The Straits Times, 27 July 1900

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 14 1 The Straits Times. EST. OVER A CENTURY SINGAPORE FRIDAY. JULY 27. 1900. No. 20,199.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 788 1 rpHK BORNEO COMPANY, LI VII ED .....toMLifAsmraßoa, N,.,.«k Umlo. fir. lasarsnos SocfssyAtlas Asni'M"" t'«aW (Fira). t uawaa-Bsaei skf. The Oeass Wana* Is«««a«i<» I'.noimiiT. TW Sto. »*sass navigation Company. Ths Maritisss Issainam Coaspaaj. lamitsd. Co S^o--co t piNT. LIMITED. A4TSBU. STEAMSHIP TOMPAMB. P OTFioi, LMawM Strict. WHARVES, KaPIELIIaRROCR. STKAM NAVIGATION OMTIHT.
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    • 774 1 STEAMSHIP COMPAJOE& ¥-ONINKI.IJKE FAKETVAART MAATBCHAPPM Under contract with the Netherlands India Government. Agrntt at Singapore. Ship Aoekct, late J. Daekdbls A Co., »-S, Colltbb Qdat. The undermentioned dates are only approximate. Steamer From Expected Will be Despatched for On i'orts. July *4. Bengkslis, fiia*, Psneh, As^ahan, and Deli July 27.
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    • 473 1 AUSTRIAN LLOYD* STtfAM NAVIGATION COMPANY. U«DIR MilL CO»TEaCT WITH IHI ArSTBUI OOVBKHHI.IT. The following are the dates on which the Company's steamers may be expected to »ail from here*:— OtrrwaSD. Homeward. 19U0 IWO China Aug. 8 J Trieste July 27 1 triA F. Ferdinand Aug. 27 China Sep. 36 All
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    • 635 1 INSIJRAISm. 'I'llE LONDON AND LANCASHIRE 1 FIXE INSURANCE COMPANY. Capital £2.m,V>o Paid up Capital £H2.7f0 Reserve Fund £1,073,680 The undersigned, Agents for the Cornany, are prepared to accept fire risks at current rates of premium. ROUrVTEAD ft Co. rfIHK CHINA TRADERS INSURANCE X COMPANY, LIMITED. Capital Snbsorfbsd 11,000,000. Amount Paid
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    • 805 1 LNSURANCE& Two Great Necessities. VIZ. 1. FAMILY PROVISION. 3. PROVISION FOR OLD AGE. Easily and Economically met by a Policy in THE BRITISH EMPIRE MUTUAL LIFK OFFICE, Established 1847. Chairman The Right Hon'ble Sir John Oorst, M P. Funds— Rs. 420,00,000 Claims Paid— R». 4.10,<X),000 LAUE MH'SEN UIEaU CMIITI.JK L4W
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    • 641 1 BANKS. HONOEONQ AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. PAID-UP CAPITAL 110,000,000. RESERVE FUND 111,500,000. RESERVE LIABILITY OF I .mrmrm PROPRIETORS. 1-110,000.000. Court or Diuctobs N. A. Bisss. Kaq.-Cuiaaaji B. MISWAK, Kaq.— DSIT-TT CxilS* 4 K B. a). Gut. fcaq. I D. at af.JSas, Bsa. E. Ooan, Ksq. lA. J RATMom>7aW A Hauit,
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    • 451 1 NOTICES. fiOM|pjIBErIBE..P(UTBHaL and hnctMal arUHir, am n rBS ,m'u*^ r g y >^raZti'!yii'*-Z.* fc »snu.<oa»«., t, Soaalfc.Cairi n hi a<.L«aaoa,a q •asaaak aaaaf vasa«ai> a uamu. Mai /TffirMeß.] PI LLS a Sl»m»dy for km lna<nl«iltl«a. Sunlit ai Bttaw An u. rmmyr*r*L h Sold by l»l«por, NspaMln* 00., Ltd, MltaMsH,lla|u<M, MARTIN.
