The Straits Times, 28 January 1899

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times ESTABLISHED: 1831. SINGAPORE SATURDAY. JANUARY 28. 1«W». No. 19.7 Hi.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 882 1 yiHI BOBNBO COMPAHT, LIMITED 1-lIK Staadanl Is* A»«raaoa. Norwich Caioo Fi~ lsmumaos BodstJ Itlaa Aaaßraaoe luj^nv (Fira). ih* K.,uital>le l.if« A auranos Soci^y. 1 1 lloaaa Msnlie aarano. Co-paaj. Ilia h.a. Mutual ritaam Navigatifto Conpaoy. 1 ha Tottaathaai Lagn rtaer Coaipany 1 b. Maritiava laauraooa Compaaj, Lisitsd. Pss parbrtdan of
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    • 820 1 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. I^oNINKI.IJKE PAKETVAART 11.t.l ISCHAITI.I I'ii.ter ultra, t with the Netherlands India Uovernmt V Atinli al Matftyars: Sim- Agekcy, i «ts J. Haem.sli. 4 Co., 3-S, Colltee QoiT. Steamer From Eipecled Will be I>espatched for On llata.ia.. .Lan Jil. llala. i» Clienlnn.Samaiang. Souraliaya. Jan. 2H. .11. r. Padang. tl.
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    • 273 1 N. iKli HI. I 1 II K K I l.v V II BREMEN. fhe fast and well-known steamers of thia line will leave Singapore on or about the undermentioned datee: to arrive at Kinirapore to arrive at Singapore Fob China. Foe EnEorE. law. I8k». No. «t» Feb. J /Vruaam Feb.
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    • 704 1 INSURANCES.-" 'PHE HINIHIN AMI I IM t-mu. 1 FIRE INSIRANCE OOMPANY. Capital ■■■MM Paid up Capital SU,7N> Reserve Fund "7(t,3J4Vj The uii.ler-ik'iien. A K ent. 'or to* Com pany, are prepared to ai-cept tire rfsta at Pr 'm'll'»TEAD A Co. rK CHINA Tit 1111 ISSI KIN, I COMPANY. ■.111.,, r.;
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    • 424 1 INSI'KANTES. TEUISATLAHTIC PIKE INSIRANCE cv.. of iiimi NORTH IiFKMAN FIRE INnIRAMCF I'll. MAMIURti II \Ml:l 'liii hKKMKN FIRE INSURANCE CO. HAMBI'KU. rpHT: underaigned. Airents of the ahove 1 companies, are prepared to accept tire ri'TTFVRCKEN A Co. SOUTH BRITISH KIKK ANII MARINK iTisuiancc Company. HEE laaaraaaa aJatta) on aaatj aaaMAKl^f'l!
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    • 635 1 NOTICES. Manly purity and beauty arc inseparably associated with Cuticura, the world's greatest blood purifier and skin beautitier. ROBINSON CO. MTSI.TIO SfriNrtO USHKRNKAIII VIF.W lIFSAI.IH.F. SI lIF VI K« UK s VHIH.K THE ESMOND BADDLK Is ii Ni.iv Hi ia t -in t „,i-lr.i,ti,,ii „l 1,,,y,1e seal.-, an.l i. lha
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    • 633 1 A CHILD'S LIFE SAVKD. Th* rrniaimnii aiiM tt Mr Frank 0.1.1Y HMUIpy ■..rn.-liniK Ilko lII.' Y»iin|(i»l .lul.l. whii-ii .Iml Ihrat »vk< in. Mr. Oaddi pea urad boulo oi rtianil>Tiain'< y>lw. ("lolrr.. »n.l NwrboM K. an.l »llril.iil-.lh. iv, „f ln.,hlMiotha ■W«(lktaM«c Hood ll,'.r,»cr([on, W»a» IMrrklMiM in m. k »nh
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  • 54 2 SATURDAY, 2»th JANUARY, 18». RKITKKS TKI.KUKAMK TUB HANK KOHBKKY. AJIOl NI Kl'i -OVKRED. l.-nd..,,, -j*ii, tmrnrng, OflhtMByOOO Klerlini; in Rank of Kiicl I Mt« ntnlrn from I'arr's Hint, t /■W.uut' have been recovered. t The amount re-covered coinpriseil note?* t>f high d«*tii)tiiin.*ltiiin^, ;m<i w:i^ returnoil anonyiiii'Ujly to Pan 8 Itank
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  • 19 2 SfJRKKNDKU OV DFRVI9HEH. A party of the Khalifa's followers have surrendered to Colonel Kitchener. at Abu Rukba.
