The Straits Times, 17 October 1900

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 15 1 The Straits Times RST. OVER 1 A CENTURY SINGAPORE WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER 17. 1900. No. 20,2()8.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 895 1 NOTICES. •roil BORNEO COMPAKY, LIMITED trmm Ma»*.H Ltf* At—ran**. Norwtoh Daioa Fira lattnnes Soristy. Atlas Asa«raaw Cosßpaay (F«*). rat Squit»ble Ufa Atatumno* Sooiaty. Ti Sto. M«t»-1 Staa. Havigaaio. C.-paaj. rh* Tottsßbasa Uft» B m Ccapasy. P i"Jv^^t^« Co Bl^%^ PANT. LIMITKD. Airaats. STEAMSHIV COMPANIEB. j I i )FnoE, tmamk m
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    • 711 1 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. T"ONINKLUKE FAKETVAART MAATBCHAPPIJ Under contract with the Netherlands India Government. Aamtt at Singapore: Shi* Aomot, l»t« J. Dintiiu Co., 3-8, Coutsb The undermentioned dates are only approximate. Steamer From Expected Will be Despatched tor On Olehleh. Oct. 14. Macassar direct, Bima and Timor ports Oct. 17. i* it
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    • 594 1 /IOMPUiME DEB MKSHAMERIES L M Mil i IMK- UK FRANCE. Tiliouphic Acduhs: Mkmaoebii, IBMB The mail itnmtn will l«n Singapore on or about the undermentioned dates. OrJTWABD. UOMXWASD. 1900. ltflO. Date* Datet. TtM» Oct. IS i Indiu Oct. 14 Anuam Oct. :'7 I A-iim Oct. iH K.Simoni Nov. U Sydntii
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    • 634 1 INSURANCES. THE LONDON AND LANCASHIRE FIRE INBUBANOE COMPANY. Capital M,1!(7,1W0 Paid up Capital i'.'lS,7«o Reserve Fund £1,073,5*» The andenigned, Agent* for tbe Company, are prepared to accept lire risks at current rates of premium. BOUSTEAI) A Co. rpilK CHINA TRADERS INSUKINOE X COMPANT, LUCTTED. Capital Subscribed f1.000.00U Amount Paid up
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    • 263 1 INSURANCES. Two Great Necessities. VIK. I. FAMILY PROVISION. 2. PROVISION FOR OLD AGE. Easily and Economically met by a Policy in THK BRITISH KJIPIRE JIITI AI, 1.1 XX omt'K. K«TABi.i«H.!r> 1847. Chairman The Right Hon'ble Sir John Gorst, M. P. Funds— Ra. 420,00,000 Claims Paid— Rs. 460,00,000 LAME MUSH UUIAL
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    • 728 1 BANKS. TJONGKONG AND HHANGHAI XI BANKING CORPORATION. PAID-UP CAPITAL Ilo,ooo,<M>. RESERVE FUND Sterling K«»>,uCO.oo'> I Hilver Reserve. OU,OTIO/'» I Orn(w RESERVE LIABILITY OK I ammrnimi PROPRIETORS J-»10,O0O.0On. OocaT of DiEusoroi*-— K A. Sissa. Kaq— CaAiaaual """s I>O»WB.E*>I lR Teb Hok B. M. G*at |A. J Raimokd. Ik. A. Bavft, Kaq
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    • 336 1 NOTICES. THE ALEXANDRA BRICKWORKS Co. Ltd. ARE NOW PREPARED TO SUPPLY. BRICKS, FIRE BRICKS, KIKE CLA Y. For pai ticulars'apply to THE BORNEO Co.. I.Th.-Agents 10/* ALEX. FOX TO. Drapers and Haberdashers. 7, Stamford Road. lla»<- |UH< n-crliiil 111. lollovt liik uihmU. vix Black Mohair and fancy crepont Coloured und
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    • 834 1 KOR SALE EMPLOYMENTS TO I ET Ai\D_PEK>ONALB ,1m riKS, Scents a line, and and *rd limes, 10 cents a line; 4th to Oth times t oanU Hna 7th to IMb lima* I cent* line; afterwards, i oents r lint)', but no charge I*** than on* dollar. Thus a l*rss Itnt
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  • 126 2 The Straits Times WEDNESDAY, 17th OCTOBER, 1900. In view of the fact that the war in South Africa was considered to be virtually over more than a month ago, ( Kronen's experiences during the march from Machadodorp to Carolina were, to say the least of them, severe. Three officers and
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  • 138 2 There will no doubt be much rejoicing among her subjects in this and adjacent parts of the world anent the betrothal of the young Queen of Holland to the Duke Henry of Mecklenbnrg-Schwerin. Queen Wilhelmina who has only just entered her twentieth year, was inaugurated on the throne of tiie
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  • 164 2 Is to-day's telegrams the election returns are virtually closed. Thfly show a reduction in the proportion of Inionist gains— only two having been added to yesterday's total, whereas the Liberal and labour parties have added one to their score, and tlie Nationalists have added three to their-. The only constituency
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  • 227 2 Lou Al■«•!•■■, us he is more generally known u> fiiine-!Sir Kkh.ird Webster, shared with hi» predecessor, the late l.ord Chief Justic», the reputation of being one of ihe smartest and brighter lawyers of the latter deiudei of the century. He was one of the youngest, barristers ever endowed with the
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  • 268 2 It is gratifying to note thai the Select Committee of the Legislative Council hati reported favourably upon the question of raising the pay, and strengthening the staff, and generally elevating the present lamentable statui of the Singapore police. As wag mentioned in these coin in nsabout a week ago, the
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  • 10 2 Thk Strait* lliul, lc l will be published to-morrow morning.
