The Straits Times, 19 August 1899

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 12 1 The Straits Times. ESTABLISHED: 1831. SINGAPORE SATURDAY, AUGUST 19. 1899. No. 19,914,
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 783 1 I COBPAHT LIMIrtD M a ,»1 sw»«*,.«" '-osspaaj. iSaV I»»Co»F«»T. Limitrf. of th«s« Companies, see tbs ibjSSZ** > iiK «°k nk coM STK >ms||ll' COMI'ANIES. 1) Orrtca, CoiXTaa Quat. P T WHAava*. Na» maaona. Hl| NAVIOATION O'SPANT.^ |tk?!.l.l'..i.V»l.'K. 11TMOBTH, nrMfb H,lls"l"l*i*n«Ts ■sued for fw™. aScZSm —I and A m
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    • 799 1 STEAMS*:!"''' COMPANIES. I£ONINKLUKE PAKETVAAH'f ifAATSCHAPFIT" Unrlw contract «lth the Netherlands India GoTernmant. Agtnlt <xl finfapon: BHtf Aomct, iati J. Daikdiu k Co., 2-», Coliraa QrAT. B'*anier From Ei^^tad Will be Despatched for oi^ Hantam. Sourabaya. Aug 11. Bawean, Sourabava, Macassar. Amboina, Banda. Menailo, Teruate, tiorontalo and Von ier Lyn. B'massin.
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    • 643 1 BRITISH INDIA STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY, LIMITED. TO PENANO, RANGOON. 4 CALCUTTA Oneof the. Company's steamers isintended to leave Tanjong Pagar Wharf every week. Passengers and Cargo booked by the ports in India and Ceylon, also to East African Ports, Mauritius^ and London. TO MANILA, DIRECT. One of the Company's steamers
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    • 656 1 HSSPRANCE& 'PHE LONDON AND LANCASHIRE 1 FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. Capital 127,000 Paid up Capital 515.760 Reserve Fund *****s The undersigned. Agents for the Company, are prepared to accept tire risks at current rates of premium BOUSTEAD A Co. rV. CHINA TBADKBS INSCKANi'F COMPANY, LIMITED. Capital Subscribad fflOOflOb. Amount IVd up
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    • 541 1 INSURANCES. TRANSATLANTIC FIHE INSURANCE CO., OF HAMUI'KU. NOBTH GERMAN FIRE INSURANCE CO., HAMBURG. HAMBURG-BREMEN FIRE INSURANCE CO., HAMBI'RU. r pHE un I.T-icr'cl. Airents of the above 1 companies, are prepared to accept fire I'UTTF ARI-KEN .V Co. SOUTH HKITISH FIRE AND MARINE Insurance Compimv. FIRF. Insurance aSJaaM on everr*d«i. eription
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    • 250 1 NOTICE& ALOEMERNK MAATS( HAll V VAN LEVKXSVERZKKKIUXd KN I.IJFREVTK 6ENEBAL LIFE INSURANCE ANNUITY COMPANY. KsTAnLISHtU IS ■—■HIM, ISN.I Capital Subscribed Uuilders I.O>iM.». Amount I nsnred Wjtim.flWL ""••■pis iiw iMtaaji Reserve Fund 1*97 ll.tiMiW. Head Oflice, Sourabaya J. Th. Amlricaso, Hea.l A k -cnt P. Th. von Hemert, («i C n«
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    • 214 1 CHAMPAGNE. Mil IS IioKI'KIJK!!, KXnU DRY. (Iteserve f..r (ireat Hritam) i Louis Roederer, Carte Blonohe HIMNKMANN 00. ]o »''"«"/.lollN l.llri.E.*ti>. LTD. RILEY, II AIM REAVES COY., LTD. EXOIXKF.US, HOII.KRMAKKIJ.S Sllll'liril.DKliS.i (IKNKUAL CONTItACrOKS. kn anpaiad to Mipi.h- feoaj stuck STEAM PUMF& Hiaing, Hariaonlal asd Vertical Dir.rt Acting Dopkl .tti.l Rpecial -iinkiiiK
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    • 646 1 TROi;BLES()MK!TO»THE ARMY. During the civil war. as wall as In our Ist" war mth Spuin. diarrhea was one ol the most troublesome diseases the inn? had to contend with. In many instances it heeaine chronic and the old soldier! still suffer from it. Mr. ]>avid Taylor ol Wins) Ridge. (Irern.-
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  • 152 2 SATURDAY, 19th AUGUST, 1899. REUTERS TELEGRAMS THE TRANSVAAL CRISIS. KRIUER'3 FRESH CONCESSIONS /...niton, 19th AtlQlut. President Kruger is considering a new electoral scheme, which has not yet been laid officially before the British The scheme is said to be based en the principle of granting the franchise hi the Outlanders
    Reuter  -  152 words
  • 220 2 Thk ingenious authoress of our novel of colonial life raises, in the current chapter.the abstruse i|uestionofhow and where and when a man may wear sarong andbaju. It is a serious matter. Asa general principle it may be wisely held that in the enervating climate of the all loose ways of
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  • 303 2 Fkoh the report of the Tanjong I'agar Dock Company it will be seen that the net prolit for the recent ball year was 5004,u00. Cutting aside the duplication of stock which has just taken place, ono finds that the dividend proposed is at the rate of former Company's capital, and
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  • 13 2 I'mnn exthaiije, and share prices, and the mail list, are on page 4
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  • 9 2 Mrs-Ks I'owrll an.l Co. advertiso a Monday next'"" 1
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  • 25 2 Thk 1" A 0 Hsutfa left 110n K k.,ng at II p 111 on Friday and is due here on Thursday next at A. am.