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  • 32 2 MWHIMI MORTALITY. The correspondent of the 51,i,,.1,i,r1 at CMnaaataaai that alarminc tno-talitv prevails among the Itussian garrison at I Port Arthur, the deaths in Novemhor and December iast amounting to
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  • 6 2 Tin. today, dropped to »62.7 j
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  • 7 2 TODAVS4 111 shank rate is I 11J.
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  • 11 2 Mh Wilkinson took the work in the Third Court to day
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  • 13 2 Phomvk. exchange, and share prices, and tha mail list, are on page 4.
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  • 15 2 The fJtraetaaaU left Panani at :i a in to-day, and is due here at a.m.
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  • 16 2 Tiik body of a Chinaman, tied na in matting, was washed ashore yesterday oil' Beach Banal
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  • 17 2 A MAN who stole tut from a last night, was arrested with the money ill his possession.
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  • 15 2 Hoatmiv at .InlinMoi, s Pier weie demanding about three times their proper fires last night
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  • 18 2 It is advertised that the Singainjre and Straits Directory for IMru will be published on the fill, prox.
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  • 18 2 Mkssj." Powell .V Co advertise a furniture sale at 1.--,\ Lodge. Sievens Road, on the 4th February nexl
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  • 21 2 A, liviim in a lane oil' Victoria Street, died of small |«,x yesterday. Another cue is reported at Jalan Sultan.
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  • 18 2 Tiik Dutch steamer Onaimnall Oaaannl Mmr h adieiliaad for sale by public auction, at Batavia, in Februaiy Ml
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  • 27 2 TltEUt have I ii terrific Hoods at Serciidah, in Ihi Selangor. Nearly two miles of the ii, im r.a.l ,ie i,p ,n"e,l n having been under water.
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  • 24 2 Tub Herman mail steamer jaataaa, with dates from London to the Vth instant, having 1,-lt Colombo last night is due here on Thursday next
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  • 26 2 The Kill, trunk road is interrupted owing to land-slips beyond the. gup. Il will be several days before the road is again ueaa for through traffic.
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  • 26 2 The Monthly anrkM Cm of tha Church Work A iali,,n will be held at the KaflUa Oirl»' School „i, Wednaa day, Ist February, at I o'clock
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  • 28 2 Tn man ehanad «nh tkaaUna from a Police ,1,1 Thursday ia not a mcmlier of the force He had applied loi c In, in. bill was ro|e, -ted.
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  • 28 2 A I'UIVATK letter from Manila says that Aguinaldo bat tiveli notice to all In,. ilMi, r, to quit the place, or be will attack it iK.n-comhat.itit- arc anxious.
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  • 33 2 To i,a* share quotations came too lite lor c, >ire, lion on the lack anaa Conliibiitory Iliubahave risen to Vs. -5, and fully paid Rauhs to HI Pah.vii; Cor|Hirations have fallen to Ma.
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  • 45 2 Mil, Charles II Wilson, M ma.-.'i ot Hie l;,n_- 1 liran.ll of Ihe HOOChoBf and Shanghai Bank, was in nn.-.l la Miss Laura Smith at Yokohama, on the loth inst. The bride's family are wellknown there, and the wedding attracted a large gathering of friends
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  • 47 2 A BBB) street 11-hts ex, ,'pted, there are said to have been remarkably few offences dining the las! few days Tin, i- all to* in noli, able on the lose approach of the Chinese NewYear and the d-tee lives are on the •lert for sudden .level. .ills.
