The Straits Times, 30 June 1897

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 12 1 The Straits Times ESTABLISHED: 1831. SINGAPORE, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 30, 1897. NO. 19,265.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 927 1 rpMK BOBMIO COMPANY. LIMITKb 'I 'UK Studard Life laniun. Norwiek Uaioa Fira luorano* Bociaty «n« Cosapaaj (fira). K. |U iUkU Life AaanimiKM ma Maria* lararaaw* Cocapaaj. Th* CUaa Marts*! Staam NavigaUoo Oaa|*n.v Tit* TottMluua I^car Bw Ooßpaay. Ih. M»nti»* Ibmimsos Coaapuv. Limited. P« partiosJara 0/ thea* Compani**. aw> th* full
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    • 778 1 i^ BUCHANAN WHISKY w^^B/k |O TT LJ CT DET O T boleimportb^ 11 I IO InC. DLO I KATZ BROS. SOLD BY ALL UCENSED SPIRIT DEALERS. t T^rTTUT) Same as supplied to the Houiu or Lords and Commons and ro au. good London Clobs. :<i 1 HUTCH WHISKY IS THE
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    • 457 1 OCEAN STEAM SHIP COMPANY. KAST INDIAN OCEAN STEAM ***** COMPANY, Ltd. AND NEDFULAN i>S( HE STOOMVAART M.\ATSCII.VIM"IJ OCEAAN. The Compnny 1 «ten.mers are dcxpatchci! from Liverpo<il outward* for the Strait". China, Bii.l .Inpiin. nnd from Japan hoiuewanls for London every teu days, and bar* BOoeaßßiodatkoai for third -ln-i ].a- ni.'irs
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    • 651 1 [NBURANCEB riIHEMAIUNEINSI I!AMK( OV.LTD Capital Subbckibkii. 1:1,000,000. Cai-ital i-aiii 1 I', i'|Ho,ooo. l;i-n:u £fioo,ot» The Undersigned, having U-.-n appoinU-d is prepared to aocpv ri«ke by First 0l»«s Btaamer* niul laDing Wiwl* FRANK KITCIIIE, Agent. rpHE puaiiix amubaxci 1 OOMPANT OF lONDON (GSTAILISHID A. D. 1782.) The underpinned. Ageiitx for the
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    • 283 1 INSURANCES. CUBTUJI INSI/RANOI OFFICE, LIMITED. Capiui SuS»cribed. ..|1,g00,000. Amount |»M up inn,Ooo. Raa«rra f.ind 1,200.000. H»*i. o>-rfo, Hoi Mute. Tlia «n.iei>iifr.«a, hmrinif *vnn %ppolrted A'^vnts of the above Ctnnnmj, v* pnnmrnd to a<« Mnrin* K--k« »t current rates. A Btaua h annwllj- i*H to all onntrihatora of bnsinen »>ir-tlirtr aharehoMrrs
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    • 465 1 BANKS. THK NATIONAL HANK OK CHINA LIMITED. Authorised Cnpital i 1,000,000, 000,000 Subscrilied Capital 600,000 Him OnSEjBI r Honrrkong. COURT OF DIRECTORS I>. (fillies, Esq. Chan Kit Shag, Esii. 11. Ptolterfoht, Esq. Chow Tung Shan. BtKj Kwan Hoi Chuen, Esq. Chief Manaoeh Oep. W. F. Plavfair. Interest on Fixed "Deposits,
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    • 819 1 HOW TO (XRESUMMKR COMPLAINT. Dt'KINO all of la*t sumni.T, a one-year-old child in this place wa* treated by two different physicians for SDmmer complaint without any permanent relief. The ihild's parents, having learned of the good qualities of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhn-a Remedy in the treatment of this disease,
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  • 482 2 .-ivmi-i') KOT Ji'Mi. l*» 7. PRODUCE. (Rate* are corrected to out p.m.,) Gambler, 6.37}. Copra Bali, 6.25. do Pouli.innk. 5.00. Pepper, Black, 14.37}. do White, (6%) 24.73. SagoFlourSarawak 3.73 do Brunei, 2.05. Pearl Sago 3.32}. Coffee, Bali, picked 33.26. Coffee Palembang picked 39.60. CoSee, Liberian, No. 1 28.00. i
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  • 39 2 Municipal Debentures 5%. Do. Do. 6%. Tanjong Pagar>. New Prye Kiver Dock Co. Punioms. Straits Ice Co. Maynard Co. Raubs, Contributory. FOR SALE. Tanjong horlj l>cb. Bondt-. Pengerang Planting Shares. SOMEKVILLE GUNN. Exchaiitfe <t Share Brokers
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  • 82 2 for I',-r Kir. Tim, To-MoKKOW. Batavia Snnenlecnmn. 1 1 am. Muar Malacca Iftlene, 1 i> m Malnicu A Klmig C'A./ic I'hun, -J pni Saigon Petrarch, ■> p.m. K. Guinea na poits Stettin, p.m. T. Alison via ports Malacca 4p m Bangkok //,/Jro. 4 Stei Bangkok Simjaport, 4 p.m.
