The Straits Times, 24 July 1900

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 15 1 The Straits Times. EST. OVER 1 A CENTURY SINGAPORE TUESDAY. JULY 24, 1900. NO. 20,196.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 850 1 rjIHE BORNEO OOHTAITT, I.IMIIKD rpHS Bt»te4 LkJ. aawnaoa. Norwich Daloa l*«sa»no» Bod*y. Afe. AsKumae. Ooar|«y (Fir*). tx» kViuitehW Ut* Aasnsn BOOstJ. Tk* Oosaa Haria* laeswam i'i<sspaaj. iC Chh* B*al Bksaas MavifatU Cmpaaj. J-Jr^mZ^^S^cToot tkVt. UMITID. Agsnta \MSHIP COMPANIES. P OTHOB, rBLEUR»r.I STKEET fa WBABTB*,KEHELHABBOnB. STEAM NAVIGATION (XIMTANT. BTBA.ER. WE CH.KA,
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    • 1258 1 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES I 'DM NK LUKE lAKETVAART MAATBCHAPPIJ Under contract with the Netherlands India Government. Agrnt, at Singapore: Ship Aoesct, late J. Daekdel* A Co., 2-3, ColltebQdat. The undermentioned date* are only approximate. Btiimer From K»pec»ed Will be Despatched for Od \l,,url Moluccas. July 19. Batavia, Sourabaya, Macassar. Banda, Amboyna,
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    • 634 1 INSURANCES THE LONDON AND LANCASHIRE 1 FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. Capital £2.m,NM Pali up O«piUl £il*,7M Reaerre Fond £1,073,680 The undersigned. Agent* for the Cornany, are prepared to accept fire riiksal current rate* of premium. ROUBTEAD ft Co. TUiE CHINA TEADKKB INSURANCE I OOMPANT, LIMITED. Capital Subscribed $1,000,000. Amount Paid op.
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    • 736 1 INSTJRANCKS. BRITISH EMPIRE MUTUAL LIFE OFFICE. ESTABLISHED 1847. FUNDS R8. 420.00.000. LOW LIBERAL PREMIUMS. CONDITIONS. AND LARGE BONUSES. "Endowment Assurances at English rates." AgenU: Messrs. LYALL AND EVATT. tu. tli s. Singapore. TWO SORTS OF FATIGUE. To be tired is nothing. The bodily powers are more or lea* exhausted for
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    • 678 1 BANKS. HONGKONG AND KKANOHAI BAMKINQ CORPORATION. PAID-UP CAPITAL »10,000,00f1. RESERVE FUND II 1,600,000. REBEBVE LIABILITY OFI ..norjoooo PROPRIETORS. J..|lO,OWW>. Com or Directors-— N. A. Sibm, t«i.— CiAnuuK B. H. GUI Kaq!. I D. M Mosas, Bag. K. Goan,B«q. I A J Saimokd. Bn. A UAVrr, Bag I B L. BlcaAßoaoir,
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    • 615 1 N0UO& and functional scWlliy. «Mt« ot viialm; *I||iiblmi •!«r» *r MU. snmol o— r..!-..*. < u<«i aM hi Jr.iU.M fa. nmein, imn iw tm SL^faV'^ayL^a HANSA PAINT Mfg. Co. A./ KIEL. Manufacturer* of /CyA quick drying Enamel A{y Compositions for A^A Ship*' bottoms. A G$ A Sure prevention Aa"^A /SL
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    • 778 1 FOR RALE EMPIiOTMBNTS TO I XT- AND_PER ON ALA [Ist timb, li cents a lln. tad aad •ratlines, 10 cants a line 4th to MB time* oent* a lln* 7th to IMb. time* I c*n«* s lin* afterwards, I otat* a lln* bat a* obarf*!*** than on* dollar. Thnsai»rss i«h»
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  • 25 2 DOMESTIC OCCURRENCE. DEATH. A 1 St. Helens, on July 83rd, Caul Heixkich Otto Schwium, only child of Mr. and Mrs. O. febwemer, aged 10 mouth..
