The Straits Times, 30 April 1896

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 948 1 -TKAMBHIP COMPANIES. OFFICE, I'ollyer Quay. Isj r\ WHIHVXB, New Harbour STEAM NAVIGATION COMFANY, Stram Tor 4'lilnn. Jnpaii. I't-nniiic. t->lon. India, liislrnlin, Aden, Kuyiil. Minx ill'». '.Ibmlliir. Walla. Brlndlfct. Vrnlce. l*l> itioutli. Mild I ..*****11. llsfM|(« BJm at UUtm i-wocl f,.i China < r/iau (lulf. *****,. American Ports. Mail Line. VAKD
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    • 790 1 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. I\K KONINKLIJKK PAKBTTA ifiT MAATBCH APPU. Uuder contract with the Netherlands India Government. A>ient, at Singapore Ship AoEitcy. i.ati J. Uabndklh k Co.. 2-3. CoLLTBB (^OAT. I Steamer. Expected From Will be Despatched for On (K>HP4ONIN DES MR-BACJEIEK.S J MARITIME 6 DE FRANCE. Telegraphic Adirem Liconte Singapore. The
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    • 579 1 POWELL CO., SINGAPORE Furniture Manufacturers. AI.AKUK St.K.k of Household and O*.» fanlMBJ always on hand. Orders enn i- ajaasaas f..r t),., t*st description of Fitnitur.. Daaipt und supplied fp« ..fell ar^f.Tbs t'liine*- Workmen ••mpli.yed at tWe On-hard K<«ml factory include several -ti11.. 1 ', Carvers, rVench Polishen. and UahaMsnai
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    • 784 1 INSURANCES. CANTON INSURANCE OFFICE LIMITED. i .pital »übecribe.l ta^On.OlKi. Amount feJ4 t>p n«i,.<«p Ru erre fund I.B»,0tt). Hl.vOrncE. Uosolosa! TUe vi, i.T.i n >e.J,a.».ni been appointed AirenU ul IBS al>'reCon>p>Dj,are pre|arad to ucept Manue Kuka »l corrent >ates. A Bouua ia annual j paid to rll uoi'Uri n( boaiaesa,
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    • 419 1 INBURAXCES. THE BRITISH EMPIReTiUTUAL LIFE AShUKANCE COMPANT. TO WHICH HAS BKEH TKANHFI KHKI. THI BUBIHBSB OT I rnH£ POSITIVE (U)VERNMENT X BKCURITT LIFE ASSURANCE CO.. LIMITED. Notice is hereby given that the transfer of I th- business of the Positive Government Becarity Life Insurance Co., Ltd.. to tie British I
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    • 566 1 BANKB. /IHARTERBD BANK OF INDIA I\J ACBTRALIA AND CHINA INCOBPORA TEDBYROYAL CHARTER. CAPITAL ISBOO 000. REBBRVE LIAHILITT of Propr.ot<ire r**< M > OC) KESERTEFUND £325!oOO I i (BAH* of Kmoland. BANKERS Baitk o» ScrnCThk Ciiy Baivb Ltd. iftibrmt ok fixed deposits. For 12 months 3J°/ B do 8»/:°
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    • 243 1 NQTIOBB Singapore Bportui|J Club. Si'HINU MEETING, i JOHN LITTLE CO.. LIMITED i Haw just received all Hie REGISTKKKU COLOURS in 81LKS for RACING -JACKETS an.l <,'APS, Usi.les ALL OTHER 1 BHADBS lor tin- pupoM, WHITE CASSMIEItK, KKRSKY, ami tl.e NEW WAKtWOJL U RACING MLnOHKt. Also, NKW VICUNAS, NEW SEiUJES. new;
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  • 479 2 jATKHTMAUKKT QUOTATION H !il?«l\PriKK. A'KIL. IKHfJ tl ruouucii 1 »mhim J 7.50 do onb« N... 1 11 T5 do do No. a. I«<H' J Jopiß Bbß o¥> do P.mliKiisk^ 5.«S C *mpm K:»A ,eller«*i MM lago Floor, Sarawak I do Bnmai US $*?<, UI J la** Kxh ll .ieW^li
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  • 76 2 Fur P*r »/r JV»w. To-Mobsow. Dami mj Imm a p.m. Khiiiif iii pcit», H..119 Wa,i, :ip.m. T. Ansoa via ports. Hyi- Lrong, p.m Ptnsn.-* < alruf-a. Kid 3p in ra--.,r n j..-rt-. Trivial. 1 1 MJ SB*, G«mmnia. i p.m •suiiirHiitf \ia |,(,rl'. (iunnj An <. I p.m.