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  • 101 2 Fkom Kikopk :—liy the P. A- O. s. s Thamr; due on the :ird July. Fkom China :—By the P. (J. s.s. Ito.tetta, due on Tuesday. I. II Sinpiporo Due in I.,, n, May l-'tli R& O. JuncOtli Kay Htli M. M. June Kith May iMth P,
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  • 323 2 AKKIVALS. Per s. I. Sinyajw from Bangkok Messrs. Sharp, Uld Aalstrum. Pit M. M. Audi/ from SnanghaiMi. W. Mill hell. Kroiu Yokohama :-Mrs. Hmh, Mr. and Mr-. Cotter van Voorliout. and Mr. HiiUlon. Hongkong— Mc^ms. (4. (i.vurs. Deynoot, li. van Olden A de Hook, C. Dcinoe, Mr.
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  • 603 2 Straits Times WEDNESDAY, 30th JUNE, 1897. REUTER'S TELEGRAMS. THE "ADEN" WRECKED. Established: 1831. PRICE 10 CENTS. [Sultcriplion rate* nnd advertising rate* may l>e found on the fourth page.] URKAT LOSS OF LIFE. [jOivlon, fM June. The P. <fc O. intermediate steamer Aden was wrecked on a reef oft' Soeotrn. at
    Reuter  -  603 words
  • 52 2 NiK .(ii.omal unmtn. The I'rince of Wales in.-pcrts 2^g Coaxiial Contingents at Buckingham Pallet on Saturday. THK nODMI KNVOV. The tea d'Auerstadt tiie French apodal Jubilee envoy is n aid to be deeply gratified at tho extremely llattering reception given him by the Queen and by the I'rince
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  • 20 2 Counl liuclow, the (ier-nan Anil,a--j Hadur at Rome, has replaced Karon > Marshall us the (ierman Minister for Foreign AtVairs.
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  • 314 2 We aru able to give, to-day, the exavt routes that will be taken by the new lini'S of railway in Malaya, to be onitrotUd by means of the loan ottrt j million dollars riAcently approved by the Secret »ry of State. The various MOtiaMM are as follows: -(1)
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  • 48 2 Mb. Hillktt asks it to be pointed out that, in his letter of yesterday, the word intended to read "sweating Sjatasn were set as ''no eating system" li justice to our proof-readers, it MSM fair to add that the error is due totV handwriting of the M. B.
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  • 57 2 With reference to an auction sah; H lands and houses held this ■fttmoot) it seems that some person ban sent MM by post an unsigned printed cir.ul.u. making injurious statements regarding the aid lands. Such action is, ol course, liable to be punished by proceuf of law but, meanwhile, it
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  • 15 2 Mkhbks. I'oweu. Co., advertise an auction of Japanese curios at their saleroom on Friday next.
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  • 17 2 The P. O. steamer Jaia left Penani at Sp.m. yesterday, and may be expecteii here to-morrow morning.
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  • 43 2 Thk Straits and Malaya during the Queen's Most tilorious Reign is issueil to-day from the Straiit ZMMI Pteaa.' It is "uniform in shape and sizi' will. (ioldii Raub," and has The Jubilee Song of the Malay Peninsula as a picI face or introduction.
