The Straits Times, 19 September 1900

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 14 1 The Straits Times. EnT. OVER A CENTURY SINGATORR WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMBER 19. 1900. No. 30,244.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 873 1 notices. rpilK HOKNEU C<>M CAN V, LlMllEli Til WMitorH Lit. bniu Norwich Cnioo Fir. InrarsMS SoeietJ. At s* lan» Conpw; I Kirel T>. K.u.t.10- Ufc s.,cietv. T>i« <V~ti V«nr.e Insurance '■<mn»ar TW Cbias Mots»l 9t«sm Navigation Conpaav. fh, T*l>-s>has. UhP" >'on>l»>ij Ths Marittss* Insuismos Company. Limited. for sartioulan of
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    • 1274 1 STEAMSHIP CUMPAMES. I < iMNKI IJ XX I'AK'KTVAART MAATBCHAFPU Under contract with the Netherlands India Oo»ernment. Agrnlt at Sinnnpurr- SHIP AotMOT, L*TI J. DiIKDILS A Co.. 2-3, COLLTKB -ink". The undermentioned d»te« are only approximate Steamer From KxpoctM Will be llenpatcHad (or On A'ifn «y». Ba i r l» f
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    • 659 1 INSURANCES. THE LONDON AND LANCASHIRE 1 FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. Capital £*2.1K7,R00 Paid up Capital .'1 2.7 M Reserve Fond £1,073,680 Tbe undersigned. Agents for the Company, are prepared to accept Ore risks at current raUjs of premium. ROL'STEAD A Co. 'IIUK CHINA TRADERS INSURANCE 1 COMPANY, LIMITED. Capita] Subscribed $a/XM,OOO.
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    • 439 1 INSURANCES. Two Great Necessities. VIZ. 1. FAMILY PROVISION. a. PROVISION FOR OLD AGE. Easily and Economical ly met by a Policy in THK BRITISH EMPIRE MUTUAL UN OFFICE, E«TABLInHED 1847. Chairman The Right Hon'ble Bir John Guret, M P. Fiiml*--Rs. 4Jti,00,000 Claims Paid— R>. 4'>0,n0,000 L\VX t»Km LIBERAL WWiIuVS uw
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    • 702 1 BANKS. HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. PAID-UP CAPITAL 110,000,000. RESERVE FUND 111,800,000. RESERVE LIABILITY OF iIOOO( )000 PROPRIETORS. J-110,000.000. Cocbt or Dibbctobs- N. A. Bms, bq— Cbaibiuii E Gorrt. Ksq. A. j R>tmomd. Km A Hiun, E«i RL Ricbudsok7S«|. Ho». J. J. Kaswici. >'. oacm.s. Kaq. H. W. lids K«,.
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    • 621 1 j NOTICE& INDIAN ENGINEERING. Ab Illustrated Weexly Jocbeal THE RECOGNIZED ORGAN OF THE PROFESSION IN INDIA. With fOarmlMd bona Me emulation, LIBT OPEN TO INSPECTION. PAT. DOYLE C.E. CALCUTTA bTRAITS HmTEL. SINGAPORE. THE Proprietress, Mrs. S. McDonald, begs to inform the public that the •bore hotel is still under the
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    • 823 1 FOR SALE feMPLOTHCNTS TO LET- ANDPER-ONALS [Ist nn. If osnls a llae sad sad «r# times, 10 cents a line 4th to Ma times osnts a line Tib to IMb ttsaes oeass line afterwards, 1 won a lias be* ac charge less than mm dollar. Tans a sVsa Vmt advertisement,
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  • 43 2 The final list, published in another column, ofthe Indian Famine relief fund in the Straits and Malaya, shows a total collection amounting to about *73,064. The Singapore subscriptions reached 558.119. Remitted to India, the total amount represented 108,582 Rupees.
