The Straits Times, 24 July 1897

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 12 1 The Straits Times. ESTABLISHED: 1831. SIXGATORE, SATURDAY, JULY 24, 1897. NO. 19,28.)
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 906 1 rpHE BOBHKO COMPANY, LIMITE > <IIK StAB'Urd Life Annnuo*. Norwich Union Fir» Inanranos Sooiety A<iH imnm Company (Kir») 1 he Bquitabto Lift* ArauruiM Sooi*»f r. ,n Marino Insurance Cntppanv. u Mutual St«m Navigation Company. The Tottenham I*k«- H»er I'ompMj. p., M«ntim» fn'umne* Company, Limited. Kor i»rti<-ml»i» of th«M> Companies. the
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    • 2490 1 i^^BUCHANAN WHISKY 111 kal BMss# Va# KAIZ I)KUo, SOLD BY ALL LICENSED SPIRIT DEALERS. j T\[TT]TT) i^AME AS 81TPLIKD TO TUX HOUSES OP LoKDS AND COJIMOXS AND TO ALL GOOD LONDON CLI'BS. 81/12 IXSUR ANTES 'pHKMAHINEIN^rRANtECOY.. LTD Capital Sibsckibeii, £1,000,000. I Capital I'aim i-,£lMO,ooo. Reservk, £soo,ooo i'he uii.ler-i^ned. liuriiiK L.-cii
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    • 375 1 BANKS. THK NATIONAL BARK Of CHINA LIMITED Authorised Capital £1,000,000 sul.seril.ed Capital 600,000 Head Ofpipk Hongkong. COURT OF DIRECTORS D. Gillies, Esq. Chan Kit Bhag, Eso. H. Stolterfoht, E»g. Chow Tung Shan, Esq. k'wan Hoi Chuen. Esq. Chief Manaoek: Geo. W. F. Plavfair. Interest on Fimml Dcpo-it-. For 12 months
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    • 833 1 SORE THROAT QCICKLV CURED, NOT lons ago in speaking of sore throat and the difflrultT freqcentlj experionced in curing it, Mr. J. B. Thoman. of Uniondale, Pa., told bow he had often cured it in hia family. We glre it in hi« own words 1 hare frequently used Chamherlain's Pnin
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  • 485 2 SIKOAPOBE, 21TI1 JCLY, 1897. PRODUCE. {Haiti are eorredeil to one p.m.) aambier 8..V1. Copra Bali 6.88. i'o Pontianak, A.V>. Pepper, Black, 15 215. do White, (6%) IMi. Saao Flour Sarawak 2.w>. do Brunei, 2.10. Pearl Saeo 3.30. Cofee, Bali, picked „31.00. Coffee Palemlißng. picked „39.00. roffee, Liberian. No. 1
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  • 37 2 Municipal Delientures 6%. Do. Do. 6%. Tnnjong Pairar Bonds. N.w Prye River Dock Co. Pnniomß. Straits Ice Co. Maynard A Co. Raubs, Contriliutorv. FOR SALE. Pengcrang Planting Shares. SOMERVILLE k GUNN, Ex.hant'i' A Share Brokers
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  • 174 2 For Prr ,tr. Tinu. To-Dav. Penang via ports I.imtula 3n m I'enang A Colomho Pak i. :i p.m. Sourabaya via ports Teresa, 8 p.m. Malacca'A Klang Sn,.pho, 4 p.m. Klang fTlimnWil. 4 p.m. I>eli Sumatra, 4 p.m. Colombo, Ch'mnitt, 4 p m BmiKkok Hrmte, 4 p.m. .I;i]..-.
