The Straits Times, 9 May 1896

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 12 1 ESTABLISHED 1831* SINGAPORE, SATURDAY. MAY 9, 1896. NO. 18,919.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 922 1 IKAMSHIP COMPANIKS. I orriCE. Uollyer Ouaj, CV' 1 wiiABVEBNew H rb ur STKiI NAVIGATION COMPANY, M.IHII lor «'M«a. Jaimn. I'i-iihiik. lr HHr»,i r (.Ihrnllnr. Malm. BrtattMi »«mil<«". IMynionlh. anil London. Thraaarh Bißa af Ls.lmg i«s U e.l for Cali Ul „.i Imm V«rU. Mail Line. OUTWARI. HOMBWAB. h., ii I
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    • 1701 1 STEAMSHIP COMPANIEB. UE KONTNKLJJKE PAKBTVAA.BT MAATBCHAPPU. Under cm, tract with the NnthxrLand* India Dovernmeut A'irfU at Hirtimrxtrr Hh i p AomcY. i.trr I lumnrn. "n «.:< .m.i.vkb u»ua v Steamer. Expected Fruni Will be Dm|«t«hed for On Butrenn. rW.uranava. May 4th Bs^mi ouralmya. Band) -rieassin, and Kast C.««l I'onieoporU. XthMay
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    • 793 1 INBUK ANOEk tiANTuN INBURAMCE OFFICB LIUITIP. CafMal .sul-. -l 1 *J.«,..... R. .r».. luai 1.3«..i... H«.1,(),,i... H I he ud l*r»i(B*d,kaviUK t«n 4 >.int..| V«. „t. t h« -l-tr l\,mi-t,y.nsr pr.-|.ir«<l 1.. ai»>|.| M»nu« Ki.ks *t urr.-i,l Ha. A Baan. ammtln asM lo II oußlri l-ulomof,.-., .1,.11,-i .1:«5J.....1«r.
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    • 515 1 I__ INBURANCE&. THE BRITISH EMPIRE M UTL' AL U r E ASSURANCE COMPANY. TO 'Mil. ll HAD li.' KN I l:*.vsHK«kl, THK HI SINK--* OF I rpHK P<WITIVK (iOVEKN'MENi' 1 NrCURITY LIFE ABSURANOE CO., LIMITED Notice i« her. l.y jji\en that the lran«fer of tlie buHiues« of the Pmilivn Covernineut
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    • 782 1 J OWELL&c67 SINGAPORE. Furniture Manyfaeturers. ALAKiiK st.»k „t BafßriMH iin.i omm Furniture always on luuul Onleni can I*' BBBBBM for the best description at Furniture. Deeignn and Estimates supplied baa ofch arge Ihe Chin.-*- Workmen employed ..t the Orchard Roa.l Factory include several skilled Cabinet-Maken., Carveni, French Polishers, and I'lih.iUterera.
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    • 1024 1 NOTICEB. PREVENT FEVERS" and all m3SI offensive or infection, odour, from Latrine or' CALVE RT'S CARBOLIC POWDER guarante, U .nntain 1.7 f „f OUTerti Ho 5 Carbolic the ,ln,H 9 r,l Disinfectant known.— snd. lightly -p-inLled through a dredger, it is the Bkaßß 'I and BMbI iffrrtivr prepsrstion 6d,]
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  • 114 2 (Hmbier 9 7JU. do Cabs Nut, 11.75. do do Next ,10.00. J Oopra Bali, 575. do PontUawkv *-M C Peppw Black 10.12,. SKro floor, Sarawak U2|. j do Braavii 2JO. Pearl aatro. > 3.434. I Ooffee Bali. (wek«li 3».00. Coffee Liberia*. No. 1 42. Tapioca small Flaln, 3.3 U.
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  • 130 2 On on— Uoik 4 m/« I J 2/2% Private 6 m/s 2/3. Do. 3 m/s 2/2 i. On oemM»y.-Baiik d/d Ui Private 3 m/s 2.31. Do. 6 m/s ..'132 On F. Bank d/d 278 Private 3 m/s 2.83. Do. 6 m/s. 2.84 O* Uli*.— Baulc T. T 1«. Private
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  • 243 2 Jelebu^ 15 pd.) «33U teller*. Raaba (13/10 pd.) »5.55. taUt. £1 fully paid 98 to 81. Punjouw (H paid.) 913. Pahanir Corp. (£1 pd.i 95. buyert. Maynard A Co. (9100 pd i 930. Penffonuifru (95<) pd.) Stniita Insurance (920 pd.) %1~% bttuert Straits Fires (9£> pd.)... V> cte inli-i
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  • 160 2 MAILS C LOS E. fur Per $tr. Time. To-Mosbow. Calcutta »i» poru, Chtlydra. 2 p.m. Calcutta mi port* Ptntakola t p C .ie ltU via ports, C. Apcar, Panang Deli, Htbt. 3 p m Bangkok, Cfrdenu, 3 pm' Malacca Klatw, Sappho, 3p m' PeoanK. 11-,:.,,,. 3 pm' s'r^ng A Sonrabays.
