The Straits Times, 23 March 1900

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 12 1 The Straits Times. ESTABLISHED: 1881. SINGAPORE FRIDAY, MARCH 23. 1900. No. 20,095.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 911 1 rpllh MMH COMPAHY. LIMITED TitSuidHdUhAswnn. Monrkk Caioa Fit. lassaaacs fceiotf A.v» A«.ui»uu. Oum(«llJ l»ll»l 'he K-iU.l..ble Life iMmn S,«ietv. The Oomu M»nse Inranuw < onianv. rb. Ckts> Mutual SUaa Navigrtioo Comf*l(im liwihw U«f» to llomvaaj. Tks Marrtias lasussci Coaspaav- Liauksd. PAMT. LIMITED Ag«et» STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. P OFTICE,COLLYEEQDAT. /tr lltllll, VJtQ
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    • 846 1 STEAMSHIP CUMPANIE& t'IiMNKUJH PAKETVAART MAATSCHAPPIJ Under coutract with the Netherlands Indis Government. Aarntt at Singapore: Ship Aoeicy, Late J. Dabhdsl* A Co.. i-S, Collteb (Jdat. The -indermentioned -I it*-- are only appr-iximate Haasßst Irom KcftsesM V\ ill tie Desj.aicheii for On f.>»/Vi. BaUvia. Mar. 19. Billilon. Ratavia, Cheribrm. Bamarang, Bourabaya.
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    • 512 1 nOMrUUNIE DEP MKSSAUERIEt Kj MARITIMES DE FRANCE. Teleoraphic Address: MusAr.KßiE, .SIKUAFvUI. Tbe mail steamers will leave Singapore •n or aiiout the undermeotloned dates.— OUTWARD. HOHEWABD. 1900. l'<"i. Dates Dates. ".l/iiniiHiK«r»i pi. IM I Svd'n Apl- 1 KMbm> Apl 2\TmHn .»pl is Onaniin Apl 14 I Ynrra Apl 2" Snium Apl
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    • 629 1 LNSUIUNCEB. THE LONDON AND LANCASHIRE 1 FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. Capital £5,1!17,K00 Paid up Capital V 15.760 Reserve Fund 978>4fi Tne undersigned, AgenU for the Company, are prepared to accept fire risks at i.'urrent rates of premium. ROUSTEAD A Co. TU CHINA TRADERS INSURANCE COMPANY. LIMITED. Capital Sahscribsd MeXXI.OOO. Amount Paid
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    • 239 1 INSURANCES. NATIONAL Assurance Cohpaxt OF IRELAND. Ettablithed 1822. i Capital .£1,000.000 funds 500,000 The undmigned, having been appointed Asmts f»r the Plre »«»>«rts»mt are prepared to accept Ritit at Current TRANSATI.ANTISCHE HWHEI-SCOMPAOMR. TRANSATLANTIC TRADING CO, LTD) 3S/4 Two Great Necessities. VIZ. 1. FAMILY PROVISION. 2. PROVI.-lON FOB OLD AGE. 1
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    • 665 1 BANKS. nONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. J-AID-UP CAPITAL »10,000,000. RESERVE FUND 111,600.000. RESERVE LI ABILITY OF ***** 0000 PROPRIETORS J-liu.uuu.uuu. Cocbt or DiuoTOEs:— E. M. OaAi, Kaq.-CBAiailAll Jf. A. Bisas 4 Esq.-DsFxrrr dAnaA*. E. Oom, Em. I A. 1 Batmohd. Bsq. D. II Esq. IR L BicmmxoN Mil. A
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    • 594 1 NOTICES. COMMON SENSE -NUTSHELL •Ufmoom for ntrvmnr •trrnß dramUOmioM ttkufe»?tl»fa* W tr*«n<. l M 1 It .Ho tr«« .riMr. teMfNwitt.dkv^nr. -w-HUrr •r mmA no wliii i sJwajjs) fm (o ami) hitwolf of IU omi too* Te«tT**»>tyunTMmmf<KmtaUkwrC*U*Ml),» K*nLk Jos«i«o». t, 1 tilin.TTC. G. R. LAMBERT CO. PHOTOGRAPHERS SINGAPORE. GRESHAM HOUSE, Opposite
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    • 795 1 IT IS DAN'(iKROCSTO NEGLBCT A COLD. Pneumonia is one ol the most dangers*! aod fatttlotuisease*. ll always resuiu from a cold. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy will ijuickly core a cold and perhaps prevent an attack of pneumonia. It is in fact made especially for that ailment aod has become famous for
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  • 119 2 Din. Vaui'l Kuu FuoAßic C»n«l» l>MTI»»no.1 Mar Kton Brit atr I »lori air. Atquith Bau Whalt Hrn «lr. Olin •J3 Kmi Y«i.« aw. Cbopard 23 nfxlloth atr. rwa Yong air. BWur •J3 Uauka atr. Ntajel 23 Brouwer l>ut atr. Hack M U«nerm*J I'll atr. MhniiU a Ophir nr. Tnylor
