The Straits Times, 17 December 1897

Total Pages: 5
1 5 The Straits Times
  • 12 1 The Straits Times ESTABLISHED: 1831. SINGAPORE, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1897. NO. 19,408.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 981 1 rpnE BORNEO COMPAMT, LIMITED ;iill tttawlard Life Asiaraaoe. Norwich t'nion Fire Inraranos SocMy AtU. A-.unuio. Comjiaay (fin). ITic B.iuitobU Lii. Awnra Socwti. Th» Itas Maruw lasnraam Co«paaj. Th. iliia. Mutual Staua Navigate* Company. Tli. r,«t«nliasi Ij««t Bar Cosipaay. I-))* MaxitinM losnraaee Company, Limited. for nuticslars of them Companies, Me tin
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    • 774 1 i^^ BUCHANAN WHISKY ■^:J-i" \^|^^^BBm(B| i II f— f—^ "wm sols iMPORTKKa lO IMt DLO I KATZBROS, SOLD BY ALL LICENSED SPIRIT DEALERS. i I MIT j.'l) Samkas supplied to the Hiii'seb of Loum ami Commons ami to au. good Lorduh Cldm. 31/12 NOTICES. Gold Medals, Paris, lv"» 13oW. JOSEPH
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    • 375 1 I /V'EAN STEAM HIIIP COMPANY EAST INDIAN OCEAN HTEAM SHIP COMPANY, Ltd. AND XEDKKLAXDBCHE BTOOMVAART MAATSCHAPPIJ OCKAAN. The Company's steamer, are despatched from Liyerpool outwards for the Straits. China, nnd Japan, and from Japan homeward, for London every ten days, and li.iv accommodation for third class pasMMMa only. The Company's
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    • 280 1 NOTICES. RILEY, HARGREAVES &COY. HAVE JUST ItECEIVKD The Cycle of the Future: I The ACATtiNE." Chainless Cycle. -CALL AXD SEE THEM RILEY, HARGREAVES CO. Stock the latest patterns of the "HOYALHVCHO" AND PATHFINDER" CYCLES. SOLE AGKXTS. RILEY, HARGREAVES CO. Keep tin.- largest an.l most varied stock in tho Sti.iiN .Settlements
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    • 644 1 INSURANCES. rpilE LONDON AND LANCASHIRE 1 FIRE INSCRANCE COMPANY. Capital pi, p.»7..V)0 I'ai.l up Capital MI;TM Reserve Fund U76,3.«i The undersigned, Agents for the Company, are prepared to accept fire risks at nStWlal 4 Co. rE CHINA THAIiKU. INSITRANCK COMPANY, LIMITED. Capital Subiwribad li.oon.oai Amount l'ald up i»i.u«i. Reserre Fond
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    • 193 1 BWDBANCBL fTIHEgI'EEX INSVI LHCB COMPANY i ROYAL INSURANCE COMPANY. I lonic Offices QI'EER I Nsfl: LM> Bl II.DIK.;i, LIVEErooL. The undersigned. Agents for the above Company, an prepared to take risk, at HOOOLANDT Co. THE BTRAITB INBURANCB COMPANY, LIMITED. established 1883. Head Office, Sikuafoee. CapiUl Fully Subscribed (3,000,000 Capital Paid-up
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    • 529 1 BANKS. THK NATIOXAI. DANK OK CHINA LIMITED. Authorised Capital £1,000,000 SubKribed Capiul 1100,000 II >. ii. Office Hongkong. COURT OF DIRECTORS:— D. Gillies, Esi). Chan Kit Shag, Esq. H. Sloltcrfoht. I' Chow Tung Shan, Es.|. Knan lioi Chuen. K..|. Chief Mahacee: Geo.W. F. Playfair. Interest on Filed Deposit., For 12
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    • 617 1 IIT IS THK BEST |g| /^inMnEBLAINS Cough Remedy «i««^B All othi-r prep»r«tioni in lhl V"Y" l^ s ...,r handled forcou«h., Zt »"ic.oup. -I-" MAVEE.,Dru«..t,BJ laklamlj Mmrvll^ ld m acm en I F r T l |?K y DISP™'«' A R y- (H| FOR SAM. KMI'LOYMKNTS- II T()IETiANDP ERSONALS I [ItTTiKE,I«c«nU
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  • 96 2 STRAITS TIMES. STODDART'S TEAM. Kstaii:.i-iiki>: 1831. PRICK 15 CENTS. [Hulxcriptiun rate* and artrtrtiting nttes nuiy Ufouivl on tltt fourth paqc] KBIM.T, 17th DUO, i(<»7. ■mn TKLKCiIIAIIS. tiik bydhet ran match. i,..,,.' v 17/ A Dsoaaasr. In the test match at Sydney, the Australians were all out for 4('-> in their
