The Straits Times, 2 March 1897

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. ESTABLISHED, 1831. SINGAPORE, TUESDAY, MARCH 2, L 897. NO. *****.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 886 1 rpilK BOBNKO COM PA N'T. LIMITED i mlaril I ife Amumm-o. h rni-n Km. bmaa I sapaaj a,,..] I I i.-tv 1( i^.m M«rin«' hMßMv Coawaay 1),. I'hinm Mutual .St<«rn Navigation m > i'"hii'.iiit 11:. Mmitime Insurance Coiniiinv. l.iin.t..| i Hmm OosMaaisa, Me the in.-nt .)f I'HK lIOKNKn i ■•>>!-
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    • 1782 1 i^BUCH ANAN WHISKY SSSSSSItai 9 O T" II I*" O ?"O T so.-k imported sw ■i— i— p i— w i SOLD BY All UOBMBI) sfflßß DKAI-F.IiS. aVunat WlfUgJB tci iiik Hoibes of Lords am> ("ommons and to all good London Cli/m. I; M ;|!1 SMOKE "HELIOS" S£L MANILA CIGARS
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    • 765 1 A N K S. TIIK NATIONAL BASK OF CHINA, LIMITED Authorise*! Capital (.i.iKm.imo Sul. m vi. .-.I Capital C ."^O.IHIO Head dim. Hongkong. COUBT OF DIBBCTOB8:D, <iilli. K-|. Chan Kit Shag, Ban. 11. Btolterfoht, K-.i. Chow Tung Bhan, Bsq. Kwmi it.. i Chneo. K-.| CIIIKF M \NAI.EH ii. VV. F.
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    • 769 1 FORBALE- EMPLOYMENTS TO ET; ANDPERSOXALS. Iht timk, In cents a line; 2nd anil 3rd limes, 10 cents a linn; 4th to fith times fi <-nts a line; 7th to lHtli times 3 rents a line, afterwards, 2 tents a line; hut no harge less than one dollar. Thus n rA><Km
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  • 476 2 I.AIKST MAIiKII UK HATH i.NS. SiN'iAn>hK, I'M) Mak. ii, 18H7. PKODITCK. (Jnmliier H.3.V do (MM No I MQ, ilo do No TSO, OOOT Bali ."i.VI. ilo I'mil iiiintk iVJ'i. IV|.|ht. Bliuk 14 00. -<ntfc, Flour Sarawak ÜBS*. do Brunei l'.3:.'J. tall Shko 3.3T,. Coffee. Ml SS.fiO. IMn Mcblmhm si.w.
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  • 64 2 tor rrr «fr. To-Mokro«. Kuropo via portu Hntrnna. rremnlh viuporu Autirniiml, hMMM tun s,i,,ii. I', l.uut via ports Xirnhuin, IvIuiik vin port» Hoon Cm UallKiiiin \ia p»rt« VII }-ii f. Aii-niinapurtK JCmMM. Ml >, Thik>hv Pekaa »i« porta V'tnUt, M. ,1.,,,., A l.iiiKgi llMba, I'. n;ii.n Hll.l lVli
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  • 79 2 1-kom Xi ion:: iiy i^r OenaM nail i,», Saehn n, .In.' to-morrow. .■ii Kingapora in.- in Loud Jan. iinh P. i ii Pel IMb -.lilli 11. If. K.r. iiHh Feb. 3rd I', .v ii. Mar. fnd Feb. !<ih N. I). 1.. Mar. mli Feb. Mb 11.
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  • 340 2 ALHIVAI.iI. 11,I 1 t P A- i». ....1d,,, 11,1 from 1.., 1,,], ,11 M. —1- Youag, \..l Wood, G. Mi-. Kenny, Mr. Matlland, Mr. and Hit Marchant.and Mi I A. McGregor Krom Uibreltar:— Ber. Father X-ivi.-r .1.- M, 11,, Prom Brlndiai: Mr. Cooner. Proas iv i0.i.1.0:-Mr. 11.