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  • 346 2 FRIDAY, 23RD MARCH, 1900. THE WAR. To-d\y's first telegram states that .■oinmunications are passing betwden L mdon and Pretoria, an I ipparently some, negotiations are proceeding, kis aoumed that probably ->ir Alfred Mdner is at Blotsmfontein, where it is believe. l that parleying wilh Pretoria centres. Happily, a later
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  • 29 2 Mkssbs. Kormrt W'loon, A. Koni, L. Somerville, and J. Miller were among the passengers who left for hoiiix by the mail ibis morning. Bishop Hose also left for Penang
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  • 16 2 The 8 V.A »r« goiog out on Saturday week with guns horsed." Things are looking up.
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  • 26 2 A muting of officers will be held in the I'auglin Mens House al noon on Sunday to consider a proposal to form a Garrison Golf Club.
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  • 29 2 Thb Hongkong H ael Company made a profit of over J77.000 in the second half ol last year. The directors recommend a dividend of 18 per cent, for 1889.
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  • 8 2 To- day's 4 m/s bank rale is I,ll'
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  • 13 2 Produce, exchange, and share prices and the mail list, are on page 4.
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  • 18 2 Lim Ah Wee, for theft of a fowl in Queen street, has goue to prison for 1' mouths.
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  • 13 2 The Government invites tenders for special services to llie warders' quarters, Criminal Prison.
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  • 17 2 A Frenchman residing at 134 Piinsep Strrat stales mat last night Ins Chinese servant absconded, taking S4O.
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  • 18 2 Dmm the week ending on Saturdaylast, Uu .lealhs wore registered at Singapore, lue ratio per I,UUU being 30.04.
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  • 19 2 The heavy guns at Fort Palmer were fired llus morning. mc cuucussiou wa distinctly lell all over the town.
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  • 20 2 Al'CTioN sales of pledged goods are advertised to be held at lue Cluel Police Uitiia- couinitfucing trom the Jnd prox.
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  • 26 2 TiiKiit it) ttill no news of the missing B. 1. S. K. Co.'s steamer h'azUka, which wus due in Calcutta Iroun Duituu nearly v month ago.
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  • 23 2 E M. Mizrah, of 78, Waterloo Street, reports that on the Ms* he gave Sill loins Chinese uiaudor, wuo bolted witu the money.
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  • 21 2 A Ei'hasmn boy named Adaconid, 5 years of age, living at 142 Bencooleu street, is reported to be sutferiug from small-pox.
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  • 24 2 Tbk German homeward mail steamer SluUgart lell Hongkong at noon un Uss Xlat lust and is due here in the evening ol .Sunday uexl.
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  • 23 2 Kun Poh, who od'ered an illegal gratification of 16 cents '.o P. C. 4; 8, has bee.ii sentenced to 14 days' imprisonment.
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  • 19 2 The Attorney-General returns from Malacca by the Uye leung 10-morruw llio Chief Justice will probably return on Sunday morning.