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  • 91 2 INCKXIHAKISM I'IiOHABI.K. At tli" inquiry into the lire at Cripplcgatc, a witness proved thai the lire broke out siiiiult:in.-.,u«ly at two places in Messrs. Waller and Itrowns showThcCity Solicitor stated that it was clear that the lire did not break out accidentally. I'll.- he Slatted nt alxml
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  • 30 2 <iI»KS TO AYLKSBI'UY. Sir M. H. Ridley, the Home So 'rotary, has directed that Mrs. Carew shall undergo her sentence of lifelong imprisonment in the Aylcshury convict so
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  • 575 2 Tin: Municipal Commissioners ol Singapore have now, practically,admitted the truth of all our contentions in regard to the IlliaJHtfilllllJ state of theSinpapurc roads. ThcConimissioners admitted, a month ago, that they had nut been s|,i']i,liii.L- sullieient money upon the roads. Yesterday, they a'hnilti'.l that they have not been getting
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  • 23 2 Mi: QWHUfI l.aye ha- h, en extcmlejuntil the arrival ol the P. it U. mail due on the :n d or 4th January.
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  • 30 2 Snitharics Mitchell tuld the Kallles School boys yesleiday that he himself was a -"0.l hand at making a row fifty years .il-\ but has seen tho folly of it.
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  • 13 2 Proditk, exchange, and share prices, and tho mail list, are on page 4.
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  • 19 2 Thk buyer of Lot 5 (7S, Prinsep St.) at yesterday s land sale was Mr. K. if. Lyon notJ.M.
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  • 16 2 Messrs. Powell A Co. advertise an auction of Spanish grapes, at their saleroom, on Monday next.
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  • 18 2 A Mu.Ki.v.K has been arranged betaeea Capt. Ainslie, a.dc, and Miss Lilian I.yall, daughter of Mr. J. Lyall.
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  • 24 2 Tiik property that was announced to be put for sale yesterday by Messrs. Crane Bros, was withheld, owing to the bad attendance of buyers.
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  • 22 2 Thk Pcnani! Young Men's Association were to meet, yesterday, to debate the IKistponod subject That Napoleon is a greater general than Wellington.
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  • 21 2 faaaaaaS, the Inspector^ ieneral of Police and Assistant Superintendent Stewart ins|iected the police stations at Pillnu Tekong and Clmngi.
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  • 24 2 Oke hundred and nineteen deaths were registered in Singapore during the week ending on Saturday last. The ratio per thousand stood at -MOT.
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  • 35 2 rioneil complaints have recently been made to the police of thefts of rikisha wheel guards. Last night, a man was arrested in Mosque Street, with throe of these articles in a sack.
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  • 36 2 Tin: acting second Magistrate, Mr. Wolfeistan, is indisposed through measles, and will not lie able to carry on bis duties for a tew dnys. In the meantime, Mr. J. D. Saundcrs officiates for him.
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  • 43 2 lilt-: homeward P. O. Mirzttporr left Hongkong at I p. in. yesterday, and may be cx|M.-ctcd to arrive at Singapore on Tuesday morning, the -Jlst instant. The homeward mail by the Kraajen closes at 6 a. m. on the next day.
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  • 45 2 Ax enactment dealing with small ollenccs is said to be in course of preparation in l'erak. It will probably cover the second-hand dealers' Bhops, which more or less are the cause of onehalf of the robberies that take place in the State.
