The Straits Times, 27 September 1899

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 12 1 The Straits Times. ESTABLISHED: 1831. SINGAPORE, WEDNESDAY, SEFrEMBEK 27. 1899 No. 19,917.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 763 1 I1 „m 0! «i.TU«.IID fTB« r L^XT^u,«» taM 7,i. A-ara-rk» iSSmJm ln™raae» rompany. I* 1 SSf v,. u J Mm* Ksrurat.™ C«ni»a«v. MKAMSHir COMPANIES. sTOMNAVI.iATI.IN^tMPANT.^ SETIiS, A •r..u"'..' Eorrr, M4HM.II la»*i (tiKmi.TAR. n*i.i*« irsl VlM'"* PLYMOI'TH, rT llo Tr» AEI> XL.. g S.|.t j>|*-««j Kept M Ban "4 "I'ttn **cl.
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    • 1145 1 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. I 'iiMNKI. I.IKK PAKKTVAAKT MAATBCHAPFIJ Under contract with the Netherlands India Government. Agenf at Singapore SHIP AoBKCT, UTB J. DsBUDBU Co., 3-3, COUTBB QnaT. Hteamer From Eipected Will be Despatched for On AT ITmmaku. Padang Sept 33. Penang. Olehleh, Padant and Sumatra's W. Coast. Sept. 17. React. Rauvia.
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    • 637 1 INSURANCES. THE LONDON AND LANCASHIRK FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. CapiUl £3,127,600 Paid up Capital 21 l'.7«i Keserve Fond 973,240 The undersigned. Agents for the Company, are prepared to accept flra risks at ROUSTEAD Co. THE CHINA TRADKRS INSUBANCI COMPANY. LIMITED. Capital Subscribed lunm.nm, Amount Paid np 6UII.UUO. K~en- Fund Hsad Omct.
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    • 559 1 INSCRANCES. TRANSATLANTIC FIHE INSURANCE CO., OF IIAMIIfKU. NORTH GERMAN FIRE INSURANCE CO., llAMlll'liti HAMBrRO-BREMEN FIRE INSURANCE CO.. HAMBUKU. THE nndersignel. A s ts nf the above companies, are prepared to accept fire risks at current rates PUTTFARCKEN 4 Co. NKW YOKK I.IKK INSI UAXCK (X). The Oldest International Life Insurance
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    • 874 1 NOTICES. Milkmaid z 5* T^ BKASD sec that the EpNDENSED Ml '> "H or iw i l k m a i d ;%IS MllK T: CMark t^^g^ FUU Cream eV ry Ti Largest Sale in the World. I'M ALWAYS Hill HIE llEsr. AM' I J \.P iIE^'SPECIALCREAM'EiI™ V¥'W. \..W.-I U.,1
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    • 741 1 A WOXDEBFPI, HTRK. or durhh<i:a 4 MKWKIUT MM MM II Am« u\. i! Up. but Waj Brought ack to IVrfivjt Ha«Jtl< by Jb.mb.- uin'a >, Oh.l<r» »ud DHt iiata v tnecly »>!> Hi? MM From Ihn rim.-. llilMilhv Vs. I -nil. r. .1 "lib h.-, he long limn »n.i
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  • 33 2 EfTABLUBKD: 1831. PRICK 16 CENTS UlruiU Times. SVlOaynir, »r, pott t re, SS4. tilraUt lludget SIS a gear, or, pail free, %M. Admitting lUet may U fmttul on the fourth ptge.
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  • 78 2 WEDNESDAY, 27TH SEPT, 1899. REUTER'S TELEGRAMS MR. CHAMBERLAIN'S DESPATCH. TKAXSVAAL CLAIMS KKI'IDIATED. iMmlnn, 27//. Stplrmber. In Mr Chanihcrlain'sdespatchtothe Transvaal (iovcrnment, dated the 2im\ inst Mr flumbwlnill said the British (ioveriiment Wele e.i.i lied to absolutely deny and repudiate the lt.ier assertion that the Transvaal is an internit ion d Sovereign
    Reuter  -  78 words
  • 49 2 DARJEELING EARTHQUAKE. IiVEK TWO mm VIi'TIMS onaaai BaaUM done. An earthquake has occurred at l>.irj.'eling. tin- favourite hill station of the Calcutta district of India. As a result there were numerous' landslips and upwards of two hundred people have been killed, including several Banjwani. The damage done generally is
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  • 20 2 FIiiHTINCi IMMINENT The Sirdar is preparing to attack the forces of the Khalifa, who is established near Jebel-Gedir.
