The Straits Times, 26 February 1898

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 12 1 The Straits Times. ESTABLISHED: 1831. SINGAPORE, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 2(>, 1898. NO. 19,465,
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 808 1 lIIEI I1E noBNEO COIIPAKT. LIMITED. k 1 M.rin- ln.oi»no« Compuij. 8t»oi Navigation Compaay. .nb» UMr» a»sr Company J Ia.«r»»<» l^-paBJ. Limited. A.-U. slF.AMSllir COMPANIES. 1J OITICI, COLLYEB QUIT I'r WIIAKVES. SEW HaBBOCI. grEAM NAVKiATKiN OOHPABY. MOM FOUCIIIHA, JArAK. I'HSl^l, V ISl'lA, AI'STKAIIA. Al.kS. KXiYI-T, II I'salll —i HaiaVL IIKISt.IKt.VENICK. I'I.VMOITII,
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    • 838 1 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. K KOMNKI.IJKK I'AKKTVAAUT MAATSCHAPWJ I nil. r contract with the Ni -iherlands India Government A./rnlt al .Vm m w Mttr Ai.kSrv, u« J. lUiMit.ui A Co., 2-3, Collyer Qrj»T. from h M ..,i..i iu bo I clutched for on llalav.a. Kel,. 84. llatin ni.Cheriboii.Sainarang.i Suural)aja. Feb. 111. Lan
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    • 611 1 BBITIBH INDIA STKAM NAVIUA--IIO.N (OMIANY. LIMITED. tU rr.NA.N(i, i:\MiOON, 4 CALCUTTA Uneuf t heroin pailjs steamer* in inlcmlcu lo leave Taojaag rmgac Wharf every wwa riaanmai ud Oano are boakad i.y the ahuve Ht.'amers al through rales to all porn, in In. ha ami Ceylon, also lo h.i.l Alii, an
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    • 316 1 NOTICES. "JOHORE REST HOUSE." This fine and comfortable establishment is opened to the public, is situated in the beat part of the Town with sea front, and is luxuriously furnished to meet the comfort of visitors. i 1. airy, and comfortable Koonis. Liqueurs and Wines of the best Brands. Two
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    • 633 1 NOTICES. CEYLdX LACK MKIMIANT. DB. PADKIM HAMV, No. 8, Armenian str.vt. 4«i Mnanpaea. SIKUSHKD FOOD. Try it ami you will be satisfied. 1 U. It K 1 1 1 (is begs to inform the public that his Factory for preparing Crushed Food, at ill. Ueliiios Koa.l. ia now opened Crushed
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    • 1415 1 NOTICES. OTSWD Condensed Milk Tho "Milkmaid" Brand is guaranteed t. jar*** <^'^J contain nil the cream of the original milk. In ■MDENSED V,'!l :i process of mnnufacture nothing but watri--s. J^. .j»jl i» removed, nothing but the best refined Al tfH^BI sugar added. ?J' J *ff Avoid low-priood lir.inds fioin
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    • 734 1 A OOOD'EXAMPLE. rl K example of w. W. Brewer, justice of the pea.-, and a prominent rltiien ol Jovrlt. Pa, north J of emulation. I' 1 >i I] "I never leave home without a 1 ..tile otChaniherlaiuV Colic. Cholera, ami Diarrhoa Remedy and slwsy. r<-conimend ■t to my friends. It
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  • 64 2 THE STRAITS TIMES SATURDAY. 26TH FEB, 1898. REUT ER'S TELEGRAMS. WEST AFRICAN TROUBLES. Kstabusheu: 1K)1. I'KICK II CENTS. SOKOTO NOT INVADED. ■Han STATKMKXT. Imtlm, Mil, February. Lord Salisbury has stated in the House of lairds, that M. Hanotaux, the French Minister lor Foreign Affairs, has just informed Sir K. J.
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  • 106 2 BRITISH IN TEREST S THREATENED. MR. CHAMBERLAIN'S VIEWS. In the House of Commons, a motion by Mr. Labouchere to reduce the vote on the West Africa frontier fore« waa rejected. Mr. Übouchere maintained that this frontier force was a provocation to France. Mr. Chamberlain said that, if the extension of
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  • 57 2 OPKN PORTS IN CHINA. Mr. (i. K. Caaoa, Date Secretary of State for Kortipn Affairs, has read in the House of Commons, a N'otc from Count Mouraviefl', the Russian Minister for .Foreign Affairs, declaring that any port that Russia occupies in China will be open to the
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  • 41 2 PARTIAL mfWTUI IJLARANTEE. The <!reek loan negotiations have bten concluded. Britain, France, and Russia guarantee four millions of the loan amount at three per cent. The remainder of the loan bears higher interest, but is without any foreign guarantee.