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  • 40 2 Yutikuay afternoon, a Eurasian named IX Pestano, of 13 Bencoolen Street, was working on a house at New Harbour Whilst stunning on an iron girder he slipped and fell to the ground, breaking both arms. He was conveyed to hospital.
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  • 42 2 The Alluvial Syndicate which will work gold deposits at Sambas, Dutch West Borneo, isbuving mining miichiery in Australia. I'he company owns righisof alluvial pro[ierty wliich cuverio square miles, wilh live joint .onceasions covering 250 square miles, including 40 miles of auriferous river.
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  • 85 2 H. M. S Vidoriuui leaves Hongkong for the Mediterranean on Sunday next and will reconnnission at Malta. The battleship llrrrnge will take out In-i--11.-w crew, and the crew of the Victorionu will be transferred to the It ■'■;<■ fur the passage Inune. The new twin-screw first clxss cruiser
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  • 139 2 TIED L'F LIKI CHICKENS. Some weeks back, above Shashi nn the Vangtse river, a petty olfa'cer and iwu seamen from H M S Nt'wttaickloi their way in a suow-slorm un shore On their reaching a village, the villager* without any |irov... aiioi. attacked and beat them. Then
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  • 224 2 At a meeting of the directors of the Jelebu Mining and Trading Company, held a few days ago, reports were received ol the smelling of a lairly substantial quantity of black tin forming a small part uf the first crushing of the Kin Lode at -1-bu The directors immediately
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  • 276 2 riGHTI.NO OOTIM Ei. In the mountainous districts near Manila, the Kilipiuo insurgent army is reorganizing. R 'cruita are pressed into the ranks Kiuding many who were unwilling to serve, ottering, .ill manner ot excuses, the insurgent i.iinunderd met tbe dithcully by levying a head lax which, li those
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  • 324 2 THE BTATI Or KIMHEKLKY The resident correspondent of the U<iJy TtUgrttph at Kimberley wrote, directly at. > r relief had baeu effected ii) U. ii. t. I French, that the town wan rapidly resuming its normal aspect .liter a terribly trying siege. The correspondent says, at the
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  • 326 2 A 'RIKISHA CUiH. IE BEAT* A BULDIKH. or 'SIKI3HA HEOULATIOMS. A mas whom we know well, and wlium we judge to be trustworthy, coinmuuicalea to us that in Malacca Street, utl Raffles Square, there is a street vendur who sells tuud tuat is much patronised by tbe
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  • 41 2 The P. iv 0. Btmgil, with the mail from Europe, left l'euang at 3 p. m. yesterday, and is due here at 8 a tn. tomorrow the time we forecasted, despite expert reckoning that fixed it for Friday night.
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  • 105 2 WIRTH'S CIRC US. Wihth Bras'. Circus arrived from Pcn .'iig this morning in the i'alypto, and preparations are nuw going on al the Tank Roiid ground for the opening performance on Saturday night. The circus includes a big menagerie in which there are Bengal tigers, Alrican baboons, a troupe of
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  • 244 2 (From Dutch Sourca TU Hague, 171' The Boers have r-ireated Iruin Van Reenen's, Tinlwa, and Do Beer's passes. Commandant Olivier, with a Boer force, has left Unrghersdorp in the north of Cape Colony, and has gone to Kt.uxville in the south of the Orange Free State.
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  • 126 2 SUIfIOK OF A JAPANESE SOLDIKB. The other day, a soldier in Japan killed himself owing to harsh usage. He left a letter explaining that scarcely a day passed without hid suffering physical violence at the hands of a sergeant whom he named that unless one has some money
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  • 221 2 TO THE EDITOR Of THE STRAIN TIMES Sir,— l am compelled to draw the attention of the Municipality to the disgraceful state the Havrlock Road is at present in, Dot from the want of good metalling but, from the annoyance caused to poopln who are
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    • 38 2 ARMY COMMISSIONS. WAR OFFICE OFFER TO AUSTRALIA. iMuion, Bora 1 MarcA Mr. Chamberlain bas telegraphed to the Governors of tbe Australian Colonies announcing that the War Office offers 1U commissions in the Regular infantry and artillery to Australians.
