The Straits Times, 6 July 1896

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 12 1 The Straits Times ESTABLISHED: 1831. SINGAPORE, MONDAY, JULY 0, 1896. NO. 18,966.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 834 1 srKAMSHII' COMPANIES, 1> Aj" v WnnviH, Rtw l!.irl>our. v i\f \W!«,\||o\ OQMPUrt iIN fAI V\. I'KNANO, 11. 1 I1. A. 'IS. I>iVPT, ,M..i,si:in i i.ihkai i m:. Malta, Bauroait, t m. k. Ii vmoliii, t*a I i ■Mai „t fading lama! for Mat Ptnim* >,-li. JaaNaenM oml American Pvrl,. UAIL
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    • 633 1 IXSUKAXCES. THE EMPRESS ABSUKANCK JL CORPORATION, LIMITED. The undersigned have been appointed nts for the above Company, and are m pared to accept marine snd tire risks l in-rent rates. M r PUTTFARCKEN Co. rpHE CHINA TRADES'* INBUBANCI 1 COMPANY, LIMITED. Capital BnhneHbsd...«...H^rW>,<W. Amnont P»id np...... 6*0,000. ReserrePnnd QOOOOO. TTbid
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    • 601 1 INSURANCES. LANCASHIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. CA PJTAL....^...£3,000,000. POWELL CO., AGENTS. THE^OMMERCIAL UNK)N ASSURANCE CO., LTD. Fire risks accepted at current rates. FUNDS. Capital Fully Subscribed £2,800,000 Oapi tal Paid-up X 2«).<i"-t Assots KM.000.00 Total Invested Funds tt&OfU Total Annual Income £I,(;OO,HCU Ixcal Bo^Rn. A. W. .«n\EN, F.*(. F. Wummrrn, ElKi. Max.
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    • 820 1 j BANKS. HONGKONG AND KHAMIIIAI BANKING CORPORATION. I'AID-UP CAPITAL $10,000,000. KESERVE FUND <V 750,000. KESERVE LIABILITY OF) .uwmnimn PROPRIETOKf }..«10,<100.0U0. Col R'l of' DlKKCToltb: A. Mt-CONAC'HTE, Esy.- Chairman. B.C. MK.'H AKI.SEX, E«j.— Diputt iiiaium^x. Tbe Hon. J. J. Bill-Ibvinu. J. Kbamib, Eh, (>. n. Dodwill, K«.,. I). B.Sauoom, Ek). 1
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    • 879 1 NOTICES, GuLD MKDAI* PAJtIS, 1878: 1889 JOSEPH GULOTTS PENS Of Highest Quality, and, having the Greatest Durability, are, lierefore, the CIIKAIM-ST. NOTICK. MR. K. H. Hi tTBOBMT li» aaen admitted i partner iii our Naana Finn from this date. Messrs. linn- Beekei- and l.udwig HUN j liavc this day l-een
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  • 498 2 LATEBT MARKET QUOTATIONS. HINOAPORB, OTH JILV, 1896. PRODUCE. Gambier, 7.12 J. do Cube No 1 11.35. do do No 2, 9.30. Copra Bali, 5.4.'). do Pontianak, 6.10. Pepper, Black, 10.00. Sttjjo Klour, .No 1, 2.U0. do No 2 2.:«. Pearl ftago, WM> Coffee, Bali, 84.00. Toffee, I.iberian, No. 1
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  • 142 2 for Per air. Time. To-Mokbow. Saniarang via ports De GarjMaJM", 7 a. in. I), and Pontianak IS. ll*. Soon. Xoon Bangkok B. S. Gua,,. Xoon. Saigon 'fibre 1 p.m. T. Anaou via puru Sri Ho.ig Ami 1 p.i». Klang via ports Amhemt, 3 p.m. I'akan via port*. I'akan,
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  • 135 2 I'Kost KI'KOFK: By the Jl. XI. c. Ynnu lue yn July 1 1 til with ilatos to the 19th .hnie. Mm brings replica to Mm mails which leti aingapore on the lath and 19th Mar F'kom (:hixa: -By the P. A (>. S, >. Esta i-Uht<l. ilue
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  • 166 2 AUKIVALS. Per fc linn Bmm Uuan from Bughtk— >I.— i, Small, Chullaiul. and Winter St. Veronc-a. Per h. <t. Anther*! from Klanjj via porU:— Mr. Sliaivl, Hrt. QrMnbaeb, mid Iwo Misses Buxton. Per >. Juno from Klang via ports Mi EUehwdMn. Per s (ii-Miii .l/i/i from fSamuraiig
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  • 57 2 STRAITS TIMES MONDAY, 6TH JULY, 1896. REUTER'S TELEGRAMS. MATABELELAND Ehtadlisiiku: lx:JI. PRICE 10 CENTS. [Hulwriptivn rate* and atlrertusinu rotes* may lie f omul, on the fourth puge.] nma sua»i rtn. h,nilt,,i. Utl, July. Yesterday, the Irieiiillies at Buluwayo showed such restlessness as to arouse fears of their bee ing disaffected.