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  • 575 2 I. v another col n <ye puhli-h a letter .milled "Straits Chinese and School Inllnenees The letter is, in aallaiiain. .-i hool the children of Straits CUaaH are suhjeeted to L-ont inn ills taflajaajM in the direction uf adu|,tiiiL- the hristi.n, laith. That is a
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  • 103 2 In our advertising columns will be found the subscription list for the fund for importing nurses into Singapore. The list of donations amounts to S-J.TAti, and the list of subscriptions, promised to be paid yearly for three years, amounts to t1,470 That makes a guarantee of a little over 11.1,000.
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  • 197 2 llAiutii iMc. wheretherc hasoccurretl a disastrous earth<|uake, inrolving the loss of some two hundred lives, is a very popular sanatory station in tho Lower Himalayas, 7,167 bat abtire tho level of the sea There, every year, tbe Lieut(iovernor of Bengal antl a part of Calcutta society repair, generally in October
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  • 177 2 KUnaaj of our yesterday s issue will have noticed, in the report of the Legislative Council meeting that after noon, that the Hill to amend "The Bani-hnicnt Ordinance, IM," read a third time Mr. Huikin-h.iw was the recordetl against the third reatling, and Mr. ilurkinshaw explained his reasons for so
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  • 4 2 I'l.v rose to-day to
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  • 10 2 To-day 4 in, s bank rate stands at 1 lIU
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  • 18 2 Maajßj Alex Fox ft Co advertise articles described as suitable for the He* 0, M Keiths Christinas fair.
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  • 19 2 The Treasury rate at which the dollar shall I.c issued miring the quarter commencing Ist October is two shillings
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  • 17 2 I'm ItIBMJMI hteim dredger, At, SH lon-, arrived this morning from Buttardain. She i- l.oun r Vladivostok*;
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  • 25 2 A Mali, named Doodu tat y.Mrrday anested in counecliun with the i'uii£ol Koad murder A Chinaman is already under arre..l lor the oil, n, c
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  • 30 2 The M M %faaj. with the mail from Europe of tha Mil September, hit Colombo at II a m on Tuaaday, and is due ban on Sunday mo-niug at davli(ht
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  • 24 2 lr hi- ban dacidad thai -mail im ammunition coolainiaf the Dum-Oum bullet not lobe taken from India b] troopi forming the South African Colitl.lgellt.
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  • 27 2 Tiik M M I icwaid maii steamer lell Saigon at.', a In lo -.lay. :.n I iduabaraon Friday morning at dayliglt Mh- will bo dwpatcaad Iha
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  • 27 2 Oa Saturday mght, the uMmbenof the Eurojwaa Cuatiaaant »ill give a ••-molicr at I'olica II iliru, I lie DOiajfl thai of a ptc-eutation to ex-chiet lusiie.lor Jeiiiiinj-
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  • 57 2 To-ji.ikr.iw, Thiii -.1 iy, a solemn Te lieiiiu will bt nn| Cburch of >t J ph. it 7 pin, in honour „f t|, e dual l.irlli.l.i\,.|ti,,'ii faithful Majaalin Ihe Kingaud Quean of I'urttwal, Patrom ol the rinailim Missions in the Mull-, tad, ii h.nelv aAarwarda, kba Uii;ht Uevd 1-iither Baptiata