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  • 11 2 The homeward mail close? at cii I o'ulssk an Ffi'lsy morning
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  • 13 2 Produce, exchange, and share price, and tbe mail list, are on page 4.
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  • 15 2 Today's 4/ms bank rate rote to 2 Ij. The sovereign ha* dropped to 99 50.
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  • 13 2 Thk Philharmonic Orchestra meets for practice in the Town Hall at ■> :«> to-morrow night.
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  • 18 2 I.ikit (.11/ hrist, 16th Madras Infantry, has been granted leave of absence from October 22nd to December 20th.
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  • 22 2 One hundred and fifty-seven deaths were registered at Singapore during the week ending on Saturday last. The ratio per thousand was :*4.05.
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  • 31 2 Thk P steamer Voromandel, with the mail from Europe of the 28th Sept. left Colombo at 1 1 p. m. yesterday and is due to arrive here at noon on Monday.
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  • 38 2 Last night a Hylam boy, Goh Ah Ting, employed on tbe S.I. Cheang turn, which is lying at New Harbour Dock, fell into the hold of the vessel, lie was removed to the hospital in an unconscious state.
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  • 39 2 Tin Appeal Court opens its sittings on Monday. There are a round dozen of appeals from Bangkok and a good number of Singapore appeals also, so that tli" Court may expect to be kept pretty busy for some time.
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  • 37 2 An inquest has been held on the body of Annie Hornglein, a European woman, who fell from the top storey of a house in Malay Street on Sunday night. A verdict of Death through misadventure was returned.
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  • 47 2 To-day's produce quotations came too late for connection on the back page. Gambier has dropped to 57.75, white pepper to 543, pearl sago to ft.65, Bali cotfee to S2;t, and small flake tapioca to C 6.80. Bali copra has risen to 56.80. and Palembang coffee to S2B.
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  • 159 2 . A little genealogical problem is puzzling the brains of a correspondent of the l.iierpool "1 have, like the rest of human beings,'' he says, "two parents. They in their turn, had each two. Those four grandparents had each two, and so on. Now, if we take on
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  • 170 2 STRAIT'S TRADING CO. notx xkbtisu to-pay. Til T. at noon, an extraordinary general meeting of the Straits Trading Company was held at the office of the Company, 17, CollyerQuay. The meeting was called to consider the following resolution That the Articles of Association of the Company he altered by adding
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  • 203 2 . Aliot'T 7.4.J l:i-l night, Capt. Boldero reported that a thief had broken into his house in Cavenagh K>ad. The intruder went into the dining room and mole four forks, four spoons, and two knives, and also took an umbrella and a parasol. The property stolen was valued
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  • 254 2 Tiikkk more matches in the tournament were played last evening at the Club house. The first was between Capt. J. Robinson +20 and Mr. K. J. liobcrtson 15 The game was close throughout; and right up to the end it was anyone's game, the Captain managing
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    • 14 2 Mkaaoftaf, Ifaaajaj »ij/<r. Field-Marshal Count Von Waldersce is proceeding to Peking.
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    • 22 2 Twelve thousand Boxers returning to Shantung province have been utterly defeated outside Tsangchou by M.i, a General under Yuan-Shih-kai.
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    • 18 2 KANG-YI AND YUNG-LU. Kang-yi is reported to be seriously ill. Yung-lu has been ordered to join the Empress-Dowager.
