The Straits Times, 15 September 1900

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 15 1 The Straits Times. EST. OVER i A CENTURY SINGAPORE SATURDAY. SEFfEMBER 15, 1900. No. 20,241.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 755 1 NOTirFS. »p»iK WMUiau OUMI **V, LUUIUf T- l««»l Lit* Asnuaaa*. n,..0 Ita Imuiaoo* l*«**Bf< At a* 4...ui-.ti"" rnmpsaj (Klr»). V -irn-itv HnoiMy. Tfc* Oowmi M»nne Ins.imntv '■.■mj»ny Tk« (Tun* Mutual St»»j» NavtgatK* ramfmMj. (VTiKi<» U<r» B~c tVoaipeM. TW lUntioM lm«i Co**f«a}. LWM. for putievkn of tk«* Comhim, tk* Ml ,a™rti»«»»t
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    • 1304 1 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. I'OXINKUJKE PAKETVAARI MAATBCHA.PPIJ Under contract with tbe Netherlands India Government. AgmU (ii Sinoaport- Hhip Aoisct, late J. OtiKDiu Co.. J-i, Colltee v I'll.' undermentioned ilnti- are only approximate -lennitr From expected W ill be Denpnwhed (or On 'ttai&rts.Scpt. 11. Balavi«. Chi-rihon. Smoaranß. SouraUya, B>li, AiiiiH.Mii.ii, liirna Sept. U
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    • 644 1 INSURANCES. ■HHE LONDON AND l.\Nc\sil!RK 1 FIRE INSURANCE 111 M lAN V. CaoitaJ £2.1H7,M0 Paid up Capital .'12.7M1 Reserve Food £l,U7)»,o80 The undersigned. Agent* for the*Comany, are prepared to accept fire risks at current rate* of premium. BOUBTEAD ft Co. rK CHINA TRADERS INBURANCE COMPANY. LIMITED. Capital Subsoribsd $»,OOU.OOO. Amount
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    • 332 1 INSURANCES. BRITISH KiMPIRE MUTUAL LIFE OFFICE ESTABLISHED 1847. FUNDS RS. 420.00.000. LOW LIBERAL PREMIUMS. CONDITIONS AND M.. LARGE BONUSES. "Endowment Assurances at English rates." AgenUMesrrs. LYALL AND EVATT. ti th s. Singapore. UIAAirAGJNE. U)UI8 WIEDERKR. EXTRA DRY, (Reserve for Great Britain) Louis Roederer, Carte Blanche BRINKMAKN 4 CO. Hole Importebs.
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    • 692 1 BANKS. j UONUKONU AND SHANGHAI I BANKING CORPORATION. PAID-UP CAPITAL 110,000,000. RESERVE FUND $11,600,000. I RESERVE LIABILITY OF 1 innnr m PROPRIETOBfI. -•10,000.000. Covet or Directors N. A. Bism. B«q.-C«Aia>UM. B i-nwAN, Eaq.— Dsri'TT Cbiiiiak. R. M. Out. Kaq. I D. M Musas, Baa. K Soirt, Esq. j A. J
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    • 725 1 j NOTICES. ZIRISHKII FOOD 1^ Tby it aud you will bi satiskikh. I.aßEl.lLlOHbegstoinformtbepublic that his Factory for preparing Crushed Food, at No. 1 Belilios Road is now opened: First Class Fresh Crashed Food p. c. per bag wg. 1-10 $6 .»> Cleaned Oat* do wg. 0-9 > No. I Bran
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    • 790 1 FOR BAKE «MPLOYMBNTS TO LET AND_PER ON ALS [lar time, 15 oanU a UM; tad and ar4 time*, 10 uenu a line 4tb lo flih times cenu a line; 7th to IMa tisaes 8 omts a line afterwards, orata a line bat aa charge less than one dollar. Thus a
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  • 20 2 His Honour the Acting Governor is "At Home" al Government House, a> 4 45 p.m. to-day.
