The Straits Times, 17 September 1900

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 15 1 The Straits Times. EST. OVER i A CENTURY SINGAPORE MONDAY. SEFfEMBER 17. 1900. No. 20,242.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 854 1 NOTICES»piIK HOKNK.o Co.MIASY. I.IMI I Kl> Staaissra Ufa bnino Norwich Cam Fin Umhi Atlas ass*™*** Cosansavr (Fm>. Th. K.|«il»M» Ltv. as«wmiios SnelstJ. Tk. 0~» 1— MM "Tl Tk« Chia* M<il«al Bbsbsb sta»1<aBloB Oss»|a«J. rw. Tgwrtii i-c" B«c CV) ll Mtti^ for particulan o« these Oosmssnaa. full ifai'l»««t <* TH«
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    • 768 1 STEAMSHIP^ COMPANU& t'ONINKUJKE PAKBTVAART MAATSCHAPPIJ Under contract with tbe Netherlands India Government. AgenU at Singapore- Ship Aoijct, uiti J. Daiicdii s 4 Co.. Oou-TIB The undermentioned date» are only approximate Bt*emer~ From Expected Will be Despatched (or Oa Tambon. BmU inßepi v. Penang, Kabang, Olehleh, West Coast Sumatra p rts.
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    • 543 1 BKITIBH INDIA STEAM NAVIOA TION COMPANY. LIMITED. TO i'KN ANU. RANGOON, A CALCUTTA OneoftheCompanv'ssteameraisintended io leave Tanjong Pagar Wharf every week Passengers and Cargo booked by tbe above steamers at through rates to all ports in India and Ceylon, also to East African Ports, Mauritius, and London. TO MANILA, DIRECT,
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    • 646 1 INSURANCES. 'HHK LONDON AND LANCABHIRK I FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. Oanital £5.1K7,M0 Pai< op Capital £;l!!.7M) Reserve Fond £1,078,680 The undersigned, Agents for the Comany, are prepared to accept fire risks at current rates of premium. BOUSTEAD A Co. rK CHINA TRADKRS INSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED. Capital Snbaaribsd $*,ouu,OOu. Amount Psid up
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    • 407 1 INSURANCES. Two Great Necessities. VIZ. 1. FAMILY PROVISION. 2. PROVISION FOR OLD AGE. Easily and Economically met by a Policy in THE BRITISH EMPIRE MUTUAL HFK OFFICE, ESTABLISHED 1847. Chairman The Right Hon'ble Sir John Gbrat, M. P. Ki, mis IN 420,00,000 Claims Paid— Ra. 460,00,000 LUCE BOWSES LIBEKAL (V!fMTI.IN
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    • 693 1 BANKS. I UONOKONQ AND tiHANCIHAI BANKING CORPORATION. PAID-UP CAPITAL •10,000,000. RESERVE FDND 111,600,000. RESERVE LIABILITY OF) .mnriirm PROPRIETORS. 110,000.000. Cocrt or I)i«ictor«:— N A. Sisss. Isq.-CHAraMAir B i-nWAN, Esq.— Darnrv Chaibmak. R. H. Gut Ksq. I D. M Musas, Bsq. K. Ooan, Esq. A. J RathomdTEm. A HAurr, Bsq I
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    • 449 1 NOTICES. STRAITB HOTEL. SINGAPORE. rpHE Proprietress, Mrs. 8. McDonald, 1 begs to inform tbe public tbatthe above hotel is still under the same management and solicits the custom of all her former and present customer-, whose comforts will be attended to as of old. Mrs. McDonald wishes it to be
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    • 840 1 FOR SALE EMPLOYMSNT* TO LET- AJfD^PER.^ONALB [lar mo, 16 oanss a Mac 2nd tad sM times, lOoonU a lins; 4th to Mk tisoea oente a line 7th to 18th times I oasis line; afterwards, I ornte a Has, tat t» charge lees than one dollar. Thus a lans Urn adnrtisemsn
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  • 30 2 On Sunday at 1 a.m at her re-idenr-e K« Institution Hill, 8i saskui, the dearly Kel-ived wife of Archibald ampbell, sadly mourned by her sorrowful family. R. I. P.
