The Straits Times, 17 February 1898

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. ESTABLISHED: 1831. SINGAPORE, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1898. NO. 19,4") T.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 707 1 T ,,,HnKNKOCO- lANT.tIItITfI).I ANT.tIltITfl). Mario, lareraae. Companj. 1 T'° Mod St-» Navigation Compaa/. iaX~ l.*--^-"-* 1 tod s KAMSHir COMPANIES. I) un— 0»l I W<|»W a* Whakves Nkw Hmboi'i. gTSaJI NAVIGATION OIMI'ANY. mm for Ciiika, Jaias. M ,.,v (Ki.ia. Ai>TKAi.tA. Ai.M. I«v«. !S"i K vS""'i l^"'"'' MAIL LINK. Mn* HOMEWAED.
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    • 893 1 STEAMSHIP COMPAMK. 1 \K KO.NISKI.UKK PAKETVAAKT MAATSCHAPPU I'mler coritrncl wittl Ihs .Netherlands India Government. A,;,,,:, nl Kmgnimn: Sllll' A«njttrj T.ATE J. DaENDEM A Co., 2-8, COLLTEB QOAT. from Ixieetrd Will be Despatched for On I ,i.r B'massin. Feb. is. Ji'mawin, Pulu Laut. Colci, Donggola, I .iiL-t.n. and Berouw. Feb. 18.
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    • 243 1 /IOMPAONIE HKS MESSAOERIES \J MAKITIMEM DE FRANCE. Ttlegraphic Addrw: Liaymf, Singapore The mail (learners will leave Singapore on or about the undermentioned dates. OUTWARD. UOUEWARC. 1898. 1898. Dates Dates. Mrloounir. Feb. 1» larro Feb. 18 >'i,uun« M.-ir. H Syilntf Mar. 4 fctatil Mar. 19 Xatal Mar. IH Oceanitii Apr. 1
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    • 673 1 INSURANCES. THE LONDON AND LANCASHIRE FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. Capital £2.127,500 Paid up Capital •-M2,7.'.l Reserve Fund e"6,3.V> The undersigned. Agents for the Company, are prepared to accept fire risks at < current rates of premium. C BOUBTEAD 4 Co. TIE CHINA TRADER-! IKSUBANCE COMPAHY, LIMITED, Capital Subscribed tS,OOO.OOb. Amonnt Paid
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    • 342 1 INSURANCES. rpHE (JUEEN INSURANCE COMPANY ROYAL INSURANCE COMPANY. Home Offices QI'EEX iN-rn >m i, I'.rn i.isiis. LlVEKrooi.. The iin.l.-r-iiri,. ,1. Agents for the alKjvc Company, are prepared to take risks at current rates. HOOGLANDT ft Co. THE STRAITS INSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED. establi»ihi. 1883. Head Office, sinuapoke. Capital Fully Sub»tribed »3,0(10.00ii
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    • 591 1 BANKS. HONHKONO AN- 1) SHANGHAI BANKING (OimiKATION. I'AIIMP CAPITAL $10,000,000. RESERVE FIND 7,000,000. RESKRVK LIABILITY OFI .*****000 PROPRIETORS J..»IU.UUU,uw>. St. c. mi'chaki.skx! In-Cuinu. I ■lH 1 I Ifl D«ri.-Tl Cai«jjM» 11. I>. H"»I»O, K«|. K I. HI. IMKI-.N t-| I (1. 11. :>• i 1- -i K. Shiwan, Kaq. K.
