The Straits Times, 3 September 1900

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 15 1 The Straits Times. EST. OVER 1 A CENTURY SINGAPORE. MONDAY. SEFfEMBER 3, 1900. No. 20,230.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 728 1 rpilK BflllNKO COMPANY, LIMITED THK Standard Life «mm Norwich Union Kir. Innnsm Society, atlaa a— rs— Compsnj (Pin). !>.. K .U.1.M.. L.(r A~..r»n,». s.<-i-tj. h. Ow»a Maria* Immm < '"minuij Tk. Chiaa MatMl Mh navigation lOmpcmy. rhi- T-tMT*" Lkgw Bw i'orap«ny Iha MsiltlaM Uwmw I'ovpuj. I.imiUd. ror Mitnkn o( tkw
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    • 728 1 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. 1/-UMNKLIJKE PAKETVAART MAATBCHAPPIJ Under contract with the Netherlands India Government. AgenU at Snumport: Ship Aoesct, late 1. Daehdeu A Co., S-S, Colltee Quit. The nnilermeutioned dates are only approximate. Steamer Krom Expected Will be Despatched for On Vm Hi<b, r rk; Bauvia viaßilliton.Se|it. 3. Billiton, Batavia. Cherihon (Samarang,
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    • 521 1 BRITISH INDIA STEAM NAVIOA TION COMPANY. LIMITED. tO PEN A NG, RANGOON. 4 CALCUTTA OoeoftheCompany'ssteamersisintendtd to leant Tanjong Pagar Wharf every week. Passengers and Cargo booked by the I above steamers at through rate* to all ports in India and Ceylon, also to East Afrit-an Ports, Mauritius, ami London. TO
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    • 628 1 INSURANCES. THE LONDON AND LANCASHIRE FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. Capital £3,127,M0 Pali up Capital £212,760 Reserve Fund £1,073,W0 The undersigned, AgenU (or the Com any, are prepared to accept flre riski at current rates of premium. BOUBTEAD Co. **pUE CHINA TKXDERS INSURANCE I COMPANY, LIMITED. Capital Subscribed $1,000,000. Amount r«id up
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    • 522 1 INSURANCES. Tw<s Great Necessities. VIZ. 1. FAMILY PROVISION. a. PROVISION FOB OLD AGE. Easily and Economically met by a Policy in THE BRITISH EMPIRE MITTAI, Ufl OFFICE, Established 1847. Chairman The Right Hon'ble Sir John Ooret, M. P Funds— Rs. 420,00,000 Claims Paid Rs. 450,00,000 LUU MIDBIX UUIAI mUTMS LOW
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    • 642 1 BANKS, HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. PAJD-T7P CAPITAL 110,000,000. RESERVE FUND f II «00,000. RESERVE LIABIUTY OFI „.m m PROPRIETORS )-|10,000.000. Cocet or Dikectobs:— N. A. Bim. bq.-Cunui. R. Shiwik, Kki— DaroTT I'liniii. R. M. GaAi, Kmt. D. M Mom. Sso. E. Ooan, E«j. lA. J EathokcT&i. A Bauft, F«i
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    • 345 1 [NOTICES. ffiAMS'S HORSE REPOSITORY. FOR SALE. HORSES, COBS, AND PONIES. "SOLINGEN." Landed in splendid condition. This shipment comprises several All the abeve liavc been carefully selected specally for this market. Inspection invited and every facility for trial given. fW H. ABKAMS. J. R. LAMBERT CO. PHOTOGRAPHERS. 3RESHAM HOUSE, BATTEKY ROAD
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    • 705 1 FOR SALE EMPLOYMENTS TOLETAITOj'ER ONALS Pit TIM, U emu a 11m lad tmd M time., 10 moU Me. 4th totthtiMl O-BU 11m; 7th to 18th time, law*! line i afterwards, 1 ctsu a liv b«t M charge lea. than one dollar. Ttauattnt Nm adv.rtitem.nt. olou Mi, Id thli type autxlMartadStlmM
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  • 158 2 The Japanese appear to have pretty much their own way at Amoy, which port we may describe (for those readers who are at all vague geographically) as being on the mainland, opposite Formosa, and fully four hundred miles north of Hongkong. Apart from any seizure which
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  • 196 2 We are glad to notice that a syce, drivmg a carriage in Battery Road, has been lined $40 for knocking down a policeman. If a policeman requires protection at any time, it is when he is on duty in tbe centre of a road. In any case he stands a
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  • 416 2 EEW9 of Russian withdrawal from ing (and presumably from China) amazed Germany, and it will amaze a good many others. The feeling aroused is more than one of amazement it is one of indignation. Vet there seems to be no reason to doubt that Russia has made up her mind
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  • 8 2 To-day's 4 m/s bank rate is l- 1
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  • 15 2 A missionary meeting will be held tonight at the Prinsep Street Chapel, at 8 o'clock.