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  • 104 2 The Transvaal executive officials (those who retniiu) are too hard on poor Mr. Kruger. Feeling the need of a change from the unhealthy L)de.nburs district, he put in foi leave, mas) he has got a vacation of six nin ths; but he ia not to be idle. He is to
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  • 189 2 Kii-oM the tone of the British reply to Russia, anenl withdrawal from Peking, we take it the British Government do not intend to go in for even partial withdrawal. Britain will not withdraw a man. The British Government can hard y ■i.. oth.i i wi-e The partial withdrawal of fuicign
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  • 8 2 To-day *> 4 m/s l.a.'k rate is 2/1 f
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  • 11 2 A MinEixo concert is being held to-night at the Mint— Club.
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  • 14 2 Ppornrr. hjHmmi an phare pric c and the mail list, are on page 4.
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  • 16 2 A revised scalp of fees for licenses t< -tore explosives in notified in yesterda)V llutrlte.
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  • 15 2 Thk half-yeaily meeting of th Singapore Club takes place on Munda) .flernoon at five oUnaß.
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  • 17 2 Tbb Strnitt B;dgtl was puhlisheH tins morning A supplement fo, th. •■■ail will be irsued this evening
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  • 25 2 A public meeting i» fixed to be hel'' it Kn da Lumpur on next t. .nsi.h.r a nroposal to furua a Vulunteei corps there.
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  • 24 2 In our advertising c«lumn will b. found a not ieo r. "erring lv the sale I ■i>«ifleH| li. us..- belonging to th> Portuguese Mission.
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  • 24 2 M»-iim Puwell Co. advertise •ale uf land and h .use property, situated on Mount Sophia, at their sale room on the -"it Ii inst.
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  • 24 2 Thk next examination of officers -ttidyuig the Malay language will tx held at Singapore, IVnang, and Malacca in the 4th and .it Ii October.
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  • 27 2 A great scheme of dock extension n 1..-.-H prepared in connection will. Ihe Manchester Ship Canal 142 acr. iof laud will be addod 10 the dock estate.
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  • 28 2 Next Monday is the 27th birthda) "f the Sultan of Jihorn. Invitation'have been issued for a banquet next Wednesday evening at the Julioie Hotel to celebrate the event
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  • 32 2 1-' .'ii < share and produce quotations came too late for correction on the back page. Kelubis Lave dropped to and Riley Hargreaves have risen lo $147.50. Tin has dropped lo S7:i oO
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  • 38 2 A Malay, said to be a Dutch subject, ran amok at Bangkok on the 811 instant, and so slabbed hi- wife an., adopted child that their recovery wa> doubtful. H- has been arrested. Hiw.ic received twenly live slaus.
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  • 45 2 A Kkithk telegram to Bnngkuk papers, dated lOih Sepr., states that tin O<ii.'y \eut understand- that Parliament will be dissolved at the end of thi--111. nth in the event of .1 i«. ncwcuming from south Am. a Loru Uoheris is expe.-led to return hum. shortly.
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  • 49 2 Want of capital hampers the development of the West Australian tu. fields al M irble Bar nnd UrMeubiishes At the latter, the smelting wurks an turning out alxiut tuns a week. Th lodes are, so prumising that a visitoi has described the fields as the Cornwall of Western Australia.
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  • 50 2 Thi Governor has fixed the following rate ut exchange at which stamp dun on instruments chargeable with ml valorem duly shall be paid in respect ■■I amounts expressed in marks, iiz 200 marks as equal to SIOO Colonial cm This t.rder come* into effect from the Ist Octuber next.
