The Straits Times, 13 October 1898

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 12 1 The Straits Times. SINGAPORE,- THURSDAY. OCTOBER tt, 1898. NO. \9&>7. ESTABLISHED: 1831.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 406 1 „,COSIPaNT,LIMtT«D l Ol ?SSS»' l o«K '„."1 m 1 vie. M»i.T», y t IBillU tllvn vMOI'TH |Ii!SH'I.V> sl 11 ixcu rw J/oittf*'" 1 I Honrnn'.I Od -I 1 i w of [««iwn*">>- I "^l.ov^ ,i»h- an' unlV approximnu-. '"I'lTpiiiT' •rillootbenmMJUalei 'w-'t'- wTKal'l^nar Uurttlmee 'linrK. (>",,um.'' wl' I■1 >lt y rum
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    • 698 1 STEAMSUIP COMPANIES, tronnwn uoiutn maatkchappij Under contract with the Netherlands India i internment. A i/rnlt ol Singaiwrt: Ship Auwcy, lat« J. Daenueu 4 Co., 2-S, CoLLTta (JtliT. Steamer From Kip., led Will be Despatched for On /nan. Bourabaya O.t. 11. Soiirubaya, Boeleleng, Ainpcnan, Hacasvar, nn.l (iulf of Boui. Oct. I.
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    • 276 1 BRITISH INDIA STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY. LIMITED. TO I'ENANO, RAMiOON, it CALCUTTA < I the Company's steamer- is intended to leave Tanjong Pagar Wharf evcrr week I'asscngers and CarKo are bookoa by tbe L.iv- sL-.-iiii.-i at through rates to all ports in India and Coylon. also to East African Ports, Mauritius,
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    • 653 1 INSURANCES. THE LONDON AND LANCASHIRE FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. Capital £2,127,600 Paid up Capital -'1L>,7«1 Reserve Fund 6711,855 The undersigned. Agents tor the Com- pany, are prepared to accept tire riskß at I TICSTEAD Co. TIE CUINA TRADER* INSURANCE COMPANY. LIMITED. Capital Subscribed $I,|««I.OUG. Amount Paid up 1100.(100. I Reserve Fund
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    • 712 1 INSURANCES. TKANSATI ANTIC FILE INSURANCE CO., OF llAMllflKi. NOKTII IiKUMAN KIRK INSIKANCE 00, HAMIURU. HAMIUKd BRKMKN KIIIK INSCUANCK Id. ll\MHli:(i. rpHE un.ler-igned. Agent" of the above 1 companies, are prepared toaeeept fire rVIiFARCKEN Co. SOUTH BRITISH KIRK ANK MAIJIXK Insurance < Oinpany. FIUE lnsuran.e effe. te.l on every description of
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    • 472 1 NOTICES. THE BEST THING THAT EVER HAPPENED, |f«J| Pi.meer 1.,,,-kv.otks ami (ienenil Metal Koiindry Aliißtrli, K. W I'rovinI res. Imlia. Tile only pmctieal Uckworks in the Kast. nndVr direct BOTOMn n, ma- in. Nt nml npanrWon If we cannot nad your raqoiramanta, nol>ody else can. Our traiie mark un a
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    • 300 1 JOSEPH KAKKIi. Oms ma »f tani Hahh. [i\a fUmit sir,, i) CIIKISTMAS AND NEW YEAB of the M .|iiaiity •"•••I.TiiUehaaan, I« i lean, mm «ad Im |.iiHilmik«. ]<r.-J. ii. .1 .lml>. Hu: almonds, Ike. Large quantities should be ordered beforehand. M C AUBTEB Ott \Vodl> .V O.'S (ON BRAND HI
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    • 862 1 WHY SOME I'ROIM.K ARK POOH. BAD management keeps more people in poor cireumstaneea than any other ahead and plan ahead M that tthen a umarabk) opportunity praeentaltaall he is ready to lake advantage of it. A little forethought will also save mu.ll cipense and vaaiahle tune. A prudent and careful
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  • 94 2 THURSDAY, 13th OCTOBER, 1898. REUTERS TELEGRAMS FASHODA QUESTION. r.VRI.EYINti AT PARIS. baa**, Hal ObMer. Interviews are taking place daily, regarding the Kashodaquestion, between Sir K. .Monson. the Hritish Ambassador at Paris, and M Delcasse, tho French Minister for r'oretpn Affairs. KItKXCH CLAIM. It is semiollicially stated that Ki.u.e claims the
    Reuter  -  94 words
  • 30 2 TIIESI'UHJO MIXISTKY (HIVOTKI). The House of Assembly of the C.ipu ParUameal has passed I vote of want ...ntidence in Sir QofOOn Bprigf> Ministry, hy thirty-nine votes to thirty.