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  • 260 2 There is a refreshing ring about the special telegrams from China. Li HungChang had accepted a Russian escort on his journey north in the Anping, a British steamer, presumably without consulting any one but the Russian Admiral, who, of course, was only too glad to use his services in that
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  • 7 2 To-days 4 m/s bank rate is ss/1.
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  • 9 2 Tin fell to-day from 572 87! to Sea 20,
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  • 8 2 Tut Strait* Hutget will be published to-uiurruw wouiiug.
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  • 12 2 The homeward P. O. mail closes at 6 o'clock on Friday i-.uniing.
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  • 15 2 The HM in Perak will be taken on tbe night of the Ist March next.
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  • 12 2 The rice allowance to native Government servants, last year, amounted to $44,805
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  • 15 2 This afternoon, the S.V R hold their si-cond battalion drill on the Kaffles Reclamation ground.
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  • 18 2 The loans from the Colony to tbe States of Negri Semhilan and Pahang have all been paid up.
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  • 18 2 The Government profit on silver and copper coin issue in the Colony, last year, came to over 858,000.
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  • 21 2 Thk telograph ship John fendti i« due from China in a few days. *im has been engaged on the Shanghai-Cbefoo cable.
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  • 24 2 Ml" Rodd, a lady missionary from China, will give an address in the large h;ill "v tin; Sailors' Home at 8. 15 p.m. to-morrow
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  • 20 2 The revenue from opium licences in the Colony, l.i-t year, amounted to S:J.:i 18.400; that, from spirit licences reached 5757.200.
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  • 28 2 Thk revenue of the Colony for 1599 was $5,199 149, corrected for arrears, ■•-■-■■hi-' $5,029,689, the revenue for 1898. The outlay was «,083,884, against I ..--'.H'.l iii 1898.
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  • 29 2 The Chinaman who was injured at the saw-mills at Kallang Road some days ago died in hospital last .night. The man broke his arm, which had to be amputated
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  • 31 2 Yesterday, the Rev. Ka'her Coureaux.a Krench missionary, arrived from Manchuria. He says that the destruction uf Roman Catholic mission property in that region is complete, except in the town of Int'ze.
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  • 34 2 m K'lnuKv silver coin to the value of 5&J6.000 was imported into the Colony during last year, as xgainst 5572.00U in 1898 A considerable quantity of this coin finds its way to Netherlands India.
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  • 43 2 About 10 30 last night a Chinaman stabbed a Macao brothel keeper with a penknife At 3 Upper Hnkien street. The man was arrested. The woman, who had three ocalp wounds on her head, was sent to hospital but refused to stay there.
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  • 46 2 The Police Report for last year notes thai a steam launch hag been provided for the marine police in Singapore, which patrols the harbour nightly in adiiition to police rowing boats The Inspector-General has no doubt that thin has assisted much in putting down harbour thieving.
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  • 63 2 Thi military expenditure of the Colony for 1889 over 5&69.260 contribution (817,773 and balance of contribution for 1898, *51,47 U. The contribution for IHB9 was estimated at 17j per cent, of the revenue of the Colony, plus cost of military works, but it was afterwards fixed at 20 per cent.
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  • 66 2 Last year, the expenditure under the Volunteers' Ordinance of the Colony whs over 514, U.« The outlay on the Penxng Volunteer Corps was over 52.6V0. The Crown Agents accounted for 53.102 The outlay in Singapore came to $8,424, allotted as follows Capitation allowance r >-'"> Ueneral
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  • 192 2 In an article in the Rirut-i liaritlima on Maritime Defence," Siunor Crispi points out that the Triple Alliance ha* existed now for eighteen years and that during that long period Italy has not known bow to organise her defence. From 1860 until now Italy has spent 2,650,000,000
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  • 101 2 FINAL LIST Amount previously acknowledged $73,014 01 Aug. M Oalhousie Royal Arch Ihuptor fO 7 i.nti I n I SUMMARY OF BUB8CBJPTIO}iS IIKTEIVED. (Singapore > 68.llU.67 J..hoi« 1 Ul.» M»aoc» Nt-gri Sflmbilan 2,m.O PrliaiiK Briti>b Nor h Borneo Psrak 1O.1H7.4G ToUl ..?7S,ii«4U4 KEUITl'ANCU TO
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  • 586 2 This annual report on the Straits Si-tll. im-iit- Police Force and <m the stale ol crime in the Colony fur 189 d was laid before Council yesterday The repurt mates that the Colotiy was free from disturbance during the year. The return of ofl'ences reported shows
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    • 41 2 FIRM BRITISH ATTITUDE. LI (JOES WITHOUT TUE RUSSIAN ESTORT. Hongkong, Tuerday afternvon. Li Hung-Chang has been foiced to forego the encort of Admiral Korniloff, owing to the British intention of forcibly preventing him proceeding north under Russian escort.