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  • 28 2 Two Malays named lioyan and Omah hroucht to the Marine Police yesterday, ■j:, cases ..f pine apples which they had found oil neaa lishing stakes near TaojOßl I'apar.
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  • 26 2 To-days exchange and produce ijuoll.e hark poga. The 4ms bank rate is i" 'In, has ris, nt,. *M of. Hlack ptppat has moved up to tUM
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  • 32 2 Titr dynamite factory at l'retoria XIJUO.MW.* The Tr.m-i.iaMiovc'innicnt about live years a-o granted this coln|anv the sole right to import, make, andsell explosives in that State lor a term of fifteen )cars
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  • 58 2 I. n CUM Hoe was .in -i.l m Albert Street on the 11th in.-t. for havmp in his possession 110 worth of chandu Yestei.iay he denied that he had been previously convicted for a biniilar offence This morning, he admitted it, saying in explanation that he had forgotten He was
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  • 385 2 YES, NOW SAY THE PHYSICIANS. A uespat\-h fmm the Secretary of State oil leprosy is published in the Gorernment (iutelle. It calls attention to a remarkable change ol front by the Royal College of Physicians. I'ntil hist year, thai College had all along held that leprosy was
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  • 60 2 Thk Swimming Club launch whicli leaves Johnston's Pier at IKW a in to inoirowfor Pul.ißrani, is for the use of members generally and takes the place ol the usual launch to the Chit Bungalow. It is hoped that member' will turn up in good numbers to 6et
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  • 80 2 A Omtmnmtmn, writing to the SUtngh'ii htt-rcury on the grog-shop evil at the Treaty ports in Japan, say* To the credit of tho Japanese authorities, let it be "aid that they did try their best to stamp cut the grogshop evil in ftamian. bat extraten itoriality
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  • 92 2 A KBIE.M'I.V J^.UUf .1! AsMii'tatlOU toot* ball was played on the Esplanade yesterday evening between a team representing the X.-creation Club and the Band and Drums of Hie King's Own liepment The Club team had three (tallies School boys and a nonmember playing for them, and again had a
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  • 119 2 Tnr. case of K Lambert v Culler, being a claim of for the loss of a horse through the alleßud uajifanl driving of the defendant, was continued before Mr Justice Hyndman-Jones in Ihe BupraDM Court yesterday Plainliirs evidence showe.l that, as he was driving tlown Sophia
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  • 112 2 Clm-» Si 11 it alt, the. Sogu Kinp, MSI-plils' ap'llal 'mViie'niiap'l'.'iiies, and the cm nan anatd of apacaticni on his pan is likely to stir up IMofi commercially, so rumour runs. It is stated that one ot thu lirst scliem.which Spreckels may BBfJUB in is the
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  • 167 2 A rgLK.iKAM lias Ihhmi raoahrad at Mm Aliiin..- Mi-ii.n hahiutm. Wiiim fr..n. It.v (i.-nrue Shields, which readas follows niilmum dwlinjid urn til, bank aaoapad, serious, inform .is. Bhialdi Tli.- ..iily thing tli..t ooald I-. ,1,,,,.. was to inform the Consul, a- all un that Nation
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  • 1108 2 It seems, Mr Editor, that my observations the other day upon the disadvantages of the climate of Singapore have caused much grief to ■he business manager of the Mr** Happening to meet that authority the other day, he explained to me that it was all very well