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    • 68 2 RUMOUR OF NEGOTIATIONS. NEGOTIATIONS. SIR A. MILNER'S WHEREABOUTS. Apparently some negotiations are proceeding between the British Government and the Boer authorities. It is stated that communications are passing between London and Pretoria. The whereabouts of Sir Alfred Milner, tbe High Commissioner, who left Capetown in a special train, are unknown.
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    • 54 2 LONDON AND PRETORIA. NO NEGOTIATIONS. ONLY L(X:AL I'AKLKYINti. Renter's agency hears that there have been no negotiations carried on between London and Pretoria since Lord .Salisbury's reply to President Kruger. The only correspondence exchanged refers to the treatment of the wounded and prisoners. The parleying now going on at Rloem
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    • 34 2 MARCHING TO BLOEMFONTEIN. General Clements is inarching upon via Philippolis and Fauresmith. PLUMERS FORCE. THE BOERS WILL ATTACK. A large Boer force from around Mateking is advancing to attack tabatsi [SI, II 1.,,t,r
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    • 34 2 KITCHENER AND THE REBELS. AKD THE REBELS. Lord Kitchener has occupied Prieska. The Transvaalers are escaping across the river. I birty-three prisoners, two hundred stands of arms, and some supplies and explosives were captured.
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    • 16 2 President Steyn threatens to shoot as traitors any burgher? undertaking not to fight us.
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    • 11 2 Plague is raging in Calcutta and the Patna district.
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    • 48 2 A uttli paragraph from a Canadian paper, which should be learned by heart hy every Little Engender and ProBoar— "The Canadians killed upon the Modder for ever forbid us agsin shrink ing into priiincial oowardl> impotence Kvery bull Abat struck ilown diaji becamH rivet irresistibly biudiug
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    • 84 2 THE CHORUS OF THE POWERS. All tbe Powers have now answered the Boer appeal for intervention in the negative SCOURING THE FREE STATE. THE ADVANCE FliOM THE SOUTH. TWO TOWNS OCCUPIED. Generals (Gatacre and Brabant are sending Hying columns in all directions from their camps in the south of the
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 508 2 NOTICES. t L r Kl*- HKKK first quality Pilsel\ nir. al a moder .K- price. Uuaranised equal to anyming in the market |IS 60 per rasr of .1. pints, of all dealers HOKNKo 00, LTD Sole Importers. Pilot Brand Cement, S4 85 per cask of 400 lbs. ei-gunWn. Sole Importer/,
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    • 1199 2 NOTICES. Wirth Bros.' Grand Circus. SOLE PROPRIETORS: WIRTH 8808. I'ATKOMISED AND COMPLIMINTKD BY H. R. H. THB PhINCB OF WALES AT Sim thpußT, England, May IStb, ISBB. Will positively open in Sing-apo^e on SAI'URDaY NlliHT, MARuH 24th. I'OK SIX NIOBTM ONLY. AT TANK ROAD. The only Circus in existence that
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    • 1022 2 ATJBT ADVERriSKiIBXrs. iIT ANTED afaatghirry pony, ghnrry, t> an.l htruess. Apply to Lewas c/o !r.n(» n m. w. f. v c ,I'JNItD immedifttoiy to lease a It i. of hiiop houses, itt a raodeite rent in the vicinny of the Town. Apply to THE Ko II IN .SON PIANO
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    • 54 2 TIIK STRAITS TIMES" HAS THE LARGEST CIRCULATION OF ANY NEWSPAPER IN ASIA BRITISH LNDIA EXCEPTEI' SO OTHER EASTERN NEWSPAPER HAS SO WIDESPREAD CIitCULATfON Bstabushxd: 1831. PRICK 15 CKNTS. Straitt Times I'M a year, or, poeljrti S:t4. 6'fruO* Budget Jl« a year, or, pott free, %20. Adcertuing Raiet may be found
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  • 2966 3 THE ™.«I[H|N« OF YESTERDAY ArrEnmooic. (Wy.tfr Anol Revi, Editor I h' Mrailt Timet") TBR BIOINMNO Vwtekday afternoon (Thursday, 22nd of March), I whs not able to leave the ■Mfc Times office until 10 minutes past 4, which is 20 minute" l-tter than mv usual hour— the customary
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  • 453 3 THE PASSKXOER LISTS. THE P. AND O. Farramalla," April Hon 1. M. Mi.i.-.,,,. .Mr- Allinsoii «nd two < hil.lren Miat K C. Biown; Mrs. A. Remind; Mr. T 8. Ihoi. p-.n: Mr K. K E«ekiel Mr. W. C. Souih m; "r. and Mrs "orren; I'r. Ellis; .Mr.
