The Straits Times, 28 August 1897

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 12 1 The Straits Times ESTABLISHED: 1831. SINGAPORE, SATURDAY. AUGUST 28, 1897. NO. 19,314.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 848 1 rpHB BOKKIO COMPAHT, LIMITtD ,pHK SUM*** Astomos. Norwiek UsJoo Fir> luinnM &<ei*j imtim Comfaj (Fin). li., BmlssMs Li's Imnsn Socirtj. T1 Osaa Maria* laraimnn' i mp uiv. u tu«l SUta N»Ti,f»ti "ii Company. TittMtaa Ugw Verr Comparv Ihr Mil IMsii ls.i««ii<* Coaip»ay. I united K'or avtioalsn of ths«> Companifa, am
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    • 370 1 SCOTTISH ORIENTAL STEAMSHIP COMPANY, LIMITED ItEdiLAR Link BbMUI Bangkok AND HONOKONO. s. s. Mon.iLul, (apt. alder, 859 tons. A'owi Bng, ('apt. Joslin, 8«2 Tai'Chov', Capt. Primrose, 862 I'hra Cham A'/,i...('npt. Fowler, 1,012 li.ra Cimla Vlwm k'lao, Capt. l'igot, 1,012 I'hra \anti, Capt. Walton, 1,021 i De.vawonyHf, Capt. Curtis, 1,067 C*oic
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    • 668 1 INSLTKAXCES THKBTBAITB INBU R A N C K COMPANY, LIMITED. K-i vi. i i~iikii 1883. Head Office, Sisuaiokk. Capital Fully Subscribed 53,000,'X)0 Capital Paid-up eOO.WX) Kowrre Kuii.U 163,£«> Balance of Working Account to 81st December, 1886 684,h*1 ('ash Assets at 81st December, 1896 1,8»4,fi1« A. 8. MURRAY, Secretary Underwriter rE
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    • 805 1 INSURANCES. CANTON INSIRANCK OFFICK LIMITED. Capital Subwril»-u $2,600.0U>. mount paid up I Kmurve funl 1,200.000. Bud Orrici, Honokomo. The undenii^nad. having b*eo appointed :;enr of the above romptuiy, are prepared to tcvppt iluriue Risks at current rat.- A annually paid to all contributors of hastens whether shareholders or Dot.
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    • 377 1 NOTICES. DR. A. P. BOWES. Dentist. HAB removed his office to No. lU, Battery Road. Above McAlistkr A Co.'s. v. c. J. MOTION CO. WATCHMAKERS. JEWELLERS. OPTICIANS. REPAIRS PROMPTLY EXECUTED. THE STANDARD PHOTOUKAIMIK' STUDIO. No. 4, m .him. Koai>. Ol' R Studio has been reconstructed and entirely refitted with the
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    • 847 1 1 RHEUMATISM RHEUMATISM. Many persons wbo have suffered for years with rheumatism and given up all hope of recovery have been permanently cured by Chamberlain> Pain Ralm. The prompt relief frora pain which it affords has deliglitod thousands of sufferers and enabled them to get sleep and rest. Even if
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  • 496 2 tIMaMBI MM At i'»i, i»w7. i'KonrcK. (Hntes are correi>ed to one p.mj Uanibior, I 7.00. Copra Bali 630. do Pontianak, 5.95. Pepper, Black, 18.26. do White, (5%) 50.78. Sago Flour Sarawak, 8.40. do Brunei 2.80. Pearl Sago 8.06. Coffee, Bali, picked 42.00. Coffee Palembang, picked 46.00. Coflee, Liberian, No.
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  • 296 2 for I'rr tlr. Time. To-UiY. Muar i Malacca I'akan, 3 p.m. I'enang McAlitttr, 3 p.m. Hntavia via |»»i- Kony Alf, 3 p.m. lliilu I'aliat Amy Ann, 4 p.m. Malm t;i A Klhmu Sapphv, 4 p.m. Psoan| Colombo Jam, 4 p.m. Dad Sumatra, 4 p.m. Tringgnnu via ports If.
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  • 113 2 ARRIVALS. l,i Oiang BmtQ from Samarang: Mi. nni Mrs. BaUch, Mr. Kamos, I>r. Ma»mil, and Mr. Kratbofltr. l.-i P. A O. U. Sitmnlra from London: M. i.:..| Mr- BUI*, mul Mr. Hutchinaon. From MmmUlck Mr. H. 8. hnou From I I'tnans- -dipt. Bathane, Ohpt \V»rren, i ami Mr.
