The Straits Times, 23 July 1899

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 12 1 The Straits Times. ESTABLISHED: 1831. SINGArORE, FRIDAY. JULY 28. 1899. No. 19.81H).
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 696 1 ■olH*o COMPAHT, LIHITID Th. u.J««unu!r», Company. W'^vrrrTL.. A««.t.. cr^MSmi' COMPANIES. FOfnca, CoixTia Quit. C Wmaria,NlwH»aioo». tTKAM NAVIGATION MPA^; o c ""ii';J,,...»s(iii.i"'.'"»- M 1 B,,»l.l«I. i< V«J.^I ;o PLTMOt.TB. T ,vr Ho Tiis iED Aug IS I Parramatla Aug M 5T£ Aub iT Chum «ept. Bepl 10 Be»,;«J Sept. 31 iMaalH
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    • 1276 1 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES, J^ONINKLIJKE PAKETVAABT MAATBCHAPPIJ Under contract with tbe Netherlands India Government. A«tmU al atayapors: Hmr Aopct. lati J. Diiidiui Co., CoUT*a QnaT. Bteamer From Eipected WUI be Despatched for On U. <<. Jacob Sourabaya July 91. Sourahaya, Macaaur, Amboina, Bauda, Menido, Oorontalo Ctrnate and Maluccaa. July 90. Deli. July
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    • 665 1 INSURANCES. r PHE LONDON AND LANCASHIRE 1 FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. Capital CJ.r.'l.KO Paid up Capital 513.7 M Bsssrv. Fund 973.i40 rhs undersigned, AgenU for the Com pan,, an prepared to accept firs risks at current rates of premium. BOUSTEAI) Co. TUC CBIKA TRaDUS INSURANCE COMPAMT, LIMITED CaßttalSabaeriaed H.uni.m, Amount Paid
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    • 688 1 LNBURAXCEB. TRAHSAILANTIC FILE INSURANCE CO.. OF HAHBUBO. NORTH GERMAN FIRE INSURANCE CO, HAIIBUHU. HAHBUBO— BREMEN FIXE INSURANCE CO., HAMBUftQ. r pHE andersl(ned, A(enU of tls> above I companies, are prepared to a»- :ept flr* ritks at current rate*. rUTTFARCKEN t Co. SOUTH BR[TISII FIRE AND MARINE Insurance Company. FIRE Insurance
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    • 427 1 NOTICES. PETER SYS S WONDERFUL SPECIFIC. rpHE only remedy at present known as an INFALLIBLE and PERMANENT CI'RF. I>\ wnh n Hi irrhira. Sprue, llrmorrhacr and lln-ration ot the ItowrU. Hi.nclr(Hl»"f .SprH> anil LaMin-- (.'urrx. Recommended l,y some of the chief Specialists in the Medical I'rofession. dold, retail by all
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    • 258 1 CRITEBION HOTKL. Hill Street W'KII. ventilated nn,l commoriiou. »T room Hoard and lodging by tb. A'magiiiti.ent l,ill ard table. Drinks of the best quality. Terms Moderate. Mioj HSII.BKUMAN. V* Proprietrix. ~tT-sari. i'Asoi:it(n:.vN.iA\.\. Dl'Tl II KAST-INIIIKS. 1.7,-r .t/.rr,» to° f. Very dry and cool mountain 1m,:.;,--e-|Hviallv suital'ie lor the ,".in> ol
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    • 905 1 IH IT RKiH T For ik Ei'iTOK ro Hk „>>i>n rinn ■r— f— From Sylvan Valley News, Brevtrd, N. C It may be a .lueallon whether th* aditer ol a neivspa|>'r has the right to public!*' rccutuiiK-titl any of the rariou. proprietary medicines which flootl the market, yet a preventive
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  • 33 2 biuunm: 1831. PRICK 16 CENTS. StniU Timer S3o«i year, er, pottjni, *14. Slraitt Uudgtt *I 8 a year, or, p.,,1 fret, 120. Aircrlinng Half ,nay I- found on the fourth pagr.
