The Straits Times, 15 October 1898

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 12 1 The Straits Times. ESTABLISHED. 1831. SINGAPORE, SATURDAY, OCTOHKR l\ 1808. NO. 19,659.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 404 1 I.M.SKOCOM^ANT.LIIin j I n A r n".'anu.c«Boc.rtT sl V \|MlH' rnSir.VMKS. 1) OrM.'K, COLLY" «UAV I fl W,,,KV»S.SICWH«BOUE. MM > A M.i.\Tl'« niMI'ANY. l.i>A!« I'KSANO Ai.'«'». F.uvn, M..1.1.X, Malta, I'IVBOITII, t iin lluntjkviuj 1 .i 1.1 Oct. -'I I fi ifla Nov. I I N,,v Is g Dae. "Jemediatb
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    • 867 1 STEAMSUIP COMPANIES. I'ONINKI.IJKE PAKETVAART JIAATBCHAPPIJ Deaf enrtijel with the Netherlands India Uoiornment. Agents at Singaporr Ship IBWUI, late .1. Diimiil« i Co.. 2-3, CoLLTia Qoat. Prom Ex|H'ited Will be Despatched for On Separa. SouraUya. OoL 11. Soun,l,.,va. I leleng. Amiwnan, Macaa■ar, an.Kiiilfof Iloni. Oct. IS. ■mat Bstavia. 1.1. Hata.ia.cheril.on.Sanmni.iK, Sourabaya.
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    • 330 1 BKITItiH INDIA STKAM NAVIOA--1 lON COMPANY. LIMITED. TO PE.NANO, RANGOON, CALCUTTA Oncof the Ccinpany's steamers is intended to leave I nnjong Pagar Wharf every week Passengers and Cargo arc booked by tbe above steamers at through rates to alt ports in India and Ceylon, also to East African Ports, Mauritius,
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    • 543 1 NOTICES. CITY LIGHTING. ISOLATED PLANTS COMPLETE. BAONALL& KllaUBB! Kle. tncal Engineers, 92, Robinson Road, v. c. tu. th. 8. ENVELOPES. to i:k had at THE "STRAITS TIMKs" VMS ill K I'ATKIOT I.XVIII.OIKS. 1,000 SI. 10; sent free by Port *1 .50. THE ANTIUI K KNVKLOI'KS. 1,000 BBJt sent free by
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    • 380 1 NOTICES. YAl 1 WIIATT A- 00, JI'ST imported Jones's celebrated hand and foot Sewing Machines. Electric BelU. Atkinson's and r, and Lubins Ferfumcs I.vsrccrios > mi' II II GOVERNMENT OK BRITISH NORTH IIORNKO. (ioVKKNMENT HE I.ABUAN. 1,',r,,,ii,' farms for l!<»8. rpKNDEKM will be received by Hie M. Uovernmenl 5... returv.
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    • 619 1 NOTICES. THE BEST THING THAT EVER HAPPENED. rpilK Pioneer I.o.kworks and Ccncnil Metal Konndry Ali K «r!i, N. W Provin--1 ces hi. lk, I'he only practical Lockvarka in the Ki~t. uiul.-r direct Kuropcan iiianageniciit and supervision If we cannot meet your requirements, nobody al*a em Our trade mark on a
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    • 425 1 .1. 11. JOHNSON co. THE AISTKAI.IAN HOUSK BBKWItMR K,.kk.i v.,. mi. i>m HAKi, Beea W. DALLAN. OKAI.KK in Crushed Koo.l, Padi. Oala Chati. 4c. yualily ami Kr.-1m..--fuarantaad, anppUa* hatei re.eivcd every iiiitehjlit. Harness and Ka.l.llerv. with t»st Kryilisli leather made I.) es|H*ricnce<l workmen. ITIK NKW HAKHOIII DOCK tX). LTD TBTH
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    • 897 1 WHY somi: PIOPUE AUK TOOK. BAD iii..iisn..m.-nt keeps ruore*pi-ople in poor«Un^«s than any other one aanaa To it ■neaaaatal one must look Jli.-a.l ami plan ahea.l so that when a f ivoural,lc..|.|«>rtiiiiity presents ilwlf he is to laV.- advantage of il. A littl.--anT"aluaMe ",'n!,"" '"I*™ man will keep
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  • 82 2 SATURDAY, 15TH OCTOBER, 1898. REUTER'S TELEGRAMS MILITARY CONSPIRACY. t I'l.OT IX KKAXCE Imiuluk, \.vl, (Maftar. The Pane newspapers announce the j disc.very Of a military conspiracy t!,rte to overthrow the present liovernnient THE (IRIKCT. The. in-piracy wa- not ailllCil at the l',esidency, n,.r was it formed in favour of any
    Reuter  -  82 words
  • 45 2 TIIK Sll TAN lIAKH.K.I) The Kour Povan have rajaotad the Mian s proposal to retain a small Turkish garrison in Crete, as emblem of his sovereignty. The IWel* declare that every Turkish Bouta must leaM Crete, within the tune spccilied in the ultimatum.