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  • 18 2 The report that the Egyptian War Oflice would be removed to Khartoum has been contradicted.
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  • 25 2 His Honour the Ofiiccr Administering the (iovernment will he "at home" at fill Hill lIMU House on Wednesday, the 19th October, at 4.4.. a, in.
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  • 47 2 At the legislative Council meeting on Saturday, the Acting (iovcrnor will deliver the Annual Address. The Supply Hill for IMtst will he introduced. The importation of Yen Prohibition Hill is down for first reading. Three other Hills, already introduced, are included in the Orders of the Day.
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  • 123 2 It will be observed from the exchange list we publish to-day that exchange on Japan continues to risennd to-day stands at 4j per cent, premium. A financial authority, in answer to our questions on the subject, points out that the rise on Japan is due to the lattei s currency
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  • 9 2 To-havs t m I hank rate is 1 11,',;
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  • 13 2 I'K.iDlvK, exchange, and share pricts and the mail list, are on page 4.
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  • 17 2 Thk Singapore Coif Club links arc advertised to he closed on .Monday next, until alter the races.
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  • 15 2 TiiEl'.id. Ctta* was towed safely into Parian harbour, and moored there, early on September IMB
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  • 19 2 Tiik mail despatched from Singapore to London, via Marseilles, on the lUtli Septemher was delivered on the luth instant
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  • 20 2 The Sdangor liovcrnment invites tenders for loading and unloading g.MHIs. and for a supply of tirevvood for the railway there.
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  • 19 2 Thk programme for the races appears to-day with footnotes regarding probable changes, and giving optious as to certain events
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  • 19 2 Mk. Clinton Hawkins has appointed los ueceed Sir Janic, UV-tlaml. as Fmaneial .Member of the Indian Viceregal Council.
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  • 23 2 Mama*. Powell t Co. advertise an auction sale of uncial d and confiscated goods at the Central I'oliceStat ion. on the ttth instant
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  • 26 2 Tiik plague returns at Calcutta for the three days preceding the 4th instant were again ail, making fourteen days on which there have been clean hills.
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  • 30 2 TltK If. M. steamer left Saigon at 1 1 a. in yesterday, and is due here to-morrow, at daylight. She will probably he despatched about p. m. the same day
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  • 27 2 At Colombo, the Liquidator of the New Oriental Hank has n.-t won a lawsuil for 1.1.X.1 rupees due under the liquidation, after eight years of litigation
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  • 26 2 Mr-sHs Mi.Mislir A- (o advertise an aui'lion sale of aalvafe from the British ship BartofHopeUmn,* L.m pill, on Wednesday the ll'th instant. at Taajeng Pagar Wharf.
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  • 57 2 In Committee of this s u ,ietv a, knowledp. a luithii list of donation's to the funds, eolleeteil hy milnhers and aaaociata* „t the Church Work Aaaocialion and forwarded hy Mr. Janus Miller, amounting to (llSJrt) Un HymllilHli .lones has al-., nl in a MC I li-t
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  • 63 2 Tiik Bombay plagM nmarl for th* weak ending on the i-t Inatant was unsatisfactory. In Bombay city, the total mortality rose from T»L' to U74,and the plague deaths from Il'7 to SOt. In Bombay Presidency, the r.-|io.ted Plague deaths ion from BJSOO to nearly Lfoo The
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  • 36 2 It is announced that Sergeant t ir, formerly attached to the Gambling Suppression Department, will short I v retire on pension, rie is pronounced to be unfit for further service owing to ill-health
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  • 49 2 Admikai. Montojo, who was in command of the Spanish fleet at the battle of Manila, has been suspended by special order of the Supreme Council d War in Madrid. The unfortunate admit. il has been summoned to appear before that august body as soon as possible.