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  • 161 2 Thkh." from ship* lying at the wharves have become so common of late that it ia time some effective steps are taken to apprehend the thieves. Day by day we report cases where thieves have made off with jewellery stolen from- the cabins of ships lying
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  • 213 2 T«e talk of sending the tint troops home from Sumli Africa is pretty guud evidence that the campaign is, to all intent* and purposes, over. There is sure to be minor fighting fur niinn time wherever isolated bodies of the enemy happen to be moving about, but the backbone of
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  • 277 2 Bazaar reportathat a /«Aotl is intended in Afglianistan have been pretty numerous of late, but those who know whence the reports spring assert that i In- reports are not to be credited. They are mere rumours arising frum certain military preparations in Afghanistan. Although, as a matter of fact, such
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  • 438 2 Dksi>i rx the very clear statements made at the Municipal meeting hut Wednesday with regard to the prupoaed tUuatre for Singapore, the public still appear to be hazy as to what is iuieoried. If the public half reads its newapaper (as ii very often does) it cannot expect to know
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  • 8 2 To-day's 4 m/s bank rate is 2/1 ft-
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  • 14 2 Tbi coffee yield of Selangor this year is estimated to amount to 40,000 piculs.
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  • 13 2 A LiuHT-house is to built at Cape Comorin, the southernmost point io India.
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  • 16 2 Captain A S. Vanrenen, of the Malay States (iuides, has been appointed Major in that Corps.
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  • 16 2 The half yearly general meeting of the bingapore Club takes place this afternoon at live o'clock.
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  • 17 2 To-day's shire quotations came too late fur correction in the back page. Julebus have dropped tv S».
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  • 14 2 Today the Borneo Company took pusseSßiun ol the premises lately occupied by the Municipality.
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  • 18 2 Mr. R. J. Wilkinson leaves Penang for Singapure tv take up the duties uf secund assistant culumal secretary.
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  • 25 2 Tinned milk has gone up high in price at Bangkok. '1 lie reason given is that su much is wanted tor the troops in China.
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  • 19 2 Tin. butchers' strike at Bangkok against slaughtering at the Government abattoir there,— just made compulsory hy law— libs tailed.
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  • 25 2 A cask of chulera has occurred at the old barracks, Teluk Blanga The person affected is a Kling, and he has been removed to hospital.
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  • 21 2 The Queen has appointed Lord Ampthill, Governor of Madras, in succession to Sir A. E Haveluck, who retires in December next.
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  • 27 2 It is reported that the Bishop ol Malacca has made an order that in future no priest shall remain in a parish fur mure than three years.
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  • 21 2 Mr. Pestana, Resident Medical Officer, Tan Tuck Seng Hospital, has passed an examination in Cantonese and earned a bonus ut S3OO.
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  • 26 2 The Scotchmenof Penanghave formed a Si. Andrew's Society. A meeting to frame rules and a scheme for carrying uut the idea is fixed fur Wednesday next.
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  • 28 2 A Quarantine station is to be established at Klang. This will dv away with the great inconvenience and expense the importers of labour via Penaug are put to.
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  • 28 2 Police Inspector Williams and Sergeant Oxley uf B Division are on the sick list, the former in quarters, the latter in hospital. Sergeant Gallagher is in temporary charge.
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  • 32 2 Tin. Chairman of the Kaub Gold Mining Co., Mr. de Burgh Persse, has arrived at Kuala Lumpur on his way to Raub to have a luuk at the new electric installation there.
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  • 36 2 Th»kk is increased cuinpetition in the oil trade at Bangkok uwiug to there now being three linns importing oil instead of two as heretolure. Tim result was an immediate fall in the pi ice of oil
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  • 28 2 Legislative Council meets to-mor-row, when the business includes a question and a motion by Mr. E.irle, a motion by the Acting Colonial Secretary, and consideration of several bills.
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  • 32 2 Owing to overloading, an exhausted bulluck drupped on Elgin Bridge. The Kling driver used it cutlly. Inspector Paglar obtained water and got the animal up. The driver was fined 65 this murning.
