, --i:itAiav» R. Hiawta-, Esq.— r.irnTT CauaMA*. K o>ti. Ksvi T» Una B
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    • 279 1 XOTICE& Christmas and New Year Holidays. Where to spend the Holidays To have an entire change of Climate. Isl C Java with iU volcanic mountains, Kuilenioric, the most magnili enl Oniden« in the World; Soekahoemi, "the world's desire," Randong; Garoot, SOUU ft. above the level of the sea. Hy
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    • 809 1 A Tr<flaiaalaCfr*M Old steel ami. I CoNMDF.K Cbami. rl«iuV IVlfh 1 lh.' 1..--1 ni he world for iTonehitis," says Mr. Willlsm Savory, i-f W.uriiigion, Eowland. -It has ►averf my J «if..'. \[ln, -he having Ik-oii a martyr to I. run, Inn. far over sii jears. li«ing'iiio>i ofllietime ."infin.'.l to
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  • 305 2 The Straits Times. PRICE 15 CENTS. Strait. Tim*, a yyr, or pott fret '"••WO. j^^^l, <t found Mr. Joseph Walton, M.P., who recently spent some months in the Kar liast, and who will be remembered by many friends he made during lih stay at Singapore, recently
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  • 57 2 Mr. Walton has evidently either confounded the Straits fretllciiicnte with the Malay State*, or the chronicler erred when transcribing his notes anent the lecture. Mr. Walton, it may be remembered, recently wrote a volume on "China and i.he Present Crisis," which was obviously hiirrie-1 in its compilation, and b, at
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  • 374 2 Thkhi apoeani to have been very little error as to the facts referred tv in the article from the Mm <■ IV«ny« which Keutvr wired out here a few days ag i, and which announced that Japan, Hussia, and America were I. .lining an alliance of sorts to counter, x.ise
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  • 41 2 lice are instinctively and helplessly nasty, and that it is not their fault that they are «o. As a race the British are more or less anti-verminous, and are vengeful enough to wish to see all criminals given their proper punishment.
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  • 205 2 A coKUUPUMUkNT eignin^ himself Hollander sends us a letter requesting advice and information with regard to the proper use of the two forms of the indefinite article—" a and "an before certain words commencing with vowels. He displays particular aniiety as to the correct form of the expression such a
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  • 311 2 are full of mlecism* and lexicological barhari*m» For instance. rh« port indicative of the verb to "hang"—meaning to suspend— is hunfc," while the word hanged" is the past iudtcative or participle of the verfc to hang," meaning to execute by hanging. Tne Psalmist is therefore lexicologically wrong in wailing We
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  • 27 2 hospitable," etc., are so frequently and generally mispronounced that it would be pedantic to correct a person f.r saving "an hotel." It should be, bowavcr. a hotel."
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  • 198 2 MtlilCAl. scienliKc research appears to have been making groat strides of late and in the last few months it is alleged that discoveries have been made .if remedies for several terrible diseases that have heretofore generally baflled the doctors. Among these the most cou-ipicuoilH in, perhapg, the "light" treatment for
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  • 23 2 Of the Mi'-iw" of the treitnirtnt Hi t i< M doubt, but |.r..1. iblv the heavy exponse vii.-ii.hngtbei.iMiillat'jonofllie :i| T l B n.v«
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  • 230 2 ntill prevent it-, being made available at oilier llian the highly endowed hoapitals. Tli.- paaUoM are placed on couches round a room which has aceonnuo.|iition for •-roalnient of ten or twelve ca«e» at one lime. Hanging from tde centre of tin- ceiling is a powerful electric lamp, willi which are
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  • 140 2 It i.- to he sincerely hoped that all he writes is true for the disease is, next to leprosy or cancer, one of the most loathsome that alllicts the human race Another terrible and (heretofore very fatal pest appears to have been successfully dealt with by an Italian physician, Dr.