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  • 20 2 Mkssrs. Powell it Co. advertise a sale of damaged goods on the Tanjong I'agar reclamation ground at .1.30 p.m. to-morrow.
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  • 21 2 The Negri Sembilan Government now levies a ten per cent, duty on all salted and dried fish exported from that State.
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  • 23 2 With the permission of Lord Roberts, Sir Charles Warren has returned to England. He embarked on the Xorman, at Capetown, on Aug. Sth.
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  • 38 2 It is understood that Sir Thomas Jackson, chief manager of tbe Hongkong and Shanghai Bank, will arrive in Hongkong early next month Mr H. M. Bevis, who has been acting as chief manager, will tbeo go to Shanghai.
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  • 25 2 A St Petersburg correspondent states that this year's contingent of recruits for the Russian army and navy amounts to 287,000 men for the whole Empire.
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  • 24 2 Thi morfthly sowing meeting of the Church Work Association will be held at the Raffles Girls' School on Wednesday, September nth, at 4 p.m.
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  • 25 2 A private of the Ist Chinese Regiment baa been' tried at Wei-hai-wci by court-martial for deserting bis regiment, and sentenced U> penal servitude for life.
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  • 59 2 A »ye«, employed by a European, was fined S4O on Saturday for knocking down a police-constable in Battery Road, whilst in charge of a horse and carriage. In Hongkong many of the Chinese ridiculed tbe idea of the fall of Peking, saying that it would be impossible fur tbe Allies
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  • 31 2 It is intended shortly, we understand, to commence the construction of a roadway from Taujong Khu to the rear of Fort Tanjong Katong, there to join the road already in existence.
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  • 29 2 Thi Orerlarul Mtiil says that Mr. Hugh Clifford, Governor of British North Borneo, is writing a novel in the intervals of suppressing rebellion and attending to affairs of State.
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  • 30 2 The hum Sang is expected to arrive haro to-morrow evening from Penang wfth the Russian cargo-boat Manrhuria in tow. It is understood that the Manchuriu broke her shaft near Penang.
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  • 32 2 In connection with the Singapore Temperance Institute, of 51 Hill Street, it is proposed to form a minstrel troupe A meeting is being held at the Club to-morrow evening to arrange details.
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  • 35 2 On Saturday, teams of II M. S. and the Fathol Karib Club played a friendly game of football on the Tanjong Pagar Club ground. The ru-ult was a draw, each side scoring a goal.
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  • 37 2 It is widely asserted in Canton that the executioners there, since Li Hungchang's de|>arture, have gone on strike. They now receive 25 cents a head for their work, but they have struck for 50 cents a head
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  • 33 2 A Chinaman has been arrested on suspicion of .throwing vitriol into another Chinaman's face. The latter is totally blinded, and picked out the prisoner as his assailant, from among others, by his speech.
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  • 40 2 A syce employed by a Chinaman was driving on Saturday, when a horse and carriage, driven by a European collided with him, doing damage to the extent of SiO. The latter expressed his willingnets to pay for the damage done
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  • 43 2 ICBMM to Literature, Mr A. B. Freeman Mitford is about to publish with Me«m. Macmillan a record of his lift- in the British Legation in Peking, to which he was attached from l-6."i to 1-n- The title will be "An Attach)! in Peking."
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  • 35 2 The Nippon Yusen Kaislia steamer F-ilmni Mam was totally wrecked 'on August 17th. All lives and the mails were saved. The wreck occurred off Cape Calavite, Mindoro Island, in the tUulipauunteiTWriiu' wfjaHas iSgMV'f 4 Manila
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  • 47 2 Iff Tkk Mm was charged, this morning, before Mr 11. G. Sarwar with the theft of about 80 yards of long cloth from No. 13 godown, Tanjong Pagar Wharf. He was found, yesterday afternodn, with the material fastened about his body. He got three months' rigorous imprisonment.