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  • 85 2 About 5 p.m. yesterday the transport Virawa passed through bound for Hongkong. She has on board two Sections 63rd Native Field Hospital— ■J British oilicers, 1 British soldier, 4 hospital assistants, 7 native soldiers, 117 public followers, 6 private followers, 2 chargers, and 2 ponies Mth
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  • 181 2 Of trustworthy information regarding the Peking Legations there is still none. The only possible means by which the foreigners in the capital can have escaped massacre during all these days of suspense is through the protection of Chinese troops, and many statements have been made that protection is being afforded.
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  • 283 2 A correspondent writes:— A body of deserving public servants— that section of tbe medical department who are here called apothecaries think that their designation might with advantage be altered. Those who know anything of the medical training of these men are well acquainted with the fact that they have to
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  • 7 2 To-day's 4 m/s bank rate is 2/or^
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  • 13 2 Prodccb, exchange, and share nee and the mail list, are on page 4.
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  • 13 2 A 'xieisha puller has been lined for soliciting fares in a disorderly manner.
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  • 12 2 The French cruiser Frinnt left Brest on the 27th June for China.
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  • 12 2 The French transport Cholon left at 420 pm. yesterday afternoon for Marseilles.
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  • 22 2 In the second round for the Singapore Football Cup, No. 12 R. A. meet the S. R. C. to-night on the Esplanade.
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  • 19 2 A clearance sale of spectacles and eyeglasses is being held by Mr. W. H. Henderson at IB RafHee I'lace.
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  • 21 2 Mb. Nonis, late of the Shipping Office at Malacca, has been succeeded by Mr. De Kilva, of the Sultan Shoal Lighthouse.
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  • 22 2 A pouce team will meet a team of the 16th Madras Native Infantry at football on the Darul Adab ground next Saturday.
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  • 22 2 The meeting of Chinese, in connection with the proposed Straits Chinese British Association, will be held next week in the Town Hall.
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  • 25 2 A Hokien woman living at 61 Teluk Ayer street reports that yesterday her house was broken into and property to the value of $1,275 stolen.
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  • 21 2 A special meeting of the Municipal Commissioners will be held to-morrow at 230, to consider tenders for the Kllenborough Market Farm.
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  • 30 2 The homeward P. O. VaUtta left Hongkong on the 21st instant and is due here on Thursday morninc. The mail by the VaUtta closes at 6 o'clock on Friday morning.
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  • 32 2 In our list of Vessels Expected on the fourth page will b« found a complete list of the British and foreign warships expected to arrive at Singapore shortly en route lor China.
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  • 40 2 In the Supreme Court to-morrow the Pettrtburg—St. Jeramt case is on the list. The former is a Russian transport, and the latter a trading steamer of Liverpool, the two colliding off Raffles Lighthouse on the night of the 16th April.
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  • 45 2 Information was received at Singapore yesterday that Detective Inspector T. Fuirhurst, of the Penane force, had died of small-pox. Deceased, who was married, waa formerly stationed at .Singapore, and his death is much regretted by his comrades. Inspector Fairhunt had been in tho Coltay naarly
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  • 25 2 Tbe Boer prisoners to be quartered in Ceylon are 300 from Cape Town. Additions from Durban are expected to raise the number to one thousand.
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  • 26 2 To-day there was a greater display of Chinese flags in the town than yesterday This demonstration is in honour of the birthday of the Emperor KwangHsu.
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  • 30 2 Ths first wing of the 7th Bengal Infantry were at Hongkong only twentyone days after the order to mobilize was issued. This would be hard to beat in any army.
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  • 31 2 Yesterday, a man -calling himself Private Hughes gave himself up to the police as a deserter from Hongkong. He was remitted to prison for a week to await identification and escort.
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  • 33 2 Tin Secretary of State for India proposes to issue gold pieces of the value of three or five rupees with the object of introducing gold coins amongst natives, big coins being too expensive.
