The Straits Times, 18 August 1899

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 12 1 THe Straits Times. ESTABLISHED: 1831. SINGAPORE, FRIDAY, AU(iUST 18. 1899. No. 1&913.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 521 1 nOKIIO CO-PI". LIMIrtD I) OrFicE.OoU-Taa(Jt)»T. 0 v,H«»vas.N«" Hll 01 1 mint* t" k Am'», Eorrr. >■>■■- li ,,iK»i.T»».M»i-«. >M PLV«OfTH. ii 1 1 mil iil! itifu**'! for I y fTsi(in iiiC*waJaSa*»ll J «.Am,» 11,... Sept. rCr Inr rur.,|«-> Ho«WA»U. lfW». 1 1 ■*> I S.icorm Aug. 14 iVf -ll 14
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    • 838 1 STEAMSHIP OOMPANIBi T^ONINKUJKEPAKKTVAART MAATBCUAPPIJ Under contract with the Netherlands India Government. Agrnli al .Singapore: HHir Anturv, L»TI J. l>At*i>lLS A Co., SJ, t'OLLIia QriT. Steamer From Expected Will be Despatched for On" Hawtan. B'massin. Aug 6. B'massin, I'ulau Laut, Balik-Papa > .-ara.lj.ioa. Cotei, Ilerouw and nonguala. Anir. IA. Tamhora Tadang.
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    • 724 1 BRITISH INDIA STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY, LIMITED. TO PENANO, RAN(«K)N. A CALCUTTA OneoftheCoinpany'ssteamersisiotended to leave Tanjong I'ngar Wharf every week I'assengers and Cargo l,onked ny the above steamers at through ratea to all ports in India and Ceylon, also to East African Ports, Mauritius, and London. TO MANILA, DIRECT. intended to
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    • 663 1 INSURANm 'HUE LONDON AND LANCASHIRE 1 FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. Capital £2,127,600 Paid up Capital yia,THO I Reserve Fund 9T5.24S I The undersigned, Agents for the Company, are prepared to accept fire risks at current rates of premium. KOI'STEAD A Co. rl CHINA TKAUKKS INSUKAKCE COMPANY, LIMITED. Capital Subscribe.! H.m'.lVT, Amount
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    • 548 1 INSURANCES. TRANSATLANTIC FILE INSURANCE CO., OF HAMBURU. NORTH GERMAN FIRE INSURANCE CO., HAMBURU. HAMBI'RO-BKEMEN FIRE INSURANCE CO., HAMBI'KO. rpHE undersigned. Agents of the aliove X companies, are prepared to accept fire risks at current rates PUTTFARCKEN A Co. SOUTH BRITISH fire and marine Insurnnce Company. FIRE Insurance effected on every
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    • 196 1 _NOTICES. PETER SYS'S WOT^DERFUL SPECIFIC. THE only remedy at present known as an INFAI.I.I 111 K an.l PERMANENT CIKK for Ojii'iiliT). I)i irrliuM. Sprue, llpmorrh«co and I 1., i.ninn of Hie Kowrls. lliimlniK of Nijc-oil. and latttaaaH C u r»«. Recommended by some of the chief Specialists in the
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    • 385 1 HORSE BEDIHNU. (11 IHONKI! A lim.s from Taban 1 ouisa J Estate inn I*, obtained al Ihe liven slal.les of Messrs Dalian, an.l Messrs UaVaart, at per cart. load, tl N) cash. 'I'll I I'KVK ItIVKK DOCS 1 I'KNANd. The above Hock situated in Province Wellesley. at Ihe entrance of
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    • 673 1 TItOri)I,K.SOMKT()THE AKMY. During tlie civil war. as well as in our late war with Spam, .iiarrliea was one of tha moat troublesome disease, the army had to mien, I null In man> instances it became -hroivr ..n.l the old soldiers still siifferfi.n il Mr. llavi.l Tatloi «l WM' Ctieene
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  • 30 2 Kstaolisbid: IMI TRICK 15 CKNTS. Sir., it* Time): SlUnyMr, or, j)o»//rf. *W. KtmiU Ihut.jet $18 o jwr, or, pott free, $jo. iaWwUnf Hotel man OH Ihe fourth page.
