The Straits Times, 4 April 1898

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 12 1 The Straits Times. ESTABLISHED: 1831. SINGAPORE, MONDAY, APRIL 4, 1898. NO. -19,49(5.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 814 1 BOKiI«OCOMrANT.LIICITBD ,Tnu- MtaaaaJ* Life Aasnranos. I sTr-«h U"' 01 Fir taearawie SocletT f ITK^taWel Life Aastoaos Sonet,. IT. oSm Mti»- I****** Co-nanj. P* Mntaal »taa- Navigation Oompanj. IT 1 twol-n. Laf«* <«c« Ooealraaj. 11l SSS l»«r»a»C°«p»eJ- Limits. ,-,rul*r* of thaae. Companiaa. ace the r.lli TIIK HOBNEO COM,°,SV, LIMITED- Ag«nt«. sTKAMSHIP
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    • 862 1 STE.\MSHIP COMPANIES. irOMNKLIJKE PAKETVAART M/.ATSCHAPPIJ Under contract with the Netherlands India Government. Ammlt nl Singapore: Slur Ar.r!l<Y, UTE .1. Dae\'l,>:i> Co., L' J). Colltee Qcat. Bteamer rroni Ex|«-ctcd W ill be Deepatched for On Hat. Ilengkalis. Apl t Hen-kali ,Biak, Pan h, Hila, A«»ahan, and Deli. Apl. S. lluirtin. Sourahaya.
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    • 759 1 BRITISH INDIA STEAM NAVIOA TION COMPANY. 1.1.M11 TO PENAN'O, RANUOON, A CALCUTTA OneofthcConipany'ssteamerMsintended to leave Tanjong Piujar Wharf eveiv week Passcneers and t'arpo lire hooked hy the ahove Heamers at through rates to all ports in India and Ceylon, al-o to East Ait i' 'in I 1 .1 1~.
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    • 652 1 INSURANCES. rnHK I.ONIXIN AND LANCASIIIKE 1 FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. Capital O,ISUn I>aid up Capital 212.T60 lieserve Fund «7»,55.". The undersigned, Agents for the Company, are prepared to accept fire risks at P "m)USTEAI) A Co. rriiiK china tkadkk* insukanulJ. COMPANY, LIMITED. Capital Snbscriked I-'.' Vn...<int Paid up 000.000. Reserve Fund
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    • 293 1 INSURANCE.. rpHE QUEEN INSURANCE COMPANY X HOW HERGEI. IX THE ROYAL INSURANCE COMPANY. Ql-KES (MMMB Dl ILDIM.S. I.IVEKI-001. The undersigned. Agents for the above Company, are prepared to tako risks at HOOOLASDT 4 Co. 11HE BTKAITS I NBU K A NC E COMPANY, LIMITED. ESTA.-USHED 1883. Head Okice, Sixoafoe*. Capital
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    • 385 1 BANKS. HONUKONU AND SHANGHAI BANKIN(! CORPORATION. PAID-UP CAPITAL »10,000,000. RKSEKVE FUND I H,000,000. BXSIKVK I lAHILITY OKI 100 nnn00 PROPRIETORS J..»lU,uuu,uuu. COI'RT Of D|RK,*TORI<: mm.*. I. Bail lnim o«.iui» K. ti.Our. Kaq. De»-tt Ciiaiiiiian. r. ■maun, Bae, I a. J Batxond, rig. I. 11..51 V... K-|- K L. Kti-HARMOII. U.|
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    • 402 1 NOTICES, BKOW.WS FoiK QBMM I!i;am, SCOTCH WHISKKY. THK KINKST WHISKEY IS IHK WOULD. As supplied to II. I! 11. the Prince of Wai, I and 11. II Piinc- 11,-,,,ai,k. HKINKMANN A- CO., 11, Sole Agents for Singapore. NOW OX BALK FACTS AND FANCIES ABOUT JAVA. Tin.- boat, by Miss AUQDCTA
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    • 689 1 IWAIWMIinW I'AJ> BALM 1 one application rrliev- tl..- pain, and and without aneoiial for EuM kaek, palaa in the -i. I.- nr .li.-t. -pram- swelling-, lam.-ne-v ut- l-rn,--. hums, and will cure such ailri.-nt- In I--- tun- than any Small »Uc, BOoanU Urn «ne'»i THE DIBFENBARY, 5,,,, HI r i;.;,
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  • 70 2 MONDAY, 4th APRIL. 1898. REUTERS TELEGRAMS. KRITAIN AM) CHINA BRITISH DEMANDS. THE FLEET eONVKKiIISII. Ijmdvn, Mh Afrrii Sir Claude Maedonald, the British Minister at Pekin, has had important conferences with the Tnuugli Yamen. He has demanded concessions from the Chinese Government to reJress the balance at aw, which had been
    Reuter  -  70 words