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  • 95 2 Tnt races which aaaj t0 rowed on Thursday aftern x> k post poned owing to were pulled off h decided the nnal of, 6 tw «l the two heats Scoular r Minnitf, crew, an s" £?**> four had beaten Trep,,,,,' therefor, la, s ™»h* Scott- lluseell's" fours"
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  • 604 2 ACIIEKS toam I'rop'r.say.a.Mrr^,,,, of the Leaeaefca/, bj n m ini the enemy that only >, a ,,,1, of lobk^ break the peace Th* .r,,,*.i forte is in such strength and „p such readiness that m.rau.l.r, w attacked, the momrnt they lenturs that the enemy really keep t|, f
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 561 2 NOTICES. xXOBEL'B EXPLOSIVES COMPANY, LD. OLABGOW. Dynamite. Geiijrnite, Ut'htine Dynamite, Blasting Gelatine, Detonators. Safety Fuses, AID Efetrie Blasting Apparatus. Th, «i w B-aM-aa. U,ng all m^>.»/.W'.rfil lir,, t t ffl Illtll. nr. Ba* to p*- thr high ,t,in,lml „,f,ty nml purUy M, i mpoin i A, y ft,,,^ (ioitrnmrnl, naj
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    • 1425 2 HOTlGia T II B CHINA MDTDAL LIFE INSURANCE COY-, LTD. 1f..,, Or.ica No. 1% C»-ro- K0.1.. Sm.nohai. AS A. WAI UK. Manner. HECTOR W. SAMI'SON, Travelling h>pre«enlali»e MBHCB. TAN KIM TIAX SONS, I-ocal Agent.. The Company offers easier terms and belter bonuses than any other Company MM buinc- m'the K.-t
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    • 481 2 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS.' T lihKWoKn Ptrnrr suicnutiß I'AKIV KNTKItTAISUKXT. immn lf to date, TOWN HALL. Monday n»l TWO LADIES AND TWO QEMTLEIIEN, Who are great f ,t .uritei iv Singapore have kindly contented lo take pan ia the iv Plan at Robinson Piaso Cu. '!>> BE LET. A lame godown fronting
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    • 25 2 DriKiaLar.-On tho loth instant, at 9 We.tlands Uunjalo**. IVn.n.'. Mary Beatrice, tba wife of tbo Rev. W. H. C. Pt', M.A., Colonial Chaplain, of a
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  • 2944 3 a( I. HI ro««TON lABTWKI 1 A (OnUM KVESINH r;.,,,, f r. nine, Mrs St. John, dressed i Ld. in »Mt» I"*— l ,f V ,W „ink, ready for v ,,,|ly »t half-pant seven. tonmU, ■uiiaMn* 2SU? ;:;rX h t?f k"u> k^I 1 olf mosquitoM But f
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  • 1364 3 1819, 1 is WtHmfm tilt SlTMti T'mn.) It is just eighty paaH since Singniwre •a« taken (Kissension of by Sir Slaiufuni ■bßbb, ami the p«M t- Millie, .'inly long for us to furnish three striking pictures of the Settlement at intervals of forty years each. For
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  • 366 3 TANJONG PAGAR DOCK CO. DIKECTOBS' KErOIll. Sit. K nt>oro, I7lh August, tHBb Mir- lit il-iiillUllj; j..ill!\ :i I lit.- 1 -1 itaHMdl Ju»ti l O l l JlIi" ibe U wunvlnTlloii "iS Th.conijiitny bWB currii'tl out in conformity with iln* .-i:il n^oimiuitii of lho Hii.uvlioldrrti, nti<i ill*) prewfnl lonijuitiy
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  • 322 3 Tnn Mak| UaU c.illsattemion to the ■•Secretary for Chinese Affair, Enactiicnf" which has now come int.. force in Selangor as a most remaikable attempt at legislation on novel lines. It gives the Secretary for Chinese AH'airs (who is now Mr. Hare) autocratic power over the whole Chinese
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  • 95 3 l-'.'i August. I. Orderly Ofleer, Capt. W. O si. 'lor. Oi.lcrlv Sergeant, s, ,ct A. I Macdoiuld. 111.-f lUmingg.'iulelneli li .vinu Ik-.-ii ihlly ele.-tcl me po-tcl to Sui.-divi-ion-M lollowj Hi K. <; II t Hartn, II to No.-.'; Ml 1- V. Me. C.Pntclirir.ito No (1 A. I' I.