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  • 98 2 Mr. John Long, of 6, Chandos Street, •Strand, London, is about to publish a sixpenny edition of Father Anthony,' Mr Robert Buchanan's well-known novel, of which, in the. library form, seven large editions were sold The cheap edition, we are informed, is limited to 100,000 copies. I x honour of
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  • 49 2 C'JUNTBss Festetics, who inherited the Palais Stephanie at Baden-Baden from her mother, the Princess Marie, Duchess of Hamilton, has sold it to the municipality of Baden, who intend to add the grounds to those of the adjacent Conversation House, while the building itself will be converted into a restaurant.
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  • 60 2 This is how the British Government encourages patriotism The Colchester Ritle Club, raised in a few weeks to a strength of 120, hive been informed by the War Office that, in addition to buying their dwn rifles and ammunition and paying for markers and use of targets, they must pay
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  • 57 2 Tat Morning I'ott of August :ird contained a notice to the effect that a marriage will take place early in October between Capt. J. Hamilton l)avid«on- Houston, eldest son of the late Rev. H. C. Davidnon-Houston, MA, of Dublin, and Kathleen, youngest daughter of Mr. T. E. Reiss, of Cassia,
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  • 34 2 IV r M. M. s. /ntiufroni •'olumlio*- Mr. Turner. From Marseilles— .Mr. K. P. ('hninliers. Mr. and Mrs. Booth, Mr. and Mm. Muno/, Mr. Bailleax, Mrs. Webber, and Mr. H. Privat.
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  • 64 2 Thk rainstorm on Saturday afternoon and evening kept a«v»y a good many members from the Marine Club smoking concert on Saturday night. As the concert was for charitable object, and it was desirable to secure a lurge attendance of members, it was decided to postpone tbe concert
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  • 91 2 At Jalan Besar, yesterday afternoon, the Straits Nationals (Chinese) met the Darul Mashoor (Malay?) in the second round of tbe Darul Adah Football Cup competition TheStraits. National proved the stronger team, and eventually retired winners "by 2 goals to nil. There are now only thre« Cluhg
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    • 81 2 AMERICA AGREES. SUGGESTED CUHFBENCE OF ALLIED COMMANDERS. London, Saturday. Tbe Russian Government has notified to the United States Government that, the Legations having been relieved, it will withdraw the Russian Mini«t»r I and tbe Russian troops from CLiw I until an efluctivn form of government has
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    • 16 2 It is understood that the French Government has acquiesced in this suggestion.
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    • 22 2 POWERS REPORTED FAVOU RABLY DISPOSED. It is reported that the allied Powers are favourably disposed towards the proposal of the Russian Government.
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    • 14 2 The question of accepting ihe intervention of Li Hung-Chang js under consideration.
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    • 28 2 It is believed that the withdrawal of the allied troops from .'eking is the only course to prevent fresh and dangerous complications from arising.
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    • 74 2 STRONGLY DEPRECATED. IN LONDON. Lmim, The London Press deprecate the withdrawal of the Allied troops from Peking on the ground that tbe moral effect of such retirement would be deplorable. The ISm points out that the withdrawal would inevitably load to the restoration of the old order of
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    • 26 2 The German Press is amazed at the proposal for withdrawal, and expresses the belief that Germany will, in no wise, :ic<|uiesce in such withdrawal.
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    • 34 2 The Russian Government has, by notification to the I'nited States Government, disavowed any intention of territorial acquisition in China. The notilication states that Russian action in Manchuria is purely defensive.
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    • 38 2 It is further notified that the Russian troops at Xewchwang will withdraw from there as soon as order has been restored in that cfuarter, unless the action of other Powers stands in the way.
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    • 29 2 It is further officially stated that the Russian Government aims at maintaining the integrity of China, and at restoring the legal central Government there
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    • 28 2 It in oflicially stated that the Russian Government has ordered the Russian Minister and the Russian expeditionary force to withdraw from Peking to Tientsin
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    • 18 2 An artillery force, 206 strong, leaves .ipinlmi for China on the 15th instant.