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  • 55 2 Thi following team will represent the S V A in the match against the R E. next Thursday in the Warren Snield luulball cmnelition A. (i D.irke, A. .Stronach, W. 0. McKaan, f. Dirke, A. Jackson, C. Curtis, W. Darke. A Robertson. C. W. Abrams (Capt), Ta)lor, and Wishart. !»ergt
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  • 58 2 On Wednesday last freehold lan 1 t Grange Road, Tanglin, area 3a. 19.= I^s 65-'j squaie feet with the two houses kiiowu «<• Nos ..0-1 and SO 2 Grange Road, was offered at auction by Powell and Co. but was bought in Yesterday, the property was sold privately to Mr,
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  • 93 2 Som Mm of the cost of the South African Wir may be den veil from the amount of war mn. ii .1 sun uul One and seventy million rounds of small-arms nmni.inili.ii have, been dispatched, in addition to 886,UU0 round- lor field guns, howitzers, etc. I'- 'i -lot he
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  • 74 2 It is notified that under agreement with tbe Imperial authorities, a cable lias been laid lajtweeu Cbelou and Wei nai-wet, and is nuw open to international service. The tariff p-r Word to Aei hai-wet is ihe same as that alre-idy ipplied to Chefoo. A cable has als<. .wen
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  • 73 2 Anxikty is manifested by certain Berlin uuwspapers to induce Italy to xraul Germany some spot on the U 9aa for a coaling slaiiuu The BisiuarKian organ, Nanette Jiachrie/Uen, llinikii sliaiuelul lhai Iba gruwiug Geruiai. dccl should oe dependent ou England ior its coal, and
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  • 74 2 The following „,,,...i n'i neiits hay. i.ccli (jam'tcd, witu eilecl Irum ih. -ii.n iiiaiiiiii :--lue 11.. ii Me E M .ilerewetuei, Acting iuluinal Treasuiei and ullcclol of QlaUlp Dulles, Ml.ili Seltlemc-iits, tv be Acting Resioem Councillor, Malacca. Air. J.O.AiuhonUz, OUicial Assigme, ntiails belilemenis, lo Uu A. ting Colonial Tieusuier
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  • 109 2 Thk F ance Mi1 -lates that owiiij. to the Kiencii imving relinquished th. i'es..ailur.B tv the Japanese some liltl. .line ba. k, their nearest naval statiuu <v uku is now nearly 2,m*j miles a* .i at Tunquiu. Ine rieucii juurua. u.i;.--i.s t,,.,i no time should
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  • 130 2 A P. AND o INCIDENT A PAS*K>UEK travelling between Australia an. i E irupe I.) inea.s China iii. had dm. .1 .U..|- 1....ii.|..,.|i thought, »ht-ii he returned on board, lit •us EjMMW ihb golu Kdicii. i,e made a charge uf auam-t one ul th. mi iii.-s
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  • 167 2 The Leai-Ur, wlncii left Moji on the .'Hlli ull arrived alongside the B .rueu A 11.11 1 yesterday witii a cargo ut coals. IHe Uussiun Vuluuteer Fleet steaiuei A/....-../1 went alongside tbe Burneu w nu 1 yesterday alleruuun lo cuiuplele .ier cualiug. The dty of London, which arrived
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  • 279 2 THE S. V. A. Dalit' Orderly Ollieer for the en-n-ing week l.ieut. G. A. Derrick Orderly N. C. <>. for the ensuing week: -(J..r|il J b ii..n..p l'ar Jet Tuealay and Thursday, 5.15 p. in signalling »chii-mI.i),b4j|i m lamp practice M niHay, 5 15 p in., M.ixim
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    • 73 2 ESCORTED BY RUSSIANS. LI HUN(;-CllAN(i AS RUSSIAN AIiENT. Shanghai, ughl. Li Hung-Chang left here to-day for Tientsin in the British-China Merchant's steamer A»pmg, it is reported with a Russian escort. This was Sally denied when Admiral Seymour enquired into the report but the German despatch
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    • 19 2 Officiuls estimate that there art c rtainly 2U.U..0 Chinese turn-coat Imperial truups lemainiug in Peking.
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    • 47 2 From i 'hin inlu reports are to hand that an encampment of Catholic priests mil converts al Hockie.ii, in Chihli province, was besieged hy Boxers sinci June, but was relieved on August 29th .y Chinese from Chihli sent by the U'ling Viceroy Ting-win?.