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  • 66 2 STRAITS TIMES TUESDAY, 2ND MARCH 1897. REUTER'S TELEGRAMS. GREECE AN D CRETE. mammVi lf-'H-I' RICK 10 CENTS [flmwfjmM rate* a,ul tuirrriinng ralff may I* f omul on the fourth p«gf] Coaasm, L'w/ March It in understood that a Collective Note from the I'owitk will be presented to (iieecK to-morrow-The Note
    Reuter  -  66 words
  • 40 2 Xl SSIAX AlTloN. Mr. (iirzon. tlw I'nder Secretary of State for Koreign Affairi". states that the l.ritisli Coaonl in Core.i reports that Raama aaVon ar.. drilling Caraaa troops Hut. so Mr. Omma declares, thii- hardly inconsistent with Russian pledges
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  • 12 2 The alamo in India shows a amam for the better
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  • 291 2 Oaaai bat latterly atofaai out d pill li' notice; I. ut it wax uinlemtooil thai laarian>aaU eaaaoHaato tin- batbold -he had traiiu-il there. H.rpo-ition in that kin^'ilom bat now bom so >lr.ni_theneil that al.irini^t atteiiti'-n ha.- bam a sed to it in the House of Common* Mr. Cur/on, the
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  • 47 2 Me .J. V Ki.vvtirt. I'enaiiL'. has to-day s.-nt tiv,- thoii-and dollars to the ShaA fimm Indian Famine Kiiu.l a...,,.nt This is the tOOOaI relnittan. |ta thoaanW r o*od from the proprietor of the Wai— j OaaaaV, itianaaiai iiIIiIUJ throu.-h his journal. hi.lly i,, IVnatic l-rovi,,,. UMI.-ley.and IVr.ik.
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  • 147 2 Mh. AstMMi eaeaflaiM i»- ;iim.>t m-t i.n will, tln-w.iiknf |,i- C,,,irt batwaM th.! I'niic, arc aol r..i.| v t., am wi'ii earn at tea i That h bad IfacugßMl to Mr. Aatnoniai tkatkfa 'wtiweai, 111. 11, 1- |a adiiMi tht kteal < ;..v.i mil. nt ..11 tna nfcjad and
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  • 17 2 JIY* a i iV r l af M: "-"«-'"i- It-ad will he 1,,,,,| 10 t j ngt
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  • 9 2 II M.B. S „,rt.,., h.,-,.,,,,,.,,.,) Hongkong for England, yVterda,
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  • 7 2 „Mi RmmTiiUim our HIUJHMii My" is 0fi,,,^.,,
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  • 13 2 Tin: Hongkong K.uim,, £iwd amounted to 180 on tl,, i r. -liiuary.
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  • 7 2 returned from U by ,h, yesterday, '<wi«i
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  • 4 2 G ft Co. advertiaa
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  • 3 2 tMm4af tttawmkoaif. to
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  • 4 2 H i,sue.l this evening.
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  • 12 2 Tiik Austrian man-of-war Pg£* left this mornim: at eight iWaan, travelling eastward.
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  • 18 2 „M MANr ,B R LisIo,..fH M.S IM/. arrived this morninß by tho Bawsaa, on his return to Kuro|>e.
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  • 9 2 boa's fo,'s are reported tobepathermp off the China coast.
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  • 16 2 Thk Yokohama Specie Hank is makini; investipations with a nm W eatabKshing an acme; at Magnpon.
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  • 15 2 T T i« advertised that the French ducted under the styl- of A. I.aunay Co.
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  • 19 2 It expected in mmH ♦•>»! tll(i railway between Shanehai tad »oOtmM will be eommrnred within five weeks from this date.
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  • 22 2 ImlUanml States man-of-war Detroit. ■> HKI tons, 0.400 horse power H (runs, crew B«9l arrive.) from Bangkok this inorninp. bound for New York.
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  • 26 2 Industrial Kxhibition was to he hdd at Nagasaki from the 10th KeLrnaiy to the L'lst instant. It la limited to IM products of two Japane-e tmam
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  • 29 2 h l; s IWki.i. I Oft will sell b| iiicion at the Adelphi Hall, Coleman Street, on Thursday, the llth March. 52 valuable ammaam Wf Hup. 1 Vdeis. n
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  • 28 2 Tiik prospectus has been issued ol the Nagasaki Hotel, I.imitid, a public oinpanv to he r.-L'istered in Hongkong with a capital of SIUO.CHXi in shares ot $U»i each.