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  • 55 2 HI liOLl) DEMOCH.ITS. In the. choice of candidate for the United States Presidency by the Democratic National Convention at Chicago, it is believed that a dark horse will win. The gold faction at the Convention maintain reserve, in the hope of gaining something from the present
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  • 95 2 OSIKI Oh Ills .MISSION. Li Hmag-Cliaag has received tie (irand Cross of the Order ofthe Red set ill diamonds. At a huiiquet M Cologne, it via-an-nounced on Li Hun}t-(''s behalf, that he hoped his visit to (i.rmany would not arouse unjustilied expectations. It was declared that Li
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  • 23 2 OUTBREAK OF < IioI.KUA. Cholera has broken out among the KL'vptian troops at Wady-Halfa, with twenty «ix cases and nine deaths.
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  • 255 2 Thk Uepuhlican party iv the United States stands now on a high tarif) and gold standard platform with Mr. McKinlcy as IVc-idential candidate. Mr. McKinley commands immense popularity as a thoroughgoing Protectionist and, with a gold plank in the party platform, his chances for winning are
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  • 345 2 A Diu., tohc introduced intothe Llgislativc Council next Thursday, sei k- to BWllllUlS vexed Hurial question, SO laras it affeetstheScttleincnis l.ey,,nd .Municipal limis. Tnderthe pr.-.-enl law, the control of hurial bb4 burning grounds, within and without .Municipal limits, is laid upon the Municipal Hoards. Itut effective control over
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  • 7 2 Ix Town" to-night at the Town Hall.
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  • 12 2 IBetwkkn noon yesterday, and noon to-day, no ease of cholera was reported.
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  • 14 2 Thk Santa Cecilia Band will play in the Hong Lini fireen, at ."> p.m., tomorrow.
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  • 15 2 Thk Hon. A. M. Skinner, c.M.v. arrived this morning from I'enang in the Mari/iti* BaSMMM »>■
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  • 18 2 Thk Batten I'rimrose Minstrels will ;ive their annual dinner at 7.:<0 p. m.. on Saturday, the 11th instant.
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  • 24 2 Oxo Tiasg >SooN notifies iv our advertising columns that he has taken over the goodwill of Chia Lek Co.. Chop Guan Whatt, Boat Quay.
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  • 27 2 By the Austrian Lloyd steamer Marquis Hacquehem this morning, Captain rrederieo Gaggino has returned to rejoin his elder brother iif the firm of Messrs. (laggino ti Co.
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  • 33 2 A ihkkkt match was played on June lit I. between the Chartered ISaiikot' lndia and the Hon-kon- and Shanghai Hank at I'oplar Walk, Loughborongh, and in won by the latter by 7J fiuns.
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  • 28 2 Thk Netherlands Consulate (ieueral advertise- the letting of specified revenue Esnsi in Wist Borneo; and also an auction sale of timber at I'aleinbang on the -ird August next.
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  • 37 2 On our buck page will be found shipping news, comprising arrivals, departures, vessels in port, and vessels expec-' ted. The last named list is veritied Inmost of the ship agents, and will be found of much use.
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  • 26 2 LIKtTKXANT AISTIX Cl,.Ml)i; <>ll(l>wood, from 4th Battalion, the Cheshire Kegiinent, is gazetted to be Second Lieutenant, Northumberland Fusiliei>, in succession to Lieutenant J. r. CrastOT, seconded.
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  • 37 2 The master of the s. s. /jinn, which arrived yesterday from Jcddah, reports that, twenty-five" deaths occurred during the voyage. Four cases of small pox. *MM taken on shore from the Mien at the .|iiaraut no- station.
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  • 47 2 Siu Wimjam E. Maxwki.i. had accepted an invitation of the Liverpool Chainher of Commerce to visit Liverpool on Ist instant, and deliver an address on the Gold Coast and Ashantee affairs. He was to be entertained at a banquet on the same night.
