The Straits Times, 5 June 1896

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. KSTA HUSHED: 1831. SINGAPORE, FRIDAY, JUNE 5, 1890. NO. 18,941.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 805 1 NOTICE. MHI»AI.<. PARIS 1878: 1889. JOSEPH CILLOITS PENS tl Qoatrtf, anil, liavinß the 1 1 .il.ility. an-, therefore, th« t ■UIvM'KST. I siKAMNHIl 1 I DMi'AMEN. 'Hi,'. ,I K QI'AY, iV v Whaiui..-, N,-w llbibour. SIEAM N\V|(,\lKi\ COMI'ANY. ml! CH JaIA.V. I'KNAMI, Qcno*, Istma, ai rriuuA,, Kuypt, llabsiiu as,
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    • 958 1 STKAMSHIP COM PAN IKS. I Vl. KOXINKI.I.IK K rAKKIYAAHT VATSCHAPPIJ. I'm, ler ihtra, t with ihe Netherlands India Government. I/. „i •<;,„■„!„,,-, sun- a.,ksi v. i..i .1. Daenhels Co., -J-'i, Cdi.i.yeu Qr.iv. Steamei Expected Prom Wli be Despatched for o n China, arrived Hongkong. Swatow, and Aaoy, ith June 'i.Q.Mynr,
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    • 607 1 lIORSIX OOBS. POMES. Ex s.s. LALPOOMA, which Ik,- lefi Mettwnme for Bnganore: one hnndml and eight (KM speeinlly 1.-, t. .1 far thin market. The sliipment includeH two leanu (four in hand), also pairs, single harm horses. Ladies' and (ientlemen's hacks, and Ugh stepping ponies. 11. ABRAM& 11. c. (BUSH
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    • 680 1 IXSriLVN( IS. /•ixxTiy* i>BOßAsToa omc LI M HDD. Cajvt..i Suberrilsod $2,6(r,'-0\ ..nil i:.i,| up STi'.nriO. Baatrva fun! 1.-wi.roo. n»D Orncx. Honokong. Tlio imdci-siifned, having been appoint A.'^nts of the above Company, are prejiai .1 »oc*pt Marine Kisks at current rates. A Bod ih is annually paid to all contributors of
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    • 871 1 INSURANCES THE IIKITISII KMI'IKi; Ml TIAI. 11l K AsslliANCK COMI'AXY. TO WHICH HAS |:KKX TIJAXsFKKKKIi UIK BUSH Ml "I THE POSITIVE GOVERNMENT SECUBITY LIFE APSfB-VNCK 00, I.IMITKD. NOTICE islwici.y given thai the transfer of thj liusine- of tin- Positive Govei nI iiientSecurilyl.ireli^i.i-.i.i.-cCo. Ltd tothe BrHteh Empire Mntna] I. if,' orance
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    • 813 1 BANKS. HONaKONQ AND sil.v N<; ll I BARKING COBPOBATION. PAID-UP CAPITAL. .*lO,Ouo.i»ki. BEBEBVE FUND 8 S,7SXI,Oi«). RESERVE I.IAUII.ITV OK I PBOPBIBTOBS I 10.< ««>.<>•". Cocst or Dnai xou: A. UoOOKACHIE, Easj. Caunaua. Hi II AKI.SEN. PmiUI Chaikh iaf. Ti«lf*a 11 Isaj Tanas 1. faaann, trn H. I'.'i.wri.i.. F..-.| D. B.BAasooii
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    • 379 1 NOTICES. 9ROHIDB A. PERKIRX. HOBTICniTtIKIRT AND FI.OHHT. Collector «ni> Eztoam ov (ikchido Orderx for Rnur|uot Mpraye. A-.. Ac.. Cnn'fii'ly and promptly cxi .-lit. •<! m nil.:,- .1 11..,-.. 1.1 th.. Trade. Nl -|:«Kin. < t V I BY BO.YD 0. C Addre-- I'tt I-. (ir, Ii n.l 110.i.1. Innuhn. NOTICK.