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  • 68 2 0* the H;h instant, .it Link Aiisi.ii in I'erak.a man na ,1 aladiabaawurad .i reward of »13 tor producinf I:.; crocodilea' *ap. On the mil, iaatant Abdul li.thiman. a Malay boa la*jeoj Kill. ii, was fortnn.ite aßoafk t'i I'mne r,,— .i lo -,'di],' ine.isiiriin; 1,-,-t ltl lOlitUaonam. ai«lml ll.ilnin.u, ucured
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  • 554 2 This morning, OMB Femelet, .1 Frenchman, was brought Ufoie Mr Wollerslan, on remand, f<>r eii.|inry into allegations that he had ohtam. d I stun one Louise Severe for immoral knowing 'that dwhad been hlUMll hi Mr li»m iwtlimlnl lln mm— >m,.M and Mr Lowell a|.| H -ar,d
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  • 67 2 Last night, at the ollice of the Cable Company, Hi,- members of Ihe inedi, al l.iole- ion and f.«,.theis»,re|.r,-.iit at ancxhibitionandlcclurc incline, lion with the K.uilgen Kays The intention was to let the menibers of tha m.'.li, ,1 prof.-sion have an opportunity of Illiiilian-iiig themselves with
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  • 82 2 Mk Win Baker, of M^'. Bennaoon Road, report- thai lii-hoils. was broken into yesi.nlay The thieve-, who got into the house through a window, took two natches anil some clothing, value A Chinaman named Tan Mali Sin alleges that mo dullan in silver, and eloUiing andiewallary to the
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  • 84 2 Tut u—ly appointed haadofa poblk d.-p.iri in Natal recently went an loan for a week, and dnrini In-al-elne it WBI n.lhlrallv Supposed that Ins thief dark aoold take command Indge of tbe anrpriaa of tha officials coocemed, whan on tbe dai lii.t's .l.p.irtui.' bis ball rang
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  • 108 2 Nam Km, a .1. ,i ehamd will, criminal br.-.i. Ii ol lp,-i api-ar yesl. t lay. an, l In- bail, a hundred doßan,wuaatraaiad Hi waa amployed at the Spirit Kami, and In- in.. I. ol operation is alleged i.. ban bet n i of tha price paid onrth
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  • 124 2 A BHiajtiaiaH a|>ia draws iMan■WO to the ilailfrr atleiulins 1,.- pm lioa of iiiiung BMnpn of oa '!>■ Had toaathai live ,ii. r .-i.t throui:h tintown yaatariatr, he «ay«, ;> number of Chioaawo Maodini v tbajunctioa .1 Hill Street and Sumlord Koad 1.n.1v s.n.d theiii-.-Ke. Ihiiii:
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  • 242 2 STRAITS CHINESE AND SCHOOL INFLUENCES. ta, Soniethreeve.,,.'^'"""" ES::EHu?^i the AiiKlo-ChmeseN,, "l"7 '"i"" 1 Wlllllllethoushtlli.,l,,,' stotnl between Clun,.. '""i" -wi-TadSßas that the,.- would 1,. i «J but every boy who „'"J!"^' school fully appreciate, the b the .-1,,,,,, hi. *7'f p£ :,rK« 1h,5age..1,,,1ia.,,,..|,,,, 1 fr0m1he5ch001and,,,,,,,!!,,.,,,,:,' that a pfamel h, i.i o..nA:en,'an
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  • 74 2 lnis c\ciiiin£, at nine o'clßEk, ::i Majaanw Open Compaq ing a rogiitintee in t:.r Town Hall I'll,- cm; m, M Illes Mamane, fjini* l.acroix, and (llga, and Mr Mi-nist.give,in t-lijoyjl* w. lainnient, on Saturday evminf.jl 111 it Stnrler's house, ami thail N e-'a!,|ishedthere should altract
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  • 106 2 Lin v QaDowai his ratanei k Taipmg from K«m| D», atarth had been fin a week, ill „ni| i I Mr Maude, el Vain Seng I a man, -atllig tiger win, -h killed a Jlilli the other day The «ily l-nil,- !.ii eluded ilu-m, though then