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  • 347 2 Fkom Kl-kopk -By tb« P. O. B,a Roxtllo, I due on Sim.lay <Utcu I. Ui« 17th Apl- Sbv tirin rrplicK to the nmil which left Sin auorc nn I 18th March. From China -By the Pa. O. a. < due on Tii.-I .v Tim T»bi.« ok
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  • 24 2 KSTABLISHEO I 1831. PBICE: 10 CENTS [Subeeription rates and advertiting rut** may be found on tke fourtk pagr.] SATURDAY. 9th MAY. 1806.
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    • 74 2 THE RESIGNATION OF RHODES. ACCEPTANCE DEFERRED. London. 9th May. Tbe Board of dim-tors of the Chartered South Africa Company baa resolved to defer the acceptance of the resignations of Mr. Cecil Rhodes and Mr. Alfred Beit, a director. This postponement i* only temporarily approved by certain directors, > ho consider
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    • 114 2 The wri»er of the News of the. Churches" implies that there is an assumption in the East that business success is impossible without deception. He also discusses other interesting topics. The Siamese Consul has received telegraphic information that the King of Siam will leave Bangkok for Singapore to-morrow, the 10th
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    • 13 2 Thk homeward mail by tbe Ml Ptkin closes at 6 a.m. on Wednesday.
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    • 12 2 Thkbi; was only one death from cholera during tbe last twenty-four hours.
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    • 18 2 at 7.30 a.m. and 4.45 p.m. will be resumed at tbe Presbyterian Church, 4>rchard Road, from to-morrow.
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    • 17 2 The Senior Naval Officer invites tenders for the supply of provisions to Her Majesty's ships at Singapore.
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    • 26 2 At tbe hotel in Batavw, wheie the hTiug of Sism is to stay, be is to pay at the rate of three thousand guilders i month.
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    • 27 2 Mk H. Arbamh advertises thai be ban I for sale I horses, harness, and a carriage, tbe property of the late Mr. H. W. C. van Cittenburch.
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    • 23 2 The mail stetmer RinttUi was signalled at Penang at 6 o'clock this moiuiug, and will not probably arrive here before Mon- day morning.
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    • 24 2 A KoorßALi. mat li, belweeu a Kochore i team (native) and tbe Tanjong Petri Football Club, is arranged to take place to-morrow at Jobore.
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    • 29 2 On our back page will be found Messrs. Katz Brothers' advertisement of a Copen- I bagen butter, which they advertise ss very carefully selected aud guaranteed to be pure.
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    • 37 2 On our back pige will be found shipping news, comprising arrivals, departures, vessels in port, and ve^aela expected. The last named list is verified by most of the ship agents, and will be found of much uae.
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  • 36 2 i hi French cruiser Fur/ail, which has just finished her time ou the Far East station, is under orders to go to Madagascar. It is not known whether she will all here' to coal.
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  • 55 2 >• ,Mf: time ago Mr. .l.iui's Cummiug's j boy decamped with S7OO belonging to Ins matter. That boy has been committed to the Assizes, but no money wVt recovered. Yesterday Mr. Cumming's new boy also i < disapi>eared after having obtained iv j advance
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  • 64 2 Hi rms i on's greatest show on c.irili will open here on Saturday evening next. Mr. Bob Love has arrived, and intends to eclipse anything ever done before in the circus line iv Singapore. The Company now contains over a dozen lady members, and is the strongest that
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  • 64 2 The annual report of the RatHcs Institution is published. It is noted that the average attendance for tbe school year ending 30tb September was 378 as tornpared with 387 for the previous year i the number examined at tbe annual i Government exminatiou was 316 as com- j
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  • 87 2 The annual report of tbe Board of Wardens of the Cathedral of tbe Good < Shepherd for tbe year ending 30th Noveui- t ber. 1 »'.'■">. has just beeu issued. Sun I 189°2 there has been a debit balamv, but tbe financial position last year
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  • 50 2 3. C. 0. v. Gabbison. This match was commenced yesterday i afternoon. Tbe 8. C. C. went in first, and I when stumps were drawn, had scored ii for < the loss of three wickets. The match con- I tinues to-day. Tbe not-outs are Stevens, i 18, and Orinan
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  • 46 2 A Malay and bis wife, living at Kan- dang Krebau, bave reporte 1 to tbe Police tbe Toss < f $500 which, they said, bad been entrusted to their care The Poliuu are not altogether assured of tbe total Jidet of i their informant*.