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  • 45 2 FINANCIAL I'ANIC AT NEW YORK. TIIK MAINE BWH Alnrni, umountiriß almost to a panic, prevails in the New York Stock Kxchange, owinn to persistent rumours tliat the inquiry into the blowing-up rd tin. Stain.- has proved that the exploxion was not accidental
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  • 582 2 To-day, we publish a report of the speaking at the .-trait* dinner in Uadoß. The feature of the evening :i tint place accorded for the first time to 1 lie Malay States and to the new office of IJesident-lieneral. As Mr. A<Un»on very justly pointed out. Sir
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  • 13 2 ll'iininvK, exchange, and share pricos, nnd the mail list, are on pagu 4.
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  • 19 2 LiEfT -liu.N. Sir Charles Warren, R.K., is to retain command ol the Thames District until Oct. I on promotion.
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  • 21 2 Tiik German mail steamer Uayni, left Ciili.ihlh) KB the i.">th instant," at 4 p in and is due here on Wednesday.
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  • 20 2 I lay Russian man-of-war Xarari, and Sutui I'tUkti are said to have taken one thousand tons of coal, at Pcnang.
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  • 18 2 It is advertised that Capt. I.awmui has assumed charge of tho Straits Development Company's business in the East.
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  • 8 2 At the date of last mail advices, Sir
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  • 11 2 von on return to his post in about six weeks' time.
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  • 23 2 •JW the passengers who arrived by the P. 7'A«m«, yesterday, was Mr. Noel Trotter, IWt Mastcr-Cc ncral. Mrs. Trotter follows in the Autumn.
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  • 25 2 lIMMB, Powell Co. advertise an auction sale nf Tllwiiat goods at their sale-room, on Monday next, and also of Manila olfan, on the Ist prox.
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  • 25 2 Bite PhillipiHi. who has bceo appointed British Consul at Geneva, was in the course of his career, a Senior Puisne Judge of the Straits Settlements.
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  • 27 2 Is eons«|in!ni-e of the long report of the Straits Dinner, it has been found necessary to hold over Mr. Clifford's story "A Malay Othello until nest week.
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  • 951 2 Pmn Henry has created a most favourable impression in .Singa|>ore. It is Iriii- 1 hat princes are usually court eous, affable, and nice, in which res|>ect we lesser mortals might very well take example by them. But Prime Hcniy I -Imueil himself to possess more than l
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  • 1895 2 1...MH.M, ISth February. The Dulrli liner Vf.Tda*i struck a subi!i. rip.l »htl in Mm Atlantic, and ni -ight, Bwmd boats, mi'! ri'i-t ucl thf passengers, numbering 127, and crew ot 86. 14th February. The te.l eaeo r-'cnnlmg the location of Indians in the Transvaal will be heard
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  • 48 2 The cause of the slight delay of yesterday's mails, was tho reiwrt that the I. and 1) HaM hud had I case of ■Mn.ill -|.n.\ on board, at IViiane. The Health Officer, however, on on board was satisfied. Cnnseinicntly the iii.iils were at once landed.
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  • 76 2 plays acted liy the Bnogh Comedy Owap— y, In tin' role of t'ayleij another instance o!' the |>erfect manner in which he can identify himself with liia gfeanatan. Mrs. Hrough act, il th,. part of /',1,/ia with ffmt ability ami linish. The other characters were also well
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  • 125 2 Tnn Uupen has directed the follow ini; letter to l«- ma to Mill Klder l)eir|»ter. md Co.. oa bawl or wlu,«,' steamer, the Kiikniui, Sir William Maxwell died on December T lust white rataminy to Kn K land from the kiM Colonial Otlioe, Kul> I,