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  • 35 2 So great is the local demand for horses that private individuals find it impossible to secure animals. It is said the horses being bought up here are for tbe use of the cavalry in China.
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  • 31 2 This year, Henley is threatened with social eclipse, judging by the fact that only twenty-eight owners of houseboats and launches bave applied for positions, against one hundred and thirty last year.
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  • 35 2 A lahoe rhinoceros has been sent to the Austrian Consul at Singapore from Perak. It is at present located at the Botanical Gardens, and later on it wilt be sent to the Vienna Botanical Giu-deiis.
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  • 37 2 It is reported that Count Festetics De. Tolna means to command a new yacht on another cruise round the world. He denies the allegations made :>gainst him by his wife of cruelty, in divorce proceedings now pending.
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  • 40 2 Mr. W. H. Henderson, optician, ipplied at the police court tin- morning and obtained a warrant of arrest .igainst a Mr R. G. Lewis on' a charge of theft. Mr Lewin was till recently working with Mr. Henderson in Singa|H>re.
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  • 42 2 The ('eylon Ohterver, in noting that Mr J M. B. Vermont, though his age exceeds fourscore years, is still active .is planter and Legislativn Councillor, Hays r— Wsj have no one in Ceylon to equal this in age and public spirit combined
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  • 38 2 The Russian Volunteer fleet steamer l'tlerslmrg has arrived from Odeßsa, <>n her way to Vladivostock, having on hoard 15 officers and 1,059 troops. After arriving at Vladivostock, the vessel will be commissioned to take troops to Port Arthur.
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  • 46 2 Is the Warren Shield Tug-of-War to-morrow afternoon, at Fort Canning, team of seamen from H. M. S. Brisk itill pull the S. V. R. team. The winning team will pull No. 12 Co. R, O. A. next Saturday. Both pulls commence at 5 15 p m.
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  • 35 2 The approximate cost of the China Kxpeditionary Forre from India is estimated as follows initial expenditure, £910,000; recurring charges, •£54,000 monthly. This is exclusive of Chinese transport and only provides for the troops now sailing.
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  • 54 2 Large profits must be made out of ■mr water adulterated with milk For refusing to sell milk to an inspector, a vendor has been fined SlOO, in default three months. Another man was fined $o0 on the 12th and SIOO a week later fir selling adulterated milk. The money was
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  • 58 2 A fiscal reform is reported from Siam The tax on palm sugar used to In- levied on each knife wielded hy^the cultivator in tapping the palms, with the result that one knife often did the work of two knives. This trick haa !«en met by making the tax fall on
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  • 54 2 Admiral Sir Edward Seymour is a remarkable looking man very tall and very dark, with a pointed beard and keen clever face with clear-cut features His portrait was exhibited in the Academy a few years ago and called forth much remark and admiration, on account of. its looking like one
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  • 52 2 On Friday there are meetings of the Chamber of Commerce, of the Straits Settlements Association, and of the Singapore Rifle Association. At night there will be held the annual Oxford and Cambridge Dinner, at which Sir Alexander Swettenham presides; and the same evening there is an "At Home at the
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  • 58 2 The military authorities at Aldershot have given orders that between tbe hours of eight a.m. and 4 p.m. the troops are to wear helmets on all occasions. Recently with the weather cold and raw enough for overcoats, a party of Royal Engineers loading heavy steel gas cylinders in a station
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  • 59 2 On Saturday, Inspector Branagan arrested two boatmen in a twakow on the Singapore River for having in their possession eight cases of Benares opium valued at $7,240, the property of Brim Meyer and Co. This opium bad, it is alleged, been lost. Yesterday, the boatmen were charged with being in
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  • 67 2 By the last mail from Australia Dr. Lim Boon Keng received a large pictorial sheet containing the photographs of the committee of the Sydney Chinese Empire Reform Association All the Aembers are Chinese dressed in European costume, am' have cutoff the towchang. Some, also, have adopted English names. The she.