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  • 7 2 To-day's 4, ms bank rate is t/H
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  • 14 2 D Arc's Marionettes were playing at Kuala Lumpur at Ike date of last advices
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  • 16 2 Mr. Schapiro, of 17, lUce-course lload, r<t|K>rU the loss of a silver watch and gold chain.
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  • 19 2 1!. M. B. Hruk after coaling at Tanjong I'agar steamed to the roads shortly after J p. in. yesterday.
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  • 20 2 Mom. T. I)i-mas. a descendant of the. fatuous author of Hunt: Critln, is now here on his way to Manila
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  • 16 2 Smai.i.-pox is reported to be causing many deaths in the thickly-peopled and insanitary parts of Bangkok.
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  • 20 2 Vestkuuav, there were (> cases of cholera and .*> deaths, all in town. Total to date, B 7 eaten and Nl death*.
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  • 18 2 A < okuihimkdkmt assures tin- C«) lon litdtjmdmtl that Ceylon cannot boast cf h iwrfact road* as SingHi.irc lids.
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    • 82 2 OifflfESE IIETIRE. I'URSI-RD BY THE ALLIED. Hongkong, Monday aflaTIM The mixed detachment under Count York has resumed its advance without waiting for reinforcements from Peking. General Ho vacated his fortified positions at Suan-hua when he became aware that the allied troops were combining to deliver an
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    • 44 2 . :iO CHINESE KILLKI). A body of German cavalry proceeded on the 18th inst. from Suanhiia to Luaaiau-hsien. The Chinese rearguard was overtaken and the Herman cavalry attacked them with sword and lan-e, killing 3o Chinese. The Hermann sustained no loss.
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    • 61 2 The I oriugn Ministers meet every day to discuss the ipinstion of peace. The negotiations arc expected to bs concluded in a w.«k *.i far as liermauy It is iiri.i.rsT. ,<i,l that the Herman Minister will then examine the authority of the Chinese Commissioners, before
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  • 22 2 Mbvks. Powell «y Co advertise a sale ol a valuable ollection of plants at 99-1 (irange Road on the >th Dec. next.
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  • 19 2 DbH Horgan, the Irish champion, in an open competition at Celtic Park, New York, recently put the shot Ntaju.
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  • 17 2 I'hk Urilish steamer fmmtml, which irrived from Mon>ran, Japan, this ii'.rning, had two Herman stowaways in 1.0ai.l
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  • 21 2 The two new "fours" for the Kowing Club (built on the Thames) arrived Irom Kngland hy the HUaM itatu this morning.
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  • 21 2 I'hb Mi HWatMB with the (ierman nail from Kurope is due here tonorrow afternoon. She left Penang I II a.m. to-day.
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  • 22 2 k Thk N.D.1,, carso sUanier \YMt,,Wr<), which |.-ft ibis port for Hongkong on Sitiirday last, had on board I,:tUO Chinese deck passengers.
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  • 24 2 M. l.\v:i.iu- of the Messaeeries Maritimes Ollice left hy the \l M ■PrnJHn yesterday for Marseilles His p..-! is now tilled by M. Nalin
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  • 26 2 Thk P A- 0 liruynl, with the mail 'nm Kuiope ..I the'uth November, left Colombo at 1' p.m. yesterday, and is due here on Sunday afternoon.
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  • 23 2 It is notilied th»t Mr. G, T. Hare, S. -cirtary for Chinese UUn, Federated Malay Stales, has been apiiointud Superintendent of Census there.
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  • 24 2 Thk Hon. .1. W. Napier and Messrs. Uriffltbs, II Abrams, and Dalian returned to Singapore yesterday in the MaiaaM from Teluk Anson til ports.
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  • 25 2 Cmtain Squier, and the Commander and Officers of the American troopship Ihmurih, now lying at Borneo wharf, all dined and stop|ied at Kallles Hotel yesterday
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  • 29 2 A postal notification states that l>ar,-els intended for delivery in the Initwl Kingilom More New Year's May should !>e posted not later than L' |i.m. on the L'Hth instant.