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  • 45 2 Tiik first meeting of the proposed Anglo- Islamic Debating Society of Singapore will take place to-morrow night at seven, at the Kampong Glam Malay Bckool (Arab Stn-et), to consider the proposal of Mr. S. Mahmoud, and any other matters that may be brought forward.
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  • 56 2 To obviate the difficulties' that have arisen in the past in the payment of fares when the polieo engage rikishas, it has been decided that the senior noncommissioned officer at each police station shall hold an advance for thin purpose. This, at country stations^ will be three
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  • 67 2 S.C.I. AXU 11. M.5. "GRAKTON." A VRIKXM.Y game between the S.C.C. and t ln- l.ral'U-n took place, last night, on the Ksplauadi-, before a fair crowd of spectators. Owing to the very heavy showers during thu day, the ground was very sodden, and the ball was heavy and greasy.
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  • 68 2 Vt-iTtiiDAV, Mr. Hooper summoned Mr. David and Mr. Kaeburn, the owner and tenant, res|wetively, of a house in Tank Koad, to show cause why they should not abate a nuisance which caused offensive liquid to flow into the complainant's grounds. After cvideue,was taken, Mr. Klcuin made an
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  • 92 2 A Mini, named Radin Mutt rum. on the arrival, last night, of the lluby from I'alembaiig, reported that his box had been broken open and three hundred guilders abstracted. Four Malays were arrested on suspicion. One of them had a passage ticket that was not his. Another
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  • 102 2 Tiik s.s. ArrutiKin Aprnr, which arrired from this morning, landed .">74 sheep and goats. The steamers aWaaaea and //Vr.iV were undocked at Tanjong I'agar this morning, the s. s. //<•/« taking their pla. c in dock. The steamer Ann has been docked at New Harbour for repairs.
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  • 108 2 IOUOXIAL MM VIKWB. A HKiTEii, whom we presume to be Mr. Kgertou Kastwick, relates, in the it-cent "literary campaign to convince the Colonial Office of the need for re-enacting the Contagious Diseases Ordinance. An article he contributed to the lAtnrct on the subject aroused attention. The
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  • 685 2 La»t night, a Fancy Baiaar for the benefit of the orphans at the Convent was held in the Town Hall Before nine o'clock, the hour appointed, a aiderable number of visitors had arrived, and after that hour, they thronged in rapidly. The Band of tho Rifle Brigade
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  • 121 2 -.HKiu Ml Kiua Tzurr a pkon. Ykstkbday, Aiuat, a Post Ollice peon, was arrested, in the ollice of Messrs. Mansfield and Coy., for the theft of a pair of gold-rimmed s|M'cl.ulcs. the property of Mr. A. P. Adams. This morning, the prisoner was brought before
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  • 240 2 Last night, an assault at-arnin, really a couple of iKiiing inatrlu-s with came off at Kiuiiu-rson'ii TilKn Itoums There was n fairly good attindance. A twenty-lour ffetriiic hadht-en |HMMa\ and, at ai|iiarter-i)iist nine, VW. Gilbert, K. 11., ami Jack Mflnn.y, Ilic nhin[rliTn middli-wei^ht of Xt-w Zealand, stepped into it.