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  • 107 2 Thk local Government intends to amend the Chinese Immigrant*' Ordinance of 1880. This arose from the fact that doubts have been sometimes felt and expressed as to what places are included in the expression China in the Chinese Immigrants' Ordinance. It is obvious that, for the purposes of
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    • 46 2 . SAFE ON THE 18TH. THE VICEROY OF CANTON BAVB IT IS CERTAIN. Hongkong, Monday, 4.21 p.m. The Acting Viceroy of Canton says it is certain that the foreign Legations at Peking were safe, and were being protected by Chinese troops, on the 18th inst.
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  • 71 2 The Commissioner of Police at Rangoon complains of the prevalence of incendiarism and arson there owing to tbe reckless way in which insurance companies do business. He says that insurances are frequently effected without precautions being taken to ascertain the value of the property or even, in some
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  • 142 2 . The following despatch from the Secretary of State for the Colonies tn the Governor regarding the celebrations here in honour of the occupation of Pretoria is published in the Uoverimenl Gautte Downing Street, 15th June, 1900. Bir,— l have the honour to acknowledge the receipt of your telegram
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  • 149 2 BATU PAHAT NEWS. (From our Correrpondent) Chinese dealers are doing a brisx and profitable business in copra and areca nuts, bothof which are extensively cultivated at Batu I'ahat, especially in the alluvial provinces of Italian and Serai, where they flourish best. Hundreds of piculx of these products are shipped to
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  • 187 2 Dato Meldrura has gone to Europe in tbe Japanese Bteamer Jnalia Mary On his arrival at Colombo, nearly a fortnight ago, he was interviewed on behalf of tho Ceylon Obterier. The Dato told that journal the story of his wrongs in Johore, with the Government of which
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  • 182 2 The London Daily Exprcrt has secured the services of Mr. Tom Cowen to accompany the Allied troops in north China. He if a versatile journalist, and few men have been able to crowd into ten years more excitement and more experience than Mr. Cowen since he left Kngland
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  • 191 2 IMPERIAL QUESTIONS DISCUSSED. An Imperial Congress of commercial men was held in London, the Earl of Selborne presiding. There were four hundred delegates prevent, including fifty Australians. The chairman stated that tenders would be invited shortly for the construction of the Pacific cable. He dwelt on the question
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    • 95 2 FIGHING IN SOUTH AFRICA. COMMUNICATIONS CUT. BROADWOOI) ENGAGED. London, Tuesday. The railway and telegraph lines were cut on Saturday to the north of Honingspruit. A supply train and one hundred Highlanders were captured by the Boers. A large force of the enemy is moving upon Honingspruit. Communication with Pretoria can
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    • 35 2 SUCCESS OF METHUEN. Lord Roberts, telegraphing yesterday, states that Lord Methuen dispersed the enemy with heavy loss at Oliphants Nek on Saturday. By this success Lord Methuen relieved Rustenburg and joined hands with General Baden-Powell.
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    • 26 2 BETHLEHEM. BETHLEHEM. A British force encountered the enemy near Bethlehem and were forced to retire with the loss of one officer and nine men.
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    • 39 2 MCKINLKYS PROPOSAL. President McKinley has proposed to the Chinese Minister at Washington the mediation of the United States Government, on certain conditions, in the present troubles in China The conditions on which mediation is offered are not published.
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    • 34 2 The Maharajah of (iwalior, a vassal state in Central India, has ottered to supply a hospital ship for service in China to cost twenty lakhs of rupees. The offer has been accepted.