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    • 379 1 NOTICES. KATZ BROTHERS LIMITED. THE CROCKERY HAIDWARE AND CCTLERI DEPARTMENTS Are now i-oinpletu witli every article lor daily usu China Dinner Scls. TnmMata, pints. Tea Sets. Tumblers, pints. Toil.-i Set- Sherry Glasses. Trinket Port Cheese Dish.--. Clarcl rial,- champagne Otnana, Cups und Sauce, l.i.pielir, Enamel Toilet Sets, (ir i
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    • 741 1 A KEMAKK.VKI.K CURE Of DYSENTERY. I have t ii .ullenng with dysentery for eichleen years and have tried three ol the Wst ,|oct,,,s in New Orlean- also, half adoien or more patent medicines. Very little relief followed, until I l*gan lining Chamherla ir»Col>,Cholera atid Diarrh.ra Reimviy. Ihraa do-.,- woleh aflaeiad
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  • 149 2 STRAITS TIMES THURSDAY, 17th FEB., 1898. REUTER'S TELEGRAMS. Established: 1831. PRICE II CENTS. \Snl:-rrtp1i'>» nttfn and atlveriinrg ralci m'>y \tefoni\rf. on the fourth paqe.\ THE VICTORIOUS. 1 AliROlXl) AT KB /Wo,., 161/. fW.i-.mri/. J M. M. S. Virloriout, which is on her way to China, is aground at Suez, j
    Reuter  -  149 words
  • 31 2 DISAVOWAL DEMANDED. The Lnited States (iovernment has made a demand u]<on Spain for disavowal of the published stolen letter written by Sejior Deloine, the Spanish Minister at Washington.
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  • 19 2 CONVICTION Ml KRAII). Lord William Xevill has been sentenced to live years penal servitude for fraud.
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  • 89 2 AMKKKAN CKUISER BLOWS-IP. lMlulon, \7tli HJii— B. A terrible explosion occurred on board the KanK, a Tnitcd States cruiser, when she was lying at anchor in the harbour of Havana, in Cuba. It is reported that the vessel has been totally destroyed. Of the crew, about two hundred
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  • 110 2 HEI-P ON THK WAY. Two men-of-war, the llerenge and IViiim. have left Malta, to assist in getting thu Vidoriims off at Suez. !The AVirii;/eisi\foiirli',-ngun.armourp,l, twin mm. Imttlrsliip of thi- firxt cl».-s. She is the flagship of Hear Admirable Harris in tin- >1.-.litorrniii-nii. Th.- Rmmm measures It.luO tons and
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  • 49 2 MBunrna anna <>n. Mr. O.K. Curzon, the Inder-Secre-tary of State for Foreign Allairs, states that, in the negotiations between Britain and France regarding the Niger ipicstiou, no agreement has yet been arrivod at. Mr Cur/on declares that he is unable to state tlu- progress of the negotiations.
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  • 286 2 The trial of Lord William Nerill, has been brought to a close— the accused j receiving live years penal servitude for fraud. The details of the affair throw a lurid side-light upon the rascality which can, and doe«. exist. I nt times, in the shadow of high
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  • 17 2 It is exacted that the Went Yorkshire regiment will be removed from Singft|K>rc to Calcutta next January.
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  • 28 2 Is eonsciiuenee of a |>ortion of the West Yorkshire Band heing engagi-d in Held tiring operations, there will Ik no performance by the Hand on Sunday next. m
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  • 38 2 ASOTIIKK lady tempterl; perhaps, by Miss De Wit "whose series of artules finishes to-day hepim to write of tinKast. She narrates a journey into the wilils of Mahiya, where,*. the foot of white woman had never troil.
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  • 50 2 The IMk BMH will •><■ publUhetl at noon to-morrow. It will Ik- an miHlllrflj tap fc^riM it will contain all the news published in the S/rmVj Ifaw from Tuesday, the Nth, "P to, and inrlusive of, Thur;duy tho 17th that in nine days' news. I'sually the huil.jfl six days' news
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  • 49 2 The Sea BeUr, with HE. the Covernor on hoard, arrival this mornine at a quarter to ten, anil anchored ofl' Johnston's Pier. Mr. Kynncrsley and Captain Craufurd went on board. Sir Cl.«r!,-s anJ Ltij Mitchell, altrndu.l l.y la|.t. Ain^lie, A. I). C, then landi-d am! drove to (ioverniiipnt Mouse.