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  • 34 2 His Honour the Acting Governor was At Hume at Government House on Saturday afternoon. The weather was beautifully tine and there was a large attendance of visitors, who were entertained on the 1 <wn.
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  • 36 2 F.h-k hundred uf tlie 20th Punjabis have been landed at tVeihaiwei, where it is expected that twu Indian regiments will winter. Orders have been received to proceed with the fortification works there as fast as possible
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  • 32 2 The absence of sittingaccommodation in the fourth magistrate's court i> much felt by those whuse duties take them there. Counsel, prosecutors, witnesses, and police have to squeeze themselves id anywhere and anyhow
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  • 38 2 Tivdav U the 27th birthday of H. H. the Sultan of Johure. There are various celebrations at Johure to-day in honour of the anniversary. On Wednesdxy next the usual birthday dinner will bo given at the Jubore Hulel.
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  • 44 2 Tbb young Siamese who is now on remand, ihargnd with inflicting hurt on his young English wife un board a Japanese mail steamer, was one of those selected to accompany His Majesty the Kir g of Siam on his trip to Europe in lbO7.
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  • 57 2 Lieut P. ti H Preston, R. G. A. having arrived in the Bombay, from tngland, on the 14th instam, has been pouted to 35 Co S. D R. G. A. Capt. K K. Mitter. I. M. "v, who arrived in the Hemadii from India on the 15th inst., ha» been
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  • 50 2 A new departure in Siamese Government methods is the calling together uf a conference ol Commissioners of province* in the Home Department at Bangkok The conference for this year met there on the 7th instant. It discusses drafts of laws and revenue measure*. The latter includes a new mining regulation.
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  • 57 2 Ykkterday evening, a friendly gaiie of football was played on the Durul Adab Club ground by teams of the police and the Futhai Karib Club, the result being one goal to nil in favour uf the police. Ba-geant Connor and Mahomed Kasoim captained the respective t«ams The last time these
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  • 13 2 I'Romvh, exchangt, and share price and the mail list, are un page 4.
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  • 50 2 A "miikim. concert was held at the Miriii.! Club on Saturday night, when a programme arranged by Mr. F. Whitefield was successfully carried out. During the evening a satisfactory collection was taken up fur the widow of a member who died recently. Mr. Cuminings, the President, was in the chair.
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  • 54 2 The Government has sanctioned hyeUws for the keeping and registration of dogs passed by the Singapore Municipality on the M August. The dog tax it fixed at Si 50 a year payable in advance. The Municipality gives a receipt for the amount, a license for the dog, and a registered
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  • 65 2 Tut troubles in China have upset the sandalwood trade at Fremantle, in West Australia At present, it is said to be almost impossible to sell 'andalwood in Singapore, Hongkong, or Shanghai It is not that the sandal wood merchants in the coastal parts of China are unwilling to buy, but
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  • 52 2 The final Supply Bill for 1898 is published in the (iurrrnment Gmette, providing for an outlay of 5246,510. The reason for the Bill is that it could not beforesi>enatthetimewhen "The Supply Ordinance 1898 was passed that the provision made therein for certain services would prove insufficient. The extra military expenditure
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  • 60 2 To-morrow afternoon, in the Warrpn Foothall Shield competition, the S.V.R. meet :<oth Co. RA. on the S.RC. ground. On Wednesday, Tanjong Pagar play the 12th Co. R. A. The following will represent the S V R. Maclaren, Noble, Straiton, Robertson, Menzies, Sell*, Dick, Houston, Peacock, Christie, and McKerron. Reserves Hinderer,
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  • 66 2 Early this morning, the Algerian troops on board the French trooper Les AtuU', bound to China, were landed tv the number uf close upon a thousand They marched out to the strains of a bugle band, and returned to the ship shortly before nine o'clock. They have a »hort jacket,
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  • 97 2 In exercise of the power* vested in him under The Pust Office Ordinance I SIM," the Governor has passed the following regulation All correspon.rnce posted without cover or in open envelopes or open covors containing any lottery ticket or any advertisement, li-t of prices or other announcement relating to any
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    • 47 2 BRITISH OBJKCriON. Hongkong, Sunday. Li Hung Chang with Chung-yin-mow ■ailed in the s. a. Anping for Taku jesterday. They 6rst saw the German Minister, who returned their call. Tin- Briti- li( i.nvrnui. ni haveobjftcted to Admiral Korniloff escorting the British steamer .-Inpiny to the north.