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  • 48 2 Kkar-Ammihal Charles 1.. Oxlev. second in command on the China Station, hoisted his Hag on the Craft,,,,, cruiser. Captain E. P. .loins, at Sheerness, on fith June. The Owa/leM left Sheeruesson 10th June for China to take the place ofthe Edgar, cruiser, Captain W. H. Hend.r-oii.
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  • 61 2 Vkstkiuiav a coolie in the employ of the Puhlie Works Di'p.irtinent WM engaged on the repairs to the roof of the Bane* Befaool. He sli|.ped on the lone sloping staging nwchius from the t roof to tiie iNMd, ami tund.led the whole way down. Curiously enough
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  • 67 2 Thk M. M. steamer AmtrmKm with the French mail of the June, i- t.. arrive at Colombo t..-day. At Colombo, her mails for the Far Bast will he transhipped into the >',„•,„. which will leave Calcutta to-morrow ami arrive here on Sat unlay. Marshal Yamagata who represented Japan
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  • 86 2 Ox Saturday night a Sikh employed a- a sub-warder at the Prison quarrelled with a Yikisha puller a I. out the fare. and another Sikh interfered with a view of putting an end to the dispute. It i- alleged he was stabbed by th<> other
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  • 106 2 Dr. rowlie 11. K. Hooam J. If. Allmi A. A. (iuiii. (i. .Mac-lain Dr. If. Robertwn K. If. Ifuvwether F. M. Elliot A. \V. Stivi-ii U. Tradliu H. Vmda D. .Mac l)c» W il T. K. Kail.' A. K..1«t1-.,m H. Muir 4J 41 mt. M B1 BO
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  • 156 2 This morning, at about a ipiarter to two o'clock, the Police discovered a liiv at 11, Klin;; street, the residence ami liiisineHs estalilishiiieiit of Sin Yap Aim. aship'acdiandler. At aliout the sam.-time thw owner was awakened by the erring of a child, and discovered a tin.
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  • 49 2 Thk Civil Serv,.e announce that the number vi 1 cadetships to be eOBWCtad f;>r Z t! examination, which is to be held t, month, will be not fewer than namely three in Ceylon, three h Strait^ Settlements, and >i x i,, ,<', teete.l States ol the Malay 1V,,,,
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  • 66 2 Thk following appointments l, v ik. Governor are notiticl in the 51.,,,, Government MslMl Lieutenant-Colonel H. s ;,n<,. r i-.M.u., to be Commandant Federated Native States Force- hitherto known as Sikhs, henceforth t,, styled Guides. Mr. Gerald Brmvn.. be Qovet mt Secretary. Selaiunw Mr. 1). H. Wise,
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  • 165 2 Thk Austrian man-of-war l'<mli,r, arrived on Saturday afteri 1. 1 Tola and exchanged salutes will, Kurt Canning. This morning her eommsn der, Captain Koppcl, accompanied liy the Aiixtro-Hungar an Consul, called H. K. the (iovernor at GovMlunenl House. The RsMMT is a t..r|i.-.],, <Tiliser, 224 leet long,
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  • 311 2 TO THK KIIITOK OF TIIK "STBUT) lIMKSin, The evils attending nmrriaftii on a small income, so feelingly .l«,ii upon l.y your household contributor, have ever lieeti a liuitiiie,' question, but her own experiences give keener point to hfr observations. She is evidently the predominant partner
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  • 498 2 Ti> thk mm "f tih; "nun Sin, Despair's talc- of wot itouching. It iin)>]<>r<- mow than tin" "passing tribute "I n -i^'i'. ami sliall not go down into a ivion unwept. The flippant tone her and then pii'srnt in his letter may pni i il riaoare mind, for flippancy ill
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 2151 2 .NOTICES. NOTICES. UTEST ADVERTISEMENTS. I \T/\I)I7T 'Q I'"'- "STRUT- TIMKS" has thk ~TO\VN HALL. -iAUDJjJjO LABOMT CIRCULATION of any; LmMNi^tl L,i«t Myl.t FVT)T AOTlfrU Asia, British India fg£ WILLAID OI'EUA (DMI'A.NV. H\ I 1. 1 IN I I PiN B.xiKiTKii. It nmiLATEs in Singapore To-mglit. Mo*4am t JU*9tk. J__X_ J_V'U_
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    • 96 2 M. S. 8. intend*:! fo. ih M ra ,li Tim ahonld be written on one «d> of the paper only. By the neglrci of Urn', condition, many M S.S. an reject*d thnt might otherwine be pul>li«hori. All lulTrrti^inv inntri- t- iir nuliii-i-i to th« con lition thattho Manager nuiy leare
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 83 2 WEATHER REPORT. Kandang Ktrbau Uotpital, Hth July, 1806. t) a.m. 3 p.m. 9 p.m. Remarks, j Bar. :29.«9S 29.7M8 J9.500 Temp. .83.1' 84.2 180.0 S-S W.B'lbTher 79.0 79.2 77.0 ;ia Dir.ofWind S.W. raw. Calm tZ'= Max. Temp. I USA Mm 74.9 >1 -Max. in Sun 147.2 Terr.rad. 70.» I •Sid
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  • 28 3 aarh aaMaml ■Motiagei tinSimrting Club i- bad t« l» i i,, (1,,- Bin-ham i tin- H'll, itw The progranme km tinin rliiiL' -will loin.- MR .ion.