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  • 29 2 Thk Raw Mr B.ich, Mr«. liuch, and Mr. Keibold arrived at llallles Hotel last night from Bangkok. They are wellknown American globe-trotters and are on their way to Burma.
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  • 29 2 Tiik Negri Seinbilan Ciovernment notifies that until further notice no application for land for the purpose of hydraulic mining will be received at any of the Land Oftices them.
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  • 28 2 Mr. Brinkworth. of Messrs. Kelly Walsh, and Mrs Brinkworth, arrived by Japanese mail this in .ruing from Ungland. where they have been holidaymaking for the past six months.
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  • 33 2 Thk largest dividend paid by the totalisator at the Kuala Lumpur races on Thursday was 592 in the laat race (tlw I'enang Stakes) when the .Sultan of .lohores lawlniM romped home a winner.
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  • 20 2 Ik a race for the Umpire City Handicap at V, inkers. New York, reo-nth, a six year old horse,
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  • 22 2 carrying 1 08lh., established a new world's record for a circular track by traversing a mile and a quarter in amin. 4mu.
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  • 25 2 The homeward I*, and O. mail steamer CorunmmM left Hongkong on Saturday afternoon, and is due here on Thursday morning, the mail by the Curvnuitul'l
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  • 16 2 closes at 8 a.m. on Friday. This mini should be delivered in London on Christinas eve.
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  • 62 2 An important reference tv submarine boats occurs in tlie annuHl report of Admiral llichbnrn, the American Cliief constructor. Jn that report the Admiral st randy recommends the construction of udditionaj submarine vessels as forming a very efficient weapon of defence, and tie lays great stress on Hip fact that they
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    • 60 2 UL'HKLI) BY UUBSIA j v l-»*J~> t Tawriay.| Tha Berlin "correspondent ol i'l* ■S'/iaaawJ my that the Russian and -lapaMMR Governments have supported the objection raised hy tliß Ameridan Government to the taking of extrefne measures against China. The same correspondent further says that there is every reason
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    • 36 2 The New York press pulili-lu-J. statement made hy the Hernfan Ambassador at Washington iv wtdah he dwells upon the anxiety ot(ierni«ny to preserve the concert of the allied I'owers in China.
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    • 27 2 The Soimtliaof Jubaland have risen in revolt against the (.iovernniHiii al Britwh Kast Africa. All available trodnt have left Mombasa fur Kismayii j
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  • 41 2 Sisi.apobk residents who intend hno home during the spring of 11)01 v» i 1 1 ..I.M.rve that the Norddeutsch«r l.loVd is now advertising the names of One Imperial Herman mail steamer* leavhi; Singapore for Kurope up to :ii>ih >$iy next year.
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  • 44 2 lln Saturday next, at 2.30, a practie shoot of the (iarnson Kifle Club Jill take place at Tanglin. A noapd meeting will also be held 1..r die purpose of arranging for the seveijlh annual Singajwre Kille Meeting. 'llie attendance of all members is re<|uealtd.
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  • 43 2 TOT American boys, both in th(J r teenr, who were discoveied hy tlie Tokyo pujicc smoking outside a ra)lway station, have been released, bill their pipes hive been COOfbcatl d They were the lirst. foreign oflatuli ti at;aiust Ihc Japanese anli-suinki ig law.
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  • 46 2 At the legislative Council ineet'lm this altKrnooii the \.-nng I olonial Secretary moved that- Council approl'e of a sum not aseaadiac #7,000 tlio purchase ol a steam laiin.-li l.i 1..- uXd in cunnection with the carrying aaW dreduing operation!, and other hattnlil works at Singapore I
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  • 48 2 i)\K(,l the. railway stall' at KmsJ.rty Park Stution caused amusement }o many thousands going to l,oiidoii to Me lhe|C.l\'. by stumping a fern wifh Ins wooden leg painted in amodl W red, white, and blue. The effect wks somewuat. marred by iis striking resemblance to a iraqMt laWl.