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  • 50 2 Tn ntaiaf Mail points out that there are no facilities bj MallfiW Im Chinese there to acquire British or Malayan ottiaMuUp. Chinese in that quarter prin the privilege of being Kiilisi, -ul, i,, 1,, owinf to it, protecting them 1.. .in oppic- ion ,-uid squeezing should they return to China
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  • 46 2 The lilh Kebniirv. the Anniversary of the SelTl, 1,,,,,! Sm-ipore. Will be ..bserve.l as a holiday in Siiit-apore and Mala..., The loth and llth r*abruary will be observed as bank hohdavs for the Chinese Hew Year All (...venunent Ollices will be closed on those ,l.iy-
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  • 84 2 l!tiolcKthatyouareyoim|.Mor.tlioiii:li you have an intellect, it has not yet iea, he. l alarm i n i: dimensions liejoice that you are middle aaad; Ear middle:lg« is the time lor phil pineal lolly which Iflhe biggitt kind of folly and there are lew forms ot folly battoi than thai Rejoice
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  • 108 2 Karlv last ii.onlh two Chinani. n. passengers from Seattle tothuia. were ham* for smoking opium The arrest was uudoiii'ti'dly lc>:al. as ignorance of the law is no ex, use even for a through paaaeiiaar Hut Ihn aariinl wia iiileml nu Repeated oflenofball by well karad Chinese re-ldcllt,
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  • 114 2 A VISIT TO SINGAPORE. We learn that a team of cricketers representing Sclangor will shortly pay Singapore a visit, aa the result of a challenge rei.i.edby the SelangorClub from the 8.0.0 They are expected to arrive here on Thursday, February 9th, and, in that event, will probably play
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  • 59 2 Tiik Penan, which is well known in the Par Kist, is now used as a troop-ship altached to the Mediterranean squadron. She arrived at Southampton Iroui Malta late last month, having experienced fearful weather in the I'binnel The bulwarks, rails, and stanchions were smashed by heavy seas,
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  • 138 2 By way of celebrating the fortieth birthday of the (ierman Emperor, Mr T. Sohat (who is Acting (ierman Consul in Singapore in the absence of Mr H. Kschke, at present in Bangkok) held a reception yesterday afternoon at bis r.-i.l.n. c. Mount Rosie," Chancery Lane. Nearly all
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  • 163 2 I.a-i evening, at Fort Cannin,; Theatre Itoyal," an enjoyable concert was given before a crowded audience, fha iitertaiiiment was under the patronage of Lieutenant-Colonel Casey and olherotKcersof the Royal Artillery. It was a distinct success, thanks to judiciousarrangemeiit ofthe pnajnaMß* bySarat I'itt-Davies.^.l'C .whoacomsongs sentimental and comic,
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  • 189 2 T'no police-cousUbles, .barged with Hull and causing hurt respectively, bave been discharged. Two others are illegal gratilieatiou, and one for causing hull. I'rivoloiis prosecution for alleged kidaappinf cost the prosecutor Na, in favour of the delendaut Two men were lined iiu each (or a month) and a lln.d
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  • 355 2 IIKAII Ml, -It is 1.-:dly a puillful right I" *Ham MM burial of any>' ftmm who has led into tlit- rash Ml tv mi. ill. -ill) put an end to li:~ I \i-i.-m.v 1 ilo in. I know tlieeiaet r. i-..N for the riaqg f
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  • 1475 2 Aa an incentive to the honesty of drivers wid conductors sn Oru*"f w;is issued, in or about the year I «7". by Ihe fciecretary of State for Home All airs. laying down a scale of fees to be paid by persons recovering articles through the Lost Property
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  • 444 2 I'KAISK Foil IMK CHIKOI Tn annual Driiediatril Strci School loot place »-i.!j« :iii. moon 11.. re van pn ■mII i 11..- Uonraor, Udj Mitchall, c.iitaa Hull. A D.C., .-iii.l Mr nilkinm fin la.h i- >.-!■• 1 1 King, Hi. 1 1. ii. ipal.abowed uiled il ii.,- 1... t
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  • 66 2 MM liKKKnollM ..I IheTbaatri, i I Ttu I..- i nngal, hall octo| v I' urouDllonu thi tiniae blind; in c i win. l, rat H i- ol nl lerlhaiith, in Kill >n luu nimble feel i which it >ki|« I i arthi i Übc«; ii tin ■o
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 419 2 NOTICES. NOBEL'S" EXPLOSIVES COMPANY, LD. Manufe'turcnor: Dynamite. Gelignite, Gelatine Dynamite, Bkitmg Gelatine, Detonators, Safety Fuses, klecirir Hldslinj! Apparatus. iffw— I purity k I iaq by I Q THE BORNEO COMPANY, LTD, KOI.K AOK.NTH m Hin(i«ruu. K.-.i.-i ill. I Ruin MUM, Hiam, J aim, anil ■nm lIAVK ALWAYS -I Ill lh>
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    • 477 2 NOTICES. I NOTICE Slll-.t \,ll,.rl:lii4»lii.ii»<;<>v.rninml .ill I- lirltl fintmiit. "11 111.' :11-l Mir. li. .Ulli JllM, ;l- 't ti »|.t.-iut»'rand Mb I Blily tull»- uii'l. r-iKlu-.l I I MMOIOaHMI f." Ill* NOTICE W:\IIM LAJTDAC, pin and A .ii...n.11n |.l»r.ter. |<mmr. and .li-iill.t. who lin- bMn .nrryiiiK on bun- I imln
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    • 1441 2 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. KELLY WALSH, LIMITED. .tJ. RAFFLES I" I. a ci:. 11. k t.. announce that they have added to IMb present l.usinew A Printing and Book-binding Department. (•■pum rriiliu: Ilik. vi laitititiMi tf all kMi l'r..-i». In-.-. Ai.i.h.iiii.Mi forms, Artklea Bookt of Rule*, MM UM| v, A-.* ....-h.-.r,.