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    • 803 1 FOR BALE EMPLOYMENTS TO LET- ANDJERBONALB (Ist time. IS oasts a Una lad and tri tl mes, 10 cents a line 4th to Bib times t cents a line; 7th to 18th times cents a line; afterwards, i orate a line; bat mm charge leas Uan one dollar. Thus a
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  • 37 2 Fbieichb— At Ipoh. on the JSrd iust., Albert Edward I!kavbrcxks, the eldest •ou of Cbarit-s Edwaru and Janet Mary Krerii-hs, of 1 rer and convulsions; aged one year, five months, an 1 five days.
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  • 490 2 FRIDAY, 27TH JULY, 1900. SOUTH AFRICA. There has been a feeling during tbe past few weeks that everything was not being done that might be done in South Africa. People who thought in that strain should first have considered the circumstances of the situation. Lord Roberts literally rushed to Pretoria.
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  • 41 2 Tbe British transport itatinna (No. It), with N. Section Native Kield Hospital and mules on board, passed through tbe port at 11 a.m. to-day bonnd for China. The Matiana stopped to take on board despatches, and signalled Fine weather— all well."
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  • 388 2 China having practically declared war against Russia on the Amur frontier where the majority of the Russian troops in Siberia are stationed, it is instructive to note, according to the computation of tbe Times, that during the present year the contingent of recruits sent to that district to take the
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  • 238 2 Thi letting of the Ellenhorough Market Farm tender has again brought up the question of increase in the price of food in Singapore. The tender which the Municipality have just accepted is about $1,000 increase on the expiring tender, and at the first glance this would appear to be the
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  • 7 2 To-day's 4 m/s bank rate is 2/oj|.
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  • 13 2 Prodcck, exchange, and share price, and the mail list, are on page 4.
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  • 14 2 The Russian transport Petersburg left for the north at 7 30 p m. yesterday.
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  • 23 2 It is said to be a common practice among shopkeepers at Taiping to put 49 coppers into rolls supposed to contain SO cents.
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  • 15 2 It is officially notified that Straits Settlements postage stamps may now be used throughout Perak.
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  • 19 2 A launch will leave Johnston's Pier for the Swimming Club bungalow on Sunday at 10 am. and 11 a.m.
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  • 20 2 Tiir P. O mail steamer Churan passed Malacca at 645 'his morning, and is due here at about 3 pm.
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  • 21 2 Raja Haroon, a younger son of the Sultan of Perak, is to go to England for education in the near future.
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  • 19 2 Tke S. V. A. fire at Balestier range to-morrow afternoon at three, and on Sunday morning at seven o'clock.
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  • 20 2 The Oxford and Cambridge dinner at Penang is fixed for the 11th August. The Governor will be invited to preside
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  • 19 2 The annual general meeting of the Singapore Recreation Club will be held at the Club-house at 8 o'clock to-night.
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  • 22 2 A Xi in', woman living at Serangoon R>ad reports that yesterday a gold necklace valued at Sl3O was stolen from her house.
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  • 25 2 The monthly sewing meeting of the Church Work Association will be held at the Raffles Girls' School on Wednesday, August Ist, at 4 p. in
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  • 19 2 Thi Municipal departments commence removing to their new offices the Hotel de l'Europe premises— next week, probably on Wednesday.
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  • 27 2 Only 929 plague deaths occurred in the whole of India during tbe week ending on the 10th instant. Of these Calcutta reports 107, and Bombay city 60.
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  • 26 2 Mr. D. H. Wise, Secretary to the High Commissioner, Federated Malay States, has been appointed Secretary to the Resident-General, with effect from the 25th April, 1900.
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  • 31 2 We have to acknowledge with thanks the receipt from Government of a copy of a pamphlet by Professor W. J. Simpson, explaining the influence of rats in the dissemination of plague."
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  • 39 2 It has been decided that when it is necessary to send British soldiers from India by the Messageries Maritimes line steamers they shall be provided with 3rd class passages instead of 4th class, which has hitherto been the rule.