  • 78 2 IRITICAL STACK BEACHED. The political situation as regards the United States and Spain has now reached its most critical stage. President McKinley will send a message to Congress on the subject on Tuesday (to-morrow). Some of tho European Powers are strongly pressing Spain to gMßjt an armistice in
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  • 57 2 The sentence passed on M. Zola by the Assize Court at Paris has been quashed on appeal. [M. Zola had been sentenced to one years imprisoumenl and lo a tine of 3,U"0 francs for lilxlling the French anal by maintaining that the inilitarv chief* had unjustly convicted
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  • 15 2 THE P.& O. CHINA. The prospects of floating the I. A O Übiaa are improved.
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  • 124 2 Arthur Orton, the Ticlibornc Claimant, is dead. [Arthur Orton, v>»- the son of a I, richer. at'Wapping, who emigrated to Australia. Sir Hoijer Tichhorne, heir to a baronetcy. •v never heard of nijnin after taking pas■age for Australia, in IV. I. Orion Maaav hled Tichhornc. and, on tho strength
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  • 324 2 THE SHIPPING COMMISSION. Tn chief Eaton of the report of the Shipping Commission will bl a proposal to recognise the chinchew Hitherto that pMMOJ, though very powerful in a Chinese-owned boat, has not been recognised by the law. The law deals with the owner uud with the master, but of
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  • 27 2 niditions actually prevailing ou board It will be found, however, that the principal departure from the existing rules is the proposal to recognise and regulate the chinchew.
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  • 25 2 Tks days ago S4O per ton was paid in Hongkong, by American warships fa Cardiff coal. The forward price ranger from SI:! down to Sao.
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  • 20 2 TiiKOMicer Administering tho Gov eminent will be at home at Government House on Thursday. April 7th at 4.4S p. m.
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  • 29 2 Mr. I.ii.ue, recently banished from Siaiu, left for Saigon yesterday in the M. M. lndiut. 11. proposes to pasa through Singapore, a furtnight hence. N his way to Kurope.
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  • 36 2 Ir is telegraphed that the prin of Consols in London on Saturday was Hill When the mail left London three weeks previously, the (nice was <lli| to aUll|. There has therefore bMO a very trivial fall.
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  • 65 2 AIIOI.T eight or ten days ago, Mr. ll.Miilort. the Governor of British North Borneo, and Mr Cowic went to < iaya lor t!i. piirpos.'ofeoiiimuuicatingwith Mat Salleh. hKM •h'sired that Mai Salleli should come and have a talk, hut it was doubtful whether he would do so. One report was that
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  • 119 2 The proposed change in the service leave regulations, discussed in a Strnih Times leader the other day, has been accepted by the civil servants of Federated Malaya. The new scheme is believed to have been originated by Mr. Birch, the Resident of the Negri Sembilan, and, now that unanimity has
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  • 11 2 Mkssks. John Little Co advertise a new stock of standard scales.
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  • 13 2 Phoihte, exchange, and share prices, and the mail list, arc on page 4.
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  • 16 2 Haaam Powell a Co. advertise that Mr. H. L. Coghlan now signs for them per pro.
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  • 14 2 Amonh the passencers by the M. M. liulnt yesterday was Mr. Hoynck Van Papendrccht.
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  • 15 2 It in advertised that the Parsee Theatre will play King Mahmood Shah the .lust "to-night.