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    • 16 2 Shanghai, Sunday. The Allied expedition from Peking to Pao-ting-fu has apparently been postponed
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    • 17 2 Li Hung-Chang has been detained in the Woosung River owing to typhoon weather outside.
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    • 13 2 Ueneral Voyron arrived yesterday murning and left last night for Nagasaki.
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    • 21 2 S,OUO Russians are marching overland to Manchuria from Poking. Numerous Boxers still continue with the Tientsin-Peking railway line.
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    • 15 2 It is reported that there are 40,000 Boxers at Chu-chou, south-west of ''eking.
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  • 66 2 The M. at Yarra, with the mail from China left Saigon at 5 a. in. yesterday, and is due here to-morrow at o'clock in the morning. She has been delayed in the north by bad weather. The P. 0. Malta with the mail from Europe uf the 31st
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  • 62 2 The report of the Surrey Department for last year shows that the feel received in Singapore exceeded the departmental outlay by over 562,0U0. The report strongly urges a re-survey of Singapore island, owing to the inaccuracy of the old surveys. It is also pointed out that, the
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  • 81 2 lux temporary plank and attap structure iiuw being put up fur the Supreme Court is likely to be ready for use twenty days henra. The dais for the judse is raised breast high from the Dour. This elevation is with (he object of giving him as much
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  • 72 2 Tais morning, Mr. Ambrose G. Cross, of M»ssrs Braddell Bros., was called to thn Bar of the Supreme Court and was duly admitted The Chief Justice heard the petition in open court and was addressed hy the AttorneyGeneral on behalf uf Mr. Cross. The Chief Justice
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    • 38 2 THE VATICAN REQUIRES 60 MILLION FRANCS It is stated that the Vatican has decided to claim, through the French Government, sixty millions of francs as indemnity from the Government of China for outrages on Roman Catholics
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    • 17 2 FRENCH AT RAKREKTON. General French has occupied Barber ton. President Steyn hu retired to Hecterspruit.
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    • 46 2 (X)LOMALST() VISIT EN(JLAM). Contingents representing the Colonial troops serving in South Africa will accompany ihe first regiments of troops returning home from the war. Tbe Colonials will be guests of the nation. The Queen will probably inspect them and present them with Colours.
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    • 33 2 The German Government is placing an amount representing four millions sterling ol Treasury Bonds, bearing four per cent, interest, in America, to cover the expense of the China war.
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    • 51 2 UK WILL (i()T() KIROI'K. PORTUGAL LKIB HIM THROUGH. The Portuguese Government has telegraphed authorising the departure of President Kruger from Delagoa. The Governor of Mozambique has, however, to assure himself that Kruger does proceed to Europe. In the meanwhile the Governor is directed to take measures to protect
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  • 85 2 About one o'clock this morning, a report was made at the Tanjong Pagar police station by Mr. E. Mffl*Hl. chief o£cpr of the s.a. Smmmu, that J. Edgar, the 2nd ofticer, was standing on Tanjong Pagar Wharf at 1230, and suddenly disappeared in the water. Search
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  • 104 2 A i'autv of Malay StaYs Guides have come down to Singapore to compete with the 1 i>t ts Madras Native Infantry in various events. They compete in spurts tomorrow morning. In the .ill -moon, at I 15, there will be racing and various other competitions, and
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  • 150 2 In the Conlnnporarij llevieu, Mr. Boul ger gives an interesting account of «ome of the Chinamen who have been prominent during the present crisis. Jung Lv he takes to be a man in favour of moderation, if not of absolute progress." Kang Vi is ;'s anti-foreign and viulent
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  • 187 2 The French transport Notre Dame d* Salut left for Taku at 1.25 p.m. yeaterd«y The French transport I'aledmuen aaileH for Taku at :i on Saturday. A French man-of-war paved through the ]>ort from weat to eaat at 5.:» p in on Saturday. A British India steamer paved
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 561 2 NOTICES. NOBEL'S EXPLOSIVES COMPANY LD. GLASGOW. Manufacturers of Dynamite. Qeliffnite, Gelatine Dynamite, Blasting Gelatine, Detonators. 4Li Kiiine or Safety Fuses, Electric Blasting Apparatus. The almr Erptotivee, bring ail wnifaUund in (treat Britain, are made to pnu tlie high standard safety and purity t-utt imposed by the British Government, and ore,
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    • 836 2 NOTICES. RACHALS PIANOS. Two I'iiinos by M. F. RACHALS $375 each. THK ROBINSON PIANO CO., ;n, UAFFLES PLACE, TELEPHONE No. 191. NOTICK. \\'llH HkHHi I' an advertisement T» which has ivcenlly uppeared offering for sale shophouses and ground bearinn Municipal No. M, Ben< h Road, aD<l Nos. 1 1»— ISO.