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  • 29 2 LORD ODHOm IUOCMKn. Mr W. St. John Brodrick.the InderSe.rctary of State for War. has been appointed luider-Secrctary of State for Foreign Affairs, in succession to Lord
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  • 35 2 TIIK RAILWAY INIOS. The strikers in the building at Paris are resuming work in great numbers. The Railway I nioii has Bva or.lere 1 a strike over all the railways throughout
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  • 33 2 i hi:ni ii uiocana The Praaeh forces la the Weatacs Soudan have captured Saniory, the most prominent raiding chieftain there, with the whole of his family and all hi. chiefs
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  • 452 2 Kawe of the diacovery in Pranoaofi military eon-piracy to ovartbro* the present "fortoitoul eollcelion of nonentities,- which makes heUan to oonatitute a cabinet, will «,r prise no-one It come, a little ainfularly to-day, when we had alr.a.lx in type a note in reference to Qaaanl Clianoine, who
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  • 162 2 I'm: prophets were wrong, Mr deo. U'yadbam, M P foi D ivoi v Private 5... i, taiy to M, Balfour, has nt gol the hard-worked but coveted poet of Undar-B«cretary of State tor KoreigU Allan- Ixwtaad "I such appointmant, and Mr Wynduam waa actually eoinplincntcl upon his prom -moil, the
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  • 11 2 Uamm. afcMoM Co advertise a f-lioiri* ssv.rt inent of new goons.
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  • 14 2 It is iinnouneed that Com will join the Postal I'nion on the Ist January
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  • 21 2 i,i notification proclaims the usual public holiday for November 9th. in honour of tho l*rint*p of ;il* i s b birthday
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  • 29 2 TBBM Gwaaai is reported to have collided at Kuala Perak. on Tuesday la-t. with a police pinnace. The latter sank Mr Surveyor Draycott and the Chines,, engineer are missing
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  • 30 2 fa-MT'a IllaWnp .piotations came too late for correction on the back page. Bank 4 lv s bills stand at I II,Y Silver Japan has dropped to t j per cent.
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  • 28 2 Da. A S.lirciber. Insiwctor of the Rhenish Missionary Society, who is nowhere, will hold a 'German Protestant -civic- iii the Presbyterian Church, Orchard Road, at in a.m. to-morrow.
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  • 33 2 Oraaf the Master Attendant's men, named Karim. died suddenly early yesterday morning at the I/iok-out Station A Boarding Ollicer, named Maddo\, heard groans, called assistance, and then found that the man was dead.