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  • 126 2 A mkctinu of Legislative Council »ii held, this afternoon, at3M, the(iovernor pmUta* Mr. Murray, the Colonial Engineer, was sworn in as a member of the Council. The (iovcrnor in few words paid a graceful tribute to the memory of the late Sir W. Maxwell, ami said that Sir William hail
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  • 10 2 Lir.EiuAN collee, No. I, rose today, from SIU to Si'u
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  • 13 2 I'uoihik, exchange, and share prices, and the mail list, are on page 4.
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  • 16 2 I'm; funeral of the Sultan of Itap ■H lined to t.ikir place this afternoon, at Jugra.
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  • 17 2 C.vkduk cual was quoted at $M a Urn, ut IVnan;;, on Monday last. It Ml deaior here.
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  • 17 2 Tiik Methodist K|iiscopalChurch will have its "annual tea on Friday next, to b« tollowcd hy public meeting.
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  • 23 2 It is advertised that the annual general meeting ol thu Tuuglin C'luh will l>e held al v p. in. on Friday, the iith.
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  • 19 2 'I'm; mail despatched from Singapore to London, via Bnndisi, on llm lath ultimo, was delivered on the 1-ttti instant.
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  • 20 2 The ISritisli Borneo Trading and l'lantm{ Oaonaajf .idviitifu that Mr. U. J. Altiuan no lunger holds tliuir l>o»er of atlornuy.
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  • 23 2 Last month, the ik'lungor Government Railway earned •BTftM in tnfio, ■a baam of lUH ovor the licures fur the uorresiHmUing montli ol I^»T
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  • 48 2 Mi.. Wtmam, of the BMb Tkm stall. vho hits l<een ill, chielly with a inllaiiimatiiinof lh« bowel, was- operated oil yistirJay liy Ur. Simun, with the aid of Dr. LMM and Dr. Mugliston. The operation was meomftll, and it is hoped the patient will now do well.
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  • 54 2 P RESENT TO THE QUEEEN. Two rases containing a gold anil I feilwi" l.iMrt niul its ebony case, pre- I MBtad IV the Iftntei ot the I'enang Literary AsstK-iation fur auceptunee by I ih.' QIMML weru transiuittni tv Singapore Irutu I'iiiaug liy the is, BmmL in the ova of die
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  • 46 2 YtsTEiimv evening, :> Javanrw syce, I iiaimil t—n, was arrest. il in Kochore I Ifawd lor in-^l gently driving a dog-iart, Mul i ;ui!.mi: 'mrt lo :i woman nauu*d I Teu liuh. As tliu woman ii in botpital I the *■*-•> wu? thu morning, puttponed I
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  • 41 2 TO OPEN ON BATCRDAY. The Brough Comedy Company have arrived at Penang. Teleprapliing from P.'nang this morninß, at 47. thoy Bay they will positively open nt Singapore on Saturday night. Tin- play on Saturday i«, SowiiiKtlio md.'
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  • 47 2 JriMHEXT wns given this morning in the case m which a i-hctty attached the salary ..f I (tafc. The Chief JustUv. held out that salary "a< oruuiß dM conlil not Ik- att:u -hi-d and dissolveU the notiie of pnMaMl aicorJincl). Costs were not allowed.
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  • 42 2 The I'lii-ck arbitration prgowdn**, bi-foiv Sir Nicholas llannin at Bangkok. emu 1n.1r.l on UN Hth instant Tb« arlutr^iorwill iiiaki- known bia Mm i atHons'kons:. The ar: itiattoo aros.^ oai of tiinlwr il- In U •■<( 111* VUMH (^>vernmont by an Aiuorican Citiien.