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  • 63 2 United in the Japanese Cabinet regarding the Badge* has been settled, the Ministers of Marine and War agreeing to the reductions effected by the Finance Department There is still a deficit of thirty million yea, to meet which increased taxation will he necessary. An diet has been issued
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  • 88 2 A Eiboi'Kax named (i. H. (ireen, now -t lying at the Hotel deflamae, reports that he left at the llorneo Company's nlliee a couple of boxes aii'l a portmanteau to bescnt on board t lies. s. reaper*. Yesterday evening, on going to the ollice to obtain a ticket
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  • 91 2 It is staled that recent heavy bnanrtl of Liverpool salt into Calcutta are due lathe action of the Salt I'nion in sending out large shipments to compete with oiiishcd salt from Aden and the Red Sea. They succeeded in this competition because exchange was in their favour,
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  • 142 2 Tiik annual pii/.e meeting of tbe MangOf Rift* Association was held on the 7th and sth instant. At -Ml yards kneeling, W. Hay scored ;U and, at MM yard*, J. Brom Moredas. bW**o npetiton appeared for the Resident's Cup whih was won by W. Hay. who made
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  • 141 2 Wi. ,1 not for one moment sugge-t any parallel to local circumstances, hut t ho situation here adds something more ol interest lo the following Dr. I.ilger, tb< Ami Semite Burgomaster, of Vienna. oao* lioast.d that, after smashing the Jews, he would smasb the English, and drive
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  • 134 2 Ifaa del. ,ii, ing and attempting to sell a packet ol diamonds, lost in a rikishn last December, a couple of Chinamen nave I committed for trial at the Assizes Hue of the witnesses in the case was also committed for perjury. A Chinaman was fined tin, or
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  • 184 2 Tiik procrammeofthe I'liilhaninmi, Orcheetra'i rpeeial nnwil. in the Town Hull, to-morrow enainV roi, lnins numerous items of interest The t.alure ol theeuleilaimnelit will, of course, he th* aaven leleotioH by the hand enumerated in our advertising columns Mueioian Haley, of the We«t Vorki I:. iv. II play as
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  • 83 2 Him. I]|IIIB Hmi,i. Miiv»lH.r... IMhOatober, 1««. I. UnloriyOflaM lor the eawiaf week: Lieut. U. Derrick Orderly aafaeant for naola* week, teffV if. A. ft Jtum ■j. MlUp* ii accepted. •I. l'lirad...: M,. ii, lav. Ut |i in Baud I'rill i.n.l evmiiiuiti.,,,,,, ...u,,,' W,.,',,.-. .lay, .Vl.-i
    83 words
  • 97 2 Bcnrnaaj p m. last aight ami 8 a.m this morning, the sc C pavilion wa* entered and IISU in >he.|-,u- and not) stol.ii Batranos wan effected through one of the loww windowi being the Hotel de 1' Europe, hy brdng back the bah. Several footmark* left
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  • 367 2 WHAT FRANCE THINKS BVSSIA IX THE HAl'KUK'll M>. Is official quarters in Paris the Kashoda incident did not, at latest mail j advices, cause any alarm. It was confidently anticipated that the matter will be settled in a friendly spirit. The question to he decided, they say. is
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  • 354 2 itanaa* thk saha LOM Kitchener arrived at Paaboda, with his little eipedition, on the morn mg of Septemher L'lst. His journey had BOt he— without adventure-; for, on the lMh,thei:unhoat ■>'»>! had been wind That was U < aacond ol th* two steamei- d.-p.ile!, hy the
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  • 355 2 TO THE KIMTi.K Ot TIIK "BHrl lIMK>. Sik, A si'iiii'wh.'it lintlliy (piatl* npnnd in ytm i»-i r >,-i, I. x data relative to to* queatuw of tbe status afofatki in Hid IWaacor Oov-i-miniMit si-niii-, .mil, in a manner, ihplßfiM tbe unrighteoui treat I ol the otlWiaU in h«aarin|
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  • 31 2 AspaaM aailml i J »o~ Affirmed > itrici j "I anda.linn.,l the Consular Court tl' fri «..s ordered ol !l 'I Ml W Criminal Appeal, Mated by Mr 11ynd,,,,,;.