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  • 112 2 1 i i FaoabaoMi -ItrMiflsnssßi EaHsndU, i .1,i. 0.. :with itist.. w Oi ilaies tv IM ii:i. Apl. I |."M HINt It) tho I i-i .nun i.» MlftsM, im m Situnky. Timic Tabi.k .o Mmls Mi i 1 I. "I i .-nitMi'i.r,- I'm,' ii, I... ii. iuu
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  • 22 2 <>K Ihe 3<lili iusuut, at. his r.sidine.', WotHlleiirh.'' Kkancis Gi'MM Pkhnakh. eldest MB 'if Hi.- late Ai.ntun Bebnard, M*d 4<> Ml
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  • 267 2 M.'UIVAI.-I'.-r s. tJ.,: ii Klii'i; >i. p-.-n--i Mfs^rs. I'.\»,,n. Crockett. Stepheuson, and and Mrs. S*>ff rd. Pc s. n Sumatra from Ivii i Messrs. Th. 1 Tt>scli*n, Fr. C l -am<>r, Aug. -ao.-iicheD, J. Ja-t--1 sarin K C. Mev#r, W. Opr»y, R. Sehsdt, Kolvmi K'ey'r. W. F Lneksv.
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  • 24 2 K .rAi!i.i:-:iKi> IML PRICE: 10 CENTS. Subtcription rale* and advertising rate* i, t§ m/mml oh tkt fourth ;««ji«.] THUK«DAY. Mn* APRIL. MM
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    • 279 2 L-mdon, )<Hh JjMIL Presid-iil Krii^r his ommu'ed the! MMMJM] af deitli |.is;el upin Colol«l Rhod-s. Mr. L on-l Philips. Mr. «Joo-ge and Mr. J H. H i ud. The nontencM i>is<el ujnta th<« other i Rind R>fo'iu*rs are b-iu? recousid-reil. THKTWOTHOU3ANDGUIMKVS. I-itheTw) Thou*and MMMM Stak-. the
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    • 273 2 Tut expected lias happened. President KIMMJ lias -iijiiiuti d tbe death MBMBja ien pasiud on the four Hand reformer* but on.- would like to knoiv wliut MB> teuce i> lo be imposed in place of death. As for the crowd of minor persons who were also tried
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    • 17 2 Ml.. T. MMUMM was llji- 111 1 1 > sworn iv a uieiub/i of the L"gislalikc i Council.
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    • 54 2 A iai'Lk was laid before tlie Legislative Couucil this alternoou. eouip> biag extract from d> spat h -s and ottkial documeal> liearing ou the Supreme Court Registry question. The puijiosi.' of th" MMN >tj ■how 'hut Ihe MMMM iv ll.e ie^i trarship reieully compUined of htve le, i, fully consideicd
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    • 76 2 At t<j-lay's IA-gislative Couucil mtxtuig Mr. Huttrnbach proposes to in >v t ,i 1"', |<er ceut. Military CoalriLu.;jQ liiil I sbaK not become law until alter il hag i,. >n aj -proved by the Qu< en— a clause which if is usual to add to bills when there is sou..;
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    • 102 2 In the matter of a Bill to amend the BaukiU) tcv Ordinance which comes before to-day's Legislative Council, the Government have deferred to the strongly expressed feelings of our Chiuese corn spoudentx. The poi'jt of our various Chiuese correspoutleuts was a com plaint I against that, section of the 1,11
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    • 11 2 Habmston's Circus leil Cvdxun. tol .ii I StraiU on Suuday last.
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    • 14 2 h«mew»rl German mail by tbe C MWMM doses at r p m. on Siturday.