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  • 107 2 Fkom Kiroie: By the M. M. s.s. Octa-;/-.i. due on the tOIi in. lam. Fko.m Cms*: I'y the (h-rmaii Savh- n, due on Suntliiv. Timk Tabu Of Mails Dub. Left Singapore Hue in London Arrived June 4th M. M. Jaoettth JoaeMUi Juiienth P. A (i July 7th
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  • 182 2 UKMIA via port* :--ii< ssra. U. K. I.aml»ert, and A. Iw 8. Han Poll (Iwi, i from Macassar:Mr-. Mun.'hy. Mrs. l'eran. aud Misu .StinttOlli r .VtciiiMi from Bangkok Messrs. Flufc'i;' r, aud Haul. Para.iL BiwinHi tromi I'ahang:— Mr. TO ARRIVK. IVr P. A (),s. s. Slk mihni
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    • 31 2 lONCESBIOVB TO THE RUM. landon, 24th July. It is understood that the Sultan will receive some minor concessions on the Thessulian frontier, whereby the Passes will be rendered more secure.
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    • 35 2 THE CZAR'S FIiIBNIH.Y INTERVENTION. Friendly offices on the part of the Czar have resulted in an adjustment of the difficulty between France and Siam The King of Siam visits Paris in September.
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    • 16 2 BRITISH POLICY. No force is being prepared in Kugland for service in the Soudan.
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    • 22 2 THE TSA MR. A Bill has been introduced in the Belgian Chamber of Deputies to abolish the import duties on tea.
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  • 841 2 I At the meeting of the Legislative. Council, which was held on Thursday the Currency Note Issue Bill was read a second time. The second reading was I carried by one vote, and that vote wae j recorded by the Governor himself, who usually abstains from voting.
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  • 18 2 Mniu. Powell 4 Co. advertise the auction of the steamer Slentor, at their sale-room, on the 19th August.
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  • 21 2 Thursday, the sth AugUßt, will be kept as a Bank Holiday. All the public offices will be closed on that day.
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  • 20 2 The steamer Canton left Hongkong at noon yesterday, and may be expected here on Thursday at noon, the 29th intt.
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  • 22 2 Two hundred and eleven deatl.s were registered here during the week ending on Saturday last, with a ratio of 53.15 per thousand.
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  • 25 2 It is advertised that the Japanese Commercial Museum has been removed to No. 1, Raffles Place. It will open there daily from a.m. to "> p.m.
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  • 25 2 Thb Governor has nominated Mr. Choa Giang Thye to be a Municipal Commissioner for the Municipality ot Singapore Town, vice Mr. Seah Liang Seah, resigned.
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  • 28 2 The French steamer VUU </<■ Itelfori ar.ved here to-day from Haiphong en route for Madagascar. She carries 38 officers and men of the French army and S6B Chinese coolies.
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  • 33 2 Thk mail despatched from Singapore to Ixindon, by German Packet, on the 27th June, was delivered yesterday. The mail despatched from Singapore to London, via Marseilles, on the 29th June, was delivered yesterday.
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  • 46 2 The batting average for the S.C.C. during the last half-year is won by R. T. Reid with 2085 runs. The bowling average for the same period is secured by J. G. Mactaggart with 7 24 runs per wicket; R. T. Reid being second with 7.52.
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  • 41 2 KIRTHKR DEVELOPMENTS. Os the 16th instant, Inspector Wit- hill whs taken into custody at Hongkong on the charge of receiving bri!>is. Two detectives have been deported for I the same offence. Other parties under I suspicion have absconded.
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  • 64 2 A Mk. J. C. JoHSSON. of Adelaide. Australia, on experimenting with salts of gold, found that he could turn out I natural looking specimens of gold I bearing quartz from stones which contained not a particle of gold. Furthermore, the salts of gold penetrate the stone in the
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  • 119 2 A Chinaman, named Kg Yong, went, it ii alleged, to a money changer's in South Bridge Koad yesterday, and there tendered a bad dollar for which he obtained cents. Then he wont to another man andchanged five ten-cent pieces, three ot which were bad, for copper cents.