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  • 43 2 REUTER'S TELEGRAMS tMI TRANSVAAL KISIS. ARBITItATION INADMISSIBLE. Lontlon, ■JHIIi Juhj. I/>rd Salisbury ha. declined to receive a deputation from the Peace Association which intended to urge him to have recourse to arbitration in settling the dispute with the Transvaal Government.
    Reuter  -  43 words
  • 166 2 rKOBABLE SETTLEMENT. It is believed at Washington that a settlement of the Alaska boundary dispute may, probably, be reached by Canada accepting the lease for an indefinite period of a seaport there, on condition that the United States retain sovereignty over the port Thi: vexed question of the
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  • 162 2 It is telegraphed that the Premier has refused to receive a Peace Society deputation that desire, to urge that there .hall be arbitration between Britain an., the Transvaal. The refusal will be generally approved. It is with a sovereign Power, but it is not pos-iMc to arbitrate with a subordinate
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  • 8 2 To-day s 4m. bank rate Hands at 2,0,.
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  • 14 2 H M. S. (i,.//.i/i play the S. C C. at Rugby football thi. afternoon.
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  • 14 2 Imk Hon J M. B. Vermont left for j Penang, this morning, by mail
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  • 11 2 1 Messhs. Robinson Co advertise a new atock of cricket requisite.
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  • 13 2 Piodite, exchange, and share prices, and the mail list, are on page 4.
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  • 12 2 To-iiav at I p.m the Straits Association meets in the Exchange Rooms
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  • 22 2 The P .V O. with the mail, left Penang, at 10 a.m. today, and is due here at A p.m. to-morrow.
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  • 17 2 ttmmt. Hehr Co, advertise themselves a. agents for tho "The State Fire Insurance Company, Limited," of Liverpool
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  • 25 2 Mescks Powell Co advertise a sale of land and house, on Wednesday next and also a furniture sale at t'laroland, Tanglin, on the M prox
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  • 24 2 Thi monthly sewing meeting ot th< Church Work Association, will be held at the Raffles Girl.' School on, Ml August, at 4 p.m
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  • 23 2 A MOVKMESI is on foot in Shangr-ai to establish a company, entirely unt'er foreign management, to supply residents with the best meat available
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  • 29 2 Lilt tenant F. S. B Johnson Ist Bn. Royal I .an. a*i er Regiment, is appointed i',ttii-oii, Singapore, vis. Lieutenant B. Molony who ha. gone home on leave.
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  • 33 2 The lilteenth l.ucullus dinner i. advertised tv be given at the Chalet, Orchard Koad, on the sth prox Two French cook, from the 11 t, 1 Cecil in London have now been engaged
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  • 32 2 A „KM.BAt. meeting of the Chinese Chi istiau Association, will Ie held at lbs Prinsep Street Chapel to-night, liu.iiiess To elect ollicers and to lix tie die for the 10th anniversary meeting
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  • 43 2 A Lascar of the Onpmt* while trying to relieve a block of the chain connected 1 with the winch lost three finger, on t Tuesday He is now in hospital. The I steamer was working cargo at Tanjong t Pagar wharf.
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  • 43 2 Tut. morning, a number of pine-apple vendor, were before the Magistrate, on the charge of depositing rubbish on the < road.. The point again.t them was that < after pariug the fruit they left the ■kin. on the road They were lined nominally.