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  • 21 2 Thk .hhin, a vessel carrying stores tor Prince Henry's pipiadron, was stranded in the Red Sea when the Indus passed through.
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  • 20 2 Haaam I'owell A Co. advertise that the sale of plants which was postponed on Saturday last, will take place tomorrow.
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  • 22 2 I'm: Mail despatched from Singapore to London, via Brindisi, on the 11th March is expected to be delivered on the Cth instant.
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  • 21 2 Thk French armoured ship llruu.and the French cruiser Paaaaa, arrived at Colombo on their way to China on the Mtk March.
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  • 28 2 At Shanghai, on the flat March, Mr. Thomas Kingsmill bought at auction the slock, good-will, and fixtures of the SaaagaW /Aii/y ftaaa, the price paid being Tls. 10,100.
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  • 35 2 The Inited States Revenue cutter MeCnlloct, Commander Hodgson, from New York, arrived at Colombo on the i'Bth March. She was to stay there for a few days, and then proceed to San Kruncisco, t*ia Japan.
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  • 34 2 Kaki.v, this morning, the body of a Chinese coolie was found in the river at Hong Quay. No marks of violence were found upon the body. An inquest will be held.
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  • 35 2 'J His morning, a Chinaman was brought before Mr. Howard and charged with washing bis face at a hydrant. He pleaded that was only taking a drink. He was fined fifty cents.
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  • 43 2 News tjg come to hand of Manila being fortified against possible attack the placing ot heavy guns along the harbour is going ou and supplies of heavy ordnance and gun fittings are to be seen going through the streets.
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  • 84 2 Ykstrkdav a rikisha-puller and a Kling, his fare, were arrested for being disorderly at Sepoy Lines. It eeenls that the Kling engaged the'riki-ha at TM To, i, Seng Hospital and took his man to Sepoy Lines. There, the puller said, his fare tried to evade payment.
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  • 74 2 TO TIIK KIIITOK OK THE HT RAITS TIMES." Sir, 1 have seen what you say about Australian beef in Singapore. You would be doing myself and many others a kindness if you would tell us where it is tn he had. We should be particularly glad
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  • 133 2 On Saturday, the annual inspection of the S. V. A. took place at the Drill Hall. There was a fairly good muster of lucn.BomeMSgunncrs being present The inspection was timed to take; place at 2..10 p.m.. but owing to the late arrival of Colonel Close R.
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  • 240 2 A lILSCONTKMEU KESIUKXT. A llongkougite resident in Singapore thus criticises racing matters here The HunKkonic people can point with pride to the fact that n race meetings are still maintained hv geritleiiien, and the .1,1, key Club is not composed of Tour. Dick and Harry, prosperous Celestial
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  • 327 2 MONDAY. 4tm APRIL. Hit Honui'k J. A. Swmrain, c.». 0. Hod. C. W. Sni-y.I KynniT-li-v. Acting < Colonial Secretary. Hon. W. R. Collycr, Attorney-General. Hon. F. Cl. lVnn'ry. Colonial Treasurer. Hon. E. C. Hill. Auditor-General. Hon. A. Murray, Colonial Engineer. Hon. U. 8. Murray. Hon. T. C. Bogaartlt.
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  • 66 2 It appear' that some people expected the report of the Shipping Commission to be laid on the table of legislative Council to-day. The expectation was not reasonable. The report is in the bands of the printers, but will not be ready for some time yet. Some comments
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  • 71 2 Thk BMnßaaa announces that the (iovernment til" India will shortly introduce a legislation to prevent the introduction into India of the tick pest which is prevalent in certain i«rls of Australia. It seems that a shipment of Madras, which had been brought from a tract in (Queensland, where
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  • 96 2 The Uritish st.-a.uer Saint Itonuld, of Liverpool, Capt. ('lenient-, arrived at Colombo on the HaY March, from Bat Ron. with two of ber pro|ieller blades broken. .She bit Bajgaa on the l:)lh .March, and the accident occitred live daysalt.r, resulting in the vessel's apaal Mag; greatly
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  • 240 2 The fifth number of the Slants OUmm Mmmtm Kanh I<M bm ap|«ared. An article by Mr. Tan Tek Soon un Chinese problems takes first place. It gives a sketch of early Chinese history. The lU:v. .1. A. li. Cook, contributes a biographical notice of Dr. I. ejiL-e.
