The Straits Times, 5 August 1898

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. ESTABLISHED: 1831. SINGAPORE, FRIDAY. AU(iUST 5, 1898. NO. 19.5 W.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 323 1 T HMO^«OCO- Ii HT.MM,T. D „,r ii k iGBt com- i siKAMSIU!' O»MrAMES. 1) Orrtc*. Collvm gc*T O r >'* w Habtcue. OH WTWBKW (MWIIT. \il..K».T»B, M.1.T1. B«Ts V""<-«- '•"HOI-T.I. r»r»».,iitrffl Aur. 12 I loft, I l|| llm—ftm Au«. I Mil!. 19 i 'Jf— Au f hiv only ijpproxtmm* :Zmh»
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    • 883 1 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. I^ ON INK LUKE PAKETVAART MAATSCHAPPLI Inder contract with tbe Netherlands India Government. A.,rnl, nl S.nyapor,: Kmr AollliY. Late .1. I)a«ki.els A Co.. J-3. Cou-VIE QtIAT. Steann-r Krom Expected W ill be Despatched for On .Vir»*n.«. llmassin. Auk. 1. Bmassin. Pulu Laot. Moenradjawi, Cotei Bernuw. and Hmlongnn. Au
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    • 363 1 BRITISH INDIA STEAM XAVIOATION COMPANY. LIMITED. TO PENANG, RANUOON. a CALCUTTA OneoflheCoinpain>steanieniiBinteiid,.| to leave Tanjong hfH Wharf every we«k Passengers and Cargo arc- booked by the above steamers at through rates to all iwrts in India and Oylon. also to Ea.l African Ports. Mauritius, or London. TO ADELAIDE. MELBOURNE. AND
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    • 662 1 INSURANCES. 'HUE LONDON AND LANCASHIRE 1 KIKE INSURANCE COMPANY. Capital i-2,127,800 Paid up Capital 212,7-X) KtMm Fund «"«,SVi I The undersigned. Agents for the ConiI pan), are prepared to accept fire risks at l!Ol!STKAI> Co. rpilK CHINA TRADER' INBURA.VCF J. COMPANY. LIMITED. Capital "1- Amount l'»id op MO.OOO. >:.-..,>,. Fusd
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    • 547 1 INSURANCES. LAW UNION AND CU<i\VS FIRS (AND I.IKK INsritANCE COMPANY umu im—ml f I^H K imilcix^nitl have l«vn appointed 1 Hk-'-nt. ;it Singapore, for the above ■'oni|i.inv:ui.l;ir>' M»t»«J I tki- ri-k- ul current fate-. JAEOEK Co. r pHK STRAITS INSURANCE I COMPANY. LIMITED. ruTAßusiiin NHL Him UrriCK, Capital Fully
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    • 849 1 NOTICES. I 0-U lbd-to, r..i-.-. i>.\s- I^- JOSEPH GILLOTrS Of Highest Quality. .....1 r-.,v-. f& f HI (ft Greatest Durability a,.- Tharafort Uk U CHEAPEST j 1 1 O c. f. :tl IJ STOP. THINK AND CONSIDER \lrll.\T m (Uler. >...!. S,cnnty in your li> Kr.-,,i0,,i Thetts. tin\y thuM--a-ti»-
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    • 446 1 MAYNARD tf CO.. looted WHOLESALE AM) UTAIL CHBMIBn LSTATKS. llnsi'lTAl.S. AID WSI'KNSAKir.s SITI'UKI'. SHOT MK|»it INK CHESTS MITUKU AM' KITH. I.I.I. Ferftimory and Toilet Kequisites PHOTOQ&AFHIC CIIKMICALS. HKMKBUftmUC aUCDiCINKa FILTKJH, Err. Krr SPECTACLES Wit FOLDERS in Gold, Silver, and Nickel. 11. ISATTKKY I,'OAH. m X*. M .U</rioN~SALESr~ Ul Of Hill
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    • 712 1 IT IS REMARKABLE," CAYS MR W WILSOS, THE O M)PULAR Chrm;«t at RjwiLnsrsi »nd MrKttK, How Ch»inl»rUin\ OOBat Remedy Ims attained a prominrn. in tlii« 'li"trirt, an-l though it ha« only bc*n > lulr.-lu.-.d „,,m 1,.,. taUn th- >S*£l?UStbtoiSa^ > IMS!!IrtS3 thai it pMMHM .V -|,tinnnl 'jualltio* I to i.vommiM.i
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  • 175 2 STRAITS TIMES. FRIDAY, 5TH AUGUST, 1898. REUTER'S TELEGRAMS BRITISH POLICY IN CHINA. EsTAßLisnm: MR. PRICE U CKNTB [Suhteription rate* and adtvrtiting rattt -n..t/ UJmuirl <m the fourth pact] MX. CL'R/ON SPEAKS. UEfINITK 61TP0UT TO CHIN*. taaba, niK Augmt. In the House of Commons, a debate MM on the Foreign Ollice
    Reuter  -  175 words