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    • 59 2 later COMPLETE WITHDRAWAL FTOH MANCHURIA. RttSfUH INUREHS AT NE\Y< HWANCi. The Russian Government has sent .1 circular Note to the Powers, notifying the withdrawal of the Russian Minister and the Russian troops from Peking The Russian Government promises is the circular, to wjtbdjaw liutiiau as H'V"
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    • 18 3 M I .i CM MUMit (o bold ll their will not Bt ri"|
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    • 30 3 Illi; END IN BIGHT. BULLEI Al»\ am l> lowMtits I'I:m:i i:<; i unanimously that Hritnh into the lower mountain I miles along :l ■■'in;. In which had any
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    • 22 3 Wmi America which bmd t i hold straw and Chil had'to I n v h nail .it ti i .my
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    • 19 3 VIEH MoNTIIM Pun The 1 j W b Urn i K-v unliffe, > I- lun i i
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    • 146 3 l.ab.m. Krup-r. as also a letter from Mr John and Mr Uavin B Clark ixl in lliat Mi with IV South uere in Lol) In till! (lark, n Mr Klli-. n martial Letter* v iaterriaw be bad with Mr the O thai 1n..1, ..VIT i! Clark m
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 388 2 NOTICES. NOBEL'S EXPLOSIVES COMPANY LD. GLASGOW. Manufacturers of Dynamite, Gelignite, Gelatine Dynamite, Blasting Gelatine, Detonators, iv iim* or Salety Fuses, Etoinc BUstiDg Appintis. Tkt aim* Jissplonren, being all manu-iui-irtd in Great Britain, an made U> pans tkt high standard of safety and pvnly tttts impotft by the British Government, and
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    • 547 2 NOTICES. ROBINSON fc CO. Annual Gash Clearance Sale IS NOW BEING HELD. Bargains in all Departments. ROBINSON Co, THE ROBINSON PIANO CO7 3 CHEAP AND GOOD NEW PIANOS. One by the Bridgeport Piano Co. S2'J.") One by A. Allison (small model) 27a One by Muni Bros 375 THE ROBINSON PIANO
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    • 207 2 CHANGE OK ADDKKss. I I \R.-^ (ialloway and Kirk have removed occupied by Koriyk aud Davidson, i B A' OLI.F.UE is open for teaching German. French, Latin Mathematics, HUtory.ef, and Piano to children and grown-up perbons. Hours to t jun pupil. term, the low, -t in Singapore. r Is
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    • 901 2 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. I I iiMrOKTAI.I.E room for one gentleown. Tennis, i.e. Apply to Z. c/o Straits Tima. WANTED. CLERK for the Contulate-Ura«nl Provisional and temporary, •abject to one month's notice on either side. Applicants must be able to use typewriter well and produce Rood references. Apply to Secretary, High CommisFOR
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    • 63 2 I.i.omiJackson On the 4th Aug., at St. Nicholas.- Church, ChialvLuret, by tbe Key. J. F Twist, M. A., Captain John Hemry Lloyd, Ist battn. King's Own Kegiment, son of the late Major J. H. Lloyd, Koval Artillery, to AMY Oliver, second daughter of Sir Thomas Jackson, Hongkong and Shanghai Bank.
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  • 259 3 II tXAMUn \i. vi iaw r. s. c. a TBAJM repr Dting the Civil Service an. l Lib, an. IS l C met on the Kspl.ina.le on Saturday in the 8 C. C. tournament The Club weal Brel to the wickets, Keid and Wndit oommencing hatting operaI. KB hat-men
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  • 57 3 lying at i H I, ut. missed > 115 i ney ii Saturday. There lies on hoard at Ml i n. owner of the I lut reports r s >-".ld watch. Ia f rof soM-riinmed valued .it SlO2 belonging to i neon, "I the ten trom that
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  • 82 3 The I -i .it Baawvr i tor Port Arthur at 11 left for on Saturday transport lihein left at the same lime for the north The Gorman transport AwdwM arrive. 1 from Bremen at ilusk on Satur- ..n hoard ll Ii in China by Govei ent order
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  • 348 3 TO THE KIIITOK OK THK STRAITS TIMES. ria Codinlat report! thai than has been an Unary demand in Enroot he Amen- ol the I hostilities in China, and before the strike of mmers bad occurred in Wa>M If tbt demand tima when .1 I .mine in
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  • 54 3 1 r MM. I K haHMw lor M.rB, M. Andrvtta, A. A van Heurn. C. Ijjeune. O. Fonuine V, huolnn, Mr. and Mrs Holler. Mr Lank, ;'api. I'eternon, Mesan. 1". (lennevoihe E Ohlcn.loiH, K Kin. kr hrn, Li.UM F. (iei.ii Jama M tWealsn, Un. Hanoi, and Mr.'