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  • 206 2 Thk Ilungk-J: ttmm announces the close of the troubles in Battumbong. They anise from a fanatic starting up with a repute for supernatural power, which drew adherents around him in large numbers. He taught them tv disobey the authorities and to refuse. paying taxes. The Siamese |M>lice
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  • 709 2 Os Saturday night, the Singipo,, l'hilhannonic Society pave an onfc tral concert in the Town Hall. Altl v rain Ml heavily in the afternoon 1 m!\ again in the evening, the weath cleared up and tlm night turned to be all that could desired Tl" hall was
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  • 189 2 HtINGKONU CITY INKKiTH' MM 01 TIIK SANtTAKY BOAHII A MM shewing the number >>f c.s.s oi boboafc plague nportad n»t*C)l from l«t January toSW March, and the number ot deaths tln-»-fnuri during the same peri..,! hHbtll issued. Up UD noon oothaiTth March, lil cases w.-re iof>oi Durmp 0"
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  • 101 2 Vim warn afternoon. Colonel I 1 1 father, the Inspector-General l I Captain Hamilton. Acting ChuM I uilicer. L'hi.f (upector .h-m"- 1 Inspector li.illur.l. and three n ,0,,,,a1.1c, made a raid on a house at Teoug Hahru. Thi. <■ >""•_ men were arrest. <l. and several pap and
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
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    • 735 2 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. FOR S.M.K BA^ inure, iiiiet lo riile or ilrivc an'l s^t |t..|i Pent P«lnni|uini>ndhanieu. Udi Ne» Tamer Mojela, le-lil Hill light l.ievele. Apply lo K. K. II HIiYDQES. 4 lUffles Place. rpilK ni.ntlilv anrlaa meeting ol the 1 < Work \-wintion will be held in Hie Itnfflei
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    • 375 2 L\TEST ADVERTISEMENTS. JOHN LITTLE CO., LD. SINGAPORE. FAIRBANKS. STANDARD SCALES. We have now a full stock of Fairbanks Standard Scales as under. NO. .'iu2. COUNTER OR FAMILY SCALE, with Ura»s Sooop and I'latform K(] x loj Weighs from oz. to:(Olb.«. in the Mcoup, and tv :Mu lbs. on the I'latform.
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  • 567 3 MoDIKX steaintbjß travnllingjudging h v the new M. M. steamer litdiit, is i,,,,,r) which few tiling on this globe |i;il in the way of comfort. In, keen competition between rival teamahip navigation companies is well leinplined by the latent addition to the French m»U hne, and one
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  • 93 3 Si v is the slump in business BMralit) .il I l .| Tlir Ham a/ t>;/(../i. that the hank- than have revised their luti of -.u.iplc signatures, and have advised their clients to make all their Imiuei strictly not nep.cial.le. Busmen nnns have Instituted checks of another
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  • 103 3 Vt-.irßi.Av afteraooo. the crew <.i a marine police boat, noticinp a sampan ntainuu tn nw going in the direction of laojonj Katong, called upon I Item to stop. Instead of doinn so the igs, believed to ooDtain rice, overboard w at to enable them to saeape with uutei
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  • 155 3 Tuts > Km which left KnehinoUu .m the 22nd ulUmo, with a cargo of about mi raal tat the Mitaui Bussan urived yeatarday and m lying ih. roaili. awaiting a Iktil. rhe Mutual >tean..r Oopad, was i i,, .n, the I 1 a«' wharl <<• the l; hi,.,,
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  • 896 3 NOTES, NEWS, AND (MSBM* I l ri.'N (LIMITED.) Sisc tin' issues of the big brewery companies like Guinness' and Allsoppa there has been no rush for share* in an tho l.ipton conversion The National Bank of Scotland in Nicholas-lane the brokers, Messrs. l'anmure (Jcrdon, Hill and Co. and
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  • 106 3 pboobaiiiu nni rasnvnm Tui Ualas Uaii publUhosthe following programme ot the KaMer festivities K,,:,l. I I..M, i pM. April 7th. Arrival „1 tlie West Vorkshiieshy the evening -'I, V-sociation I tk.HM.n.h 1;, p.m Uilliard M..1.11 i< 1 Kb. Rifle B t°Victoria lll llotelT'Kugi'y •'"otbill Match .'.p.m: KHh.