  • 88 2 PEACE NEGOCIATIONS. SPANISH AUVA.NCKS M Cambon. the French Ambassador at Washington, act ing in the capacity of Spanish plenipotentiary, conferred with rresid.nt McKinley. for one hour, at the White lluuse, on Wednesday last S.i statement M regards the result of the conference has been given to the Pnss This silence
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  • 22 2 THE AMERICA CUP. CHALLKSUK BY I.IITOX. Sir Thomas Upton, the tea merchant, has issued a challenge to sail for VbaAwuHm Yachting Cup
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  • 709 2 THE CUBAN CONCERT. The Concert of tlie Great Power! became sadly discredited hMNM of its undeniable breakdown over tlte GrecoTurkish Mm Mi MMIbMI ofadranceeveu could not be maintained, and finally the mmUmtf collapsed altogether so thai even the moving in a circle, which was thought useful for "saving face," had
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  • 494 2 OUR DOGS. Tlink were t^M dogs killed last year within theMunicipallimits of Singapore, under the prevailing regulations. In ]-M the total number officially done to death was 1.014, and in 1 it was 1 .<>*:■ What it the cause, we wonder, of this startling increase, a growth of deaths that
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  • 7 2 To-day's 4 m,s bank rate is 1/UrV
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  • 12 2 The homeward mail by the fTWrftl dons at I p m to-day.
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  • 15 2 Pitoof. K. ex.-hange, and share pi ices, and the mail list, are on page I.
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  • 19 2 On hundred and sixty. nine deaths wore registered hen last week. giving I rat* ol H -1 per thousand.
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  • 17 2 Rajah Bkoork has booked his passage for Marseilles by the M M. <*.«*.«, which lc.iv.-s early t. .-morrow.
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  • 17 2 Fin: keeping an opium shop open tfttr boon, Cl.i.,.unai, vu tin, morninf lined live dollars ami n«i-
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  • 19 2 kiBMI Powell ,v CO, a.hertise H auction sale of assaying ap| us ;nul oboroical* bbw Mlv-roonu on tht ttnd.
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  • 17 2 ok .ii.iilating Sarawak perforated ooppei ooin, twenty money-cbannn were thU numing lined two dollars ■ah ami otata
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  • 24 2 A umUl competitor in the mineral oil Irada of Calcutta is liurma. Lust year the exportation! from the province. waned artf ill million gallcr,»
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  • 19 2 Caitaik Rmr of the s. Hteuta reports that J233 have been stolen from his. cabin. His boy hii diupppeared.
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  • 22 2 Mb K. E Cleeve has been appointed to be an Examiner for Masters' and Mates' Certificates, Singapore, rif» Mr. J. Gray resigned.
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  • 24 2 The lower part of the i^Jtieo of the Magistrates' Court is under repair, and the upper part is showing increasing tendencies to come down.
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  • 25 2 The trial of wood-paving on oue thoroughfare having prove*! a success in Rangoon, more is now being laid with a view to extend the experiment.
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  • 27 2 An unfortunate gharry driver was fined a dollar and costs this morning for leaving his vehicle unattended while he went into an office to get his fare
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  • 26 2 TnK annual report on the trade of the Colony for last year is published in to-day's liorernrwmt iias.ttt The figures given have l-ecu dealt with already.