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  • 46 2 Thu morning, a hundred and twelve Klinga were summoned by Inspector I Watcham for assisting in managing a >jccret Society on or about the »ih ultimo also for being member, of a Secret society. The hearing of the case was postponed till next Friday
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  • 57 2 At Hongkong on the 21st instant, there wero six cases of plague md six deaths. The total numbtr of case, to that date was UfU and the number of uealh. 1,216. More than 95 out of every hundred attacked have died, according to these figure. On the 2 Jn.i
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  • 78 2 Tn-MoMiow night, in the Town Hall,'l.iiii. the "Troubadour," who started on a tour round the world in I »:t from Paris, without money, will .a 1 a lecture on his experiences. The entertainment consi.t. of an address and a n.usical performance Since the started, this is
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  • 69 2 Yestekdav, Mr. It 11. Young, senior surveyor, Land Department, summoned hi. Chinese boy for leavinghisservice without giving the usual fourteen days' notice Ihe complainant showed that he had always treated hi. boy with consideration, and that there wa. no reaaon why he should leave The .is. thought
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  • 60 2 The Legislative Council meet, on Tuesday next The busines. includes the tii-t reading of a new measure entitled the Explosives Ordinance Amendment Bill. The following Bills will be considered in committee I'erak Railway Bill, Women and Uirla' Protection Ordinance Amendment Bill, Pilgrim Ships (Charges at Aden) Bill, Bill,
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  • 123 2 Ohut result, are expected from a new i_'m gun which Armstrong and Company have made If it goe. through it. trials at Portsmouth succetslully, it will gradually supersede tha the present Il'iii weapon in the barbettes of battleships, provided, of coune, that it is more powerful It
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  • 117 2 O.v the 14th instant, A. Frankel obtained in the Court of Requests a judgment against A 1). Bodestyne for iweiiiy-sevcn dollar. In the hearing of some of the court official., A. Frankel it i. alleged entered into an oral agreement to accept the .urn awarded by instalments
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  • 112 2 Mi n interest wa. taken at the l-'i-t annivtrsary festival of the Royal Masonic Institution lor Boys, held tecently at tho Dome, Brighton, in a ■tatement by Miria Khan, Secretary of Statefor Afghanistan Hementionedthat the Ameer had appealed to his officer. ol State to say whether there was
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  • 240 2 Amomh ago, Mr. W. Adams, living at the fourth mile, Bukit Timah Koad, ud an information against Mahnee, ii. Burmese mistress, a Burmese woman named Mahsit, and a Burinan called M.u.tiiTi He charged Mahnee with the theft of money, jewellery, ,urniture, and poultry to the value of
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  • 82 2 Soon after ten o'clock this morning. I MS. Endvmutn arrived from home o relieve the UrtfU-n on the China he Brst claw of, 7&0 tons aod 10,000 i i ndicated horse- power natural draught, I md is the (Jru/Umi .islership The SWymiou is commanded by Captain i. 5. D
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  • 121 2 Pkkth, We«tern Australia, i. going to Follow the example, of various Californian Town.— ban Francisco anil Lot Angeles for instance in the matter uf beautifying the .tre.its. The proposal is llial Lisbon lemon tree, be planted in certain streets. Under thr proposed sy.leni the city
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  • 125 2 The other day, reporter visited several of the shops at Manila when bread is made for residents and ,|imt likely for the army as well Tuese -hop-. or rat her hovel". -ty led "All.. ll' .11 Bakeries/conducted entirely byChinese, are in a deplorable condition Tin Chinese workmen,
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  • 172 2 Sin (iuilford Molesworth'. re|Kirt upon the Uganda Railway i-sahsf.ictory The rate of construction ho considers creditable to the chief engineer and his otlicers. The turvey and setting out were so thorough and careful that the line i. a wonderfully easy one, in view of the broken