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  • 40 2 Owing to there being no suitable boat to Singapore at the time, th« Hon C. W. Sneyd-Kynnersley, the Hon. 1. M. 1! Vermont, and the Hon. Bromhe idMatthews were unable to come from Penang to attend the last Council meeling.
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  • 39 2 It appears from Australian papers that as soon as the success of British arms was assured in South Africa, the steamers running from Australia to South Africa were filled with thirdclass passengers endeavouring to make a fresh start there.
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  • 45 2 Rktlrns show that during the first six month* of Ibis year the export trade of Colombo made a steady advance in almost all products. But coffee stands at only 4,685 cwt.-not a quarter of a century ago it was over half-a-million cwt for the half-year.
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  • 50 2 At Hongkong, the other day, a coolie in a sugar refinery came by his death in an extraordinary manner. He was in charge of a boiling pan when a piece of wood dropped in. It was thrown up by the machinery and, hitting the coolie, killed him on the spot.
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  • 50 2 Mr. James Hanna, chief engineer of the a. s. Meanaichy, reports that early this morning lie missed SS in silver, a pair of opera glasses, a pair of marine glasses, and a dock valued at $30 from his cabin. A number of coolies were working on board at the time.
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  • 52 2 The rhinoceros which was sent down from Perak to the Austrian Consul here, and was sent to the Botanical Gardens, prior to being forwarded on to Vienna, has died. Death was due to a wound in the back caused by a Btake which caught the animal when it fell into
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  • 92 2 Messrs. Kelly Walsh send us a copy of the reprinted lecture on Mountings of tbe naval guns and their subsequent use with the Ladysmith Relief Column," delivered by Cap' Percy Srott and Captain A H. Limpus at Hongkong on June 13th. Tbe pamphlet is well printed and is published by
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    • 23 2 ADMIRAL SEYMOUR AT S HAN GHAI. Shanghai, Thursday, 8 47 p m. Admiral Seymour, with the battleship Centurion and the Alacrity, arrived today.
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    • 37 2 IMPORTANT ACTION I'KNDING. Hongkong, Friday, 2.17 pm Admiral Seymour arrived at Shanghai yesterday in the Alacrity. The battleship Centurion and the Bonnrentun are outside the mouth of the Woosung river. Something important is pending.
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    • 23 2 It is reported that the survivors from Peking are en route to Tientsin escorted by Jung-lu's troops.
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    • 61 2 A WHOLESALE MASSACRE FEARED. Four more English missionaries have been murdered in Shansi where a general massacre is feared. Yuan-Sliih-Kiii wires that lie has given orders forbidding the issue of proclamations calling on missionaries to recant tbeir faith. But, in spite of this, the destruction of mission
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  • 214 2 MR. EARLEB NOMINATION CONFIRMED. A MEKTisii of the members of the Chamber of Commerce was held at the Exchange this afternoon for the purpose of confirming the nomination of Mr. T. E Earle a« member of the Legislative Council in place of Mr. W. H. Friiell resigned.
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  • 20 2 The homeward German mail steamer St,,ttpart left Hongkong to-day at 6 a m., and is due here on Wednesday morning.
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  • 27 2 Thi P O Rome, which left London yesterday with Artillerymen for China, will connect with the t {ytfoat Colombo. The Clyde is due here about August 26th.
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  • 41 2 Cholera broke out on board the liormvla, Capt. Sartorio, during the voyage down from Bombay. Three of the native crew died, and three firemen were removed t» the quarantine station at St. John's Island on the ship arriving here this morning.
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  • 58 2 A large floating crane is to be provided for the port of Sydney. The crane will bo capable of lifting eighty tons, at a speed of five feet per minute, and twenty tons at a speed of fourteen feet per minute. The work will be carried oi't in the colony,
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  • 42 2 The Petersburg- St. Jerome collision case a claim for $40,000 damages was not concluded when the Supreme Court rose yesterday. The further hearing ha* now been postponed until Tuesday, when probably the evidence will be concluded and judgment given the same day.