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  • 52 2 -I. H Ukkkvphihk, the MO yan Is amateur swimming champion, it Manchester, recently heat the 111 yards record of :iniin. J7 4 .">«»-. ma. by r. C V. Laaa, the Australian, j t, .ii Sept 11, Isai) |l.;i. shire covered the distance m :tmin. .7 thus bealmg record by
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  • 56 2 AI.ntK.MAN J o in Voiinu', of Svdne r, has announced to the New South Wai Bowliag Assm-iation, of whi l -h he president, that Maw /.-aland, Vi, lor; i, New Bontk Wales, South Australia, aHd Wtatara auatnUia have eontribnu J representatives to the team of Coloni il howlers to visit
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  • 105 2 Advi. k- from Tientsin tell the brutal munier l.y Boxers of 110 Hsi-luh, brother of Im Keng-luh, trft: Chinese Minister to (ireat Britain. Ije was going to Tientsin, and carried wiii I■i in two Luxe* of foreign hooky On the road he w i« held up hy Itoi.rl, who, discovering
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  • 98 2 An amusing story is now pJa>UN rounds anent the recent siege of tile legations At the beginning of tile siege, when the Japanese Mim-i|, called for volunteers to assin in ill. defence of his legation, no laii th In thirty-live utlicers nl Urn Japan** Army, who had been scattered aboili
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  • 204 2 K»K three squadrons ol Bwaan, eel horse carrying a day's forage, in unlit mi. to tlie oidinary aqaipmatt, pwt-ooai etc to Baaiy over a ditch lv] le4l wide and .'>} feet deep, leaving only tw>> out Of SIB horses in the. gra.e," isla tine performance. The fent. loooidilE to the
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  • 52 2 ■CXKMI'LARY SKNTrV hs i At the Assiies yesterday hag All I'ow was sentenced to 111 year's rigormi* imprisonment for armud gang robbery. Li Vong got (i rears for lioii-h breaking: and Tan Nghm, Lee Kin ami Tec San were, ordered I month*! rigorous imprisoniiwnt each for vuluu,] tuirly
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 386 2 NOTICES. KI'IVIIIKS WHISKY SrrclM.l.Y «»Kt«~l bjn.ul: Iliorou lih t»«tur.«l in boml. Prire $10 per aM winiplM fr«. ROK.NKO I'll. LTD. th. Sole InipnrlviSIOEROSTHEfi" PAINT. »n absolutely anti-corTomve | ;nr IBON AND STEEL in st I*;: KVii.vnvi: lnmluitlile for »lii|m. MtutiiriTv. Rririiptt Ie, etc. doe Kill. .11 will co»«r 54(1 kju^.iv
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    • 1019 2 NOTICES. NOTKF. is hrmliv ifivcn that Ln Ijtn Thin and Tan Kong have, from the IM O tolwr. Ilkm. ces.«i lo be pnrlners in the l.u-wiess V-alrWri on at Nn. '.'T Trluk A\i.r.sir- N -i nn.ler ihe Chop "Hiap Seng A Co." and lhal the said Lv in is
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    • 273 2 NOTICES. ft Iv Z.M.S. emxESK GIKLB' school. HOVKRXMENT Hll.L THK u*ual half-yearly Shl« nf Work will lie held 1 1). V.) in the TdWN HA 1.1. FriiUr, November S th, from 4 to 7 p. m. Saturday. I >•■. ember Ist, from 10.*) a mto 1. tu. th. 4 s.