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  • 1128 2 PRINCE HENARY IN JOHORE. Johorr, Fruiay nuiht I Thk visit of Prince Henry „f p^ Ito Johore has. excited great mt I here. l*mg before His Hi,.| ln announced to land an eager awaited hit arrival ut tln> I«tana and when the Sta ItelU hove in .;_i v'u about .1
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 560 2 NOTICES. NOBEL'S EXPLOSIVES COMPANY, LD. Manufacturers of I'VNWMI 'H lOitlTE "El M\F h\ N WI'IF Hlamim; qei mink DETOKATUBB EirosTEM or: liRTt FCZE Ul Bl \-'u"m, All'AKMl Tiis innvs Kirumvis, Bum all to fass ths mum numuj> uFrmm •TftlHaTH TO AHY OTHEHS Of»Kkll- BBS >!■ jk thi» makkkt. THE BOR.VEO
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    • 950 2 SHIPPINfI. mi; PKNAXG AND CALCUTTA MEBBM ».r iOo staawat lHK.\lon\ APCAM, ■.'.■-im ion-. S*!!!.' H |s, Bd sl3*l. h *^rf 0 2 Hondajr. the nth m-t en mats lor the For frelglil l.;*-^*g.-. ;t|.|.lv to 17/J BARJDBX ft MOBEH, Agents. lOK MANILA AND II." l.(i riMIK Hi it. stamaaf KlHKlt.u.i:,
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    • 59 2 PaBCK— Williamson. On the Snd Vei.ruary. at St. Stephen's Church South kVnsiruton, l,v Ihe X.-v. Edward K.-r Univ. M A.. 1.1.1).. lncnml>ent of SI. iM-.ri;.-, ■■Ii:ii»l. AllN-innrli-strpel, F..n«i:i. HOST ihi'e ILII.M.'- Oonsol for r<iani) third son nf the late (ienrge Fix-n.-h Chief Jnsti.-e for China and Jai»n, loCamilh Lotls«. d.1.-t
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  • 7170 3 STRAITS SETTLEMENTS DINNER. pFI-XHE* BY SIKTIIIIMVSSrTHKHM, Ml' AI'.WISON, AND SIR HIANK mtHHUI w r'pMtr n«H partly mt (Mm /.>;»■<■■.. 1,,r annual |a"'"'l of "Straits Bjtttan'bi l.ondi>n, this year, again took ,l,,f,.rin of a dinner, which was held at ..,.|C, it on Tuesday, the Ist inst II »ill Iw r. 'll>-<
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  • 431 3 TBE PASSKNOIR USTS. THE P. 0. "Siiasoiiai," -'«tb February.— Lieut. Cochrane, Col. Bogle, 11. Cobomakdsi., Hth Marv-h Mr and Mrs. Lo»ell Mrs. Lawrence Jackton Miss Taylor; Mr. Justice Uw; Mr. J. S. Klmore; Mr. Berdoo Wilkinson I)r Wilson ;Mr F. Sampson Mrs. Mrs. Williamson Jones and family:
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 14 3 Sore Throats indigi-ii.m. Haaneaaas, r j V ,u.,J- i llurns, P Condy's Fluidt ■v^nVVsVVXP^BMpnVaavsnV
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    • 393 3 TOMORROWS CHUECB SKHVICKS KlUltr StKDAY IN I.KKT. CHl'rr% OF KNOLAND. St. \>»«i»-h('.tmiihil To-MOMIOW. TM s. ni.. Holy F.ii,-hari>t an,l tsTSsOB. v. m.. si-ni.c.- of ths CesseMaca. fi.,"iO p. iii Kv,*n*o,,g and Sermon. ■t. M .tthicw* Oasaua. f.SO p. in.. Kvcnuoi.K an.l HSasst, ROMAN CATHOLIC I'Vllua.Ktl ot ril>:li,n,|'Slltl-lIIHi,. VICTeKUSTKKKT UTD Bram
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 331 3 WKATHKR RKPORT. Kmdorui Krrba* H,,,,,ita1. I.l: 1888. Up m. Kimakks. Bar. «i 1 iv.wj Temp. H4.« '"5 ii 74 (I J-" W.B'lbTher 77.1 7J.U 73 0 Dir.ofWind N.K. N.K N.K. -="&> jrax.Teinp. W.I Hin 7-2.7 Max. inSunl^7.L' Terr. rs.l. SB Sg a Rainfall Ut MX WKATHKR TKI.KtiUAM 18. t,
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  • 119 4 for I'n -ir. l\mr. Tu-IJav. Ml Sumatra, 3 p.m. Malacca A Klan* Sawho, 4 p.m. Muntok and Fbang fluty, 4 p.m. linii.iL'i" A ing Ami, 4 p.m. Coloinlto via ports Shanghai, 4 p.m. .lapiui via ports 4 p.m. Macassar via ports Vitn Outhoorn, 4 p.m. Mokiuy. Malacca 4
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  • 80 4 F*o»lKl'K..ri!:-By the German s.-.BB.wrii due on Wednesday. From China:—BythoM. M. s.s. .Wnrii. due on the 4th March. uili K. I). L Kclitth Jan llili M. M. rVu.'ml Jan l!llll 1'. .v O. Fob llith .Inn L>5th M. M. Ml Mh FebSnd l:.\>*. Mar 1st HI. ;ih
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  • 224 4 aBHMM. IVi 11,, I fr.,ni laiak Anson via poll-: Me- 1- (irigor Tavlor. E. England, (i Sanderson. 11. C. F. /a.-hari,is. Mr. and Mr- Bt. (i,-orge,nnd Bi-hop Ho-.-. I',-rl' a I. Tkawm from London Haean 11. -g-in. Hivi-. Mi-s .1. M.Cowlev, Mi.- nilellings. Mi-(i Vo-iK-r, Mi ai.,l .Mi-l.iah.iin.