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  • 146 3 YESTERDAY'S TLAY. iHAHrioNsiitp. Colerid,, t.e,,t Mn, ll.nitkh. B -I, .Mrs. Salimann bent Mr*. Pare. <!■!, i-HAMrioNsim r«i»» Mr*. WaddaH and Mr. Wright b,-at an \Yetherall and Mr. Broi.lrick, M.MI. I.UUKs" SINGLE* Mr. I.orell. owe 1». t^-at Mi-. (Sunn, ow,- 6-li, H-4, e-i. TIES FOR TO-lUY. Mi»» Uunn
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 313 3 TO-.MDKKOW .S CHHBCH BERVICE& {Iwttnuamnn umTmm CHURCH OF ENGLAND 7..51 a ii... I horal C-l-l, ration an, l Ser-non '.in in. l.umiv and Celebration 4 p. in.. Cat.-hi-m and Sunday School. UOp 111, Kieii-oiu; ail. I -einioil. Od.'r lorjforChuicb Kxp-n..-.. Sr Mattiikiv's Cu. n, ii 8 p. m. Evensonti and
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    • 592 3 NOTICES. (J. OTOMUNE CO. Have just received a new shipment of TIN J.UIS, Prrnarrd tn vTitlist.inil nioisturr anil rsfHvially fiiiilnlilo for kif|iiiii{ cigars TOWKI.S. B4THOM .«riT.«, nan hurts, SOCKS AM) STOCKINGS, 1 NHF.U 1" I'v' ilSßlls. [LOrn ASD SHORT) 7 ln-«ic an- slruiiik lnaiic itnd wt-U cut, at low iirioiw.
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    • 671 3 I FOR SAI.K KMIM.OYMEN T I TO LIT; AM) PKKSoxaia I i- tiui. laaaaM a iin«; :nn an. 3ra Hbm Meaalaa imi»; 4th to flth timM, ft aaa m line; 7tb to 18th tine*. S cent* a ,'h'irge less than one dollar. Tliu*. rttwMm s,!v-rii.,'nient. clrnui mi. in tli i
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 192 3 ABAARUKMBNTB lli)!li\V:iter i.:5 m. 8.0 C. Cricket 2rm. li.irris.ui Ilille t'luh Tanglin :t Talping H.i, c I (> (i r. lemperiiice Club 7 M Concarl Town Hall. 0 l)i:in,ond Jubilee c> Theatrical. North Bridte Read Hith Water Y:u am 920 p.m. IStla Sunday after I rii-tv Water I'olo at Pulo
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  • 489 4 smosrou. 19th Aram. IM. I'KOLMJCE. (Rala art MmM to mm.) lambior burers I 6.70. i-opraßall 8.00. do PontUnak, rvpper, Black. J7 00 do White, (8%) 41 SO Hai:oFlourS»rawak S.IO. do Brunei No. 1 J.S7* Pearl Blgo 4.00 Codae, Bali, IV. basis 16.124 .otlee Palembaug. 1&X basis.. 18.00 ogee,
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  • 93 4 TO-I>AY. IWikUIk 4 Kigali Ho Tang. I', llr.indan Stlhhnilji. Mangoon tiunlpara, li.uinkok Irinnganu. KIhiik via ports Sipplto, M unlok i ri»n« /.'u' H'>urabays via ports hnniam, Hvavia via ports Titan, Japan via poiu Surptdon, Monuay. Sydney via ports Ori«n, KunKkok Hangtok, M.aili f.,,;..,. llatavia via ports /.a ikfSM,
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  • 100 4 Fbom Eiropi :-By the M. M. s. s Indut duronthejlith Augu.t with dales to it;.- L'-th .l.ilv. She bungs replies to SISS l i Wbic 1 Ml s "iS»P«'reonthci'7th ;i:i I -inih June. Fkoh Cm.iA:-By the Uernian s. s. 'ft Mii^tpor.' l)u.. in Loml July Tlh M.
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  • 309 4 ARRIVALS. Tor s. line Ufn<i from Teluk \n;on via ports-Mr an.l Sir.. H. Allan, Messrs A. K Haiendnle, E. V. Carey, C. Foster 1.. A, M. Join. -ion, and llr. \V." 11 Fry Pcrs. V Amhrr.l from Teluk An.on via ports- Miss Koek, and Miss Van Ijingeuborg. TO
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    • 138 4 Under thisheading the following abbreviations are used str. steamer sh. ship Iq. -bar.|ue s»h.— schooner; Yet.— Yacht Cru— Cruiser Gbt— tl an boat Tor Torpe«lo H. p. —Horse-power Brit.— British; D. S.— United States; rr French Ger.— (Jerman Dut.— Dutch cargo d.p.— deck passengers: U-—Uncer-tain; T. P.