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    • 766 2 UTEST ADVERTISEMENTS. WANTED a Kuropeaa or F.ura,i»n for outdoor w Tk at a tank iu-mII .mm u«nr <ingap ire. flood salary to n Competent man. Apply under H c o Afcaffc Time.. MIH rBK LET-<!ompound house Jio. J4, K .ll Slr.-el. sun.ible fur a hotel or boarding house. Apply to
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    • 61 2 M. 8. 8. intwte. for Urn ttrmm IMH* ...,.u,d h« •ritt« on M ,M* of tk* pun «1 T By tk. o«rlc=t of U>»t oondiUon. BMySITg.S^, n&oud lh.trai»lito«W.u»b,^bllik«l. All ••inrUuw oo*tmct. an ..(mot to tb. oowli- «k* M*MfW m; 1... tW «i. utiiurt out o< tU p»p.r in M P
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  • 376 3 HA LI > .ii HttMl 1 r mm yti i months ending 80th 3epl full report of the din which will be prvaaassa) to tb« absvan Dec Bth next al boob, Ii as lolloWS our riireclor^ tieg to sul nfit ihr •or the iv mon(hs ending »iili
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  • 619 3 ln> 'ritish Consular Report ot the Trade ul Bangkok for lIM appears somewhat late in the day The Consul that tba delay is owinj to the non-appearance ol the Custom House returns until the middle of June The total amount si the foreign ira.ic of the jiort during
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  • 93 3 Tm Mnh'y M,dl calls attention to th« limaUnna of gang robbery in flalangrtl Pha recent robbery of the ira mail on the way to Kuala I.ipis i- only one instance. More aaaa fobbarht are expeote<l Mora tha 10th of next month, Owtag lo Hw) la\mg by
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  • 559 3 'I'm following appointments liave h, i mads at ihe Admiralty Captain V ti high-field, to thu Mm, to date Nov. I Naval Instructor V. M. Broad-' but, M A t.. Hit- UUn-ij, to date .Nov. 1. rlncadn rt.eiieral 11. l'ipoll, C.8., Miuiiianding Koyal Artillery with the Brituk
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  • 495 3 i1r.,,,1 Our <',irrc*poiuUitl h ask Up l-/- rVmnarji ■IINtRALO BMOK Tut Kuanlan tin ore exports during October amounted to MSI piculs, of win. Ii LIM piculs came from the ttuagai limbing and .leram Batanu i ii' 1 1. in the proportions of 1,04 i piculs and I'll piculf,
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  • 285 3 It happened some yoars ago, says the that a Royal Duke, dining with the officers of a certain mecs, took |iart in a friendly pool after dinner. And the regimental marker, who was accustomed to mix with high, hut not the highest, society, lieciuie somewhat disturbed in his
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  • 378 3 Suiulay, AY. 25M. The week Ml ushered in by tragedy. Last Sunday evening four relations of K..i i Mali mud were out in a boat engaged in catching ikav merah and other wily denizens of the deep. The night was dark, and they had no light. So intent
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  • 530 3 A KIkASIAS UlKl.'i ESCAPADE. A i ihe A-i-i/i' Court tlii.i morning, a Malay named Kuba, and his mother lin, were charged with kidnapping from lawful guanlianxbip and wrongfully concealing a Eurasian girl named Betsy liallop. A charge against Hadji I tiuar fur complicity in the case was withdrawn.