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  • 41 2 FRIDAY, 18tH AUGUST, 1899. REUTER'S TELEGRAMS TIIK TEANBVAAL CRISIS, FI'KTHKR NKtiOTIATIONS. Undou, IM Augutl. held to show that parleying of the same kind that had been going on before is proceeding between the Transvaal and Britain. The parleying is tending difficulties
    Reuter  -  41 words
  • 38 2 m UK A FREE PORT. The Char's declaiation about Talienwan, wired yesterday, must be corrected to read that Taliemvan will bo thrown open as a free port [not at present but when the -Siberian Railway is finished
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  • 324 2 troubles. I'enanf; is, and has heen for some time, likewise atllietcd, but the alllietioii is of a somewhat different character. (lOvernment is on the eve .if spending a million dollars to construct a fourteen uiilo railway line to Kranji on the other hand a number of I'enaug
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  • 257 2 Tilt business of Legislative Council lor ncil Tuesday includes the proposal that Oovamaoßl slull lend at I per tent. S4dO,l»iO to Singapore Municipality and ?i'>o,Ouo to l'cnang Municipality. Dm Council, of course, must consider whether there is now going to bo any P*n>nj Municipality sincx- the indefatigable Mr. J. V.
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  • 8 2 To-day's 4 in s bank rate is l',OJ.
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  • 13 2 Pbodick, exchange, and snare prices, and the mail list, are on page 4.
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  • 17 2 Messrs. Powell A' C> advertise a furniture sale at No 50 Oxley Rise, on the I'Oth inst.
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  • 18 2 At Hongkong on tl, Mth inst, there were two cases ol plague and two deaths from that disease.
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  • 16 2 The homeward mail by the (ierman steamer I'rin: llemrkh closes at H o'clock on Tuesday morning.
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  • 21 2 Tuk annual Hoyal Artillery stiorts take place at lilakan Mali on the tMh in~i;inr. and at bort Ciintiing on tho MU.
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  • 16 2 Tiik Diamond Jubilee Thcatricalt'oy., will play tomorrow night at their hall. North Bridge Road, "The China-Japan
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  • 23 2 To-day's produce quotations came too late for correction on the back page. Tin has dropped to watJO and small pe.-irl tapioca to Sti.OO.
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  • 23 2 The .Vfra.l. 1t:,.1,,r1, published to-day HXi columns. The nJw» of tile week fills 88 columns. The price is Jr. a ip,art;r post-free anywhere.
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  • 28 2 Tnis afternoon, a friendly naajH at Association Football will be played on the Ksplanade, l-etweena team repreienti»K the Kecreation Club and the Band and Drums ofthe King'sUwn Regiment.
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  • 33 2 A jiiort time ago, it was intimated that 11 M.S. Pttm/mi had received orders to proceed Home by the Cape of (iood Hope. Shanghai papers state that she will leave Wci-liai wei immediately.
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  • 39 2 A I«im lad died of small pox yesterday, at So 41 Bali Line He had been ill twelve days, and the case was not reported. Another ease wa- sent to the hospital from a house in Holloway Lena,
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  • 37 2 It is reported the tmwUUm Hay Coal Fields Cos expert, Mr. B. if. Phillips, has discovered a workable coal seam near Tawao, on the edge of Date* llornen, but in British North llorneo Territory.
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  • 41 2 Tn anniversary of the opening of the flalaniw .S'.ate Railway was celebrated on the 16th instant Mr Watkins, the Resident Kngineer, goes on leave on the 271 li instant, and his duties are to be undertaken by Mr. Fryer.
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  • 42 2 A mammtoamn says that the necessity for m ire space for the Fourth Magistrate's Court is Iweoming more and more apparent. This mornine, the place was so crowded that, OWN inside, there was no Retting out without a struggle.
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  • 34 2 CllAVi Yen-Mao, as-istant Directorfrntril if the f tilanas [mparial Northern Kiilways. -iine two month. IB) appoinfd Sir John Wolfe Harry, K.t'.ll, as eon-ultinn eni-ii.eer, and a civil now on ni* way out.