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  • 192 2 WARREN FOOT BALL SHIELD. UT KuU.NI>— SBC. V. H M.S. UHAMBLK I lit -K two. team- met last night ul me Kcciealioii Club gruuud, in lie lirst round of the cumpeliliui) forth. >\ .rr.-n Clmlleiige Shield, lv the firs. .alt the ti.RC. hud the pull uf th. ■no.- and tested
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  • 604 2 ITS HIBTOKY AND I SLKI LXEts It is a strange fact that the discover) it the insulating qualities ut gutla- i.-n.i -11..111 1 ii.iv. been ao nearl) -uiiiciueut with Hie deuiund fur such a uiateiial, for uceau tele^iapliy. Indiarubber, a similar gum, turns no reliable substitute, especially because it
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    • 48 2 MR. KRUGER ON LEAVE liO*dun, Saturday The official Boer version of Ktugw'i departure Iroin the Transvaal is that lie has beeu grained six months' leave in Europe 10 work up the Powers to intervene in South Atnca Mr. SWialkburgei acts a* President of Uie Tramvaal m Kru,jers absence
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    • 54 2 UNABLE TO A(iRER SATISFACTORY TBUM MUST FIRST BE ARRAN(.tI). The British Government has replied tv the Russian Nuie re China affairs oy declaring that it is unable to agree o the withdrawal uf the Allied furces rum Peking bolore satisfactory terms ■1 peace have been arranged
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    • 42 2 AMERICA I NDEPENDENT It ts declared at Washington that, unices tbe negotiations witli the. Chinust: uuverument shuw greater unity amung ue Puwers than tbe negotiations anenl me proposed withdiawal from Peking, America will negotiate direct with China ou her uwu ai count
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    • 14 2 Lord Salisbury is at Hatfield, his country seat in Hertluidshire.
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    • 18 2 Later. General Hart has surprised the B .ers at P tchefstroom, and has reoccupied that town.
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    • 14 2 General Duller has captured Spitzkop and a large quantity of Boer supplies.
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    • 20 2 BOT HA RESIGNNS. General Botha has resigned commaml uf the Buers on the ground of ill-health. Commandant Vilj.ajn succeeds him.
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    • 39 2 BRITAIN' S STRENGTH IN THE FAR EAST. The Timrt urges the reinforcement of the British Naval Squadron in China, which is nuw inferior to the German S.|uadrun there, and advises the strengt i-ning of the British furces at Peking.
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  • 215 2 The Courrier d Haiphong publishes a letter Irum Yunnan, slating that the French missionaries there are all safe. Nut one of them has been murdered. Humour had told the exact contrary Ho- Chinese authorities do their best to protect the missionaries and to «cc that nu harm
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  • 298 2 The report ol the Uydrographer of tbe Admiralty fur last year proves the iy lor viii. -milling care and vigilaucn in ensiinug the safety ol ships which navigate the seas of UlO whole wurld. This important work is carried nut under the direction of the Lords Cumruissiuners of
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 401 2 NdTICKS. KI'IVIIIHS WHISKY SI I I.V selected blead thoroughly miturvl in bond. Price |io per case, samples frea BOKKKO Co, LTD. iv th. a. Hoi.- Importer! SIDEROSTHEN PAINT. an absolutely anti -corrosive paint for IRON AND STEEL Guaranteed to he .he best BIIBT-PKBVBNTIVB ««tant. lDTaluabl* for Sbipa, Machinery, Bridges etc.,
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    • 1346 2 MiTKIX INDOUOPE CO. LTD, Hn(ToN-ON TUEiNT. <KIKIIRUK Ordflra ALE&STCUT BontKi. by r LEV^V Can now W) OvmLTD aW tj tk. ?(]< put up in !*rr^* ■*C^^ booked at SIiMMM-rru Bonl. Nr^l *JI JMB t \"+W M Sr9 (illKt;i<()l| N' any ail.lre-s in BURTONONTRENT. corner of Singapore fg) fr^CbcMW £?M oJHZ
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    • 975 2 L\TBsT AhVll.risKMFNT>. DIL F. W. UU^ATI Alii. L M 48.. >ÜB-ASSIS a*TI OI.I.MAL Sl'KUEotl or I'kVL-.N uiu r-c n Iy, mi be oaii—rtwi at The I'kMHit bisrsNSta AM, Victoria stnei. fruiu 9 a.m. lv v p iv. daily. 14/10 DR F. W.OUNVTILAKA, th» aoaaat proprietor of I'he Centkal Dmpknsaby. »ill
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    • 32 2 PRICK IS CKNTB. Straitt Times SHU a year, or, poet fret ■KU. ijtruiit Budget t *I 8 a year, or, pott free, 20. Adtmlinng lldet may he found n the fourth fxtqe.