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    • 25 2 THE SITUATION AT PAO-TING-FU Pao-ting-fu is almost deserted. All the Government and private treasures have been sent to Honan consequent upon advice given long beforehand.
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    • 17 2 THE FRENCH AT PAO-TING-FU. Hongkong, Twstday afttrnovu. The French troops arrived at Pao-ting-fu o the l:ith inst.
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    • 42 2 . UK STILL lIOPKS IOK SH'CKSS. Biace the Imperial Court arrived at lUian-fu, reactionary edicts removing officials have been issued, showing that Prince Tuan still holds the seal of office and is not despairing of success against the foreigners.
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    • 729 2 . S. C. U. v. 8. V. K. Thk S.C.C. opened their new football season, hist Mot, with a friendly game against the S V.K. on the Kiplanade. Owing to the enforced idleness during the tennis tournament, a few ol the players were a little nut of condition, but nevertheless
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    • 74 2 CLEARING THE (XUJNTRI It is officially reported tbat (ieneral rremb, moving to the Mi of Machadodorp towards Heidelberg to clear the country, with Colonel Mahon in command of the mounted infantry, h a enpaged Ihe enemy smcesufully The British losses were: KilM Captain Taylor of M
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    • 84 2 A FRENCH NOTE. THE IH)\VKUS ASSENT M. l)elua««j, tbe French Minister lor Foreign Afl.iirn, has sent round another Note on t he China (Juestion. Tbis Note covers much the aamu Kround at tbe Ciorman Note on the .-.ime subject. But M. Delca.*-, propoKes variiniK specific meaKurus in addition, including the
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    • 47 2 I'HK (iOVEU.NMKM MAJORITY. Mr. Thi.'Ucnenl Election? are liniKlicd.tliH Orkneys boing the only constituency from which no return bag yet been The members retnrnc.l eOaatal al yru ConservaliveK, »h ITalwlall. IBS Liberals and adherents of the Labour party, and B NjtionalistK Tbe Government majority it> IM.
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    • 21 2 SIR RICHARD WESTER MADE CHIEF JUSTICE. Lord Alvostone, formerly known m Sir Richard Webster, has been appointed Chief Justice of bngland.
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    • 20 2 BETROTHAL OF THE QUKBM OF HOLLAND. Queen Wilhelmini of Holland li hetiothed to Prince Henry uf Jlecklrn IwiH Mali— la
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    • 238 2 CORRESPONDENCE. I'l'he Mm* fiaaM is not resiwnsible for the opinions of its correspondents. THE rOPSH OF THK S. V. U. TOTHB KOITOKOK THI STRAITS TIKIS." Sik, It is understood, though apparently not yet officially notilied, that the Volunteers will parade next Saturday al 4 p in for field operations, and
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    • 107 2 THE VOLUNTEERS. TO THK EDITOR OK THE STRAP'S TIMES. Sik, List night, at tho Drill Hall, there were roughly :«> S. V. R. men on parade in uniform and there were a third of that number of If. V. A. men on parade in shirt sleeves. Vet the S V
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    • 117 2 HAT-SNATCHING. A Ha, I )ehat>B, from one of the vessels in harbour, was driving in a 'rikishii along South Rridge Road about MUNI last night when his hat was snatched by a Chiiiam ;in The thief made oil' before he could be captured. About an hour later another Kuropeau had
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    • 107 2 H. M. S. GLORY. Thk new British battleship (Mary may be expected to arrive here soon on her way to China to relieve the rVnriirion as flag-ship on the China Station. The Ulnni was to have been ready to sail in March last, but owing to delay with her heavy
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 446 2 NOTICES. NOBLE'S EXPLOSIVES COMPANY LI). ULABGOW. Manuiactunin of Dynamite. Gelignite, Gelatine Dynamite, Blasting Gelatine. Detonators, lU. KIHIWOr Safety Fuses, fcl&inc Blastiog Apparatus. '■h, mtmmmmmm, im»g ;li, fi-rind in Hrilnin, an malic fo fxim ike kigk lUnuktrd of r.ifily anil purity tail! imputed Ay thn hriluh Ooitrnment, ant ore, thmfnr*,
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    • 879 2 NOTICES. THE ROBINSON PIANO CO., LTD. Brinsmead Pianos. WITH <>i v OWN BiMPUfBNI TIi.WSmSIMJ KEY BOARD— SSSO. Pianos on hire at MO, $12, and $14 to $2O per month, including Tuning-. NOTICE rplIK «le:i Ml' IH (IS VI.V and I tCOUT, and the launches PI.KXTOSO an.l BHIFB, "ill t>e sold
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    • 578 2 THE CYCLONE OF AMUSEMENT ENTERPRISE APPROACHES lIARMSTON'N Grand Circus Uld Kojnl Wcnagcri*' of I'erfoiiiilng Wild Animals, Returning from a Triumphant Tour through Java TRULY A KOYAL SHOW Revolutionising tented Entertainmenlf. In every Knitan admirable and pra lacworthy amuaement combination, projected on a scale of magnitude and general superiority comprehensively adapted
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    • 880 2 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. WAMKI) a clerk for a mercantile flrm. Apply to W.B. 17/10 c/O .S'rr.ll'r, Tim". I>E(jl'lKKD liy married couple board \X and p-idcnci' in private family. Particulars to 7." c/o SVroi7» Time!. 17/10 SITUATION WANTED AH Bookkeeper or Assi-Unl. (KantIndia) Oentlcman, with uood references, desires situation. Apply to O.