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    • 371 2 MALAY STATES SALT MANUFACTURING CO., LTD. 'pHE statutyi-y cenenl meeting of the 1 Cnmpanv will be held in the oflices •>f Messrs Jo»<i lim Brothers, No. 2V, Riffles Place, at uoon, on the leth September, 1900. HOOULANDT A f\).. 1" General Agents. WHISKIES. "THE OLD BRIGADE." Very Old Highland Blend.
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    • 480 2 LATEST ADYKRTISFMENTS. AM expen. mfl cc-ountant is prepared to give l^fsons v book-keeping, single and i onbl« entry, and I ssons io oniinircial Ikw and custom. Apply to R. S.. co .Slroil. nm i OBlce. SB M WAKTattl »U.iD.-e clerk wilh good handwriting and knowledge al calculation. Apply to It.,
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    • 12 2 Ok the l«th inst.. tbe wife of B. Morier, of a daughter.
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    • 66 2 8. V. R. ORDKRS. With reference to Order No. 1 of Utli inst., there will be Drill Parade for Krcruita »very evening, except Thursday and Saturday, at 5.5 p.m. and not as therein stated Putties will he worn lor Battalion Drill on Wednesday next. A full muster is r»quest«d to
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  • 786 3 I'm. l'lm-ium of the lanjong I'agar [took Company, Limited, in presenting to the r-h.urliolderx their half-yearly re)K)rl, MMMMM that a turn «f SU'&,OU» be set aside for the purchase of a dredger, and to meet the rout o works fur utilizing the lagoon for the
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  • 271 3 OK BOARD THR ADMIKAL HARNtIi As ii^ly tale is told o( the sutlerin|i6 ot the crew of the armoured cruiser whb h umtai through here for Taku Hi— ll| Tiie iir>l mi-li i|> of the cniHi hai'iwned at Alper*, where the doctor I. II ill.
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  • 82 3 m and t'ul. uiu, Ughlni*g, due 17tb Neut. Sarkw>» Mow* Labuan an.t Manila. Hmgkut, on 18th 5,,, i, Bthn M.'\«4 Co. Rangoon Tia imrta. Hea-a<la on l«h Sept., Bou.Wad A to. huHUd Bentaw, frt»%jnr. dw Hub >«'Til., li> >n'.irf..', or T'th Tlmmtii^. Htiinf. Tin y»ih ts»-pt.