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    • 18 2 In Penaug, tlure were eleven eases of •por.dic cholera during last mouth, nine of which prored fatal. 4
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    • 18 2 OMosa. Wai.kbr. c.m.0., is Mitnloii to have l>eeti appointed C mimandiiul of 1^ the MmUv States Sikhs. I
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    • 20 2 r,\ the i.i.i! Mr. i;>elvnCi'upi.':i BIIm, Solicitor, iinived I i«»m Hointko-ig f. j >iv th linn jfnaiia. Diew MM Napier.
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    • 25 2 No cas,-> ot cliolera have Iw -n rerrrt. d lin the K»mp')ug K-r^au distrid MM Mot-lay A <as.' ocurred iv Tan-. in en I Tuitday.
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    • 28 2 Thk monthly seeing niee^iug of the Church W.Hk'.Wo-ia-io.i will 1. h-ld at the K.ffles Guli S^ h >ol on ■>>. liie M >I iv, M I p UI.
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    • 27 2 It is reported that wheu lanycri will lie diuilled into the Nitive Stales. ih.'V "ill nly be alioaed to practis- iv lM Lighur ourU.
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    • 31 2 Thk M M. learner Oru* hilhrto ruuling or the ludii, China, and Japan lvi im lie.v witl'drawn and sent lo the Medi- na.i'aii aud Bluek Seas lin-.
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    • 36 2 TilK Penaug Turf Club has fixed a prolii.n Ml programme for their Au^'ist. •Jtatiafi wi'h two days' racing. Seven ii ;s ar.' dowu for the tin 1 day a:id eiglit f.r tie H'COlld.
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    • 36 2 Thk Hon'bie H. Trotter, who left in the /'..-A. linn yctTilay altetiKxiu, Ims gone lo Penally to .-il, it is said, M the coinujissoii lo enquire into the question of UPMiigMMM from India. OmT.
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    • 42 2 A Cuinamw Iniug i'l Bukit Tnuah i, fi. boas*, .iv ut tap t.jKc, sU-rtlay to ii.ake IMM MKMMM. \Vh,u M leturnel, it was in» aud wu* „.,!iv ,1, .stiowil. I'lif Chiuaiuau estiii los< a' StK).
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    • 42 2 In; in vi despatched from S.u^apoie to I, vi ion, by G. nuau Packet, on the sth, delivered „v the 2«;h instant. Tne mad d'Spa'clitd from Singapore to L>nlou, v.a Marseilles, oa the 7th, wag I'l.verr.; ou the 28ih iustanl.
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    • 57 2 Mim oi i lie „or. r class of C liuete are >iii| 1 i.uiu^'. because ih.' MiiiMrv aiitliorili s iajaial npou the m^rhtsoil being leiii'H. d from their pr. MM d nlv. Some s iv thdt wbai is paid lo the toii woulii i>" PMMMBt tor a
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    • 47 2 Mu. O'Sii.i,i\an timed from I'enaug t) i11. .mi11.: ik IM Sxumlni to act as Insp ,t .i (i n.ial ol Prisons, vic^ Mr Mere .v.-i tur wlio acts as Assisinnt Colonial aMMtary blm* al Mr. Tallx)t, who u>ut home yesterday afternoon iv the ftnliawur.
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    • 45 2 HBMMM some Chinese from California o-<lered in Shiin^hni fotir coiehcn to run t ia "OlWl ,o:i,lies" b-lwe.'U th-W. st MtaafOaßhM and Fatrhm Tins.' vehiMl I i iv e MM delivered at Cihlod. and the I'ouh Company proposed lo commence Mam on Tuesday last.