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  • 49 2 Count Festetics de Tolna has denied the charge made against him by his American wife in the divorce proceeding now pending, of having abandoned her at a hotel in Singapore. He declares that she herself insisted on stopping at Singapore in order to return to America. -New York Herald.
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  • 69 2 A rnRRKspONDiNi a-ks why it is that action is so seldom taken against persons for furious driving. There is a law which forbids it but it might as well be non-existent. About 8 o'clock last night, a private gharry driven by a Malay syce galloped along New Bridge Road and
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  • 109 2 A ai'ccEsaruL grand ball was given at Penang, in honour of the capture of Pretoria, by the directors and secretary of the Penang Kbean Guan Insurance Company on the 20th instant, in the Town Hall. Tbe latter was ablaze with lights and illumination* The arrangements were highly
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    • 162 2 A COM BINED ADVANCE EASTWARD TOWARDS LYDENBERG. London, Friday. Communication with Pretoria via the Orange River Colony has been restored. General French's cavalry have captured a great many Boer prisoners. General Broadwood, who is closely following Commandant De Wet, from whom he captured live waggons, is now at Vredcfort awaiting
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    • 25 2 Later. AUSTRALIAN HELP. The Government of New South Wales bas resolved to despatch a colonial military force to serve with tba Imperial troops in China.
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    • 29 2 A CAMP CAPTURED BY MAJOR WILLCOCKS. Major Willcocks has captured the Ashanti war camp at Kokofu. He has been promoted to thu rank of Colonel.
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    • 37 2 Still Later. BOERS DEFEATED. Lord Roberts telegraphs from Balmoral, under date 25th July, that Colonel Alderson's Mounted Infantry yesterday attacked the enemy. General French turned tbe enemy's left. The enemy tied. Generals French and Hutton are pursuing.
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    • 45 2 General Hunter attacked the enemy's position south of Bethlehem in the Orange River Colony on the 23rd and and 24t b July. Tbe attack failed, the British casualties being fifty. On the 25th General Hunter, however, gained the key of the enemy's position.
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    • 25 2 ARTILLERYMEN FOR CHINA. The P. and O. s.s. Rome, which left London yesterday (.'Blh instant) takes 12 officers and 270 men to China, mainly artillerymen.
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  • 139 2 . It has been arranged to send three months' supplies of fodder for tbe China force from India. It liar been decided regarding officers of British service accompanying the China force that those on the staff will receive Indian pay, while those attached to batteries and others will
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  • 185 2 At tbe Council meeting on Tu«ed»y next, the Orders of tbe Day are as follows Motion: By the Acting Colonial Secretary— Whereas a medical board appointed to carry into effect tbe recommendations of Dr. Manson contained in bis letter dated 29th July, 1899, to the Secretary of State
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 533 2 Norm NOBEL'S EXPLOSIVES COMPANY LD. GLASGOW. Manufacturers of Dynamite, Gelignite, Gelatine Dynamite, Blasting Gelatine, Detonators. vi iisiw or Safety fuses, Electric Blasting Apparatus, The above Kstpbmres, being all man%f*J'ired \n Onat, are made to pats the high standard of safety and purity hsts impoeed hy He British Uoi>ernment,andore, therefore,
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    • 1417 2 n< mm. THE ROBINSON PIANO CO. :o: METZLEK I'IANOS. *»50, payable in one year, tuning free, longer rr in he afiaogad 10 ilisi-uunt lor Cash. A first-class English I'iano by an old maker guaranteed for this climate. II V \KK I'IANOS H7spayaule in one year. Tuning free. $48 discount if
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    • 825 2 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. NOTICK. FROM this date Mr. George Edward Mosley will take charge of our business in Singapore, and will sign the firm per procuration. 9W M GINHHUROACo. KELLY&WALSIUTD. Kr.TiH niunial Llbrarr N.Teb at $1-S* each. Mikakiia or the Balcohy, by A E. W. Mason. Fboh s a to Sia.
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    • 29 2 The Straits Times has a large circulation in the Straits and Malaya, and is widely read throughout Asia generally. The paper was established more than half a century ago.