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  • 73 2 Thb Judk-al OoamWaoar for Main* in hol.liiin court in llu Pkhuf, WIJ this month, arrived at Kauh on tin- M instant Tln-n> In.- s|ieut Ihaaigbtaad proocedcd early next ■ornini to Utn doiii); the Wfask jo.irncy (Jo miles) by cycle, boats, and v walk of :i BUM m one
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  • 82 2 Tiik Vtnlmt Kurt understands that the committal efaufri with Iba wotynisalion of the Army has held iimiierous meetings lately, ami that it ha< Ihmmi decided to a^k I'arliainfint to san.tion an inereaM "t no fewer than i:.,ipoo men. Amoaf Km ihanrtioai in the Army Iwhtal
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  • 89 2 YKsTKm>\Y afternoon, thi> Vall-org eas* again l>ruuftlit up for further hearing in the lower court in Ox prisoner was convicted. TUI is second tinio that the appiml lias k*M sont down from tlio app.-l.nte court for further consideration. Mr liu.hana.i Smith *M yesterday in the witness
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  • 98 2 For failing to give :i Chinese employe a month's notice, or a month's pay in lieu of M«h notice, :i Kuropcan was, this morning, ordered to pay t he mii .nit twenty-two dollars nml costs. This morning, Mr. J. Smith, UM MOprietoroftheCJlol.cHotel.sunimonedAh Senc, a servant in his
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  • 99 2 taken place jraatantej <m board ti>n^ kanj;, eonViialiig ran-powdar, ancfcomd kiin^ was in rhar^'f M three men, one whom mot ashore to see Ilia kt't'ptT ut tlu^ Ma^axine. During; his absence, three men in a sampan boarded the loaaaog, «WwA«d those on bonnl, and stole several eases ol
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  • 155 2 Tin Klowcr Show, held at I'onang on Kridny afternoon and Saturday morning lust, is said to havu proved successful in every way subscriptions ainountcd to a satisfactory sum, the mMkm muabntt aliout -jw, the nfaibits ill ri of tilt! l;i--i> Wi'li: ullt'^i'il to n all that oould
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  • 248 2 SIN GAPORE SPORTING CLUB. Thkiie was a general meeting of the Singapore Spin-tin}; (.'lull yesterday „t:ii n Kin, to pass tilt; programme for the Spring rates. Among those present were: -Mr.l!ughKurt,(Chairmaii);< -..|.i Warren, KA Dr. Longway, Mi— r- W Kgerton, A. U.Datto.A. IV L ltrad.le!!, I) I). Maekie. II
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  • 203 2 TO TH« KKITOR Of Till STRAIT, T SiK,-If lam in order, I wn „l,| the attention of the authnriti,., cernod to what appears to be i nent eyesore to the public, and ||„J* time on Clyde Terra, -e ISoad. ,-uul on 2 T'clyt ■r'errace some time
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  • 303 2 THE STRAITS CHINESE AND RAILWAYS IN KWANGTUNG ro Till: EDITOR OF THK "STKAIn TU D Sin, In Tuesday's issue of vo,ir mur!l i-steeiiii'd loiirillil, there appi'iimlatlMi extract from the (Vn'mi mithcmi. l«-t of liailways in Kwanglung, t,,wl, ltt wm awplended an editorial note tiua tlieri.hclas-csoftlieSim;;ip..i, 1n,., would in no way
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  • 235 2 Yestkuhav afternoon, Tan Kirn Ho and Beang Kei, wen bmatl befora the btneii of t« of the charge of having attempt*! iSapoM of stolen property, ana) twenty-. hoses ofahawU 1,.-l"i.-':r,t to tue Transathintie Trading ComW) aad valued at four hundred dolka The property veaatete ft
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  • 139 2 Illi: IIK.VK T.IKtS HAli' I Tiii:i:k was commiition in tin '''<■ suryyesti-r.lay,-ilteiii..,,ii by ll" Mi' anoeofaimall bow which had.-.-'i" bom its cage as it WOl al ).ut ..11 l.nard a tongkang l"i -I.H'"""' to the Sydney Zoological Gardens M I (>.;■[,:. It appears H"'!'