    453 words
  • 861 3 (CO.IDI-CTED BY KINO'B PAWH.") All Cheat c°rr*«pon<lr»nce should 1 aridrenrml to KiniiV Hxwu S-.lmion of f'rolilvm No 164, (FoxHKB«, K -H';-|'-HBU-coniMK;3 K m»ie Coitpcl >o|uiioii«recei«ed from A.O. i Aquariui aod K. i'aoBUM No. 186, by J. Jnpnwir. ■la k A rue*. WIIITI PIKII. White to p nnd nmt« in
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  • 65 3 Yk«tkhday afternoon, about 5.30, a hur*e attached to a carriage, belonging 10 a Chinese cafhier in Hie Mercantile 11 ink, took fright in Neil Road. The carriage collided with a lamp-pout, knocking Ihe latter out of the eround and (mantling it. A rikishs coolie was injured at the
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  • 45 3 Mk. L. C. Jackson, QC, Judicial ConfnisMoner, Las been granted throe months' rhcation leave, to be followed by tnee months' hall pay leave with hi. the 17th March Mr. T. H. legal adviner, F.'dirated M»l»y •loner.' Mr A. T. D Berringmn.wnior g.
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  • 359 3 YEBTERUVVB PLAY. psoroarioN pairs. Uarhy and Webb (T»l. II) beat Km and Dunman*(Brukers II), 3-6, 8-4, 6-2 SIKQLM. Maclaggart scr beat Faber+2, 6-0, Morrison -I- 1 beat MacOregor scr. S-6, Dewing scr. beat Linton scr. 6-1, 7-5. White scr. beat Pearce scr. 6-2, 6-7, B BINOLM. I
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  • 123 3 AX INACCURATE RCMOI'R. The following paragraph is taken from 1 he .tf MaU;— Mr VVatkinsof th- Malay Sutes Ra Iwhvs is reported to have l>een appointed Man Rer of tbe Tanjong Pagar Dock Coml«ny H l a salary of $,400 a month. 8 mcthlii* awlary ihis
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  • 37 3 Manila, l'uiiala,oa 24th March, Boustead Co. Penang and Calcutta. A. Apcar, due 26th March, Harkios 4 Moses. Peoang and Bombay, bi*»gmo, due °7th March. Heh., MeverACo. Hongkong, Kummng, due 30th March, Boustead Co.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 112 3 riDXT SHOOT YOURSELF No doubt you often feel like it. hut after just a little deliberation decide \ou can't affonl to do it But that thumping racking Headache; what can you do with Is? jiveititr quielns by using Lit! le'n Oriental Balm. It acts like magic. It kills pain at
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    • 841 3 RESIDENT COUNCILLOR (By Mrs. Egerion Eattwick.) Printed on antique toned paper, witr wide margins and uncut edges— 25! PRICE-f 2/-o» 4/ The »a/urrfay RnirK tap .—The local colour it well done and picturesque, the style is cultivated, and the character of the Kesi'ient Councillor himself capitally worked out and convincing.