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  • 606 2 ■twiner which bi It ii not, I 1,,h, insist Hi,' he leave.; f.n- .■iiuiuK."'"!'?' tieh Miniate* qoiu H.,,,,k,,k ,i, IIIAM UloilX Ti,,.r,.i.,-v,.1..n.|y.,,,,i, „1.|,.|, r m „v,-i t1,,. Chantaboon J telegram u,iii,. V, H mU ,h.ii, liainl.-.ustl, .t the French liaradanM permanently occupying il I w,,. VP
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 377 2 NOTICES. NOBEL'S EXPLOSIVES COMPANY, LU. ■an all Dynamite, Gelignite, Blasting Gelatine, Detonates, All IIS!- Of F'IiSCS. no Electric Blasting Apparatus. Iv THE KOK.VKO COMPANY.LTD WJI.K AOENTB K» KIKOATOKfc -iii..- -i.nn .Inv^ an,! Bi r, HAVE vi urn -i in n- N groOß HI I 111. Vll'iV K SIDEROSTHEN PAINT. [EON
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    • 561 2 NOTICES. KATZ 151 {OTHERS. LTD. Have just received a large stock of SEWING MACHINES: LH il'i/ 5 f ?t i M iia^PaßP 'F WmSF' SINGER'S IMPROVED BYBTEM HAND MACHINE, IN BA.NDSOME POLISHED COVER, I2S.CKX I 1.1. _j mi" ~Ta**B 4.^ "v B *VLWB r y^ *n \j Jawenf; M■' B
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    • 976 2 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. wasted: Tanjong Fadar I)o«k shaie-. Municipal fi IVU. FOR SAI.K ranjoni! l'a«ar l>ock I>eb«. I Tanjong Pagar Dock Deb. 4 Straits Trailing Coy. Shares. h'KASKK A Co., c. Exchange and Share Brokers. BDHMJOU GOLF cl.fli NOTICE. riMIK link, of the above Club, on the I live Course, will
      976 words

  • 1397 3 „i,m,,ihts met, rdinary meeting ol *J ..V.TIIIIlflll i riday, tugrthai i. which, it i.y the Finance Con lised froi on :i v..ti- being .1 M igr I to, Pennsfatber voting .yinsrlhat C.I 13,000,1 riM ..I 10 should in:..l.- T.i n.ik'9 "W it w« l:l f f.,r the aure
    1,397 words
  • 38 3 Uamki engineec mporU la the pjiicotbal lie fell from lii,,igbt, being uloepal the time, and win „.,,,1,. un.-.'i-.-.-i."- l.> 1..- 1.|..» ■:> hi, head When became to, bia watch and chain valued at Rts, and nil
    38 words
  • 58 3 KB,X B mm... with tho mail „i thu *ard gopteinhvr, Colombo al I" |>in otitl..' l-ili October, and i- due here on Monday n< (I nl about 6p in The folio* it from ManeUlea tothii von Mr \v P l.,,ii> !i.-i. i. M. t V Bedford, Mr.