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  • 51 2 Tiik miumataen baa always been highly prized as a luscium fruit, but it has now ae.p.ired a mallletablc value for it-, skin, which is being eagerly sought for It is said to he of use in the maniltactun of polishes, and a number cul'lccrinT this re'fu«e" r "c.W. a
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  • 39 2 A jpecial meeting of the Municipal Commissioners will be held on M.ndav, at MS p m to consider the following agenda Considcraiion of reply to Colonial S.-eretarys letter re Town Hall Ordinance Amendment Dill and Supplemental Budget No.
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  • 57 2 A.\ Am. ii. an Company 1,.- he,-,, started al Manila for runnn'iKJinrikishas there. The ftasawis notes the importation of one thousand of these vehicles at that port on the Mli instant. They were amaetad to ply in the street's within a few days Jinrikisha pulling is quite
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  • 59 2 YK-mu.AV afternoon, at Mr. W. f. C. A-imoiil's sale room, N\>. Ji», Cpper Nankin Street was put up for sale and was kooekod down t-i Tin X.-v for &.7UO. About lour a-,-.- of leasehold land at the 7j milestone on the llukit Tiiuah Itoad, were also
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  • 50 2 Tin. Pekin Syndi ate i. hy no ineann asleep. An arrangement has heen made with Messrs. S. I'earson and Bone, tingreat railway oontfnetora, to undertake the whole work or the Syndicate in China, and they are to send out their •am nun and make the detailed surveys
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  • 68 2 .\N'»rnFit caeu ot piracy in inlainl ('.iiituii aattn is reported. A steam launch with a flHMgi boat in tow went bom Koolow to Canton. Shortly after she started a fftf of pirates, who had shipped U [HWMimil .in the BMMn boat, produoed rerolvao, and looted thu passengers'
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  • 118 2 I in., a fl.ainli.rt ..Cutler beinc a claim of *«»i for the loss of a horse oivini; t clifi.l driving was heard 1..1..1. Mi Jiutka Ilyii.linan-.lonc* in the M.preme Curt, this li.nnim; Mr Van,l forth., plain, till and Mr Stuart forth- defendant. AOC 'illll- tO
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  • 73 2 A Eruor-lAX named Cane, engineer on board tho «,i<uri<i, reported that the 17th instant, a watch and chain, a .'.dollar note, nnd suits of clothes were stolen from his cabin. It ,s supi>o.-cd that the thief entered the cabin by meant of a port-hole which was Kit
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  • 111 2 Two men OMtwl in a tub were puked up at sea, off i'enang, a few days ago, their rescuers that, three days before, they left Trang in a tongkang with a a cargo of pigs for I'enang The master w.i-. new to the passage, and the
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  • 102 2 A uame very largely played in China, the pigeon lottery, ban made its appearance in IV nang Kight Chine-.-have been prosecuted hy Inspector Morris forassistingincarryingon a public lottery, and against one „f them an additional charge of buying public lottery tickets When the arrest took place, several
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  • 125 2 Tiik Hongkong and \Vl,ai,i|ioa Do. k Company has published its report for the hull-year Boding on the Mth June last. The net prolit during that period reached MUff- These nix months have been the busiest in the annals of the Company which Insdocked a much larger
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  • 144 2 A Mia* by Lieutenant DUTaoB, Ipper liiirmah Volume.', Kill.-, appears in the Patted Senu-e fajtiMua, Stating that theellieieneyol the Indian Volunteer Koree as a whole at pre-ent does nut amount to a fair return for the expenditure of Qorannueol upon it. and thai the only way
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  • 157 2 As our readers have been already reminded the l'opular Dreheslral eoooart of the Philharmonic Society will I* r.-lieatcl nl tile T-iwn Hall tomorrow nkfct, for the henelit of the larps niimher of panooa who had backed beats for Tuesday in la-l week, hut were unable, owing to the