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    • 49 2 THE ALTKRNATIVEUISSOLUTIOXOFTHK CHINESE EMPIRE. Intimation has also been conveyed to Li-Uung-Chang that the Allies insist on the return of the Emperor to Peking. The Allies state that the Emperor's return to Peking in the only means of avoiding the distortion of the Chinese Empire.
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    • 22 2 The Allies state that they will protect th. Emperor, but they insist on punishing all guilty parties.
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    • 23 2 <iOIN<;TOTAKU. .:?liai, Tusday night. H. M. S. Aliurity, with Admiral Seymour on board, leaves h»re on Wednesday morning (to-day) for Taku.
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    • 31 2 FEW BOXEKS FOUND. Small expeditions have been sent out by the Allies south-west of Peking and towards Tientsin These expeditious were all successful. But few Boxers were found
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    • 16 2 The total Allied force at Peking on the lOthynst was 22,000 men.
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  • 69 2 Mr. John I.ennan, of the Tanjong Pagar Dock, reports that his cook has disappeared with a SlO nute which was given tv him to change. An Arab living at 252 North Bridge Road reports that his house was entered and clothing valued at S-'l'J stolen. A Chinaman
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  • 166 2 The second malarial expedition of the Liverpool Schoul of Tropical Medicine has wired home from Bonny in Nigeiia news of a mo-t important discovery, viz., that the parasite which causes elephantiasis has, like that which causes malaria, been fuund in the proboscis of the mosquito. The same
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  • 215 2 SHIPPING NEWS Thk Russian transport I'elertbvrg left for Odessa at 7 last oight. The British transport Canning left for Bombay this morning The Duriua is due from Calcutta on the 22nd instant with live stock. The French steamer Britannia is due here on the 34th instant fur the purpose of
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    • 109 2 INSTKiATOUs OF OUTRAGES MUST BE (JIVEN DP. London, WnAnadny The German Government has sent a Circular Note to the Powers regarding the Chinese question. Tbe Note considers the delivering-up of the instigators of the outrages there to punishment to he a necessary preli minary to
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    • 17 2 WILL THE POWERS AGREE Ihe Note expresses the conviction that the Towers will agree on these point*.
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    • 36 2 Otherwise, so the Note concludes, indifference on tbe part of the Powers in exacting rightful atonement Irom the Cninose Government would be held to be equivalent to indiflerente regarding the repetition of the outiages.