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  • 28 2 The body of the Ute Mr. William Bibby will arrive here to-moirow on l.oaid the s. s. llyr l.'Ct.j The funeral will take place at 7p. in to-morrow.
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  • 29 2 On Wednesday, a Javanese gardener, employed at Barganny Lodge, was severely injured by a fall Irum I tree He refused to go to the hospital and died yesterday evening.
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  • 25 2 Thkre will b.. an Association Football match on the Esplanade, at ."> this afternoon, between an eleven front tl.e liatll.-.- Institution and the B. K. C.
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  • 27 2 Yestikuay a Chinaman named Ah Hoou got two months' for being in possession of various articles at I'anglin barracks, of which he could give no satiafacto'ry account
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  • 34 2 Thk Netherlands Consul General advertises the letting of (I) the pig farm on the east coast ol Sumatra, and (2) of the navy supplies at Achcen al-o regarding auctions of Government eotl'ee at Balavia
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  • 43 2 A kkmindlk may be useful that the annual meeting of the Singapore Bianch of tl.e Straits Settlements Ass... ion is to he h.-ld in the Exchange Itooms at 1 .1" to-day. The report was printed in this journal on the Iftfc ull.
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  • 39 2 An itinerant vendor had a rather narrow escai* last night, at the junction of Dhoby (.haul and Selcgic lead. His rear box was smashed by a dogcart whose driver never slackened his too-furious pace to enquirewhat damage was done.
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  • 48 2 Urn Ebramsah was, this morning, charged with receiving a numlier of wooden pipe* and a cigar holder, valued at Slo.'t. the property of T L (iosling A Coy knowing the same to have been stolen The case was |H>st|.oned till the 13th instant bail being tiled at MM
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  • 26 2 SIAM TEAK. int. .nuation that the tiovcruinent is the teak forests from utter destruction t hrough the felling ol saplings, by rigidly applying the forest rules
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  • 37 2 INTINERANT VENDORS. Tins morning, another raid was made on the hawkers about IVkin Street, China Street, and South Bridge lioad. and thirty-seven with their merchandise were landed in the Central Station Nominal tines were inllicted on this
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  • 54 2 WAS IT A PANTHER? A m.A. k panther is said to have been seen br some natives at the corner of Alexandra Road at I'asir Panjang One of the men who is supposed to ham -ecu it, says that it was on the road but made ott into the. juugle
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  • 44 2 CANTON REBELS. At the date of last advices ,'lth July, tin- southern portion of th» Canton province continued to be in rebellion The rebel force is estimated at from twenty to forty thousand men The mandarins have seven thousand four Hundred braves under arms.
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  • 52 2 LAPSE OF MEMORY. A Malay lad was brought before Mr. Wolferslan this morning, lor being in possession of two new tennis balls The 111 on being questioned said he found them on the road, but forgot that the mark on them was that of a Club The Magistrate lined him
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  • 59 2 WRONGLY MARRIED. P. C BwMfJ has been sentenced to thii-c mouths for marrying a married woman, and his guilty partner has got six months for having falsely stated that she was unmarried. Another man got three months for sup|>ortiug her statement, and a warrant is out for the arrest of