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  • 286 2 Kok gaiulilllu; in aoOUMa gaming houw, a Chinaman was. yesterday, ■Mi a hundred dollar*, or si, we, k, two others had to pay In doOuataeh, ur en to jail fur bullion .lays For rafuMf to p» ghany hire, l ir Nid 1.". i- v.n LMaraToi ra htoagbl upon
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  • 222 2 TIIK AtlfMN MEKTIN,, (%nlillihjißa io iv 5ir,,,,, Tm>i i£SB&2S£ yesterday, r:u „,g are a,,,,,,.^"" ..ale. an a 110,,,,,, o( Sg^g-J-I fiitt-i.-.l f.-r t I.- I r.rnii' h nt >n^% entered lor 10k-,- No Km ko Distance K. QL r -ntr»n,^ j,,^ liiwleu.o 10 Dalian SffitTS-.i 1 1
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  • 334 2 In tin 1 Bommm C mrt nrtwdH Man th.- I'liief j,i,i,.v. ii,,. UnSi bantta| ol Dm appeal ol lot Kirn I'ong to a.nle an arbitration award, made by 1 1. lam Boon Ken« and Ohau I Lain farkstiaton) baMaaa plaintiffaadCheancCbeoii Lauißaa, on the :<id April, INt, was
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  • 121 2 that there is a -lea.hlv in. -r. a>,n« barol la.l. amplojsd v hack (kinj »yees. hulloekeart'dniers and nki«lu pullers, and SUgg*SU m«» crimination should he eirr.-iM-l selection. With regard lo the syces tad pullers, he thinks the i le.i. «,ti, the Regiatrai ol theliackatj oarriue and iinriki«ha
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  • 53 2 I ,1,,, Curious prol l if foitilied |..Ms 111 I, should result iii annnalli lakhs ol rupee- I- tl.-.v eolisl trilmilitia corps undei Ia rding to th. ilocality, ia i eoliiliins andean. taiv t,.,-i -in I:,' I ;;r;;:.;,:v,,:;:, •t. :\r ;;:;;,;:;,:"i':; V quietude on the tnietnn-.. insl.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 436 2 NOTICES. XOHKL'S EXPLOSIVES COMPANY. LI). ULABOOW. Djnamite. Gelignite. Gd.itioe Dynamite, Blasting Gelatine, Detonators, Safety Fuses, *ao Elatric Blasting Apparatus. I a*a**a» fvtur*l OMBI llnt.nn, -trr mattr to |xim Ih, /.ij,/, ,t,,, u 1,,r,l „f jmn/» t'/t, imp,**! i,y He MU HBarVßMat, BBS* 'in, tl r,,jtrrt\ faBMBWaMI t,, h, t,f •«i»t
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    • 1193 2 NOTICES CHINA MUTUAL LIFK INSURANCE COY^Uft 111. nM So. 1 I. >'X, OS UOM), SH.IMiHAI. v WvlllK. Itaaaajar, lIK.TDK W BaJINOI Tri»»-lling 11-pr«entative MraSSRS, TAN KIM TIAN ft SONS, Liwi l»-n Th« Cuapaavf OaVn aaasaf term- and better bonuses than any other Company '"""A sprdsl p'lin't is wait of pr,>,n|.t
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    • 420 2 LATEST ADVEKTISKMEXTS. Foil >AI.E. Yir-HOLE Plate Camera, with V? and photographic sundries, all ouipU-te, al-i. a port-ilde dark room Apply to tlie 1.1 W. I. x Singipore Dispensary Ltd. I THE I.AIE SYDXEY R FLETCHER. LIEUTENANT, THE Kl.Nirs OWN REO MEXT. CLAIM-* aj:un-i i li- it- of the above
      420 words
    • 71 2 writtOC OB OfM atdf of Urn w*T Oolj. Ht th# B*.-:c-t ol tti»i ootMlibua, ttukuy it. S.B. *r» r«|«oiv>l ttoa that thr M>tuM,-iT wj loßr* tii« »,l,rrtin*nn'nt out ot Umj p«p«r in übw« m proM ol autUr, bat not oftsstwr Uurn lour <Uv« cttcfa month. THE STRAITS TIMES" HAS j
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  • 279 3 n roH I BOSF. TT,«,N. 1 Mr j ,»t ll>ii'lin»n Jones lha <nprviiie Court, lh« I „.,lk IlimUl, Hill iteiM [M ItlOO, lr"i" dJ""** l:) Boat IJuay, was mm that I ...,1 „1,^,-of li.'^mi'nVw" the 1 «li The M \'.,'r', CbjUhli"! I Om dcfi-n.lant. The Hicnamr—
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  • 157 3 George 11 s Willis, i srmyomcar.hai uraordiiiarychargesagainst y.ibtli nten I Victoria *i" Mid at a tinginEng- unable understand ItließniiiJiCiovemmantin issue of Lord Braasey'i I J II- ..intended that ii detrimental tin British 1 Ihs sect, and weak with the defences If a i il I 1
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  • 25 3 llimgnoni I iithelwhinSSt, fi'ieTie ■met in »lii h ..-in lined -"e^ds >. tiled ,1 n 11.- damage. 1 I y insurance, i.