    58 words
  • 835 3 UEXKRAL OTIS REPORT*. AN N KX ATION ANTICI PATED. XBH lIV THE HAIL Tiik navy and army at Manila will I reinforced, notwithstanding two very satisfactory telegrams iMMidi .it Washington from General Otis. They -ay In my opinion, fcaaad upon it- n: iii' l 1 1 k 1
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  • 62 3 Tn linalTi.- in the ProJaarion Pita u.i-, -..titr.-t, .U.-t,r,lav. Iflu. n I i.hcrand Linton (Bank*) and HainUI, n and Raiuni.' ,M,r. h:ini>>. Tlio wm iron b) the latter sis. to three; the aaeond let, bow- Ddi i in an eatjr «i" lor the lianlu The third iat
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  • 975 3 iMndon, -JJr.l Oyiaahr. NATIOSAI. DIB.VRMINO. Gkkmany, Austiia, and Italy have intimated their acipiiesceri' in M C/ar'a proposal for ail international Disarmament Conference. 1 hey prescribe us a condition of being represented at MM ffllllhff— that it shall be assumed that their present possessions will be maintained
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  • 561 3 NEW TI.UI. T" Thk result of tin 1 appeal i:> 'I"' of P. II Nightbuala r. Charlae Tlk.i-ii.-. before tha Chief I-atieeand Justices. Leach and Hradman loom, ma briefluwranoed yetierdaj, TTaa lodgment, in l.ricf, was'as follows The fhiof Justice said the case wv MM in which t
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  • 117 3 WKUXKSHAY~ PLAY. uuHnoamr. Paton boat BaM] (SUB). -1N..1.K lIAXIII..AI'. Winter bwl Qeakio (M.17), DOVBU MAM. I. Al' HoUowaj mi Jenkloi baal PlUook and Kidd t-l li. I IKS JOB lIUIIAY. II A Ml 1..N-H 11-. I .art.- I'mil.lilv. -IN. I ll.Wl'l' ll' A-.-liniaim i-. r. I'.n.M, <'■'■
    117 words
  • 71 3 SINGAPORE SPORTING CLUB. AUTUMN BACE MEETING. Fiiaifai infi. n by f7tt, «4rf tJifaiiaa MHt (Mihi Ti. k.'is<,(a.lini-ioiit.. th.- Grand Haad ami am k* had of Maura, .ions Lmu 4 Co. 11l Daily Ticket 12 Seaaon '5 Ladiea' Ti.krt- f i application to tli— S.-.r.'tai\ l,t M.n,l..'i- .ifih.'i'lnli ri.-k.-t- ..r'.\.in,u-.i0,, i.>
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 521 3 INDIGESTION Condy's Fl Id bnMeihqla] "Igjrjnm NOTICK AprUOATtOSI wUI bewaelralal th.CoioniHi S. im« (lm.-i-, f..r the o .f I i.i'l." Villa. Kent |5- |K-r month K 1 1 1- 1 1 1 1 1 1 naf I"''.in.'.t on appli. ntion to tin 1 SUiHTilllVlKletlt of Work, 1111.l SIIH.'VS v,
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    • 592 3 PORBALK: KM I'l.( )YM KNTS: TOUT: AND PERSON ALB 1 -t tihb, 16 ocntß a lino; LV..I and Srtl t mi.... 10 .-.MiK a line 4th to lilh tini.'i. I eeati a line; 7th to imh Umea, 3 .-»nt« a line; .'MTwar.lw, 'J aantl a line; liul no linr mlvrrtiK'niPnt
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 100 3 aui:.\S(;i:mksts Till -USIiAV, 1 ■■iril lOBU High Wai.r. -57 p in. Bowling I urn nl Cono rt Bailon II ma lli^h Water. m u:i» pjn. Kenwioe Auction Tanjong Rhu Powell Sara MM mail for Burope, due. I'hilbamioDic Concert B s. V. A. Squad and Gun Drill, t 15. > i
      100 words
    • 112 3 Monday, 17th October. High Water. lv."la.m. ll.:Wp.m. rrintinp Plant Auction I'owill UO. Philharmonio Choir. UK I (i T Chur.h House. 7.30 Howling Tournament. Si-joy LBbM, Golf. WKATHER RKPOKT Kmdang AVrMii Hn^,<M, \2lh Oat 1«*. nin p.. pin Kkmakkb. Bar. 99iMlWMl»ens T«mp. M.O Mi 700 \V. irit.Tlivi 7iiU 7.-.0 741) S^l
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  • 529 4 ttIHOArOKK. ISTtI (K TORER. I**. paoßDtat. I nre corrected to 1 1 :W n.mj Gambler Copra Bali >'>■ Jo Pontianak «<*>. Pepper, Black H. 13). Jo White (SX) «>OO. S.-uio Klour Sarawak,. i.W|. Jo Brunei Sl« I'earl Sago MO. folW, Bali, picked BU> Codec l'alembang. picked 30.00. Coßeo, Liberian,
    529 words
  • 118 4 fkf V.r .tr. Tim.. To-.Mokkok. K I i-.-.' T. An-on A mh^rst, JJ p.m. Malacca A KlanR Xtrra, 4 p.m. Ijiliunn via ports I't/iier, 4 p.m. I'.il.'inlani; <>,.),< r, 4 p.m. BtUrt* via porb Av.iW,! >>nualKiya via port* .liijinm. 4 p.m. ISanukok Bm B a.m. B«a(k0k N.