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  • 4594 3 LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL. It HOAY, HiiH <H-TOBKi: raaaawt iIMMUU iKS«»:irKNH.«, MlOkl. B| I'olnnial SecreHon i S\ KyonrnU'v (aMwaßtI'mincillorTif IVnilßgl. I „ti,..r. v.-iniK BsaMaal ConoelUar o( Malaooa). lion .1 <> Anthoiu-/ (! Coloniiil Hum F Bi. a CaaltsiU (Actlag Ooloniiil En^, Hon W. K. Collyei iMfiney lienerml). lion I C Hill lAuiiitor
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  • 43 3 Ks.-M.S AUVKKIISKII in SAIL l-eiianc and Bombay, Hormidu, due 17th ii teha Meyer .V Co. IViinog and I Vpli, Ikli, orary Tuesday. Behn M«v«r A Co. Deli, Nunuiirn.eTesi Friday, Bebn M«y«r A Co. KslaoUa Tis ports, imlmtt erer; ton dsvs, W«* Bio C«.
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  • 1557 3 ESTIMATES FOR 1901. OOHMUTM RRFORTR. FINOAPOKI. liiri'CTn by Select. Committees on the Estimates for 1!H>I have been laid before Couui 1 1 The Committee for Singapore and Malacca consisted of Messrs Egerton, Merewether, Anthoni.-/, Hill, Burkinshaw, Napier Uird. Karle. and Boon Keng. They reported in favour of increasing the
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  • 350 3 SHIPPING NEWS. Thi lama Oaaamt is shortly expected to arrive Kurope. The Ililierag is expected to arrive from Rangoon on Saturday with cargo. The Sri l>gaian was docked at Keppel Harbour yesterday. H. M. llmml-lr will leave for Bangkok to-morrow The I'rwleulia is expected to arrive from Japan on
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  • 197 3 ARRANGEMENTS. Wednesday, ITtii Oitobek. High Water. 4.67 p.m. Manning of the l i.-i.v. W. V. R. Fbyhicnl Drill. U. si. V. A. J!>" Heclion Drill, ft. 14. Hockey. Ksplantde. 8. V. A. Lamp Practice. UM. 'I'IIt'USDAY, ISTII Oilolltl: High WaWr. n..W a.m. «.Mo.iii. I. ft ii. homeward mail due Uud
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  • 82 3 DiTl VmulDi»i Kuuißi. C»n»T!i l>mi»tio> Oct 17 Hin Panic Brit ttr. Ukn Sour»b.y» 17 Malacca »tr l>Mv T.lok Anton »ia porlt 17 Smmporc itr Uray' nmxkok 17 Halun itr. HanOrv Uuw and Malacca 1 7 Aiaj »ir Ball Japan fia ports 17,8«1.i0nK Dut «tr. llolui- I'oti* »i» port* 17
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 105 3 UOIXG INSAXK. A. 1.. Kiiner olStoneriilgß, N. V. -m» I was for a long lime troubled with sleeplinionen and with intense nruntlgic pains in the hen! which nnule BM f«el v though I wss going insane. Tbe physicians could do nothing for me. I heard of some extraordinary enres effected
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    • 861 3 AUCTION SALESSALE Of VALUABLE HOUBKHOLI) KIRSUTKK, ftc THK TKOPIKTY OF MKS. NKWROKN, AT n/IVKU-«Y, IIRANOS DROVE BOAO. Salnrday, Mlh October, at 1.30 p.m. rpHK underoigned have been instructed 1 to Mil by auction th* houwhold furniture, <tc., conaistiug of a new collage piano, by Lolnn Geii. in eood order; teak
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    • 663 3 NOTICES. MI'NICTAI, KUTICaV 'I'HK Municipal f I null wim *Hn 1 lo draw tin- atlcutmu of 'r, hue. i>. Surveyors, Builder., Coulm.ton., and llif general public lo Section 11 of th» Municipal Oidinaocr. IH«.. Amendaieul ordinance No. X of Mini winch was |uu*rd on the ytlth May last, hy which