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  • 41 2 YvsrEBDAT afternoon, a Chinaman was sleeping under the beam of a house in Teluk Aver Street. The beam fell, fracturing the man's skull, and causing instant death. The beam bad become rotten through exposure to the air.
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  • 44 2 Yestebday, tbree aailing veasels of tbe welUkuown line of Rickmers line of ships and steimers of Bremen, the Ellm hickmrrt, the Pant Rickmerf. aud the Bickant Kickinert, arrived from Barry and Cardiff with heavy cargoes of coal on board for Singapore.
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  • 56 2 The M. M. steamer PoiunetitH with tbe outward French mail of the 24th April ia due at Colombo on Monday, tbe lltb instant. At Colombo the will tranship her mails for the Far East into the Oceanirit, which left Marseilles on the 19tb April, and is due
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  • 68 2 Mb. F. O. Hendries. the chief clerk of tbe Public Works De| artment. who has been in the service for thirty years, has sent in his papers to the Government with a view of qualifying himself to retire on pension. Mr. Hendriks joined the service in the
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  • 63 2 Yestkbdat the Police received a telegram from Ptrak asking them to arrest a Chlunman named Kwaa Hong, against whom criminal breach of trust, involving the lots of »2.0; 0. is alleged. This morning ou the arrival of tbe s. s. Patamcotta Inspector Black boarded the vessel
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  • 69 2 At next Thursday's Legislative. Couu- I cil the Jourts Ordinance. Amenlment Bill, aud the Widows and Orpbaus' Pension Fund Ordinance Amendment Bill, will be read a first time. Tbe Police Force, and Limitation Bill are dowu for third reading, aid the Muuicipal Bill for I second reading. The
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  • 69 2 Bskt Willison's Circus was advertised to oj*n in Singapore on Monday, the eleventh. I lbe Advance Agent has, however, received I a ttlegraia poaipuuintf tbe dat«of opening utitil Saturday, tbe twenty-tbird. The rrasou of that poslpouemaut is that the cinu* li»i been doing cxc edingly good busintssat li
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  • 92 2 A Malay woman. Mm at I'assir I'm- jaug, rc|>orted to th»- Police yesterday that > forty 'lnn iiii<-ii entered her house, and toblied her of jewellery and clothiu,' to tbe v^lue of sl3o. Ou making inquiries tne I Police found the clothing inentioucd in an empty
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  • 89 2 It is notified in the Government Qaxettt that an arrangement haa been made botween theGoveroor of the Straits Settlements and the Slate of Perak that no fugitive criminal from that State> cd by order of the Governor, under Article 20 of Her's Order in Council of lUth
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  • 82 2 On Monday morning, the Actiug Colonial Engineer will go in aOovernmeut launch to the old Australian cattle depot, at New Harbour, and will mike au inspection with a view to adaptiug the wharf to th*.- purpose of a coolie binding stag.-. UuJer the present ayatera of landing
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  • 299 2 TO THK fcDITUK (>► THE -MTRAITS TlMts Sib, That wan a clever hit of yours, Mr. Editor, in your leader of Wednesday Ust headed I" Ia thy servant a dog t But what I want to know is who authorized the Committee of the Sporting Club
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  • 123 2 Thb Municipal Health Officer report for last ye»r. points out that i, J" lary house,, which have b**, clmumk), rtquire the most careful att. ,h? 7 to prevent their relating into th« -t MDditioo. The usual metb.Mi i. individual, to rent auch a bouse ir °v* owner, and