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  • 36 2 Ykmkhdav, a Chinaman, who w:icrossing the Kranji Straits from Johore iv a sampan, jumped into the water. He was rescued and taken to the Kranji I'olicb Station, and will be charged with •attempted suicide.
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  • 41 2 Cholera prevails in Sourabaya and Sainarang. but the disease shows BO si^ns of rapid increase. In the Uaatd of iiawean. it is raging malignantly Out of ."(,000 inhabitants about seven hundred were attacked, of whom about one-half died.
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  • 62 2 <>N the 21st instant, a lire broke Ottl iv a Chinese (ratehonee. stored witl. rosin, at BsaWUMNE. The lire spread and burned down altogether live warehouses, tilled for the n. >el part with six thousand barrels of resin, iron, dyes, and cement. The insurance reached one hundred thousand
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  • 65 2 A JI'BII.KE jail delivery took place at Uangkok, four prisoners being released. One of them, a Chitty. bad three months ye* to serve. Despite rainy weather on Jubilee day, the 22nd inctaut, the decorations and illuminations proved to be ;i success, and the festivities were equal
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  • 140 2 Thkrk was burglary al IW<i. Cecil j Street, last night. The thieves effected an entrance through some waste ground at the rear, and they removed the safe I from the front to the back ofthe house. They tried to prize open the safe, I but it either proved too
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  • 158 2 I with ref.Mvme to the competition olleivd by America to the steel-tube trade in Britain, a local maker statea ihat the pipes made by the United states producers who have secured the pipe-line order for Sumatra and Borneo) BTC inferior in quality tv those made in Hritain, beiaa
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  • 179 2 TO THE EDITOR OK THR STBARI TIMKH Aiife^*". 1 Wil >' :l 1X I"" 0B the fmanco ot education, which seen to be Mr. Hullett's chief subject in your issue of yesterday; ami so I would like to hear the opinion (t other peoph-oii tha matter. What
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  • 527 2 (From our Corretpondent The Durbar, so long postpone!, been convened to celebrate the t.-.| tion ofthe Protected States, and win I held at Kuala Kanjj.far, the \l,y h district of Perak out of deference loth, wMbai ofthe Perak nobility, who w« r J averse to the original plan
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  • 315 2 A Mauink Court of Inquli yesterday us to the recant 1 Sri ll'jifj Ann. The CoUowing i was given after yesterday'- Slrn went to pHM .Mat. the iUnmms.ii who lielm at the time of the disa.-i called. He gave evidence a* >•• tho directions tOCinxl
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  • 143 2 bun tboubi 1 'I'm. (.old (.'oust papen 1 attacks on Sir Willi.un M i -.vcri,,, r of that Colony, 1""' ing Land Kill there. 1 t" .in-tail the liin. i practice* and n--.f.' ownenhip and transfi BUI, in -hurl, aims at pi teal awnenofland, and il c
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
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    • 877 2 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. KATZ BROTHERS, LTD. Have just received a large Stock of Harness and Saddles, and every requisite for stable use. DOUBLE HARNESS, SILVER MOUNTED, BLACK LEATHER Sires for Horses, Cobs, and Ponies. UHOLI HARNESS, SILVER MOUNTED, BLACK LEATHER Sizes for Horses. Cobs, and Ponies. SINGLE HARNESS, BRASS MOUNTED, BLACK
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    • 504 2 PARSEE THEATRE. North Urutge Road. Will play to-night: HARISHCHAXDRA. 13/7 PUBLISHED miti DAY: THE STRAITS AND MALAYA during the Queen's Most Glorious Reign. With the Jubilee Song of the Malay Peninsula." Printed on a good quality of antique paper. PRICE 60 CENTS. To be had from the Strnitt Timet Office,
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  • 1837 3 nail o> i u in \< h (evMiMML) (RV Ml«.h Al'ill STA VK WIT It was as if the inspiriting hour, f I th* lac* of land and sea, t-,lf I, It sjaa in the little brown huts under the tries, stirring up the I.