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  • 558 4 COMMERCIAL. Mwurou, 17th Or-romm, 1900. PEU)DUCE. {Hat- on amW to noon) Oambier Copra Bali, 6.Bft. do Pontianak, a «00 Pepper. Black buyers.... 'J9.ifi Jo WbJW,<6«) 44.00 Nag) Floor Sarawak,. .1.00 do Brunei Ho. 1 ,U0 Pearl Sago 5.70 Coflee, Bali, \:>X bails 25..M) Coffee Palemlang, 16% basis 1!7.0n Ooflee, Liberian,
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    • 1567 4 SHIPPING IN PORT. U ndertnis heading the following abbrena tiont are uted air— tieamer ab. ahip bq.— barque tch.-tchooner Yet— Yacht Crn.— Crulter Obt— Ounboat Tor Torpedo Hp. Hone-power Brit— Britith U. S.— United Stales. Fr. French; Ger. -German, Dut— Dutch; Job..— Jobore Ac.. G. c—Generalcargo d.p.— deck oaaaengen; U.—Uncertain
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    • 678 4 VESSELS EXPECTED. Norn*, port, probable tall ol am-u „i tnuoMk Agamemnon, China, Nov lit Mansßeld. AmlHito, Ift Fphia, Sept It) Borneo Coy. Ambria, Hamburg. Oct 26 B. Meyer. Anapa. H'kong, Oet Nov O. Wood. AniiHiu, Colombo, Oct 27 M M. Ansgar. Barry, pad Canal. Oct 6 Antenor, L'pool. Oct ID
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    • 42 4 . t Vm»U N... I Ton- C»rT»i» Fbok S.iur. '*»»i«ra.. 4; StktWl 111 II Oaftr. !«W,D.W,n NjJM* Ut 'i X??« »T™ ?Co SB ftsifiß B S m'TrtaMM rtr 10* Phillip. S»i«on M »»yn>« <» 00. 17 ?r^ho« Li £:j »1M fc«?o'b. :{"l«talph»Au, WMp.ncwCon.ul.
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    • 180 4 MAILS CLOSE. MAILS TO AKRIVE. Fbom EDBori :-By the I. A O. s. a. foninatuUl, due on the Jl st Oct. with dates from London to the •-'■< th s.-|.i Hbe brings rt-plifs to tb« maiN which left Singapore on the 'JWth A off. Kkom China :-Bytne I'.iO. s.s. Hen^ai.
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    • 272 4 PASSENGER LIST. AKKIVALB. lVr a, >. lan ltumrn from Bmavia Mr. V. D. Wonder. Mr. and Mra. Barker, Mnnrt. Knoopa, Swtt, and Smith. Per I. i.'.rmiin from Manila Dr. Dill mar, and Mr. Kirby. Par a. luaha .i/'iru from lyuilon— Mean. A. Holley. A. Weaver, Mr.. Hue. Minn Kae, Dr.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 416 4 NOTICES. ImUfirLEUPEHIK 1 WORCESTERSHIRE SAUCE. v Bo Special Wappant j^¥3 £J*£Tlw Qneen Purveyors to f Empress of htt CELEBRATED OILMAN'S STORE&. WHITEWAY'S ITKK DEVONSHIRE CYDERS Specially adapted for consumption in Tropical Climates. WHITE WAY ,v 00 guarantee all their Cyders to l>e the pure j«M of tlic KntHt DmMin Anlm
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    • 793 4 "TIMKB" AND "BUIXiKT. HtraiU Times, WO > yea.-, or Kti a month or fifteen cent* m copy. Pod Free, »J i quarter. Strata Budget pott free, t-V year, or ft a quarter, or 40 cents a copy. Tbe advertising rate* an: first time, It cent* a line; 2nd and 3rd
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    • 800 4 M)THFA JKAflflflGß of Japan I TOILET WATER ipprwaW hr it? delicate pntlHge and the Ming of tomtort I and lr«fitK*s which it imparts to the skin Kananga Extract i A MMCMO* ■WW n.nFiMK fob tme HANDKIRcHItr I RIG AUD <fe C", 8. rue Vivlenne, PARIS CHINA MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COY,
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