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    • 913 4 AaaiTiLs Mind Noon ur Yimckph A nhrril. Brit. str. 1(M tons, Capt Maddni. tilth Auk. From T. Anson. Kith Auk an.l 121 dp. Wee Bin i Co. For I Anson, 21st— Rds. Commonwealth. Brit, str S.lHS tons, Capt James. 17th Au?. Front Moji. Sni Aug Coal. 1'
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    • 397 4 IT«M, port, probate da t m, STKAMhU" Am) 11, llaniiluiii;. rV|H r. S.raom AMi BUjc lolMnAHll:tK A-. Iniu.ia. 11.,,u1.ur k gnu I,), I, n Annim. .M»r-.-;i,-., n, i M i| Ant.-nor. CkiM, Auk :3 M.n^flJ., rtanuUe, Au« Bomm B«inl»rK, Hamburg. (>rt h.BI B«v-rn. H»mlniic, (I. I U
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    • 70 4 VMuhßuM T.i»». Cimin 17 I onnir.i :,il Brit Btr. B1»S JaiM.i l» tt ilhi'lin utr. fail* Hi, Im.t 111 Sm Won«wjp Hut »tr I" N,,»!V 18 Will (Hue Wi«p Brit sir. Mi* Wlllock 111 Iralx-lln str. M llu.lson 19 Hy»> Leoiifj sir. I'lt.S ymno in Anilicrst «tr. 1(W Ifaddoi
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    • 37 4 DITK. VIUMIL'B NIHK Aug lit Ruby h< UiangAnn 1» ljl Soyni]l> lii'lus I* II .1..-.l»n !9 s,nlu.|ji Brit «tr. Mian Btr. Kulli'tt MM -n. QtgBIJ U.'t Mr!'r Mr.;.. Out tfr. Bloniborj U 1 i<*
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 215 4 MiTICES. LUXURIANT LUSTROUS HAIR Wuh rl«tn, whoWwn^Boalp, Ire* from itfliini;. Lifting, and •oaljr»mpti<»«i», proUlMthabftlrfolhclM.noartabM th«rcouu)J rn»k*>* tbo tiAir ihick. »oft, mil f;io"\\. UNTOUCHED BY HAND. For INFANTS and INVALIDS. When prepared Is similar to Breast Milk. C. A. RIBEIRO CO. Beg to announce that they have started a PRINTING and
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    • 239 4 NOTICES. For Nervous J® Exhaustion flfl of limb _V I Fof hnrevarkm. prahmp I PHOSPHOBLtCERiTE SfRUP ICHAPOTCAUTI < PHOSPHOSLVCERATE WIHE I CHAPOTEAUTI PHOSPHOOLfCEPtTE CAPSULES] ICHAPOTEAUTI B. ruf Vlv|« nn PARIS FRANCE MAC MYK.N AM) CAMERON'S PER* 7Vy MM mo fcimi nnrfn Uritittf U mm Tht PiAuirk, th, O«l,aml thr. HWr.Vv
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    • 455 4 NOTICKS. "TIMES" AND "BUDGET." Strait, lime,, a year, or a mon'h or fifteen cents a copy. Post Free, $8* a quarter. Strait, HCdgtt pott free, $2C a year, cr $ft a quarter, or 40 cents a copy. The advertising rates are: flrst time, 16 cents a line; 2nd and Srd
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    • 1012 4 NOTICES, gIXUATOKE SI'ORTIXO CLCB. Programme for the Autumn Race Meeting, 1899. OCTOBER 241 A, 28(A, aw, 28<». FIRST DAY. 7Wf.iv, *MA Oetobtr. Kibbt Rice. THE MAIDEN PLATE.-Value 12.*) A Race for Maiden Horses— Weight as per scale (lOst.). An allowance of SI 11.. to horses entered for the Intermediate Races
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    • 29 4 NOTK'KS. ENVELOPS TO BI BAD AT TnE "STRAITS TIMKS" OFFICE. THE PATRIOT ENVELOPES. 1,000 SI. sent free by Post (1.40 THE ANTIQUE ENVELOPES 1,000 (2.50; Bent free by Tout
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    • 13 4 A BOOD CIBmT run de pi;,i to finF,. !i inllnml,!!.;";'"".;^ .-..m1u.0n. J«N
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