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  • 130 3 CONVICTION QUASHED. In the Appeal Court yrslrrday the ,«l'Ct'Bl of A. Desk*!-, lxtely employed an Inspector or Jalan It.- 1 1" -liuchtVr house, againtt aconviction by Mr. lirockman on the charge of having stolen a pig, wan heard. The facia of th« case were
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  • 129 3 < Via Itangkok) Thk Timer correspondent at Peking states that l.i llung-chang has communicated to the Foreign Ministers an Imperial Kdict imposing ridiculously mild sentences on the (guilty) princsn and officials, which is the tinal punishment the Court is able to inflict This has strengthened the Ministers
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  • 861 3 MMI <>K APPALLING IIDKKnK. A 1 kkkii-i.k disaster occurred in New York on Oct. I'lnli, by an explosion, presumably of naphtha, in the wholesale drug manufactory of Messss Tarrant ife Co by which :«< lives were lost and a whole block of buildings destroyed. Over
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  • 921 3 THK PARLEYING. (in.xT Von Waidersee emoted on the IrHh instant an inlerview to Prince Oiling and Viceroy Li Hung-chaug, after having ipceived their request in writing lor an audience Prince Ching and Li Hung-chang promised to guarantee that all Chinese troops would be withdrawn at once from all
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    • 185 3 I" lUX BDITOB Of I UK MRAIH TIVKS.'' Sir, As the question whether to the above phrase a or an has to be used has lit-rii asked me repeatedly yesterday and sewnis to be widely disputed in Singapore, 1 wish you would take the matter up and
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  • 74 3 At Kuala Lumpur rapes on TliursHiy, Bull, the jockey, who was riding fUfftr, met with a wriiMa aceiileni. h'uppe,reared and fall back ua him Hull is now in hospital with a broken p«-lvic bone. He is likely, say. the Watt tttiL to be on his back
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  • 124 3 Attachku is the result uf the men's monthly medal competition which took place at the Sepoy Lines on Saturday last. As Mr. Monro has won the medal before during this year, Captain Winter is returned the winner: The following played but retimwd no ■com* Mpgrrs. Effartnn,
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  • 199 3 . The Japanese cruiser fasandran left yesterday afternoon for Japan. The U. S. transport Hiir,,i>i<te arrived from Colombo yesterday and went into the roanV She carries IB saloon passengers and 12 men of a signal corps. She carries guns and will leave on the Jiitli for Manila. The outward
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 495 3 LAMBS OF THE KOI.I>. Pook little iH-rtrucle Ev»— a bit of a lot, (our years old at llw tinii: ho would not have (fit sorry (or her, or (or any olhar stricken lamb Hln her:' When (all ill, or ;//u old -indent- in the School o( Elpcrieu.e- why. it in
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    • 1156 3 NOTICKS. C.OVERNMKNT NOTIFICATION. rrENDRRs will be received at the Colo. 1 nial secretary's Office up lo the .'Wth in-Unt, for the removal of night-soil from the -ml Hospital and Luoatlc Asylum from the Ist January, llajl, lo tha Slst liceemUT, 1901. The nigbt-soil is collecUxl in buckets by •he tntie-.
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    • 807 3 SHIPPING. WDO-CHINA HTEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY, LJKITED. FOR HOURABAYA AND BAMARANO. THE Company's steamer Hl' 1,636 tons, Capuin 1 a«e. riavinu I, ft Hongkong on tha zlst lad expected to arrive here on or about thH *7lh idem., and will have prompt dc, patch for the above port* For freight or