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  • 87 2 Ki..Aiii,i\. Hie linking ay ol *i Mergui telegraph wiih K tha Malay Stales, win, Ii Mr llfimik" Haaton and Sir K s., 7Vm puintl out that' H»- li"'l"« telegraphic •uthoritKa 1 dilTerenl opinion i'li.y Ikli. vr that the eonsliucti'nofMl. ha in.. difficull and costly, aod tbt i
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  • 53 2 Tm new monster ship ol Star line, tbe Brattriv a, i.,- n.- middle of Septembel I which was !,.,i-i,1,.,-l I ■H I tl,e"o ri»«4l ,ard» in length! Shell „,,.i ten ,i., sh, i lion I -„,.,,,l-,1,-. and 'Ji '"";,j'i n and even at thai Si:';,'';? and --I told
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  • 12 2 lTiaaaidthat.ini ■heTr:,,,.;..! bporiad wil 'i ngagedinsh in re, ...if-"
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 502 2 LtOTICtH. NOBEL'S" EXPLOSIVES COMPANY. Ll). (.L.W.OW. Manufacturers of Dynamite, Gehjfnite, Gelatine Dynamite, Blasting (JtUtine, 1> 'uua'.ui'S, Safety Fuses. Etettric Blasting Apparatus. lv atwM bafceMaa, latiie aHeaßßa/w.'u.rV Oresa /.>.',,,,.,,-■ aaaab to »ci<» Ufa. ,t.,,,.1;rl •■ifrh, »yn(y hah impn,n< Iy 11,, Hntuh If if *f ruffnxr fu'ihttj .mil mitti If v filfr,
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    • 1140 2 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. I CHINA MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COY-, LTD. No. it. (Una* Kom, shi«.im»i. \s A WMIIK. Mii^r. HIOfM lAUr*M, Tr.ivellmn Representative MK.SSKS. T.\X KIM TIAN SONS, U>eal Arrent.. 111.- Com,.. my oilers easier terms antl letter bonuses than any other Company M iloinc lu-ine.s in the Ka-t Nl
      1,140 words
    • 652 2 lATRST ADVERTISEMENTS. T(»\V\ HALL SIN(iAP<)RE. 1 1 HetiW'/'jf, 271 A Stplvm><er, \SU». < (SKANI'f. IiKi'ItK.>KNTATiON i' IMINXKE I'AK ■In 1 1. I'VVI'AN. »t Chanteuse D Opera dv taaaara .1- s.-ngou il II.I.IDKI.AM A KNK. dans son repertoire. IttLIlU l.ACKillX.rhanteuse DOperctte dv Theatre de Hunoi. Mellr Ol.tiA. ties concerts tie Paris.
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    • 89 2 M. 8. 8. iMmkWc! for Urn fitrmto Tvm*s iho«lJ hrn wnttM ob dm auta) vi Urn |«|Mr only. By tiM Mcl«cl of tlttu ooaUiUoti. Mn* i. S ji. avr. njevi+i ih*l miff ht ..ihi-rwi,. b*> |>übli«b*l. All nvl»»>rti«in< cutr*. U in- f hbMct to Urn oonJiUoa that Urn Xuuvtr my
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    • 13 2 Pboboobi ex.-liunge, anil share prices, and the mail list, me tin page 4.
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  • 1590 3 OF TROPICAL AGRICULTURE. PSr.nliflr AgnaOl^rvl.") TOBACCO he plants in the nursery an the ground on which they ■M should be prepared l.y kiting, and thin should be done a ...k- l*fore the plants arc I. r t.. allow the moisture to t'l'.' laadfcTbl planted should *be off in Mocks of
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  • 88 3 In tliii fi^t eight months of this year, 4&>,S»U piculs of tin anil tin-ore were ei|«>rted from the Kederat-d Malay States, against 447,89s piruli <a the corres|K)ndir,g months of 189H The duty collected was MLWjW against 51.943,704 in the same period in 1898 In other word* the output
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  • 103 3 It common talk in Amerira that the British have |>ieked up all I the )j.iod things in (Ma while tin I tmmitmm have been considering th.- I Mitical future of the Island. ThlNm I York IWr< nays that business I ■MM c iitini i.l freely on tlie