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  • 113 2 An imposing looking church with schools tor buys and girls is being erected at Serangoon by the Roman Catholic mission. It is near the site of the old church. The great increase in the Chinese congregation has rendered the additional accommodation necessary The old dirndl *as built
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  • 720 2 I'm. sports spirit so comnion mm with native troops is shown to the full by the visit thin weekof M-ijor Vanrenen and M N. C. O.s and men uf the Malar >t .1' Guides to try conclusions with the 16th Madras Native Infantry in various competitions. Somewhat
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 451 2 NOTICES. NOBEL'S EXPLOSIVES COMPANY LD. GLASGOW. Manufacturer* ol Dynamite, Gelignite, Gelatine Dynamite, Blasting Gelatine, Detonators, »L1 lIRIM OF Safety Fuses, Electric Blasting Apparatus. The abort Erptaeim, being all manula lured in Great Britain, are made to pars the nigh stundard of mfity and punty Mi imposed by Ike Briiith tiorvrnmmif,
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    • 1634 2 NOTICES. THE CHINESE CRISIS. Owing to I lie above, our boners in >hanghai and Hongkong have lumber of pian.* plaecd in their hanrls for sale cheap, and »«<me of these :istnnreDls b*TW Ixcii wtwt to us faff disposal. lUrsiiiiis are offered mid an early inspection is invited. THE ROBINSON PIANO
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    • 506 2 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. INDOCHINA STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY, LIMITED. FOR BOURABAYA A SAMARANG THE Company's «te«m<T FAVSAH 1,410 tons, Captain Mitchell, having left Hongkong on the Bth intt ma; b« fxpr*te<l to arrive here on or about th«?«th in.t. and will have prompt dotpatch for the above ports. For freight or passage
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    • 136 2 M.8.8 io»nH«Hor th» slrMta 1\»». .l»>.l<t t •ritton o on tiiU at Ha pHMr <Khr. B» th. dwlxtl o» tut onnditino, an; M. S. B. an rajMted tb>t mirkt otliarwiu Sr poMuhW AM in nmtnet. v. mktaot «o tb. ooodiboa that th> Muirr •»> la»r» tb. >ii lHlliant oil d
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  • 809 3 V R. r. »T*CO. R A lui-i. teann met last night in 'he first round for the Warren Koofhall ChalUnM Shield on the Recreation und before a lair turnout of ■HMMI Both teamt were very much altered, but nevertheless a WHj repre--f ntativp learn wan pul
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  • 189 3 Wmmmmtt, i»tn sifiembih. HighW.ter. 6 -.7 pm I A .I K nun and recruit* drill 5.16. s. V K. Battalion Drill. Banqiiflt at .l.'hore Ump Practice. 4-Y rurfc.ii.iv, inn Septkmbki. High Wmr. 8.45 a.m. 816 pm. W»rren Fooll>all. 8. V. A i». R. K S. V. A. Kigna'linß. 5.15.
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  • 46 3 I'enand i>n<l Bomlny. tti*>giu>, due 19tb H*pt Bf hn Mmr 4 To. Fri>m«n'l<i vix port', Satadtn, OD l»th Bcpi W M»n«tifl.i Co. ÜbuiiD »i..l Mmiila. raicli. 1.1. on 90th b«pi.. ivlm Mmm < <o. P-l-mUini!, Aura, on 31st Scot, I'utl Uj-U.o A Co.
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  • 2531 3 TUESDAY, Ihth prmknt HIS HowUnSlK Al.tllXnJß-WXTTINHAM, ir«a.|Ari[wiiuv«««'*). Hon. W. KfMtM wi-tin* Colonial Secretary >. Hon VV. B. Colly<T(\tioroey Onenil). H,hi. K.U itUl (An ttfr-M Moo K M. Merewrllier (Acting Colonial Ti en*u M Hon K. -t O. Caulleild (Acting Colonial Enxineei). Hon J. Bur.msbaw. Hon Dr Uo oi.i
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  • 514 3 YESTERHAYd PLAY. "A SINGLES. DsrbiRhire+4 bent Maysoo— a. 0-4, b" singles. Scotl »cr. v Wirii.-r I. unfit.. HitiitJi-lfv »cr. v. -imps •n postponed. K«ir-ab«itClirk.6-«, 1-3. n ii'-lci-.-r scr. v. Wright scr., nutin. "c" SIXOLES. Ineram wr beat Cro««+ 6-\ Ku.hualdy s.r. l«at (i.-ctic+S. 6-1, 6
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  • 169 3 Tbe Manila Time* gives particulars of troubles in Bulu 1 lie aultan ol sulu started th" difficult ies by obj-ctiDg to the Auieiicans Sending araad truops through the provinces under liis jurisdiction. Majur O. T Sweet, who cuiuuiands the American garrison at Jolo, bad planned a series