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  • 598 3 IWI.KMHA.V;. It i* alleged in the Baiacia Had that almost every steamer from\'.:i or Bingapore brings to Paksnlian;; (Sumatra^ land and mining pro*pi ct m with or without ian *ssion», who seek tomeadvant ige there. Several n have gone inland in the direction of I!' nooown. There
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  • 715 3 CAMPAIGNING IN LOMBOK. Haana, Lizac and Co., London, have published a work entitled: With I thr Ihitrh in the Katt, by Captain W. Cool. The book is the translati >n, by Miss K. J. Taylor, of a Dutch original, which describes the military operations that, in 1594, resulted in the
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  • 239 3 ML A. M. SKI.N.NEIi's VIEWS. Is the Peoaog Administration Beporf for ISUB, Mr. A. M. Skinner thus sets forth his ideas on the currency Currency Ui!TlcultifB have also been less I'-it. emhangt having remained steadier than It ha* doae for many years past. It has not risen it
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  • 218 3 This im irning, Mr. Justice Leach gavu judginenl In tbfl caso re Edward Koek, ban km it. v purin, Supramainan Cliitty. This was an application on In-half of V.V.R, Verappa Suj ranuuiian Cliitly lor adci-iaiation that the Official Assignee of the i of Edward Koek, bankrupt, was
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  • 1052 3 81'KKEY I. G!.m-CEBTEK9HIRE. The heavy thunderstorm of SuWUyeTcnirg (40th May) had naturally left its MM at Kensington-oval on Monday, ami Mr. W Q, Orace, on winning the toss for Gloucestershire, decided, aft«r a careful inspection of the wicket, to put Surrey in first. Up to a certain point
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  • 266 3 THE BITIATIO.N IM CHINA. A Consilak report from Cliefoo deals at some length With the important ipiestion*involved in the increased indchtedne of the Chinese Government and the necessity for additional taxation M, Brenan point- out in forcible ten, i- the injury t>> trade resulting Com the iul.iud
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  • 69 3 Mb. A. S. Baxendale, Superintendent of Posts and Telegraphs of the southern States, has been conferring with the acting Superintendent of the Perak system with a view to improving the local mail service, and to alter the postal order arrangements and postage rates, which are not yet uniform
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  • 209 3 AN ENTERTAINMENT SADLY TERMINATED. The Church House at Tanglin was opened last night with an entertainment. The house consists of a large ceniral room, and four side rooms. Tin- entertainment of last night was held in the central room, which was decorated with p.'ants lent by Mr
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  • 866 3 A highly successful race meeting was held, on Saturday, at the Crystal I'ala.e track, when C. F. Burden won a handicap and a lap race, and only lost an unpaeed ten miles scratch race by holding II, of Leigh, whom ho had beaten in the lap
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 388 3 5 K. LAMBERT CO. PHOTOOBAPHEBS. HAVL SOW HUWfiSJ AMI OKFER fOR BALK V SOT si [-PLY OF EASTMAX'S BROMIDK I'APEK. PI.ATIXOTYPE PAPER. Ilford's Empress and Kxtra-rapid dry plates. Wiattenand Wainw right's instantaneous' and drop shutter dry plates. (OK ALL ENGLISH SUES.) Also, a consignment of Ilford plates in continental sizes.
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    • 575 3 FOH BALE; KMPI/)YM Kfs'[% TO LKT AM) PERSONALS. 'lsTTiMit, lAoont* a line; L'nd and Srii titnei, lOcentna lino; 4th to flth times, p*at*S line; 7th to 18th time«. 3 coots a line; afterwardn, 2 c«nt» a line bat no en urge 1.-ss thmi one dollar. Thus, three'me adrertiwmi-nt, clogp not,
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 269 3 WEATHER REPORT. Kmdafui Kerbau Il,,t,,ital, -XH\ Juue, l<&!. Kkwarkb Bar. 28.942 -It.x-lfi :rt* HUM Temp. 87.0 8fiO 82 0 o w. b t h. riu-r 8o.o n&lnn jfl M"'.. emp So Iff el M&x. in Sun 154.0 If" Terr.rad. 710 >.- Rainfall 0 85 WKA'lHKR TKLBQBAM (K. F. A.