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  • 165 2 Tilt export of arms and ammunition from the Colony to Netherlands India is forbidden lor a further i I of six month, from the 15th August next. Mr. II J. Riccard ha. been appointed acting Inspector-General of I'olice, Strait. Settlements with effect from the --ti; instant The Dutch
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  • 193 2 Evolvkii, built, and decorated by him»ell, a work upon which Mr Mortimer". has been engaged for some years, and of which the final touches are only just completed, the wonderful and beautiful houte that he has created in Cailogangardeu. Hands unique. Deairing to introduce an entirely
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  • 211 2 1 tlie ija.ens Bench Division, on June r-th. before Mr. Justice Bigham, the HydorabadlDeccaiOCompany, Liraite.l r. Willoiißhby was an action brought by the planlifts to recover, under a policy of insurance issued by the underwriter, at Lloyd's, .Vl4/, the value of a barof gold which
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  • 103 2 Ihb football niatdi t~ Raffle. Victoriou, b U» lUflle.ian. Club 27 xni tb. own played last Saturd, v h"i to >»* f owing to the Rw y ££Z«<Z I havmg matched. Thi, |J.^f* lUlllcsian. winner. o f thrj^." 1 in the firat .ound of th« i,
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  • 85 2 BLS! t£SS3 of Malacca .Unwell t^',^ are two sides to the f. m i turn out in the morn.n B 'l,','.*,u°?,"^ the^ven a, ha1,,,., 8 a cup of cc^-oa and some hnj |J '''rrai^u'"r, a r r: r' l i lr iii tn »Tii i.ii ,|u,irier>,
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  • 183 2 I Hi Bran lvi Tlt« Singapore llowinc CM mtm ■ a regatta, to begin on )Ui, August Hth I|, la the nremt il, entries have been Uw bM the 'lublw had for years In the RMck the entne. are (1) K KiaS (Stroke), I! N Bland. C
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  • 207 2 Naan, Kat/Hros f.mud on opmior. t heir gndown tAt .1 m this niorniaf t hit KMniHtida, in. I'ulinu'luu K .■utters, amtei eicu bourn, coll ju.ird.. ud Mlk 1...ii. !..i.l hrni Mola ■luring the night. Ilio valitf t.f th< musing |.ro|. rty is not vet Lno«n. A ■fa
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  • 118 2 •Viator writes M follow! in Okimm fifth by those wboM ...trrr-t- h«« tin. Hanks half-yearly re|*r« art ■todMwhli r int. r." IbJ* our lIIIMIim bWWW >ub to audit, the proals for gjj* year endins shares about Sl.^.--.-."" 'f «I,UU(>,UOO-\Vrittfn «n" But r» forward.' W 14,000 Total rrofiu
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 466 2 NOTICES. NOBEL'S EXPLOSIVES COMPANY, U). ULAtiGOW. Manufacturer, 01 Dynamite. Gelignite, Gohtine Dynamite, Blaft"g Gelatine. Detonators, aU. lUH or Safety Fuses, Ucctric Lfeuiif! Apparatus. Tlie imm IfUs. (Vino a ll manu fmtmwi m Qmt nm.,,,, „r made to pau Hit /,,jA ,t, lm tard of mfeltt and jmnfy t-,t, impotnt l.y
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    • 1548 2 HUTICjP. CHINA MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COY, LTD. lIIII' imiri No. 11, Os>TM Ko>n, siits.. un. I*. A. WAIIIK. Msnager. HECTOR W SAMPSON. Travelling RepresenUtiT I MKSSItS. TAX KIM TIA.V SONS. I^-al Awnt.. The Company offer, easier term, and better bonuses than any other Company doing business in the East. A
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    • 437 2 L-VI'KsT ADVhHTISKMKXTS. THE BTATK FIKr. L\->tKAACE OOMPANV;_LIMrrED. UCAIi offiie«: iivrm.v'ii THE undersigned hnTiog been appointed Agenta for Ihe alKjve Company, an prepared to accept ruts at current rates. 27/8 BEHB t Co. BRITISH INDIA BTEAH NAVIGATION COMPANY, LIMITED. FOR SEW ZEALAND PORTS DIRECT. THE <V» ateamer VMTA. J,4»l tona. Capt
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    • 81 2 M. tj. a. 1MMM< for IM *tr.txu T*mm mill 14 1 ■III*— at tk» ptp«r «*!r. Hj tb» M(l«ol ol Uul ooadilioo. au; 11 8.8. u< m^iud ttoa Iku Lh. tup as; Ion tU r I ot W tW pwar m w ol pcoa of MM, bit ao< oHmm
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  • 699 3 VKF-UR* "N THE Ham Vtiin/i Timti reach toth< V"'\a a which date, the niiliUrj 10:h instaov" onfinl .j kirlll i,| lin The insurgent, in th, r i i,, ..resent a favorable opporn tiring on the line of cording to the be-t no movement against the will be made