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  • 866 3 TANJONG PA GAR DO CK COMPANY. H \I.K HUH V MXXI INi. The half yearly asMtiat af the ranj.«« Paami I) nk Co, wa« lield »t la* c«S9|«a J*l aaVat, Cuiljer Quay, at noon today. Mr I HihiM. flialii— of Director*, |irenule<l. and there were BBM |"i-' lit Mei.nn W
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  • 87 3 Ar th' meeting of thp Legislative Council to be held on Tuesday, Mr ■alia will ask a question regarding the QavanuaaM takmc Mapa to nsananl navigation, and also move "that Notiflcatioa MS nadar'Tka stamp Ordinance, Mil,' ■Wea constitutes a d'r.'rt uu'reasc tn taxation, be rescinded.*' The Final Supply
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  • 126 3 NRW STKAMERS Bill I Thk lasfM Vu/ir- iin ler-t and? that •he North Oatataa Llnyd intends la in-reane its of MWMd I'lvmg between Binck'ik ami Sintx|K)re and Hongkong, by coni.tni<linj: vessels serially suited for the pasrenger and good* trade The steamers building dm lh# Singapore
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  • 518 3 Y»>TEKI>aY IM.AY B KINOI.IW tkonlar cr i. M'-nmn+l, u fin. N.o.i r beat i mucher— 1. M-S, «-3 Polloik rcr. best M*n-n>ld+l, M, 6-4. u.l.l) I, l»-at Air.y »cr 6-0, i. K.ld 3, Fr s.r+16, tt-1, 7-4. "f" SIKGLKS. I iralmni Mr. lx>«t Kdlin
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  • 120 3 -.-.11 Aliil.N HLMASnEU. Thi« iu'.'niii:. the >iamese charged with having di'< harged a loaded revolver at his will an Kntli-h l.i-lv, nn the :i\»l ult and cau-ing hurt to her, was again Mom Mr S-rwar Mi fill [H ln said he had to
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  • 277 3 Thk following are the Griffins tor the rasa ini'itingiiext month. No. Owner. Nmne. I SfhHpckSwln.. lll«Ml| I Tiniluunini) I'lll.-.y Mk. m Miilnight 3 H Tu. iniri, tf er. I Sir K.iur.hi,-! Wm 1.. in liaintv 5 Tan riap U- nng iljr. m I-nHybrsn.l a I K
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  • 780 3 r-UMV'RA I'hIROLEUM. Thk K.>.il tianahal I'.iroletiin Comaani »huh bad of Ma nn-h a run of ill-luck, owing to its wells in Ijingkat tailing or giving out, has now urmk mi in h new quarter— the distri"! of Bayan Kniiii theie the oil is ship|ied in boats i ii
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  • 265 3 Thi Bishop of Mac w is expected here MM time this month. Tlie congregaliuii of hit. Peter's Cliuicb are very anxious to bee t heir new bishop Great preparations a:t> afoot for his lordship's rwi-|itiun The choral Iju-incs-ia ulliitlcil to Mr K. Hwlinberg. Some giand singing in expected