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  • 127 3 Ihf entries for the horco anil <log i*lio»at Tyersall.on Saturday, dosed at noon to-day, and have been altogether satisfactory. There arc quite sufficient *ntiirp fur the ladies' driving competition to make I Ins |';ti li< til. mi rut «-x< <<-<l ingly intereftinK Other .lasses, too are well
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  • 68 3 Thi competition fur the Warren I Football Chall.Tii;.- sl,i,!,i was carried a Hage further last liirfit, when "II I Co of the Xin SS Own met •F Co i: 1 1- ■!■a■ ii hotli of nil in I iniimtw of Ihc whisiln pdng f,,r timr I h-id
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  • 140 3 Turn- me i« brewing among Krilish ■Uon gmanUr, Than hu bun ciuite atioom in shipping rirrles lor Home time ■hipownen m sti.kini! out for their »«n price* ami tin- profits .if thn shinpiD| companies arc larcc Hut Jack lias ■hand it) none of tl»i> prosiiority hays the Labour
    140 words
  • 52 3 n uwnm mi muci Ar ibout hllf-pul live iMtodH afternoon dbputa mn Intmn CUmm IxwtawiUHi Ui far,, itlb* landinc |.U. 0| M,s,r; 1';,;,,,,,,, ami qisHa Mlu'xpri-ti'iily. tin- bmtmu mm', bflfalg BMMI of tlit- tilnr kept ntuler I eluding a t!uro[>f;i!i iunstaNe who puriiMd bun in mni|Tan Hi>
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  • 658 3 RRPORT FOR 18W. Mm am) rimma A man on the Straits IHlllnmaßll for 1-118 was laid before the legislative Council yesterday. It bears date iOth September and is signed by the CVkmial Secretary. Most of the information given has already been d in departmental reports reviewed at the
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  • 45 3 Dft. (lasts uH-notM iooi*tyat Now Yoik is apiiatinn for It-Vitiation baton iieurotu- iMliillnf. diM to ■treat nrtttt. »lri\e the «-n(iro ritifWithip t<> suii i-li i Thegecbtyenouenui Bmoogit existing evils the streot railways, cdbfall {MTMMDt, barrt'l organs, itreM vrudur?, coal chaUM, and sight brawliug
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  • 95 3 A Rimias navigation eompanv is understood to have, under consideration the establishment of a service between Aden and Basra which would also touch at Bandar Abbn and Bushire Bajra niehUiitaitodon ilu- ■gphmtaLißu* fifty-six Knglish from the Foreiaii tiillf, is awfeihle to vessels of .100 tons burden Tne
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  • 291 3 Now that tin- Mlilw uf Australian Im »l engage the attention of tinfederal Parliament at no distant date For many years we have been I familiar with Military conferences in I Australia, and the views of the Com- 1 maitdaiits-in-Cunneil have been heard over and over again,
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  • 90 3 nranin nwun < HAMritiKinip. l.inlon lK*»t \Voir>TMtAn fl-7, «-:l IVar* Mi t»-at Wright ht., h l tt-0. fpton XT. lK>at Dpnt -t, M, us. i;:'. <)nrner+.s h.-»t Tlßwii <!.«, 6-1 <iraliam heal Killer— 4, «-0, «-4. TODAYS TIES. auMrmma Tcarce Linlon. !<k»y an<l M»nnalor.l +.1
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 42 3 VKSSELS AIHEKTISKI) TO SAIL Frrmanll*, .*ulln». on L'7lh S.|.t \V. Unniflrliitro. Uvarptnl «ia port*. n< 9utna*a& on JTtli Harlno l'o IVimng R»n B oon, frnltkott, on aotb mLbomm .n\> Klntnln. Catiorfrt, on yrd Oct.. Bou>te.vj Srw York, M 3r,l Oct B»!,o Jl,v«r