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  • 1104 3 PIRACY OS THR WEBT RIVER. Piracy is common on the West River of Canton province. Formerly the plan adopted by the pirates was fora portion of the gang to take passage by the vessel it was intended to rob,and, upon reaching a point previously agreed upon,
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  • 1175 3 The state of feeling In Belgium may be gathered from a recent incident. A gendarme happened to fall from his horse, and immediately there were loud cheers and cries of Vive la rUpublique." If a policeman fell from his hone in London some nconle would laugh, and others
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  • 1235 3 "THE ANGLO-SAXON REVIEW." LORD ROSKBKRKYS ARTICLE The Aitjlc-Siumn ifarietr, a quarterly miscellany, edited by Lady Randolph Churchill, it without question the most sumptuous thing of its kind ever presented to the public. The binding is a thing of beauty, the paper and printing are admirable, and the letterpress and illustrations
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  • 1065 3 Mr. John Lewes, the proprietor of Byron's birthplace at 24, Holies-street, is about to affix to the exterior a memorial tablet in the form of a baarelief in memory of the poet. Professor William James, of Harvard the brother of the novelist, had been appointed Giflbrd Lecturer at
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 206 3 KINNKY BltOS. FAMOUS CIGAKE'ntS. Stnißht Cut 75 cents .Sweet Caporal .50 per tin of fifty Obtainable from v.c. M<AI.I.«TEU Co McALISTER COHAVK received per steamer IMriut tmtamm: 15,776 lbs. wood wa (o\v BRAKIs AISTUAI.I \N miTKK. 65 cents per 1 lb tin •1.25 8 Obtainable from retail dealers or M.AI.ISTER
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    • 957 3 j NOTICES. CINOATORE Si'ORTISO CLIR Programme for the Autumn Race Meeting, 1899. OCTOUKN Uth, 267n, ant 2-f-. ran day. 7'it'«i.iv. Otlohtr Kiarr Rack. THE MAIDKN riJVTE.-Vabis |i'O. A It., c for Maiden Horses-Weight as per scale (lust.). An allowance of ailb. to horses entered for the Intermediate only. An
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    • 1066 3 FOR SALE; EMPLOYMENT TO LET; AX PKKSON'ALS (Ist Tina, IA cents a line; 2nd and V times, 10 cents a line 4lh to nth tinea, r. cents a line; 7th lo 18th t'mes, 3 cents a line, afterwards, cento a lnie bit I ao .barge less than one dollar. Thus,
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 324 3 ARRANUBMBNTH KaiDAr, 2»th Jblv High Water. 158 p.m. Cricket. 8. C C. r. 8. V. A. s C. C. Football. s sß Exchange. I S. V. A. Gymnasium class. 6IS Tanplm Club. Cigarette Concert Oxford and Cambridge Dinner. Satckday, 2t>TB Jvly High Water 213 am 23S p.m. Moon. Last
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  • 461 4 BlMiruU, 28TH JULT, lIM I'RoUtrcE. (Rat- art rovr-i-tid to mm I nrobier buynn M.'j Copra Ball, Mm do Pontianak ,t« ivuper. 81ack.. .buy r. „96 IS. jo WhiM.(B?.| 4050 T Flour Sarawak .100 Brunei No. 1 2.37) r-arlSago „4i.i OoSee, Bali, 16% basin 17.2J1. JoSee Palembaug, It X bails
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  • 72 4 For I'rr .It. Tim,. To-Moa»ovf. IVnniii: 4 Rangoon Onipenta, 11a.m. IMt Sumatra, 2 p lu <VKon Turn. S p.m LAltuan vie ports Aam Yonti, Spm Jolie via ports Bnn Liong, A p.m llv.iik.ik AVrfaA, Spm. KlaiiH via ports S'ippHo, 4 pm. Uliviap.,rU /I,,,.... Ipm 1 nunr via porta
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  • 110 4 Fbom KiKiii-n By the P. 40. a. s. CX—an. due on the loin instant with dates to the 7th July. Hhe brings replies to the mails which left Singapore on the 9th Fsoat Chixi:-I!t the M. M. ML fa*, rfonirn, due on the 4th August. June 1'
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  • 360 4 ARRIVALS. Per a. s. I. 1 from Penanit— Cant M Giesche, and Mr. J J. Albertt.. Per I. 4 O. n. s. UiUaaral from Mini. liai— Mr. and Mm. U .-.irui. and Kit D». From Hongkong— Messrs. A. Ellis, F Jones, ami C. J. Demee. sMMM Per P.
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    • 236 4 Under this headin«the following abbrevia uona are used atr —steamer ah.— ship I <|. -i>-iri|ue i teh —schooner; Yet —Yacht Cru.— Cruiaer Uhl.— (tunrxat Tor Torpedo; H. p. —Horse-power Brit Brinah U. 8.-Umu»l State.; Ki-.-French Oer— tierman Dut.— Dutch: Job. Johore 4c.. Q. c. General argo d.p.