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  • 65 2 STRAITS TIMES Established: 1831. PRICK 10 CENTS. SATURDAY, 28th AUGUST, 1897. REUTER'S TELEGRAMS. STEAMER DISASTER. [Subscription rate* and advertising rates may lit f omul on ike fourth page COLLISION NBAR GIBRALTAR Ijondon, 28r* Augutt. The steamer Olengyle has been beached near Gibraltar, after having been badly damaged in a collision.
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  • 33 2 OCNBOATS UP THI RIVER. A gunboat has reached Abu Hamed on the Upper Nile. Five other gunboats have passed the worst part of tho cataract there. The Nile is rising steadily.
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  • 26 2 ARRIVAL IN OIRMANY The King of Siam has arrived at Potsdam, where he met with a hearty reception from the Emperor of Germany.
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  • 10 2 President Faure has left St. Peters burg.
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  • 14 2 Lady Mitchell will be "At Home on Wednesday, September Ist, at 4.46 p. ra.
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  • 57 2 We desire to correct the current misapprehension that the rate of the subscription to the Straits Time* is being raised. It is not being raised. Subscribers at a distance are now asked to pay postage, and persons who buy single copies are asked to pay 15 cents bul the ordinary
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  • 19 2 It is advertised that Koh Soon Kum is no longer a partner in specified chops here and at Bangkok.
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  • 19 2 The sedition cases at Bombay are expected to be tried at the sessions there, which begin on Wednesday next.
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  • 21 2 Messrs. Chase Bros, advertise an auction of real estate at Everton Road, Tanjong Pagar, at their sale-rooms, on the 2nd September.
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  • 25 2 Mv J. Scott Russell, of Messrs. John Little and Co., leaves to-day by the P. and 0. steamer Java for Europe on twelve months' leave.
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  • 26 2 Mh I>E Ha mcl, Assistant Superintendent of Police, has sprained his foot while playing at golf. He it expected to be laid up for a fortnight.
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  • 30 2 Thk Tanjong Pagar Dock Company advertises its half-yearly general meeting to be held on the Bth September. The transfer hooks of the Company will be closed up to that date.
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  • 49 2 I'll I. am, Lilliputian Opera Company gave a very excellent performance, last night, of H.M.S. Pinafore. There was a very fair audience, and the applause was uustinted. The Company give Dorothy this evening, and there will doubtless be a crowded house to witness these clever performers.
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  • 50 2 flit: main features of Sheng Taotai'e railway loan, to be raised in Belgium, are that Belgium invests four-and-a-half millions sterling, at four per cent., for the purpose of constructing a line from Hankow to I'eking, and that the said line will be surveyed and constructed by Belgian experts.
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  • 57 2 The Malay lad, Mahomed Man;- .1 who was recently arrested at Sarawak on an alleged charge of criminal breach of trust in Perak, has been further remanded pending evidence of identification. If this ad had been allowed to proceed to I'erak when he was lirst arrested, a fortnight's unnecessary
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  • 87 2 i.ANO HoltllEßlES <iAN(i robberies, says the Malay Hail, are still rife in Selangor. There were two of them reported within 24 hours, the other day. In one case, on the Ulu Klaug road, a Malay was shot dead at his hut at night by a gang of Chinese robbers,
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  • 127 2 BOHI six weeks ago, two Chinamen living in Kreta Ayer went out. One of them returned. The absence of thr other caused enquiry, and two men wera arrested on suspicion, but, as no evidence was forthcoming, they were discharged. A few days ago, a brother of the
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  • 47 2 At a meeting held at the British Legation, Bangkok, on the 18th instant, it was decided to start a Nursing Home there, on money from subscriptions being promised for initial expenses and a guarantee fund. The Siamese Government had offered a house for the Home.
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  • 61 2 Thi other night, a fight took place in Noordin Street, Penang, betweenjinnkisha coolies and boatmen, numbering about one hundred persons altogether. Sticks were freely used, and one of the men received a cut over the eye, and was sent to the hospital. The Police promptly arrived on
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  • 88 2 A telboram has just been received, says the Pinang Gazette, to the effect that the Amsterdam underwriters, whom Mr. H. J. Martyn, Jr., represents, have agreed to the payment ol $200 to Mr. Craigie, who acted as Chiel Engineer on board the Pegu at the time
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  • 317 2 HARD H.. 11l IN.. Thb Oomercio of the 9th instant gives particulars of a sharp action with rebels at San Rafael in the province oi Bulacan. The rebels had hitherto been represented as scattered in the mountains and fleeing from their pursuers. All of a sudden, mention was
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  • 595 2 WHERE IS THE MONEY TO COME FROM (From a Correspondent.) A corhispo.ndent writes:— The air is full of murmurs of distress throughout this town complaints deep mid loud resound and everybody seems to be of opinion that everybody else is to inakf good the grave losses caused by the grout
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  • 206 2 Thb annual meeting of tlic Fir* Assurance Association was held, yesterday afternoon, at the Exchange, Mr. (j T. Batty presiding. The report and accounts were unanimously passed without discussion. It was resolved (a accept the invitation of the Foreign Often Committeeof London to becomeaflilia ted with them
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  • 1080 2 London, July 'Mh. A week in the year which has formerly been prominent in English racing annals on account of the classic Cuca Cup contest for all-day honours on the path, baa this wiis.m patted with singular flatness. Th* dearth of interest in cycle racing nu never
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
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    • 641 2 LATEST A 1 )VKR TISEMEXTS. i TOWN JIALL. TONIGHT! TO-NIGHT!! SATURDAY, ALG. *****, 1K97. Last Week of I'OLLAHDS LILLIPUTIAN I OPERA COMPANY. IN "DOROTHY." Monday A- Ti'Mhav. Arotfrr 80th 4 31st: I •Tli- Prince* O< Trebizonde." WtI.NKSIJAY, SKITEMBER |9T. 1..- < I.mlk .1- Corncville." Thiksdav. Pzrnxan 2nd. Pirates of Penzanee."