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  • 57 2 Ob all aidM MM Mul.uj Mail, that the Chiui has been a more siti-la.i. last year. Writing ol I I Mdvortbun: I'heCli paawd oil .|iiietly. On ">« V the settlciii.i,; ;i,:;,.i,^t the l" wit wtlabctory, and il f»» have done excoi.ti.niiilh appear to have vodud at«
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 516 2 NOTICES. Ml BEL'S J EXPLOSIVES COMPMY.LD. Manufa.turer.of: HYNVMMi: URI IGNITE OEI.ATINK M\ Wll IF BLABTINU i. KIM INK HKTONATOItS >M KIKIKOr B&TETY 1 ivi: BLAKTINQ APPABATUa in« arovi ■nuarvae, nn ill ■urnermuc hh«htHi(it»ik,»biiiaii« iroaac n rai Barnea '...VIIINWENT. Alfl, ARI.TIIIItirOtI, OUHUiI- Hiraama ajßaun ash TO AJTT OTIIIKS OFriKKD H'K
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    • 668 2 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. WANTED. Tanjoni; ragar I' 1 M». strait* Trading Coy. Shares. Coy. Snares. Tahions hgt Dock Coy. Shares. 1'rve Kiver Dock Coy. Shares. FOR BALK. Snorting Club Delis. Municipal :> Ii.-I.. l«i issue, payable. 1W.V Sink Timber Cov. Shares. FRASER Co., u. c. K\rli;niu'i' snd Share Brokers* I
      668 words
    • 325 2 Ro/kllh.- On the 1.1th in«t.,»t "pO, Pctiung Ri.a.l IViianc. till' wife of C. E Ko/|:1.L>. ol ii son (still iK.rni. H S. S. intended for the Strait* 7W* aboold be written on om tide of the paper only. Ht tl» d*«<* it of that condition. «anj M 8. S. mn
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  • 1985 3 I'"' f *J /,<, aasa* avaan iuv> im: KM BTIT TIMIHKI;. WOUM be prlleelly d-lillhtful if m h W bepn at Ihe end of.'.vi- „,,i itapoff tbabaatan track „u into til* junglj. imuosnble, and a* had to f the beginning" juM like was
    1,985 words
  • 121 3 HOKG KONG JAIL. iiim:-i: USTVtAL To l UM Thi annual report on the Hongkong Jailfoi I .«»7 shows thai thoUailyav. rage numboi of priaoner* continod in the gaol during the year km 192, v compared with i■ l"i-; the Superiuteiidenl attribute! tin dnwan to ■>' million ,'i tl,, light and|
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  • 912 3 CLOSEOFTHETHREATKSKnsTKIKE. TIIK OFUCKRSABE AT WORK Kbom a telegram received in Singapore Iml v.-ning, we li'arn that the strike among the British 1 ndia Com|>any's Ofliccrs has been put an end to, and it it hoped the long-tandingdispute* between them and the Company have heen*ct-th-d. Than have
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  • 120 3 I vi: SOL* CUE. li,/,', ry. To, Sola nraaaeatlea was contlnaml al tha when Caalmir Pel ,er. 111,- 11, „I,'lU, vta- .all- I a> vt line-- lni'.'l'lv lo Ijlmui. /.o^l's OOUnsel, the ,> Pi 'in aaldhekaaw nothing what -I tha saair. M. gch»arei Keatnar waa ii, m vailed
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  • 985 3 NO. SS.-EPILOOUE. (nv MISS AfGtSTA DX WtT.) As I write these lines adding a last touch to the slight sketches in which I have endeavoured to render my impressions of this country— the thrill whistle of strain andthe thudding and panting of powerful engines are
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  • 125 3 YMHUUY, kliiiL-. named Veld, waa senteacod to ail week*' Impriaonmeat for being in poeaeaaion ol stobn property. This in .mil.::. In.. chain* of wan preferred against him. On* of these occurred last month, the other in Korambai laat. The former i- thathefl of two smoothing irona,
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  • 469 3 THE IM---INU" LISTS. TIIK I. 4 O. '(JAMiEs" SSth February- Mrs Adams; Mr. awl Mrs Karle Sergt. Majorand Mra Shilliiißton anil family Mr K A Law Mr. J. A I'egge. "Shanghai," 26th February. Lieu! Cochrane, Col. HogU', k.k. Cobomandkl,' 11 th March. Mr and Mrs. Lo*aß Mrs.