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    • 890 4 ARSITILJ HIIICI NOOII OP Yf<TIBPAY. Beiuli. Brit. «tr. 2,»7 ton., ("apt Bam bidge. 27th July. Fro it Penang. -*<t!i July Oil. Huttenbacli Bro.. For Bourabaya, U Ballaaral. P. 4 O. .tr. j,w» tons, Capuia l-.-il.l. 27th July. Fro-n nli.innhai. I -l h July. O.c. P. 40. Coy.
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    • 474 4 tfa«w, port, prooa/ib 4* <./ amta. HtUXLIuAloti*. H'kaaK. to Imtc Aa| HI B II AjKhiaes, L'pool, Auk MsiwlislJ. Andalusia. Hamburg. fcp| 10 B. M. Austria, HinißkoiiK, to lulv V IlamlKTi:. Hamburg. u> lr B >l It.'iyrrri. HamU.r,;, n til II S|«, w Bengal, C'olumbo, Au« II i fin
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    • 81 4 i ftHAIUm T fej CAn«» rwii HUM i_ Rlu. 17 Ki.n Ann lulKobcu,, Djan.l..- N? JJJSSWJt (7 Conn But .tr.l (UlWilkoM liiuvia July g£**K» :7 Sulun Brit ,tr. 102 Hendr, M»l.oc» July I Jo" »tr' !W7 Davidson IN>o»n B July L' V Jj .»»kl»* .■7 P».roclu. rtr. SS4»
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    • 50 4 UITE. VtHlL'l N»> Fuulßn Cimil l)ini>"'« >ly 3» Avals W C»lyp.o M Xulun Ki»a -'8 Rvtiivwr 38 Caen Yin Oulhiyrn ■M KtlM'Mi Brit itr I^ngnorlb\ Mr. i Lowry Mr, HiMi.frt Mr. hopar.l l)iit str Wilkcn sir. Choral Mr. Ultra 1.1 Uor ilr KlnfkiD Sh»l'R!i» Mu^ iporW llntVH i ri»port«
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 206 4 NOTICES. JKfINRNGfI Japan TOILET WATER Appreciated for lit drlicate pertune and Ibe Ming of eomiort and Ires.'mess vnicb II imparts lo tbe skin Kananga Extract RIGAUD.":C", 8. urn Vivienne. PARIS JAMES WATSON &H[XyS~ scoTcn wnisKiES ARE THE BEST VALUE IN THE MARKET: IT.Ati HUAND. 10 YKAKS OLD. •12 00pe»c««, dottkxtha.
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    • 114 4 •HOTEL UHIKKTK." MANILA. 'pilK imiihoan- informpd tliat this hno 1 ami commmllous Hntol in t-ntirel) under English man-igpment. anil now on a par with the l*>st manascd m^nla ami onnvoniencos hav^ l»eon addo.l lo 111* building, lucluding Kk'ctr.o Lik-nt throughout. Thf |.rvnii.,-5 arc srtfviallv conslrmtfd for th« tropir*. and overy
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    • 631 4 NoTK-iS. JAPANESE BJ;ST CUEPE SHIRTS. WHITE AND STRIr U SIZES FROM 14 j TO 1 G. OTOMUNE CO. S. WYbB CO. Bread and bitfuitbaktrt. andconftetionen wish to in." that they have opened and will carry on business at 166, ORCHARD ROAD, where bread baked after the English method and all
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    • 523 4 KOTICES. r i>r should read tbe HISTORY OF RAUB nod of hovr tbe price of the tharot fell from nbout m suvureigo to a shilling, and 60 CENTS TO 990. A complete story of tbe company, from its inception up to tbe period when it entered the stage of assured
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    • 658 4 NOTICES. THE STRAITS TIMES AND THE STRAITS BUDGET DAILY AND WEEKLY tSTABLIsHEO 1831. Ttltf kant. .V«. 70. TtltnrKc Addrt* -"T,um. Suunii.- The Straits Times has the largest circulation of any newspaper in Asia, British India excepted. It circulates in Singapore and Penang, throughout all the Protected States of the Malay
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