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  • 151 2 TllK TEBBAt' COMPANY. Thb first general meeting of shareholders in the Tebrau Planting Company wag held at Hongkong, on the loth instant. Mr. Hart Buck presided. Tli Chairman spoke about the company's property and prospects. The property MMfati of :.',uoy mm held under a V'J'J years lease
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  • 133 2 TO THI EDITOR OK THE eTIUITS TIMI-> Sir,— Your article in the issue of the 21st inst., regarding the Marine Department of Singapore is opportune and whilst it deals fairly with the question in point, I would 'like to draw attention to the fact that local-owned steamers
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  • 281 2 TO THE EDITOR OK TUX STKAITS TIMES.' Sir, -As a member of the Chinese community, I shall be much obliged if you will allow me space for a lew words on the subject of the note issue In the first place, IMa glad to abeam that
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  • 409 2 THE TOWN HALL. Legislative Council met at noon to-day. The Colonial Secretary moved the following resolution Whereas a scheme for theeraetioo of a new Town Hull at Singapore as a Pen 1, nent Memorial of the completion of u,,' iiiit year of Her .Majesty's Keign has 1*,.,, ai
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  • 91 2 Last night saw the termination of rim third round in the Handicap Tournament. The winners are Mr. K E II Brydges, beat Lieut. Edwards, 8-1 Mr S. Mowe, Mr. T. H. Btephens, i I Mr. W. Mosbergen. l*«t Mr. Q. 8. Reutens, 2-1 Mr. T. H.
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  • 167 2 Yesterday afternoon, Messr- II m| Tek Chye and Co. offered for sale l>y auction 39 lots of valuable building land at Tanjong Pagar Road, and five houses at New Bridge Road. The sale of freehold land at Claymore, with the dwelling In use thereon, has been
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  • 473 2 the < iiixESE ram, (From a L't/rre.<p<jndent). Tub question of having a lan for the registration of partasnhipi no means new for, as far back a* 1 when the committee on the amendment of tlie Bankruptcy Ortliua:. c bat, the matter was discussed, and has continued to
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
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    • 964 2 NOTICES. MAKINE (I.UB I rpHE Half Yearly General Mreting of the 1 member* of the Marine Club will be held in their Rooms, in Raffle* Place. on Thursday, 29th July, at 9 p..i., preci»ely. BrVINKn To conflrni the minute* of the last General Meeting. I To receive the audited account*
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    • 733 2 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. PARSEE _T_HEATRE Sorik Bridge Hood. Will play to-night: I lI .VSME -SITI'MQAB. I WANTED. FURNISHED bouse, for about six inont'i-. rent about $70 per mensem. Apply to XXX, e/o StraiU T<mtt. 80/7 I r pilK Japanese Commercial Hutcum is I o|<cncd to the public daily from 9 a.
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    • 8 2 Hilt CKXKHM. SHIPPING MKWi I SKI. 1'AliE 4
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  • 1320 3 THK I'd Kill DAY. K 'tin Kung.'iir, Thur.--dny Ima illuming, the theatrical people in their finery earlier than ider to l.c photographed by M k".-h. «ho spent hours in the 'hi. lii-ltown, and look Home I l..ii. r in the day, the Perak and Paiiing, the Raja
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  • 807 3 A onBUUKMDOT of the Batavia Mieuusblml writing from Acbeen on the lat instant, reports the sitaation than to be satisfactory. All is quiet in the v.iii.v of tin' Aclirni liver, except in the district of the XXI] Miikims when the enemy still manage to keep the Held, and