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    • 57 2 A i.isi of refill itiiiiiy. says a native pa I i. NMMMMJ U r'auses fr.iin- .i l.v Sir Holrt' Hirt for the IMMMI of a Ommm Natal Mrviai tWaaajhaw the in|.ir>' ai, ,l i Chinese Postal I'iiion, wnh which Sir Koliert is entruste<l. has been submitted to
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    • 57 2 Mb. ii a. n Ordish, Chief MNJMMM ot i the Adiuiraltv Department, arrived at Hongkong a fortnight ago. Mr. Ordisb, says tho China Mail, will d.eide what improvements are to be effected on the naval works in Hongkong, and will p.o- bably remain there while the alterations
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    • 61 2 The Imlmm <>f tlie verandah of the Fir.' MNHM in St. Gregory Place, mvh a 1 correspondent, is obstruetv.i with the hose MM to the IMM ImMMMM of the resident* of the adjoiuiii£ houses. As tbe Fire Station ii under Municipal control aud obstruction is a Municipal
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    • 58 2 A i.Aic.iK and appreciative audience itlriici. 1 111-' al.uv,- lh",itre last MMJMM HIM ii o|.ia eni|i|,'d Fis.ini Ajnli' ■M pie.eiited. Til- p!.y was well put ii I" n Ihestiiv'e, lliedr, smshihl M Ml] MX x'""i. and tbe iliararleis well MMMIMM, The Company IMH to l>e MtMMJ ill
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    • 82 2 With Im advent of WilliMm's and H.iiuitt "il s oiMßH>i whirh are billed t< .irnv.' here shurlly, ai:d I l,e Paix-e Tlir.i Iliad Company wbo are nightly playiug t< tniadad houses, tkt Milfa oooiaiusit] wilt have M cause to complain ol ill- I M i 'of aiuusvmeuls. The
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    • 84 2 Black MAiLi.Mt and crime of every des I criptiou is stid to lie very prcv.ileut il Cuutou juiit now. Ti.e way iv which tht bla kiuaileis get ImH scins out of tht wealthy citizens is by means of anouy m )Us letters. The writers threaten thai unless
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    • 74 2 A NHU MUOt .inuo-.iii. thul th. usual triennial sUti>tirs w.ll In- i.ikr; throughout the Postal Uuiou during th> Int tweuty-emht days of May. 181>ti. N> Iml leit-rs will be received at the Oenem Post OlHte or on bourd i.oiitraet |.i Mil during ihe «iali«lical perioil. The publn
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    • 801 2 GOWANS, ALEXANDER CO;S FAILURE. PUBLIC EXAMINATION CONTINUED In; ni.rning.Ht the Binkruptc. Couh beioe Mr. Justice Le», h, th« „ü bli' .x^mination of Mr. Oowans, Mai,,ufi n pailner of the lunkrupt firm of G,,wi n Alexander Co., wan resuned. Tbe exainmalion was conducted l>v M, Elcuin. Actiug Official Assignee. »«»im 4
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    • 315 2 i Mr K. A. Swbttknhaji. the K< m ■•■utUeufral, will arrive iv BMMMMN hi 'li H French Mail on or about tbe '.Juu 1 of Jow u.'Xt. TaMM h.- will -oin- M Pw* >"■' after a stay of a uiouth or m, be "ill (0 M Selaugor to
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    • 101 2 Mhh D.Miiwtir 0* "TL^i, t ,-lud.J oomumd wnh l-« N'r.i l ui«-lii»u l ;.f<'r i of iwitD lUnWaf. turuiuK out -T 1.,,,, til T',,. silver MMM will I" turtle e.,uivalent to it|.r« traction! e-maey, »<»> l ,iv* I M) h»M M tl,,n ltoU» tMJ MMwMBL H7..U U""
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 853 2 NOTICES THB BOBHBO COMPAN V, LIMITBO. rB Stanilanl Life Amranee. Norwich i:»ion Fire Inin.mnos aowsty Atlas Asturance Company (Fire). Ths Kqintahle MM MMMM Society. The Ocean Mm inn In-uinn.-e romjxuiy. The China Mutual Stmm Navigation Coaipany. The Tottfil.Mn l*««r H"<-r Con>i«n.T The Maiitiioe BMMSMMS OMMMW, imitod. > For paiticulars of
      853 words
    • 1106 2 so ufcS L The Straits Timea bas the largest circulation of any newbiajcr in Asia. British Ictiia crcepl.ct'. It circulates in Singapore and PeD&ng, throuphcut all the Protected StaUx oi the MtJay PeainBula. in Sam. Borneo, the w Netherlaniio fncies. the Philip- nuief. and French luHo-China. No other EaBtern newspaper
      1,106 words
    • 1012 2 AThsi aT>' ;tisi:ments. PARBBE THKATRE. Qnmi Kxtraordinary KigfcL The N E Theatrical Co of Borabiy Willplar t .-night. Th« M>«t Fa^inatiug I lav. ••nt tl"' •MOM OIKI) IHH-F-UHAZNWJ." or AN UNi; 'RTAI PCSWiIOW. ith (Jra- d NVw BfIMM A Sii|.,.rl. < JMtMML TTWTET)- A BbMMM traveling j ►V >>w»t AfVyfcJ
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    • 7 2 ■OB OENKftAL fciHll'PlNa NKWS SUK I'AUK 1
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 92 2 WEATHER REPORT w.iaii-i BVawSB ItotpUai, M A,,nl. l-:».. a.m. < p.m. ii p.m. Eimi;»<. red. ii Fab 21.853 2n.7712n.552 r>r." M.9 83.'> -!,u WM CuH. Tlier. MJ ".5 78 8 Z■! r of Wind N.V. nm. Calm ;^-I;- Teiup. M.U.i, :".j m2s «in. do lo 7SO fili las. inhun liti.