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  • 981 3 ANNUAL RENEKAI. MEETING. I II- annual i.-rin iiif.iiiik' of memtxTs of the bpMi Volunteer Artillery was held at the Drill Hall last «v,,,inn M.,j,,r Murray pmhM. HHJ L-1.ur.1-.tpt l).ivi^,"i:"|it*B"iker*'Lieut.' I', n. k.1.. Hilton, Capt. tjmdbt, k (Adjutant), etc. THE COMMANDANT. Major Murray -,ti.| ho woi.:d
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  • 1038 3 AFFAIRS AT Sl'Ll'. I taamtt Bates and his battalion areatJolo, in the Sulu Island-, where peace and tranquillity prevail and where the sanitation is also fairly good. Tho political situation is likewise excellent The i>ulu islanders, who are inclined towards peace, have others, of a brother and the
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  • 1135 3 (1) CHINA. The treatise on China by Professor R. K. Douglas, is one of Mr. Fisher Unwins excellent series 'The Story of the Nations" and is a book that should be read by all residents in the Far East. The antiquity of China is so great, and the history
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  • 495 3 A ooMMMnarl writes as to the inadequacy of the Police Court interpreting sir. lf to cope with the work they have to do. There are, he n eight Chinese dialects spoken in the Courts, and there are eight Chinese interpreters to handle them There are always three,
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  • 78 3 Till load fr Eng..r to Salak in I'erak i» partly closed to foot traffic owing to the number of tigatl will, which it is infested. The brutes roam about, it is taid.likegoatsaildajoiirney lo Salak is only to be accomplished in nmaany and srmad. On the M
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  • 84 3 111- reported thai the Standard lil Company has imenced buying .1 w -IN ii, J ii. an 1 seven have already b, en purchased. The Company ha- been making strong efforts -in..- last year to buy the oil-lie). Is ill Niigala pr.lecture and '""■T'l'iV'shaiiJli,.! Kn^i'i-iini A l).ek
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  • 87 3 Yaanauv afternoon, two evaaaa wen to have been decided in tie Bowinl Club regatta -the linal of the "fours," and the am heal ..I the singla m nils At the time for starting, however, the wat.r in a choppy condition, and it wa- dvil.-l therefore to poatpona
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  • 90 3 TO Secrclaiv of Slate for the, Colonie.- ha- iiotilied that ll.r Majesty will disallowance with reaped to "Tha Lepers Ordinance, No. V of IBM M.-rs 1' .1 Bproulr, I. II Cuyton, It .1 Fairer, and W p. el. Cadets hi tha Btraita Settlements Civil Service, passed their linal
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  • 160 3 PI.AY IMBBH Mr*. ffiTadoall, on., i .i. i-»t Hn Dan OK.- 1.(1.1. I. M,- Colorldae. res. i, boat Una John. lun. r<v 1/..1, H-l (i-S. lts' DOI M Hlai Oaaa and Mi- I Sunn, owe ULt, beal Mm. lloun an I Mi- ('rail!, re. I. • 1.