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  • 1046 3 Fun n.ui uiox FKorosuD. ufMiMyHlußn 'In i>ay. at noon, an eitraordinary general m.itin B of th- ilwahiMa» of tlif purpose of t onsiilt-ririL' certain Mi T. Scott, Un Chairman of the Cmpany, pri'*»idril. .ni'i wan supported dimton Nh-f-r!.' w p \v.,.|,|,]|' C W. l^.ird. r H.
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  • 464 3 PEACE AM) THK KMI-lUK. A remahkarle and interesting article Maid-of*Honour. It purported to give tlw substance of retluctions by Tier Osborne House, looking out ai Bfit> head, at that time full of ships I <„ '■'it it is certainly a elevrr piece of writing. The Queen, nays
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  • 406 3 FRENCH INDO- CHINA. M Doumer. the v,-mor ..n.-r,,1. i- reported to have been ar .1 with special powers by the Home (ioverulii.nt t« curb the li.en f the I'l,' s in liido-Chiiia. to the extent even ot supp ewing newspapers that give offence. It is alleged that freedom of tii.-
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  • 93 3 in London A man cot pad the guard, .in.l only hi.uniht to a hall when threatened with a loadad ride Win n stopped ha aaid he wanted to leethe Prince ol Walea, sutina ha had "a letter from .1,-u- ilni-i 1... bis H ral Iliahniai 11,- waiver)
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  • 101 3 Cl n II l»lam, imleii lent of the I gan.i. lv..U»a\ I't.iii.p 1". I'm inent ha- kille.l by M.i-v.i a I. miles Horn I tanda Th« country alang the r.nlvv.v is yen- uiiM-tile.l A number vei ulu i> -civ 1111- Mere lit OOt, short »:,ile us...
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  • 310 3 Thk Cimercw does not enlarge upon 'I. -ir I Ml relations between the pinos and the Anmicans at Manila, early this month The allusion* made snow, however, matters came very near a breach. The strain was nicfa breaking-point when, on the Bth instant, the Mipino
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  • 793 3 11l K HCIR IHISSIKII. •i »lii. It i« |iriiut that a blips illegality n rmlttedal the Mai oi Dreyfiu, will W .oiniuuniratt'd uot only tv the Court of ('MMtiuii. but to [>reyfiias MM I. I". I doubtless to DrafAu i. mi-, ii in,- danga* in piNitlilng it .H-I-I-.
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  • 386 3 The new law directing that the matches shall I* levied also on Mocks of these articles, on which Ui had already bcra paid at the old rates, has ca'lsed widespread discontent among To baulk the tv gatherer, natives and Chinese shopkeepers resort to hiding and sending away
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  • 66 3 Ilril afatirt lirsl .b-s twin -ci.i> cruiser 1.,,,,'i,.,1,'i1,h arrived from l.ahuan, iln- nioriiim... an.l an. -hor.-.l in the She is vv.-.l of UM 101, li.-aied h.r-.-poorel i,n-l.i natural .Ilallp.ln.ami WOO under force.) .Irauuhl. an.l tncK,- guna. II r C.i|l.iili i- Sir K-U.n.l 1 ln.-h.--er
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  • 250 3 WnrriM. in ngard lo I'ran.-o-MajMM 1. 1n.. .11-. tin- I'aiis DMaai .-rti.'.l. that --iiintry ( is .In n1.'.l llitotw li. ins win. Ii iiiii-i 1., .li-tin ■uiabad In tlia M.k .iv baaio, aooth ..I tin. point when tii.ii rival Him lo •srra a- a common frontier fot
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  • 53 3 The conviction is growing that t!,, Krencli I'al 111, is preparing to amend thiMnrilTinMa,lnsa«:ir, in the dim-lion of privileges enji>y...l by British trailers before the anneiation of the island look pU-e. It is doubtful, ha— m, whether the terms i-kr,l fr..tti Britain tor this increased freedom
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 299 3 TII-.MlililiinVS (11 DBCH IKBTIcn' (SKIT! VI.KSIMA SIXH«>) CHI'KCH Of KNCI.ANI) BT. lassai Cathei.kai Skhucis 7a. in. Matins :.aia. ns-Chanl c. lebratlea nn.i Samoa. 4 p. sa. OaaieUasi an.i sun.lay School. 6.* l p m Kvensoim all.l S.-rmon. St MATTiiiiWs Cm mil. B.SO |> ci ■sssassssj an.l}S,-rmon. UOMAN CATHOI.IC Cathcl'KH orTllKlioonSilti-lltßl'.