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  • 57 3 BMi i HASSKI. AND MO.VHIXIIS Thf new eastern channel of Colombo haa baaa aradaad and boon imw b*>B| laid. The new"meiit BM*Mai for additional ai voimnodaliiin for inooriug abaal twenty vessels The work is I to be fully compl.ti'd bt tha year The new .hannel will facilitate
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  • 76 3 RUSSIANS AND JAPANESE. Thl Tokyo correspondent of the XagauJti /Ye« writes- Hitherto the Russian soldier has been regarded by Japanese peopleasasemi-eiviliied being, given to all sorts of excesses. The Japanese officers now report the most friendly ralatioM natwaaa the Japaaaai and Russian soldiers. Tha iHwipapar correspondent c givrexamplesof Boaaiaa and
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  • 422 3 ALLEGED MURDER. "A.MOK" Xt NNKIi HAULED Yestkrdav, Hajt Ah bin Haji Hassan was braogtai baton Mr Baaadan bf en«iinry into a pbaaaji of iinirtler commuted in Minto Road on taa 17th .1' Inspactor Dickson conducted n in.- 11..W11 Mi A Kaoa lliium Ouiaaoa, Uanaral Hoapitat, mid that ha was on
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  • 558 3 BERI-BERI WARDS. TO THI EIIITOR Or THE BTKAITB TIMES Sik, I have read with some iotaraat and no little BUrprUe a paragraph winch appeared m Waaßaaday'i i-Mie of your journal OH Hie subject of t lie rrecthui of an cxpcrmieiital ward for tieri-bert ii l.v, rock Sang Ucwpiul at a
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  • 180 3 TWO S TRANGE CASES. AnotT half-past one this morning, a Boyaaaai man b*i brought to Kartan Police Station by somn of his In. 'nil- in I cluirry, in an uneoawhNM condition Eta bad a small ■round abara 1,1- nr 0m of ih.' in. 'Il saiil that, aluiilt midnight, he
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  • 292 3 COFFEE PEST. Mn A L Butler, curator to Selangor BtaU Museum, has sent in a report on tin' onffaa oaiarpillaf p«st in Baagai Ujoog. eatarptUan are the larva; ,it Qajsi»««M*M hylas, one of the bee hawk moth* It was this same pest whi'h i.iiiMilMii'h serious damage :ni'l asaaaM to
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  • 391 3 LONDON'S NEW RAILWAY. Thk new Lmdon Railway has been formally opened by the I'rince ol Wales, who at the opening"iiv < 'iin_-t:iitil.itei| Sir Benjamin U.iker, the engineer, and expre-M I tinconviction that the line would be a great boon to tiie inhabitants of London. Ihe Electric Traction Co.,
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  • 831 3 . THE ANSUaL MEETING. The annual meeting of the Singapore branch or the Straits Settlements Association took place at the Exch inge this morning. Mr. T. Scott (President) occupied the chair, and there were also present Maaari W H Krizell (vicepresident), A Ci. Wright, W. G St. Clair,
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  • 434 3 RUSSIAN LEADERSHIP A MISTAKE. In view nf the announcement that General Kouropatkin will probably command th« Kus«ian and Allied forces in China, the following comment by the (llulit is interesting: Asa mutter of fact, there is only one Power which is able to throw on the scene of operations a
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  • 1189 3 ATabanquet of the National Union of con»erv.itive and constitutional associations, on June 29ih, Mr Chamberlain, in a spe»cli on public affairs generally touched on the South African War and the future settlement of the country in the following terms: I cannot help thinking that they