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  • 105 3 Mn .1 J Ma It.-an.m.viaginidirector of llowanli, Kiskme Limited, leaves by tlio French mail to-morrow at dawn for Barapa, H" b Seeking advice on one of his eyes »:,i,h bus been seriously ■shaM for some time pM the X !IU.. 'rri!u'"il"i"'ri '.Tn'Tuesday are the Colonial Suigeon and Mrs
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 149 3 PRIME AMERICAN SALT BEEF. ■M rents per Mi Xl AI.ISTKK A 00. A n ii.. Xv Bow, Winui n Hrn Huan the <2i kbx. DEWAR'S Perth Whisky. (50 Gold Prizo Mod.iU > BOLD KVI'.IiYWIIEKK. JOHN DEWAB SONS, 1.1 H ill. l>. POWKLL t Co., 8» won 4| Y. SHIBUYA. Has
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    • 506 3 NOTICES. OIK 111i.111.Y HEFINEI) HUME COCONUT OIL, sMMtM, doiirless, and lice li em nrldi, and asßßsah for all ulinary parpeaea in now obtainahlo from HCALMTKB ft 00 MOON Ki:.\T 00. A XX LOCK CO Yoxti LCR BBRG A Ott TIIK IMNIAMi (HI. MILLS ii c. lit, Ravvhsi /.'..irf. G. OTOMUNE
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    • 762 3 KOK SAI.K: K.MI'I.OYMENT to i.XT. and nanoxAiA 1 In Tins. Meeatl a Haai Ind and SrH Main. 10 cents a lm- llh to r.ih t,m.-«. eeats a Hae; 7th to ihii, timm. s e«nu s In,-; afterwanli. 1' n-nl- s line; but cc charge lets thnn on- .lolWr. Thu». a
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 296 3 AKUvNIiKMKNTS FhaMT, ISni Afolirr. High Water IM9M I C. C. Cricket. S. V. A. lijiiinasinm This.. Ii Faafbaß, Esplanade K It 0. ml Band, I. a I! M. M. homeward mail It |i.m. SamaOaT, I9th AcoisT. High Water Vl4 a.m. M 6 p r.i Curio. s a ie. II A
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  • 472 4 snasroat, lern Arotsr. lM» IMIODUCK. (Ilil'f art rornelM to iambier buyer* I 8.70. Copra Ball a- 1"--do Pontianak 6«0Tepper, Black. 2700 Jo White.(n> <'5O ■(ago Flour Sarawak SIO do Brunei No. 1 S37J P-.arlgago «-00 CoHeeTßali, IBX basis 16.12J OoSee Palembaug, 15X basis 18.00 0o«ee, Liberian, So. 1 1580
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  • 61 4 TO- M (THROW. I'eiMQg a ii- IS i iV-iiitiK Rosa, IMi Sumntrn, Kaiifcoon it'oalfyara, Ifcuigkok JVAmm, kUiijt via porU S.tppho, rn it.itu: vin ]>orti (httivt Ann, Souraltnyn via ports AhIbw, Sy.Jney via ports Onua, Fluropc v i;i iHjrts MwM, MamlA Mmm£, 1 p.m. 2 p.m. p m. S
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  • 104 4 From Kt'iori :-By the M. M. a I mint due on the 20th August with dates to the I'Mli July. She bangs replies to the mails which left Singapore on the 27th and -Huh June. 1 -1...M Onau— By Ihe German s. s. Trflirfll. due on Monday.
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  • 383 4 AMUVAU. IV. M. M. s. s. /.1 5,,,,,, n-om j-aina-rang- Mr. Th. Hiihinever. From BalaviaMr. Toledan... Ur. an.l Mr.. WlaaarooM Messrs. H. Suermondl, 11. Suermoiull F Haitogh, 11. Will., t. Miss I. Hau-tein Madame >ueiinon It. .11. I Mr. A. f. Ihuells! I. I. Samp. ,.n. 1' Kiatl-.