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    • 248 4 tnder this heading the following abbrevia. lions are used «tr.— steamer sh.— »hip bo— barque: Brit.-British V. 8. United State* Fr. French Ger.— German Dot.— Dutch; Job. Joborc; Ac, G.c, General cargo d.p. deck passengers U. Uncertain T. P. W.— Tanjong Pagar Wharf T. P. D.— Tanjong
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    • 1343 4 ARRIVALS BIHCI NOOK OT YESTERDAY. Chow Phjta, Brit. str. 370 tons, Cairtain Jellicoe. 29th Juno. From Klang ,27th June. G.c, ami 181 d.p. Ban Swee Hong. For Malac.-a, and Klang Ist July— Rds. Hydra, Brit. str. 019 tons Captain Bannatyne, 2»th June. From Bangkok, 22nd June. G.c, 16
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    • 418 4 ffatne, port, probable, date of arrival, and naint of agents. Baron lnnerdale. at Burry. June 1 Baycrn, Europe, July U;Bebn Meyer. Benladl Hongkong, July 1 P. Simons. liellona, Hongkong. July 7 K.-um-n!.. Benlomond, at Glasgow, June 4 P. Simoni Borneo. Hongkong, June 30; P A O. Canto .1,
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    • 117 4 m Fug h Vmii/s Kami 4 Ton*. Captain Feom Buled. Cokbiukki3 Rio J 2» St. Haruovk Brit.str. lft'.l Shrine Dunkirk Mav MM Ihmin Vn PutriRiokia 8ar B ,l, M HjjoAjh Pon'tUnak jSS fs Al^off »nV, 2H Nntal MM.8tr. Ht*i Cheva li»-r Saiiron Inna •>• M M,,ntin..- Sn Tri Q(
      117 words
    • 137 4 Date. Vessel's Name FlauAKr; Captaih Djestinatio* vi 11. ".i Klax Krieniliild B Brawl Umoni lit Natal Hecuba .)0 Konguv 30 St. Muru<K'k .W Rmn BO Itan Wliiili Soon 30 Sri Tringgami 30 Vm-l.rin 30 M-I.illl 30 Wilhelm 30 Maha VBJiruDliix Id Hxn F.i Soon SwaerdfiToon SO Bombay 3"l Borneo'
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 528 4 NOTICES. MAINTAINS THE HKiHEST REPUTATION EVERYWHERE Fortify the System against Disease PURE BLOOD SECURES GOOD HEALTH. [71 JlffiTl :ttl ltd d? FLUID EXTRAC T OF RED JAMAICA iMi st^sf aW hM JiM m M 1 V«vfl O)- r 1 i Pronoua«f I Uy tIM MIQHiaT te. 3IC»L «UTMORITII» the »Mt
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    • 210 4 NOTICES. Bciuttful cjci grow dull tod dim A» IhC s»ilt vtir. llcal «w*y. Bcautilul. wlllowjr forma »o slim Uk l.irnf with naty d.y. .'p.'rt' Who wttrsyoutbtcstoad—buntUul hair. Ayer*s Hair Vigor will prMerve your hair, and thus preserve your youth. "A woman is as old as she looks," s»ys the world.
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    • 879 4 NOTICES. /JLAKftUID WOMEH >~^ PALE CHILDHEN OLD PEOPLE, INVALIDS YIN CHAPOTEMJT (CHifiTurrs wm ir peptome) A DELICIOUS NUTRITIVE < STIMULANT Thl. «ll»tnt«rj win. i> ..tily auiaiUud wh«o a» uihcr aolid or liquid food will rxttiii on ih« ■HsMa\ It U i«dit«i«* in cooiiilulioo«l wc.kaw .IOSKPJI BATiKH. ('OHFimONEU AND VIENNA BREAD
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    • 741 4 NOTICES. "TIMES" AND "BUDGET." Strait* Timet, post free, $80 a year, or 2*i a month, or ten cents a copy. Straitt Budget, post free, $30 a year, or $6 a quarter or 40 cents a copy. The advertising rates are first time, 15 cents a line 2nd and 3rd times,
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