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    • 62 2 SHARES WASTED. Muni.ipal Debentures fi%. Do. Do. 6%. Tnnjong l'ii>.'iir Bonds. Sow l'rye Uiver DocW Co. Pontoon. Straits Ice Co. Maynnnl Co. Kitubs, Contrilmtorv. FOR SALE. IVngcranc I'lanting WuUM SO.MKKV11.I.K UUXN, h h:i!! L Share Brokers. Us the L'7th ioetat Holy Trinity Church, TuUe Hill, by the Hey. W. Wolfenilen,
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    • 92 2 M. 8. S. intended for lbs *tn%l, TW. shoaM U written on m» sids of the paper ohlt Bt ths nsirlent of that oondition. tnaaj M 8. 8. are rsj^ted tuat miyht otherwise bo publinhed. AU »jT«rti«inf coottmots are sakisct to ths coalition that ths Manafer mar lsars the adTsrtueni.nt
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  • 1078 3 But to* Consul* brow was «»d. Mid the Consult speech was lon, \n t .iarkly looked he at the wall, And dark!) lit the lor. it rote Macaulay. As for the Brit who was assaulted, I under- t he would have taken it -hting'" but for
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  • 128 3 I Thf. August number of the Art I J lurnal contains mm h matter of both literary and artistic value. "At the a readable article by Cosmo Ifonkho is fully illu-tr.ited' by Mr. J M. Swan, a auLThesketchaeoftheaaimalaarepnrtieuiaily clever a profusely illustrated article on tho "Statues of
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  • 160 3 trie notified thai a piece of land in Singapore, in the Upper Kallang district, containing I,;j6i; acres, is noodod fora public purpose, and a declaration to that effect follows. The public purpose is deaned to be the extension of the watershed of the Impounding Reservnir, Thomson Road. The
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  • 703 3 ft mm Thk operations at BegH came off under tliu command of Colonel Van Heutai who had already distinguished himself against the Aehinese. With littleloss,hc thoroughly defeated the enemy whose lu:-.s of 174 killed must be doubled to get at the number of irounded. The Dutch oommaoder hugsn
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  • 807 3 FIFTH LIST. The subjoined fift hlistof the Diamond Jubilee Permanent Memorial subscriptions aggregates 56.624.15. The amount previously raised being $70,836,50, the collection now roaches $77,459.65. 1500 each, Kiley Hargreaves A Co., Howartli Erskine .V Co., Ban Chen Bee (Singapore Opium and Spirit Farms), New Harbour Dock Co.,
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  • 313 3 LITERATURE, ART, MU SIC. "The Paradise Coal-boat" is the title of a volume of stories by Mr. Cutclitfe llyne which Mr. James Bowden was to publish at ihe beginning of August. Mr. Kudyard Kipling is contributing a railway story, with the somewhat odd title, "007 (perhaps the number of some
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  • 1723 3 MR.JOSEPH H EIM ON THE CURRENCY. Singapore merchant! have roused themselves, and are trying to tackle the currency by deliberations in the Chamt»r of Commerce, l'eaang ia always somewhat behind hand, and it may take some time yet before the Penang Chamber stirs itself to action, but no doubt in
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  • 873 3 A fond mother in Valparaiso, hearing that an earthquake was expected, sent her boys to a friend's bouse in the country. In a few day's time she teccived a note from the friend, saying Take away your boys and send the earthquake." Mr. M'Kinley, the President of the
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 14 3 Sore Throats a- < or, Ksasaswssa, Marrhoo, Wounds A Burns, Comly's Fluid r,<. K,'uuli»ilati**' inAttSrShati