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  • 471 2 LATEST MARKET (UOTAT10NS. Singapore, "mi Jen, i PRODUCE. Gambler, 7.X,. do Cube No 1 HJfe do do No 2, 10.00. Copra Itnli 5.55. 'lo Pontianak, "i.".">. hnt Black 10..V.. Snfio Flour, Sarawak. J W do Brunei, 'JML Pearl iMigo 3.40. Coffee, Bali. (picked) 88.00. Coffee, Liberian, No. I 42.00.
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  • 100 2 For Per air. Timr. To-Mobkow. Amoy via port* .Vo./i )'«,)</. 11a.m. l'ailnng via ports. < i. G. ih'ije r. II a.m. MhIrim-o A Klang Sappho. .1 p.m. l>i>li Bmniilirmamln. ;t p.m. Ball in port! It. II,,, fiuan. !5 p.m. 1*. I Colombo Sumatra. 4 p.m. Clii'rilion »V KYanjf
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  • 102 2 Kkoji Eiropk:— By the I. I. I /'..«/kiw> i.-,iluo <vi tln> tit liJmif. She farina datei to tli" IHkHiT. KbomChisa:— Hythi- I*. O. MM 4m on Tuesday. Time Table M Mails Due. Left Singapore Due in Lonilon Airivn A|>l. L'lst M. M. May Kith May Ititli Alii.
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  • 216 2 ARRIVALS. I'ri 1". A (>. s.s. Cfi/lun from Yokohama I Mr. I*. Kemedios. Per s. HUnfury from London:- -Mr. TO ARRIVE. (For the Far Kantj IVr I. A k. s. Arcadia from London, MayB:-Mr. and Mr». Hnttruy. Mr. A. M. 1. i11.-. Mi. O. T. BDbartoM, Mr. R.
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  • 95 2 STRAITS TIMES FRIDAY, 5th JUNE, 1896. REUTER'S TELEGRAMS. Kstaiii.isuku: l»al. PKICE 10 CENTS. [Sulvertplioii rates anil lulrrrtistmj NBta m'lfj lie found SB the fourth page.] HONGKONG AFKAIKS. Ijwulwh, nth June. Mr. Chamberlain has forwarded a despatch to the Governor of Hongkong, conveying the decision of the Home Government regarding tho
    Reuter  -  95 words
  • 455 2 Wk publish in another column a letter from An Investor in Malaya." It is to he feared that that investor will nut readily obtain the satisfaction that he asks. He wants to know whether Mr. W. A. Swettenhain is prepared to carry int;> practice the excellent
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  • 210 2 Tui: Seeretai yof 'for the '..lonics has r<'|.li<'d, in a oVspiitoh, to the petition of tlw Haagfeoag ratr|«ayrri ragariaßg tin- ap|M)iiitm. 'tit of additional unofliriul mcmlii'iv in the Legislative Council. It will l>e iviiieinlx-reil that Mr. I. 11. Whitch.'.-id, while at home recently, interviewed the Colonial Oilier on this
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  • 14 2 Thi homeward mail by thf .Vi>; pore clones at 2 ]> m. on wedae dajr.
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  • 60 2 Mr. T. 11. Kerhtiaw. Official Assignee, ha« >x?en orferod, and ha* nceepted, th'position of legal adviser to the Ssvsfß ments of the |irotected Malay States. Mr. Kersliaw will leave for Knala I.unipor during the month. Mr. K. K. Bland takes Mr Kershaw post at the Official As»ignee'» ofliee. Mr. Lemon
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  • 123 2 Thk Limitation of Suits Ordiminee comes into opcr.-ition on January Ist next. Hotel-keeiK-rs nnd others will do well to hour in mind that the period for in-tit ut ing ;i suit to recover the price of food, drink, or lodging is limited to ..inBJBK It h;is been pointed out to
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  • 150 2 A OBMHMR of the I'nuimj Gazette has discovered that an article by the Rev. I). I). Moore, published in The liuleptmlent, a leading religious paper in New York, "largely consists of plagiarisms from Mr. Swettenham's Malay Sketches' which thewriterevidentlytries t<> palm oil' as an experience of his own.'' There certainly
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  • 10 2 HMML GuiMU it Co. advertise the devil brand of dynamite.
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  • 11 2 Thk Iliii Hinii), which arrived yesterday from Hongkong, is in quarantine.