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  • 94 3 The Brazilians hay* furniilipd fnnr ir»i'» fn m July 1. 1886, lo June 30, WOO, MflM S.zOO.iKX) bag-, agninht Ik* f"»r previuux cropn, averaging 6.0O",0OU bags IWiiciinn for M \riir' lias so luig^ly overtaken consumption ami the vi.ihle and invisible mppMi ire so lieavy everywhere th»t in
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  • 1068 3 Alphnnse Bauge, the fnmrms French paced crack ami holder of the world's hour record, on Dunlop tyres, is very i i--.ii i-ii.-.i with the recent rule passed by the U.VP. barring motor-tricycle pacing in competition. Bauge is an expert behind this form of pace, and considers it
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  • 162 3 SIKH* IN TUB COLD. A I '>KRK»I'I>SDK.NT writes to the EnglultwviH, advocating the desirability dt unliving I'athans and other hill men for garrisoning Peking through the winter. The north of China i», during that season, terribly cold, the ground heing frozen to the depth of six and
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  • Article, Illustration
    72 3 (cOKDICTkD BY KING'S PAWN.") All chfw correopondenec should be •drirrurd to "Kinp'e I'nwn." Solution- No. 194 (Winter-Wood) Q'-B 8; No. l»> (Uundry) K-B S. PBOBUH HO. ISri, BY PHILIP If. WILU1MB, HHni|iht.'»cl. black 7 ruru. whits 7 piece*. White to pl»y ittui mate in two moves. I'EORLEM HO ]!I7,
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  • 189 3 Satubuay, i.vih Skptlmbib. High Wnter. 2.1 p.m. (iov.-mor "At Home." 4.46. S. C O. Tennis Tournament. 1. O. G. T. Temperance Club. 7.30. Marine Clv riuiuker. 0. SL'BUAY, ililll ScrTkVIIKL High Mater n. i m M p.m. Moon. Last Quarter. BSla.m. Fourteenth .Sunday xfter T inity. Swimming Club Launch.
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  • 205 3 (Fiuktkentu Sunday afteh Teinity). St. Axnßiw's Catuedbal. 7»i» m Choral Eucharist and Sermon. 6.3U p. vi.. Eveusonit aud Sermon. St. Matthew's Cum en, Sbpoy Likes. 8.15 p. in Evensong and Sermon. ROMAN CATHOLIC CaTH fcHKAL OK THE OOOD SHEPHERD, Victoria Street add Brass Bassa Road. ti.3ii a
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  • 119 3 Din Vwn'i N«i FuaAßi I DwriitTioi S«pt U 14 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 M 16 16 16 16 It lurnm Patani Kul>v Singapore FriiiclnrenK Mippho Pm Sens K««n. \V»i Bii Thngganu Hok Tjioe Upbir Deli Y»rrm Catrdonien Annam Ut Aad«i Brit ttr. Qer sir. Brit .tr.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 109 3 VKS.-EI.S ADVERTISED TO SAIL. Copenhagen, ilnnom, on 16th Sept. Behn Meyer Co. Penang and i alcutta. Lightning, due 17th s<-i.t.. Saikies Most* UI.uhii and Manila, Uwuikut, on 18th .-I" I" ■'in Me>er a Co. f'enang amt Bombay, Hitatjno, due 19th .-'■in H. Im M yer A Co. Frrmanila vin ports.