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  • 67 2 JAPAN COTTON SPINNING. The manner in which Japan tends more and more to become a manufacturing country has I wen often remarked, I. nt tin- 1110=1 remarkable development in the country is that iclating to cotton yarns Only in IM cotton-spinning look loot in Japan, and now nearly a million
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  • 165 2 ELECTRIC LIGHT IN CEYLON. A iikmk for clc,tru\dly lighting the town of Kandy. in Ceylon, shows a 1 provision of MXI incandescent anil seven an lamp-. The contra, ta. Mated m for Si I»,«W lor a year There was a motion t.. levy per cent tax nil pro- perty in
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  • 251 2 PENANG RACES. THR BECOND DAY. The second day's racinn of th. p.. Turf Club took place SiRSL T H course yesterday afternoon. Appended are the results o f Tin Kiiurr CHllm ■mum. Nfc-A Handicap (ur Uriffln, r,,i C" run in M Hiwe l.t Day. Di.Uo'-e Till ComsE C\ -r. --Value
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  • 563 2 DELI NEWS. MALAY TOBACCO II.AN NN'll Mi ll v.1.., ray* Iho Mi Coumnl, hu been caused by news he Sultan uf Serdanß has turned loaaooa pbntrr Hitherto, in I'eli and in other ntctioQi ..I Hi.- EastCoait uf Sumatra, tuba™ phanag had been purposely rontiipd I* KnopMM It MBI imd.-r»t.H.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 489 2 NOTICES. ~xobei;s explosives company, li). M«r>Ml*t,ir-r.o»: I>\S\MIIK '■H lONI it ..K.I.MINK HYNAMIM ril LBTINU OKI ITINI DETONATORS -itKiv ran KLBCTKIi miam'i'v.; utiihii 1 Thi »b o ti Kzixokitu. ILI ■i hi unin ,'jf mm m HkiTikH ■OVUIKIMni. ANIi iU.lllkklruM. OllklKnm <ii!4utt i»b ".Kim nmun 10a mmik thi» ««n«rv THE BORNEO
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    • 867 2 kotici VI Ml PLeV»a«l lx-P"t r.'movr.l to Orchard K.«d. No. C. A<rro«a i 9m Mgaaaafd. Nones. Im un,l.rM k -n,.|,h«v,-l».D»p|uinl«) vnii, in Miucnpor.', lor th* N>ler laodMh In!- !i Si k -ar.-a Mifi/ii, E. Dun I lop 4 i'o.. Ratavia. I haw iil»l r UIIU la, 4- aa.l x-»orl«.«d klipplv
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    • 365 2 NOTICES. I NOTICK •pHK Opium an<) Pawnbrokers' Farm! o! I I of the Knidoncr Bank*, (or tb. year lBW,*nd(orl«ga.Uo6,Md r.ul, will be M It M .mi -k on the Wli and Imb B» ptemlxr lli-xt, ie>pn:tivelv. j. a. i>e not Coniul-Ger ral (or the »ib»ri«n<i., Singapore, IIHb May, !«•> NOTICK.
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    • 745 2 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS, j BIJOU THEATRE. (Foot of Fvrt Canning, EtHnmct /acta? I Crowded NiKbtly. TllL ClI I' "-111 I :H 11 COXI." To-night! To-night!! D'AltrS MARIONETTES. Th« Beautiful Transformation I A M>iu>R'> Drum* The Homl o> nit Su-SvMriia.' With Amber-dropping tiair. .V. Tiw liallery (SI eta.) i« nraerred lor
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    • 82 2 M. 8. iatawUrf for tl» %Mi Tun* <lio«l-t •rltU» on <*» tld* U« jmft sdi By UM •^^•t ..f th»t condition. ■u)Ts. 8. u» rqwUJ Uut awriit otlurwin >w pihluh*.' AllaanftiaiiKeorirwOuan t th. ouodit»n th.t IW .Kuri »*7 U.t» Ox id~rli««it uflt M UM |M<Mr in raw, of piM at
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  • 1047 3 SINGAPORE IN 1897. rt the idmtobtnUten of M „Ui.y ,1^,1,1^7, 1 resident, is „-,:,!..•,>.. velear „,,,,,,,,t An iniproTe- :..l.lltlt.n t" tho by which retaronet ttw „,.,,tly heW- re during Uk>JJ«. iarion and eons •hole I I»■ Comodingco** IStioM. im». ■mum* m one <<f constant „f-,,1,,,,,1id-d than hwe boon ,dditiou aad
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  • 88 3 CRIMINAL EXCHANGE. A kew days ago, one Chinaman charged another With the theft of a dollar. The charge- was oonaUand frivolous and In- was lined ten dollars or fourteen clays. Be refused to pay the line. On the way to the station, tin detective in charge allowed another prisoner to
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  • 89 3 CULPABLE HOMICIDE. This morning Tan Bin* Yarn was formally committed for trial on a charge ..i lilpabl,- h.,mieide not amounting lo murder, lor having, on the li'th ultimo, shot Wee Chan Seng in the hip. and caused his death. Dr. Pry stated thai Ihe dooaaaad was doing well for eight