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  • 1232 3 Kr," mid. Mr. Hennessy, -to think u-laciiy iv thim Chiuymnn It do II." ■'It do thai," said Mr. Dooley. "It bates lh' wurru'd. An what's it comiu' to? You an' me looks at a Chi yman as lh unh b« wasn't good fV annytbing bu washm'
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  • 101 3 The present abnormal heat in Singapore makes a man thirsty and he flies to the gentle steneali for consolation. There is a drink, however, which has been largely used at home during the recent heat and is reported to tx> moat refreshing and reviving
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  • 121 3 Disappointment in love is the reason given for a shocking crime committed the other day in the outskirts of Bnngkok. Nai Tap had a daughter, and she was loved by a certain Siamese who wished to marry her. But her father gave the girl in marriage to
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  • 579 3 (C/u«n Mnil.) Peking, \bth August We are at last in Peking aft«r one of the most tiring marches on record. The distance covered lias been comparatively trivial and the conditions of the roads and weather have been something awful, th« heat at times being almost unbearable.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 226 3 UOLNG LNSASE. A. L. Rimer of Stoneridge, N. T.SMI— I was fora long time troubled »ith sleeplessness and with intense neuralgic pains in the he id which made me feel as though I was going insane. The physicians could do nothing for me. I heard of some extraordinary cures effected
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    • 760 3 Nornm THE ALEXANDRA BRICKWORKS Co. Ltd. ARE NOW PRF.PARED TO BUPPLY. BRICKS, FIRE BRICKS, A FIRE CLAY. For particulars apply to THE BORNEO Co., Lin.— Agent*. 10/S AN IDEAL TONIC SERRAVALLO'S TONIC (BARK AND IRON WINE) Stimulate* itar Appetite strengthen* Ike ■saij Nerves I^B Kecenrmtrs tbr rm bi»»«! |91 Pleasant
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    • 486 3 FOR SALE EMPLOYMENTS; TO LET; AXD PKRBOVALR; [Ist time, lSoenta a line; 2nd and *d times, lOosnUa line <t» to «th times, cents a line; 7th to 18th times, osnts a line; afterwards, 3 cents a line; bat se charge less thao one dollar. Thns, a Ihnt line advertisement, close
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 85 3 WKATHKR REPORT. Kawiatg Kerbau tli-wia., \glk Srpl. 11-uO. »a.m Sp.m. Pp.m RlMlttKS. Bmr. 2m«li».i<tiSSH.!«« Tamp. 85.6 88.S 7»5 W. BMbTher 79,0 78 a 77.8 ijU Oir.ofWind 8. B.W. B.W. Max. Temp. 88.3 K o~ Kin Max. in Pun IS9.U g Tcrr.rsd 71J Mo Kaiatall Nil. <■ The time ball at
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  • 553 4 C OMMERCIAL. HiihAroMB. 19th ifernKUB. 1W0. PRODUCE. {BaUv art oomettd to Mml Gambler I 6.00. Copi-aBall 640 do Pontlanak, 6.00 t epper, Black.. buyers W W Jo Whlt«, (5*) «00 Sago Floor Sarawak, S30 do Brunei So. 1 >»> Pearl8ago -4074 CoBee. Bali, 15X ba*it *I6< Coffee P»lemi«o«. l6Xb**it.. *7.i»>
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  • 73 4 For Ft Mtr. To-Mo««nw. Vfinil* Tai Cktnw \|ftcaB«arviH ports G. v. bylandi Malacca 4 KlaDg CK,,v I'hya Friday. Rurop« via porta P-i'jamntla our il'syn vi.i ports B<m Lumg IVIi via porte Btouwr 1 1 Sumatra iVnam A Deli Cahipto PalemtMDg AVrra Raafckok Bnnglcok H«tiirp«v. KflanUn via porta f'levo
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  • 131 4 From Edeopi By the P. A O s. a. Malti, Hue on the list Sept. with rUmi to the 31»i Aug She hringa repi<-s to tho mails which left Bing«|>on> on the *9th July. Tin- M. M. Loot, with dates to the 24ib Au. u«t i> due
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  • 44 4 ARBIVAU. Per >. Colypto from Deli— MeMra. BMck, E-tel. »nd Sen latter. Per t H"ka*a Maru from London via ports -M.-s.tb. D. Ih'wur, A. Martin, H. I'nnbury. O E. ampbell, O. E. Bagnall, .I.Sbemuld.J Molyoeaui J. Hanna, Mrt. Foulkes, and Mr. J. Mbands.