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  • 182 2 The following appointments are gazetted, with effect from tho IMth of August last Mr. J. K. Birch, Colonial Treasurer. Collector of Stamps and A. eouutaiit-deiieml of the Supreme Curt. Straits Se.tlements. tube Baaldent Councillor, Malacca: Mr F. Q Penney, l-t Hagiatrata and Commie- pore; Colonial Trcasc-er, Collector of Btampi
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  • 227 2 Kan was lined Slu, with the poaasaaißg contraband eh:in.ln. A ii_. .v.vim v .-velist of riding withMil J. U(M »:i» struck nut. For attempting to pass eoanteriail a Chinunu m lin.-.l HO, or to do a month. Low Keng Joe m sent la j.iil for -ix
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  • 298 2 t Singapore ktanfctaal fcHmatei Penaag Municipal trtimatei fur i.'i an. I outUjr si-l at &177.-'T". i.ap... containing the exchange of notn»hing a metburivttidi between tbe i United Kingdom and Belgium pending i luanraof IVeatyofUommerce I..-IW.H the two countriee. It i.explained Ibal the Miniigmiiiil do« ii.ii extend to
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  • 239 2 RESOI.t TIONS FROM SIN(iAIMKK. This Committee of the ■agpaata Chamber of (onimerce met on Knl.iy in last week, for the (nil 111 of discussing the views propounded by Lot. l Chalbs llcresford. in his speech at the Town Hall. The Coiniiiitte.- unanimously aawjal the subjoined resolutions, which
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  • 218 2 O*IM to the lir.ivy ram U tln< morning OM or two ■flm only Ml tiono on tin' course and the inclement weather in the disappointment ol a larger nunilur of imcUton than usual, who had assemhled to mtell pooejoiiam (iencrally nab| I matted iui|>r..\.• nl in
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  • 400 2 Tur amheefal lopaerl gl.mi hj the of the rinliiain.i.iiie Society in t the Town Hall, last night, nas b. It, I attend. ..l than appeared probable when the progranimu opeiu-d The trenieu- dous downpour of rain, from seven 1 until nearly nine o'clock, waamlßcienl to damp the
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  • 34 2 TllK linal match in the A llmiblcsof thescc rennia Tournament waapoat ve-t.r.lay until Mondaj afternoon. The players are Itei.l andll r (s.r)and Hamilton and Morriaon j) then n every prospect „i an itinj
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  • 101 2 l""-.'l"rno,.i,si ting,. fthe 1..,,--lative ..mi. ,i i romuei t,, baunu intareeting It- apat ial foaturt »,ll tit the annual „t the Officer Administering theUoverameot.inwhich I si »«.'l pnbhe «..ii.-. and need-, and IJ. i, n „l th. Singapore. Mala., a and ream.- iurj list, and estimate ->"d
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  • 670 2 At'HKEN From Aelie.-n „„„„.< pursuit „f I IMr K I hiclUin, who i, Heeiu A ■long the iiest ,va, IViir l-aIH.-IM, „„„„..,> loss ill ai.din B at iiiga, |i :1) ,fc™ U ago, when a s ;'"">• J"«nad and ir appeared m the dam deenlcd policy
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  • 55 2 The Lot S2S-! i ..i them i Eat the trade, Tlie bakeries tli.-i highly inaniiitary <■•'"';'' tn.i.-.ii i,.,K.-iiish..>. T.i; to the profit ..I thi T1,,. >..„- I Mb ioitanl The Second I'liai :r,:;'' t, Natherland At Meester Cornrlix, a H Batevia, the polio makf a lvi Chine* reaidauea. Many
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 395 2 NOTICES. XOHKITtT EXPLOSIVES COMPANY, LD. Mania, I DyiKimilo, Gelignite, Gelatine Dynamite, natora, r'usCH, Electric Blasting App.u. I „ii pwtrj TDK UOKNKO i OMPANY, LTD. BOLE AdKNTH 11..!.*. .s,,ini, .lavn. and i: lIAVK Al.nn- -i I'PLIEM IN STOCK "I I 111. \l:n\ K. SIDEROSTHEN .JAjNT. ti ll.'nN AND sTlii'l'" Ooarantaad to
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    • 521 2 LATEST AIIVKIM'ISEMKNTS. w i in Dock Shiire. „,i:. ii-t.s. I'll: BALE Dock DolM I .1,: I' 1 -„..,1- i PkAMI i. KELLY WM.SH LTD. -IT' II \l|,,\s Fin; lit 11.1 l ISO WOKKI, i.i R X,,...« .'.ISO v IREI.I m I BI.tXIRAPHY by It Xc t inu U'ORKSHdF M IKKHHIFTH
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    • 280 2 LATEST ADVEBTISEMENTS> ROBINSON &CO. NEW GOODS: BOOTS \M' SHOES. BrowaCalfJ B laiidSa ea. Choccdato Calf Boota and Bhoea. I'ai. in leather Oxford Bh<xa. Oiford Evening 81 i. Dim. in- fiwipe. Cycling bboea. Tennis SI a. EIOSIERY. Navyan.l Black Caahmere 1,,Umwii and Fawn Oaahmere bom with rartiod Cyclin- Btoolcing, i,,
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  • 1224 3 ,,|,tv have .lcrided to yrar in which i,. f..r liRtitiriK this I t at night. It i« will be forth- Miitiini' t Ii.-y are i rations, and, like "nt.i toresolvo im ed Ik.-I xirn.aUy >--<"■' [l] v Im oil gai on Hi'pta i. ta the I mo
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  • 348 3 nl- 1 i..i.,v Boaw 1. AMI Mil I -II I' "I' Tui DukeofConnaugbt't to the l-i. 1, Autumn MaooEUvrea ii siii.l to have produced .in excellent impreation, not only in military bul in political circlet, in IViaand tliroughoul Krance, rhere wen- t-raml .1 on tlie
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  • 43 3 A CHIKIMA* ,it test.'i.iin. one of a irl) ul I threatpued him with |,ilc ihe othen rol bed him 1 1 a bracelet sel in gold valued .it KWMI ii, EoUowed vtlicn tli.v DMdt offaod tlicni llirctv pepper into 1116 bei
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  • 682 3 ram day, iiiimiii. 2&th oct. First Rick. THK MAIDEN I'I.ATK. -Value $-->.V). A K»<e for Mai.l.n Horse*— Weight a» par Mah (lu»t. Wh.). An allowance of I'l ll«. to horse* entered for thp Intermediate Kaeea only. An allowance of 711ns. to all other hor*e» entered f'>r riict'tt No.