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 249 3 KATHEIi RKPOBT Ktnuumo K*rh..» (Kasaaas MA \or. !<p.n HKMAUks Bar. .»HI4SIt.7e»SRC.V.' Temp. H3JS H7.ii 7»0 >. i s W.B'lbThe. 7*.* 7M« 78.8 ~g Dir.ofWin.i ntr. n.vw. Calm 2. rj 2 Max. Temp. M i^s Mm 7»4 S s Max. in mi- i.m<: aj '"3 Ve.rr.rsd JaUl o x
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 389 4 ■tHanoiint' I Natural Toilet Preparations. Ha l""et 'Lanollnt' •*<*•*•' I^^^^^^HP ax kMi <«f>Mta H^lH 'Unollne' Toltet Soap INDCUOPE CO. LTD. M'RTON-ON-TRENT ALE STOUT >^Jip^ Bottlki. m caw now be put »p in Sr^ w-f iT^Kl '*>oke<i at Siopprrr* aWttlea jW.^7 t JS%' Me 5 «re (JHKK SOON any in
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    • 736 4 xnicEs. THE STRAITS TIMES AND THE STRAITS BUDGET DAILY AND WEEKLY ESTABLISHED OVER HALF A CENTURY. lUfpfeM, Wo. TO. Ttltirapkic Addrru "Tina, Sixoiroai" The Straits Times has a widespread circulation in Asia. It circulates largely in Singapore and Penang, throughout all the Protected States of the Malay Peninsula, in Siam,
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    • 331 4 NOTICES. CHINA MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COY,LTDr Hiad Orrici No. IS, Caictok Roii>, Shaiohai AS. A. WATTIE, Manager. MESSRS. TAN KIM TIAN SONF, local Agents. The Company offers ewer lermi and hotter bonuses than any other Company doing business in the East. 1 special point is mads of prompt payment of
      331 words
    • 284 4 QR0H1DK. J. U. A. PKREIRA. HOKTIRDLTORin 4Mn FlOlin Cooicto. D Exporter of Orchid. B "P*^ 1 1 »Ppointroent to Hi«M»j«Mv: The kin K of SiH,n an.l H.Th. SulUn of Johor*. Or<ler« tor Boiiqtut Hprays, 4c. Ac <!»r«fully Mil promptly executed. C>w<i»d«m HoaM in the Trnde. NURUKRY AND BlWIDKNrR KHKBANK TAN'HUN
      284 words

    • 222 1 Under ltu*nt:i.l>:i.;iUttfol.oiringaot>r4vmlions arc u« I «»r. -sunirwr sb. -ship; Iq.— barque neh schooner; Yet. -Yarht Cru.— Cruiser u.t. —Gunboat Tor Torpedo, H.p. -!{ors«-p»wer Brit British V. -United States: r*r French Ger.— ll«rm»n Uut.— Dutch: Job.— Johore Ac., G. e.,—Genernlcargo d.p.— dack nastengers; o.— Uocer lain T. P.
      222 words
    • 979 1 MBIVaUI MM M StTI'KIMY Amim, tier, str. 773 tons, Capt. I'lilrmp, IWtb Nov From -'4th Nov ol I and AS <l.p. Ooh Vow Sing For Hongkong tTtiwnt t Brit. str. if tons, Oftptnin White, L>7th Nov From Muroran, IlKb Nov. Oc Dutch Packetles Far I\-Rd«. Surria,
      979 words
    • 590 1 Knmt, p<~l. """MM- <1f ol <imri •M> of ofimri. XTIIMKU. A. A|, Uucuu. Dec. fturkic. M««>. A-:i|iaiitlm-. (Yonsta H, I'ft i.l 16 Aj.ix i-hiiiß. !>.■• -3 Mmi-Seld. Alii-itnt.-. M iuilh. Hot M Barlow. Ambrin. II k.i"«. Dm II 11. Meyer Ann* M ior.- Croosudl, I'ft Oct II ft
      590 words
    • 538 1 S 5...M-H. 27TM NoVfMBIB, l«00. PRODI7GK. IK/H« eorracUd to moon NigoKlourB»ra<rak, 3 16 do Brarei Mo. 1.. qan Pearl Rago co«w, b»ii, 1.1% b«i....: v S4.<» Coffee Palemi*ng, 15% *>a«is O i Code., Liberl.n. "fro. ?»V> T »P ioc J- 6.80 do do lit quality 7. 75 do sm&il pearl,
      538 words
  • 112 1 . Pur rcr Mr. time. TO-MORBOW. BaUviavi»f'« HokTjiot 7 a.m. Batavia AVywl 7 Mnnil.i X J»" l.induln 7 a.m. Dlamlm- Aio>»i(».:, 11a.m. ludraji Ainu Ann Noon. 1'cnauz Ckeang Chfa I p.m. Hadang vP° rls Vajinmhu 3 p.m. Klsnii vi<orte Malacca S p.m. r.Miinn :1 1' ln Bangkol Hingnporr
    112 words
  • 102 1 From Kohoph By the German s. s. raaa Heinrich due on Wednesday. From Ciiiica-.— By the P. AO. s. s. Coronandel due on 1 hursday. eft Singapore Due in London Arrive* Out. ISIh M. If. Nov mli Nov 7th o,:t. lutii Kill. Nov l;ith Nov imli Oct.