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  • 154 2 THBActingMunicij>alEugine«rM liar L, in his report for last year, that: Th« Talons: Paicar Market ha. MT( .r b used sines it was buiit, and tl.s \~n,.\ which the 'ornmiMioners rontraetad t., monthly rent has eipired with tke ,£Z. year. The Comuiiuionars mifrht, jirU eunxidur tlm advisability of
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  • 220 2 Mb. I. M. Alliuaon's appoint vi- >,- t 0 member of the Legislative Couu. cil ii notified. A license has been issued to S«lhii C i S'epbeo Walker. M. Miont.r Religion, to solemnize marriage* ia th<> Colony of the Btr»iu SettlriMenti The Acting Consul General
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  • 259 2 Since lrtw, do cases of lUlu m Hydrophobia have occurred ou the i- m aod with strict vigilame witli r- ;,rl I prohibiting the imjioruti n of dugs from ueigbb luring couutriei, I am of upioiuu there is vow no danfp-r of the duet* agaiu
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  • 275 2 h'rom Our Correspondent 61* H*s Rains have set id, and we. have a decent day ot sunshine liuce Lut uioniti The estate* are all shrouded in >"<' miit, and the weather in ve ry d.-|.r. MB indeed. Crop has ri|ienetl up r <|uaiilitirN all over the district,
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  • 47 2 port* -Me«r>. KinUh. li.*u.iH. Cxe. Zas»fe. On Kirlhy. Li-'' l LlD j e»y, and Mr*. J. V» Wind. «> ,-rt, .-Mr. W. Murray .»l g* *g »J Per Bengkalit from M«ar M H..J.1 DKI-ABTI'KK* IWI'MI. '"'7 tlir tC'ut 1 tMUxapore Mr. W. D»»id-"'U- Ik* MUeea Allan
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 815 2 NOTICES The Straits Times has the largest circulation ot any newspajer in Asia, British India excepted. It circulates in Singapore and Penang, throughout all the Protected States of the Mulay Peninsula, in Siam. Borneo, the Netherlands Indies, the Philip- nines, and French Indo-China. No other Eastern newspaper has ao widespread
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    • 1046 2 AUCTION BALES. DOT lON SAL 2 or ABOUT --0 V«W HIiVCLIs AT OUB A I K k.ii.M Tlmrtday, Ulh May, at It a.m. OasßfcWaVa "Raleigh" pueuiuatic tyred ksßcJssß l.ieyrlo, ladies' Piiyrho pneumatic xi. .l eusliion tyred bicycleii, jrentlemen'" pneimmtie and euithion tyred roadsters, Ac f/Hh all the Intent iiupniTements. Catal'igues
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    • 826 2 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. PARSEE THEATRE. The One Wonder of tbe t-eason. The N. E Theatrical Co of Bombay ill ,ilay to-night, Their most charming and fascinating opera, entitled i i.TLZAK-E VK.KV. With eicelleut and brilliant costumea. 8/6 WANTED— A clxik. good pnnman ami p.-writ t and aMe to reiriater aad arrant
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    • 68 2 Jf.f ntalil Jrr IU *wUj r.-s-t if -MM r.l m«w*M«a/ UMsasvr «>(«. •> tlw iu<U«{ V ciM- m«»v M.ILM. —iiwtti l"u.e «m«»i Mlankl U 411 ll»mli(i "»^ t lo (l.» mj.l.-i, IUI a« lhM|i>>nlu« Ikt aiKrliuanl «.l *f.k,)~r** m M—tjfr—tf «illif, k«l iu< iAm. ■>•« f»wr *i»f The Straits Times
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 103 2 WEATHKB UEPOUr Kimianq Erabau Hotpttal, Sth Mai). IKU. 9 a.m. 3p.m 9 p.m. Bsmikk. Bar. red. J2 Fah. '2 I S -*i sl I *i.".. Temp M» 8-i.n 78 4 M W«t Bulb Thar. 80 5 80.6 76 6 5^ Dir. of Wind waw. a s.s. N.W v lu. T.mi.ia
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  • 1244 3 HV Ihi Spring meeting of tbe Singapore gpurttßf ''lull is Dow witbiu measurable ,1 ,i ,v. c. and a few general note* ou tin mI.'I with tint MMMriqg Ml l» nl intvreat. It would be ploughing Ih, M n ato attempt, however, at this i.c t hi, h
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  • 83 3 U th. ,a»e in which Khoo Swoe a lUnhMMr, iv the employ of ■UMM. Ikliu. Meyer, ami Co. of IVu*D k'. is charged with criiuiual breach of in reaped M MB nkwd at |BaMNW, pn».,i,,r'< father has been charg«.l ■-i ui-nt of the offence. Mr.