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  • 651 3 Fan BiOL ITIK riBST ORIFFIS lIANDicM 1 VatoeUU. A ll.iilll.'.'ip for DnHltm h iv.- ci.i.iv I (or th.i M UrifHu Ban (Baoe Ho. t)oa the Fir«t day. Wmmi. nf either linlfln lUcmjii the bli-t Day ex.|11.1..1. Dl.tan.e, K. C. udaduUnoa. Mt RrahEngKaang'aßTaalp Mr r
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  • 723 3 tarn Hum. THE OPKS QRim» BAXDICAP.Valua WOl a Handicap fur»lHiriffin« tli:ii h,n.- started hi Ibll meeting. F.iitrnu,-.- SlO.-l>i.t,iii.-.-. It I. Mr. I. 11. Bath 1 Miaawana Dr. Boon K*Df anil Mi. I in Huu LeMf/l |ir. K.'IIK Mr ran KenghToek'a Duke Mr. II IP. Mi.
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  • 369 3 TllK following .lcpitch from KM >c, retary .1 >t,itc lor the Colonies to thcOlU.Vr Admioiatarina the Oo*aniiieut. dated from Downin| street. Wih Aiit:ust. IBBS, ii pabUahed in the Uowrnmmt (iaatte Sir.- I hate the h..,...,i. t., inform you that, in K liilion. a.iop lad at the recent
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  • 51 3 A i iiistM.iv, named (Hi Ah Yonp, .!,u'.- :m ..Hi, 1., 1 ,i the Geneni Hospital, with refuaini lo admit a rtilnoai carpenter to the institution. limply I be had no ticket, when lie wao in ti eh .i atata thai he died in Ihe-rikiahaon bio way
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  • 180 3 l\ Am. ii. i li-t ..I HKIal I,, milled '■world's i.i-t runa" baa been publiahcd The competition i. limited t.. (Ireat Britain, the I nited iutet, and Canada Ip to any miles all lha "recordt" inpaar to belong t" the United stales. averoneniile,forinatanoe,theNewYon Central hold, the record
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  • 89 3 THK GRNRUAI.'fI OATI9FACTIOM. To-day* (rarrison district orders contain th« following remark* hy General Jonn-Vatishan, reearding Tut-Kday niL-lit auddan mobiUkatioa The 0.0. C. ii 'i in ii- h pleasure in r,■,■...■'ing his entire satisfvtion with the raaaa m, Men mobilization .luring which everttlimt: went like clockwork. The
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  • 85 3 A iKiciET match was eoiiinienced natarda* aftamona baiaaan "Twelve" ami the •'Next XVII I 'on the S C C ailHUll The latter kind lirst anil lllllsll,.,! MT. Airav :u,,l b Bcnjalicl.l :> KohlhoH I. llei.jati.l I II Hamilton 1> lleujaticld I t\ Webb c an.l i, BaniaaaH CoolcherbHannaford 1
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  • 90 3 S.C.C. LAWN BOWLING TOURNAMENT. TOURHAMBKT. FKI DAY'S PLAT. llAttl 1..N-lIM 1v.1.1y brat Earw(fl-lsV ..IS, .11: lIAXIII. Al' Kaoburn i.i -at II itt) (0> (Ills). Patoa (Hi lini aim (HI. t'.M-lm. tta I.'X TO-UAV. i Graham r. Winter. S '.".i'/,' I '"a.i.iy Kei.i an, DbbM Bmmii Balaalo and Can.. BJ i
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 195 3 CHURCH 8 KR VICES. (SmtTKKXTH Hi «BAI Mr.,, I'lMMr',) CHURCH nl' KNCI.ANI) St. Am, hi CtfHKDUi Seevi, i To-aoßsww 7n. in.. Uatina. 7.;»1a. in., i 'h ,r,il f.-l. -1. ml ion an.l Sermon. 'I.i. 11l l-1.-iiil I.l. 1,,..1; I p. in.. The Cute, l,i an.l Bunday j, h,...l .I.e. K.