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  • 1522 3 THE FAR EAST. lxmdon, Hlh March. The issue of a Japanese loan of i« 000,1100 i* believed to be imminent. The Russian naval expenditure of fourteen million roubles (about .£2,100 UUO) will be distributed over seven mi Tim ,Y..iW», one of the hading papers of St.
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  • 173 3 AIKII. MONTHLY MEDAL. The play on Saturday, for to* April montlily medal was aa follows Dr.. l. Coop.- H '■'■< I" j.kßoCsrkwa J7 43 ecr. M A. Mackay I" I'" 7 ('.Stringer BB •'•I H" !l E J Nauson M HI I-' i V Ounn M t<<
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  • 377 3 tui: PMaanaa lists. THK P. O. "BoOBO," 7th April-Mr, and Mrs Xanson: Mr. A. 11. Kwratt Mrs. Itaeand family; Mr. Wigrina; Mr li. Murdoch Mr. Za.harias Mrs. hddii: umlinuiit; Mr. J. Simmon* ■Tiiamks.' tth April-Mr, and Mrs i Ilarl.-nd.n Mrs. I \V. Webb and two infants; Mrs.
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  • 717 3 Loxoox, 38th Harcb. j The tlmm Peking <orr< s|K>ndent j telegraphs that the conditions in regard to the cession of Tnlicnwan to Russia are design.-d 10 conciliate the trading nations while Russia consolidates her power prior to the absorption of Manchuria. The Timr* and simulant alike condemn
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  • 65 3 Tin: Hand of tin- West YorM.ire Regimenl will play tin- bUowiai r">gramme in the Botanical Qardatu tomorrow, Tuesday tth April, from IUS to li 1. 1.", pi... Hatch inter Dem r>opp-l A.ller". I. K. Wagner. Overture Bohemian (iirl llulf. MeetlOß U Cigale" .Ivan Caiyll. Sons Loves Old Sweet
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  • 105 3 TIES KOR MONDAY. II fll'S BINGI£B. Bremner- 15 v. F.i k,.l 15. Morrison-2 v. Oodwin+i. I-KOKKSBION 1-AIRB. Uw I Klliot and Bra.ld.-llv. Bank ll— Ho-.- and Scott. A IIJVSS untT.LK HANDICAP. Capt. White and Pellew- (T. Wollerstan and Wright >cr lIAMt'IOSKIIIP. 8. Reid v. Capt. Parsons. TIES FOR
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 177 3 ABRAMS'B HORSE REPOSITORY, AND VKTKKINAKV KSTAIiLISIIMKNT HAS XOW KORSALK: "RACE HORSES," "CARRIAGE PAIRS. "SINGLE HARNESS HOUSES.' "COBS AND PONIES. FODDER. Fresh supplies every 15 days, which ensures freshness. H.VUNKSS Of anydescription made to order. All repairs neatly and promptly executed. Horses shod under the supervision of Mr. Bell, Veterinary Surgeon.
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    • 273 3 NOTICES. PMTCHARD CO. SOLE ACEN'TS Kok the Strait* Sbttlkments, tub Kedekatkd Malay Status, and Slmatka kor VHEELEK AND WII-SOYS BWITW MACHINES. hr So. D Hand Machine.. C»sh»3S. credit I Trcadk-Maclnncs I aali I*l Oisillllsllin „iw ih>. tun in-.- 75. mm P S. The last machine :an be had adapted for
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    • 545 3 FOUSALK-.KMI'I.OYMKNTS: 1() LKT: AND PEMOffAIA Ist Tl»l. Waaaal a lino: 2nd sn.l 3rd .in.-s. Hi.. -in., line <th to tllh times, 5 •mis a line; Tth to IHth UaMS, i cenU > me: Hfterwur.U. I OUtS a line: hut no ■hare.' 1.-s« than one dollar. Thu>. a thrrr- advertiHf-ni'nt. doi»e
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 180 3 AUKANOKMKSTS M..NHAY. ITM Altai. Hid. Water. s. CTC. Tennis Tournament. 8. V. A. I (Jun Drill. 1.0. C.T. Church House. 7. '1". Mission Meeting, rilmsf fhiml S Parsee Theatre 9. T.KsuAY,.".ni Ann. High Water. 8.9 a.m. !i. 1.1 p.m. Starting Machine. Race Course. 6. loiniaii hoiiieward mail closes Pledge!