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  • 43 2 It is advertised that the intci.-t ami imamawimf of Mr. A. W. LetmU in the firm ot Mm— rane lin- MM on Hat L'Mli K.'hruary. Mr A. LanaM adioittoot that be wii: in future practi-e in his own name a?- architect and surveyor.
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  • 33 2 TRESPASS ING FORT CANNING. This morning, Mr l'roi -kmaii ordered 3 Chinaman to pay a line of (ft, in efault lv day-, for withm the prohibited limits of Tort I 'aiming yesterday.
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  • 33 2 TmtmattT. eoaHl employed at th. Tan lack Mag Hospital stru.k I Chinese patient who was sutlering from maker. The patient mawM; and it i- amma that the blow Mtm rated hi- ileath
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  • 45 2 Tiik re-nlt of Bataraay't fcatbal inatih, between H.M S and the Malay Poli.-e. ara* lour goall to thiee in favour of th. latter, uiit fix goals to two. Two of the I'.iliee goals were di .,11. bt omieV The teams meet ■mm to-in. .now.
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  • 45 2 CHINES E CONSU LSHIPS. 1 1 i- naortid thai H. E. Lo l-Vng-10. in his capacity of Miniotnr (tneignatii to Grant Britain, hat appointed hiotoW brother to the Coaoal-Oonoral-ship at Singapore, and i- nephew t.. be Consul at I'enang. Both of them in- Taotafl rank
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  • 44 2 I'OLlt E Sports will be held on Saturday on the Tank Road Ground, 000 mmmag at ten am An excellent mamai of Iwoaty-iTe orenta baa htM'ii arranged, the twenty-Afth being a botaal nut. li The tporta should prove di-tin, tly
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  • 52 2 Mm Caaav, who, it nm tnnaooad, aaammg sent home by the l,',ir. „,,<i. lia- not travelle.l l.y that >t, ainer. At the date of la^t a.lvi.,-. the »a- an invalid, and was undergoing hospital inspection al Yokohama It i- imnrobablu that she will s.nt home on a passenger
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  • 48 2 Hoajßn— rumour has it that, in view ot iMmachiag feetiritie* al Ho,, kaaaja eoaaoetion with the Diamond Jut.ilee. all the ship- of the British and Foreign aqaaironi in the Ea«t have been invited to MBM to Hongkong The Japam-e ate al-o contemplating sending sonic ships there
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  • 29 2 HONGKON G OFFICIALS. ruCtm MM •adontandataa) Mr V.<.. M,u heli-lnnes urn reaigned hi. oaVeae Colonial Treararoi at Hour -."^"m; 1^^::;!: Kg« PM A,, m Puiane Judge M,' A £Jt
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  • 6 2 fe^^raTan^uteE "••••1* bwth priae(tlB)
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  • 17 2 Preparationi for .-.mvi.. t '"-t will 1, v,7,,1 ch n montlu Ti nplcte m sj.
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  • 26 2 lnavv loaa t .1 "il-«-i| wit arriving at Manila I 1 i'"' > st '«»tlv uldierT ti 7 wth w '""'«l.-.l •w »0,000 .trong^ '""I
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  • 12 2 TW O MANIACS. :::i""7;:!;"'v:; IJ -~."'".;:::;:i: thclrWtt> t J- o m..nnn«. T,,,,.
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  • 59 2 Orb of party Un Infimnet who made I rild on a Rambling den in Tan long Pnmi Boad on Sataraqr, took upon hirnselftO search a man who WM „n, lad and, I'mding *4 >n him, appro nriated it Tlib injurnd person made a ,h,int with the result
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  • 72 2 Captain John Hakry Waul, R. U ei\ M S Gni/ton, committed suic'. I". aboard thai ramri Hongkong, on the"'nd February, by btowing Out hi brains with a revolver. Just before, he had been in state of nerroua excitement from being put under arrest for Seine* without leave.