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    • 507 3 SELAKGOIi CiOVERNMENT RAILWAY. I"\IMMi AMI IXI.nAIUMi OOODB, IMB. rWHK Uowranient of ealanaor la ursparoi 1 1,1 re, elVe 1.11.1er. 1..1 1 1 le h ..T l l l K .'III, I nnloadlng of ajoeda, merebandlaa, ana in,. -1,., k carried i>\ tbe >.-iaiigo, lioveriiiiient l:.,,h>:u .lv, 111, i- m) For
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    • 361 3 NOTICES. BUY MALACCA TEA. The be.l, nun-«l, and cheapest of all Tea«. aol.l nt Hp»r>. ANN lOCK 1 Co. llatl.ry Roa.l Kaatra. YUNG I.XX ißSO, Orchard Road Orange Pekoe 40 cents per Ib Souchong 35 cents per Ib In. th. r.v M I 'ALISTER CO. UAVK ju-t re,,,v,-.l iH-r t.t.CLITfS,
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    • 643 3 I FOR SALE: EMPLOYMENTS: TDLRTsANDPERSONAU In Tim. 1',. .-iita a line; 2nd and 3rd time.. 10, man line 4th to 6th timaa, II eaataa Haa; ;th to ixth time*, s .ants a li:.ri;.. 1,.,s I inn on.- ll'ollar. Thul.'a law*" Mm trtiillaauital, ataaaaat, in this trpa, .n l«. in«Tle.l3tinio»(or»l.o6;awe«kr«r |I.M);a
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 180 3 WKATHEK RKPORI' K^n.ii'i.l rarostj il«s»*la), Wk Oct. Imhh. !l^.m Spin p.m. Umiikii. Bar. ■•HSnoa>M»ta»X l'enip -1.1 WO T'.ii >' >• llll.lher T.ill IM HO ~i i I lir. ol Win I --K S K .-i Jj4l Max. Temp BBJI I Mm... TWO g?3 S m.<. suniMo H!a htr.fad. nil t
      180 words

  • 509 4 eiKO>rou. IBHI OTTontB, 18*«. PRODUCE. (Rate* art eorrtclfd to BUt •a»J J (lamluer r Copra Halmi n ,1 Jo l'ontianak «-«V I'i-pper Black WOO. ,lo hiu.,(sZ) «000- J Sago FlourKarawak j io Brnnm J 1 Varl Sago h n. ft. CoH.-e Bali, picked J Coffw' l'alembant!, picked.... JIM CoSee.
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  • 137 4 MA I LS CLOSE. rvr 1'rr $lr. Tim*. Tol>AY. lloinl>»\ in polls 7n..l. 3 pm. IIoiIm.w A llonipty .1 p.m. TntiKKniiu Mil |K>rts II*. xttit Wisp 8 p.m. ifoUwa M Mmpm, 3 p.m. llnln\iavia|n>rts My Mi'lrMI, 4 pin. Sciuralmva lm.rliill, I p.m. Malv-ca A Klang Sappho, 4 p.m. IVIi .Sunmtril,
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  • 94 4 From Ki-kopc:— By the M. M. i. a. with ilHtce lo tlif ilnl Sent, tlut- on th> 1 7t ii Oat, Kuum Chisa:-U\ the l>ar,,i,ra,ti. .lue M Snntlay. 1im> in.,, in Mm- lii r l.t'ft Sin^nporp I hi.- m l.i.n.lun Arrivetl \ii k Mt K .v o
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  • 270 4 AkKIVALU I-., II;- I--..,,; from Icluk An»on mm part*:— Hob. A. Murray. W. 8.-ii 11.1 1. N Kidl.-y.and) Bk-y.urik. |',r-.- .W.l/..1 I'.i. froiiiOlcli-li.h Mr. M. From Penang«. 1_ iilK-nnull.-r. LniiKßUth. T A. Van ,l.r Dom de Bja, 0 .1. (ir.n.l Van KmUli-n Ul I IO
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    • 173 4 VndFrthiihradiniithefollowingalil.revia lioni arc used ttr. •t*am»-r ih.— ihip L-q. bnrnne Brit.-Britiih 11. R. United *lale>; Fr. From-h Uer.-Uerman Dut. Dutch; Job— Johore; Ac. (i. ( i-argo d.p. deck paftsengon I T -I'ln-.-r--lain T. P. W. Tanjong l'agar Wharl T. I. I' liwik Pagar Dock :H. W, llorn.-o