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  • 116 3 THE INSOMNIAN GERM. AN AI.AIII <l lI.CPC K. It is-tiuo.l il.mi cloak of tlir alarum persuasion, which raaily ilesanas its name, has baan rsoently made in France. Whan tin- fatal hour arrive »n laaomma germ >- released bom a link' in which it is confined, Uli on the deeper, wakei
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  • 109 3 PIRACY AND PANIC. Near Paogkallaii Brandan, wnaretbe lioyal UngEal Company has a station. a number of Achinese lately attacked a prahn oootalnini eleren Cliinsss p«» sengers. Tiny killed one iiaawissi wounded two others, and mrried oil booty rallied (U MOO. Two days aft wards, a ram.' arose at I'uigkallsrj Brandau
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  • 136 3 THE PORT. Thi lyr arrived here from I'ortUnd on the Srd in-lain, an route to Vladiraetock with cargo, and coaled at the Borneo wharf. She left the tune day. The i;t,;.l.*l,<i. which left Kifthinoim on the _'lili ultimo, laden with about MOD tone of coal to the consignment of the
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  • 49 3 BAND PERFORMANCE. Tin. following ii the prograauue ..i music to ba played b» the Band of tot Wasl Vorksliire Reitimenl on tbe r.ri.lm Barracki Parade Qround on Runday titan io it Trlampaal March. I lund. JrnUaa. Ovsrtue "Titos' MaaarT. Lnr c HaiiiM. Mastata "Harediade* v.. "•■OB UTI lilt (,'IUX."
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  • 1635 3 A CORRESPONDENT'S ADVENTURES. GETTING INTO CUBA. HE IIISKKD ALL FOR THK TIMCS." 1 At the «nd ul May, there was hardly newspaper but what contained a para- graph announcing that Mr K. K. Knight, the special correspondent of the London Timet, had land. .1 on the DOaet of Cuba from
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  • 931 3 PRINCE BISMARCK. MKMOHIAI. MF.ETINO AT THE TEUTONIA CI.fH. A vkmokiai. meeting was held by the Qarman community of Singapore, at the Teiitonia Cluh last m-ln in honour of tlio late Prince Bismarck. A largo lumher ofaanaam, -Swiss, and other Hands were pneaari at tlie Cluh, which was suitahly decorated for
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  • 963 3 NETHERLANDS INDIA. THE I'EDJK KXI'KDITION. Tiik respite Riven to the Achinese in Pedir, by the withdrawal of troops to "pcr.ite against tin- t.ui;iMi s in Kdi, i l i worked for evil to the Dutch. The Achinese recovered fnnii the discouragenient which had seized upon them after Hie Dutch successes
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 74 3 KATZ BROTUEKS, LIMITED. Have just unpacked a large stock of: MDSI C A L INBTBUMENT& MUSICAL BOXBB. English ami Chinese Tunes Accordeons. I'll COLO'S. FLUTES, OLARIONETTB& ULLITAII KKTTLE DRI'MS. BRASS 0OBNEI& VIOLINS *j|j VIOLINS VIOLINS \IIII.INS VIOLINS )\l|y VIIILIffs VIOLINS Tjf \l V\ VIOLINS !he» Vi,iliti> ;tiv apeaallT xliTleil mid
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    • 198 3 NOTICES. JOHN LITTLE AND COMPANY, LTD. Have just received a shipment of American goods. "ESTERPItBE" Ni:\v mk\i CHOPPER. I Family -1/.. ii lit Bxi Ii I I I Laraar 1 > s 1/. KJS Tin- Mincing Hachina doaa n.>t unn.l tlir aaal like Dtbar Cutters btd Chon it. s,in,.|,. in
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    • 302 3 inUSAI.K: I-MI'I.OYMENTS: TO LKT: AM) I'K.USONAI.S fIsTTIMS.« a line; »nd an.l 3r.l timef. lOcenloa lino 4th to «th tilnm, ivntu a line; Tth to IHth lime«. .1 ient« a Has; aflaniaraa, I Mais n linn; but no caMaasJaai tkaa on««1ollar. Thut, a Ihrtf. Mm ailvertiwment. ilomj «»t, in thin
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 252 3 wKAiiiKR nntti, Kandmg Kerbnu Hotpitn: ilh Aufuit, IBM. «a-m flp.m Pp.m Rrmahxs. Bar. ..-'.> Kll' M m :V NDS Temp. W» W.« Kfi W. B'll-Thei 7SI 75.. i 78 0 s-= Hir.ofWin.l K. U IX Max. Temp. H7.» Mln... 738 Sjf Mai. in »»nI4»T Terr.rsd. 70.i g 1 Itainfall Nil.