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  • 1134 3 I won.v like to raise my voice in vigorous i in .1 i'-t against the idiotic custom of j kiiiL' mil annotating books that is followed by come subscribers to the public Library. What is it, I wonder, that prompts people to mark books that do
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  • 52 3 Tiik Huinhei Company, of which tb« Borneo Company ar<- the Bingapore agents, liav. issued i heir cycle price list for i^ut. This publication is attractively arranged and bandaonely illu— tiated. Ajwacriptionofthe Company'i works, ami toral IjirtfltiflWl bow to iii.niiiL iiu'i saw of oyole* idatto tins value yl
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  • 774 3 TO TIIB EDITOR OF THB STRAITS TIMES. Sir,— A correspondent who signs himself as I'arukaina —a clasa to wfeica he probably belongs -appears to vi to have miserab'y failed, as a lexicographer, in attempting to define the word "Ceylonese," and, as an ethnological scholar, in endeavouring
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  • 84 3 OFFICIAL TKIIIITE. Tub Suliingor CimnMwaJ QamU» publishes the followiiip notification regarding the late Captain Sycrs:— Flu; Hesident-Cirneial lias Inward, with Jeep regret, that Mr. 11. C. Bw», Commissioner uf I'olue, l'.M.S.,whilo sliooting in l'ln I'ahaiif;, was gored t>y a tiUon.aml died ofliia wounds before be could reach medical
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  • 110 3 Thk King of siam eoactadad his tour ill |{us>ia, OH tin: 1 lth instant, l.y I vi-it bo I'ronstadt, from where be started for si, i 'kholm. The trip t.> Ruacia is conipii uoui i>y the Ciar having presented til.- King with decorations of a higher
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  • 171 3 M MUM H"MK A s( asm to start a wtntag Home at U.iii^ki.k i^ maturing than. It appeali k,i luppoii to all nattonalitiai in that quarter. The idea ie, thofefafe, to turn in tlie first place a fund of ahout £M 0 to 4300 to pay the fares of
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  • 425 3 P«TROLII-Ii The report of the Royal Petroleum Company for 1898 ie noticed in the Deli Courant. The company's oil-yield increased to 1.851,000 units against 1,334,000 units in 1884. Boring operations steadily went on with success. Eight new wells were sunk, the total output being raised thereby to about
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 245 3 TO-.MOHHOW S CHUBCH SERVICES. Sixth Si nday urn Tkinitv. CHUBCH OF sWOLAHD. St. Ankkew's f athedkai.. 7 a. in.. Matins. "JO a. in.. Holy Bucharisl and Betmon. r>.JO i>. in.. Bveineong and Bermen. St. Matthew's fm.m ii. n Ukin.. Evpiisoiir and Sermon. ROMAN CATIKH.IC Oiinililii nl m* floiinflinnisin Victoria Stkkkt
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    • 963 3 AUCTION SALES. AUCTION BALI OF A 250 GUINEA COTTAOK PIANO. (AT "IH SALE-tt(H)Ms) Monday, 26th July, at HO p.m. A N excellent-toned instrument by H. Lipp A Son, Stuttgart, nearly new. and well adapted for the tropics. 24,7 POWELL* Co., Auctioneers. AUCTION SALE. (AT OIR SALE-KOOM9) Monday, 26th. July, nt
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    • 1120 3 FOR SALE; EMPLOYMENTS: TO LET ANU PERSONALS. [Ist Tim, IS cents a line; 2nd and 3rd times, 10 cents a line; 4th to (Ith times, f> conts a line; 7th to 18th times, 8 cents a lino; afterwards, 2 cents a line; bat ne charge lesa than one dollar. Thus,
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 256 3 WEATHER UPOBX KandangJC,_rfcou Ponpital, 2SrdJulii, IHHI. »a.m.3p.m.9p.m.Rkmarks. Bar. 29.9 U ■!».&>» L"9.8«0 Temp. ..730 81.3 < 78.0 >>4 >. W. inijTher 72.0 77.0 176 2 Dir. of Wind N.W. w.s.w. X.W. c•s Max. Temp. 83 0 y Mm 72.5 i gj 1Max. in Sun 129.2 >>"=.'3» Terr. rad. 66 7