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    • 1276 4 Aa»iviui Sikci Noon or taanaaaT. Baa Hia ', Hrit. «tr. IK> ton., Capt, | 11.1 From T. A:i>.)ii llth (it. H.i-. an.l J11.1.p. W*e ll in Co lef 1 \ii-oti. 17th— Kill. Baa lint. Kir. M lon« .ipl Bdmraa, WkOet, From roaUaaak, IMb 11. 1. (1.i.,
      1,276 words
    • 346 4 Name, port, yr.ih.ihlf ilatr ul arnra., J name ot iujfn'9. IMMM Liverpool. >. t AJaMriea Maru. London N... In ll,>u.K! Al.-ia, H'koiii;. L.i 1.-:i>.-ii < II M-srr An.lnluain. HTlong, to So. K H Mbattan. H'konf, Io1ntfNot»; nil Ililliaiiil C.1,. m1..,. N I' 111 H.nKnl. C01. .ni1"., ii. t
      346 words
    • 107 4 vk-~.i- Bum a i..v- Ouuii z Rio. i), i II Hrnuwrr Dut »tr. .1.11 X, k II linn I.iuiik Blr. ffl Van II Kh.ii- Brit Mr llunl.r II sir. IWI BeoM IS Ifc.n Wlmlt Hin »tr. IN K.i«;ir.l« U Hyp l..'on|( ktr Mt li.niiK 1.1 lwb«ll« itr. -4
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    • 68 4 Dm. Vimil'B Nim FnuAltu Outui (VI II Kian Ann Hnl -ir 1.1 Sri rrinpua «ir Tkjlar IS Han Stiii i in m sir. Lrow IS OkrarhUl «r. V/Maj U Wim I ,lr. iJkm U liui.y .tr. Braoa ]."> Oklnao itr. Lowry 1.1 Snllan »lr. I'mM IW-ui .Mi D I
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 301 4 NOTICES. I Whispering in Beauty's Ear The secret of preserving, purifying, and beautifying the skin, scalp, and hair to be found only in Cuticura Soap, greatest of skin purifying and beautifying soaps, as well as purest and sweetest for toilet, bath, and nursery. The only preventive of unsightly blemishes, red,
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    • 222 4 NOTICES. Tor IScrvoUs +9L\ Phosphoglycerate jM OF LIME Ih* mrttm rtlttrwtlM -MPVAw pi tut ntrMui ijtttm. |li hri.tmriltrr.. prrf.HW PHosPHosLrccRATC smup CHAPOTEAUTI PHOSPHO6irCEIUT£ WIDE CHAPOTEAUTI PHoSPHo6Lrccmrc ctpsuits ICMAPOTEAUT) a. ru« V1, ..nn.. Paris FHAPICC MMM\ I.N AM. CAHBBON-8 ll.n- aaala I Thi i-. a,. ii,,i..,,,.i ii,, 1,,, 1 bk.ummim.h. nv
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    • 370 4 NOTICES. CHAMPAGNE. I.IHIS KiiKDKKKU, KXTKA DKY. (Maaaff* for (ireat Britain) Louis Roederer, Carte Blanche. him mini co. S.U.K IHIMKTKKS. K.lail al JOHN I.ITI LX i. (X). LTD. 0,11 lIHOW.VS Kock OMm Uiuxd SCOTCH WHISKEY, Mif FINEST WHISKKY IN THE WORLD. As supplinl to 11.K.H. tbe I'nnce ol Wales BRINKMANN CO.,
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    • 337 4 NOTICES. pWER^ PEACH BITTERS. WBOLESONE, PORE, DELICIOUS. A PERFECT APPETISER, A MARVELLOUS FIOK- MD-CP. Or 53 GREAT ST. HELENS, LONDON THE PRYK IMVKR DOCK Th. ab«». Do^'k situated In P~'i«» TTlßaaliT. »t lll »otrao.'^ ot toe ttjt Ki»,-r. hi. laU,lj be.o 1.-n^h-ajjl aad l.*-p..n.-d. and is now o( the following
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