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  • 14 2 Mr. Swan, of Messrs. Swan and Maclaivn, is expected by the mad due to-morrow.
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  • 18 2 iThavingbecn reported that cholera isprevalent in Sago Street, this street is placed out of bounds to the military.
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  • 22 2 MKssits. Powki.i. A Co. will hold an auction sale of race horses at Abrams'l Stables OB Monday, the hth, at ">.l."> p.m.
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  • 21 2 Pkksoxs indebted to Gowan-. Alexander A Co. are required by advert isenient to return empty bottles to Mr. H. A. Crane.
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  • 23 2 Tiik I'rflnii'ur, with the mail from Kurope of the l;'»th May. left lViiang at 10 a.m. to-day, and is due here tomorrow afternoon.
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  • 26 2 The homeward P. >fc O. s.s. IfirstpSN left Hongkong at 1 p.m. yesterday, and may be expected to arrive at Singapore on Tuesday, the Uth instant.
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  • 28 2 Acw-.i.non, engaged in bankruptcy proceedings, complains that, within almost a few weeks, the official Assignee has been or is being thrice changed. I. Klcuni. 2. Kcrshau. ;J. Bland.
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  • 37 2 Ox our hack page will be found shipping news, comprising arrivals, departures, vessels in port, and vessels expeeled. The last named list is verified by most of the sliip agents, and will be found of much use.
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  • 19 2 DUBJIU noon yesterday and noon to-day, three cases of eiiolera Were reported. They were all sent to hospital.
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  • 38 2 ir is reported that the Royal Dutch Oil Company, producers of "the wellknown Crown Langkat Oil, has declared a dividend for IMf of 41 per cut. Shares have hence risen lo over ."><hi per cent, premium.
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  • 39 2 Tin; Orchestral Section of the 8 ngapore Philharmonic Society gives a concert in the Town Hall on the evening of Thursday, the I lth. The programme will be published later, hut We believe it includes some singing.
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  • 42 2 Tiikhk is issued to-day the Btnitl Settlements Civil Service Fast for INUI. published by authority. The bo k II an exhaustive compendium of information M to the (iovcrnment Servi.e. and is prefaced by a short history of tin Settlements.
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  • 91 2 Last nifiht at. this popular Maori there was again I crowded house, tinstalls being filled by a large and fashionable assembly. The programme was the same as on other evening! ..I the week, and the applaiw.- evoked was thoroughly deserved. Tonight, Mrs. Harmston takes the bcnclit and among
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  • 113 2 A Xi Hdi'iA.s huly and gentleman c -iillnl .it tin- Sepoy Lines Police Station on Tuesday evening, and inibnnefl Inspector ftall.inl tliat a Pusilut ni running amok in n.Yw Bridge Road. The laapsetor proceeded u> the >\»>i. Und I'oiinil a crowd of nlioiil two liini.livo 1 ChaMM
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  • 24 2 TflF. coroner, Dr. MugliM,, concluded bin inquiry m to the ,i,..,ii ofthelatcMr Ko,k The I'mdin, Suicide wl il>t temporarily [g
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  • 39 2 A RAM. MM m;id the Angl lies.- Kispcusary in SouUi Bridgi 1;,.,,, by the Opium Kami poSfBB, bsl .-v,. n in,'. DM B SUiMn was made b.ittlcs of morphia. The ease -i.,,,,i. remaiiiled for week liail SstKl
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  • 280 2 s. c. c t. umuj curs, A Kicii-:sm.Y gsiiiie was played h,.i night on the Esplanade between them two team.-. The S. C. C. bad tbe of the game nil llirough, but the ihool ing of the forwards was bmsj in fact lime after time tbe god at their