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  • 412 3 Tiik Drib Hum Ma iliat wellinformed eorreeponrfont, who has had aeeaM to timse who an' in tin' beat position to know tin' faeta, furnishes il with tin' following important statement rctanliri'_' the Dreyfus iaae: Till now Urn universaMy accented supposition bai baeo thai Urn foreign Power in
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  • 61 3 Tilt: .1,i,/.mi'.i. alter di.-.hai;.n_- her cargo of about :t.7i»> tons, will, in all probability, be docked hue. The rip!,:,,,1.,,,. which arrived i.i from I'ulo l.,ut on the oth instant, waa yeetardav towed to Tanjong l-asarwhtraske was docked in ordei lo have her rudder examined. The Caketraart steamer
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  • 83 3 S. V. A. CORPS ORDERS 1. Orderi) .i: r« the ensuing 'week I I I. in 1 II :...i n ..'.ly .-,ru-.»iil l',ir i aaauiog wa Ii ft i ■■<. I-. A. at. JohnJ. OnnoarW U B 1 mad to the iMon'efrom th i» data. !l. P.: I' :i.ll>. '.'.".i
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 459 3 r-J:!ii*:.*t*<t!r*a&dß-s- li I 1-U.Y BBWJ Sore Throats niawtai, ounils liurns, Condy's Fluid ENVELOPES. •SIKAITS IUOB'OffKX THK PATRIOT KXVKI.OI'K, 1,000 SI. 10; sent free by Post Sl.Vi. JOB-PKINTING. All ihe rya* hi th* SwaAa Timr* Osta is new. and Urn Job-printing dspsrtmant is arrsngij to ,1., work quickly mid well Than
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    • 701 3 AUCTION SALE& AICTION SAI.K HORSES vv CABBIAGEB, AT MB. AHKAMSS YARD. fnlny. !>//, Mb, wli.Ua.wl IH/L 1 POWBX Co., Auetioneem. SM.K 01 VMIMHK HOUSEHOLD HKXIII'UK, Ac. m raw— i m s m Sanaa, AiJ*, Kiii.imcv llotn. 5,,1,,,; 111//, 1>1;:., n tflMI. THE undersigned o-,: bj M. s. M Barktes,
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    • 888 3 NOTICES. QOOAJOn Sl'iiHTlNfi CU'li. 111,- Spring Us.-- Ili-elmß will I*, held oaTussday, Ms; Mth, rhursday, M«vlmii, and Ssturdat. M«y 2Slh. I'KIMUtAMMK 1-Illsr PAY. T,,.,, MM MM First Ka.i. THK MAIDEK PLATE Tata* aajn. A Knee for Maiden Bonss Walght a» par SßSle (lost. :ui..v AaaUowaas* „f Hlb*, to bonss ,-ni,
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 265 3 WKATHKK RKPORT. Kitndang Ktrbnu Hotpilal, Huh hth. 18U8. ll«.m.Sp.m.»p.m. K**ahk».~ Bar. 1MB H.TII -I'.HOH Temp. HOI M.5 75.0 W. It'll. 111.-- Tti.S 77.0 732 "IIMr.ofWin.l ».k. ,.«.k. Calm ox M«.Trmp. 8.V.' »i|j M«x. in Sun 1 17 Toit. mil. Uf.l kS Iisinfsll Nil. WKATHKU TKI.KliKA.M CK K. A. A C.