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  • 189 4 (For Sinuapon.) Per M. M. Loot from Maraeille* Au«V Mi and Mr-. Dftn.oulieret. Per M. M. r iirnuind H.\ic connec'ing with the ikimer Sydify at Colombo, from Marseilles Sept. 9-Mr. W G. Bradford, Messrs. L. and P I upire. Mr. C. T. Tarn. For the Far East. Per
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    • 1107 4 Under tnit heading the following abbreviations are used str. steamer sb. ship i.-q.- -barque son.— achoonar Yet— Yacht Cru. —Cruiser GbU— Ounboat Tor Torpedo H.p. -Horse-power Brit.— British U. S.— United; Fr.— French; Oer.— German Dot.— Dutch: 101 l. Jobore Ac, G. c.,—Generalargo d.p. deck passengers:
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    • 966 4 Horn; port, pro6oAl< dau t>l mrttat, *amt ol (emu. Htiauim. Aduto, Furope, p'sd Canal, Aug 38 Af'idi, U'kuuii, rtpl 1* p. Simons Agamemnon, L'poul, (fc-pt Jl, Mansfield. Auuam, Colo nbo, Oct 2, M U. Antonio Lu|), I Mau la, Sepl U Rarbw. Aibmia. Hamburg, o.i I n,.| ln
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    • 156 4 a tIM. I P Vnau't Nun A Tout. Oattik Fbob haiuk Comiomiv 3 J!Ll_l I R'pt Ix Hakata Marti Jap Mr. SBl4 Hommer London Aug 18 F fcimont »nd Co 18 rUn l.inng Out Mr. -JT> Koiufl B ji-rminin B. pi UlKk Leon* Chan IH B« ilug i Mr.
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    • 85 4 l>»i* Vhoi'iHui KuuAßiu Cutam Dwtwatkw Stpt 18 Be<iUng Pot Mr. Kool MM* 19 Malacca Brit Mr. I Italy Telok Aoeon <m port* 18 8»l»dio %v. I H«lf I FreniantM vi» port. 19 I B*n Poh Ouu «r. Kirmtion Mww» »i» PprU la Honuds iv. I Howlden R.ngoon «nd O«lcutU
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 1065 4 NOTICES. iOIDts for LEA PERRIHS 1 #k j| WORCESTERSHIRE SAUCE. v Ej Special Wirrut JgHlfiJ^LTta Queen o. Purveyors to Empress of India. OILMAN'S STORES^ POWELL ROBINSON. BATTEUY KOAD. NEW OUTFITTING [Bpf^Ml Ea ening PreBB shirtB JUST OPENED BEST QUALITY ONLY ex 8. 8. glen af I K Evening Dress Shirts
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    • 707 4 i^otiies. "j KflHflflGA of Japan ■I* TOILET WATER Appreciated (or iv delicate pfrfame and the fating M lontort I iai tmhKS wtllcll > l inipuis to Uk iUi Kananga Extract I «B|3A A DEMi:lot'S EMtTIC PKBFIMK FOR THE HANDKtfITHIIF I 'j Al once original, grateful «nd pennlenlly frsfrsnt I w
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