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  • 238 2 It may be well to direct attention lo the Provisions of the new Limitations of Suit:- Ordinance that lias bow ban assented to by the Governor an. l \,ill come into force on the Ist day urn year. The principal limitation- in toe Bcnedule an as follows
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  • 507 2 JIR. KUIM AM. TIIK LONDON I MWi'lll A I'.M'KK ic^'anlinj.' exaininati. in fof tli. Queen's and Qovenunenl lolai ships was laid before the Legi lativn Council yc-teiilay. It opens with letter from Mr. '.I. If. Klciiin. Acting Inspector of Schools, to the astra of tin: rniver-ity of London,
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 603 2 NOTKK. NOBEL'S EXPLOSIVES COMPANY, U). •lanufacturKDi of DYNAMITE GELIGNITE GELATINE DYNAMITE BLASTING GELATINE DETONATORS KXI'OKTKKS OF: Al.i. BUM 01 SAFETY FUZE. Manufactured by: Kit KrOKl), SMITH AM. THK NWA.VSKA OMI'A.W. I lie abesa Explosives aro the './i'.» unei inunufac'turol to paos tho li-»ts imposod by, and under the BjeßSSMsai of
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    • 593 2 111 "STRAITS TIMKS ha? the LABOBBT PIKCrLATION of any iwm-M'KK n Asia, Riiiti«h Inma KXIKITKt). ITCIIirrI.ATKH IN SIMi.UiiHK 'Mi PIOUML TRROICHOt'T ALL THK I'KOTKiTKO HTATES UK THE MALAY i'i:NlN»rl..\. IN SIAM, HoHNKO, THE Vi;rHK.i!t.ANns Indies, the PiiiupriNKf, am> FnK.xiit InimvChina. No othkr V I I I N NDW-I'AI'EK HA? WIDEHPKEAI)
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    • 649 2 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. I DYNAMITE. DEVIL BRAND. Tin' ilii.l.-i.-i^ii'-'l have now i-ei-i'ivi'd a shipment of (lie aliovc wi'll-kimwn Dynii- mite, wliich is jrunrantoeil i'i|iial in every reaped t<> any other brand offering in thr ■what, Tho "DEVIL BUAXir ■">>"»- j mill' is Used ;it tin' ]uimi I »:i 1 Minn ill
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    • 92 2 M. H. S. intend*; fnr Ma BMftj Timtu ahonlJ be rrittra on one iUle of tbe parwr onk Bt tbe ic^lc-: that candlti^n, many M.S. B. arc mi«nt«i Lhitt miirht nth«rviM> bo pnblinbm). All vlrertMinfr ciontract* are rahinct in tin ii ■inn that the Managrpr but l«are tho ulrnrti-pin. :T
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 80 2 WKATHERREPOKT. h'andang K'erbau Hotpital, ilh June, Is:,/,. '9 a.m. 3 p.m. 9 p.m. Remark*. Bar. JW.IIOU fSjBIS iU.WW Tenii.. K'l.9 H.-> Tfi.'i > \V. IVlbTlii-r 78J 77.8 7,-i.s ;'-5i Dir.olWin.l >.K. M.W. B.W. J?.T? Max. Temp. 87j8 E Mm 7.1..-, If Mnx. in Sun 147.'> Terr. rail. (H».(i 5.5.8 Itninfall
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  • 3126 3 rflUMPAT, «tii .n m I ael U W flu ik< .rti.rfniiiiimli<liii!ll p... Kwctienlwm, I .M.c I u Collyer, Vltnr <..-■., ra< H Trntfr, An. lit. ir-lin i.ihi y; i iMirrr. (tag M rkinjhaw 1«, l.nn lt.H.11 k.'tlK. «|,.-lf,,r.l,..M, M UlhMoa. Ul-IAi I i-i.t c Illor K> -!> y,
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  • 51 3 T lli.ial inortaliiy returua of iingapore for the w. ek ending the 80th .lay. pveL'i'i' deaths, of which 178 were of Chinese. The MaJaysaccounl for thirty and Indians for till death* :'|jrtcen deaths are referred to cholera. .pd MXty-one to fever. The ratio per ibouaana stand* at
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  • 130 3 Tm annual report on the Perak Bikha .r I^!>*. shows that the actual strength i,f the Fort* was short of the sanctioned trengthby 48 privates. The deficiency, H -„'hl. i- due loan inferior cla-- of men offering themselves for enlistment, a iiiijority ol whom were rejected. Appearnnee*
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  • 667 3 TO OU EDITOR Of THK "STKAITH TIMKS." Sin The arrival of the first Resid. ni(rcnenil of Malaya naturally excites sonic interest and some lio|h- among those of us who are commercially interested in the prosperity of Malaya. In this cane, be it ohsnrvpd, I sneak for
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  • 506 3 WHAT A I-.YTIKXT K\Y- To TIIK KMTnI! 01 TIFF. "RUm II Sn:, -I have much pinaON in lliankiiig. through the medium of yourcoluinns, your correspondents tea baring brought the mutter of the Tan Tock Seng 110-pi-tal forward to tin- BOtiea of the Usually dmritahly-disposcd people ofSinrarxMu.