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    • 1303 3 MUNICIPALITY AND TELOK AYER MARKET. .,n ..-.\i BOUI INfl lh i\.. .il Uxt Ili"r-(l.i\ I a C ii di" su'ij.-.-t M M ii .in. 1 l!i.- QoveruK- htlli.«-l..ti Ii. ii..-. llw C.,|.,ii:..l saiil hit.- .it th«l ln.irl.i-t I In- Vi 1 Mid MtUnf. Kii'l H ll.« r< |.r.— -ii
      1,303 words
    • 619 3 ABOUT ANTICIPATION AND ASIATICS. I l',i<lnbutr,l.) The .i< iiijuwiK'iii it III.- in hiiiki|'HtilM. Every in., n yoli come MM weilis to In- lnrHag toimaiU to MitnwiiinK were it 'itlirr«ir.o, I believe the mortality UMMfri civilmed MM iili'l Mill of .in ra^'f iD'.flUcL wouM l> llXJ c c higher tliaii
      619 words
    • 615 3 i. n. i.M.i.iK hjamh mi thk mm I h'fimi ii Curretpondent.) j ii l'n k ,I'liii.ese ill the ueighbiiiirli,.tHl of I A in, v are alieady lie^iuuing to nallM the in ..;n|,, I itinu ttie ,la|,inrse in Fv.r- i ii, on. i, and the Chinese Ciov. ninn ut,
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    • 93 3 S. 0. 0. c. S. V. A. ii'irtll Ililltch I'ftWi-eU tt-lllus re|l, tbe S.C C. theS. V. A I p|..»e-l \e-ter,| IV a1ien.,.., 11. the V 011 l i. 1, In's Wg IV 'I""' X"-' 1 club bad iii" baal oi v all-round, and ii ,s "illy
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    • 1289 3 In Iih very int-reiting book on his travels during the lait ten years, The Heart of a hi iii-nt Captain Y lun^biisliaud kil* an Aiiiu-mir accouut >f Chinese curiosi'y ai he found it at aa liolcl at Mukden, the capital of the province:—" A Chinaman
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    • 74 3 I'hi: J../.".. MM states ilut the y.\ BMtatl M big J.l|Ml.rr. ■sla-.*****.il 1 oinpaiiy propose to opeu a Japau-Sa Ki am is. m and a Japan- Vaiu-mncr Im null t'igbl si. Hill. In ot U'lweeil '>,IHM) all li.iitiii tons. The capiliil, t'ormerlv bled h Mfl ;>.;kHJ,OOU. is
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    • 220 3 Wk regret to record the death, which occurred this morning shortly after 3 o'clock, of Mr. Francis Qtitnin Bernard, who, as a broker, has b en identified with the daily life of Singap >re for nuny years. About three weeks ago. Mr. Bernard, pr«-
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    • 194 3 t'roM our Vnrre*iioHiletil.) />.-<! it, UBtk April. PKKCAI TIONS AI.AINST CHOLERA In view of tbe prevalence of Choi ra in Singapore, Bteprt are being taken locally to preveut tbe importation of the dif»a*"> into Pahang. All »M»eU arriving from Singapore, either at KuaUPabaug or Kuala Kuantuu, will be
      194 words
    • 331 3 Thb Bill to make it MMMMMf on tbe Straits Police to servi; in the Malay States louii-s under adverse criticism iv the Perak Pioneer at> regarJit details, the fidlowing U-ing the main jH.iuU Section t provides that the detachuieut ou foreign service shall he under the
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    • 100 3 Vlmtkkday, at aKtnt 12 U'm,ii, a Chiuamau, iianrd Oiu •lii. »a< walking along Tiuiah li. al. with a In-.' in his possession, conUining 523.40 in silver and copiHTS. when a Celestial nun .1 Tan Wav rushed upon him. m-i/--,I the bag of money, and severely as'Hul'ed him.