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    • 74 3 WKATHEK REPORT. Kandm,) Krrlu-u 110-^tal, M Af.ll Mm. Bar. a».»lir.'».7B»WJB!i Temp. -i; 7 8M >\. lru.Th.-. llir.ofWin.l X.X X.K. X.K. t|*| Max. Temp. BM u£"s Mm ff_J Max. In tolisi. >,"- Terr. red. 70 o If-Sl lUiofnll .18 i WhAJilhil IKLKbKAJI K A.Jc I'. Ttltgruph Co.) 3rd Apr,/.— HUHUKOKa
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  • 286 4 Fuu 5 VWIL'* NAME I'OXS CiPTAIi FUOM S4ILII> OMMjUWL c Bn. F Mtam llrit »lr. l-VW Sawvcrs Amoy Mar L'tS W. Maimfleld Co. i Baweta Dot atr (ill) Kopprwliar Killiton A|il 1 I>a«-M.1.l- and Co. I4U Mr MO lu-vali.r IMi Mar'™. S janon llnl.Ktr ISM l.yi-ett Swat.." Mar
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  • 486 4 mncou, 4th Arm, MM. PRODUCE (Hater art comctti I* 1230 a.m. J Gambler, «.7*J. Copra Bali 7.*>. do Fontianak, ".•■!•'< Pepper, Black, Kft Jo White, (5%) S7.M. Sago Flour Sarawak S.lO. do Brunei, IXS\. Pearl Sago S.NO. Coflee, Bali, picked -■»"<>. I Cofiee Palembang, picked.... 19.10. 1 Coffee, Liberian,
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  • 99 4 Kbimi Kirdib:— llythe P. A D.Carwaw. sW. due on loth instant, with diitos to the IKlh Mar.ll. FbomChisa:— By the P. *O. Tlmm'i, on the 7th April. li.xk Tabls Or Maiu Dpi. I■<■ .ik: -i|- I in 1. ..ii. 1 Fill 1-tli M. M. Mar. IMb Ki'li
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  • 202 4 AHIIIVALH. I'.r s. r from lUnguon and Pinanx -Mr. Dallnn. I'.r t, itaMM Horn llillitou: -Mr, and Mr-. Aim e.n.l Mr. Mitchell. Hasan. MaeDomJd, and il. di ItoL Pa Brala Trom Pulombang -Mr. Pit ( Hti'i'Ti fniia Hung-kons-Mossrs. K. K. :ia, Edwarda, and li. A l'roul. IVr M.
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  • 143 4 To-Mobkow. foiap* via llnmrn, 8 n.m Dili via port* Sink, 11 a.m I --J .n i Ho I.'OHI. 1 1 A.m llntu l'ahat Halt. 1 p.m Mi• i i- via ports iMoiliilw, n.m HnnKkok I'hm, p.m Mnhicca and Klang .'lnlnrirr, 3 p.m IVnuif! Mlmn a p.m Alien yin
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    • 102 4 Underthi<hea<lingthefollowingabbrevianons are used :—sir— steamer sh.—ship In, -barque Brit.—British U. 8. Unite I ■.!»>«. Fr. French; Oer.-German; Hut. Dutch; Joh.—Johore; 4c., G.c, General ■■argo d.p. —deck passengers; I'.—l'ncerlain; T. V. W.-Tanjons Pagar Wharf; T. P. D.-Taniong Pagar Dork B. W. Borneo \>'barf; J. W.-^lardine'. Wharf; N. H.