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  • 61 3 TO THE EDITOR OF THE STRAIT* TIMIx Sin, A magnificent waterspout, similar to the one witnessed on Wednesday morning off Collver Quay but larger, occurred last evening about U p.m. Starting from oppMsM the new HarU>ur, it gradually passed up the Strait till opjiosite my house where it
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  • 94 3 Tiik attention of the Oovernnient of India lias l«-en called to the inereacinir adulteration of Indian opium by the Chinese, with sesamuni seed cake and other compound*, calculated to damage the reputation of the Indian drug among Chinese purclmsere. It appear* that opiM.rtunities for adulterating Indian opium are.
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  • 848 3 Mannas ok PnoosEMiras ok the MemCII'AL (OMMISSIOXKKK AT AN OKDIXAKY Mann as Wiwrßao*T, m iih-n May, 1898. PnSBBT: Ih* I'li-si.lciil. Alex, 0.-iltle, i:-.|. at Hare. Kwi. Th. Solist, Esq.; r l;<u Jiak Kirn. bq. M. Meyer, Esq. Hon. T. Sh.lfonl, c.M.r.. A. C. Moses, Esq. Aiml.nt Tlit- taafisrtnr
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 897 3 THE BTANDARD TIME BALLS. These Balls should fall at Fort Canning and I'ulo Brani daily to mcli■- -ite 1 p.m. Sins.-ipore mean time, corresponding with Shrs. 4m. :ii>4. mean time ;it (ireenwich. To-day: Kort I'iinniiig: Fell correctl> I'ulo Brani: Fell correctly. VESSELS ADVERTISED TO RAIL. Kor Australia, lktriiu, dv« Hth
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    • 851 3 FOR SALE- EMPLOYifEXTS TO LET; AND PERSONALS. [In- TIME, 15 cents a line; :'nil .owl :ir.i times, meant* aline; 4th to ilth timp>. ii hue; 7th to iNth times SesntK s line; .ificrwiinlK. ■> c.-nt- n line; but ne charge 1. than ..ue dollar. ThosanVai Km adverti-ein-it, clom- nt, In
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 199 3 AUUNGMMKNTH. Friday, 5th Jon. Hi};]. Water. Mpjn. Hand. Esplanade />.!•> p. in. lion-.- sale al Clarke V Stable* Tow.-ll A- Co.. .Vl"). p.m. s. C. C. Cricket Leetare. IVhim-p stint Chapel p. hi. hn ni-ti'ii Circa*. Jumpiag Competition. I' p.m. I'ar-ee Theatre. Campon;; Kapur. !l p. III. S.MI UDAY. lilll
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    • 158 4 Vader this hoadiny the tallowingabbrevitionsare ased t—etr. afnsmwrj ih. ihip bq. barque Brit—BrltlJjj P. 8. United suit.'!.: iv. -French;<3er. QernianiDut. Dutch; -loli.- .inhore A-.-., Buy—General cargo ;d.p. deck passengers; I. Pncert:,in:T. I. W. TiE^*!igar Wharf; T. p. I>. ranjong Pafar Dock; B. W. Borneo Wharf; J. w.-
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    • 1185 4 Vfr«da .1 It. -i. l.:tri Im T I!.,!, May. FnuD, '■M' 1 :,v:,.-;' ilM r Bnlleat. Bnoataad and Cf. roc N. v i u.-Kd*. "lork- MhM, Brit, err, nation*, < v. Dili Al.iy. Fr.mi Calcutta,, BooMead and Co. For Calcutta i />.„.< Dut. ttr.MHoaa, Can) il .In'.-.