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  • 91 2 NEDERLANDSCHE HANDELMAATSCHAPPLL. Thk general balance sheet and profit and loss account to Dec. 81st last of the Nederlandsche Handel-Maats-chappij show tlia>. af'" Jenneting current expenses, and with the addition of the balance brought lorward from 1898, the net profits amount to ,"';■..)>;-. 4-n ;>l which have been appropriated as follows:
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  • 195 2 Caint'a, 16M July. The new division of troops for China will require a great number of transports and th.-re is some difficulty in obtaining suitable steamers, the available supply being almost exhausted. Several trans>K>rts now under charter and at present on their way to Hongkong, will be
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  • 256 2 . A SIKGAFOKK INCIDENT. A come instance ol the red tapeism prevailing at the War OOice is afforded by the following case:— A lady residing at Kidderpur, Calcutta, hearing from a private source that her husband has been killed in action in Natal, wrote to the War
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 464 2 NOTICES. tr MS" BF.KK first quality I life l\ ncr, at a moderate pru-e. Guaranteed equnl to anything in the market |IS.«0 per case of C doi. nintu, of all dealersBOBlfio Co.. LTD. Sole Importer*. RLICKENBDERFER TYPEWRITERS. A portable ard perfectly efficient machine. Weight complete with case 101 lbs. Price
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    • 886 2 NOTICES^ NOTICE. rpAKE not. c that I have from this day JL ceased to l>e a partnei of, and have no further interest in, the linn of Messrs. Gruulwrg Rrns. of this town and of Calcutta and Colombo. July. 19(10. CECIL SHRAGBR. W itp NOTICE»TUKE notice that I have from
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    • 777 2 NOTICES. TENDERS FOR NEGRI SEMBILAN REVENUE KARMS. 'PENDERB will be received at the Office 1 of the British Resident. Negri Sembilan, up to noon of the 81st July, .WO, for the lease of the following farms for the next period commencing on tbe Ist January, lUUI Separate tenders may be
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    • 580 2 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. WANTED. 1 ST SALESMAN (Chinese) for hardware 1 and house furnishing department. Good salary to competent maj. 87/7 Apply to J. L., c/o Straits Times. CLERK WANTED. TTTANTED by a mercantile firm a TV shorthand and typewriting clerk. Eurasian or Chinese. Good salary to a first class man.
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  • 61 3 MOVEMENTS OF WARSHIPS. It is i. 'ported that fight Russian troopships are expected shortly, bound whilst the Russian man-of-war A'aKmo/. barton safl "crim on the IMb inst. for China, will pro- h Singapore by Friday a*X II M 8 Vn-M.m left for Hongkong at 7 o'clock this morning. The
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  • 141 3 SER HENRY McCALLUM. was Hi 'ajBHW In Truth of June Mb, Mr IjibouHM refers to Sir Henry McCallum, whose friends in this Colony will read Truth's complaint with Th« selecln.n of Sir H^nry Mc''allum tor the vacancy among tbe Queen's Aitlesitlflir lim e«cite<! univenwl and profound Surely thiK amaai p<
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  • 191 3 At the Assizes this morning, Tan Poll, (hnalloh.and Cliua Slew were charged with musing grievous hurt to another Chinaman, and robbery. Mr V»n Cuylenberg prosecuted on behalf of the Crown. It seems, from counsel's statement, that tor was a fisherman, living at Kirn Seng Road On the
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  • 185 3 The Kaasw gives the following summary ol what has been done M the Indian (i overnment to foster a rubberproducing industry in Indii:— The gi eal demand for india-rubber in the European and Amen- IB markets idue in a great measure to the bicycle--1 to the use