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  • 2523 3 (Wltmfnm din, India, ami Europe) c U'll XX (IF PEKING. <',il.-<tt,i,-Hlh A<igiu>l. A telegram has been received by the ii cruy (man (ieneral Gaselee, dated Pafcinf, IMb August, in which he conlirms the Mi.-!' uf the Legations and the capture of Peking by the Allied foMaoatha 14th ini-t. The
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  • 176 3 MUNICIPAL ADMINISTRATI ON. 'I'm: just-published Singapore Municipal administration report for 1899 has lost most of its freshness. The revenue shewed steady inciease and reached 51,037,81u owing to higher assessments and the greater demand for water The outlay stood at $1 ,000, 185 and had also increased, buj at a slower
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  • 584 3 Writing of the probabilities of fighting in the Lydenburg district, the Spectator, in an article on the military situation in South Africa, points out that the Boer 9 are not the kind of troops who fight hardest when they get their backs to the wall.
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  • 98 3 London, 25th Augutl. The fight between Fitziimmons and Sharkey, at New York, resulted in Sharkey being defeated in two rounds. The winner meets Jeffreys for the championship. The Emperor William and the Prince of Wales together visited the Empress Frederick near Hamburg. It is understood that her
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  • 289 3 In view of the approaching retirement of His Excellency the Kigbt Hon. Sir Horace Kumbold, (It'll. G.C.M.G.,and His Excellency the Right Hen. Sir H. Drummond Wolff, G.C.8., O.C.M.G the Queen has been pleased to approve the following appointments in Her Majesty's Diplomatic Service Sir Francis Richard Plunkett, U.C.M.G.,
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  • 145 3 Dan. Vmii'iNui KuuAßio! Cimi D»h»4tioii B«pt 1 Giang Sen;; Brit str. Dunloo Samaranii Tia DorU 1 HudKD ttr. Tangv, Nagaaaki 1 Sappho) atr. Turner Malacca and Klang 1 Pin Seng atr. Lyons Fenaog 1 Glengyle «r. D, rke China md Japan 1 Goajparn »ir. Jacobs Manila I Kecina Aiu
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 40 3 VKS.-ELS ADVERTISED TO BAIL. Calcutta (I i reel. Cautw, ready for cargo od tith Sept., J. Daendels. Penung and Deli, DM, etery Tuesday. Behn Mf>T«r*Co. Deli, Sumatra, everj Friday, Behn Meyer KelanUn »i» porta, Amkml mry Us 4a/., We, BniCn.
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    • 269 3 DON'T SUOOT YOIRSKLK No doubt you often feel like it, but after just a little delilieration decide you can't aflord to do it. But that thumping racking Headache; what can you do with itr 01*1 it ith quietus l>y using Little's Oriental Balm. It acts like magic. It kills pain
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    • 919 3 AUCTION SALESORCHARD ROAD AND GRANGE ROAD, TANGLIN, BIX FREEHOLD BUILDINIi ALLOTMENTS. TO BI HOLD BY AUCTION AT I-OWSLI. AMD COS. SALJ-BOOM. On Wedtutday, 12M SepUmlxr, 1900, at 2.30 p.m. lOT I.— Fronting corner of Grange Koad j and Orchard Road, nrra 4.170 sq. ft. Lot 2— Fronting Orchard Koad, area
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 230 3 AKRAXIiKMKNII* Monday, 3rd Sutembek. High Water. 3.38 p.m. I'olo much. .S. V. A. Kquad and Co. Drill. 6.15. S. V. K. Drill. A. Co. 6.10. Mission Meeting. Prinsep St. Chapel. 8. TrtMiAY, 4th SErTEXBIR. High Water. 6.38 a.m. 4.63 p.m. Pledges Sale Police Ufflce. 10. Assiiea. 11. Legislative Council. 2.30.