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  • 502 4 SISOAPOEI, 17TH Fcmt'AßT, IHM. PRODUCE (TLalu an eometed lo 12.:* a.m.) Oambier f B«2J. Copra Ball 7.40. do I'ontianak, ".IS. Pepper, Black fUtt. do While, (5%) *.I*J. Sago Flour Sarawak do Brunei,- noitii n:il *"<**. Pearl Sago S.SO. Co«ee, Bali, picked 2H.00. Coffee Palembang, picked.... MAO. Coflee, Lir«rian, No.
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    • 196 4 inderthishendinßtho following abbreviation* Are used :—str— steamer sh.—ship l-<i —Iwrnue Brit.—British U. S. United State*; Kr. French Ger.-Werman; Dut.— Dutch; Joh.—; *>•., (i.e.. ( carßO d.p.— dock passengers: I!.—Uni'TWin; T. P. W.-Tanjong Paßiir Wharf; t. P. D.—Tanjoiiß I'acar Doc k B. W. Borneo Wharf; J.W. JardineV. Wharf
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    • 1090 4 Aaßivtu Hinci Noon or Ykvtikday. rrrdenu, llril.Ktr. I.IS-J tons. Cup. *****. ITth Feb. From Bangkok. 12th F.-I. (i.-. Vfl d.p. \V. Manstii'M an.l Co. For Bangkok, 2Ut-Rds. I!. II ran UUHIH Dut. str. «1O tons, Capl Van ili-r I^, lttli F.'b. From IVii.niK 16th Feb. (i.e.. and 17
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    • 428 4 V ESSELS EXPECTED. Namr, port, probable dalt of orntof, (ut nnmt 01 ruitntK. A. A|>onr, Hongkong, Ml M;& t M Alton, Car.lill. I ft 1-eb 7 Ampliitrite, H'kong, Feb 14; Buteobari Baltaant. London, liar IT; P. 40. llayern. Bremen. Mar 3 llelin Hani Borneo. Hongkong. M.-ir li>; P. ,1- (i.
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    • 132 4 for i'tr tlr. Ttmr. To-Mokhow. .liipnn via ports Sncolra, 11a.m. I :.i.:.n Sandakan l.ihrllr. 11 am Pkalan Ilranlan HmmtUm, II ».m. Hatavia via |wrt» Imm. 11a.m. Billitoq Ktianak H. W. Soon, Xoon. rovhin Moyuw. 1 p.m. Malacca .Sri Tringtianu, S p.m. Pi'liang (ilrn/allock, 3 p.m. liiil n Pahat
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    • 115 4 From Kriori:— By the M. M. Mrlbournr, .hi" on -.iltii inst.. with ilatrs to tlio >ih January, flic lirlnfi ivplios to the mail Hhi.h left Sin([a|«re on IhaMbSM, J.-KOM CHISA :_lly tho M. M. U Yurm. .In.' t>u the I »Hi instant. 1 1 nr i tin
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    • 237 4 ARBI VALH. Per s. s llrrulm l.'Oln Borneo .-Mn.. Page, an.l Mi. Miii-chie. Per n s. Sni'ithi, from iClang via ports Mr. an,! Mrs. Cormack. Mis.s Tranehell, Slr.and Miss Swan, J.'i-ssr». Dalgh-h, Severn, I'aulet. and Hampsliire. Per 0. 8. ran lAi,wl,,'T,it from I'ennng:—Capt.. Mrs- and Miss U-i.ill,
      237 words