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  • 1077 3 Af'HEKN AfFAIBH i i T8..1.K1-M AMD (VUAB VI IMM. rALTOBY HOLD IN JAVA OOVNTKHFEITEBR. (TniHtlated/rom variout newtpaperi.) Tas facti that Imve come to light bearing uj..,i. Tuku L'mar'a treacberr in Auheen show what a narrow escape from peril befel the Dutch at KotU R»jah. The Baiavia Nieuwblad says
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  • 46 3 Thknk Kills hbtnild fall at Kort C-tuniii^ aud I'ulo lii.vii dail^ Iv indicate 1 p. iv mii.m| "f mean tiiuo, uorrrsiMiuiliug witb t; brs 4m. :i">» lut-iiu time at OMMMB. T'i-iI in I'ort t'aimiu^ K.-ll correct Iv. Mil., Braui i Ml ,>.rri-clly.
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  • 153 3 Mu. Imtm, in tbe llukncj Cwriagi aud Jiuriki.lm i. |«,rt for lH'.l. r uoti-s M aUi'uiiii^ iiur. a<e iv MMM by jiiinkish* palkfm, aud imeulioiiH tin-ir liisoniorly r.'iidu.i. MMMMIif at BifM, mtidmt .lul,-, b.'t.-ls, mid |.iii>'li<- |,;aieai»!'ainim in.Mit. He dMMiiaol W inil'r>.v.iiun' so kxttf as tlie |.ull«T»ar.-
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  • 965 3 I m its results are deplorable. Io view of their long services aud thorough acquaiot mucc with the language, it it to be hoped that her health will permit their return at an early day. They have left didv friends behind to whose esteem a beautiful
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  • 234 3 I' lit. li.ill'-vrm-lv niH|»'rti.iii of Cbiuesc Theatres in the begiuuint; uf 1895 revealed .1 ilis^raivful coudiliou of .ifl.mTWm places were found in lie used uot i>iily lot th« \H'rti« in.iiuv of |>U\«. lint als> nit in. dwelling |.|.i. of the aitnm. 1 4 >. i r hitch, Umili.'K,
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  • 1334 3 I congratulate Sir Willum Maxwell. From judge* clerk at Singapore to Govtrnor of the Gold Coast n a long 1 jump. It if, limwi ver, only fair to add I that tiie Chief Justice, to whom Mr. I Maiwell wa* clerk, »v Mr. Maxwell's lather. I congratulate
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  • 402 3 (Via Rangoon). Inndon ZHh April. Fifty-nine of the remaining tUnd reformers hare heeu sentenced by the High Court a! I'ratoria to two yearn' imprisonment and fins of two thousand pound* besides three ye»r» bani-hraent. The severity of the sentences has startled Ijondoli. and t lie w hole press
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 960 3 I NOTICES. HB EMPRESS ASSURANCE CORPORATION, LIMITED. Tiie nndereirneil have been appointed afrenU for the above Company, and are pre. pared to accept Marine and Fire risks al current rates. 21/7 PUTTFARCKEN A Co. I^ACE HORSES FOR BALE^ 1. K. U." A bay gelding by Hastings, from Brown Girl (a
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    • 985 3 FOR BALE; EMI'LOYMENTH; j TO LET; AND PERSONALS. [UTTim, 15 cents li Be 2nd aad 3rd times, 10 cents a lino 4th to 6th timaa, 5 sent* I a line, 7th to 18th tin,..«, 3 n u a Una;' afterwards. '2 cents a line j bat no charge Irs* than
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 485 3 ARRANGEMENTS Saturday. :m« Mat. Hitch Water. 8.40 |>.tu. Cricket. S C C. v. 8. R. C Paraee Theatre. Scxdat, I", n Mat. High Water. 91(>am. 9.9 p.m. Rogation Sunday. Mondat. 11th Mat. High Wafer. 950 m 9.37 ■m. T*n.j<>ii)f Pagtr Lanl C'>. Motinir Willi«>u'. Circin Talk K 1 9 |>.m.