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  • 38 3 .ii I ifiat I'oli.-i- InsiM-c- .ii. -..ii. of Mala.-.-.i. ha- Ii .iidl obtained the vacaal poM of „.-rnil.-iid«-m of ill-" TanjoliL Papa |..,|i.i- Mr. |'altir-..n Id Police Inapertor, and has in flic Oottluwont* Kor.-i- ~in...
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  • 49 3 ih.-^TiliJun,-. Mr. 8.-lli.-ld. M.^is1:., i i iiaj.-ili. aeotanced mm the i.-ii'l.-i there, to thrai nth-, hard labour for biting th« lin^.-i I Booke, ao wverely „ni-_- quarrel, that the Kiii;<-i had t<> ,i,i|.niati-.i. Haiti. -ri intend* t.. jiin-t the «.-iiti-! riummafked oa the ntrrmr ofthacDM.
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  • 63 3 iv „n>...,|ii.-!i.-.- of the nvwinH bun!- i-onrKvtimt* between Germany aad the linperial Qovernnw nl at ndt to inrreaae tbn number n-Ml.-it,- hi thf (Vl.-lial Knil-ir.-. I ].n--.-i.t. Germany baa conaulatM al noy, Cant.. n. 1' how, Shanfrliai, ...i-in. Hankow, Bwatow, and Chcfoo. „,i the ..tli, I tpota, where
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  • 69 3 |i,..>iiiKa|M.r.-Miu,i.-i|..ilS,, 1 ,|,|,-i,,.-ii-inv Bn<l(r<-t N" 18M p«"U»lied i lOn <•■'-. It provide* ,\|>.iiilitiiiv 0fU0.130. Ofthii mi. sl'T.ihki am donatioiiH,<I'rovidunl Kmii.l. Sanitation acvountf siiilJ wlii.-li in.-liid.- U* li. In tin- late Dr, Januand to Dr. lim it K. ii-. and M.:.:t7 at pay and tv tlw two
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  • 98 3 m vho ;iniv>-.l I' I'ul" Kokoli „-i. i.Liv. with a Klini; itpw and laden „iii Mgu Detm live* afterward* raf ,i Mgo 1..-IML' taken akmg by „.,1 i hni.-r. who itated rhoy had -l,t Ilieni off KliiiL--. < •••iit<; Iwsrd tin- Iwaku the Hettftive* ,i .-uvi-rcJ
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  • 115 3 m\ Katurdaj oiglil tbe Williir.l i>|..-ra y |.r.-M-ul.-.l to n fair li..ii^i tinLondon awcpwi "Gentlemaii .1... and the performance wns in every way a v.-ia Micreatfnl one. The piece n-.lii- an irrmiatibl.v comic comedy in two act*, .m.l thoiuh the hut occa> naally i- .-i trifle
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  • 131 3 Parti, MM lli- Kronen Medlterraaaaaaajuadraii baa hern i .-.-.iv.-.l with ajreal eordtality at ii. nn.l with i nthn«l*aai *1 rVrrol. IV t.,«i,-,H-o|,|.. aavc aerl I baaqurt* in ili.. iiMi.-.-i-. „f Hi.- aeet, and joyfully Ilir new liquation of Kraaoa, Km --u. ,ii.| S|..,in. ■Jill, Jrnnt. i.. the Bnmia
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  • 268 3 MM law *ni|i*lili from Hi.- Iraaavaal '■■^•iiiln.iit affirms Ili.-il the r.-.-i-nl de» urgfatj iii.- |iio-.-.uiioii of Mr. •Veil RhodM wen .nu mai.-.l bj bo h.-nl.-II nwMvaal Ooveruaea -ly |***'~"lTiii in iipafl* with <ir.-nt Britain i-t .in. P t mn peace aadeonMeno* i» South Uej ha* dccli I the
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  • 1346 3 1! -IKAMANK I. AS MUD XI. Tb.- < ..|<.rii»|M mMm4 their seventh n.L.iv „n Tuesday the '.till lilt., b! W. -nil.loy park. The'scratoh eleven, lifter I making Mo, cut a vri v sorry figure in their MM MMMMj it i 1 were all got rid of for