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    • 461 4 ffaSM, pert, probable da* MMM BJWatl A. Apcur, irkong.June 11 Saikii -A Hsm, \gMinemnon. China. July J Mnlltfleld. Agapanthus, U'kong, June li: KJJii i». A.-^lls. Sydney, June Ml AlUter. Bawean, Batavia, June 21 Daend. i-. Bayern Europe, HO; Behu Meyer. Bellerophon, L'poof, June 10 Msnafield. lidlona, Hamburg, June
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    • 80 4 a I IS h Vi:—ki.'s Naxk. m Tom en ims PBOM BaOJU) COM"" 1 Jii>' -t lly<- TiiiK Id it. -I r. (08 s.;otl t Harrow rtr. i:<n smith t (Vylon MOatr. -M;J7 tt k.-r l Dante Ocr itr. IaOS k'..|^'i HinMiM« Britttr. l">;Ki Kyoocb BcngkalS itar. BO Ca»ey
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    • 105 4 Date. Vlssku. Xajik, tuaHßl* Caitais I"-"" 1 nil.- I (in Sun;; llrit.-ti. Yooag HongkOD| Propontii rtr. hmnd Penaii* BriTrioaanu Itr. 1 1 1. k rrioopuu ami h.*i« HongWali Hi, RobeHaoo h>r "k«ou »ml Kl'" c.iv,,,,, Mr. Lowrj KmMigwulUeli 5 HyeJ Eddk r,h,k Aum.m v.-. i- 5 Cbeag Hye Tong
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 483 4 NOT I CMS. THE ADELPHI HOTEL „l .11,-1, .iii.l in..-! in-iueiiteil llniel- in Bhaaapotr, an.! hi- llent a<e..iiiiii.Hlati..n lor single aii.l liimily iMtn. THEADELPHI HOfEL is miller aajHl v\ in.iii.i^. n.ei.t. THE ADKI PHI HOTEL na« excellent nUm i id fir-t eiaaasMaM THE ADELPHI HOTEL h»» the bml aajataal .in.l
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    • 336 4 NOTICE. i >i< aLister&co. •-MST I,VM)EI). XX >>. (7./7T.N AND I.AU'WII.A: ai >T!:.\!.:a\ COMHUHBKD ru» per uibnie. AUBTBALIAN COUPRKB6BO RACING FORAjQX, HA) per. cwl bale. .H'STKALIAN COMI'KES^KI) CUAFV KOHAGE, S-I.HI per c«t bale. AISTIJAI.IAN APPLES, in splendi I condition. set osss per basket $1.00 alee, ju-t landed, a small
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    • 683 4 NOTICFS. HORSB BEDDING. > :»:>!' Citronelln gnus will be delivered |> for JI:.V) Cash per cartload, at pur-i.n-ei's resilience. l>y Manager, Teßan lonian i-Mn- Address: *> I e/o I.XMliKlirs I.IVERY STABLES ()NlA r AJ)OLLAR. AT the Sliniln Timen Office, you can buy a th. ui-ai). l envelopes for one dollar.
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    • 677 4 NOTICES. THE TAN.K)N(i PAGAK IXHK COMPANY. I.TI>. MllinKn.HTS, KSI.INKKKS, Ilil.S AMI Brass fOVSDBM, Wiiarkixuers, At. lirnvinir Docks up to "XX) feet in length and l'l feet on sill. Wharf fioiitaKe, one and n .(iiiirter. Baeeaa Whan Hofca4 at length. Boiler and Ma»tiiifi >heer» worked by neani. Extensive raniff of
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    • 31 4 NOTICES. M PSYCHO OVCLPX" RajaMM Bros.' UM Siiai'k.". I'NKUMATK AXD CUSHION TYRKD. A stock always on hand guitnbl. !.ADIEB A^D QENTLEMi: LILET, RAMUAfEB C"., 13, Bintiiv uuAt'. m. w. A I.
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    • 44 4 XOTKKs. DR A. P. BOWft, DKNTIST. M "I v o. I".. l:\iTti.v koun ■>!' ovkk I.wvmin. i. yon t sn > i;!;i()i;ci.Ai{KT\cii.\Mi T7^7 The undersign..! have r. "i l'"z. Pfeallla. \i,.,, Bt.Jull Clr.irt In Cart. B c.i..n,|...... Eugene (1ie.,.,,,. lt,-i Tin Pn m B .i:NTi:K.,:.N,,,hn,i' 1:
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