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    • 127 4 Under thiBheadingthefollowin(?abl>rovia. lioneare used »tr.— stcamor sh.— ship l^q.-barque; Brit.-British U. 8. United (Hates Fr. French Ger.-Gernian i !>"*•- Dutch; Joh.-Jobore; Ac, 0. c, General cargo d.0.-deck passengers; U--Uncei;--tain; T. P. W.— Tanjong Pngar Wharf, 1. P. D.-Taniong Pftgar Dock B W. Borneo Wharf; J. W.-Jardines Wharf
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    • 1268 4 KKIVAI.H HIHCI NOOS OF YISTKBDAV. Amhent, Brit. str. 108 tons, Capt RozelU, 21th July. From T. Anson, 2lst July. G.c. ami 127 j.p. Wee Bin and Co. For T. Anson •->6th— Rds. Ban l'uh (ivan, Brit. str. 67C tonß, Capt Stratton, 2»th July. From Macassar, 14th July. (J.c,
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    • 438 4 Name, port, jrobable date of arrival, and name ol agentt. A. Apcar, Calcutta, July 23 S. A Km**, I Bavi'in, Hongkong, Aug 22 Uelin Meyer. Bellerophon, Liverpool, Aug 6 Maniiiiia. llenvcuue, Hongkong, July M P. Simons. C. Apcar, Hongkong, July SO; S. A Mojo*. ( London, Aug 12';
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  • 84 4 5 VIMBL'S NAME. i VcssiL'g Name. i. A Tons Captain Kuom Sailid Consiojikim KIO. Rio. Pl •23 Cerberus i l l Amherst M Hye I.eong L'l r.'ilnl.ntl 24 Ban Poll (ivan 24 Saric Uurin'u 24 Hebe S4 iStentor M sink l 2 ffiSLn «a"Kkok July lH\V.MansH,.l,lAr, S 1 t
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  • 109 4 k.—ki NiMii PlmAßh Capt*ih Dkstisatios uly 23 i' 3 B 4 N M 24 M N i' 4 ■24 M 24 24 M M TMmhil Cli-mit/. (J. O. Loudon Chow Ka Sappho Patting Hiiatc Kiau Ann Teresa Stcntor Hiiiiiulru Aglaia Tamljofl Sin^kcp Koiik Alf Sri I'untiauak Slll'llKl'll Nor. str.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 784 4 NOTICES. KAI4fIKGA of Japan TOILET WATER Appreciated for ill dflicale pprfuine and the feeling of comfort j^M and fres! ness which it imparts to the skin *A Kan^nga Extract Kak A uriICIOLS F.> TIC PKRrtMF. FuR THE HANDKKBCHHF Al once on, il. grateful and periiMcntly fr. rani. RIGAUD^C", 8, rue
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    • 271 4 NOTICES. TIORSES, COBS, AND PONIES. USL 11. ABUAMS fc* J' t landed, ex s. 8. FUn*l*rg, 46 HORSES, COBS, and PONIES, including a well matched upstanding pair of black horses. Several pairs of well-matched GRKVs, BOAKB, and BAYS. Also, several very stylish single, harness Horses, Cobs, and Ponies and several
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    • 731 4 NOTICES. Indigestion Loss of Strength And Appetite. The testimony of Mr. R. Dennis. Adelaide, South Australia, who was cured by Ayer's Sarsaparilln, is like unto that of many thousands of others. He write 6: "It is will very iniuli pleasure that I test fly to the great benefit I received
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    • 1169 4 NOTICES. JOSEPH HAKEII. I'ONFBOTIOSKR ASD VIKKBA BRKAD BaMR BEOS to inform the Indies and Gentlemen of Singapore that he has opened a Confectionery and Vienna Bakery at No. ti Victoria Street, next to the Convent. Cakes and wedding cake* at moderate charges, and all other different kinds of eak«e of
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    • 102 4 NOTICES, "TIMES" AND "BUDGET." Straif Timtt, po*t free, $30 a year, or 2»J a month, or ten cents a copy. Strailt Budget, po»t free, $20 a year, or $5 a q uarter or 40 cenU a copy. The advertising rates are: first time, 16 cent* a line; 2nd and 3rd
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    • 72 4 NOTICES. ADOLK STKRNBERU, Upholsterer and Dialer in Nek AND SKCOND-HAND FURif ITtTRK 61, VICTORIA STREET. i DOIJBTUNBIBO respectfully J\ to inform the public of Singapore that he has re-opened his establishment at the above address. He also bri: that his constant endeavour will Iw by ih. excellence of his wares
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