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  • 497 4 . Mirauou. >ti Aiorrr, IMI. PRODT7UE fiJoiM nrf eomded toU.M a.m.) Gtmbier Copra Bali "I'l. do Pontianak 3.70. IVpper.Black M S White, (»X) 44.; ft ■>«o Flour B»rmw»k I'M). do Brunei. iS.IO. ■curl Sago IHk 1 oflee, Bali, picked ».«X Coffee, picked.... M.TS. ■oflre, Liberian, No. 1 17 00
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  • 81 4 MAILS CLOSE. ft Wnma. llnu^kok llt/ifra,' i |..iu llan^kok II. WSn ~»igon U.,k Km 3 p.m. IVkan viaporl- hut? iMngdtn, .1 p.m. \l»l«.-,a Kl:.n< .S-,p,,*o, p. m ntaapu .V;i 7Vi«. W o/iu, j p.m. Muiu,,k I'lMinu < p.,,,. Boantevk via porlt Qummai Fii, I p.ia. lu.iriujiri Mv^n, < p.m. liaUvm
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  • 92 4 MAILS TO ARRIVE. From Ktmom By the M. M. /lufnt, .hie on the Mli in- :-.sit with date* to ilir I --.III July. mw Vhixa: llv tho M. M. BMMfal ilueon .'.Hi Aupist. FOB Table Ur Mails Ut'l. Left Sm^|...rc l)u» in London Arrived Jane MM M. M July 17th
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  • 276 4 PASSENGER LIST DtPAHTlBKB IVr M. M. LI, OMaatal for <\>lonil>oHn.«. liarlholuiii.'us/.. ami Mr. Charter Kr.r Manrilla*— Mm 1'. A. d,, l.«n»^.' Thomas Down, H»i«h ;ilrook^. Mr. w. H. Wool.ox, Mi- llriwn. and Mr. ami Mrs .x. Rtlatbab TO AKIUVK (b'«r Sm<ja]>OTr.\ IV, M. M. u, Ar,.:<rnrf B, hi,; roiinivtinc mill
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    • 156 4 SHIPPING IN PORT. UndKrthiiliaadinctbvfollowinKalibroviv n.»n- nr.. uwj i— -atr. vtoamcr I »h.— ship Iq. -barque I Brit— Briti.h 11. United SU'.w; Kr. rren.h fhr— O«rman Dut. Dut.h; Job— Johore. Ay.. O. c, Gnnrnkl .WHO d.p.— rleck .'iifr. U—Uncertain T. 1\ W. -Tanjong I'aitar Wharf; I. P. I).— TanionK I'auar I)<Hk
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    • 1087 4 TRADING VESSELS &C. »r«i»au> sinca Nona or Y>-n i.i.«-. Bnuurr, But. Btr. .120 tons, r«|.t K».k. 41b Aug. From Bali, Ist Am U.o and :I4 dp. Da«ndfls and Co F..r Deli, 9th K.I. <ilritlorh<i, Knl. itr. 2.W7 ton-, c»ul kl. tinwor llh Auk From Km hinotzu. I'ltb July., ami
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    • 360 4 VESSELS EXPECTED. litxmt, port, j'Tootible a i tit nl arnv&i. UongUui!. 10 law A.luria, Homd-oiiß. Aupju-l B. M r vn. Al.-.iv Huml.uiK, AuguM U Mf.rr. HnnUm. ikiya. Auk II UvudtiIhinvau. Kiummii, Auu L l Daendafe, bwl. OnlaMlm. Ocl >; P. <> 11.-til.rig. 1...iu1,.u, Auk t. BIaMM, H.-iil.mli. Hongkong. UK
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    • 58 4 ARRIVALS. IMA Nam. ha U»ITAH Kwim Suliil OMMW a Km I BfOUWV Dut «tr. .i.l) K,-,k IK-li LOI I l>:i.-i. tMTriUH llrit -lr. U Shi i-n Jub SI Ua( K«r Ho 4 HakT]iae Dot Mr. W7 M«an Ini IKnJo 4 <ilnil.»:h> Hni MM Hi-On-Kor K'ctaiaotiu Juh lllou- i