    102 words
  • 598 1 ARRIVALS. Per s. s. Wakata ilant from LondonMr, and Mrs. U. Brinkwortb, Mr. and Mrs. B. E. Sbaw, Mr. ami Mrs. Hiro nach, Mr. T. F. Morony, Mr. and Mrs. shacp, Mrs. Christie and cbild, Mr. and Mrs. i 'arruiliei Miss K. Parson*. Mr. and Mr*. l'i/.,i. and
    598 words
  • 178 1 •J5 NsiruHhiro 2« Terrier ■2H M:il»c.-B Lti AmiKO a« Siii({»|K)re •X Itn nxiilr Helm i« Suevin ■jn lulwllh J6 Parfnlla •JH !V»n der l.yn T! Chow I'hya 17 Sultan »7 Vermont »7 i\V»k»»» Mum to* i uwwia Brit »lr. Wallme Nor MT. lOOt) KHinfjor.l Hrit «tr. 40S Daly ii.-i
    178 words
  • 86 1 Dili. V mix's NiMH Fuoftßio Cimin Mov|f7 KaUvier l*Rrlt atr. Mellor -'7 Hun Seng Guan atr. l,\ons Ruby ttr. Smith S7 I indula «lr. HWwart ■.'7 Hui»an« L ttr. loJl '.'7 Karfall* luil .tr t'hopanl 27 H. i) M\*r Put Mr. Vas 1 1-niiH Alemnrier atr. Mom Suevia <*"r
    86 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 228 1 VESSELS ADVERTISED To HAIL. Hongkong. Bormiiln, due 271h Nov. Bebn Meyer A Co. Japun via porU, I'rinx Heinrich, due 28th Nov., Helm Meyer A Co. Manila, Hnmot Aim, due rtth Nov., Barlow Co. Freniantle via port*, Karrakatta, on Ist Dec., Boustaad A Uo. THE RESIDENT COUNCILIX)R. (Hy Nn. Hgtrton HartirirJ,:)
      228 words

  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 739 2 JAPANESE NEST WHITE GK&»£ SMIUS. KIZES KROM UT TO 18". <i. OTOMUNE A CO. Y'Cl -hould read the HISTORY OF KAl'B and of how the price of the hurra fell from about a sovereign to •hilling, and so corn to s«u A ompJclo nory of the company, from il» inception
      739 words
    • 568 2 THE ALLXANDr BRICKWORKS Co vt d AXE NOW PKKPAKED To 51,., v BRICKS, FIXE BRICKS, A KIRB TV v I Kor particulars apply to THK BORNEO Co., Lti-.-Ar., >l. A.NI>KiiWS HOL>K. A CHURCH ol England Boardinfc K», for European and Eurasian tj. who desire to attend the schools of',, plst-e
      568 words
      351 words
    • 119 2 JOIINLIITLE^ai, LIxMITKI). TAILOBIKG DEPABTIENT, This department is now replete uilli all tlie lotest K«ods, new patterns and designs 1..r 1901. New Aiirulh Tweed". New Tennw Suiting! .SuUli, West of Kngland, Clicvio't!-. A i sVe. NKWDJ(EBS SUITING?*. S|*cially ligiit texture of elaotif, guaranteed t:i>i tliis niateiml it adapted to lmng well
      119 words
    • 476 2 PRIMK AMERICAN SALT 'BEEF. rent* per Ih from MCALISTERJfcJiir GOVERNOR'S WEFE. so. iely romaqca of the Straits. Tueimok records the so. ia) habit* ami customs of I Ibe white |>opulai ion of SiliKHjiorr Peaang I and Malaya. II di>»ls with governor-, I colonial secivtarief, resident councillors, hanken, merchant*, doctors, ar.d
      476 words