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  • 1086 3 LADY JIITi lIM.I. DIBTKIHUTU THE rkIZES. The i*. C.C. Athletic Sports concluded on Saturday afternoon. The sun shornbrightly, and a cooling breeze blow li.-ln ly over the plain mid the Club Pavilion was crowded with members, ladies, and friends anxious to witness* and applaud the doughty
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  • 103 3 IN DEPENDENCE DAY. In iili'Uaiinn of tin' "fill. i inn- It li at July," Acting Comul-General of tin- ['nitnfl Fltntni. Mi. J. P, Joaquini, enterMiKtl a hn^r I'iuty dI triciiiU to iliiuuT 'Hi Sat unlay rvi'iiiiin. Aiikiiil' the niMtt were Chief Ju»tice f-ir Lionel oad l.:nlv Urn linn Mi l!iiikin-lia\v.
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  • 1840 3 CHAMBERS OF COM M ERCE CONGRESS. THE STRAITS AND FREE TRADE. HI'EECH BY MB. AIIAMSOX. Last mail papers give details of tin- meetings held in London by the Congress of Chambers of Commerce of the British Empire, to which Sir W. Dea Vocux (formerly Governor of Hong- kong) was the
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  • 175 3 K have received the followiiiL' letter: A day or ao affi, there appeared in rOU paper I paragraph which we, i lie chief and Ist class petty officers, .insider to be detrimental to the ship ■m account of the statement being entirely false. The ship is
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  • 157 3 The Gorvi'uuieiit Oatatfa pahaahea I thu text of a Bill to be introduei'd j into tho Legislative Council next Thursday, intituled an Ordinance to L-ou.solidatc the law relating to the Protection of Women and flirls and for the wppnua ton of brothel*, Kxix-ricii.-. ha* >Ikiwii
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  • 40 3 Tiiksk Balls glioulil fall at Fort Ginning and I'ulo Urani daily to mdi!- onto 1 p.m. Singapore mean tiiui-, -.n responding with 6hrs. 4ni. 359. mean Illlin lit flimiMl To-day: Port Canning: Comet. l'ulo Uiaiii: do.
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  • 184 3 fMmmmX Pet P. 4 O. ralwr < Hfad forCotom1,..: Mr. Jm. Cn-uiiier. l-nr London: M,- Qalno. HI AIIHIVI.. ffutll,,- hnr Kiul, IVr I. t, Kmuf from LOBdOn, Junr 13: lt.-v. .1. K. P Mr 1. A SI Jolm..i.ui. Mr. K. S. Sjnitl,, and Kr. Newland, Mr». Wwt.Mr. W. J.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
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    • 821 3 FOR SALE EMPLOYMENTS TO LET; AND PERSONALS. [1»T TIMS, V, wnn I to*] Jnd nrid 3r,i timex, lOvcotMft lin,-; Jlh tomhtin.i-s I cent* n line; 7th to 18th ttaa** (eeataa line; afterward*. leal* :i line l.nt no .hargc less than one dollar. Thus a thrtt 'laeadvcrtiheinen,, eke* Mt, la thle
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 124 3 AKUAXdEMKNTS. Monday, tn JULY. Ili-ili Witter. <i.:w p.m. WillnrdCa Town Hall. (MM) p..,.. !I.ii>i> s,-ii,. :it Abrama't. Ml pjn. liiiUiarmook Choir. 6-JO pan. IViUan] Co. In Tows," Town Hall. Ti MMTi "ill Ji LV. High Water. Ml a.m. 7Jtp.m. I mil. Hong l.mi Green, ■"> pjn. ffWIT, v ni -I
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    • 376 4 5 Vkksel's Xame. <fc Toss 3 Rig. Jly 4 I'anthur Auscru. IuOO 4 |Kavcnna P&Oatr. -inn 4 Utrecht Dut. itr. i -4 1 •"> I Singapore Brit. str. 74H 4 ICerberus str.j 1123 'Hone Wan str. 116 I Isnhellii »tr. 84 4 King Chow str. 173.') I (iyinpie strJ