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  • 199 3 GERMAN TRADE WITH BRITAIN. The German Imperial Bureau for Statistics, in the first section of its annual report, on Uerman commerce in 1*1)9, deals with traile between Germany and Great Britain in 1897, 189«, and 1899. In 1899 German imports (including precious metals) from Great Britain amounted in value to
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  • Article, Illustration
    215 3 (CONDUCTED BY KING'S PAWN.") All chits comsupondence should be •ddrened to "King's I'awn." Solution* No. 1H6 (Wi<rm) R-K Kt 3; No. Ih7 (J»rosi) R-K -I. Correct solutions received from A. O. 8 Nemo, and X. PBOBLCM NO. 188, BY ISAAC LIVI, Shanghai. BLACK 1 PI ICC. White to play
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  • 123 3 A litter of the Tientsin correspondent of the A.-C Daily Newt gives the following instance ofChinese humour: "I do not think 1 mentioned one amusing peculiarity of the Chineseflignt from the arsenal on Wednesday, 27th June When our fellows got within 500 yards and were preparing for
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 368 3 VESSELS ADVERTISED TO SAIL. Hongkong. Bormida, due 27th July, Behn Meyer 4 Co* From -intle via ports, Sultan, on 1st Aug W. M-itu tl.-l-l a Co. Hotukoac, SuUang, due 3rd Aug., Bous tead A Co. Penaog and Deli, DcU, every Tuesday, Bohn Mnvor I- Co. Deli, Sumatra, every Friday, Bebn
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    • 482 3 NOTICES. JOHORE OPIUM A BPIRIT FARMS 1. TiKDias will be received, up to noon on Slst luly, 1000. for renting the Johore Opium and Spirit Farms for three years commencing from Ist January, 1801. •i. Tenders should be addressed to the State Secretary, and may be for one or both
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    • 1016 3 NOTICES. OLNOAPORE SPORTING CLUB. Programme for Autumn Race Meeting, 1900. OCTOBER 23rd, 25th, owrf 27« A. FIRST DAY. Tuetday, 23rd Octotfr. FIBST RIOE. THE MAIDEN PLATE.— VaIue »300.— A Race for Maiden Horses— Weight a* per scale (lOst.). An allowance of 211 b. to ex-Griffins imported into the Straits Settlements
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    • 836 3 FOR SALE EMPLOYMENTSTO LET; AND PERSOVALB; [Isttiice, 15 cent* a IH*; 2nd and 3rd times, 10 cent* a line 4th to nth times i cents a line; 7th to 18th times, 3 cent's a line; afterwards, 2 cents a line; bat n* charge leu than one dollar. Thu*. a IW
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 187 3 ARKAN iKMKMFr.IDiY, 27TH JOLV. Hitfh \V:ii,-r. 1 1. Op.m. I I \1 tini: Drill Hall. .->. V Aiming .Inll. 6.16. S. V R. Drill. .1.1.1. I'. outward mail dip. f..3O Oxford and <':iml.ri k v D-.inor. Tangliu Club at Homo." 9. IMMT, -*tii Jilv. Hiiih W.t.r. II. ".Ham. I'ri.ketTiurnaiuent.
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    • 87 3 WEATHER REPORT. Kmdang Kerbau llnipi'.al, 261* M| 1MXX »a.ra Sp.m.flp.m RimUB. Bit. .29 *K) ■ja.-Ssl-2».83» Tamp. 820 K.V0 810 W.BMbTher 78.2 78 4 77.0 »,c Uir.ofWind wsw. 8.W. C»lm g Max. Tamp. 1M.0 A ICin... 76.0 Max. in Pun 50.0 c u. Ton-, red 73.0 go Bainfall Nil. X Tba
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  • 535 4 S »U»H)KE, 37TH Jl'LY, 1900. PRODUCE. (Half art eorwetod <o »<xm> Gambler '•"<>• Copra Ball, 7.00. do Pontianak, «60. Pepper, Black. buyer. 80.63* To White,(5l> •UtOO SagoFlourSarawak,. S 60 do Brunei No. 1 «■«> Pearl Rago 0 7 Coffee Bali, 16% ball Sfl.Ou Ooffee Palembang, 16% basis.. 77-00 Coffee,
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  • 49 4 To-Morbow. Honekonp vis ports Cktuan 10 am. Bangkok B. 5,,,,, Guan 1 p.m. l'-luk Auaon huh Mitrhrll lpm. Muar 2 p.m. 'olio vis ports Van tlrr hin 3 p.m. ■>amarmng via ports (Hang Seng t p.m. Deli Deli 4 p.m. IClaoft via porta Sappho 4 p.m.