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    • 52 4 CLEARANCES. Date taaA Nuik FuuAKw Otlua DanidM Auk i UdjrltUclMU lint Hr. Musi i tnU Om bq Sodop A li in Whalt Suun llrit str. Boom lad™ mkm. ft Ulm Mr. I'roiet I >rj P i(< »UD Hut »tr H««.«i,,k»l l'l-11.-ID^ New Yorl Billitun mil I'onliitn^ liauv i M. CIUI
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 414 4 NOTICES JKflNflftCA of Japan TOILET WATER »rpr» kM m mt tt* Ming tf annfort and IfjHja *t. .1 1! rapyis to tfre sk.ii KANANGA EXTRACT WIQAUD A C B, rao Vivionne. PARIS JAMES WATSON COS SCOTCH WHISKIES ARK THK KKST TILDI IN ID .MAKKKT: <I. Jll.OO I'KR CAiB, I.OIT PAID.
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    • 174 4 INDIAN ENGINEERING, An tIUOTUOB Wi.tkl.v JumsiL IIIK HK(Oi,NI/CKI)()HI.AN(iK I HE raorawioa in nn Un ana ro isspkction. PAT DOYLE C.B. CALCUTTA. PIvNANG GOAL DEPOTS. Large stock of best WKIMI (OALS always on hand, quick bunkering, current prices. APPLY l" HUTTENBACH BfiOS&CO., PENANG ICE WORKS. Steamers supplied with best CRYSTAL ICE,
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    • 378 4 XOTICiS. LIQUID FUEL. I The ewr ami most kconomical form it nr.LroK iSTKAMSHIPK, MI.AM I..\lN< HKS UK<»MOT!VKS, AM) SIKAM-KNGINKS Of EVERY We shall shortly b« prepared to j Suiiplm can lie Keen at our ofiic«, where aim information can be had v to the SKKKAVAU.OS KKRRI'GINOI'S QUININK. -i Hi.- lint
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    • 1015 4 BATAVIA. rprilS first claw hotel, lighted I Utrougliurt by electricity. i« HH..1.-.I in the emtm of the Knropean I residential i|uarter, beside theliarmonie Club in.l close to the King's Plain. It I offers splendid accommodation for tra- The str*m-tram passes in front of the hotel. Omnibussej to and fraro the
      1,015 words
    • 684 4 AND i THE STRAITS BUDGET DAILY AND WEEKLY tSTABLISHEO 1831 TVl'pAw. X: 70. r*|fvti.'i'<m:- "Tiass, SiMiiroEi The Straits Times has the largest circulation of any newspaper in Asia, British India excepted. It circulates in Singapore and Penang, throughout all the Protected States of the Malay Peninsula, in Siam Borneo, the
      684 words
    • 57 4 NOTICES. CHAMPAGNE. LOnS RdtPERKR, KXTRA DRY. (Rcurrve for (irent Hritain) Louis Booderer, Carte Blanche BRIXKMANN CO. iMruKTKHII. R,1a,l ml JOHS LITTLE 4 CO. LTD. Sll HOTKI, CU. VAN HOKCK, IMHK Gflogcn op '£X0 vopt hoogt.* PAVILJOEX SYSTEEM OROOT IURK MIT SI'EII.PLAAT!" voor kindert-n Ken ruime BillarU-.n Spetl Zaa) Tafii.
      57 words
    • 40 4 NOTICES. n»n.lml°for ds« in thn East. "'"o UlXMill'll SrKlll Ht«I)i O t v ■FIKI.D- WATCH m-VIS" 01 En H ">«r. w BENXONS "LUDOATE- WATCH A stock of all l.<a<linic lines i. al«>, lllu.tratcl SSmSZXSif* JOHN liriLEiio.,,,,,,^ m lh, .Sfr,n(» runou/TOrawl-a-A^^,
      40 words