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  • 240 3 A CHINAMAN'S OPINION. A Chi.najias living in London— a native ol Tientsin has told a London press representative Europeai rally, and you Anglo-Saxons particularly, have two faults you are not polite, and you cannot see life whole. You art- impolite because you persistently strive to force your views, practices, and
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  • 1035 3 HER UPHEAVALS AND THEIR CAL'.-K- At the present time the attention of tin! ■arid is turned to China, where moving events seem likely to attain such magnitude and importance as will put into the shade every other movement of the century now closing T>> try and understand the principles
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  • 102 3 Tiik Se, natty at State has agreed to eiu'lit ofican being sent on special ser vice from India to the treaty ports of ('lima in onlcrto assist the local authorities la taking BMnamwifartaadaCaMMi of the Kuropcan romniuliiiies IDOIIM this be Meataary. Tna KjUowinftoflean have ban s,
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  • 2946 3 THE CHINA WAR. ADMIRAL StYMOUR'S MARCH ON I'KKINQ. THE ADVANCE. lltmgkong Daily I'rets Cormpoadml.) 13th J une— Left Tientsin, about 2,000 of all ranks, co.. listing principally of British, Russians, French, Americans, and Germans, and representatives from other nationnlities, under the command of our admiral Proceeded all right for several
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  • 229 3 THI FIGHTING AT NITRAL'S NEK. The excellence of Commander Botha's scouting arrangements, and the indifference of some British commanders to tln'sp most essential safeguards in the present guerilla warfare, are given disagreeable prominence by the disaster which has overtaken the British at Nitral's Nek, which is
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 26 3 VEBSELB ADVERTIBED TO s.u I. Penung and Deli, ft*, every Tuesday, B»hn hever <"<v Deli, Sumatra, every Friday, Behn Meyer KelanUa via ports. Amkmt, evary wn
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    • 1052 3 NOTICES. JOHORR OPIUM A BPIRIT FARMS 1. Tevdem will be received, up to noon on 31st July, IHOO. for renting the Johore Opium and "Spirit Farms for three years commencing from Ut January, 1901. K. Tenders should be addressed to tbe State Secretary, and may be for one or both
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    • 933 3 NOTICEa JOimiTTLE&CO., LIMITED. Tailoring Department, Have just received the first consignment of THE NEW SINGAPORE SUITING. WHAr WE ALL WANT. A GOOD CIGAR. FLOR DE PIEDRA. made entirely of tobacco grown in Britis North Borneo. EQUAL TO FINE HAVANAHS. EXQUIBITE flavour and aroma packed in tin sealed boxes ensuring perfect
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    • 594 3 NOTICES. BROWN'S Foce Csowh Brand SCOTCH WHISKEY, THE nSEST WHIIHT 111 THU WOULD /■supplied to H R.H. the Prince ot Wale* BRINKMANN A CO., 11/8 Sole Agents for Singapore CHAMPAGNE. LOUIS ROEDERER. EXTRA DRY. (Reserve for Great Britain) Louis Roederer. Carte Blanche BRINKMANN A CO. Horn Importer*. Retnil nl JOHN
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 187 3 ARRANUKMKN.Y M', I'-lTll JlLV. IIikM Wafer. H.3I p.m. Football. Ra.ll Coy. K. A. n. 8. R. C. 6.15. Philharmonic <"hoir. 6.SU. S. V. R Drill and Signalling. Wsiismcxy. -'.'.Til JOUT. High Water. 10.14 m. H.29 p.m. Kei-hau Meeting. Change Alley. 1.' Hnldaal M.-miihx Mt Land Halo. Powell Ut > AiniinR
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    • 101 3 WEATHER REPORT. Kmdcmg Ktrbav. Hotpital, iird July 1W0. Wn.rn Sp.m. V p.m Kiukii Bar. ***** :».7M> 29.841 Temp. ..816 88.6 77» .2 W. BMbTher 77.6 77 6 T«.O 5T.S? Dir.ofWimtW.N. N.W.N.W. S'ob^ Mm. Temp. 84.1 I 5 g-o g Mm 76.0 c I t Mu. in Ban 140.0 s t