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    • 444 3 AITCriOX SALES, 4 l >1 Kin sai.k.- Thr Mkmta turn »uTl,,m"!, r Hill, on Batllr,lny msl l',»i,y piiliij.j.nn. rOWBU lo i"!,,n~r». AUCTION sai.k Of a VALUABLE COIRI KVIMK on 7 w. JH s,,, v r i^w.^jjo A. n.nM.linij „f ,1,,.,,t In Iniililint;. Hi,.!,.,, BALK OF VALDABLR HOUSEHOLD liuri'T ""''''"^-■l''"'- I|'l1
      444 words
    • 502 3 AN IDEAL TONIC SERRAVALLPB TOXIC 'HARK AM) IKON \VI\K> 11,, 1,, HmrtM ih<- *.r>c« ■rcmrralrs ihr 111. ....1 HMM to n,. minlr. lUtilll.V RECOMMENDED BY MEDICAL AUTHORITna Tt,.« Aii.tri.i-. Toale Win,. a highly con,-.>ntr.,te.l. Miviifcth ii'vin^ f Mjptle la !<•. ,w. not .h-iu,i.ti,.. .i..,,,^h ww'Tii" 1 »fi.-r s.-!;-- r
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    • 413 3 FOR SALE; BMPLOTMaiT TO LOTi AND TKISSOXAI* .i»Tt,»B Uanja i,n.. m v* v I"" «th i* tta ti>w, <. wil.a HMj 7th lo l>ta tiBM. 8 r..u» B»»i »!t»n»nr.U, •_> coil* iSttM .■h»iUc I", than on.,lallar. Taa«. a ,Im,. in/ if (T^rtifvm^nt, Hoc*. Mt. ia thit lym*. 81. ANDKKW'K HOI
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 211 3 AKKANUKMKNTS Wednesday, 27th Seitemhbh. Hirti Water. 2N p m S. V A. 1-enuro Slf B. C. C. Tennis Tournament "I"" Tuwn Hall. 9. THURSDAY, Hn SciTEMBER High Wttar. .-.Oa.m. 4.16 p.m Straits Insuran,,- M,,,inp Noon. IVH.e Ksutc Sal,- I'uwdl. L'.'li'. Kkidav, gam Sinma Hifih Water. 6 45am if,,,,, M M
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  • 527 4 tiiairuu. 2Ttm Kirnam, IM PRODUCE. (Rote* art tvrrfetM to n##«. llnmtwr -r, Coprm Bali 6.90. do I'ontmnsk. Pepper. BlKk. barert :.Y do White.isy.)...: 45.00 S«o Flour S«r»w«k Set. do Brunei So. 1 Frarl!la«o 4.50. Coßee. Bali, 1»X basia HLU| Codec Palerauaog, 1.->% buis. 17", OoSee, Libenan. No. I IAM
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  • 24 4 ftf /Vr Mir. Ibtam 4 Uani /£fr.'".' MiiUva.1- Khmi; < /'*y«, I'l'llani; t v Cu'iimlm I't.ttuhotn, Manila fiaill!, 7V».. 1 p.m. •1 p.m.
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  • 96 4 pbom mn -Hv ih.. V M I. Sydney. ioeoa thaaMlßapt with ,lstr. lo lha Kill B»pt. She briofl r.-pli.» to the nun. vMeh M Mob^Sm on Ha nth FK..M (HIS! -l.v H,,. M M dv,- ou Fn.lnv. Pit S:nk.'H[-i>r>' in I.onilon ArriTt'.i All 4 1-th M. M
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  • 319 4 Mra. Qaniu. .-iii.i Mr. HproTt. l-.r- <..- ,»,W (rum i.,,,.,10Ti Mr E J. li<,lKTl-,,n TO AIUHVK (r',,r M i.m;»>m.) IV, M. M. t, ftfawta frt.m M»r■rillea Brpl. 10— Mi Batlia, Mr K H f.-i.l-1-iv > ,r. .1 'vr M M IUhU n n—UIM S.-|.l I'- M J V:i.i
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    • 152 4 I'mierlhishflvling the fol lowing abbreviation* are nt-i »lr *!i'iih,t sb.— thin bq.— lwique Kb -xhoonir; Vol.- Yrkhl I'ru. t"ruitK'r i.l.i. 1 1:1:1,...*: Tor Torpolo; H. p. Horse power Bnl!British; V. S.-Uniud Sta:*,; Fr.~ French (»r Dat.— Dutch .loh.— Johore Ac, O. i. ■ii c ii.p. iiei-k passenger*
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    • 859 4 AuiTtu Sun Noon or Vu bmk Anffitti, Brit Mr. l.«*Mon., Capt Coat.-., JTth St'pt. From BoratMT. Uth Svpl 8c »nil 7 .1 p. M. H. E. Mfk For ICftinion. tm Part 11,1, Rril. Mr IMS ton., Capt Oiaaa, S7lk SaM From K mi|i. L'.Mli s.i.l <»<•.. and
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    • 357 4 Namr. port, pT'ittnhu <ialr in ampj.. T.i Kill-, Kurop.-, |.«.IUn»l. An|3. i. lloi ck<uiii. Sot ll M I .'i^,.!!^. .In,, ,~,.,.i Sirnoi.. Mir- .•ill.*'. fVt I?'; M m"' II uiiciirj. (I, i i« y k'kouf. «>pi V* a ni.ur'J.'li ll'l'r'i;! J»il"':' l'l 11.i,1.K-r s 11 .iiix. (1.-1 I.