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    • 49 3 Tmm* Balls sii..iil.l 1 ill at Fcrl OmMUM| mi, l I'ul.i Brani daily tv indicate 1 p. id. I Sing.i|H, i' tne.m time. aan«MIMMBt| wi'h ti In-. 4n o'.s Imm at a -ii'uwich. T.i 1 IJ Furl C-tutiiu2 Ft-11 c.irrectly. I'iiln Hraui Fill corrfCilv.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 17 3 Sore Throats You MMMI v c a bcltur 1 curiile limn COKOY." V. ./>. "Thrihroat-haiildbesaraisd wl'hdllutedCtV'DV jCondy's Fluid
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    • 963 3 NO'IKJES. POSTPONEMENT. OWING to unavoidable delay in the lifting up of hi» offi<-», Mr. A. P. Bowes, dentist, will be unable to commence practice until about Monday, the 27th April. Office: No. 15, Battery Koad, over Lawson Lyon O'-'» j loon<; hin<;. rarprnJers, Art Kiirnltiirr Haiiiifartairera. Polishers, and Drwlgnen. FROM
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    • 995 3 AUCTION BALES. E O iWANS. ALEXANDER CO. In Bankkcptcy. Te- underaiirnod have received instruction* to sell by Public Auction, at No 7»',. Brass Bams Koad. on Kridav Ist May. UM, at 11 am Household and oftico furniture sl.s-t, i-on sistinjf of Chemicals. Heer Bottles, Ac, tr. Also. I Van. I
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    • 1048 3 FOR SALK; EMPI/)YMENTS; TO LET; A.YD F'KR.SONALS. [IST TIME. U cents a line; 2nd and M timea, Ii cent- In 4th to Bt b timea, r centa, a line; 7th tn 18th timea. .1 conts a line. afterwards. -J cents a line but no charjr.i Inm than one dollar. Thus,
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 161 3 \*ItAN<IKMKNTS I'IIUkHI.AV. -"11, Al'kll. iii.:ii Water. 11.57 p.™. Auction of Plants *4 I'.nv.-H's. On hsi.l K.».l Football. S. C. 0, v. Uiirimou Officers Parsw Tlaatre Kkioay, Ist May. High Water. LHu. Furniture Auction. Krass Bmm aVlaaV Crane Kros. 11 am Horse Auction at Liiiubert's l."> p.m. B, V. A.
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    • 212 4 Undor this f ■>■* 'i{ >'.'.-..^ tion? »r» used «tr.— <t.n uir n. ..i,.i bq.— barque Brit —British V. S. T n.« I State.*; Fr. French: (Jer.—ii^r.iwi l)r Dutch; Joh.— Johoro; Ac, i carjro; d. p.— de-k paMeu k -nri V. iT-i. t«in;T. P. W.— T»njon)f
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    • 968 4 Arrivals Since Noon or YrsTEituAv. Authalind, Brit. «tr. Ml torn., Capt T I■an -liii r F oin Freinautle BJUAjL U- <l.|. A- Ci. For I erl,v. U— T P.W. K<,t S*n 9 Prit. «tr 1,495 (ons, Ca> t. Pavuo. il'th April. From Cal<- tta, -.'lst >•! A
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    • 539 4 \.tn,r, port. j,rJ:tblt »/.irrir.d,,»j name of nipntt HUM Aeh Him, Livrpml Mm lit w. Mtn-deU j >dn. Umk M«y fe|| P. An. A|f»!ii n m. L vcrpo il, May 7.W Mi itfcld Ajrjri. Cardiff, lt-fr Mir. B B m'n.i I Aim, Liverpool. May 'Jo W. M.n«t.,| Alliiin, B.nibty
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    • 115 4 J V(u>L'« N»M» Q Tom. Cattam. ■m PaOH !-<AIIID COWWM* 1 Apl. \>.i Au»traliiid II II 2) Xii ifite 2) Ktnn 2» -»|.|.li<. 2) H,cub« 3 ;k'.it .-«uk 30 >um»tr« S) 'lye Loouj S) T«n>M 34 Kirn Yani SO Hul.v Bnt.ur Mi Mm -U. II.". Koli^it-.i. «tr. Olwu »tr.