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  • 586 4 . MiwAPOHS, 24th Jolt, 1WW. PRODUCE. (Baku are eorrecttd to mm) Otunbler buyers I T.82f Ooprm Ball, 7.00. do Pontianak, 6.60. Pepper, Black. 30.60 do White, (62) 48.00 Sago Floor Sarawak, ,,S60 do Brunei No. 1 1.M Pearl Sago 407}. Coffee, Bali, 16% bull 16.01) Coflee Palembang 16% basis.. S7.00
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  • 72 4 MAI L S CLOSE. For Per ttr. Tims. To-Div. Bangkok Dr. HJKitur, 4 p.m. To-Mokeow. Penaog Rota, 1 p.m. Znmbosngaiia ports Rajah, 1 p.m. Mudras via ports, Mtan'ticky, 2 p.m. Klang via ports Sr» Ptgalan, 3 p.m. KaqgooD Ismda'ura, 3 p.m. Klsnu via ports Malacca, 4 p.m Pontianak Sn Pontianak,
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  • 125 4 From Europi By the P. A O. s. s. Chutan, due on the 27th July with dates to the 6th July. She brings replies to the mails which left Singapore on the 6th and 9th June. m From Cm»A:-By thf P. 4 O. steamer ValeUa, due on
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  • 255 4 ARRIVALS Per s. s. Malacca from Teluk Anson via ports— Messrs. A. Lyoo, G. F. Curlis, J M. Lyon, Mis. Baumgarten, Mr. Btewart, Dr. Paul, Messrs. Fryns, and J. L. Hennessey, M jor Lewis Jones, and Mr A. Young. Per s. s. Chow Phya from Klang via ports—
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    • 188 4 S HIPPING PORT. Under this headingthe following abbreviations are used str.— «w»mer sh.— ship bq.— barque sch.— schoonor; Yet —Yacht Cru.— Cruiser; Gbt.— Ounboat Tor Torpedo H.n.-Horse-power BritBritish U. S.-United fltatis; FtFrench Oer.— German Dut.— Dutch; Joh.— Johore 4c, G. c, -Generalc r 0 d.p.— deck passengers U.-Unoer-tain; T. P.
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    • 1104 4 TRADING VESSELS &c. n»iT«u niaoi noon Of batiieday. Alboin, Brit. str. 649 tons, Cant Curtis, JSrrt July. From Penang, 21st July. H.c. and 8 d.p. Borneo Coy. Ltd. For Bangkok. U Rds. brounrr, Dut. str. 326 tons, Capt Reek 24th July. From Deli, 19th July. G.c, and ».'.d.p. Daendels 4
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    • 671 4 VESSELS EXPECTED. Home, port, probable dale 01 arrnal, a, 4 name ol agenu. Htiamkes. Acara, H'kong, to leave July 58 Afghanistan, H'kong, to learn July 30 Albensa, H'knng, to leave Aug 4 Annpa, Barry I'ft June 21 Annam, Hkong, Aug l» M. M. Antonio l.o|x'j BVelona, Aug 19 Barlow. Asturia,
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  • 158 4 I Jly m L.i M •24 M i' 4 S4 Trieste Am itr tX3 Mitit Hongkong July 18 Hautenberg Malacca Brit Mr. 406 Daly T. Anson Jo y 2l|rt. B'itaip Cot Ltd. Ali-oin i Mr. 649 Curtis lvnxng July i) I Borneo Coy Ltd. KianAnn Mr.! 101 'D'Croie Djambie
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  • 102 4 Date. Vuau'i Ni»i |Kliu±Ri. C*rrii» DMIWATIua July 24 Kian Yang Brii rtr. Chopard 94 BaUYier tlr. j Mcl lor 24 i-oh Aon Mr. i Bainbridge 34 Glenfailoch »lr. Peters 24 NurDberg Qer ttr. I Bt"br U Annani Dan itr. Berg M Hok Tioe Dut «r. Hubert 24 Emily sti-
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
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    • 498 4 LANGUID WOMEN PALE I II 1 1.1)111 V OLD PEOPLE, INVALIDS YIN CHAPOTEAUT (cuprums wm if fettik) A DELICIOUS NVTRITMS STIMULANT Tfcla •U»t»urT w mi 11 twily aMimilaud wbro a» olhtf aolld of liquid food will rcauia oa lh« Hi^k >i DyapapUe, and Ht-\< //'M Vwawaawaw* OlMr ra THE ALEXANDRA
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    • 408 4 NOTICES. CHINA MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COY-, LTD Hud Oftios No. IS, Oiktok Ro»d, Shakuhii. AS. A. WATTIE, Manager. MESSRS. TAN KIM TIAN SONS, Agents. Ihe Company offer* easier terms and better bonuses than any other Company doing business in the Bast. A special point is made of prompt payment of
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