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  • 324 2 T HE PLAGUE. CASE OS BOARD THK V. O. MAIL I'ATIKNT LAXDID AT I'KSAV. IKB AITIOX! IN MMNMi (J,,«vi'.r/ IsssfMß] lo Ihe Slmilt Tim.<") Pknan.i, 17th Decemlier. A case of plague has been landed here from the mail steamer laaaaj which arrived this inorning. The P. A <>. mail steamer
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  • 171 2 Tin: following is the passenger list of the lacata: Per P. A <>. s. s. //iuiiifiiw miitircting Kith the Xemner Thaiuri lit .,,,1 From London. Nov. Ill: -Miaul.. M. White, Mr. nn.l Mr*. MneHndi.- ntid child. Mr,..!. Fnner, Mis« Kmser, Mr. J. Young, Mr. nn.l Mi-. Mclver and time
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  • 507 2 M UNICIPAL COMMISSION. SrKIIAI. MKKTIXO, THIS AKTIMINooN A social meeting of the Municipal Commission v..,s livid tli.- afternoon, tv consider Supplemental Budget Xo. a of 18U7. Them were present .Mr. Kgerton (Deputy President), Mr Kvans, Mr. Solist, Mr Choa liiang Th>e, and Mr. Tan Cheng Tuan. The I'KtBinKST said the
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 457 2 H*_ NOTICES. NOBEL'S EXPLOSIVES OMPANY.LD. Msnufa. lur*n of PTHAMITI liltl li. Mil I H HIM |.l IMI I I--U iVy H J.Y. wuKsn inn ufHATu* OV«»«»IKI a»H lIJ.TBIMMI. l.liaAKm i" ii m suraawe qi-ality a»d ■aeasn w vi otheui ornato roa Man this HiKitr. INK BOKXBO COMPAJr.*, Ml. viKMS. Nali»f
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    • 850 2 AUCTION' SALES. \l (TH'N BALK OF WWKLLKBY. (VI Hll-f«'«l ,t m. DIAMOND "UK-, lioorh.-. c«rrill(!». locketi egoTd Mstcb. a»ld '«aif|."i A MfU i-OWKI.I. i v, Auctioneer*. auction sai.k d n v, ONI. ii null in. ,»i..hi.- ii> Broaghton »n. I -inn,,-. nil. II »|ilrit lovel -in'l itand Oh Colonial neddle
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    • 711 2 NOTICES. SINGAPORE PHILHARMONICI SIR'IKTY. ini(nii>TK\!. ncmu A POPULAB OBOHBBTKAL COMKUT mii.i. in; «ira» in thi: TOWN HALL, 0 I raaiay, aW, ..I 9 ><..«. luomiM. ram IMMhn MX u.r. TOWN lIAI.L. Date Urn —ilm al Hrn M. mi,..i> u r the In honour of th<- IVrak < "i i.k.t.r- and
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    • 561 2 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. I CLKBK WANTED nflßl will soon ha vacant, in Ik* 1 Strait, Tiw, ofli.-e, the i»»l i-f ■seaai dark. AppUnaia must speak I and write Kiiplbli well, and baollkal figures. Apply l.y letter to The A"l AI.IHKI> AIiiTHKCAIIV. lo fie .11. ,-liarf "I 11..- nilllWlJ uf a Mining
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  • 3557 3 Mimi«. of tlio llwnicipa] Comm h. M MMq nitiTiM.,,l, ThM**'*.' present Mr Ki:ertoi,. Pepiitv,,..,d,nt. Mr Snlist, Mr. Kvans, Mr. iowinim, Mr Mow-,. Mr. Meyer. M, 1., i, rhein: Tuan, Ml Mr. t'lioa Oiang Thye iaua f.ii [nightly iinaneial statement balance of aMBV37I,a> apiinst ,it the Iml meeting mi
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  • 409 3 S UNDAY OBSERVANCE. TO THE EDITOK OK THE "HTKArn TIMKS Sin, Your Malacca coircspon.leiit scorns and denies my charge of his taking a text apart from the context, but he does not attempt to show that the context has anything to do with the point at issue, namely, the playing