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    • 1388 4 Auiviu Hl!ici N.wi-r or hmM /(an l.ianq, I>nt. str. 27fi tons. Captain Kolufo, :ir.l Apl. Kn.iii llandj.rma<sin. .list Mar. 8U- n-' d.p. Ek Liong Chan. For Borneo I-ltd. 11.,,,,-:,,. Dm str. I.c.i tons. Capt Kop. peschaar.ard Apl. From Billiton. Ist Apl. and m d.n. l>a.'ndel» and Co. Kor
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    • 509 4 A'anf, porl, probable date, of arnvaJ. and name 01 atjtnU. Anliilu-ii. lliogo, Apl.l; Behn Meyor. Adria. Hamburg. Apl 4 ISclin Merer. Afridi, Liverpool, Apl P. Simonllen^lder, Hongkong. Apl IS; G. Wood. Ballaiirat. Colombo, June 18 V. 4 O. Borneo. Hongkong. Apl P. 4 Ok Bellona. Hamburg. Apl 10;
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    • 106 4 )ITI. EiWSL'B NIXI H.i .\i: it.... I'K.iISIIIH .1 I (WlYilrn Brit >lr Cm 1 \,i-ir.,1.,i,i dtr. UUII I sir. H.ik.i ■J H|HH>lm*n Out str. Kilbiaht 1 Fnrfnlla Mill «lr. OouifUrN 4 Ilan Ilia Sou Brit -tr. IraH 4 Siirpr.lou Itf I Nhlmllr dr. 11.i.1-.n I Ho 1.1-onit Btr.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 551 4 NOTTCEa FRABEB AND NKAVK. LIMITKI). BINOAPORE. MAM T.\i II I;l.|;mi| Al.l, |i|;si I,'ll'Tli'NS uK AKIIATKI' WATERS OK rUSI i.'IAI 1 IV nM.V THE OOSIPANTS PRINTWO DEPAETMSKT ii vrri oosapletol) eqiiippnl srlUi Plaal nl the nra i i-™ descrlpttoa and Mlta, like I in,,,. *kill iri.lK il i aajiaaal, tta bsajt
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    • 515 4 NOTICES. THE STRAITS TIMES A XI i THE STKAITS BUDGET DAILY AND WEEKLY ESTABLISHED 183t. Majal MaafsfUi Add,, u -t.u,^ Sikilafue The Straits Times" has the largest circulation of' any newspaper in Asia, British India excepted. It circulates in Singapore and Penang, throughout all the Protected States of the Malay
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    • 156 4 NOTICES. f/^WTnr^W These tiny A^^a^F^fA Capsules ■fl |Rl —superior Fi'/lllKv t0 Cope.' o*.0 y^^^^^BW Cubcbs, und cure the same diseases as these drugs in forty-eight hours without inconvenience. wi-i«™ (km) FOR DISEASES OF THE CHEBT. SRIMAULT'S SYRUf Of Hypo-Phosphite of Lime j I'rcschl*) in France for th* last I 30
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    • 795 4 NOTICES. NOTICE. TUB OF CEYLOX, (daily edition). Tin- largest unit Ix-st circulate newsI'.ipiT |,jl,h-li.-.l in Ceylon, as well as the smartest nnd the most readable; is more largely supported by the European community of the Island than the other papers combined. In this great centre of Tropical Agriculture, the Timr*
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    • 30 4 SHAUKsV'AXTED. Uunlcipal Debentures it. Do. Do. 6%. Tnniong Pagar ll»nds. New l'rye Ki»<>r I)o.:k Oo.'s. FOB SALE. r>ngcrang Planting Shares. Straits Steamship J.-lcbus. SOMERVILI.K 4 GUNN. Kxilmnite A Share llroker*
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    • 19 4 NOTICES. STAMPS. H. BUMS. Tefal. Java, desires eichange with stamp-collector* in the Btraita Settlements. Borneo, Diani, etc. m. 27/6
      19 words
    • 14 4 NOTICES. (A. 6'(mi<. Tim* v four and-a-hnlf dolll per eiwrfer and *S jnt.f' aaaasaaai
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