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  • 473 3 I C 0 ToI'RNAMKNT HKdKKRH ANt> INS V. LAWYt M AND C Tiik unfiiii-lit-d tournament matcli of August lSlii between llie Brokers and Insurance v. Lawyers and Civil M ...minded on lh« K»planade on Saturday afternoon. Hie. Hn.k.r.i in tlieir innings bad made M 9, whilst the lawyers had
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  • 476 3 SMI DAY'S PLAY. singles. Battenburgh »er. v Jlorribon+S. unfin. rYar. c Hf v. -»Umin untio. itowiDf T. l-ow-H unfin. Witbcra— ls beat s>iratlon J, ti-S, 6-I'. b" singles Winter+ls beat P«acock-S. Hi, «-3. K'-rr .'v annichael4- .6, unfin. Vnwh a* Mr. bent Hartnell tor, 63,
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  • 2045 3  -  A. C. MACLAREN. [Ml ttighti Referred) BY fV.— ON BATIING. Playiic-- a Bne free innings when ruus are badly wanted causes a thrill ul pleasure to tiiu cricketer *mcli, for the time being, drives away all cares and 'worries uf this life; in fact, judging from Hie dearih ol
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  • 282 3 A "LONG FIKM." A i-ORREaroNDisM write": -In last Friday's issue uf the Strait* Timtt there nupraredan intelligently wiiiten article 1 li-d Thefts from carts. The subject may be studied as ancient history, -ince the tli-I'ts have been successfully carried on lor many years. The writer .if the
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  • 313 3 I'M lIAKTKD RUCKB AMD SUNKEN WRECKS. At th« last meetinc of tlie Legi«lative Council, some observations were made i.y Mr. Karle on the existence of uncharted racks in Straits wHters Kmiuiry into this matter frum owners uid shipmaster* seems to show that I hey are somewhat nervous, the
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  • 1466 3 LWIRE NEWS. A m y, 7th Seplmbtr. morning the British and guards' landed here were by Hie Taotai and the captaini of the various foreign warships in port and are now embarking. At the conclusion of an official ceremony the Taotai's police are to again take charge of the
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  • 197 3 MONUAY, 1 7TH StliMßtt. High Water. 3.67 p.m. Singapore Club Meeting, fi. European Police meet at Police Babru. 8. C. a T-nnis Tournament. 8. V. A. Maxim gun drill. 5.U1. TUESDAY, 18TII SkF-IKMKKI.. High Water. 8.10 a.m. 6.21 p.m. M M. homeward mail due. M. 6. 8. M. Co.
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  • 92 3 Din. VmiL'iltin ruaAßio C*mi» UMiiaaxiM Sept 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 it 17 17 17 P Kut Sang Brit atr. Bradley Sonrabayn Heb« atr. Inl-i.i Penan* ami Dal i Bin Hlo (man rtr. S.'cilt .T. Anaon via portHyo Leong ttr. Uuinr !T. Anaon vi» port* Pakan .tr.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 213 3 DONT SHOOT YOURSELF No doubt you often feel like it, l>ut after just a little deliberation decide you can't nfford to do it. But that thumping racking Headache; what can you do with it? Give it it» quietus by using Little's Oriental Balm. It acts like magic. It kills pain
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    • 919 3 notices; THETANJONU I'AOAR WK3K COMPANY, LTD. Suipwriohts. Ehoikiiis, lior ahd Brass Fociiuirs, Wiiarfixoers, Ac. This Company execute Ship and Marine Engine Repairs of all descriptions in tbe most efficient manner under the superin tendence of experienced European Shipwrights and Engineer*. Graving Docks up to 500 feet in length and 21