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  • 128 3 mi;, roan nuirt mkbt. DIM date of .Inly l-l. W7. Hie Inited State- Consul < on. lal I'ratl. of Singapore, calls attention to a previous report in which he advocated the establishment of a direct -teani-lup line between the Straits Settlements and New York. The CouMil-t.cncral
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  • 1606 3 I LADY MITCHELL DISTRIBUTES THE PRIZES. I Ye«tkkuay afternoon, Lady Mitchell, who was accompanied by His Excellency the Governor, distributed the prizes to the successful scholars of the Raffles (iirK School. There was a very large attendance of the parents and friends of the children, among those
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  • 252 3 Mi.. Tli,,-. Qaraett write- from llriti-h Owkaa to .nil', i the piwialaat notion that eot Toe U being grown there for the first timr:— We an snleninlv mM anlal as a <lis eoverv that tin- cultivation of coffee on the already awatioaed nml mi-nanieil mml li:i'l»
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 236 3 I NOTICES. THB AND during the Queen's Most Glorious Reign With the Jubilee Song of the Malay Printed on good quality ol antique I'KJCE 30 It.MTo be bad from the Struitt Timn Ofllce, „r M.-r«. K-lly n...l Wai.', (Ltd > John Little Co. (Ltd.) MAISON F. TAIL nma HAIR IHWHIHCI
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    • 575 3 fin itM«, us iti, to «th inl<- > -sLWS^Swjtt-ijg l.,.7a.lverti«'ment, clow 1 can be inx-rted 3 one month fIJSO; a fortnight for »-W,o for»». Afterward.. II »»m™ on Thr. f O* l_» MlgiL Tt A" P°f thr right hand column 01 (title pogr). JOSEPH HAKERui V Nl B tB -4
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 269 3 WEATHKK REPORT. A'.ia...i.i.i ATrrhau Hmpilol, \»ti, I., ;s*7. Ua.m. 3p.m ftp.m. Rimarkr. Bar. WMI hLTM ->».»40 Temp. 81.0 88.1 77.4 -f \V. B'lbTher 78.0 78.5 78 .1 *3 Dir.ofWind N.E. wsw.N.W. M 2 Max. Temp. WI.S c S Mm... 74 Mas. in Sun 137 II ll" Terr. rad. ..713 %2
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  • 464 4 SIKOArOM, 17TH DICBMIM, IM7. PRODUCE (Halts *rt corrected to 11.10 p.m.) iambier »4.«Sopraßall <lo Pontianak, B-00. Pepper, Black buyers K.7S. Jo White, SMO. S*ita Floor Sarawak do Brunei, Pearl Sago £J" Coßee, Bui i, picked 30.00CoSoe Palembang, picked SAOO. CoSee, Liberian No. 1 «•*>• Tapioca, small Flake *■<*■ Jo
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  • 31 4 SHARES W ANTED. Municipal Debentures S%. Do. Do. 8%. Taniong Pagav Bonds. New Pryo Kiver Dock Ck).'». FOR HALE. Pengeran^' Planting Shares. Straits Steamship Jclcbus. SIIMKUVII.I.K* lUINN. Exchange 4 Share Brokers.
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  • 231 4 For iV str. Timr, TuMorkow. r.iiiing A Colo.nlK) F'urnioan. 11a.m. DtambU A...... A,,,,, 11 am. IVmulK ihrUa, 11a.m. Ililliton 4 Ftianak H. Wkatt Uiix, 11a.m. Jaiian via ports Cenlon 11 a.m. 1!,,n,;k0k farnto, I p.m. l'.'imng i Calcutta ATuI Son;;, 2 p.m. Pcnnng and Deli Calypto, 2 p.m.
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  • 215 4 1',..- v a. y.'.'.if from San'dakan Hon'blo 1 >" i '.»<./('".'/ liui/.y from Il.ig;iii Th" Haaara. Vtaakka«(a}. Per s. a, l'timn.j from Java Mr. and Mr-. Holton. Per Vimrnrti from Sarawak I— Capt. ivr 11.I 1 *I) Cr«hn from PenangK>. Wiimford. aud Capt. Warren. TO ARRIVE. {For S'Wjupojz).