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  • 89 2 The case in which one Russian woman accused another of the miaappivpriation of certain articles ot apparel was yesterday dismissed. In the eoui ofthecross-exiimination of a wiln, sonic curious. |vest ions were asked a1,., an alUm of photographs, and it seen,, to M iammtod that the tra.ister
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  • 108 2 This morning, Mr. Anthomsz Ml con strained toeomplain that ••wing to the non-readiness of the Police, he wa unable to go on with the work of the Court. He rcn.aikol it was 0w th,- that be had taken to sitting at hal: Ma| in (in place of
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  • 132 2 Tiik Omm VmUUki states that, as the Nippon Yuaea Kaiam ii l■heavily on it- KuTOffaiii and i Pacific linea, the Company iia> nppli.J to the Department of Communication?, asking that a fixed suhMdy begranti •l.i -c lines. The Nippon Yu-.-ii K maintains that the lines in.(ue-t, opened
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  • 505 2 NAVAL DOCK. SINoAPORE COMI'ETinoN. The Hongkong and Whampoo (.'onipany held its annual meet Hongkong on the --a I 1'• i M >t. C. Jtichaoloon took the 1 1 liainuan annonnood thai tli pany «as again in a poeitioD a ilividend of pet ct nt. and a I poreaoL,
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
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    • 786 2 I.ATKST ADVERTISEMENTS. THE FRENCH BAKERY. %|l! A I.AIAAV ha- l.eeu .idmilted a |„irtn. r in the KKKNCM UAKKKY, a' l lin hard Koad. The l.iisines- will in fit, ire 1 a rieil on M.nler tho Htyle of A I. A I NAY AOO I. HKAt'LIKI A I.M \.\V IMIK month
      786 words
    • 734 2 OPEN DAILY Klfi.M !< A. M. TO 11 P.M. Til 1 THE EM. ot mil HI IK 11NI. V At the foci of h'»rt Canning. W'IIKKK no on* -1...T11.1 rail lo »on,|.'r which wa* nerei hob h< n,;,t 1-. Iha Man-beadad CaM;" "Th* Man beaded CaM." A. NAFTALYS aVU "
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    • 57 2 BHAREB WAHTTO Mnmeipal DcinMituren ft Do. Do. 6%. Taaioag Patur iiondn. New PM Hiver Dock Co. Pill. j. .Ill's. Straits Ice Co. Maynard c... Straits Insiiran. c Co Railba, C.'.itlil.iitory. Foi; saLK. Bingapon In-. Co. (In Liquidation). Btrait* Fire Ins. Co. Do. sir:.n- Htearashlp Co. Jelebus. Panaag Coraoratiaa shnree. HOM
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    • 68 2 MB. 8. uit«nd«l for the "trail, Timu •h° n d -ritt,n on on. of th, P*p iwlK-t of th»t ron.hti'.n. "MjM. S." 1 HaTaas* th. M.n.r*r iaM E a«;sslanai»»» oat of tb. p.p»r in r«e of pre«« of m»tl.r, oftensr th»n four iUr« !•»■■>. month. TIIK "STKAITS TIMKS" HJfl THE
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  • 3082 3 \n| EB, NEWS, \NU RKPOBTB, cm I rim; at cl. iicu HKSBI uvk lire li.i- oocurrad at well known shipbuilding, yard of the Id shipbuilding and Engineering I -,i|, .my on the Clyde, new Qlaagon I 1 larpc building an.) a portion of 1 weri destroyed the damage
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  • 452 3 I />,.„, Om i wimftmlmd. Tn M"i"y Mali of Peb.t7th contains an announossnaatl that Mr. 11. C. Belfield will ad as Besideat of Behwgor luring the coming aJbassMa of Mi K..J,t. Mr. Kelßeld is. no doubt, quite sapabU of carrying out the duties of hat arduous omoe in