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    • 361 3 NOTICES. W. DALLAS Has just received AT THK AI'STKAI.IAN lICU.-K REPOSITORY A M-ltrt .on.ignment of Australian MdUlw, bridle, harnvu. *>■ \V DAI.I.AX. HKOW.V.S SCOTCH WHISKEY, As raptilicd lo II.R II the Mai of Wain IIUINKMANN A CO., Sole Agent* for Sinitapon. DEWAR'S Perth Whisky. (50 Gold Prize Hedali) BOLD KVKI.'VH
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    • 276 3 NOTICES. PALK M HA Mi lI, 'IM HSJBSSSJ OIIIIIIMIM Ji; N I K I \V K K li K. Proprietor All kinds ol ftam supplied from store attached to Hotel at moderate price.. m th s !."> 4 JOHN LITTLE A (JO, UMITEDI Have just received the following i: mi
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    • 534 3 NOTICFS, ~~I»KIT1SH ANTIKO' UN<; 00MP08ITI0M AM) TAINT CO. LIMITED. I i"i /7ni//in;;*.< prifv**. Mmftvtann of qptel dnriM Rduml OomMitlou for ihtp'i i-,-it I'llt* lllii- 1 i-Hi'i t u:t I (.1 •■vi'lilliift fLgllinnt ovc \m Ihe'in"-! uiuhi| hl wassn for Steam an.t taTHnf Ihlpi KAriKNliKi:.;. <i Ratlin c fsjnakj, miumi-oic SHIPPING.
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 133 3 AKIiAMiKMKMS In— 1111. Mn -i iv Uisjh Water, ii.iain S.poy Lines OoU Monthly Hedkl I'lay I II 1; T I', nip. ran c I'lnli 7.M0 Pare! ri,..,n. Si noav. Mini Jimhv Hifh Water "lam n.». p m Seplnaee-iina Sun. lav MoM'AV. "'IM J IM >n Iliuh Water O.tfa.m. 0.8 pin
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    • 82 3 WKATHKK KKI'OKI Kmmlan*, Krrlau HoqMal. aM (Vs, la*. t' 3r> r>, > p.m. Kkmakks. Bar. MMBUHataM Tnup. 7.VS T.-iM 74 H >.^ W. Bit. I'll.-. 74.-.' 74* 7.1" JSij stai.T«aTip. SjO lii I Mln... "I- Mai. in Sun ***** IVrr.ra.l. aU fsl3 lUinfall j(- WKATIIKII IKI.KIiKAM X.1. .<■'' Messy*
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  • 394 4 hixuM-oli. 2Sth Jam *bt. INV. PRODUCE. (Ralet an comeUd to 12.30 pa) Uamlner Cop™ Bali, Jo Ponlianak, Pepper, Black. 9WB. Jo Wr,it»,(°X> ,«75. Suo Flour toink. Jo Brawn No. 1 J.IH I'MTI BMO CoBf» Bali, picked M 00. Coffee Palemt*ng, piokeJ -'-.00. Coftee, Libenan, f»oTi IHOO Tapioca, iraall Flak
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  • 110 4 To-D»Y. Hongkong An'aaaf, M ,-i-~»t vim ports HVIUw, M:il» Klsni; Sappko, .Upiin via port* Xilftia, I'ul.nibanft Coro/iM, ■MM via porta Hatrmn. Ha rviaand ports \'<m Ihnn'u, lutlragiri Aina A**, S;iij;on h'.riilat*, Poimanak via porta H. II'. Sam, l[ kong A Shanghai <tUngarry, M Malacca .1 IV.ini ll-l'r.