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    • 486 3 TO-MORROW'S CHURCH SERVICES El.EVKNTH Sl'NDAV AFTEK 'I'HINITV. CHURCH OF ENGLAND St. Andrew's Cathedral. 7 a. m.. Matins. 7.30 a. in.. Holy Eucharist an.l Sermon. 4 p.m., Service of the Catechism. 5.30 p. m., B«MMOag and Sermon. St. Matthew's Chirch. 8 p. m., Evensong anil Sermon. ROMAN CATHOLIC CaTHEDRALOF THE (JOOll
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    • 901 3 FOR SALE; EM PLOYMBNTS; T( LET AND PERSONALS. Ibttimi, 16 cents a line; 2nd and Srd times, 10 cents a line 4th te 6th times, A cents a line; 7th to 18th times, 3 cents a line; afterwards, 2 cent" a line bat ns ch.arge lets than one dollar. Tbut,
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 265 3 WEATHER. RE PORT Karuiamj Krrltm Uotpital, T<th Avg Rima^ki. Bar. 29 M6 2».fll« 129.891 Temp. 795 83.0 77.2 k* W.B'lbThar. 77.0 77.6 i 76 0 Dir.ofWindi W. wnw. 1 W. o^«; Max. Temp. 86 1 k?'5"2 Min 78.0 <= ro Mm. in 8unIS4.0 P^E« Terr. rad. ..-660 ojd Rainfall
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    • 1598 4 Underthisheadingthe following nbt>revia lions are used «tr— etenmer sh.-«riip Brit.-British U.S. United Btate»: Fr. French Oer.— German ;^Dut Dutcn; Joh.-Jobore; 4c, G.c, General cargo d.p.-deck passengers; "•-Unte':tain; T. P. W.-Tanjong Pagar \V liarf T. P. D.-Tanjong Pagar Dock B W. Borneo Wharf; J. tV.-Jardine's Wharf ;VH. New
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    • 377 4 Name, port, fohable date of arrival, wd name ol agent: A. Apcar, Calcutta, Sept 6; Skies >!■■• Aiiiiiiieiniiun. Liverpool, Sept 0; MauaUell. Bayerii, Kurope, Nuv 11 11.-bn Mey»r. Cures, Hamburg, Bept 6 R&uteaberg. I'.vlon, Huugkong, Sept 11 P. A O. Kitrickdnli-, Humburg, Sept 10 R'berg. FonnoDn, Lundon, Oct
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    • 35 4 VwiiMi... 4 Tons (Uftta kko« (un« omnium f^onH.,"!: 1 g-^ Z K,n,8,-an,,, fr Jliff ffi, }g gft «7\amYon K mi \i",V J toui '«5 "'7 Qia™ic Sonit "sir F i «W«e Bin and Co
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    • 84 4 Datb. Vessel's Nam FhuAßu, Cajtaik Urination 27 8. T»njong PinaiiK Dut Mr. tfMod^l SumHb port S g£. BS& BSSrtL, S PL ft Kr M>-'Ali»ter Smith p^SS !M Honjcrmubbin »tr. Owen Suniliikim vi» nnrta S« Will O'th. Wi,,, ,|r Husk i 8 BanWhattHinn Mr, Obu 11,11,1, m muilonlianat J V<l
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 706 4 NOTICKS. <fc KflflflflOfl of Japan If TOILET WATER Appreciated lor IU ddicale perfume and the fee.-nq of tomfort j^M and In w*s which it imparts to the skin j*m kan ang a Extract HEb^ A MUfiWN t' TIC PSMFI'ME Foil THE MAMiKKHiHIIF Al once or. nil. |rileful md perjiMcnih fragriDt.
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    • 285 4 NOTICES. •-»/ii DOUBLE-U fiobinson Co,, Huttery ltmtd. Piano Musical Instrument Specialists. (.)FFER THE BKI.OW PIANOS returned from hire at a reduction of 20 to 40 per cent. 1 Cramer J386 1 Brinsinead &146 1 do $400 3 Besler $300 to $360 1 konenkrwu $260 1 Geiger $340 1 \V. R.
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    • 795 4 XOTICES. That Tired Feeling AND GENERAL DEBILITY. The cause Is poor, thin blood, resulting in deficient vitality. To overcome this, the bliiod needs to he enriched and vitalized, and for this there is no medicine in the world equal t» Ayer'« Sarsaparilla. The cures it has worked, the men, women
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    • 277 4 NOTICES. MAISON F. PAUL 00. FRENCH HAIR DRESSING SALOON. MPAUL begs to call the attention of his Patrons ».nd the Public generally to the great extensions or mi establishment. JUST ARRIVED: FBOM LONDON, A LAMB AMORTMKMT OF NEW STRAW HATS SEW STRAW HATS NEW STRAW HATS NEW STRAW HATS AT
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