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  • 1476 3 TELEGRAPHI C SUMMARY. (From lli« "'Vimtt of osfUm m LaWBSJW, Uth Ffl.nmry. Om the llth, n Turkish transport IOBTBBg Candia was fired apon by 11 (ireek ironda.l, and was SOSBpoßsd to return to |>ort. The Christ miii are lirini; cannon againHt ih--fortress of Canoa. The Aml.a«Bador» at Constantinople havo BsMeßd
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  • 95 3 llki KVTI.Y several Malay- w. lit t,. a Chinaman's house at Tanjoiig Piiijura. and inflicted severe cuts on the arm and he. dof the (>• ■< upant. Two arre-ts were made, and l».th men wen- sOSaV loitted for trial At half pasi sight la-t night tin-
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  • 109 3 HOBBERB CAl'lillT Al IMHN At Hongkong. M the MMh Kebruary. t,.iir armed robber, btokw int.. :i -bop in Qu.en'a Koad Central, but n ale ll M the alarm being HaVsM A.| inter of an hour afterwards, a enng of armed men another SMS in the a
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  • 43 3 SINGAPORE CH ESS CLUB. tiik e>MJßVwaß*jnr. TH re-ults i.l" yester.lav'- play an- as f-.llows: Whit.-. nia.k. Onialag Venky. Mowe P. Keuleii.lrr.-i;nlai. I' K. lit vM,,n,w,H,',lge. Itrnd.lell Bsjlrlia G.uoceo I'iano. Braililell Klcum P.ReutensSie i lian defence. P. Rnutens HQss Hullett Kinj'i ( iSM. Hullett
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  • 64 3 VESSELS ADVERT ISED TO SAIL. For eh inn and Japan. SaaaaM dSWgrd March. Hehn KeyerS Co We tern Australia. AtalrmlbU, on :!r.l Man h. Bouatsad A Co llonKknnc. A. Apear, dur Jih Marsh. Barkiss A lloasa, China and .l;ip:in* .11 Mum ,lu,-i;ili March. FMerson 5ic,,.,,,- ,v c... Mauritius, y'r. 7^,,/M..h..-i.tli
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 20 3 Sore Throats I ki>.klc tau C-2 K>Y." "ThaThrouUi. ..iI^I-i:k«ix»«1 i wuaanaUaOONDY 1 Condy's Fluid BMsj jj 1 Bask ..i bbmssshbi
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    • 750 3 IUdNALL ,S: lIIIJIIS IMI'OKTKUS OK ELIOBUGAL A.M» IRAN MACUI.XKKV. UifltsU No. 90A, Rakh.ks I'm. k. No. 42, Vokoiumi. Iww Nu. 1.". COVRTLANI. ST NKW YoliK. IT. A -J4/r> DISIXFK(T.\XTS. To prevent the l of pJBgUS BSM disinle. tiints A large asaortmenl can I Mained iit THE DISIMASAh'Y 1.1. BAIfLBB
      750 words
    • 638 3 R)K SA LE KM Pit )\M ENT S TO LET i AND PERSONALS! IbSBS ndv.-rli-ementK will he found on tho right hand column of the firit puce (titlnpntfc.) |{i:nsons watch es M IM > AC TORY, 1.1 IH.ATK UttL, I.ONI>ON MAKKKTO M. TIIK QOsUCM >|»-einlly nmnufHc-liired reeoniHMSMSa for UHe in
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 193 3 AKUANiiKMKNTS Tl KSDAV, U'M> MaX. 11. Ili-h Wiit.-r '■> l>i ii m I"".l I'm \, tW Makcii. Ilieh Water. IOJII I SB. II Mp S, v Moon, (i.-.l pin A-h Wednesday P X- < > Homeward mail close* I p|. -I". Bale. Te.kciiye in. C W. Association Raffles Oirls' School.
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    • 100 3 WEATHKK ItKPORT h'antlanri Ffrrhau Hii*jntal, Uf Mm. 901. Ha.m 3p.m. fi p.m. Kkm\kks. Har. itt.ilW 111.777 29J8A Temp. RlO MM) 7h c W. IMhThor 7«0 77(1 77. i Dir.of Wind N. N K Calm Max. Temp. U u.-^ Mm 739 gaI Max. in Sun IMO ~u I Terr. rad. iix
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    • 92 4 l n .|..rll.i.he*liintthef..ll.m..,«.-i '.n; o ,,are uh,.,1 -tr. -t-'"'"',: I, none; Hrit. -Hrituli B. 8- l"" :1 i :'%VFV.., r -h;( i -r <H,l li.l i Where no mom h ETaaS*! tl,' inoluh current is understoo.l. Mks-of-W»k. |.-,,r N.w York, lilh Bde. KuHrJS, S.-I. v.t. 171