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    • 144 4 Cn.ler this heading the following abbrevia ■o:i« are UMil sir —steamer sh.— .hip .0 -Uiniua seh —schooner: Yet.- Yacht Cru.— Cruiser Übl.— Uunl»)al Tor I'orpedo H p Horsep.iwer Brit.— British; U. ((.—United; FrFrench (»er.— Herman Dut— Dutch lon.— Johora *c.. 0. e..— O«nerai ■argo dp— deck
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    • 938 4 AaaiTiLi sikii Noon or 1 i.-crißDiv. H,11m,,,H<.n. Brii. »tr. l.Jlfl ton". Captain I'eters. i;th Ao«. From I'rob dingo, 13lh Auk Sugar. W. Mansfield and Co. For Hongkong. l<lli 81. (llrnlnllm-\. Brit. str. 1.454 tons, Captain Peters', 18th Aug. From Aniny. Sth Aug. O c Wee Bin and
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    • 539 4 Sam*, port, probabb da t < amr. MTIIKIK. Argyll, Hongkong. Sept h luMas Alesia, H'kong. to leave Aug V, H M Andalusia. Hamburg. Sept :,i H SI Annam. Marseilles, (i,t [7 M M Antenor, China, Aug 23 Mtnsnrld. Australind, Fremanlle. Auj n BoujMi,! rg, Hamburg. o«t l»
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    • 116 4 rABDKD HUHDA KTKAITH UK AKKIVKh K)K OHUKK" FLACI llAIt Due. m suns Run. Cuuu. human Dun* KIG. OAIUTC BU Auk 7 Uul Hap-lm- July IWllllll ***** l BmK 7 But Albucrm rin— ln .\pl 1.1 Kotmnimn Iliuvia 70»r •.Ncr.-ule Win.llior.t May 131'ar.lill Sngiukt 9 Am »M. l.laituno >.nnl
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    • 87 4 5 V nuu'i N<*< i" TtXf. OIRUI F»o« sum tug 17 Tilan Hut Mr. IH2I I*. [lucr 17 Sultan Brit «lr. 102 Ht'ii.lry 17 dmiiß Ann »ir Ma Foll.-ll 17 Kuliy Mr. I 4» IMUn 17 Mlwophi itr. Mil Fa on It MM »tr. WO Uatfory 18 Rupadon
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    • 77 4 >u» VIWMI/il RIB! i- 1.11: .11: Cmii) Aug 17 Sui Sang I* b. I IS l'ak.n It Itau Whsit Soon ik Mmlm 18 Bu What! ll;n I" liuitan Buhl i- Mali II .NunilHTß I- nun j»_ Ophir Brit str. Tadd »tr. I.yon« HoOfkODI Mr. Klmiii: I' «tr. K..»»0 B
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 255 4 NOTICKS. JKAMANGA of Japan TOILET WATER fer n.- d'lirolt pfrtnme rrnl (Ik Ming of eomfert and IMMbi MM it BSBrti lo Ihe skin KANANGA EXTRACT aum m 1- 1 i-miii t 11 ti t HAMiMniiiirr RIGAUD&C". 8. rue Vivienne. PARIS JAMBS WATSON SCOTCH WHISKIES AUK THK BKST VAMK IN
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    • 562 4 S. WYiSK 4 00. llrra,! an,l l,i,.uit 1,,,k, r and con/tclionrr. wish to nii.inihc that they have o|>cncd I&5, lIMHAKI) KOAB, where bread baked after the English method i.nd all kinds of biscuits and confectionery will be obtainable. Braucrcs in Kariou, Bombay. Sici sBBBaaaD, roan, Jlauhax, litßTTi, and WVSK t.
      562 words
    • 639 4 NOTICES. MLvSsifii. U. II IAm.EKT CO. ndVma ad.led consiilerahly to theit already large collect km of SIXtiAPOII VIEWS AND TYI'KS, are now offering them for wle with NKW JAPANKSK AND OTIIKIt AI.IK'MS Also, Views of I". <>,L-k..k. Native Stale*, etc A larce collection of NKW PHOTOCRAVI'RKK. from M, -rs Marion
      639 words
    • 982 4 NOTICES. gOrSIPOU SI'ORTI.NO CLCB. Programme for the Autumn Race ileeting, 1899. OCTOBER 24th, 291k, and 28/ a. FIRST DAY. Tuaday, 241/. October. run k.i-i. THE MAIDEN TLATE—VaIue (350 A Race for Maiden Horses-Weight as per scale (lost.). An allowance of 211 b. to horses entered for the Intermediate Races only.
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    • 641 4 NOTICKS. THE STKAITS TIMBB AND THE STRAITS BUDGET DAILY AND WEEKLY tSTABLISHED 1831. 7Vl» r *<>«». TO. T,l4 t ra,H, HJr,U:-~T,m^, knugn- The Straits Times has •the largest circulation of any newspaper in Asia, British India excepted. It circulates in Singapore and Penang, throughout all the Protected States of the
      641 words