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    • 128 4 SH IPPING IN PORT. UnderthltlM«din(|lh«tollowingaUbreTia- lions are used -.t««m.r •\r'V^ 1 1.q.-bwqae; Brit.-Br.tish; U.S. Umt«d SUM* Fr. French Ger.-<3«rm»n Dut.— butal; Joh.-.'obore; 4c., O.c O.««l cargo d.p.-<ieck p»a«nger. U-JT^ f l Uin- T P. W.— Taniong Pagar Wimrl.T. t«nt Slip Rds.- Koail« Where no montt. ia named; the mooth
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    • 1436 4 AtMTIM 8IKCI NOOII O? YhsrKKDIT. A. ,4,-car, Brit. str. 1.9M tons. WM I*™. 17th Doc. From Calcutta. 8th DM, and 98 <l.p. Snrkios nnd Mows. tor Hongkong, 17Ui-W. A,*s Dut. str. 1,M!> tonii, Rol.mwn mill l>.-.-. From Am«tcrd»m, Silh O.t. I) < «n.l d.p. W. Man.tield and
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    • 385 4 V ESSELS EXPECTED. Hamt, port, probable date ol oiriral, m 4 notiM of agent*. Amphitritc, Trieste, Jan H I; H.n .1 n Hi. 'in. mi. Mar 3 ll.'lin M.i Bollerophon, Lpool, Doc 26; W. MnimlirlJ. Bellonn, Hongkong, Dec S7 Raut«ubtr(. Borneo, London, Jin IS P. A O. Apcar, Il'kong. DHMlhrthil
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    • 170 4 TLAO Vnii'< Nijii. A To» Cimm Farm Sailed Cun-i'.m > Irt" Ki»n Ann Hnl sir. 101 M., Pjambio IK-0 16 Weo Binan.lCo. 16 S. Tjonn Pinang Dul Btr. Hi Nk'ulili llaijim IH-c WTtanfWai. IHKianYang TOKurmtli Muar Dm MKhOOltonfhn HI Ainx Dut »tr. 154» ■*****1111 l 1111 l Urn
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    • 95 4 Dm. Vuul'> Nun Fliq&Riul c»m» Dejtihitio.n Drc.Kl K«rfall» Ital sir. (laggilio Muar IK Kri.l.n MH.atr. CaTlianil Bjii K ou 17 Sri Trlnggaau Britatr. Mal,-i,.-ii 17 A. Apcar atr. I Kunillwrg 11,.n K k.>nK 17 Oorwxld ilr. Huglni CnlculW 17 Clio »tr. Whyta P. Bnudnn 17 F»nt«.- »tr. lluiltor
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 631 4 NOTICES. I LVt^V^ I^^uJt3BM9^i^BmH^P^iil^H jQli^f^^^^MawiaSalaUaKMliiaH I- CONSTIPATION HEADACHE CONGESTIONS \mi;s WATSON CO-'S SCOTCH WHISKIES M 1 11 K 11KT VAI.IK IN TIIK ÜBBI f SHOO PER 1-ABK, I'LTV PAIU. a SPECIAL RKBBEVR turn imam, mm wm* IH.MIMI 10YRAB8OLD, su.ooi™ case, dctt paio. v p \in i nan iiKi.Mi. mulehb, o*
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    • 411 4 THE TAN.IOM; I'A(iAK Imm K (X)MPANY. LTD. «'ll\'i.l'lN,.'.'.'l.-..w' liraving Docks up to MO (eel in leagtn and SI feel on -111. Wharf front,,*,', one mile and n Maitac, Hhecra W IHO feel In length, Uo.ler and M.i-ti.i>; sin-.-.- workad l.y steam. Eitenalva range of liodowi.s aud Coal si,., i Proprietors
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    • 339 4 NOTICES. KATZ BROTHERS, LIMITED. NN T" ANNuI NCK TIIK AKIiIVAI. OV THK rOl.l.OWISli: FOR CHRISTMAS. IADIHT.YS < Hot uI.ATK CKKAMS. in Air Tight Tins: Walnuts, Sultanas, Almonds. umo&xwD, Nougat, Uteaar, Almond". \anilb, i >. rr I Dmhenr. A CHOCOLATE CREAMS IN FANCY BOXffi. :!.-> COTI Tl> VfM. Cadl.urj -a OHM
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    • 564 4 RIGAUD'S WHITE VIOLITt. I RIGADD'S WHITE ROSE RIGAUD'S white jAtHiii. I RIGAUO'S white lil»o. RIGAUD'S WHITE IRIS > RIG All D jC HtrumtM, Pans J ■ST^IiSS' WIIISKKY. THE PRYE IiIVER DOCK PENANQ. The above Hock situated in Province TT*fl«tlJ. at the entrance of the Prye Rivor, has lately been lengthened
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