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  • 115 4 Fhom K i llv the P 4 ().■>. Cur... „,,,,,d,l, uilh the mail from F.urope of the •HhJan due on the JUth Jan. She bring, replica to mail- which left Singapore on in „il, ana I Ih--limim hila'Sl /a.fw. dua on riday. IWt Singapore Du* in l.oml
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  • 358 4 I'.r MaM from Cal. ulta ami Pe-nang-Mr. an.l Mr- Morgan, and Mr- and Mi-- Hui *i ian I-,, v <......,..rr.. from London Mewra. Para uJmm from Mailra« and Pe. nang Mr.and Mrs llovd. and Capt. A,n« IVr-. I. from Bangkok Mr.and Mr-. Sa. kheinier. IVr i. ;.-,'.H.i from
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    • 165 4 Under tbii beading the following alil,n"»i» tionaara ukkl -itr iWiwr <.i. ■1,,p l-q--b«rna«; Vil. -TaaM Or*- OrahMT j (ilit -Oonboat Brit-Briliih 11. 8. Unit*.! ■MhM| Ft. Fronih^ Got.— Owmao; Dot. Dutch; Job.— Jobore; ale, U. c, Oeneral cmrto d.». dock paaoengort; V.— UncerUvoi T. P. W.-Tnnjong Pagar
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    • 1127 4 auitiu Wind Noo» or IMBHI. Amkrril, Brit. Itr. 1(M ton. Cap! It."■■!!*«h Jan. From T. Annon. Ml Jan. <S ud Ilii.i Wee Bin Co. For T. Anaon. .«.il, H.iHrrt.l. Nor sir <U."> ton*. Captain Juliannn—n. Wth Jan. From KadoiiK, -.liih Jnn Coal. P. Simon, anil Co. For
      1,127 words
    • 547 4 ft, prnoabte dale of n<nr», mw of aaenti. .Kolus, Bam. Ifl IV. ttm \ll.lralM. X.-l. I M. -Alistm. Batoliben. Hunbaif rVi. > It M-m H,.!:aa-.n. Honckoof, X.-l. l I l'.u.-in. llr.-m.ii. liar.'; IMin M-,,-r Briwal. lf..t, I;k..iif.1 ;k..iif. K.I, In I' .1 11.-nlanit. Anl«.-r|.. |..,l r „,,1. Jan
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    • 173 4 VnuL'sNiat A r<>»» C4mn Knoll Kuuii Oowl >l Rio. •I 'Vprani'j Km tr» Mi I *lm lilnar.-f hi.— n 11., IT Bon ;7 Sri.- S»,,,»> l>ul»lr 91 Mo« iMßbt lt 1..: i Ji- \m: I .ml Hut J7 II Timij rung «tr M Kaeoiiah "~ir~ »TUio«W«' sini;k.-[) utr. M
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    • 70 4 Dati. Vimil'h Namic FuuAKi. Cn-Tim l)l«i»»lio» J»n US (il.-n««rr.v llnl Mr L'» Ro«a »ir. I'.iii.l-H. Ban 'lull Soon Mr Boua Knpi.ho »lr. I I Willi.-lm Mr! Bichtn i»- s,n S.I.H .tr. rum \oroni) Ku» «r S, iii^hnmioll M C.noliD« Dili sir. DUO! '.■H Kurlalla lUI air. liixnu VmuKiru J»i.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 186 4 NOTICES, JAMES WATSON COS.' SCOTCH WIIISKIKS AUK TH K lU.SI fUi I IN HIM M MIKK! ill »M'U,W. HITT r*ll>. T. V. o. S|'K( I A I. ftKSKRVK > iracmwi»» DOMINIE. 10 YI-.AIJS nil. n«.»inßo»a%BßwiMfc OHI MS Mil I. mi KKIAII I'KM 1,. <■ MoALISTHR Co.. omw John Little Co.,
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    • 178 4 NOTICE& lit 17 w d E BROWN OTBKHER'S E&j Famous. Glasgow m^L k Special reserve very old Liquor WHISKY. IfgrjlsSJ lr;i1 'I*' 111 11 thmuifliout the Straits. Sole Agents for both YAP W II ATT CO., H, ALMEIDA STREET. Sub Agent CAN TIOX(i TAT, Penang. KATZ BROTHERS, LTD. (Boot Shoe
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    • 655 4 NOTICES. pifflS LIME JUICE CORDIAL. THE BEST. NO MUSTY FLAVOR. Or M^REaTsT HELENS. LONDON ■tavanrn utooutwaom nx* i They enme asa bvtnl audit Urging lo men j Th, 1-i, In t, tk- l>u I. anil Ihr Mar. rUy Vfn Sol.l at all >i -v i. .ii.., lVnniak.-rs to Her Majesty's
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