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  • 341 4 I 1 t 1 1 j j| mo I > I Vam'i Nui A Tnm.. OaTTAia Fun Bnuu). Oonnnn. Kio. Pakan Brit Kr. 84 Klattig tiiak Aug SljWee Bin sod Co. Sardinia <Jer tra. Sita Hchonleldt Bremen July 31 Bonn Meyer A Co. Sri Tringganu Dut Mr. Ml Nacodah
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  • 584 4 dnuroii, 3»d Skftihbir, 1900. PRODUCE. (Balet art eomcttd to noon) Oambier buyer* 7.80. Copra Bali, 6.40. do Pontianak, mm Pepper, Black buyers ,39.38 do Vrhite,(6XJ 44.00 Saao Flour Sarawak,. 3.46 do Brunei No. 1 l«0 Pearl Sago .4.07,. oSee, Bali, \6X basis 33.0U oflee Pal«ml«ng, 16X basis.. 87.00 OoSee,
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  • 60 4 Far Per «tr. Time. To-Morbow. Klang vis ports Hatarirr a p.m. Muntok I'bane Q. G. Mytr A p.m. WIDNEBDAY. Sarawak Voncarlt 10 a.m. Bangkok Srng fluan i p.m. IClang via ports Sri Pryatan S p.m. Penang A. belt Calypto 3 p.m. Smnarani; via ports Qiang Ann i p.m.
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  • 118 4 Pboh Edeopi By the P. 4 0. s. sHenqal, due on the 9th Sept. with dates to ihe 17th Aug. She brings replies to the mail which left Singapore on the 18th and 31st July. From China By the I. 40. s. s. Chiuan. dun on Thursday.
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  • 240 4 ARRIVALS. Per a. >. Sri Prgatm from Klang via ports— Mr. Ziui«tf. Per 8. s. Ban Sent; Gimn from BangkokMr. MacCarthy. Per a. s. Won Fn Soon from Pontianak— Messrs. Benque, Rand, Ducbateau, Burnir. Francis, Van Haider, and Bennett. Perß. b. r»h Ann from Sourabaya— Mr. Bennett. Per
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    • 314 4 Under tduheading the following abbreviations are a*ed Mr— steamer »h.— ship Cq.— barque «eh.— schooner; Yet.— Yacht Cru.— Cruiser 'Ibt.— Gunboat Tor Torpedo, H.p. -Horse-power Brit.— British I). 8.-Uaited SUUs; Pr.Prench Ger.— Genuaa Dut.— Dutch Joh.— Johore Ac., o. c.,— General cargo d.p. deck passengers j U.—
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    • 1264 4 ARBITILS SI»CS NoO» OF UKDIV. Ban Seng (luan. Brit. str. SOI tons, Capt Lyons, 3rd .Sept. From Bangkok, 30th Aug. (i.e., and SS d.p. Ban Seng and Co. For Bangkok, Sth— Bdi. Balmier, Brit. str. LMH tout, Capt Mellor, L'ml S<-pt. From Klani, 31 at Auk.
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    • 752 4 Name, port, probable dale ol armal, and narneol aotnu. UTumu. Aguir'tiinon, L'pool, Sept s." j Mansfield. Annum, China, Sept i(J B. Meyer. Babelxberg. Barry. I'ft Inly ill ll,imi-rK, Hamburg, ScptlS B. Meyer. Bantam, BalarU, St'pt in Daendels. Baycrn, Hamburg O.t 1 1 H. Meyer. Beualder, Europe, p»d Cunal.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
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    • 907 4 NOTICES. /Jlaigdid womeiT i ii i < im.imi v OLD PEOPLE, INVALIDS YIN CHAPOTEAUT (mmum v pettie) A DELICIOUS NUTRITIVE STIMULANT TSi» «ltmcßi«r» win* U «i»i!» SkMailtl«d whr« v ock.c wild liquid fa«l "ill nmum <• ih. iaa.h. II it indn.i.J is conlilutio^l wtakiuM Pols Acksth. BKHN, MEYKR Co., f
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    • 433 4 NOTICE^ PORT ARTHUR. GRUNBERG AND REILLY, ITEVEDORES, SHIPPING COMMISSION AGENTS. Stevedores to the Seagoing Steamship Service of the Chinese Eastern Railway Co.) Til. Adds: REILLY m.w.f. ,JT 9injfour 7aitk to^^c NEAVE'S Aerated Waters. Th»y are THE BEST. And therefor* THE CHEAPEST. FRASER NEAVE, Ltd.. 100. Robinson Road, SINGAPORE. WHITEWAY'S PURE
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