    • 105 4 DiTK. VustL'a NiMK 'FuuiAKlu Caitain I I)BBTIirATIU.I I hVb 1« l)»ri u Brit »tr. Frith 111 ItanliiniM »tr. (iri^iiv 111 llmilonioml «|r. Mi 1111.1-1, 111 Buriu'o B t P Smith JI ftrtjUj rtrl liv.i-:,,, <l,,»vi;!iv, rtr. „,.n,,, K I Ki.m^Hiii! s tr Kimall, J WIN lr Qrtworth, 17 fWwtlld
      105 words
    • 69 4 >; ViasKL'a Namh. A Tom. Cai-hii Fkom Suub ccsiusjk-. 5_ Kl rfiSISS? »«r. l«l IV,,r, A y K,.|, 11, W,,. II,!, :,.,.M > 1 i--1,l ho l">"' IWi WAtogoß »nd Co. r, Inn^anu -tr. HI Shin, n ifataow **b SOnTKew Ho. «tr. 11- IWI Bangkok Peb 3w^l«ufl«W* c 17
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 319 4 MiTICKS. ELLWOOD'S patent AIR-CHAMBER HELMETS A UOUBKHOLI) WORD >» INDIA. IV lIIK Ka!T BY All. Ul.lliliKti TIIK lift Ii Mt«. TIIK (i.i1.1l MKIIAI.. I in I tin OMMMOTI I II I I."M».N. 1"! ELLWOOD'S patent AIR-CHAMBER HELMETS a. n,. A th.ti/1 .1 A M KS WATSON ie GO'S scotch WHISKIES
      319 words
    • 95 4 SKKKAYAU.OS PKBRUGIHOUfI QDIITtNI I 'if (iiviil All-- I rj| WmTMIcoJ I',iu. I Wrf v >"'i Uiit-k ami Irnnf 1.1 owr ni.-.lh-Hl CM MrtUkata* notifying tji Kmil hln-nVll" iK'iiiKnfnn /yy^S JW^ t t.\-ik MHHHM i i;n i FOSTOmCB. tu. tb. 4 I PILSENEE BEER. KEY BBAHD i MnttciD -in< i isn,
      95 words
    • 614 4 DAILY AND WEEKLY ESTABLISHED 1831. T'Upko,,,, .w -,n TUc,n,,kir Utnmt "T— -TIIIIM' The Straits Times has the largest circulation of any newspaper in Asia, British India excepted. It circulates in Singapore and Penang, throughout all the Protected States of the Malay Peninsula, in Siam, Borneo, the Netherlands Indies, the Philippines,
      614 words
    • 757 4 NOTICES. NOTICE. rpiMEs OF CEYLON, (daily edition). The largest and l»-st circulated ncwe. paper published i n Oyloii, a- well iu> the nmarte.l and the most readable; is more largely »ii|,|K>rt«l by the European commainly of the Mane! than the other ps|iere combined. Io this great centre of Tropical Agriculture,
      757 words
      392 words
    • 33 4 SHARES WANTED. Municipal Debenture! ft Do. Do. 6%. Tanjoog I'ngiir Bonds. New 1'rye Kiver Dock Co.'b. FOR SALE. l-cnRirnnR Planting Sb»re». Straits Suamxliip HUbm. SOMERVILLE .1 OUNN, Kxi linn f A Share Brokers.
      33 words
    • 64 4 NOTICES. CAUTION TO SHIIMW.NBRS AND C.AFTAINB. HAHTJENS ANTI-FOUI.IRO COMPOSITION. Other makes than our original manufactures are now sold. The genuine and only Composition wltb which Mr. Rihtjix himself haaanjeonnes lion ia HiryxakiTs Kiiitjins. and packrare marked with these worda, and trade mark-an open baod in Red. Reject all other* guter
      64 words
    • 27 4 NOTICES. imowxs Four Cxnwx SCOTCH WIIISKKY, THK KlNKfrt WIIISKKV Is THK An supplied to H.R.11. t|,,, ta— -T--and 11. H. Prim-,- 1!i,,,,, r k BIiINKMANX A- Co
      27 words