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    • 186 4 t'udcr this beading the following abbreviations are used str.— steamer sh.— ship bq.— barque Brit.— British U. S. United States Fr.— French Ger.— German Dut.— Dutch Job.— Johore 4c, G.c., General cargo d.p. deck passengers U.—Uncertain I. P. W.— Tanjong Pagar Wharf T. P. D.— Tanjong Pagar
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    • 1418 4 Arrivals Since Noon op s.virmi v, .imlirnl, Brit. »tr. 108 tons, Capt. Sliini-nii-n, stli July. from Klang. Snl July. <;. ami 114 <L |>. Wee Bill mid Co. For Klniiß via ports, 7th.— Rd». Han Bmm Oms, Brit. str. 4(W tons, Cnpt < Jewry, MB July. From Bangkok,
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    • 444 4 Same, pod, pnbmm mm m ami nd iia/«<! of agttttt. Ail.-n. lloiinkoujr. -J iil> 17; I". A AKninoiunoi), Cliimi, July 12; Msn»HH<l. JUterton, Ml Glaagow, .May Boiutnd. A pear. (Mli-iittH, July IS; 8.4 Mow Barcelona, Mnniln. .Inly IS (i. Woocl. Bayern, Europe Aof. JO; Ik'lin Mayer. Uliii- Croat,
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    • 152 4 PABBKD SINHA sTKAITs oJi ARRIVED FOR ORDER* TIM Daii. Kii.oi lih-ii.v- l Dab. and 'Ship's Name. Oomurau. 01 Whkkk atiox M1I(K Kio. iuii.- i'*>llrit. ».».'< '.vru» Bummo* /Calcutta Batavia Lfiilrit. s.h. Xorth Sainl* Bomba] Batavii i>tilirit. »h. On-iil la Stewart Mar S4OMNUC Btagipore I'TBrit. >h. Ki-lat Kinsman May
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    • 116 4 I)*te. Vki»i;l's Name. VlmAßm C'AITAIN HKbIINATJ.IS July 4 Sultan Hi it. Mi. 4 Bafc* *r. I l.n<ly i.on^ilcii -tr. t DonloKiu- M.M rtr, Kuiik bag ltrit.-tr. ti Nin;,' ChOW str. li I'oh Ilin (Twin Itr, 0 HOB| Wan str. 8 Nr.Tii Htr. i; Isnl.i'lln »tr. 1 Diintr (icr. tU.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 1252 4 XOTICKv M( A LISTER Co. HAVK .irsl UKCKIYKI) A FRKSH SHIPMENT OF CKI.KBRATK.. ■< II r A 1. 1 ST Xl( k Co. Relieves, he sell BUCHANAN WHISKY. ditif; |':un vi once HOUSE OF OOIIIiONS HKANU. and A WHISKY FOB OOKKOIBBBUBS. I r—> rr c: 'Si case of 12/1 bottles
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    • 343 4 NOTICES. gENSON'SJV ATC H ES Mancfactory, Lt'iKiATE Hill, Lokl>on. MAKER TO H. M. THE QUEEX. Specially manufactured anil rccom* mended for use in the F.n-t. BknsonV Special Stkksi.tii FIELD" WATCH. A Gold k-yl.— English Half Clirono- meter. t'JU. BENSON'S LIIXJATE" WATCH. A tin ei'-.|ua. i.-r Plate Englibh Lever fully compensated.
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    • 366 4 Q. R. LAMBERT CO. Photographem. By Special Appointment to H. M. THE KING OF BIAM JIKU H. H. THE SULTAN OF JOHORK. l!i-_ to announce that they ;iro printiug I now all their portrait» in the COLLODION CHLORIDE PROCESS (Aristo paper) by their NEW SYSTEM and which tney guarantee to
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    • 268 4 NOTICES. RILEY HAROREAVES &COY. NEW STOCK. SAFES. ELLIOTS SAFES OF VARIOUB SIZEt ALL MTTKI> WITH Cm-llli's LOCSt. WEIGHING MACHINES. FAIRBANKS AVERY3 Weighing pounds, catties, and kiloa. BELTING. Lancashire Rubber, Lcathpr. nnd Rnnd^'s of First Class Quality. PUMPS. Botary, Centrifugal, Khiometer, Steam, and Him.l. EN(JINES. Portable^, 8, 10 UK Vartical= IH
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