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    • 448 3 NOTICES. J. NOTION CO. WATCHMAKERS. JEWELLERS. OPTICIANS. REPAIRS PROMPTLY EXECUTED. ONE Medical Man in every ISIX Throughout England nas placed on ecord hisopinion that COLEMAN'S WINCARNIS 16 UNRIVALLED for Recuperating the System ami FOB Regaining' Lost Health COLEMAN'S WINCARNIS is an legant combination of Port Wine, Fia Extract of Malt,
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    • 1011 3 NOTICES. gINUAPORE SPOETraG CLUB. Programme for Autumn Race Meeting, 1900. OCTOBER S9nl, 25th, avd 27tt. FIRBT DAY. Tuetday, 23rd October. First Race. THE MAIDEN PLATE- Vain* tSOO.A Race for Maiden Hones- Weight as per scale (lOst.). Anallowancaof 211 b. to ex-Grifllns imported into the Straits Settlement* or Native States at
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    • 806 3 FOR SALE EMPLOYMENTS; TO LET; AND PERSONALS; [1st tiiir, 16 cents a line; Snd and »rd times, 10 cents* line 4th to nth times, cents a line; 7th to 18th times, 8 cents a line; afWrwards, S cents a lin*;bat ns charge less than on* dollar. Thus, a tkrt,- advertisement,
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  • 617 4 8.«uro**. Mm SEPrmBU, 1H00. I'KollUCti. [Hairs art ntrroeUd to noon) itambter buyers I 8 00. ropraBali, 6 40. do I'ontianak Kim I epper, Black.. buyera 39.IK) do White, (6 4/ 4SIK) -ago Flour Sarawak ,.3 30 do Brunei V'o. 1 l'SM Pearl fago 4.O7J. i ofJee, Bali, 1S% buii
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  • 145 4 *"r ,ir. Tint. To-Mav. n i«r*n via pnrtg S Tringganu 3 p.m. '(•vu-konu A Japan flim'w o 3 p.m ~m<[on /Tofr Tjioe 8 p.m. I ipin via pirts /i^iiiokiu S p.m. If Inn? vin pnrta V.ip;>fc/> 4 p m. Hongknnit vi» ports K^mhmi 4 p.m. -Wmnranj; via rwrtu
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  • 120 4 Feom Knßop» Hv lh« M. M a Imoi, Aae on Iho 9rh s<>pt. with H«t«i to 'hf 2)'h Aa« Sh<" Kringi rrp<i»s to thi rnniU which left Singapore on the ->7th rnn» P H >!CA :-By the M. M. s.B. Yam <lue on M ti.i Bft Rinmipor»
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  • 146 4 ARRIVAL*. Pr-r Mmghit from Bangkok— Mr. and Mr*. Gil.lin. P*r a. T-mbon, from BaUyia-Mea.™. Home, and Pann. Prr a. H nindn from Ranfroon via pnrt»-M»a'r» a. .lenkin«. and A. W. Ma.--kewwek. C pt and Mra. Mittu. and Mr E IWharap* Per c. Bebt from ivii_ Mr. Noat. TO
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  • 276 4 *i-»>. I 5 VmuVNiH 4 run-. Rio. i-i'iin FlOH Bum*, conuonut. S'pt li O Apear ,Brit «tr. 1730 I 13 llonilwrft i-r utr JiCH J 1.1 ,1-eandrr Nor Mr I |HtM 14 Wtaa Bni MfJ w.' {I 14 lamhora Dut tlr. IS-ifl I 14 FiU.lnren.e Brit «tr. 1 1
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    • 1099 4 I'ndmtnishmdingthefollowiniiabbrevi lions are used sir. t-imer eh.— shii cq.- -barque sch —schooner; Yet —Yacht i;ru.— Cruiser 'll.t.— Uunboat Tor Torpedo j H.p. -Horse-power Brit British U. B.— United States; FrKrench tier.— Merman Out.— Dutch: 'oh.— Jobore do.. (j. c. Qen«n.largo d.p. -deck passengers V.~ Uncei am: T.
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    • 954 4 n m,, port, probaht, dai, 01 .Trt-K. „,d name ol a»«nl«. STumu. \duto, Europe. p'sd C»nal, Aug at Yi'itl,, K'kumk, lo leave f.rpt ii l* IBliaoo L,.001, S-pt js Mansfield. Inlumo Lop.* M*u la. Sept v -'arlow Mhesia. H.unUurg. Ocl I Behn M-vr Vwa Maru. Antwerp. Ocl 3
      954 words
  • 278 4 PABBKD BUNDA STRAITS OR ARRIVED FOR (iKI)KKS. tua Hath Dati. did Ship's Nam. Captain. of Feomwhuk* Dutix- Kb- haluho. i ation. jmaui. Aug 2H Dut K. Regeotea Rolling July 21 Amsterdam Batavia HI Brit liola iMagania lu'y 19 London Raiana US Dut •».Gnie L* Clercy Auk Batavia Rotterdam 2»Bril
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