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    • 970 3 ACTION SAI.EB. IMPORTANT BALB OF VALUAB^I NEW PLATED GOODB, 4c. (at onß iiU'iooa.) I Pridmn, KM Hunk, 19tf), at 10.10 a. m. I TT AN DBO ME Statuette Clocks, valnabl. I XI Kilt and enamelled flower holden j plated and en milled (ruit *tands,epergnei I gilt caodelabr b, handsome flower
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    • 794 3 P-'R SALE: EMPLOYMENTS TO LET; AXD PERSONALS In Tim, Itnuu a Mn«; .'nd and Srn time., 10 cent, a Una 4th to Bth lime. cents a line; 7th to 18th time*. 3 «nu a line; afterwards, 3 cent* a line bat no I charge leu than oxui dollar. Thos. a
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 163 3 ARRANiiKMKNTS Fbiday, l"3ru Mar. 11 High Water. 256 pm. S. V. A. drill, laving, 0:0. 8. C. C. Tennis Tournament. Satuiujay. 2Jth March. High Water. 2 30am. 4 10pm. P. 0. outward mail due 8. Tuninng Paear fioek Meptins Xoon. Furniture Sale Sophiaßd. Powell. 12. S. C. C. Cricket 8.
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    • 99 3 WEATHER REPORT. Km»*m>q Ktrbm* HosfMin, »3nd Mar. lI UO. Him"p in Rimakk*. Bar. 2f> 938 59.827 25..88S Temp. .868 880 80.0 4) W.BlhThe. 77.8 7»0 77.0 a,.Dlr.ofWin.l NE. N.E. Calm «g Max. Temp. 1-88.8 Mm... 79.0 gMax. In Run 148.0 -g, Tarr.rad 73.0 2 5 kainfall Nil. j The
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  • 569 4 SixaAFuai. MM March, 1800. |»K«)UUUE. (Rait* a/r* rnrr^MtH to noon, i Uambier buyer* 7 00. Copra Ball ««>• do Pontianak S» Pepper, 81ack.. buyers 2K.715. do White, (6*, 47 00 sago Flour Sarawak, 3 80 do Brunei No. 1 *.6O PeirlSago.. 4 40. Coffee, Bali, 15% basis 26.00 Coffee
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  • 58 4 Hongkong vis ports P-ikihuii, "o iron TV-rr. IVnanif ft. S,, v IVU Sumatra,* Puliala. fHtavii etc.. Gnrrnal Pel, Rtinekolc Sinnnm, K\»n t via port. Sapplut ■ittavit vis port* Giar.g Stwj, Oeli fal«rw>, TI'BMV. Muntok Phsng 0. A *y<r, II «.m II «.m. 2pm •1 p.m Spm. 4
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  • 123 4 Prom Kpwk —Kr th- P. and O. s s. Htngal, due on 2Uh Mir.-h with date* to h- 2nd Var-h and with replies in thin uU which lef. Singapore on th .Ird Fob Kkox China:— By ih- German steamer Stuttgart due nn Sunday. aft Hinmpor* Dn« >°
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  • 319 4 iMmit Hlt M. M. s. Tilm from Snigon-Mr MiKnnrd. Per s. s. Calypto from Deli— Mr. Van Brniki. Per s. 8 Ugklniwi from CilcutU nod l'en.»OK— Messrs. Mwn, and Cbaytor. IMBMI Per P. 4 O s Ci mm imUl for LondonMiss Duumall, Mr. Kobe t Wilson, Mr. and
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    • 180 4 Under this heading the following abbrevia tions are used str. steamer sb. ship i:q.- -barque sch. schooner; Yet. Yacht Cru.— Cruiser Obt.— Gunboat Tor Torpedo H p.— Horse-power Brit.— Hriush U. S.— United States; Fr.— French Ger.— German Dut.— Dutch; Joh.— Jobore 4c, G. c,— General argo
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    • 868 4 AKUITALS SHOE NOOK Of YESTERDAT. AncotM, Brit. str. I.BBS tons Capt Coates, Mass «ar. From Moji MM Hay. Uc. H. C. Yoosuf. Fur lioiiii.ay. I'tn Rda. Hanlam, Dut str. 1.4*4 tons. Capt Bekkcring, j.rd M .r. From Maca«sar, 18th Mar G.c, ami 2- d.p. Daendels A Co.