      357 words
    • 20 4 5 Vk-,- Kuu a Ion.! Cirrus ►>••< Rio ssss raster" ■-■7 AOCOW ll,,l«lr IMS '--I.- H ITBuWbIUEiI .lr. MOkd Klu«
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    • 57 4 Una vi»niS:«i ltia*>K Qmn ppt $1 It.; |l n t 111 k *7 H.llf, r D.,i M ui"SL, r Hi»-iki Xli nun Mai,,-;, D.I, n Pliow I'hv.i I' 'tl \i;n -Tr. K< I'.i-Im., i I. „kms- wiiioth. rtiiio... HoUwi hi lagiu 11.111 Fo -irnn iiul -ir <v!iul. 57
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 398 4 Nonas. JAMES WATSON COS SCOTCH .VIIISKIKS ARK TIIK HKSr VAI.I K IN 111 K aUEOTI PL Aft ItHAND. lo TRARBOLD. •*»i"i"'*""^"« (si'Ki iaii.y i:i:<cMMi.Mn:i" y y O MIPB*Ja\M(HW OBTAI.NARI.K FfldM KKIAII. DKAI.KIa*. OB McALISTER Ctv— «n« i —^S^ FRASEH 4 HEAVE'S (Ltd.) V^ v^^ Soda Water "^J^ IM. »(K O
      398 words
    • 197 4 NOTICES. lunnsii ANTIFODLING COMPOSITION AND PAINT CO. I.IMITKI) fvlt BtMflqft J)TOet*r\ ■fMtettnn el gaM dntai Enaniel ConijMi-ilior^ for -liip < ■<>! loins. The mo-l t-tff-tual prev.-ntion againH «..n < in',i,'.:';;::,: l "i l ,,l;i;'^"-,,,.r, aUUTSSBEBO, W3HHIDT i Co. Ag.uls, Sin?aiH>r.!. ».B,WO foul:m »M*r\ BKIIS, HBYKBA l i M| Dnrta JW
      197 words
    • 516 4 NOTICES. INDIAN EXOIXEERIXO. THE RECOGNIZED OROAN OF THE PROFESSION IN INDIA. iril» <marnnlteit borut fide nrculitlion, LIST OPEN TO INSPECTION. PAT. DOTU C.K. CALCUTTA. I IIIK TARMIMG PAOAK ix XX OOMPAMT. LTD. l»k v" Fui\'i,Elu,. Whakfimous, Ac. Oravmd Doikj up to 500 leet in length anil II feet on sill.
      516 words
    • 570 4 NQTU'ES. THE STRAITS TIMES AND THE STRAITS BUDGET DAILY AND WEEKLY tSTABUSHED 1831. Tt't\ A«>r..-. 70 T.Ujr.j.W Aimu 1,,,,, Si.airoa, The Straits Times has the largest circulation of any newspaper in Asia, British India excepted. It circulates in Singapore and Penang, throughout all the Protected States of the Malay Peninsula,
      570 words
    • 84 4 NOTICES. •nunanjUMurcu qJa Steamer* leave Singapore at 4 4. p.g,. 8 8. "Hyf l^ong-: r-vfrv M or M...1 i. i Kiiala X t an.l IVluk ArnJon S S. "Malacca": Marl W0.1n.-«.liiy for M-ili-.-.v I'ort Uiokson. Kuala Klani! and Tfluk Anson. s B, Ban Whatt Ha 'man Frulavloi M..; Port I>i,
      84 words
      15 words