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  • 90 4 From Evropk:— By the M. at «.5.0...... i. v nil. latex to the 23rd Kepi. due on the IHIh (1.-t. Khiim Chika-Bv tbo M. M. <,ii Hie nth i >. i. hag -'iili N. I>. L Bap* ill) \»n JBtta P. A- S«mil |Hih S. |.t •.'n.l
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  • 68 4 PASSENGER LIST. ARRIVALS. I.-i k s, mi from Itangkok Mi. M.,iitinit..nni-t. l',-r> UUmkn fmrn HongkouK-Hr. l;.il/.ili..r.-. i:. Woodland Van tafan. lv, Uniaasl from Kelaulau Mr. Kll.iton. IVr from Singkep-Mr. IVn.lick. I'.-r s. I. baWk from Muar Mr. C, Otalen. I.-i s. Sanaa ir.nn Klung \i:i|K)rtCapl. .-in.l Mi- Uvvson, Mr»
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  • 34 4 IVr Del man Sa.h»f,, Hongkong Mr- >|. -Kinl.-v. U.-v. I'iiul Koong Ouung, M.--M- N Wolf. John Satiiulera, Mis* X Kaiiiiii.-rinaiin. lIIm K. Clara, Mr. (iol.l -tcin. Mr. an.l Mrs. Clipper!.:, an.l Mr,. Kngcl.
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  • 183 4 (for Bsßa9B*rs\) IVr M. M s fill, hiVi.,l,ll. .onuv.lin* uitlith. •-1.-.-iniiT ■■i1.;1..,,i. nl C.loin ho. from >I:ii..i!!.-, .«.-|>t. II Mr. Van d<Watering, Mi J. Boston Hep) So Mr. W I' 1..« i. ii.-t^r.Mr. K. V It. 1 1. .i Mr. 1.u.101|.1i, Mr. uiid Mr-. Uiaut Mr. M..1 Mr.
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    • 205 4 Itnderthisheailinglhofollowingabbrevia--1 ions are used str.— steamer sh. -ship Lq.— barque; Brit.— British U.S. Kta'.ee Kr. French tier.— German l>ut. Dutch; Job— Jobore; Ac. (1.c., (1.-neral I cargo d.p.— deck passengers; I.- I'n.-.-r-I lain T. 1". W.-Tanjong Pagar Wharf; T. P. D.— Tanjong Pagar I>ock B. W.