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  • 487 4 Mis.iAroaE. 26th Fkbri a«v, ISM. PRODUCE (Ralet are corrected (o 1i..'10 a.m.) Gambier S«2l. Copra Bali 7-86--do Pontianak, 7.30. Pepper, Black «0do White, (8%) *OM. Kago Flour Sarawak -j-' 1 Jo Brunei.... nominal ,1.70. Pearl Sago 5.«5. Coffee, Bali, picked »«>• Coffee Palembang, picked.... W.OO. Coffee, I.ibcriao, No. 1
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    • 270 4 I ndei ihii heading the following ahbroTiations an* u»ed str.— steamer sh. ship In -bnrque; Brit.— British U.S. United Swte.s Fr. French Ger. -German Dut.— Dutch; Joh— Johore; Ac, G. c, General cargo d.p.— deck pn-sengcrs I!.—Uncertain T. P. W. -Tanjong Pagnr Wharf T. P. D— Tanjong
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    • 1181 4 I akwvau Sirce Nook or faaml. .4 iii,, Dm. seh. m tons, ■aaadah, :.mii Feb. From Sinkawnng. 131 b Feb. U.c. Kenß Hong. For Sinknwang. V Rds. .1 .1. Brit. str. Hi" tons. Cant Casey. Sltth Feb. From Klang. Mth Feb. (i.e. and UO dp. Wee Bin nud
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    • 361 4 A'aml, port, proltable. dale of amrnj, and name ot aqentt. A. Apoar, Hongkong. Feb »S; 8. 4 Mew«. Alton, (.'unlit!, Fcb »7 Aniphitnte, H'kong, Feb 21; Raut,'a!..-n Allwin. Bonibnv, l'ft Feb 17 Borneo Cot. Hallanrat. London, Mar 27 I. *0. ll.ivern, llremen, Mar.H; Belin M.'vit Boineo. Hongkong. Mar
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    • 142 4 h Vuwil's Nm> A To.ih. I'irriii From Saileu.l Comb-"* 1 -a i R'« i M Butonnanin huet 7ii Kaoodan Banana Mi ISP. SimonsamU'-J Si Anoewar DulKh. <» Na.-.x1.1i sinkiiKiinglFeb i.iK.m^l! II Kirn Nam Sen* »cb l» {Nacodah PootUuk Qw UUongWdi. L>S Irene Ocr str. 'JI4I gchuik-r Uonckom Fob 19
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    • 82 4 d««. v. -v turn II FuoAßu Cimis DUTINATIUS 'cb ■.'.-> AUwCralf S,ip|iln. M PaUmoatta -*i iili>n(allot:li 2tl Bom M Klphinstono H Aii.lmiin H Haaahan Lii s. aa«hal H Suada ■m hrKHa ja^ B«D Liong Brit str. Botwteon »tr. Wihl »tr. WiDdcbuk «tr. I'.'tiTs «tr. (ifarv «tr. Ntebet str. Mills
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
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    • 380 4 A CARD! JP, ikifkkt. Baraaoa DaaaM, ii. Battary Boad. Over Meaan. Kelly a Waleh. Ollici' tl'illl 1' it. Ml. tU 1 |>. 111. Hill! I p. 111. t» I p. Ml. 1/4 mun shirts WIIITK Yanmtoya Crnpe Shirts SlflO. Coloured Kioya Crape Shirtd with Tin at 51.75. A large stock
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    • 1007 4 NOTICES. for toilet, bath, and nursery. For distressing facial eniptions, pimple-;, Ulai: kneads, red, rough, oily skin, irritations of the scalp with dry, thin, and falling hair, red, rough h.imUwitli shapele^ n;uU, and simple rashes ■ad I'lmiishes of infamy it is incomparabk 1 (iuarantced at>solutely pure by anali ti< al
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    • 27 4 SHARKS WASTED. Municipal Debenturea Do. Do. Tanjoug Pngar Bonde. New Pryo River Dock Co.s. FOR, SALE. Irengerang I'lanting shares. htraiU Steamship JeUboa, SOMERVILI.E GUNN, Exchange Share Brokers
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    • 38 4 NOTICES. THK PKKSS AND LAW. SUBEDITOR (Euro|H-an), verbatim re|Wrter anil thoroughly good allround newspaper man, with •SfMtiaaead legal knoivl.-dgo, desires rc-.-ngagement t'lthiT mi tho proitri or in inwyorV offic*?. A, 1. 1ie.. Furore, SBl, Coleniiin Str,vt. Singapore. v.c.
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    • 22 4 NOTICES. MAKIK IIRIXARI) AND Hoiv^ lIOKDKAIX '"'"••III llran,lv 4 Oarajal liimlu,: Aniaette J. ""'uMirs'"" ""f^ur,.. Sole A|tents forth,, stmit. lh. i MOIXKt'OMTBiiv,
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