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    • 95 4 CL EARANCES. Dati Viuil's Nami. km. FlaiAßh. Captain. 'i.a Mi 29 M m to 30 M :u If so Cbauf Hj« I'eiiK Priam TklUa l> :uuilNmi H.b« Chow Pli>« Borneo Purnsk Swaardaoroon BH C.nii.n.L Kullnika Brit. «tr. Wallwo ttr. i itr. Soott itr. I'ulu lier. «tr. vl ll llrit.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 665 4 NOTICKB. McALISTEE Co., HAVE JUST RECEIVED A FKESII BUIPMKNT OF W/TSON&Co 8 A^3^ m^^9r^ V. V. O. w^^r celebrated B^/S »~-^^^t^\ Price »11 per Case Whiskies t^§ \<Sa\ DoTT Pai |IJ',V ':-4J WtA WATSON'S OLD The finsst anil beat inn- fls^stg 2 %J& 'J^^iissssAHi B^ssl (HTV 1>AI Dot, Pa,,, McAMS'I'EB
      665 words
    • 624 4 MCALISTER~^OO "FAIRBANKS SCALES. j Notice is In r< by given that under pow.M of attorney d«t<d 12th D<«*n>h*r. 189 J. M.asis. E T. Fair b inks Co. oi St Johnsburv. Vermont, U. 8. A., |.j- int. .i Fniin-i-. \V.n r-i.-k and Alexander Camming, S.ngMiKir.-, jointly and revorallv to le the
      624 words
    • 715 4 I NuTjCi^H. ONLY A DOLLAR. AT the Btrait. JW. Office, jon can i thonsand envrlnpea for one dollar. I Y. nr niesseufrrr must hrinjf the inouey M h« cannot get th« envelnpen. Sb.nt Frkb Bt Po^t: t\M. QHOHID. J. D. A. I'KHUKV HotiicuLTumsr ahi> VaVOKlat. CoLIECT'iB 111 EXP'BTKR OK
      715 words
    • 834 4 NO i to KM. KILET HARGKFIfI COY. NEW STOCK. SAFES. ■LLloa safes of various sizes all HUM with i'hcbb'i Ixx:kk. VmOttiNG MAOHIMB, FAIRBANKS A AVERY'B Weiifliiu^ |«>iiiiH«, cattle*, and kilo*. BELTING. Imi »-l,ir», Rubber, leather, and < •.imlv of First Clara Quality. PUMPS. Rotary, Centrifugal, Fluom.-tor, Steam and Hand. ENGINES.
      834 words
    • 83 4 NOTICES. I 7«~a fito Uot a HAauvAOToaT, Lcdoatb Bill, Loaooa MAKER TO H. 11. THB QUKKN Speciaily manafactorod aad noonmaadmi < for one in th.KaKt B»n»ok> Special stibnoth "FIKLD" WAICH. AGimJ Keyleaa Bn^lish Half Jhronou<*t«r. «S BKNSON'B "LUDOATB" WATCH. A thrftv-qmartar Plate English L.'v .r fully •ompenMtod Silver. £5..5. Gold.
      83 words
    • 44 4 1— j^QgcEfr^^*^ COCABmiR, MTABLISHtD 1823 l T HE,. VM TrKu n I lepn-sent the \>.* M o t i,,, *"!>■ H-il..»tl,i.ou!y suchh,^ pul"" ■'.'!< m aaai whirl, ha*, ri^ktr^ l«l>r,d v. Mfc h will Huit uJ I™* «S» fn.-ilitatinjf diKeKti.,,,. unuil '■xirKj E HELD A 20/6 Wfn^KSKr*
      44 words