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    • 1003 4 Abiivau Smci x.hih or TsKBaUl Ja*Mr, Brit. «tr. 3,M» tons. Cnpt.iiii Jackson, l;»h Oct. From Hongkong. Mlh Oct (i.c W Mansfirl.l and Co For London Klth-W. Alihbtimn, Dux. l»|. 411.1 ton-. Captain Kklnnd 12th O-t. From Mauritius. 2nd Sept. Wood. Oulhriean.l Co. For Mauri I 1 us,
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    • 353 4 (VMM, port, prnbablr Hatr nl nrrtrnl, n..,( namf ol awnli. \_.:im,-iiiiion. Urcf| ,0 iX M™:.,l.i. Ani.Ti.iiMaril.l U.n S.n \li-iii. irti.n-. in I...-IV o. i I- li M,.,. r \li.|:.lll-l.-|. lrii.iMK. In li'lH.- N0« I II M Baut-lalwrg, HkonK. lo Iran. V..- I li llallaarai. Colombo, 8m B P.*0
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    • 146 4 t V Horn's N«!l> A |M C'»PT»I« i| i 111 I U I'r; Spa Mr (M Unda 13 Vvn.-r Ssr »tr. 4H.1 l>"iill I.' giiun l>»t »tr. I4M Mm I.' lAldobuin Ku bq. M Bklund li KtM Her sir :ili- Hupmer IJ I'.ik-lKiri llrit Mr. 1339 JuMw 13 SriTnn.
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    • 56 4 IUTI. VUUIL'I N ItuUl (AI'TAIN |ii.i>" let I-' PyrrbM Brit Mr. Ball I-.' Sa.-h-n (i-r Mr. Banmw I.: (YrU-ri^ Bril Hi. Bell 1:1 K Mr. 11m.: i.i Tmnm »tr. sink. l.'l Kian Yang Ml kiniiil. II Klpiiuiatouc ilr, Abbati to Cjirnliiiii DiU Mr. 0 l:i ihi.nt Am itr. Vulrnlino
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 424 4 NO'I Hl'iS, A MES WATSON GO'SSCOTCH WIIIBKIES aM niK \i,i i-; in mi-; \i.\kki-.t. y si iin mows, v run. V. V. SPECIAL HESKttVK. tiaoo rea caaa, wwr bub, DOMINIK. 10 YRARBOIJ). >lli l|M i l OBTAINAUI.K Uti.M KKTAII. HKAI.KU-. OB MoALISTER '<».. «cr«AOßrn CHAMPAGNE. 1.0 l IS ROKDEKKR,
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    • 145 4 UROWN'S K,.i i Caowi Huamj SCOTCH WHISKEY, As rapplM lo 11.K.H. ih.' Mom of Wains BBonatAmi a co., :i 1 1 Ationts for .Sincnpore I JOM JAMSON .,l -i.NS'i DUBI IN) "OWN CABBD" V. Old W II I S X I •..tai"" |:|M i Oapsulos 00'l.U 1,,,,. 81 ira, Bait
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    • 312 4 NOTICES. 9m*Bm»ltfnmfiown, j RIGAUD'S WHITE VIOLETS. RIGAUD'S white MM RIGAUD'S white jasmin. RIGAUD'S WHITE LIL.O RIGAUD'S white imi. RIGAUDsC; MM, Paris 3 N. B. /Stek Nu|;MAN £~A SI'KilA!. m j wnrji whisky. I{a].i(lly comiii£ to the front. Sold all over the Peninsula. M. ALISTKK CO., BOLE AGEMTR M c AOSTEfitfcCa
      312 words
    • 181 4 NOTICES. UTIILIMID iff* XHAMS \^J ARE THE^ BEST. Ta b« obt&lnad throufh ALL LUOA] !«>...; AND DEALERS, Bir/VOKI.i!TOS J* OCX, 23 Greit St. IMn'i, LONDON. HOTEL DES IXDES. BATAVIA. r 1 1 1 1 1 S li,st class hotel, lighted 1 throughout l>y elettririty, i« residential uuarter, Iwiile the Harmonic
      181 words
    • 1098 4 NOTICES. amUAFOU SPORTIXU LIB Programme for the Autumn Race Meeting. FIRST DAT. Mk MM (Malar. Finn Race. til MAIDEN PIATK.- Value *.'-V>. A Race for Maiden I|. IVn.-M as (XT scale (IU.-t. Hill.). An IIMM of -1 lbs. to horses entenii fur the Intermediate K.u s -mln. An allow-ii:i--f of
      1,098 words