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    • 1034 4 \HBIVAI^SI!C<-I NOON OF V KSTEKP.O. Bmm ßtmlm, Brit aar^MW tona. Cap! Cro.l.v. 2nd Mar. From IMtonn. :> ill r^;Oil Boustend 4 Co. For Saigon. L'n.l-W rhm. Brit. Mr. tS to.w. CapUlc .lollk-.*, 2n.l Mar. From Dang. «b Feb awl 1«»7 .Ip. «v» (o iW Kla'nt!. 4th— R«l«. tSSnbaldt,
      1,034 words
    • 474 4 ft perl, ynilmbi' dale of arrital, mil aaaM tf ajpaafc \,|.n. I. lon. Mai-L'o I". A <>. x Uverp ml. Mar 3; Manafleld. \':i.|.!ni. Sew Voik. Mar 6; Bonetoul. \n ar Calcutta, M.-ir i S. and Moses. Bayera, China, April 1 Bonn Meyer. BclU-ropbon, Li*. i| I, Mar
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    • 105 4 I VMartlMM i U Ton,. Km h"» «ailki>. com ji; r r '"I- IM l- ,r..,,, £r- ate sag. 2 Hakim l) rit ""l" 1 now i n\a k *ft\ i in 'i Vvn,.p 1( lir|t i S 1 S <!;■:;:;■ Nrii,i VI „.(>,i LiiS|,,,i, Q I'hlihiu; |„.b KHoGou
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    • 73 4 ii Muunoa Mar I X,.,. r r.. "I■j Roman "J r N »<«<ißh I SuHun' B r M'Nii.i Huron Doiiirlaa '"i"ir<i Sam lor CroA, I 1,1,,,. m"\i k SS UUy Loi>K.U. n i!',, r r 11 I, Anson vui ports l'<-ii:tn- Md Rangoon Billlton tad Pouti m«l KUngTia port*
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 485 4 NOTK I 8. JAM E s A Pso IN 6i COS 800TCB WHISKIES AKK TIIK 8881 All I. IH lIIK MAKKKT: y v l I IKl: A9K, I.IIV lAlli V. V. ol sri!( lAI. HEBER> 1.. tw i k a-k, in tv i-Aiu DOMINIE. I<> YEARSOLIK n9Mnmo»m,mmr»a. OBTAIHABLI PBOM UK
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    • 59 4 WATI II M A K lilts. ■I BWRLLRRB. OPTICIANS. RKPAJBb- PBOMPTLY i:.\K. Mil. MAI M\ KN ANIi CAMERON'S PENS Tun come at a boon tmdt bUtsh i Picbwiek,tk»Owl,<mdtlu Wavtrt R CpICKWI £|<U-yair- jwAV EHI. y 1 at hokd n 8,007 nrwaPAPKBi Hold ut all Stall.,, i. i-. N >\
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    • 929 4 AUCTION SALES. i. 01 V U.UABLE HOUSEHOLD KIKM ITlii:. Me TllK I'BoCKKTV M S|K 1.1..M I I <. Oblei .lu-ti.c. Strait* s.-itl. m. At Bkai ii.v-1 ii in. Stiw lim Sai mil Uatrli, ,ii \JBO m. rpill-: oodersigned an Instru. t.-.l by sir I I. ion, I OeSl, 10 tell
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    • 317 4 NOTICES. Weakened Vitality IMPOVERISHED BLOOD. Baal what Aver- Sarsaparilla <li<l for UM li-v. Z. P. Wilils a wfllknown city missionary in New York ami hrother of the lute eminent Judge Wil.h: I was for many years ft sufferer from batsl an.l other ernption.s of a like nature, eaaasd by the
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    • 562 4 NOTICES. BRimuLTS smup HYPO-PHOSPHITE of LIME FOH DISEASES OF THE CHEST All suffering from Catarrh, Codaumption. Obstinate Congha or Colda an.l those affected with diseases of the Chest, Lungs and Bronchial Tubea, should take •BIIIDLT S SYRCPifHTPOnOSPITTEifUn Prescribe.! by the leading medical authorities in all countries for the last iw
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    • 19 4 NOTICES^ z ;;,r al A. NOBLE bWSp* Honour.. HAM COHB, I^NIuHTKK of High-clans tM UVCASTKK AVKMK. MAN. Tol*lmHofln.portMcrcl,.'.,,t- ]i
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    • 43 4 NOTICES. EABTFRN MORTGAGE AR B ACiKXUY COMPANY, LIMITED. lajlfcllllllfl CapiUl £'„600,000 Bul.scnlie,l... eOO.L'SO Advances made upon Mortgage of Freeholds .Stock", Shires, and other approved securities Stiite, Municipal, and other Public Loans negotiated and issued upon tbe London Market. rATHSOK, SIMONS A Co., Agents.
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