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    • 459 4 ,V<v«», fort, probahlr nf nrrtva/, name ol agtnti. Stiahiu. A., H'koag. Mar 2S S. A Mores. Alcinou-. I. p.,..!. Apl 1 Mansfield. Alesia H'kong, Mar .11 H. Meyer. Andalusia. Hamburg, Mm- -'7 B. Meyer. Annair. H'kong, Apl IS; M. M. Argyll, Mar M i*. Simons. Asturia.
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    • 81 4 Arrogant, (British) England. Asahi, (J .nines.' l in England, Feb SI. IMcidce, (French) gunboat. France. Glory, (Bntishi England. Halsuse, (Japanese) at Elswick. Feb 23. Iwate. (Japanese) at Elswick, Dec 1 Niji. (Jap.) t.b.d. London. I'ft Fel. II Oboro. (Ja|ianesc) t.b.d. l'moutb, I'ft Jan -V. Pique, (British) at I) 'port.
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    • 81 4 Vmul-1 Nam* 4 ioai Cinu* rmm S*uii. Comiqbim. 3 R'u sfsMuis LeooK ißrit »tr. 1378 Bh»rp Amoy M»r 1 I Hup Leong 0 81«U... MTJ IMI Ndermeyor S 'Juiue, M»r 3 lk.|,n Mey«r Co. .'3 B*..t m Uul Mr IW 'Hlktering Mac»ur Mar W>~**2«£ a3 Ulcnf.llo?b Brit »ir 1W(
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 381 4 NOT] (IX CHINA MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COY-, LTD Head Office No. 11, C»»tok Road, Shasuhai. AS. A. WATTIE. Manager. MESSRS. TAN KIM TIAN t SONS, "^al Agents. The Company offers easier terms and better bonuses than any other Company doing business in the East. A special point is made of
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    • 404 4 NOl h FA. i^a-»wtiiinni^ Sweet Scents from flcrwert, RIGAUD'S WHITE VIOLITt. RIGAUD'S WHITI ROM. RIGAUD'S whiti mmmi. RIGAUD'S WHITI LILAO. RIGAUD'S whiti mtt. RIB AUD t C', mmmm Paris v -J THE NEWFRENCH REMEDY" THia mot mlv ul tMtl. »{"<!' r"^r. JSLTTJ T.oiu»«KI B- jTfl. bT ".jocd. THERAPIOh'Vo. I. i"
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    • 879 4 MMIGKv "TIMKS" AM) "BUUlilCr.' straiu Timft, a Tear, or $2J a month or flftem cents a copy. Post Free. a qoarter. Strain Hvdatl post free, S4 a year, or in n quarter, or 40 cents a copy. The advertising rates are: flrst time, IB cents a lino 2nd and 3rd
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    • 1081 4 NOTIKS. CINUAI'ORE SPOHTIXG CLCB. Programme for Spring Race Meeting, 1900. U.I V -i-2,,,1, 24th, and Mil FIRS r DAY. Tufday, 22nd May. r l:.- i RICS. THE MAIDEN PLATE.- Value $800. A Race tor Maiden Horses— Weight as per scale lost.). An allowance ..t 1 1 1.. to ex-Gnfflns, imported
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    • 371 4 NOTICES. NOTICES. p a .Jitti/rpfi m AN IDEAL tonic. LA. WBUKOt CO. SERRAVALLO 3 TONI Have nlwi s on hud .f E« hn C-r-r- <BARK AND IRON WFNJ9 It., ka .f 100 Mirrl, *r Loom. SM»-1«««» App«Ul« Pr.-.»or» Notr*. »U-ejMtt-e*» ihe -.erve, Kcceaeralea the Rle*4 ■cE«o Bli>rk« of .lllTrrrni kinds.
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