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  • 126 4 Fkoh Eoaori By tbe P. A O. s. s. Chutan, due on the 27th July with dates to the 6th July. She brings replies to the mails which left Singapore on the 6th aod 9th June. Fboh Chiha By tbe M. M. steamer roiubtn, due on Sunday.
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  • 259 4 ARRIVAL). Per s. s. Ban I'oh (Juan from Makassar via ports— Mr. Eai(ar. Per 8. Goalpara from Rangoon via ports— Messrs. Eadie. Morrison. Wilkinson, Mrs. Cooke, and Mr. and Mrs. Duckwortb. TO ARRIVK. (For Singapore.) Per M M. s. s. VWe de Ciolat from Marseillpß. July l*th— Mr.
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    • 153 4 SHIPPING I PORT. Under this heading tho following abbreviations are used str. steamer sh.— ship fcq.- -barque sch —schooner Yci.— Yacht Cru.— Cruiser Ght.— (Junliov Tor Torpedo H. p.— Horse-power Brit.— British U. 6.— United States; Fr.— French Ger.— German Dot.— Dutch Job. Joboro 4c, G. c.,—Generalcargo d.p. deck passengers
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    • 1049 4 TRADING VESSELS &c. ARRITIU MIRRI NOO* OF YESTERDAY. Oiang Seng, Brit. Mr. 773 tons, Captain Diinlnp 2Bth July From Samarang, 24th July. G.c., and 88 d.p. Tan Kirn Tian and Sons LUI. For Batavia, 28th— Rds. Ban Pok Guan, Bit. str. 67« tons, Capt Rtratton, 2'th July. From Macassar, 17th
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    • 742 4 VESSELS EXPECTED. tfo»K, port, probahti dots 0/ arrital. N.i imtiu o/ otffntx. BTUMIBS. Acara, H'kong, to leave July 38 Afghanistan, Hkoug, to leave July SO Alueaga, H'kung, to leave Aug 4 B. M. Anapa, Barry. I'll JuueJl Auuam, H ko.ig, Aug l» M. M. Antonio Lopvl. iTc-elona, Au({ 19 Barlow
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  • 84 4 Vhul's Niu> 4 Tom. Cafiai» I »L 2H Gi»n([ Seng Brit itr 723 Dunlop i 37 Ban Pob Uuan air. 576 Stratum Ruby Btr 149 Smith 27 Ooalpara Jacobi 87 Bonn.da It»l «tr 1439 Sartorio ■17 Dordogne MM MrJ 8300 Baibaldi I Krom Buuii. Comiomu. Samarmng July 24 T.
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  • 18 4 Dit«. Vnm.'i Nw> KlauAßk; Captaih t>»us*uo» 27 BsnWhaUHin Hr. Olnen kl l.v. m» porw Ilisr" *ipT HH^sr
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 412 4 NOTICES. WHITEWAY'S PURE DEVONSHIRE CYDERS Specially adapted for consumption in Tropical Climates. WHITEWAY 4 CO guarantee all tlieir Cyders to be the pure mice of the finest Devonshire Apples only. Ho Water. Saccharine, or Chemicals of any kind are introduced, nor are these Uyders artificially aerated. RECOMMENDED BY THE MEDICAL
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    • 839 4 Sweel ScanlJ from /lower*, RIGAUO'3 wmiti viOLiTt. I RIGAUD'S WHITE ROII. RIGAUD'S whiti j»si«im. I RIGAUD'S WHITI LILAO. RIGAUD'S white iris. RIGAUD iC nnramrm, PtTK I i^%^'\ *w>s^r*»w*^^*^^s»w* Sou Aoixts, BEHN, MEYKRACo.,/ *«s/»^ Singapore f o M start Johh Littlb Co. J J)qH r Messrs. Odictixl kmv ffi-'^m SCHUHMICHJB. f
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