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    • 651 3 FOR SALE EMPLOYMENTS; TO LET; AND PERSOVALS; [Ist time, lIS cents a line; 2nd and «nl times, 10 cents a line 4th to 6th times, 6 cents a hoe; 7th to ISth times, a cents a line; afterwards, cents a line; bat so charge less than om dollar. Thus, a
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 95 3 WEATHER REPORT. Kmdanf Keroau hotpuai, lti'A Srpt. IMO. a.m 3 p.m. !<p.m Kkmarih. Bar. ..*****M.870W.tf10 Temp. w.U 88.2 kju *s W. BMbTher 790 77.S 77.0 kl Dir.ofWu.d S. S.S.K. B.E. £f Max. Temp. 89.1 .o Mln... 78.7 gMax. in Sun 149 v V% Tcrr.rad 73.1 fe"s Rainfall Nil. I z
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  • 593 4 C OMMERCIAL. Miauiruaa. 17tm aimiiui, 1H00. PKOUUCK. {Haiti an eomeUd to noon) (temblor buyers 8 00. OopraBaU, «40 do Poatlaoak, 8.00 Pepper, Black.. buyer. KM) do White, (6*) 46.00 ■tago Flow Sarawak, 3 30 do Brunei to. 1 190 Pearl Sago 4.07!. Uofce, Bali, 15% ba.ii 3S.RU Cofce Paleml*ng, 16X
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  • 71 4 'or tt-r Hr. To-M>«aow. Bangkok Bonto Mu»r Malacca fc'^ut Amoy via porl» Charterhoiue Klhiu via ports Hat rur Kaogoon A Calcutta Hemada Muntok A fb*nt a (I. ,tf wr Kremantle via ports Knrrakalla Macassar via ports K. Ouan Sarawak VorwarU Fremantle via porU .s«/n.(i,i B iDukok Tringganu Klang
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  • 123 4 Ffcoii Kckori :-By the M. M. s. Imo: due on the I Dili Sept. with dutei m i hi- L'lil] Aug. She bring* replim to th.mails which left Singapore on the J7th *so« Cmx* :-By the M. M. }orro, due oa Tuaxlty. eft Smpiporf Due in London
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  • 220 4 ARRIVALS. Her a. s. Sumatra from Deli— Mr. Van den Brink. Per c. t. Sri l'ontiannk from i'ontianak Mesar-. Nieboer an t de Wyn rVr O. G. Hwr from PalembansHtnn. O'vUlley. lamkaUen, Lambert and Alnarood. Per a. bornru from Bangkok— Mr Carle. DKIAKTI'KES Per C. Apoar for Hongkong—
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    • 1176 4 U nder ton Heading the following abbrani. lion* are used air. efctamer sh. ship bq.- -barque ;acb.—echooner; Yet.— Yacbl; Cra.— Cruiaw 'Jht.— Ounboat Tor I torpedo; H.p. -Horse-power Brit.- I Brifiah V. 5,-United Statee; Fr.Freoch Oor— U<nnu i Dut.— Dutch Job.— Jotaon 4c, Q. c..— <Jener«l- I
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    • 966 4 ffoaw, jMrt, pre»aM« AiK 0/ ■rrtMi. a M ntmtol <wmi>. Dnurin. Aduto, Europe, p'td Canal, Aug -J8 Af'i.ii. H kong. to Inn i-ept 21 \l!«nirmnoi, L'|>ool, Sept jg Maosneld. Vntonio Lop.. Man. l*. Sept M Harlo. Alhesia. Hamburg, 0.1 I rMin' Mover Vwa Maru, Antwerp. Ocl 3 P
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  • 202 4 Vuul's Nam. A I.*.-. Oiniui Fwou auiu. Oomiovuh Bio. i dpi U 16 16 \h IH ltf 10 M IH IH 16 Id 16 10 17 17 I .i ,T»i Chiow tier itr. BH2 Rehler Hongkong 'Sept ft Behn Meyw *O. Farf»ll,, Ital itr. 147 Ohopard Malacca «<M>t HSoon
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 415 4 NOTICES. P O W ELTL7 RO^BTN^OTT. BATTEUY ROAD. NEW OUTFITTING [BppS^ Evening Dress JUST OPENED BEST QUALITY ONLY bls. s. a len Gyi. C /^^^\l Evening Dress Shirts 1 BEST QUALITY ONLY Evening DreSS Ties t Evening Dress Shirts Evening Dress Shoes. I BEST Quality only. POWELL ROBINSON. ■mT^^J POWELL
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    • 451 4 I /JLAIGUID WOMEN PALE i 111 I. nil I S OLD PEOPLE, INVALIDS I YI N CHAPOTEAUT (imumnirnffli) A DELICIOUS NUTRITIVE srnn last TMa tU»«MtT "l« i» ""'T ••"•■■■■•< wht« j I tfmmtk. U lodlC4'«d IB CO**ltlUtlOß*l «Mk»M y^" ■vto, 1..1H4.A1— 1« IX jpk Djßp»pUo. •!•<! i /"WT^ tr OBO
      451 words
      436 words