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    • 205 4 Dnder tlu« h-i^linn the follow U »''''<■ tiona ar» use I:— <itr. »t«»»in»r: a'l— viip bq.— barque Brit —British U. H.— 'Tnite 1 SUt«*; Ft.— French; Ger.— German: Dul Dnteh; Joh.— JoHore; *c, G.<-..— G«ne.-i etnro; d. p.— lwk pawenifeM U.—lliwmtain T. P. W.— Tnijon|r Patnir Wha-f
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    • 1144 4 Arki vai.m Bmc« Noon ov tkstkrdav. Bri Trngguiu, Br.t atr 81 tona Captain Wi'loek. »»h May. From Triofreanu. tith May. Gc. aud 44 dp. Odk Kew H». For Tri'iigganu, ll'th. Rd». Ban n'hxll Suon, Brit. atr. 199 toua. Capt |),.'nn|[f. *th May. From Pontianak. Hth Var G f..
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    • 528 4 Name, port, probable date if <ttr<r<i\,,n\ name of agents. STEAMERS. Acuities. Liverpool May ll* W. BsmjlsM A'l )i. bond vi. Myv-- I v- Airtfi. Cardiff. l*ft Mar. 11; H-u«t*a I \}*x. Liverpool, M»y'Js; W. Mmnti"l I AUxiin, B mility. M»y B»rn«o(!o npuiy. Arm". Sydimy. May MvA BiUKan.
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    • 172 4 Flau i 5 Vkmm«lh'» Nam^J ITom. Captain Fkom sailed Ui>. 7 liirlwrl RieVroer. Ger Iw,. 1315 Tick <»r,iifl J.n MHattOßtook Bn» 7 £<■<«»• R"* I"*™1 'h. *82S We.t«rni«yfr Cardiff Ni MfliMllu Wood < M Ktha R-okmcn ,h. T771 SchuU- lUrry Dock J«n 1 K.ul.»b-r« lt s **<•" Bnl.itr. 2«5
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    • 89 4 Dati. Vhhhil'h Naii*. Xl», .i 1:1 Captain. DitfTINATION •y. 8 I 9 I 9 v 9 I 9 9 9 9 9 0 1) iiim H.I. C. rb.ruC Ai»»r W.ili ■Mpho Onpi, Am Yuk rii,. Suuintm M» tU M nr J.Wn PmlX Culit<..i Brit.Hr. atr. *tr. >tr. «tr. ►tr.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
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    • 604 4 MOTICBb. MCALISTER CO •FAIRBANKS SCALLS. No' I.- i» li-'H'liv ghsjsj tbat under power „f ,iM,,rii.-v I 12th lWmUr, 1R95, M. Biis K. AT. Fail banks A Co. ot St. Jnhqsbuir. Vermont, U. S. A., uppoiatrd h'r.ui. i-. .i i rn ■I. and Aleiind^rCunimiDg, Su.^.i|, jiiintlv a Del neverallv to be
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    • 117 4 r«OTICKB. SPURS lACE 18ETIH6. I.OBINSON CO. Have a large range OF COLOURED SILKS FOR RACING JACKETS AND CAPS. WHITK CASHMERE FOIt KACING BItEECHES. WHITE COTTON CORD. all w»«l vmmncAL twbbd »VITIN«8. dress coating worsteds, vicdna dress suitings, navy vicuna* navy serges. navy worsteds, black 3erge3 All Wool Klatiuel HuitingH. All
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    • 645 4 COLDS, COUGHS, INFLUENZA, SORE THROAT Ayer's Cherry Pectoral fit Will relieve Uie most disII tressing cough, soothe tin 1 inflamed membrane, U^^J loosen the phlegm, and Eg induce refreshing sleep. flg^ For the cure of Croup, rf 1 Whooping Cough, Sore D I Throat, and all the pulH I monary
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    • 89 4 NOTICEB. ~DK. A. P. BOWES. toenilat. nrncl: MO. 15, BATTBBT BOAI>. 5/7 otm_LAWBON. LYON A Co. CIAUTION TO BHIPOWNBRB AND j J CAPTAINB. HAHTJENS ANTI FOULING COMPOSITION. CtlnTii.aliPn than our oriyin.-il manufacture* an« PM «li The iriMiiiine ami only CouipoMi'ion with which Mu. RABWEN hinwlf lism any connec- linn i*
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    • 41 4 NOTICES ~j7mmm~k 00. WATCH II A K 1 88 JEWELLERS, OPTICIANS. ■■FAIBI fBOr?TtT HIQ» T>> MARIE BRIZARD AND n,)nv a BORDKADX ER Hrandy Curacao Quality Alli»ott« Maraarhino Buperionr« I.i.]ii«uri J Sole Agent* for the Bi.-,i U tu. .1,.*.. bK^INE COMTK. Tiu,
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